I suggest you look at the faces of the most famous leaders of criminal gangs in the world, because it is precisely these people who are said to be better never to meet in person in your life. Although all these criminal authorities are very different in appearance, they all head the largest criminal organizations in different parts of our planet.

One of the bosses of the Mara 18 organized crime group, Marlon Martinez, is on trial in Guatemala, where he is accused of murder. March 30, 2011

Mara 18 is the largest Latino gang in Los Angeles. It appeared in the 1960s among immigrants from Mexico and still maintains ties with the drug cartels of this country. The group consists of up to 90 thousand people operating in the USA, Mexico and Central America.

The 'Ndrangheta was formed in the poorest province of Italy, Calabria. It is considered one of the most successful Italian organized crime groups. According to some reports, the 'Ndrangheta's revenues amount to up to three percent of the country's GDP.

One of the leaders of the Marseille mafia, 75-year-old Jacques Imbert, after being released from prison on April 8, 2005.

Imber was part of the Three Ducks gang, which was especially influential in the 1950s and 60s. In 1977, an attempt was made on his life, which formed the basis of the film “22 Bullets: Immortal.”

The alleged leader of the Slavic criminal groups in Moscow, Alexey Petrov, nicknamed Lenya the Kricky. September 19, 2011

According to unofficial data, Petrov was elected leader of the Slavic groups in Moscow in 2009 after the murder of Vyacheslav Ivankov, also known as Yaponchik.

One of the alleged leaders of the Tambov organized crime group, Yuri Salikov, is being taken to court in the Spanish city of Palma de Mallorca. June 14, 2008

The Tambov organized crime group appeared in St. Petersburg in the late 1980s and in the next decade actually controlled the criminal life of the city. Its creator is considered to be businessman Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin), who is serving a 15-year prison sentence for extortion.

One of the alleged leaders of the Tambov organized crime group, Gennady Petrov, is being taken to court in the Spanish city of Palma de Mallorca. June 14, 2008

Petrov, like several other Russian citizens, were detained by Spanish authorities during Operation Troika. They are considered the organizers of an operation to launder criminal money from the Tambov organized crime group. Petrov calls himself a businessman. He has lived in Spain since the early 1990s. In 2012, Petrov left for Russia and refused to return to Spain.

Bonanno family boss from New York, Vincent "Handsome Vinny" Basiano.

The Bonanno family is one of the five Italian-American Mafia families that control the New York City underworld. The remaining families are the Gambino, Genovese, Colombo and Lucchese clans. Basiano has been serving a life sentence for murder since 2011.

Gigante was boss of the Genovese clan from 1981 until his death in 2005. In the early 1990s, he was considered America's most powerful gangster. To avoid trial, Gigante feigned insanity and often walked around New York in a robe and slippers, muttering something inarticulate to himself. In 1997, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison and died in custody.

Retired yakuza boss Shinji Ishihara opens up about his criminal past to reporters. April 5, 2006

Ishihara served in one of the largest gangster syndicates in the world, the Yamaguchi-gumi, which has several tens of thousands of members. The group's headquarters are located in Kobe. Unlike many other organized crime groups, members of the yakuza are allowed to “retire,” as Ishihara did after serving his next term.

Funeral of the leader of the Taiwanese group "Bamboo Union" Chen Chili, nicknamed the Duck King, in Taipei. October 18, 2007

The Bamboo Union, or Zhuliangban in Chinese, is the largest organized crime group in Taiwan. It belongs to the triads, as Chinese criminal groups or secret societies. The Bamboo Union maintains close ties with the nationalists of the Kuomintang party and shares their political platform.

The leader of the Hong Kong branch of the 14K group in Macau, Wan Quokkoi, nicknamed Broken Tooth, is being taken to court on November 23, 1999

14K is considered the largest triad in Hong Kong and in the world. It has about 20 thousand members and also operates in Europe and North America. 14K controls the supply of heroin and opium from South-East Asia. The group is known for its clear management hierarchy and brutality.

The grave of Aslan Usoyan, better known as Ded Hasan, at the Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow. January 20, 2013

Usoyan is believed to have headed ethnic Caucasian criminal groups operating in Russia. At the same time, it is known about conflicts between his clan and other gangs led by immigrants from Transcaucasia. Usoyan was shot dead in Moscow by an unknown sniper on January 16, 2013.

