Photo by Oleg Panteleev Wild boar (wild pig) has long been a coveted trophy of hunters all over the world. It is a serious, intelligent and quick-witted animal. In the old days it was called a boar. He is always ready to stand up for himself and at the same time can be very dangerous. Here is what Alexander Alexandrovich Cherkasov writes about this in his book "Notes of a Hunter of Eastern Siberia": "... look at the cleaver, when the dogs catch up with him, the hunters stop, fly up and surround him from all sides, and he, seeing the trouble, will begin to defend himself All the wool on it stands on end, eyes burn with courage and throw terrible sparks, white foam pours out of the mouth in clubs, and the chopper then stands motionless, waiting for an attack, puffs and sharpens his huge white fangs with fury, then rushes at the enemies with an arrow and boldly, with a swift, resilient swoop he knocks down brave fighters, crosses in two like a mitten, throws them up with a snout, smacks with fangs like a knife, makes terrible fatal wounds, releases intestines ... One turn of his snout is enough to kill an unwary hunter who decides to approach him too close and somehow blunders ... "It is not for nothing that the Russian people still have a saying:" You go to a bear - take a straw, go to a wild boar - drag a coffin. " And yet you should not be in awe of the boar. It's just that when meeting with him, you need to be careful and restrained. And most importantly, you should not fuss and let fear paralyze your mind. In the external appearance of the wild boar, one can clearly see its adaptability to life in dense forest thickets and reed supports. A large wedge-shaped head, which occupies almost a third of the entire body, a massive neck and a powerful, laterally compressed body, allow him, in case of danger, to run in impassable forest crevices and through thickets of thorny bushes with amazing speed. The legs of the wild boar are short, strong, covered with coarse hair.
    Tail of moderate length, with a brush at the end, reaching the heel joint. Running away from danger, the boar is able to reach speeds of up to 40 km / h, make jumps up to 4 meters in length, up to 1.5 meters in height, and run 10-15 kilometers without rest. He swims quickly and easily, coping with a rather strong current, walks confidently through swamps, climbs steep slopes. The wild boar is a natural all-terrain vehicle, and only deep snow fetters its maneuverability. He only seems overweight and clumsy. In fact, the boar is fast and agile. His throws are lightning fast, Adult boar reaches impressive size. With a height of 120 cm at the withers, its length sometimes exceeds 2 meters, and its weight reaches 300 kg or more. It is perfectly "armed". He has well-developed canines. They are so big that they stick out. The canines of the upper jaw are blunt and short, coming out of the gums and curving upward. The canines of the lower jaw (triangular and very sharp) grow in males throughout their life and by the age of 7 they reach a length of 8-10 centimeters. They are never stupid, since the upper ones, in close contact with them, serve as a touchstone for their constant sharpening. It is with the lower tusks that the boar "does miracles: with them he breaks, pricks, whips and whips". It is not without reason that male boars are often called choppers. Although the female has fangs, they are much smaller than those of the males, and do not protrude outward, and therefore she is not so dangerous. The hair of wild boars is well developed. In winter, it consists of hard and long bristles, split at the end, which form a kind of mane on the back, and a coarse thick undercoat. The color of the bristles is dark brown with light ends, sometimes grayish, almost white. The undercoat is chestnut brown. The most characteristic of wild boars is dark brown or dark brown color with darker colored legs, sometimes completely black. Summer hairline consists of sparse and short bristles. The color is brownish-gray, sometimes ash-gray. The wild boar is very careful and, as a rule, leaves when a person appears, but a wounded or furious pursuit often abandons all caution and rushes to the hunter. He has perfectly developed hearing and sense of smell. Vision is less developed. However, it cannot be underestimated. Even at a distance of 100-150 meters, the wild boar notices the slightest movement of the hunter and immediately changes the direction of its movement. The way of life is gregarious, and only old males live alone. Each herd has a strict chain of command. The leader of the herd, as a rule, is the oldest pig. Before estrus begins, which occurs in November-December, a male cleaver comes into the herd and becomes its leader. By this time, he has thickened skin on the neck and sides - up to 4-5 cm. This thickening is called kalkan. It consists of strong elastic fibers, between which are interspersed with fat cells and sweat glands, Kalkan with two strong shields protects the boar's sides, neck and chest from the sharp fangs of rivals. All young males older than 9-10 months of age are expelled from the herd. The cleaver copulates with all sexually mature females of the herd and jealously protects its harem from the invasion of other males. A wild and terrible battle is tied up with an alien, and more often than with other animals, the battle ends with the death or terrible wounds of one or another male. But especially fierce battles take place between equal and the same age fighters. They always end with the death of one of the rivals. The strongest, lively and dangerous males are considered to be 6-7 years old. At this time, they are in their prime. After all the females of the herd are covered, the boars leave the herd and take refuge in the strongest places, where they live "in splendid isolation." In their place are young lovers who live with the fertilized females until the beginning of spring. The age limit for wild pigs in a herd is 8-10 years. Pregnancy of females lasts about 4 months. In the second half of March or April, piglets are born, usually 5-7 in a litter, in some cases up to 10. The weight of newborn piglets ranges from 750 to 1200 grams. Piglets are born sighted, well-pubescent and striped - against a brown background of wool, longitudinal light stripes about 2 cm wide run along the back and sides. Hunters call pigs at this time "sailors". In the early days, the piglets do not leave the mother. In cold weather, they do not appear outside until two weeks or more.
