The Serpent Gorynych is a character in many fairy tales and epics; Dobrynya Nikitich and other Russian heroes fought with him. This dragon was friends with Koshchei and Baba Yaga. Although scientists believe that such creatures lived together with humans, as evidenced by ancient drawings, the main thing is that repteloids continue to live among earthlings today!

Serpent Gorynych - who is this?

As dictionaries explain, the Serpent Gorynych is a fire-breathing dragon with several heads, the personification of Evil in Slavic epics. Slovaks, Czechs and Poles called it Zmok, Ukrainians - Zmiy, Croats - Zmaj. And also - Gorynich, Gorynchat and Gorynchishche. Researchers argue: who was he: a dragon or a serpent? The dragon has paws and wings, but snakes do not, but in the pictures Gorynych has paws and wings. Therefore, the main version: a strong monster with the brain of a serpent and the body of a dragon.

Where does Zmey Gorynych live?

Legends mention that scary snake Gorynych lives near the fiery river, guarding the Kalinov Bridge, which leads to world of the dead. Where he rules, grass does not grow and birds do not sing. According to versions of other legends, the Serpent lives in golden chambers. If we consider all the variants of folklore, 3 habitats arise:

  1. In the water, on a rock in the sea.
  2. Near the entrance to the kingdom of the dead.
  3. On a mountain or in a cave.

In favor of the latter statement, the “patronymic” of the Snake is Gorynych. One of the fairy tales mentions the Glass Mountain; researchers suggest that the sand of the rock allegedly melted by the snake fire turned into glass, which was impossible to climb. There is also a hypothesis that in some languages ​​the words “mountain” and “forest” are not different. So “Gorynych” can also mean “forest”. Although the Serpent from the Forest does not appear in any of the fairy tales.

What does Zmey Gorynych look like?

The most common version: the Serpent Gorynych has three heads, but 5, and 6, and 7, and 9, and even 12 heads are mentioned in legends. This - main feature monsters, body descriptions are less accurate. It is mentioned that he can fly, but whether he has wings is not said. In popular prints, Gorynych was depicted with:

  • the body of a snake;
  • long spiky tail;
  • clawed paws;
  • a mouth that spews fire.

A similar monster is the Serpent Gorynych from Kudykina Gora - a huge statue installed in the Kudykina Gora park, near the village of Kamenka near Lipetsk. A photo of a dragon with three heads instantly spread around the world, collecting more than a million likes and 6.5 thousand comments. It also provided the park with enormous popularity by being included in the series best pictures Instagram.

Serpent Gorynych - mythology

In myths, the evil Serpent Gorynych is depicted as the personification of universal Evil; scientists suggest that this may be ancient name or the name of a creature, which later began to be referred to as a name and patronymic. There is also a version that supposedly was the name of the terrible invader who burned cities, collecting, as fairy tales say, tribute from many kings and princes. This version is supported by arguments:

  1. Many heads are a symbol of the many faces of Evil.
  2. Kidnapping is the capture of Russians into slavery on conquered lands.
  3. The Snake’s habitat is hidden in the “Sorochinsky Mountains,” which are supposedly located outside of Rus' - a description of another state.

Serpent Gorynych in Slavic mythology

The Serpent Gorynych is described by the Slavs as the guard of the Kalinov Bridge across the Smorodina River, which separates the world of the living and the dead: reality and reality. But much more often there is a mention that this Serpent is an intelligent creature, for fun he burns cities and steals beauties. In legends, he makes friends with evil spirits or keeps them in subjection. Calm weather and then a terrible thunderstorm foreshadow the appearance of a fairy-tale monster. Bogatyrs constantly fight with him and kill him in a fair fight. Some epics mention that in place of the severed heads of the Serpent, new ones grew.

Researchers suggest that Gorynych:

  1. A collective image of the nomads who besieged Rus'.
  2. The personification of universal Evil.

Serpent Gorynych in Ancient Greece

If you read the myths carefully Ancient Greece, it becomes obvious: the Serpent Gorynych was noted in those parts, but they called him differently. In the 12 Labors of Hercules, a terrible monster is mentioned - the Lernaean Hydra. She was described as a snake with 7-9-50 heads, in place of one cut off, 3 appeared, and one head had immortality and spat fire. The analogies with Gorynych are obvious; this hydra was defeated in battle by Hercules.

