DNA examination established that Spartak Mishulin is biological father Timur Eremeev.

In the “Let Them Talk” program, the months-long intrigue was finally put to rest - whether the son of the famous actor is .

After much debate, Timur Eremeev decided to do a DNA test to finally establish the truth. The artist's daughter found her father's old suit, where experts discovered biomaterial for research.

First of all, Timur justified himself for the accusations that he simply wants to attract attention and become popular as an actor. “I don’t have any special task,” Eremeev said.

An expert appeared in the program studio to conduct a study of the costume. He once again spoke in more detail about how the research took place. Laboratory technicians were able to establish that this was indeed the biomaterial of Spartak Mishulin.

“We were able to extract all the chromosomes, and not just those traits that are inherited through the male line. The result is full-fledged from the expert’s point of view. The suit is exactly right,” the expert said.

For the first time, Timur Eremeev’s mother, Tatyana Anatolyevna, came out in public. For two months, she refused to show her face and made comments with her back to the camera.

“For almost 35 years he was in my life. If he didn’t feel anything for me, we probably wouldn’t be together. Valentina Konstantinovna probably knew. He said that whoever needs it knows it. I think they know,” Eremeeva said.

Tatyana Eremeeva - mother of Timur Eremeev

Tatyana Anatolyevna said that she refused to give her son his father’s middle name. According to Timur, he does not intend to change his last name if the DNA test gives a positive answer.

The host of the show, Dmitry Borisov, opened the envelope in which the results of the examination were stored. The guests in the studio were very excited. The lawyer said that there were two appeals - from Timur and Karina. Dmitry read that the study took more than a month.

“The answer to the question whether Timur Sergeevich Eremeev can be the son of a male person, based on the props belonging to Spartak Vasilievich Mishulin. The probability that he is a biological son is 99.9999%,” Borisov said.

Mishulin's legacy: son or not son? DNA test result. Let them talk

Karina Mishulina and her husband were behind the scenes the entire time. She was upset that the whole story had taken such a turn. According to the actress, Timur could have come to her personally, and not made a show out of it.

“I just don’t want to interfere with the holiday, we are superfluous here. I have my own position. Dad was great artist, if this happened, then no one has the right to make it public. What’s wrong with my mother - a woman who lived with her father for 35 years, has now lost her teeth, the whole country is laughing at her, she has turned gray,” said Karina, barely holding back tears.

Mishulin's daughter doubts the transparency of the examination. According to her, the coincidence in the study of the y-chromosome corresponds to only 95%. Dmitry Borisov said that viewers will receive an answer to this question in the next program.

Karina Mishulina is trying to figure out how Timur Eremeev proved his relationship with her famous father. In the studio of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live”, the actress said that a repeat DNA test should be carried out in Sweden.

Timur Eremeev and his mother found Carlson’s suit that belonged to Spartak Mishulin. According to them, biomaterial from the movie star remained on the items. It was he who was taken to the laboratory for research. Many guests of the program who are familiar with Mishulin’s family claim that the young actor is lying.

Special correspondent for the Vesti program Alexander Karpov decided to conduct his own investigation. “No one understands what exactly happened there. We came to the Mishulin family and looked at photographs of them all together. And then we looked at the costume. Essentially, these are old rags that have been lying in the basement for 12 years,” the journalist said.

According to Karpov, DNA research is not as simple a process as it seems. He turned to a forensic expert for clarification.

“DNA is destroyed in 12 years. If we're talking about about biological secretions, they have a very short identification period,” said Victor Kolkutin.

In addition, an error was found in the laboratory report. Timur Eremeev’s mother took part in the study. For unknown reasons, she was found to have a chromosome that is found only in men.

The situation with Timur Eremeev seriously affected the widow of Spartak Mishulin. She complained about her health. The woman said that she felt bad after one of the court hearings.

“This is the first time I have found myself in such a situation, a judicial one. I was terrified. When their lawyer started saying such terrible things, not a single word of truth, I just jumped out of there as if scalded,” shares Mishulin’s widow.

She claims that she would definitely know if her husband had a mistress. Family friends supported Valentina Konstantinovna.

Alexander Karpov decided to meet with expert Pavel Leonidovich Ivanov, who was involved in the case with DNA testing. The professor signed this document. He demanded money for an interview. The head of the molecular testing center refused to explain the fact that he signed the false data.