The leader of the Taiwanese triad was forced to flee his home island when the authorities decided to limit the influence of criminal groups. Chen Chili moved to Cambodia and even became an adviser to the government. He lived in a huge villa on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, where large caches of weapons were discovered.

Cosa Nostra is one of the most famous groups Italian mafia. She appeared in late XIX century and is considered the inventor of racketeering. Cosa Nostra does not have a rigid structure. The group consists of numerous clans that control their territory.

Abroad, Kalashov is often called a representative of the Russian mafia, although sometimes also a Georgian crime boss. He began his criminal activities back in the Soviet Union. He is considered a supporter of the late leader of the Caucasian clans, Aslan Usoyan. Since 2010, Kalashov has been serving a prison sentence in Spain, which has already agreed to extradite him to Georgia, where he was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

One of the leaders of the Italian 'Ndrangheta group, Pasquale Condello, after his arrest. February 19, 2008

Condello was on the run for about twenty years. All this time he lived in his hometown of Reggio Calabria. During his criminal career, he managed to earn at least $57 million. In any case, the real estate he owns is valued at that amount. Condello is accused of murdering the head of Italy's national railway company.

Sinaloa drug cartel member Juan Miguel Allier Beltran at a press conference at police headquarters in Tijuana. January 20, 2011

American intelligence agencies consider Sinaloa the most powerful drug cartel in the world. It comes from the state of the same name on the Pacific coast of Mexico. During the 1990s - 2000s, Sinaloa supplied more than 200 tons of cocaine to the United States. The cartel also produces significant quantities of opiates and marijuana.

Salvatore Miceli, who was in charge of the international drug trade in the Sicilian mafia, at Caracas airport before being extradited to Italy. June 30, 2009

Miceli was considered a kind of foreign minister in Cosa Nostra. He was responsible for the supply of cocaine, heroin and other drugs produced in other regions of the world, primarily in Latin America, to Europe.

One of the leaders of the Tijuana cartel, Gilberto Higuera Guerrero, in Mexico City before extradition to the United States. January 20, 2007

Tijuana drug cartel from mexican state Baja California ranks third in drug trafficking in the United States. He is a principal competitor of the Sinaloa cartel. In the mid-2000s, a significant number of Tijuana leaders were arrested and handed over to American authorities.

Joseph "Giuseppe" Bonanno is the founder of the eponymous crime family in New York. 1960s

Bonanno is considered one of the main prototypes of Vito Corleone, the main character of the crime saga “The Godfather”. Bonanno never spent long periods behind bars during his tumultuous career. He died in 2002 at age 97 in Tucson, Arizona, from heart failure.

The leader of the Corleone clan from the Sicilian city of the same name, Gaetano Riina, after his arrest in Palermo on July 1, 2011

The Corleone clan, which gave its name to the character of the famous film trilogy, has long been main family"Cosa Nostra" Its leaders bear the title of "boss of bosses." The town of Corleone with a population of 12 thousand people is located in the hills south of Palermo at an altitude of about 600 meters above sea level.

The leader of the branch of the organized crime group “Mara Salvatrucha” in the Salvadoran city of Quezaltepeque, nicknamed El Diabolico, and the leaders of the local branch of the organized crime group “Mara 18” announce a truce in the prison of the same city. January 31, 2013

Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, is one of the most violent Latin American groups. It was formed in Los Angeles among Salvadoran emigrants who fled civil war, operates in California and Central America and, according to various sources, has from 50 to 80 thousand fighters. A distinctive feature of the members of the Mara Salvatrucha are numerous tattoos, often covering the entire body.

Police escort Indian crime lord Rajendra Nikalje, nicknamed "Little Rajan" (Chhota Rajan), to the Bangkok Criminal Court after an attempt on his life. September 28, 2000.

Rajendra Nikalje was originally a member of the group of crime boss Dawood Ibrahim, which is called D-Company in the media. The gang operated in Mumbai, but then spread its influence throughout South Asia. After a quarrel with his boss, Nikalje collaborated with Indian intelligence agencies to weaken Ibrahim in exchange for information about plans to assassinate him. The Ibrahim and Nikalje gangs, like other Indian criminals, launder money by investing it in the production of films in Bollywood.

Former leader of the Tijuana drug cartel Benjamin Arellano Felix.