There is also a version that the Serpent Gorynych is a reptilian, a creature similar to a humanoid and a snake at the same time. Writer Andrei Belyanin puts forward a version that Gorynych allegedly turned into a man of his own free will and charmed the captives, spent time with them, and then destroyed them. Similar creatures were mentioned in the legends of the ancient Greeks; the founder of Athens, Cecrops, was even called half serpent, half human.

Scientists suggest that reptilians once tried to conquer earthlings, but did not succeed. And yet they were able to pass on a lot of valuable knowledge to the peoples of India and China, where snakes are still especially revered. Judging by the Bible, the Serpent also gave secret knowledge to Adam, but this lesson supposedly did not serve any purpose. It is possible that reptilians still live among us, transforming their appearance, although it is very problematic to prove this. So it is possible that the Serpent Gorynych exists.

Whenever you drink, you do it together, and when you vomit, you do it all together. (Anecdote about Gorynych).

Really, why is our dragon a freak?
Here is a Chinese dragon - one-headed. And generally speaking. Their religion is similar to philosophy, philosophy is like sports and travel, landscape painting is like religion, handwriting is the art of calligraphy, cooking is magic, officials have been pushing forward poetry since ancient times, the communist idea nourishes entrepreneurship.
Everything is mixed, everything is connected. Not a mentality, but a homogeneous column of flame. It is not surprising that the Chinese dragon - a symbol of wisdom - has one head.

Another thing is our Gorynych. Over time, however, he degenerated into a negative character, but there is no doubt that this miraculously vile initially had a much more metaphysical meaning.
Our Slavic consciousness is torn apart, like our endless expanses. And then, this is our way - there were three heads, then one was cut off, then another one, and then, you see, he remained completely crazy. Typically Russian epistemological history.
Even the fact that the heroes of fairy tales fight with Gorynych is very ours. We love to fight with ourselves so much.
But why three heads?
Three independent and independent heads are an allegory of three archetypes of thinking, three archetypes of worldview. Not only ours, but also Western ones in general.

Logics. The first head answers common sense, logic, science and so on.

Faith. The second head has religious knowledge. She, however, doesn’t even need to know anything. She just believes.

Art. The third head is the most ancient and direct. She thinks in images and connects her owner with the material world.

These three types of thinking are, in general, well known.

The problem is different. It’s how these “Gorynych’s heads” coexist. After all, everyone considers herself unique, or, in any case, the main one.

This is not surprising, however. Each of these archetypes of thinking is as vast as space. Exorbitantly huge for human shoulders. To a normal person God forbid we can accommodate at least one and a half.

It is also appropriate to draw a stereometric analogy here.

The three heads of the Serpent Gorynych are three dimensions of our world.

Let's assume you - Technical Specialist. Not a scientist (scientists are multidimensional people). No, some kind of constructor rocket engines. Not a general manager (there, too, non-childish generalizations are required) - rather middle management. Most likely a military man.

Science, logic, facts are your work and your element. The meaning and salt of life.

The second, religious head, simply does not exist for you. For you this is clean water madness.

Art? Yes, it has a right to exist. But as a vacation. Fun. Servicing the “basic activity of humanity.”

So, you are aware of the world in two dimensions. With a stretch, but still in two. That is, your image of the world is located on a plane.

There's nothing wrong with that. Let us take, for example, Count Leo Tolstoy during the periods of his religious teaching. Same picture.

Religion - of course! The science? Peasant science will be especially useful. Helps fight hunger. Art is self-indulgence, evil, sin. So, here we also see only two dimensions. Flatness.

Yes, that Tolstoy! take it higher! Victor Pelevin. A man of art. The science? Why not. Moreover, he graduated from the Energy Institute. Religion - never! “I’m not crazy enough to believe in Christ.”

Thinking on a plane, I must say, is the most common. Most humane.

A three-dimensional vision, a vision that equally includes all three dimensions - science, religion and art - is already heroism. These are great Russian scientists.