    Pigs are very caring mothers, they bravely protect their cubs and in the first month after farrowing they are especially aggressive, rushing towards any animal or person who dares to approach the brood closer than 30-40 meters. In the herd, every pig protects every pig as his own. The fact is that quite often several females with piglets are united into one herd, to which the gilts driven away during farrowing also join. Piglets grow rapidly and already in December weigh about 15 kg. The habitats of wild boars are floodplains, reed thickets, dense mixed forests, especially rich in shrubs. In the North Caucasus, they live in almost impenetrable forests, overgrown with a tree and intertwined with thorny liana. As omnivores, wild boars nonetheless mainly consume easily obtainable plant foods. They feed on rhizomes of cattail, reeds, reeds, grass, fruits of wild apple trees, nuts and acorns. From cultivated plants they prefer corn, In addition, crops of wheat, barley, potatoes, and especially buckwheat and millet are exposed to their raids. They also eat shellfish, worms, frogs, snakes, and sometimes carrion. During feeding, they always move against the wind in order to sense danger in advance. In summer, wild boars feed throughout the night, rising from their beds before the sun sets. In winter, especially in severe frosts, they are active later in the day and feed during the warmest part of the day. Bathing is a characteristic feature of their behavior. They bathe daily, even in cold weather. At the same time, they prefer dirty clay reservoirs and potholes and puddles filled with water. It is extremely rare to swim in rivers with clean water. Boars need water so much that they make transitions to find it no less than to search for food. In their habitats, wild boars cause great harm to the environment. It is known that an increase in their numbers is always accompanied by a sharp decrease in the number of upland game. Observations carried out in the spring of 1976 showed that about 50% of capercaillie clutches, more than 80% of grouse and about 30% of hazel grouse clutches die from wild boars. The numbers are impressive! Eating a large number of acorns, wild boars significantly undermine the forage base of deer and almost completely stop the seed reproduction of oak. In the cold season, they often lay down on anthills, which are previously torn apart. After that, the anthills freeze, and the ants die. Wild boars inflict great damage on plantings of agricultural crops, and fields located in forest areas or in close proximity to them suffer more than others from their raids. Moreover, they do not so much eat as trample. That is why in Western Europe they are allowed to be shot all year round. And look what they do with the sod layer? Where a herd of wild pigs was feeding, it was dug up to a depth of 30 cm, raised and turned over. As a result, tens of square meters of land remain in an extremely unsightly state for a long time. And the last thing. Many believe that the meat of cleavers has an unpleasant specific smell, which reduces its taste, and sometimes makes it completely unsuitable for eating. This is a deep misconception. The unpleasant smell of wild boar meat is not its primary property. It is acquired as a result of careless and improper cutting of the carcass. More recently, the range of wild boars in Russia was limited to the North Caucasus, the lower Volga, southeastern Altai, Transbaikalia, the middle reaches of the Amur and the Ussuri region. In the central part, including on the territory of the Moscow region, it was not. But in 1941, driven by the war, wild boars appeared in the Volokolamsk district of the Moscow region. In the winter of 1950, they were already recorded on the territory of the Voronezh Reserve, and from January 1953 they began to be systematically observed in the Arkhangelsk region. They are rapidly mastering more and more new spaces. By 1970, wild boars had already populated most of European Russia and became quite common throughout the Moscow region, often found in its forests and agricultural lands. At present, the northern border of the boar range in Russia reaches the White Sea in the European part to the northern coast of Lake Baikal in Asia. habitat in Eurasia. Now, three subspecies of wild boars live within Russia: - European-Caucasian, which has firmly established itself in the European part of the Federation and in the North Caucasus. Adults weigh from 160 to 260 kg; - Mongolian (Transbaikalian), widespread in Transbaikalia. This is the smallest of our boars. Its weight is 55-90 kg; - Far Eastern (Ussuriysk), inhabiting the territory of the Amur Region, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories. This is the largest wild boar. The weight of adult males reaches 320 kg.
    HUNTING METHODS Wild boar is a game animal that provides meat, skin and bristles. The hunt for him is very emotional. Hunting methods are varied. Let's dwell on the main ones and, first of all, on individual hunting methods.
    Hunting on grasses This method is practiced when pigs begin to raid the fields of maturing crops. The main conditions for the success of this method are good cover and suitable wind direction. The wind should blow from the stern field towards the ambush and in no case vice versa. Entrances are usually arranged on suitable trees at the edge of the field, not far from boar trails, since it is better to observe the animal from above. In this case, the sector of the intended shooting is always chosen so that the shooting is carried out in an open space, and not in the direction of the forest edge, since at dusk, and especially at night, the wild boars will be invisible against the background of the forest. You can, of course, arrange a skradok on the ground, but below it is more difficult to see the wild boars, since the stems of the plants will interfere, and the animals can smell the hunter faster. You need to take the sneak at least an hour and a half before the arrival of the wild boars, so that the smell of your footprints disappears during this time. An approaching herd can be heard from afar (crunching of dead wood, stamping, squealing of piglets). In front of the field, animals usually stop and listen. The first to enter the open space are pigs, then pigs with piglets. The chopper always comes out last. Hunting from blind spots in the North Caucasus has its own characteristics. Boars have a sweet tooth and love to feast on melons and watermelons, and they always choose the ripe ones. They want to go to apple orchards. With the onset of moonlit nights, some hunters dig deep ambushes during the day right on the melons and in the gardens. And with the onset of darkness, they wait for hours in them for the arrival of wild boars. No matter how cautious the wild boar may be, sometimes it approaches the shooter literally 10-15 steps.