Felix was arrested in March 2002 in Mexico and extradited to the United States. In April 2012, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison for extortion and money laundering. After serving his sentence, he is expected to be returned to Mexico, where he faces another 22 years in prison.

Abu Salem initially collaborated with the Mumbai group D-Company, but then began to act independently. He is accused of numerous murders and participation in terrorist attacks. In 2007, Abu Salem was extradited to India by Portugal. Subsequently, Lisbon reconsidered this decision, but Delhi refused to return Abu Salem to Europe. He has not yet been sentenced.

Colluccio belongs to the influential mafia clan. His brother Giuseppe was one of the leaders of the 'Ndrangheta in Toronto, Canada, and was involved in the supply of cocaine to Europe. Salvatore was wanted for four years. He was found in a bunker equipped with an electric generator and supplied with significant supplies of water and food for self-sufficient living.

The Gambino clan was once the most powerful of the five mafia families of New York. Both infighting and FBI scrutiny contributed to its gradual decline. The last major operation against the family, which led to the arrest of several capos, took place in 2011, when a network of forced prostitution of women from Eastern Europe was uncovered.

Vyacheslav Ivankov, nicknamed Yaponchik, leaves the Moscow City Court building after the jury found him not involved in the murder of two Turkish citizens. July 19, 2005

Ivankov, until his death in 2009, was considered the leader of the Slavic criminal groups in Moscow. In 1997, he was convicted in the United States for extortion, and after serving his sentence in 2005, he returned to Russia. In July 2009, he was seriously wounded in an assassination attempt and died a few months later from complications caused by the wound.

One of the leaders of the Tijuana drug cartel, Eduardo Arellano Felix, is in custody in Mexico City. October 26, 2008

After the arrest of the three Arellano Felix brothers, that is, Eduardo, Javier and Benjamin, as well as the death of Ramon in a shootout with the police, the cartel was led by the youngest of the brothers, Luis, nicknamed the Engineer. Mexican authorities promise to pay $2.5 million for help in his capture.

A graduate of the journalism department of Moscow State University, Lerner served 11 years in the Soviet Union for financial fraud in student construction brigades. In 1998, he was convicted of stealing money from Russian banks. Since 2006, he has been in an Israeli prison for creating a financial pyramid and stealing money from investors.

Former Gambino family underboss Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano is sworn in trial about corruption in professional boxing. April 1, 1993

In 1991, Gravano became the highest-ranking member of the mafia to break his vow of omerta silence and cooperate with the authorities. Based on his testimony, Gambino clan boss John Gotti was sentenced to life in prison. In 1995, Gravano, who moved to Arizona, refused to participate in the witness protection program. He published an autobiography and then went into drug trafficking, for which he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He has been serving his sentence since 2002.

Former Bonanno family boss Joseph Massino.

Massino became the first boss of five New York families to make a plea deal. In 2004 he was sentenced to death penalty based on the testimony of his comrades, including his deputy Salvatore Vitale. In 2011, Massino, in order to earn the right to life, in turn, acted as a witness in the case of his successor Vincent Basiano.

The boss of the largest yakuza syndicate "Yamaguchi-gumi" Kenichi Shinoda after serving a six-year prison sentence for illegal possession of a pistol. April 9, 2011

The Synod bears the title of kumicho, or supreme " godfather", the largest group of the Japanese mafia. He is the sixth boss of the Yamaguchi-gumi since its founding in 1915. The Synod is characterized by an outwardly democratic leadership style. In particular, he prefers to move on public transport, and not in a limousine with a personal driver.

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The modern world has many criminal groups, and each has its own leader, its own boss, its own head. But comparing the current leaders of the mafia and criminal organizations with the bosses of past dashing years is a matter doomed to failure and criticism. Past bosses of the criminal world created entire empires of evil and violence, extortion and drug trafficking. Their so-called families lived according to their own laws, and violation of these laws foreshadowed death and cruel punishment for disobedience. We bring to your attention a list of the most legendary and influential mafiosi in history.

(1974 - present time)

Once the leader of one of the largest drug cartels in Mexico, which is called Los Zetas. At the age of 17 he entered the Mexican army, and later worked in special squad to fight the drug cartel. The transition to the side of the traders occurred after he was recruited into the Golfo cartel. The private mercenary force Los Zetas hired from the organization later grew into the largest drug cartel in Mexico. Heriberto dealt very harshly with his competitors, for which his criminal group was given the nickname “Executioners.”