This is Pushkin.

This is Dostoevsky, a brilliant novelist, a Christian and a man who had great respect for science. Certified Engineer.

This is the last pre-revolutionary elder of Optina Pustyn - Nektary. In his youth he asked to be banned from his cell and for twenty years he studied the cultural experience of humanity, science and art. Then he came out of seclusion. He played the fool worse than Petya Mamonov, but was still elected a great elder. He was the spiritual mentor of Russia during its most tragic period.

And there are, of course, people whose worldview is described by a line. They see the world in one dimension.

This is already a disease. These are fanatics of all stripes. maniacs of one idea, and accordingly, one mental dimension.

It is enough to mention the activists of the Holy Inquisition, who with equal pleasure burned scientists at the stake and buried artists behind the cemetery wall.

Gorynych's heads are washed away - thousand...

An epic, fabulous hero can cut off with one blow - 1..17..21..33 - goals
but at the same time he grows accordingly - 10..14..0 or 48..
Doc.mathematical calculation -
Let's say the hero chops off -1 head,the number of heads increases by 10 - 1 = 9
If 17 , decreases by 17 - 14 = 3
further 21 ,decreases by 21
If 33 ,increases by 48 - 33 = 15
from here it is impossible not to notice that in any variant (cases), the number of heads changes 0000000000000
by a multiple of 3, numbers (9..3..21..15,are divided into 3
therefore, at any given time, the number of gorynych heads differs from the original number 1000 ,by number of multiples 3.
and therefore, the conclusion is that in the process of changing the number of the serpent's bashkof cannot turn out to be equal 0.
1000 , is not divisible by 3 , it means what?..the final number is not divisible by 3.
therefore.....all Gorynych’s heads will never be cut off (the hero will never defeat Gorynych)....dry mathematical facts....

No, it’s SO not interesting... but what about the epic hero who wins Zmeya Gorynych, and chops off all heads in one fell swoop
this is one of our soul-warming epics, fairy tales, myths, sayings, where good always wins...
and where is your number in myths and epics? 3 .

Different fairy tales indeed different quantities goals, but everywhere almost always a multiple of 3 (3, 9 or 12)
because 3 - sacred number in folklore (not current Slavic)
the main thing is that he is not just the Serpent Gorynych, but the Serpent!
Tobish is a magical force, which is very difficult to resist, since it apparently descends from the biblical Serpent
who seduced Eve (that’s why he steals girls too) doesn’t matter to him.
Such a hero can be defeated by a hero who shows miracles of courage and dexterity.

What kind of miracle is the Serpent Gorynych?
this is a cross between a lizard, a bat and a flamethrower, like a flying squirrel with multiple heads)
father is a real mountain, therefore, according to father and Gorynych, the number of heads depends on his age
the youngest 3 ,older 6 ,mature 6 , aged (elderly) - 12 .
This is a universal creature - it can walk, fly, crawl, swim, dive... it will have to jump (well, it’s from a cartoon. A galloping dragon, for the mood)

His apartment is a cave, a hole... where he hoards his countless treasures, flying here and there...
there he hides beauties, mostly princesses and princesses, and the most beautiful and noble ones...
the question is why he manages to steal them so easily, imagine a storm, a roar... the earth and air are shaking
people are weak in the face of such elements, of course they’re hiding... then he’s going to whack. And remember his name)
then the billy hero Dobrynya or the fabulous Ivan Tsarevich will appear on the stage, chiki briki heads from the shoulders
saves the princess..prisoners
and like a true gentleman, he returns the looted treasures and riches to the treasury...
the degenerate destroys - but his eyes are not in the right place, looking at the princess... he does it hastily (in a hurry AH)
which leaves a chance for some sneaky snake to bury itself and be reborn in other places around the WORLD!

I can’t rewrite what I’m writing... sorry for deviating from the question, I couldn’t resist... I repent... but I’m guilty...
Thank you for the interesting question, I answered from the heart!

Continuing the theme “The unknown about the known,” I will repeat: a fairy tale is always allegorical! So, Gorynych. I came across many versions about him. From epic to modern. The latter surprise me more, although, perhaps, nothing changes. Of course, according to new realities, you can find aliens in Gorynych, not only dinosaurs, but wouldn’t it be better to think a little and connect the fairy tale with history at least a little.