    Hunting from a tower at feeding This method is a kind of hunting from an ambush and fundamentally differs little from it. The difference is that you do not need to look for and choose a place for an ambush, since it has already been selected, and the ambush itself has already been done and, as a rule, thorough. There is no need to look for wild boars either, they will come on their own and will pound in a clean place some 15-20 meters from the tower. The whole point of hunting in this way boils down to waiting for the arrival of wild boars without smoking and coughing, and then firing a rifle at a large and motionless target. It seems that everything is business! However, in practice, everything is much more complicated. This is only for the "cool" feeding platforms near the towers are illuminated, and in their hands they hold large-caliber hunting rifles with night vision sights. Ordinary mortals, especially if there is no moon, often have to sit in pitch darkness. Shooting in these conditions is not easy. If you can still aim in the direction, since the wild boars are quite clearly visible against the background of snow, then it is practically impossible to aim correctly in pitch, because neither the front sight nor the aiming bar of the gun is visible. Sticking strips of white paper on the aiming bar or covering the front sight with a luminous compound does not give the desired effect. Someone came up with the idea of ​​using LEDs complete with a 1.5 volt round battery. And it went! One LED was mounted near the front sight, the second - in the middle of the aiming bar. Well, then who will adapt how. This "system" turns on only at the moment of aiming.
    Hunting from under the dog from the approach This is one of the most interesting and prey methods of hunting. But in this case, you need to have firmness of mind, iron endurance and confidence in your abilities, and your dogs must "keep" the beast well. Otherwise, I do not recommend tempt fate! Perhaps yes, I suppose they are unacceptable here! If a dog barking is heard all the time from one place, it means that the dogs have stopped and "hold" the boar. In this case, you need to rush to the aid of your four-legged friends without delay. If the voices of the dogs move, then the animal is leaving, and the dogs are chasing it. You need to either go to intercept, or set off in pursuit: it all depends on the nature of the terrain and the prevailing situation. You should always approach the boar from behind or from the side and as close as possible. Be sure to shoot while standing, and not from your knee, so that in case of a miss, the charge goes into the ground, and does not rush somewhere into the distance. After all, besides you, there may be other hunters in this area of ​​the forest, and just random people. For a long time, huskies and hounds were used when hunting for wild boar. But likes are still used today and deserve the highest praise. They were out of competition. West Siberian huskies work on the wild boar recklessly, with great anger, stop it with painful grips from behind (in place), deftly rebound from the blows of the animal, preventing it from moving. However, because of their gladiatorial nature, they often die.
    Hiding without a dog This is the most difficult way to hunt. It is best to steal wild boars at nightfall, in mild, windy weather, when they are on the fat. A herd of pigs feeding usually makes a lot of noise. Hunters take advantage of this and sometimes come close to wild boars. But for this you need to see the beast before it detects your presence. You need to approach the boar from the leeward side and do this only when it eats (chomping is heard) and wags its tail. If he stops eating (no chomping is heard), and his tail hangs down, it means that he paid attention to something and listens - freeze and do not move, Movement can be resumed when chomping is heard again. You can hide wild boars while lying down, but this is done during the day, along the white path. You should move carefully, often stopping and carefully inspecting all suspicious places: dug anthills, black spots under the paws of spreading firs, where boars love to arrange their hayna. Some individuals sleep so soundly that they can be approached literally 20-30 steps.
    Watching wild boars in reed thickets This method is especially emotional, since there are no trees to hide behind if necessary, no stumps or boulders where you can jump to dodge the attack of the wild boar. Yes, and underfoot there is always a quagmire, which significantly hinders the movement of the hunter. Once, while in Poland, I had the opportunity to take part in a similar hunt. There were three of us. The huntsman showed us the peat trails along which the wild boars move in the reed jungle. It is pertinent to note here that boars are conservative in nature. They love to walk the same paths, fatten and spend the day rest in permanent places. I chose a place 10 meters away from the manhole trodden by the boars, loaded my gun and waited. Twilight was rapidly deepening. The place on which I recklessly stood up turned out to be rather swampy, and after a few minutes my ankle-deep legs were plunged into a black, fetid slurry. - It would be necessary to put a board under your feet, "- an afterthought flashed in my head. But, as they say," a good thought comes afterwards! " will spread that further watching for wild boars would lose all meaning. I had to accept the situation and watch with anguish as my legs sank deeper and deeper into the quagmire. The situation was stupid, and I somehow felt uncomfortable. a shot, a squeal of a pig and the stomp of a running herd was heard. I took off my "merkel" from the safety catch and prepared to meet this running crowd. With great difficulty I freed my legs out of the quagmire and lit a cigarette. My hands trembled treacherously ... And now, if possible, let us dwell in detail on the collective wild boar hunt. such a hunt is undoubtedly a corral. Outwardly, it is very reminiscent of a round-up elk hunt. However, it has its own characteristics, since it is fraught with a certain risk for both beaters and shooters. It is almost impossible to drive the boars out where they do not want to go. They will defend themselves in the strongest places, rush in front of the beaters and eventually break through the line of the latter. I remember one of my first hunts in Germany. Then, in the very first pen, we successfully overlaid a small herd. These were mainly pigs from last year's droppings, which now and then flickered before the eyes of the