Timur accuses Karina of PR on this story. According to Mishulina, she did not need it at all. “Why are you attracting attention if you don’t need it. Go do it forensic examination and live in peace,” noted Karina, commenting on one of Eremeev’s latest posts on the social network.

Victoria Sdasyuk, the widow of Spartak Mishulin’s brother, stood up for the actor. “After the DNA results were published. Neither I nor my son Alexander had any doubt that there was a mistake,” the woman said.

Before filming began, the editors of the program contacted Timur Eremeev.

“My sister and I have no conflict. Basically, I don’t want to talk about this topic, because I’m a little tired,” the actor commented on what was happening.

A repeat analysis was carried out in Stockholm. Zarina, who is in Sweden, reported that Spartak Mishulin’s costume was sent for examination to Florida.

“There is no viable DNA on the fabrics or stockings. “I’ve already sent you the official paper, Karinochka,” the woman announced the results.

According to her, in Sweden, laboratory technicians are more careful when working because they know that if they make a mistake they will face a fine or imprisonment.

As the specialist said, if Timur and Karina both pass DNA tests, then the laboratory will not be able to obtain enough information from it regarding their relationship.

QUOTE]i]Original message Comfortarium /i]

Karina Mishulina refuses to undergo a re-examination. Timur Eremeev is ready to pass all the necessary tests. The artist was unpleasant to hear the man’s mother tell her story about how she met her famous father.

Timur Eremeev // Photo: Program frame

Not long ago, Spartak Mishulina’s daughter Karina and her alleged brother Timur Eremeev met in the “Let Them Talk” program. The actress is adamant and believes that the man is none other than an impostor. She is preparing to hold him accountable in court for an article in which he talked about his life and memories of the famous actor. sea]

Today, talk show host Dmitry Borisov continued to understand the complicated case. As it turned out, they managed to interview Timur’s mother. The woman did not want to show her face. However, she shared memories of her child's father. Dmitry Borisov admitted that it took him a lot of work to persuade Tatyana Anatolyevna to have a frank conversation.

“In 1970, at our school No. 1, in Vologda. Our old bridge was wooden, but it has now been demolished. They filmed a scene there. After school I went downstairs, I saw Spartak Vasilyevich, the schoolchildren ran up. For me, this is a celestial being, I opened my mouth, and he said to me: “Everyone is so funny, but you are serious. What are your hobbies?" - said the woman.

Timur’s mother refused to give interviews for a long time // Photo: Program frame

Tatyana Anatolyevna remembered that the famous actor left her a phone number and assured her that if she came to Moscow, he would definitely get her theater tickets. The woman admitted that she did not immediately use the artist’s help, but only after she graduated from college. According to her, in those years she constantly called Spartak Vasilyevich. When Eremeeva moved to the capital, she began to communicate and see Mishulin.

The woman admitted that the famous actor loved his daughter very much, whom she remembers when she was very young. Karina was unpleasant to hear such words, and she loudly expressed her indignation, considering it a shame what the stranger was saying. Tatyana Anatolyevna said that she helped her lover make the scenery for his last play.

However, actress Maya Sandler’s lawyer is sure that theater workers would probably have noticed the woman who came to Mishulin and would have spread these rumors.

Widow Mishulina does not pay attention to gossip // Photo: Program frame

Karina’s mother Valentina Konstantinova never attached importance to conversations that her husband had children out of wedlock. “The actors have a lot of fans, these are girls who have fun in this way,” says Mishulina’s widow.

According to Timur’s mother, Spartak Vasilyevich knew that she was expecting a child. Immediately after giving birth, she called the actor to tell the good news.

An expert appeared in the studio and brought one of Mishulin’s props – a hat that belonged to him.

“The results were controversial. To find out the truth and put an end to it, we need to collect DNA test samples now for research,” said a laboratory employee.

Mishulin’s daughter does not even admit the thought that her father had an illegitimate son // Photo: Program frame

However, Karina was categorical - she refused to undergo any tests without a court decision.

“Are we suckers or something? We need to take blood from a vein, don’t make suckers out of us, I’ll get up and leave now,” Mishulina said.

Timur Eremeev admitted that if the test disproves his relationship with Karina, he is ready to apologize to her family.

