The September 2016 full moon will occur on September 16th. The full moon on September 16, 2016 will occur at 22.06 Moscow time. The full moon is the peak of the lunar cycle, when the moon is fully illuminated by the rays of the sun. Magic rituals on the full moon - these are rituals for money on the full moon, rituals on the full moon for love.Full moon ceremonies and rituals are usually performed at night, when the full moon is visible in the sky. The magic of the full moon is successful for performing rituals for money on the full moon, rituals on the full moon for love, and other rituals on the full moon that are aimed at acquiring or increasing something. The Full Moon in August will occur in the sign of Pisces. On the full moon day itself, it is best to avoid contact, relax and meditate. Rituals and rituals for the full moon are performed at the peak of the full moon, which falls on a different lunar day each month and on different time, which can be found out by the lunar calendar.

In this lunar month of the full moon in Pisces, you need to try not to go into illusions. At this time, all the desired fantasies are activated, but there is not enough courage to look at the situation realistically. On this day it is better to relax and meditate. And throughout the month, keep yourself and your thoughts and expectations under control.

Full Moon days always increase activity and add energy. Every day we are drawn to illogical, inconsistent actions. Therefore, it is better to do analytical work. There will always be something that needs planning and analysis. Such activities bring peace of mind and are useful for any business.

On the day of the full moon, it is good to bring your projects to their logical conclusion. Right now you will have enough strength to do this. On this special lunar day, a person can gain sober thinking, a sharp mind and deep intelligence! His vision of the world can become so clear and clear that one can realize one’s eternal spiritual nature, and all pressing problems will become less complex, and their solutions will come by themselves. On the full moon, you can find the answers to your questions yourself. Full moons are associated with completion, and there may be an opportunity to get out of an unpleasant situation. If the decision has come to break off a burdensome relationship, then the full Moon will give the determination necessary for this.

It is good to fast during the full moon, because on these days the body reacts sharply to all substances entering it. Swelling often occurs. Floods are the most common natural disaster. The energies of the full moon begin to be felt three days before the full moon and the influence of this period lasts three days after the full moon.

On full moon days, all processes associated with filling, flow, and liquids are activated. During a full moon, the human psyche is subject to sudden changes and easily succumbs to various provocations, explosions and inappropriate states.

During the full moon, you can use various rituals and rituals to influence your success in business and attract profit.

On a full moon, all rituals for receiving or attracting something act very quickly and powerfully, because the moon at this time is at its strongest. energetic force. As a result of this, you will be able to get what you want before the next lunar month.

Full moon ritual to attract money and prosperity

On a full moon, you need to go outside, to the balcony or go to the window, stand under the moonlight and show the moon your open wallet with money. In this case you need to say the words:

“Money to money, I don’t save, I multiply, I protect myself from debts and waste. Just as you, the moon, are full in the sky, so let my treasury be full.”

After that the biggest banknote put it in an empty compartment of your wallet; it cannot be spent until the next full moon. This money will be money talisman, will open new ones for you cash flows and preserve your existing wealth.

Women's ritual on the full moon forfilling with lunar energy

In order to increase their mystical power, women used to use special rituals on full moon. At the peak of the full moon, you need to stand under the Moon for about two hours, thus becoming saturated with lunar energy. Another variation of this ritual is to place your bed in such a way that moonlight falls on it from the window. And sleep all night under the moonlight. And during this time - two hours in a conscious state or during moonlit night in a dream - moonlight will saturate a woman’s body so much with its lunar energy that it will literally immediately raise her level feminine energy. And in this case, pregnancy is possible, even if the woman for a long time could not conceive a child. With such increased filling of lunar energy, feminine strength will increase significantly. Also, a Woman’s lunar energy will be directed towards creating the desired world around herself or her family, fulfilling a desire or attracting love.

Use the tips of our professional astrologers to find out what awaits you in the coming week:

The forecast is compiled for the next 30 days, and includes a numerological forecast for each day, what is better to do or not to do on selected days, favorable and Not favorable days, the energy potential of each day.

This layout will show the state of your affairs and events for the coming week. If you want to know all the main events, trends, opportunities and feasible plans for the week that concern you specifically, then this layout will answer your main questions and even show hidden sides that you had no idea about. Thanks to the layout, you will understand which plans are feasible, what to focus on, what is better to refuse and what result to expect after the actions you take, as well as what can happen regardless of your desire or participation and how to eliminate all undesirable consequences.

Personal astrological horoscope for a week (any 7 days). Accurate calculations according to you natal chart, compiled professional astrologers, will tell you what events await you in all areas: love and family, work and health.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

Be the host, not the guest.