beaters, preferring their noisy neighborhood to the ominous silence standing on the shooting lines. We combed this area three times, but we didn’t put the boars on the shooters. Obviously, the herd was led by someone with solid experience and who knew that the silence ahead was deceiving and that it could explode with the roar of gunfire at any moment. Then we left the shooting line only at the end of the corral, and all the others in a dense line once again tried to push this cunning company under the shots. In the event of a breakthrough of wild boars through the chain of beaters, it was allowed to shoot in a salary, but only "in hijacking". And when the line of beaters approached the rifle line for the fourth time, the wild boars went for a breakthrough. One of the participants in the hunt later said: "I hear a wild boar" hooted "ahead and the bushes crackled. The first thought is to determine the direction of its movement and give way." As soon as he had time to jump aside, a huge cleaver jumped out of the thicket, two meters to the left. The bristles on the nape of the neck stand on end, white foam falls from the fanged mouth ... Not having time to properly attach the gun, he fired. Naturally, by. A large pig jumped out after the cleaver and just under the bar of the hunter's gun. The shot hit the kill site, and nevertheless the pig ran another 100 meters. They found it without much difficulty: the bushes on the left and right in the course of its movement were abundantly splattered with blood. If there are no dogs in the pen, then the pigs with piglets are always the first to come out of the salary. In front of a shooting line, which, as a rule, stands on a clearing or along the road, they usually stop, tread on the spot, sniff, and only then go to a breakthrough, while nothing can change the direction of their movement: neither the sight of standing shooters, nor the shouts of beaters nor the roar of shots. As a rule, this occurs in areas with the densest vegetation and poor visibility. It is useless to wait for the boars to come out in a clean place. If there are dogs in the salary, and even more so if they have already found pigs and are chasing them with a voice, the latter always leave their pursuers on the swing and no longer make any stops. They are racing, as they say, "headlong". In Germany and the countries of Eastern Europe, jagdterriers and dachshunds are often used as hounds, which beaters usually carry on their hands and release them "to climb" only at the beginning of the corral. Of course, they cannot stop the boar, but they indicate the direction of its movement quite clearly. Cleavers almost always stand in one place during round-up hunts. They cautiously listen to what is happening, sniff and leave their "sludge" only after the end of the rut and removal of the hunters from the rifle numbers. Sometimes they go in the direction of the greatest noise and break through the chain of beaters. Unlike their brethren, the cleavers usually leave the salary where no one even thought of placing shooters: by bare felling, in the direction of the village, etc. The cleavers are not afraid of dogs. It is a matter of chance to get an old cleaver on a raid, and it happens very rarely. I will tell you about one such case. It was in Germany. That time we hunted together with the Germans. And according to their rules, the shooters are placed on the numbers with their backs to the corral and shooting is allowed only at the beast emerging from the frame. I was placed on a forest road that ran through a dense planting of a young spruce tree, the tops of which barely reached my chin. From above, a fine rain mixed with snow was constantly pouring down. We were all pretty wet and chilled. To prevent the bullets in the bandolier from swelling, I hid it under a camouflage suit and buttoned up all the buttons. In the first two corrals, the animal did not go out to the shooting line, and, frankly speaking, I did not even expect to meet the wild boar. But as soon as the horn sounded, alerting the hunters of the start of the rut, something incredible began to happen behind me: the barking of dogs, shooting, the shouts of the beaters. The feeling is as if with a large crowd of spectators at the trap shooting competitions you are standing on the fourth number of the round stand area and waiting for the saucer to fly out, only you do not know when and in which direction you will have to shoot, and therefore you glance now to the left and then to the right. As the beaters approached, the tension grew. The salary is still the furious barking of dogs and the screams of beaters, and my number is dull, "like in a tank." I was about to commemorate the leader of the hunt with an unkind word when a branch snapped on my right. I sharply turn the body to the right: about 12 meters from me a huge cleaver runs across the road, At some moment he blocked it all, like a dam a river. I shoot offhand. Past! And the front part of the boar's body has already disappeared into the spruce forest. Almost with a throw I make the leash with the gun to the left and pull the second trigger. There is! I see how the tops of the spruce forest "boiled", indicating the movements of the wild boar. Having run 10 meters by inertia, he energetically turns in my direction. I frantically rip the clasps on the camouflage suit, trying to get to the bandolier, the valves of which (what carelessness! ) are also buttoned. The neighbor on the left runs down the road to my rescue. But I've already pulled out one cartridge and put it in the chamber. "Stop!" I give him a sign with my hand and see how a whole herd of wild boars, pursued by dogs, sweeps across the place where he was just standing. And in front of me, in the spruce forest, angry barking and some squelching wheezing. The tops of the trees calmed down. I catch my breath. Finally, the sound of the horns is heard in the forest - the last signal. I begin to wade through the spruce forest to my trophy, focusing on the voice of the dog. Yes, there he is! Lies head in my direction: ears drooped, stubble does not stand up. The dog, sensing my approach, boldly rushes to the carcass and starts fiddling with the boar for the "penny" - no response. It seems to have "reached." But nevertheless I go around the boar side to come up from behind, the gun at the ready. I touch the boar with my foot, its body swayed like jelly. Now for sure - ready. The neighbor is nearby. Other hunters appear. The head of the hunt comes up, breaks a spruce twig and, moistening it in blood, solemnly attaches it to my headdress.