(1928 — 2005)

Since 1981, he led the Genovese family, while everyone considered Antonio Salermo to be the boss of the family. Vincent was nicknamed "Crazy Boss" for his, to put it mildly, inappropriate behavior. But, it was only for the authorities; Gigante’s lawyers spent 7 years bringing certificates indicating that he was crazy, thereby avoiding a sentence. Vincent's people controlled crime throughout New York and other largest cities America.

(1902 – 1957)

The boss of one of the five mafia families of criminal America. The head of the Gambino family, Albert Anastasia, had two nicknames - “The Chief Executioner” and “The Mad Hatter”, and the first was given to him because his group “Murder, Inc.” was responsible for about 700 deaths. He was a close friend of Lucky Luciano, whom he considered his teacher. It was Anastasia who helped Lucky take control of the entire criminal world, carrying out contract killings for him of the bosses of other families.

(1905 — 2002)

Patriarch of the Bonanno family and the richest mobster in history. The history of the reign of Joseph, who was called “Banana Joe,” goes back 30 years; after this period, Bonanno voluntarily retired and lived in his personal huge mansion. The Castellamarese War, which lasted 3 years, is considered one of the most significant events in criminal world. Ultimately, Bonanno organized a crime family that still operates in the United States.

(1902 – 1983)

Meir was born in Belarus, the city of Grodno. Coming from Russian Empire became the most powerful man in the United States and one of the country's crime leaders. He is the creator of the National Crime Syndicate and the parent of the gambling business in the states. He was the largest bootlegger (illegal liquor dealer) during Prohibition.

(1902 – 1976)

It was Gambino who became the founder of one of the most influential families in criminal America. After seizing control of a number of highly profitable areas, including illegal bootlegging, a government port and an airport, the Gambino family becomes the most powerful of the five families. Carlo forbade his people from selling drugs, considering this type of business dangerous and attracting public attention. At its height, the Gambino family consisted of more than 40 groups and teams, and controlled New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Miami and Los Angeles.

(1940 – 2002)

John Gotti was a famous figure, the press loved him, he was always dressed to the nines. Numerous prosecutions by New York law enforcement always failed; Gotti escaped punishment for a long time. For this, the press nicknamed him “Teflon John.” He received the nickname “Elegant Don” when he began to dress only in fashionable and stylish suits with expensive ties. John Gotti has been the leader of the Gambino family since 1985. During the reign, the family was one of the most influential.

(1949 – 1993)

The most brutal and daring Colombian drug lord. He went down in the history of the 20th century as the most brutal criminal and the head of the largest drug cartel. He organized the supply of cocaine to different parts of the world, mainly to the USA, on a grand scale, even transporting tens of kilograms on airplanes. During his entire activity as the head of the Medellin cocaine cartel, he was involved in the murders of more than 200 judges and prosecutors, more than 1,000 police officers and journalists, presidential candidates, ministers, and prosecutors general. Escobar's net worth in 1989 was more than $15 billion.

(1897 – 1962)

Originally from Sicily, Lucky became, in fact, the founder of the criminal world in America. His real name is Charles, Lucky, which means “Lucky”, they began to call him after he was taken to a deserted highway, tortured, beaten, cut, burned in the face with cigarettes, and he remained alive after that. The people who tortured him were Maranzano gangsters; they wanted to know the location of the drug cache, but Charles remained silent. After unsuccessful torture, they abandoned the bloody body without any signs of life by the road, thinking that Luciano was dead, where he was picked up by a patrol car 8 hours later. He received 60 stitches and survived. After this incident, the nickname “Lucky” remained with him forever. Luckey organized the Big Seven, a group of bootleggers to whom he provided protection from the authorities. He became the boss of Cosa Nostra, which controlled all areas of activity in the criminal world.

(1899 – 1947)

A legend of the underworld of those times and the most famous mafia boss in history. He was a prominent representative of criminal America. His areas of activity were bootlegging, prostitution, and gambling. Known as the organizer of the most brutal and significant day in the criminal world - the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, when seven influential gangsters from the Irish gang Bugs Moran, including the boss's right hand, were shot dead. Al Capone was the first among all gangsters to “launder” money through a huge network of laundries, the prices of which were very low. Capone was the first to introduce the concept of “racketeering” and successfully dealt with it, laying the foundation for a new vector of mafia activity. Alfonso received the nickname “Scarface” at the age of 19, when he worked in a billiards club. He allowed himself to object to the cruel and seasoned criminal Frank Galluccio, moreover, he insulted his wife, after which a fight and a stabbing occurred between the bandits, as a result of which Al Capone received the famous scar on his left cheek. By right, Al Capone was the most influential person and terrifying at everyone, including the government, which was able to put him behind bars just for tax evasion.