Karina refuses to do a DNA test of her own free will // Photo: Program frame

Karina seems to be a nice woman, but how vile she is inside, it was unpleasant to watch and listen to all the nonsense she said.

Good defeated evil) This is exactly what this post could be called. Did anyone else follow this epic on the first? Yesterday there was finally a long-awaited denouement, and the audience received confirmation, a DNA test proved that actor Timur Eremeev really native son Spartak.

I would like to explain in general how I got to the point where I watch such programs) The fact is that I have to spend a lot of time at the computer, processing photos. And for this process I need something to work in the background. The music is not suitable, the playlist plays for 2-3 hours, but I need at least 6 hours a day. TV series and films are also not suitable, because they need to be WATCHED, but I look at a photograph. But all sorts of programs are very suitable, there is no action, just sound. In general, I prefer the interview format, but when these programs end, talk shows come on. And now I know everything about everyone)) That’s how I found out about this topic and it interested me, it just looked like a series.

Before the program, I must say, I didn’t really know who Spartak Mishulin was, I saw a buried head in the White Sun of the Desert, but I didn’t know who it was, and I don’t like the film itself. I didn’t know anything about his children at all, because I don’t watch Russian TV series. That's why I didn't have any favorites in this story, I just looked at it as a family story.
Immediately from the first program, I was taken aback by the behavior of my legitimate daughter. She behaved like a demoniac, winged Timur, rushed at everyone, and generally seemed like an unbalanced psychopath. Lawyer, lover of running, shining in broadcasts Maya Sandler did not lag behind her client, only she was making fun of Timur and self-PR, waving her chubby hands, speaking about herself in the third person, calling herself “Lawyer Maya” so that no one would accidentally forget her name. She threatened Timur with losing in court in any case, and threatened to prosecute him for every word. I was also struck by the rich slang of the lawyer, “The boy falls for the money.” Is this even normal?
A professional lawyer should express it differently, for example, “the defendant will have to pay monetary compensation"I believe that the bar association should pay attention to the unethical, unprofessional behavior of a colleague. Especially publicly, on the first channel.

True, after the second episode, lawyer Maya technically merged with the process, probably did not want to disgrace herself anymore. According to rumors, she said that this family does not need a lawyer, but a doctor. Although the lawyer managed to disgrace herself not only by her behavior, but as Timur said, the first lawsuit with which she shocked was drawn up funny, as if it was written by a teenager, and not a professional. But on 9 sheets)))
The “great” actresses Selezneva and Zelinskaya came to check in with a categorical speech “It can’t be!” It turns out they knew for certain about all the nuances of the artist’s personal life. Tsivin and Drozhzhina, the couple Alisa the Fox and the cat Basilio, who someone called them buffet sellers, are there, they say they go where they can pay or feed them. Then the downed pilot Stashevsky pulled up. The plaintiff’s husband, who has been in the family for a couple of years, but already knows exactly how it was in the shaggy year)) Experts are physiognomists.

All these people stood up like a wall to protect the daughter of Spartacus from the “impostor.” The supposed son himself looked best against that background of the raging people. A handsome, stately guy with a Hollywood smile, which Karina called a horse smile. He never offended anyone, never lost his temper, spoke only to the point, and generally behaved with great dignity. In contrast, Spartak's daughter looked simply disgusting with her behavior. It’s simply amazing that Spartak turned out to have such different children. The fact that he is a son was clear to me personally from the first show, it’s just written all over his face, the resemblance is incredible. By the way, you can read the comparison analysis, from the master puppeteer vasya_lenka . The physiognomists of the program should go shoot themselves after this, the master gave them all a head start, even BEFORE the announcement of the results, and wrote in her blog that Timur is the son.

And then Karina brought her mother into one of the programs and it became clear who her daughter was born into, an apple from an apple tree, you know. The mother turned out to be the same, she also rushed at people, insulted, and shut Timur up.
In two voices they shouted to Timur, “Why didn’t you come to us?!”
Oh my God, you almost ate a guy in public, if ONE aggressive woman had come to you, he probably would have killed him and buried him!
Of course, this is the reason why Spartak Vasilyevich did not legalize his son during his lifetime, it’s just that these vixens would have killed him right away. He knew this, which is why he kept the secret from his family.