    The behavior of the wild boar after the shot The wild boar is surprisingly strong on the wound. If a moose wounded in the stomach travels 200-300 meters, the boar with such a wound walks several kilometers. Sometimes, after a successful shot at an elk, the forest giant falls as if decimated and remains in place. But when hunting for wild boar, I do not remember a single case when even after a shot "in place" the boar would fall dead. He usually runs for a while. With a broken heart, he can go 100 meters. The wild boar is especially strong on the wound in late autumn, when a kalkan forms under its skin. A sure sign of a wounded boar is a drooping tail. Compared to other ungulates, the wounded boar produces significantly less blood, which is explained by the tightening of the wound with adipose tissue. Even with a serious injury, blood does not appear on the trail immediately, but only after two or three jumps. Usually, blood appears in the form of rare drops after 100-150 meters. Therefore, it is imperative to follow the trail of the shot beast at least 250 meters, even when the shooter claims that he missed. An abundance of blood in the snow indicates a serious injury. If the blood beats in jerks, the heart is broken. The presence of many sprayed droplets of blood indicates lung injury. Sometimes, when a charge hits, the boar makes a groaning sound, the pigs squeal. When a charge hits the upper part of the body, the boar writhes, in the lower part it jumps. If the animal, after falling, tries to climb on its front legs, the spine is damaged. If, after the shot, the boar falls and beats on the ground for several seconds, and then rises and rushes away, this indicates a tangential wound to the skull.
    Precautions If possible, always take a shooting spot near a tree, stump or boulder so that in case of danger you can hide behind them. Standing on the number, first understand the location of the adjacent numbers, indicate yourself by raising your hand, and only then load the gun. Never shoot at an obscurely visible target, rustle or noise. Do not leave the room until the "hang up" command is given. But even after this command, approach the fallen beast carefully, with a gun ready to fire. Best suited from the back or side. You cannot approach from the front. Quite often, a boar that seems to have been killed is in fact still alive and has enough strength to rush at an approaching hunter. Always pay attention to his ears and the woolly covering on the nape: if the ears are flattened, and the bristles on the nape stand on end, then the animal is still alive and dangerous. But getting too close, take a control shot in the ear. Keep in mind that the old cleaver, with a barely shot, can rush at the hunter without even being wounded. Never shoot a wild boar "with a bayonet"; it is better to let it pass and hit it at 6o or along the ridge to steal it. The best shots are under the ear and under the front scapula. Chasing a wounded boar; always dangerous. In these cases, he is hammered into the very support, hides and, as a rule, rushes to a suitable hunter. You can evade his throw by jumping to the side. Having run past, the boar rarely repeats its attack. The accidental fall of the hunter in this situation usually ends tragically. Never start tracing a wounded boar at dusk, and do not let two dogs follow the trail at once, as they lose caution in pairs.
    Boris Abramov National hunting magazine "Okhota" №5 - 2002

    Hunters usually include wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, white and tundra partridges, and sometimes woodcock to the category of upland game.

    Common wood grouse is a typical taiga bird. Leads a sedentary lifestyle, only occasionally, irregularly and not far away in the autumn-winter period. Distributed in the forest belt of Europe, western and central Siberia (up to Baikal). Begins to show even before the appearance of the first thawed patches. The current male spreads its tail like a fan, quietly clicks, chirps. Where wood grouses are few, males go singly. The height of the current coincides with the intense melting of snow in the forest. After the mating period, the wood grouse begins to molt, and they hide in dense and littered areas of the forest. Only the female participates in raising the offspring. Chicks hatch in mid-June and later. In the early days, they feed on ants and other insects, later they begin to peck at plants - green shoots, inflorescences, berries and seeds. In winter, wood grouses feed almost exclusively on needles. In the larch forests of Eastern Siberia, the stone capercaillie lives - a close relative of the common capercaillie, with which it sometimes forms hybrids. The stone capercaillie differs from the common one in its smaller size, black beak, and long tail. It walks on the ground (although it often begins to sing on a tree) and does not stall at the same time. His song also sounds different - without clicking and chirping. The hazel grouse is distributed from the western border of the CIS to the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Inhabits spruce and mixed forests with dense undergrowth. A resident bird, occasionally and irregularly roams in winter. It willingly settles along the valleys of streams and small taiga rivers. Puberty occurs at the age of one year. During the mating season, which begins in late March - early April, hazel grouses can form pairs. The male is always near the incubating female, and then the brood. Usually eggs no more than 10, rarely up to 15. They are brilliant brown with rare reddish specks and strokes, sometimes without them. The female sits firmly in the nest, flies up from under her feet and sometimes allows herself to be taken with her hands. Incubation lasts about three weeks. Young hazel grouses, barely dry, leave the nest and together with the female go to forest glades and edges, where they find food in abundance. The first broods are seen in mid-June. Three-week-old hazel grouses already spend the night in trees, and in August they are already indistinguishable from adults. They feed on insects, mollusks, berries, alder and birch leaves, peck at tree buds, birch inflorescences and young shoots. Broods break up in autumn. The hazel grouses spend winter in pairs or alone in the same places where they nest.