Let's start with what the term means mafia. So, the term is from Wikipedia.
Mafia(Italian mafia; - criminal community, which formed in Sicily in the second half of the 19th century and subsequently spread its activity to large, economically developed cities in the USA and some other countries. It is an association (“family”) of criminal groups that have a common organization, structure and code of conduct (“omerta”). Each group “works”, carrying out racketeering, in a certain territory - in the area of ​​​​a large city, in a small city or in an entire region of the country.
Currently, the term “mafia” is often used broadly to refer to any ethnic criminal groups that fully or partially replicate the organization and structure of the Sicilian Mafia (for example, the Camorra, 'Ndrangheta and Sacra Corona Unita also operating in Italy; Georgian mafia, Russian mafia, Cuban mafia and etc.).
Now let's move on to the ranking of the most dangerous mafias in the world.
Russian Mafia- is in first place among the ten most powerful mafias in the world, according to the ranking of the London newspaper Daily News and the Spanish Diario. The criteria for getting into the “top ten” of the strongest mafias in the world were participation in organized crime in many countries, illegal activities - trafficking in weapons, drugs, etc.
However, let's start the ranking from 10th place to make things interesting.

In tenth place are Jamaicans in Britain who moved to England in the 50s. This ethnic group controls a good share of the arms and drug trade. This mafia does not try to infiltrate government structures, therefore it is not as strong as the others. British police are hesitant to classify the Yardie gang as organized crime, because they have no real structure or central leadership.

9. Albanian mafia

Albania consists of numerous criminal groups. Their rules have remained unchanged since the 15th century... The Albanian mafia is involved in the trade of white slaves, alcohol and tobacco, controls prostitution, car theft and racketeering. She began her “activities” in the 80s of the last century. Widely represented in the USA and Britain. Distinctive feature is the cruelty used in acts of revenge.

8. Serbian mafia

The Serbian mafia has found its place among the leaders, since it operates in dozens of countries around the world and is associated with drug smuggling, contract killings, racketeering, robberies, control of bets and gambling houses. Interpol lists about 350 Serbian citizens, who are often employees and leaders of the largest drug cartels in the world. Serbian gangsters are also known for intellectual heists, often reenacting Hollywood scenarios, as well as quick and clean executions. Currently there are about 30-40 groups operating in Serbia.

7. Israeli mafia

These guys work in the field of banditry in many countries, their main activity is drug trafficking and prostitution. Times have changed, and if previously they were once looked upon with awe because of their ability to protect, today they are ruthless killers who do not think twice before pulling the trigger.
The Russian-Israeli mafia has strengthened its political system The United States is so good that even the vaunted American army is beyond the power to knock them out.

6. Mexican Mafia

The Mexican Mafia is a powerful criminal structure in the United States, with roots in the prison world. Originated in the 50s, it was positioned as the protection of Mexicans in US prisons from other criminals and prison guards. Main activities: extortion and drug trafficking. They are prone to quick reprisals against those they dislike and those who do not pay them the tax they set.

5. Japanese Yakuza

The Japanese mafia proudly traces its origins to impoverished samurai nobles, or ronin, as they were called in Japan. Heirs of noble fathers with many children, who sometimes had nothing but a sword, they inherited only the right to carry a sword and even comb their hair like a samurai: shave their forehead and crown, long hair from the back of the head, braid it into a tight braid and stick it on the bluish scalp.
Although the Japanese mafia is known throughout the world, it is difficult to immediately spot it in the everyday life of these cities. Meanwhile, the Japanese mafia numbers one hundred and ten thousand people, while the noisy and violent American mafia numbers only twenty thousand. Considering that the population of the United States is approximately twice that of the Japanese, it is not difficult to calculate that for every Japanese there are eleven times as many professional rapists, robbers and murderers as there are Americans.
Areas of activity: racketeering, distribution of prohibited pornography from Europe and America, prostitution and illegal emigration.