Be the host, not the guest. The owner is the one who may or may not allow entry. Who can question the guest? Who doesn't need local guides in their home. Whoever has stocks of food and provisions, stocks of weapons. Who had a rest before meeting the guest.
The guest is the one who must ask permission to enter. And if he enters without asking, he may meet with a very different reception. Who doesn't know this house well and needs a local guide. Who has only such supplies that he took with him. Those who have come a long way need rest. Who is forced to answer the owner’s questions if he does not want to quarrel with him.
Be the host, not the guest.
I don't go, but they come towards me.
I have rested and am waiting for the tired ones.
I am full and waiting for the hungry.
Behind me is a mountain of knowledge of the area and conditions, behind them is a swamp of ignorance.
I have an advantage, and they have to fight for it. When choosing the time and place of the meeting, they strive to be, if possible, in the role of the owner: he needs me, not me - let him come to me!
And if I need him: okay, I’ll come to you when it’s convenient for you?
Equals meet more often on neutral territory. Another thing is if there is not even a slight conflict, even a slight competition of interests, then it does not matter where to meet.
But the guest is not only the one who comes. The guest and the one on whose initiative the meeting took place. It happens that they do not meet for a long time, since no one wants to be the initiator of the meeting, although all parties have a need for it. Also a guest is the one who first raised some new topic. The one to whom it is offered may begin to ask questions, and after asking, refuse to discuss it, citing something. The guest always takes risks. First, he is forced to answer all the questions, and then the owner can turn him away. And you take the information provided back! To reduce the degree of risk, intermediaries are chosen. Only after the owner gives the intermediary consent to discuss issues of interest with the guest, the meeting will take place. Or the mediator directly discusses who will take part in the meeting in what role, in what capacity. And if agreement is reached, then the meeting is postponed.
An experienced guest prefers to change places with the host. Even if the meeting was on his initiative, he may ask: you can probably guess why I wanted to meet with you? And if the owner begins to show insight, he will instantly turn into a guest. Because a former guest, having become a host, may begin to ask: why do you think so? Who told you about this? Why didn’t you come to me yourself? and other.
Being a master is not only an external position, but also an internal one. This is the art of moving in geographic and social space all the time to occupy the not yet occupied advantageous role of the owner.

September 1 0:00 - September 3 3:55- at noon on September 1st there will be a New Moon and a new Lunar month will begin. Until the Moon moves far enough away from the Sun, do not take important decisions. It will be difficult for you to understand yourself. But from noon on September 2, the renewal of some area of ​​life will begin. For now, focus on intrinsic motivation to change. The waxing Moon in Virgo will help you pay attention to little things and take into account all the nuances of future actions. For residents of the corresponding time zones, the first hours of September 3 are important: you can expect a significant idea, news, meeting.

September 3 3:55 - September 5 15:38- the growing Moon in Libra will draw your attention to relationships with other people. You will actively build personal and business connections. The second theme of this period will be beauty and aesthetics. On September 3 at lunchtime you will satisfy your desire to surround yourself with beautiful things, look good and communicate with pleasant people in a museum, at an exhibition, in a beauty salon or on a date.

September 5 15:38 - September 8 4:19- waxing Moon in Scorpio. Everything you do, you will do with great passion. It will be difficult for you to communicate with loved ones, because suspicion, sarcasticity and agitation will awaken in you. But your insight will sharpen, and when communicating with strangers you will clearly see their true motives. Determination and thirst for change will increase in character. Don't rush into action.

September 8 4:19 - September 10 15:54- waxing Moon in Sagittarius. September 8-9 - the most important days this month. Some problem or task will force you to wake up from your inner experiences and pay attention to external world. From now on you will begin to take active action. You will have a lot of strength and great desire solve a problem or achieve something you want. On September 10, you will be confident in your abilities and even self-confident. You will begin to act on a wave of optimism.

September 10 15:54 - September 13 0:28- waxing Moon in Capricorn. This good time for events that must occur strictly according to plan, and for brief conversations on the matter. On the evening of September 11th, anxiety and pickiness will increase. Do not watch the news at this time, do not read newspapers and do not talk about politics, but take a bath and listen to good music.

September 13 0:28 - September 15 7:05- waxing Moon in Aquarius. You will want freedom and novelty. This is the right time to tell fortunes about the future and find out what changes await you and what you need to strive for. In communication you will be nervous, but friendly. It will be easier for you to communicate big company to different interesting topics than having a heart-to-heart talk with a loved one.

Waning Moon and Full Moon

September 15 7:05 - September 17 7:22- Moon in Pisces. On September 15, you will have blurred emotions and vague desires - what is poetically called “languor of the soul.” In the evening, an emotionally charged event awaits: impressions of a certain work of art, a surge of intuition or creative inspiration. On September 16, in the morning you will be in suspense - you will feel the approaching Full Moon (its exact time is 22:05). Something memorable will happen on this day. Then rest until the Moon leaves the sign of Pisces.

September 17 7:22 - September 19 7:57- the waning Moon in Aries provokes senseless recklessness. Be careful, because even if you are a calm person, there are plenty of risk-takers and gamblers around. Usually they control themselves, but now their brakes will fail. If you yourself are impulsive and impatient, find a safe outlet for energy: go hiking along a safe route, take part in amateur sports. On the evening of September 18, events will be the most unpredictable.

September 19 7:57 - September 21 8:52- waning Moon in Taurus; These are great days for you to relax. During this period the emphasis will be on practical side life. But don't waste your energy deciding practical issues- the waning Moon is more suitable for enjoying the fruits of the material world and sensual pleasures: good clothes, beautiful things, delicious food, physical labor, massage, sex.