    Black grouse lives in the forest and forest-steppe zones of Europe and Asia. Prefers edges, clearings, sparse deciduous forests, alternating with fields; avoids the deep taiga. A sedentary bird, only occasionally undertaking long migrations in winter in search of places rich in food. In the past, when there were many black grouses, nomadic flocks of 300-500 birds were not uncommon even for the European part of the country, but now their winter flocks do not exceed several dozen. Winter food for black grouse consists mainly of plant buds, primarily birch. During the day, the flock feeds in the trees, at night it buries itself in the snow and sleeps there. In frost and a blizzard, black grouse can sit under the snow for a long time, until noon, but usually they fly out to feed at dawn. If at night the thaw is replaced by frost, those who spend the night under the snow of the black grouse in the morning find themselves in an ice trap. This is one of the reasons for the death of black grouse in winter. In spring - in March - grouse currents begin with the first thawed patches. The place for the currents is chosen on the edges, among the swamps. The cocks who have flown here “chufykat”, “mutter”, spread their tail like a fan, and fight. Where there are few black grouses, they walk one by one, sometimes in the middle of the field, far from the edges or in the trees, without going down to the ground. The peak of the currents is in April. Black grouse do not form permanent pairs, and males do not take part in incubating and caring for offspring. Nests are arranged under a bush or a small tree, not far from the currents and near the berry fields. If the eggs of the first clutch die, the female lays 2-4 more eggs. In June - early July, chicks hatch from the eggs, and after a week, feathers on their wings grow. In the morning, they feed on berry fields, in fries and unmown meadows and glades; when the bread is ripe, the birds visit them regularly. In late August and early September, young black grouse fight off the female and lead an independent life. Summer food of black grouse - berries, grains of cereals, inflorescences of forest grasses, partly insects.
    The Caucasian black grouse lives in the alpine belt of the Main Caucasian ridge and the Lesser Caucasus. It differs from the ordinary one in its smaller size; in males the braids of the tail are bent down, in females there is a smaller “streaky” pattern on the chest. In winter, it descends from the mountains into tall fir forests.

    White partridge- (Central Russian subspecies is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation). The distribution area of ​​this bird occupies the north of the European part, Siberia, North Kazakhstan. In the tundra it nests on moss bogs and burned-out areas, in the southern parts of the range - along river valleys and willow thickets. In winter, it makes irregular migrations, the length of which depends on the yield of fodder. In the alpine belt of mountains and tundra, partridges wander, moving to places more suitable for wintering. These birds are interesting for the protective plumage change. In winter, they are snow-white, with a black beak and black extreme tail feathers, in summer they have a reddish-brown plumage. Various combinations of red-brown and white are characteristic of the spring and autumn plumage of these birds. In winter, a flock of partridges keeps among shrub willows and birches, occasionally flies up to trees and pecks up the buds. At night, the birds crawl under the snow. Their paws are densely covered with feathers, so the birds easily move through the soft snow, almost without falling through. In addition to buds, in winter, partridges feed on shoots and berries dug out from under the snow. In early spring, even before thawed patches, males begin to mourn. Then the birds are divided into pairs and placed in the nesting areas, which are vigilantly guarded from other males. At this time, fights are common among the cockerels. The nest is arranged in a fairly secluded place and is well camouflaged. An important condition for the chosen location is the ability to take off quickly and have a good view. In the tundra, where humans do not bother birds, there are openly located nests. The incubating female sits very tightly. Only the female incubates, but the male is near the nest. Chicks hatch in late June - early July (depending on weather and terrain). Barely dry, they leave the nest and with both parents go to the dense bushes, to the berry fields, where they stay until the youngsters rise on the wing. It is not uncommon for several families to join together. For partridges, several molts are characteristic: three for the female and four for the male. The ptarmigan is a herbivorous bird. Grass shoots, tree buds, plant seeds and berries form the basis of her food. Chicks, moreover, willingly eat insects.
    The tundra partridge is a medium-sized bird. The build is dense, the head is small, the relative length of the wings is slightly longer than that of other grouse birds, the tail is relatively short and slightly rounded. In winter, the toes are fully feathered. The tundra partridge lives in the arctic and moss tundra, subalpine and alpine mountain belts and penetrates further to the north than other grouse birds. Like the ptarmigan, this species has a circumpolar distribution, but its range is less extensive and has a more complex configuration. The tundra partridge lives in the north of the Kola Peninsula, the northern parts of the Ural Mountains and the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas, in Taimyr and in the Yakut tundra. Further, the northern border of the area runs mostly along the coast of the mainland, and the southern border covers the Verkhoyansk ridge and the Aldan Upland, and along the southern slopes of the Stanovoy ridge it goes to the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Within the indicated boundaries, there are no partridges in the low-lying areas of Kamchatka, the Anadyr and Penzhina valleys, and the tundra of the lower reaches of the Kolyma and Alazeya. The tundra partridge also inhabits the mountain systems of Altai, Sayan and Khamar-Daban, occurs on the Commander and Kuril Islands and Franz Josef Land. This species lives in North America, Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard, northern parts of Great Britain and Scandinavia, and the Alps and Pyrenees. Within the range of partridges, 26 subspecies are distinguished. The color of the plumage in winter is white, with the exception of black tail feathers (at their ends there are white apical stripes), black beak and dark claws. The cores of the primary flight feathers are also dark. Males have a so-called "bridle" - a black stripe running along the sides of the head from the corner of the mouth through the eye. Females do not have such stripes; only some individuals have individual black feathers in these places. In the spring, males acquire a mating outfit characterized by the presence of brown feathers scattered over the head, neck and shoulders. Females have no spring dress. The summer outfit is motley: the