It's no secret that Ural Mountains They pass like a serpentine wheeze across the territory of Eurasia from north to south; these mountains divide it into European and Asian parts. In many chronicles, the Ural ridge is called the kingdom of the Golden Snake - the Snake, this is reflected in many fairy tales and epics. In the Urals, the Cossacks call the Yaik River nothing less than Yakushka Gorynych. There are many songs again associated with Yakushka Gorynych. By the way, back in the 17th century, foreigners noted oil deposits and peat bogs in the Yaik Valley, which very often burned. Here is the fire-breathing Serpent, but respectfully Gorynych.

Now a little about the heads of the Serpent. As I already said: the fairy tale is allegorical, and in the 19th century it was greatly revised towards Christianity. So, three-headed, six-headed, nine-headed and even twelve-headed - you can say the Serpent, but you can also say a cathedral! You can figure it out for yourself. This is exactly how the poppies are distributed in Orthodox churches, and the more significant the cathedral is, the more chapters it has, and for the pagans - for whom, again, the Urals were famous almost until the middle of the 18th century - it is stronger, more terrible, etc.

The last Ural paganism in its pure form was destroyed after the Pugachev uprising, and Old Belief - a symbiosis of paganism and Orthodoxy - is still very much in vain in the Urals today, i.e. at home - in everyday life.

I would like to draw your attention to the Kalinov Bridge, which is almost always connected with Gorynych. V.Ya. Propp in his work “Russian Fairy Tale” writes: “The Kalinov Bridge is an ever-present detail” fairy tales" I won’t undertake to explain it, I’ll only say that the river usually represents a kind of border between worlds.” Just the River Styx! Instead of Charon, there is a bridge. What is this? A desire to reshape one’s own mythology into the ancient Greek one? But why the Smorodina River, the root Rod is clearly visible in the name, Motherland! Naturally there is a transition, but from where and to where? In my opinion, the bridge on the Smorodina River means a transition from one faith to another, and the legends do not belong. Orthodox faith, because upon closer examination, Christianity in them is more likely to be negative than positive.

The alteration of the “Kalinovy ​​Bridge” can also be traced in the works of ethnographers of the 19th century, but in fact it is not the Kalinov Bridge, but the Kalin Bridge, with the emphasis on “A”, under which in some epics the heroes find the Serpent Gorynych. Kalin or KAIN? If anyone is familiar with the chronicles, they will agree without much debate that with or without intent, during the correspondence a letter could either disappear or be added. Cain killed sibling- or in another way betrayed everything he lived for for the sake of power. The pagans could well call Christians their own postulates.

Why at the bridge? Yes, because the first monasteries were built near bridges, crossings and climbs, taking the right to pay taxes from those passing by. The tradition of establishing religious centers in economically advantageous places is as old as the world, dating back to ancient greek mythology noted: Charon transports the dead through the waters of underground rivers, receiving a payment of one obol for this.

Well, then everything is simple: a good symbol of the old faith is taken and the legend is also old, but as we already understood from what was said above: paganism in the Urals is not at all a transcendental past, and is changed. And the hero is already fighting not on the Cain Bridge with a multi-domed cathedral that exacted an unrighteous bribe (in epics these are usually girls, here we can talk about serfdom and the earlier one - slavery, when the princes had a pagan as a commodity, the girl could be valued, including as a toll), and on the Kalin Bridge.

By the way, the rework could have occurred during the era of active development Tatar-Mongol yoke already in the 19th century. In epics there is no longer Kalin Bridge, there is Kalin Bridge, but there is Kalin the Tsar! For some reason - the Tatar king! Everyone from Ilya Muromets to Ermak Timofeevich is fighting him. His usual epithets are: dog, thief, damned. Kalin besieges Kyiv with forty kings, with forty kings, who each have forty thousand forces, and sends a letter with the Tatar to Prince Vladimir demanding the surrender of Kyiv without a fight. But even here, as usually happens when a detailed understanding of ideologically prepared texts is prepared in advance, the old days still slip through, no, no, yes, the “epic writers” in robes will call the Tatar King Kalin CAIN!..