September 21 8:52 - September 23 11:33- the waning Moon in Gemini will bring empty chatter, useless information and whole line small unimportant activities. These days are suitable for familiarizing yourself with periodicals, reading a light novel, making “courtesy visits”, and answering unnecessary letters that cannot simply be ignored with empty replies. It will be a pleasant walk without a specific goal.

September 23 11:33 - September 25 16:48- waning Moon in Cancer. On September 23, a problem will persistently intrude into the usual way of life. To avoid an emotional breakdown, treat her philosophically. You will have little energy to deal with it right now. But it will show you the direction for the next Lunar month. On September 24 and 25, relax at home, be capricious, allow yourself to be “small” and not decide anything.

September 25 16:48 - September 28 0:42- the waning Moon in Leo will increase the strength with which you express your feelings and add external drama to them. This good days for playing on stage. IN ordinary life both you and your interlocutors will tend to exaggerate feelings and experiences. Spend your energy on activities where it is important to attract attention to yourself. If you need something from other people, use flattery and compliments.

September 28 0:42 - September 30 10:52- waning Moon in Virgo. You will have an eye for detail and will find it easy to bring order to everything you take on. The desire for order will result in cleaning, tidying, and paperwork on September 29 at lunchtime. This is also a good time if you need extra energy to sort out the details of some issue.

September 30 10:52-24:00- waning Moon in Libra. This is the last day Lunar month. He is suitable for passively going with the flow when it comes to relationships with other people. Enjoy pleasant communication. In the evening you will find a pleasant social episode, a gift, relaxation in a theater, restaurant, or some beautiful and respectable place.

The phases of the Moon influence both the nature around us and every person, even if we do not always notice the obvious. Knowing everything about the state of the Moon, you will be able to manage your future, make only real plans and get rid of mistakes.

The New Moon in September 2016 takes place in the Zodiac Sign Virgo. And this is a favorable combination for any practical matter, for example, in order to fight bad habits, repay debts, strengthen everyday life or carry out repairs. But be careful: solar eclipse, which astronomers also scheduled for the 1st, threatens to confuse plans and turn around unpredictable consequences. To be prepared for anything, you can learn more about the September eclipses.

According to the lunar calendar, the waxing Moon will be the most favorable time in September 2016. At this time, the energy of summer has not yet given way to the energy of extinction, which often becomes more active in the fall. Until September 15, you can consider the days of summer, despite the weather, since they are charged with the sun and creative energy. During this time, you can easily close gestalts and finish things that you may have been putting off all summer.

The waxing Moon has a particularly good effect on the condition of the hair. Read more about this, especially if you are going not to indulge in autumn depression, but instead change your image along with your hairstyle or the color of your curls.

The full moon in September 2016 will appear in the sky on the 16th. The Moon is in Pisces, and this brings with it uncertainty and the first signs of the autumn blues. Drive him away! Astrologers will tell you how not to make mistakes during the Full Moon, guided by your Zodiac Sign.

Be careful with alcoholic drinks, even if you are not driving and have a meeting with friends planned for today. Strong drinks can also negatively affect the agreement between close friends, and if you are at a corporate party or among unfamiliar people, alcohol can even cause you to make a different impression than you expected.

The waning moon in September is great for taking care of your health and finances. Usually in the second half of September it is customary to stock up for winter, thinking about the first results. For many, this time will bring the well-deserved fruits of your efforts throughout the year.

Psychic Elena Yasevich can give practical advice on rituals for the aging Moon. Learn more about how to attract money and harmony into your home by clearing your mind with meditation.

In September, the Moon will wax from September 2 to September 15. Please note that the growing Moon fills the world with energy and additional astral information, so this time is very favorable for various endeavors and general renewal. You can safely make plans for the future and make important decisions. Plus, these are the most favorable days for those who want to lose weight and are deciding on a diet and those who plan to say goodbye to bad habits. In addition, on the waxing Moon it is worth planning a trip to a beauty salon, as well as various household items. cosmetic procedures, because the time is good for taking care of your appearance, in particular for.

New moon in September 2016: date when it starts according to Kyiv time

In September 2016, the Moon will be updated on Thursday, September 1 at 12.04 Kiev time. During the same period, a solar eclipse is observed. It has been noticed that during the new moon the body experiences the greatest loss of strength, because Vital energy is on the decline. Keep in mind that the new moon has a very strong effect on a person: depression may occur, negative thoughts may appear, inattention, despondency, or vice versa - increased emotionality.

But at the same time, the body is renewed, freeing itself from the burden accumulated over the month. Therefore, during this period it is favorable to carry out therapeutic fasting, arrange a fasting day, or start a diet. Also, the new moon period is good for getting rid of bad habits and making plans for the future.

Favorable days in September 2016 according to the lunar calendar for the month: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30.
Unfavorable days in September 2016 according to the lunar calendar for the month: 1, 9, 16, 17, 18, 23, 27, 28.