4. Chinese triads

That rapidly growing China is rapidly becoming a leader global development, they say today all over the world. But there are also negative sides to this process. As China strengthens its leading position in global economy Chinese organized crime will rapidly expand its presence in transnational criminal relations. The “Triads” have already started a “third world war” for their competitors!
Having “ridden” the migration processes, the mafia structures of China and the Chinese mafia in other countries have seized leading positions in organizing human trafficking and establishing flows of illegal migration. A Europol report (June 2006) noted that Chinese mafia groups were named leaders in human trafficking in countries European Union. Chinese "triads" have supplanted the home-grown mafia in Japan - the yakuza: the Chinese account for about half of all crimes committed by foreigners.

3. Colombian drug cartels

The Colombian mafia is one of the world's largest suppliers of cocaine. All efforts of the government authorities still remain in vain, since the bandits’ business is more than successful. The Colombian drug mafia has existed since the mid-60s of the last century. The Medellin and Cali cartels quickly became the world's leading cocaine producers.

2. Sicilian and American Cosa Nostra

Members of the Sicilian Mafia (from left to right), Salvatore Lo Bue, Salvatore Lo Cicero, Gaetano Lo Presti, Giuseppe Scaduto, Antonino Spera, Gregorio Agrigento, Luigi Caravello, Mariano Troia, Giovanni Adelfio and Francesco Bonomo
In the 13th century. Sicily was constantly plundered not only by Algerian pirates, but also by detachments of French mercenaries who served the Northern Italian dukes and princes. The organized armed struggle of the islanders against the French began in 1282 under the slogan “Morete alla Francia, Italia anela” (“Die, France - sigh, Italy”); From the first letters of the call, the Sicilians composed a battle cry: “Mafia!” Soon, self-defense units turned into units of professional fighters who began to take tribute from peasants for protection from external enemies. In the 19th century mafia that became unified system, even tried to achieve the separation of the island from Italy and proposed an alliance with Giuseppe Garibaldi, but the troops of the Principality of Piedmont defeated her.
At the end of the 19th century. thousands of Sicilians, fleeing poverty and clan wars, moved to America. IN major cities The United States arose Cosa Nostra (“Our Business”) - a network of Sicilian “families” that controlled casinos, smuggling, prostitution, illegal trafficking in alcohol, tobacco and weapons, and also engaged in racketeering.
All the "consorteries" of Sicily form a "venerable community", headed by the Capo di tutti Capi, the head of all chapters. Important figures in the mafia structure are also picciotti di ficatu ( hired assassins), stopalieri (bodyguards), gabellotti (judges) and consiglieri (advisers).

1. Russian mafia

The Russian mafia numbers 500,000 people. Her godfathers control 70% Russian economy, as well as prostitution in Macau and China, drug trafficking in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, money laundering in Cyprus, Israel, Belgium and England, car theft, trade in nuclear materials and prostitution in Germany.
With the disappearance of the Iron Curtain, the expansion of Russian crime ceased to be controlled and directed, as it was before the collapse of the USSR. The first wave of “export” of crime from the territory of what was then the USSR took place in the early 70s, when Soviet Jews were allowed to leave for Israel. This wave was not comparable to the second - when the collapse of the USSR collapsed " iron curtain" Then the world really appreciated the size of Russian crime, which it called the “Russian mafia.”
Russian criminal communities sometimes expressed very specific interests in different countries of the world. Thus, in December 1993, the Western press first mentioned that groups were “shaking” Russian hockey players playing in foreign clubs, the so-called “legionnaires”. The mass of materials on this topic in the press in subsequent years indicated that the “sports racket” had truly become industrial scale. According to some reports, the Russian criminal community now operates in 50 countries around the world. According to American professor Louise Shelley, ROP has exported $150 billion from the Russian Federation since 1991. According to other sources – 50 billion dollars, but also a lot.

The general idea of ​​fighting the government or laws, money laundering or drug trafficking, thirst for violence, sadism - all these factors gather people into separate groups. It is not uncommon for such groups to develop into the most dangerous and violent gangs.

Based on numerous films, we are accustomed to thinking that the Sicilian mafia or “Yakuza” are the most widespread and brutal groups. But people from disadvantaged areas Latin America, notorious thugs from the African continent and lawbreakers from the criminal areas of the USA have long surpassed the “film” bandits. The number of murders and violence, the inventive cruelty and mass character of many gangs are not at all similar to the “old mafia” with their ideas, laws and principles.