coloration of most of the body is formed by gray feathers with transverse black, white and yellowish stripes, the belly and wings remain white. The autumn outfit is similar to the summer one, but white winter feathers are already appearing in it. The winter molt is extended, which is an adaptation of birds to habitat in landscapes where snowless areas of the tundra alternate with areas covered with snow. In general, in appearance, the tundra partridge is very similar to its relative, the ptarmigan, and it is not easy to distinguish them in the field (especially in winter). The tundryanka differs from the latter in a more gray color of plumage in the snowless period, dark claws and shafts of primary primary feathers, the presence of a "bridle" in males, a thinner and more graceful beak and somewhat smaller size. The tundra partridge predominantly leads a terrestrial life and moves well both on hard ground and on loose snow. Like ptarmigan, birds sometimes fly up trees when feeding, but this behavior is observed much less frequently in tundra women. The periods of feeding activity are morning and evening. In winter, when daylight hours are short and feeding time is limited, daytime rest is weak. In winter, tundra partridges keep in flocks, which, however, are smaller in size than that of whites, and, as a rule, do not exceed 60-90 individuals. Most often, flocks of 5-10 birds are found. In places of cohabitation, white and tundra partridges often keep in the same flocks; the ratio of species is, as a rule, in favor of the former. Living in mixed flocks, the tundra birds largely adopt the behavioral traits of the willow grouse: they stay in stages that are not typical for them - willows, become more cautious and, in case of danger, are guided by the reaction of their more "vigilant" relatives. The tundra partridges themselves are very gullible birds: even a relatively large flock of them in every second case can be completely openly approached 40-50 meters before they begin to show signs of anxiety. Single birds let a person come even closer, and often it is possible to approach them by 5-10 m. If you do not make sudden movements, the birds do not take off, but try to escape. Tundra partridges are silent. Only during the breeding season or on the eve of it can you hear the voice of the male, reminiscent of the rolling "Crrrr ...". The female makes soft moaning sounds. The favorite habitats of tundra partridges are stony tundras characterized by alternating stone placers and areas with herbaceous, mossy, lichen, or sparse shrub cover. In the flat tundra, partridges are usually kept along the tops and slopes of hills. These birds avoid thickets of bushes during the snowless period. In winter, the distribution of partridges is determined by areas of the tundra exposed from snow, where birds can find food. In many areas, they migrate from the nesting area. In wintering places, they adhere to shrubs (alders, dwarf birches, thickets of cedar dwarf, less often - willows), since their buds and catkins form the basis of bird nutrition during this period. The food of tundra partridges within the range is very diverse. In the snowless period, the basis of the diet is the seeds of various plants, flowers and leaves of blueberries, bilberries, andromeda, bulbs of viviparous buckwheat, berries, leaves and stems of crows, blueberries, lingonberries and bearberries, leaves of dryads and various types of willows, boxes of mosses. In the north of the Far East, along with the listed feeds, birds eat cedar dwarf nuts. Animal food in the diet of adult partridges is rare, in chicks - more often, although in their diet they are not as important as in other grouse birds. Tundra partridges are monogamous. Birds become sexually mature by the end of the first year of life. In the spring, the male occupies the nesting area, which protects from the invasion of others. First of all, the birds occupy the territories freed from snow. As a rule, males march in the morning and evening hours. The timing of nesting is determined by the geographic location of the area and the weather conditions in spring. The nest is primitive and not much different from the nests of other black grouse birds. Usually the female makes a nest in an open place among stones or low bushes, sometimes among hummocks; the motley grayish color of the female's plumage makes her invisible against the background of the surrounding area. The size of a full clutch usually ranges from 5 to 9 eggs, although in some cases there may be more. Duration of incubation is 20 days. Chicks leave the nest several hours after hatching. One-day-old chicks weigh 13-14 g. The chicks grow quickly and at the age of 10 days they can already flap, and after one and a half to two months they reach the size of their parents. In most of the range, tundra partridges make seasonal migrations. The direction of migrations of partridges is primarily determined by the direction of the river beds, along the valleys of which partridges migrate. The return of tundra partridges to their nesting sites is timed to the beginning of intense snow melting.
    Woodcock is widespread throughout the CIS forest zone, with the exception of its northern strip. Winters in South and Central Asia and southern Europe, partly in the Crimea, in the Caucasus. The woodcock arrives in April. Soon after arrival, the thrust begins - the woodcock current. Craving begins at sunset, continues until dark, and stops briefly, resuming at dawn. This upland sandpiper nests in deep and dark forests rich in ravines, country roads and wet lowlands. It feeds mainly on soil invertebrates (worms and insect larvae), which it extracts with its long beak from the soft ground, in a smaller amount - on plant food. One female incubates and brings up chicks. Barely dry, chicks can run and feed on their own. In case of danger, the female carries them through the air, clamping them between the legs.
    Pigeons Of the representatives of this order, wood pigeons or whitenes are most often found in our country. It is distributed in the European part of the CIS, Western Siberia, east to the Irtysh and in Central Asia. Migrant. Appears at the end of April May. Soon after arriving on a tree (mainly CONIFEROUS), he builds a nest or finds a suitable (empty) crow. Both parents are involved in incubating eggs and in all other cares for the chicks. Young chicks are completely helpless. Adult birds feed them, regurgitating "goiter milk". Grown young growth, like adults, feeds on plant food. In autumn, wood pigs often fly out to feed in the fields. They often and willingly drink, fly to the watering hole in the same place several times a day. Pigeons spend the night in tall trees. In addition to the wood pigeon, in the hunting grounds of our country there are other pigeons - smaller and less important for fishing and amateur hunting: rock pigeon, clintuch, common and ringed turtle doves, etc. A trip abroad is always a responsible step and so as not to "fly over" better to book your tickets in advance. Early booking allows you not to worry if the tickets you need will be fulfilled on the day of departure.