As a result of the struggle to save the dark souls of the people from superstitions, today we have an epic past turned inside out, where positive heroes, glorious heroes, fight against their own paganism, i.e. folk faith, then with its own deity, the Serpent Gorynych. In the legends, Gorynych is no longer only an enemy of Christianity, but also of humanity. And the common name Cain, who killed his own brother, with whom the heroes fought, became Kalin the Tsar, to whom they also “added” a national connotation, based on the desire to build the history of Russia as a confrontation with each other as a single whole.

SERPENT GORYNYCH (Gorynchishche) - a mountain demon, a representative of clouds, which from ancient times were likened to mountains and rocks.

PEDIGREE: - most likely, son, (hence the patronymic - Gorynych)

This is me with Gorynych

APPEARANCE: Outwardly, Zmey-Gorynych looks like a dragon, although he does not belong to dragons, but according to the classification he belongs to snakes, but appearance Gorynych has many dragon traits. Has many heads. IN different sources indicates a varying number of heads, but the most common is three heads. In fairy tales he is depicted as a dragon with three, six, nine or twelve heads. However, large quantity The heads rather indicate the fact that this serpent had already repeatedly participated in battles and lost heads, in the place of which more new ones grew. Gorynych's body is covered with red or black scales; on the serpent's paws there are large copper-colored claws with a metallic sheen; he himself has big sizes and an impressive wingspan.

6-headed snake

HABITAT: These snakes live in mountainous areas, choosing large caves for their homes, they can often be found in reservoirs, as they like to eat fish, but they choose underwater caves for housing much less often.

ACTIVITY: Gorynych always hunts at some distance from his nesting site; his diet is dominated by large mammals(deer, cows, etc.) and fish. If there is a shortage of food, the serpent can attack people.

LIFESTYLE: During the period of raising the cubs, Gorynych catches prey and takes it to his nest while still alive, so that the growing snakes learn to hunt. These snakes rarely leave their victims alive; they usually stock up on food.

HABITAT: These snakes prefer to live alone, occupying large territory. While the young snakes are small and weak, they live with their parent under his protection, reaching a certain age, the young snakes leave their native territory in search of a new home. Clashes between snakes occur quite rarely, since different individuals try not to enter someone else’s territory and do not conquer it, but look for unoccupied land.

ABILITIES: Zmey-Gorynych is able to fly and spew fire. Fire is the Snake's main weapon. Gorynych's scales cannot be pierced by any weapon. His blood can burn, and blood spilled on the ground burns it out so that nothing grows in that place for a long time. Zmey-Gorynych is able to regrow lost limbs, he is able to regrow even a lost head. He also has intelligence and is able to imitate the voices of various animals, including the ability to reproduce human speech, which distinguishes him from serpents and makes him closer to dragons.

HOW TO FIGHT? The cubs of the Serpent-Gorynych are very weak and defenseless, but as they grow older, their scales become invulnerable to any weapon and fire. The only thing vulnerable spot in Gorynych’s “armor” it is a small area of ​​scales on the neck near the head, where the scales are very soft. You can pierce it with almost any weapon, but the severed head will grow back and this will not kill the serpent, but will only scare it away for a while, but sometimes this is enough. The legends still describe a weapon capable of killing the Serpent-Gorynych - the “Seven-Tail Whip.” The key point is the fact that in order to kill Gorynych, it is necessary to destroy all the heads, without separating them from the body, so in some legends there is a description of how Gorynych is killed by a heroic horse by crushing the snake’s skull with its hoof.


In 2006, the cartoon ““ was released. I’ve watched this cartoon several times, and to this day, if my mood is slightly spoiled, I just need to imagine the Serpent Gorynych rushing through the forest on a camel, and that’s it - good mood guaranteed.

Also in 2006, the first cartoon from the ““ series appeared. And there was the Serpent Gorynych - ordinary, three-headed. But at that moment when he decided to become a dive fighter and go for a ram, and two side heads served as his spare jet engines- it was cool!

In the cartoon "