18th Street Gang

The ranking of the most violent gangs opens with a street gang from Los Angeles. Murder, violence, drug trafficking are the main activities of the criminal gang, which numbers more than 70,000 people in its ranks. Even five years ago, reports on 18th Street reported daily homicides in the Los Angeles area.

Ethnic organized crime group from the 90s. Almost the entire gambling business in Moscow was under the control of the mafia. Laundering unimaginable amounts of money, brutal reprisals against competitors and those who got in the way. Having seized control of more than 200 banks in the country, they supplied bandit groups with weapons and money. In Russia, the gang lasted only eight years, but in some countries members of organized crime groups They still dominate the oil market, the banking sector, and construction.

Wah Ching

Chinese-American street gang. From an ordinary gang of petty violators in San Francisco, in seven years an army of seventy thousand thugs grew. Constant clashes with other clans, crime and murder. In the 90s, the FBI discovered the gang's underground warehouses, where weapons and explosives were manufactured.


A gang also based in Los Angeles. It developed as a competitor to the criminal group Crips. The gang is known not only for brutal reprisals against rivals and drug mafia, it has created a separate culture with its own alphabet, slang language, and dance style. Some famous rappers come from the group.

Jamaican Posse

The group from the island of Jamaica, created under the protection of the government, is known for its sophisticated methods of murder. Any available means - a shovel, an iron, an ax - often became a weapon for reprisals. The gang has several of its “brigades” in Latin America and the USA.

Area Boys

Once created by a bunch of teenagers, a gang of extortionists from Nigeria has grown into a well-coordinated criminal group known for its kidnappings, extortion and murders. The inability of local authorities to prevent the gang's activities only swells its ranks and strengthens its influence throughout the country.

The main troublemakers of Brazilian streets. The gang was created due to the unjust oppression of prisoners in the country's prisons. Numerous clashes with law enforcement agencies, kidnappings of people, including tourists, and drug trafficking are the group’s main business. In 2001, a mass prison uprising, escape and destruction in Brazilian cities resulted in 150 innocent victims.

Aryan Brotherhood

The constant oppression of white prisoners in US prisons gave impetus to the need to create their own clan. Forty years ago, a group of white men in a California prison declared their brotherhood. Today it is the most powerful and brutal movement. Those wishing to join the team must kill someone. A fifteen-thousandth gang of thugs, scattered throughout US prisons, consisting mainly of those with life sentences. There are no laws or principles for them.

Los Zetas

Location – Mexico. Under the leadership of one of the most famous drug lords Mexico, a cartel was created from professional team mercenaries, former soldiers army, police officers. The Los Zetas cartel is known for its brutal fight against competitors, as well as numerous reprisals against innocent people. Terrible torture, dismemberment of corpses, mass graves - all this is on the account of the Mexican gang.

For more than a hundred years, the organization with a list of moral and ethical rules has grown into a gangster structure, brutally dealing with those who stand in their way. Bribery of officials and control of business, destruction of competitors and ruthless reprisals against the families of enemies, all this led to thousands of victims. The Sicilian mafia, and later the American one, became popular all over the world after the film “The Godfather”.

An organized network of gang units. The number of people who have joined the ranks of the Yakuza throughout Japan exceeds 120 thousand people. The official location of the headquarters and their own establishments with symbols speaks of their “roof” on the part of the authorities. A distinctive feature of the gang is a code of honor, compliance with internal laws and unquestioning obedience to the boss. The criminal organization has its gangster branches in South Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, USA. Controls the gambling business, the porn industry, and the banking sector. Engaged in human trafficking, including for the purposes of prostitution, drug trafficking, and kidnappings. The gang is known for its sophisticated methods of punishment against those who do not agree to obey them.


The largest association of bandits (over 2.5 million). The triad is widespread throughout the Asian world. Gang members are involved in absolutely everything - business control, contract killings, selling people, drug trafficking, car thefts. Members of the group who are members of the government structures make it possible to commit crimes with impunity. The triad has one of the best disguises in the system: secret call signs, gestures and signs that identify each other. The popularity of the gang was brought by the disappearance without a trace of people who refused to obey them.