It’s just a nightmare how much people don’t respect themselves! Karina called Timur a bastard, with a malicious smile, clarifying that this is a literary word to designate illegitimate, but her father was also illegitimate, which means she is the daughter of a bastard? So according to her logic.
They shouted louder than anyone else that Timur had disgraced his father’s honorable name. How? About what he announced about his birth? Well, everyone knows there are no holy people, but the son turned out to be handsome and well-mannered. And if we talk about who was shaking the dirty laundry, then it was Karina who broadcast to the whole country about her father’s prostatitis.

Next, Karina insists on the best DNA experts in the country, and chooses the best laboratory (where, as it turns out, the expert is an acquaintance of Mishulin’s wife’s brother). Timur agrees to their terms. They probably expected that the facts would be manipulated for them by acquaintance? But the world-famous expert did everything honestly, the results did not suit the daughter and she accused the experts of being corrupt, comparing her case with the case of a drunken boy. Schizophrenia?

In short, it’s completely surreal. Many were greatly disgraced. The main thing is that Timur did not lose face in this panopticon and behaved with great dignity. When the results were announced, Channel One decided to hype it up and fireworks went off in the studio. This was the first time I had seen such a solemn announcement of DNA results. And then Timur ran to Karina to explain that he did not want such a scale. The snake dismissed him, continuing to scream how they offended their family. And she blamed Timur for her mother’s teeth falling out, because of her nerves, yeah. A curtain. A new word in medicine.

The funny thing is that she didn't understand the main thing. It was her terrible behavior that provoked such public support for Timur. It was her hysterics and insults that led to the fact that a lot of people began to support Timur; if you now look at the actor’s social networks, you can see that congratulations are coming from absolutely all over the world. And if they had remained silent, did not run through programs and sue, there would have been no DNA test, and such PR for Timur. Now everyone knows what a wonderful son Spartak has, and what terrible daughter. After this, you can’t blame Mishulin for going to the left, but on the contrary, you begin to understand. It's your own fault.

I am amazed by the comments where people write that Timur needs to make peace with Karina and be friends, after everything she showed herself to be, I would avoid such people.

In general, I am sincerely happy for Timur and grateful for his lesson that in any story one must remain human and behave with dignity. If I suddenly found such a brother, I would be glad. I’m absolutely sure that after this his career will take off, what kind of texture the guy has, plus it’s clear that he has an excellent character.
And one more moment, “tell me who your friend is...”, on Karina’s side, there were people who spat poison, gossipers. Timur's team are professional people who have an idea of ​​ethics, without unnecessary PR they did the WORK and communicated very correctly, respect to them.

Have you watched the show? Whose side were you on?

Stories with illegitimate children of celebrities are no longer rare. An interesting fact is that more and more people are trying to establish paternity after the death of a star. So, for example, after tragic death Mikhail Evdokimov immediately became aware of his two illegitimate children. The death of Boris Nemtsov also came as a surprise to women who raised illegitimate sons from a loving oppositionist. And recently in Spain they even had to open the grave of the great Salvador Dali to find out that the extravagant artist had no relationship with the Spaniard Pilar Adele.

For relatives dead star the appearance of his illegitimate children always turns into stress. It would seem that a DNA test can very quickly dot all the i’s, and impostors can be put in their place. However, relatives of deceased celebrities are always very reluctant to agree to laboratory research. The exception, perhaps, was the story of Mikhail Evdokimov’s wife. But Ekaterina Iftodi had to beat the courts for two years before she was able to prove that she gave birth to her son from Boris Nemtsov.

Today, the Internet community is vigorously discussing the appearance of another star offspring.

A young theater actor appeared in the new episode of the “Let Them Talk” program Russian Army Timur Eremeev, claims that he is his son famous actor Spartak Mishulin, who died 12 years ago.

Spartak's own daughter Mishulina does not believe that her father could have had a second family

Revelations young man became a blow for the family of Spartak Mishulin. The artist’s daughter Karina, who is four years older than her “brother,” appeared in the television studio. The woman confidently states that under no circumstances could her father have love stories on the side.

Nevertheless, the program management, together with specialists, conducted a DNA test. For analysis, DNA samples were taken from the hat of Spartak Mishulin, which was kept in the family of Timur Eremeev.

The specialist who carried out the analysis reported that contradictory results were obtained during the DNA test, so it is necessary to do another study, taking bio-material from my own daughter famous artist.