The three finalists are opened by a gang organized by 16-year-old black teenagers in Los Angeles. After 6 years, the group has grown significantly and spread throughout America. Petty hooliganism, beating passers-by, fighting with competitors, arson, theft, robbery, kidnapping, violence - the gang has more than a thousand of all kinds of crimes on its record. Having surpassed the number of participants of 50 thousand people, mostly from African countries, the organization represents serious danger US residents.


These thugs from Kenya can hardly be called an organized gang. The number of these scumbags has reached 500 thousand. A distinctive feature of the group is brutal showdowns with beheadings, massacres with huge knives, and mass fights.

Make a request in any search engine for the most brutal gang, the clear winner is the MS-13 gang. These most dangerous, bloodthirsty and merciless members of the group live in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and the USA. The American government calls the Salvatrucha organization the most dangerous after al-Qaeda. Almost every one of the 300 thousand members of the group participated in violence, brutal reprisals, and kidnappings. The gang earns huge profits from drug trafficking and the sale of weapons to Middle Eastern countries, including terrorist organizations.

2016.04.03 by

There were and still are gangster groups in the world, which, due to their high organization and the number of loyal followers, began to be called the mafia. Some have become so famous for their power and cruelty that it is impossible not to include them in the TOP.

It appeared in Sicily at the beginning of the century before last, and after a hundred years of existence it turned into an organization of international scale. Initially, the mafia protected planters and nobles from their own attacks, something very similar happened in Russia in the 90s. But then the Sicilians expanded their activities to other aspects.

The group recognized as the most terrible. Even FBI agents name representatives of the Russian mafia the most dangerous people on the planet. Westerners consider the “Russian mafia” not only Russian, but also mafia structures of neighboring states.

This criminal organization became famous for its active work in the drug business. Members of the Mexican Mafia are distinguished by a special tattoo on their chest depicting a black hand. This organization was created in the 50s by representatives of a street gang serving time in a California prison. There were only thirteen organizers, some of them were members of another gang. La eMe was originally called Mexicananemi.

This largest and most dangerous crime syndicate originated in Japan. It contrasts greatly with other similar criminal organizations, for example, the Yakuza has its own office buildings, and their activities are widely covered in the press. The Yakuza love to make tattoos that are complex and multi-colored over the entire surface of the skin. Moreover, tattoos are made by manually injecting ink under the skin (irezumi). To decorate yourself in this way, you need to have a certain courage, as it causes severe pain.

The Triad is an association of secret criminal groups in China. This criminal society is distinguished by a common conviction and beliefs, for example, representatives firmly believe in the secret meaning of the number “3” (the name comes from it). Today, triads have spread to Taiwan, America and other places of the Chinese diaspora. As a rule, the Triad specializes in drug trafficking.

By the way, representatives of the Triad are very patriotic; for example, when the outbreak of atypical mycoplasma pneumonia began, the organization offered a prize of one million US dollars to anyone who would find a cure for this disease.

This is the largest motorcycle club with branches scattered throughout the planet. It belongs to the “Big Four” outlaw clubs, and is considered the most sensational among them. They are known as a “motorcycle gang” by law enforcement agencies in many countries. They are involved in drug trafficking, banditry, resale of stolen goods, violence and murder.

According to the legend posted on the Hells Angels website, during World War II the American Air Force had a bomber squadron called the Hells Angels. After the war ended and the units were disbanded, the pilots were left without a livelihood. The offended bombers considered that their homeland had committed a betrayal, and decided to switch to bikes, unite in motorcycle clubs, with the goal of causing a rebellion across the entire system.

This mafia structure is involved in a variety of criminal activities: it sells drugs, weapons and even people, robs, kills, engages in racketeering, kidnapping, pimping, steals cars, launders money, etc.

To be able to operate in the territory occupied by the Mara Salvatrucha, street vendors and shop owners have to give almost 50 percent of their proceeds to the mafia. Salvadorans living in the United States are also forced to pay a kind of rent; if they do not pay, their relatives face imminent death or injury.

This criminal organization expanded its operations not only in Montreal, but also in Quebec and Ontario. One day, the Rizzutos merged with New York crime families, which eventually resulted in real wars in Montreal in the 70s. Rizzuto's representatives own real estate in all countries, with a total value of hundreds of millions of dollars. They also own hotels, restaurants, bars, discos, construction, food, trade organizations, furniture factories and much more.

This criminal group is a political-religious organization and has been banned for more than ten years. The Mungiki want to revive the traditional religion of Africa, but so far they have only advanced massacres and conflicts with government officials.