    Good and predictable results in terms of accuracy and lethality are given by the bullets of Russian designers Viktor Polev (bullet Polev 1, 2, 3, 3E, 5, 6, 7) and Viktor Shashkov (PPTs-E, "Grizzly-35", "Grizzly-36" , "Grizzly-40"). Bullets "Grizzly-35", "Grizzly-36", "Grizzly-40" are intended primarily for firing from the "paradox" weapon, but can also be used in smooth-bore weapons. The PPTs-E bullet is produced specifically by order of the Tula Cartridge Plant (TPZ) under the name “Subcaliber target (expansive) bullet”, abbreviated as PPTs-E. The Tula Cartridge Plant loads WOLF cartridges with PPC-E bullets. When self-equipping the above bullets, it is better to use gunpowder "Sunar-42" and "Falcon".
    Bullets for smoothbore weapons Bullets Poleva, PPTs-E, "Grizzly" Good and predictable results in terms of accuracy and lethality are given by the bullets of Russian designers Viktor Polev (bullet Polev 1, 2, 3, 3E, 5, 6, 7) and Viktor Shashkov (PPTs -E, "Grizzly-35", "Grizzly-36", "Grizzly-40"). Bullets "Grizzly-35", "Grizzly-36", "Grizzly-40" are intended primarily for firing from the "paradox" weapon, but can also be used in smooth-bore weapons. The PPTs-E bullet is produced specifically by order of the Tula Cartridge Plant (TPZ) under the name “Subcaliber target (expansive) bullet”, abbreviated as PPTs-E. The Tula Cartridge Plant loads WOLF cartridges with PPC-E bullets. When self-equipping the above bullets, it is better to use gunpowder "Sunar-42" and "Falcon". Shooting with Poleva sabot bullets and PPC-E bullets can be carried out from smooth-bore weapons with muzzle constrictions up to a full choke (1 mm) inclusive. All of the above bullets allow their use from semi-automatic and magazine weapons without restrictions. To catch a large (300 kg or more) moose, using Polev's bullets (except Polev 1; 6) at a distance of more than 70 m is hardly advisable, despite the excellent performance in terms of accuracy.
    The Rubeykin bullet The prototype of this bullet is the famous Blondeau bullet, invented in France by the engineer Roland Blondeau. The Rubeykin bullet is not manufactured industrially and cannot be loaded into industrial cartridges. Bullet material - brass. Bullet qualities: 1 - good stopping action. Even if it hits the wrong place, the beast quickly dies. Due to the sharp edges of the head, the wound does not heal and always bleeds profusely; 2 - good accuracy and accuracy of the battle, even when shooting at extreme distances; 3 - the bullet confidently overcomes the bushes, does not change the flight path. Equipment: 1 - match the diameter of the container with the bullet with the diameter of the barrel; in this case, the stiffeners in the container, which prevent the free placement of the bullet, must be removed; 2 - separate the obturator from the container and remove the bridges connecting them; 3 - cut the container with the removed connecting straps lengthwise into two parts. 2.3–2.5 g of gunpowder "Falcon" is poured into a sleeve, preferably a plastic one. A plastic shutter without a hole is sent to it with an effort of 5–6 kg. A set of thin cardboard spacers with a total thickness of 2 mm is installed on it. One fiber wad is placed on the gaskets; if you use felt, it should be soft, and it should be cut lengthwise into 4 parts to soften the impact in the bullet during the aftereffect. A set of thin cardboard spacers with a total thickness of 1 mm is placed on top of the wad. The thickness of all wads should provide a height of about 5 mm for a twist on the sleeve. The halves of the container are folded together, a bullet is inserted, sent to the sleeve and sealed with a usual twist. The petals of the container must not protrude above the bullet; the protruding part must be cut off. A cartridge loaded in this way guarantees an accurate shot. Bullet Sauvestre (BFS - Balle Fleche Sauvestre)
    Until recently, only a few types of bullets for smooth-bore ammunition were most popular in Europe - these are the Brenneke, Gualandi, McElvin bullets. All the bullets mentioned at a distance of 80 meters show an accuracy of 5–8 cm. The only exception is the French sub-caliber bullet, designed by engineer Jean-Claude Sauvestre. The Sovestra bullet maintains a flat trajectory up to 100 m, which allows it to be successfully used for shooting large animals. At the same time, there is no need to make vertical corrections when shooting at a distance of up to 100 m. The probability of hitting in real conditions strongly depends on this. We can say that the more flat the trajectory, the less the shooter's error in determining the distance to the target affects the probability of hitting a bullet. In rapidly changing hunting conditions, it is easy to make a mistake of 10-15 m, as a result, you can miss. The difference between the hit points of the Sovestr bullet at distances of 50 and 75 m is only 6 cm.The descent of the trajectory at a distance of 100 m from the line of sight is 18 cm.The Sovestr bullet is not a cheap pleasure, and this seriously hinders its widespread use in Russia for animal hunts. It should be noted that the reviews of hunters about the accuracy of the bullet are far from ambiguous. In short, each barrel needs to have its own cartridge. For confident shooting at a distance of 100 meters or more, you must use an optical sight. When firing a Sovestr bullet in winter, when the air temperature is -25 ° C and lower, it is not recommended to use muzzle restrictions over 0.25 mm, as the container may rupture, which will affect the accuracy of shooting. Time-tested examples of imported bullets include such bullets as Brenneke and Gualandi.
    Bullet Brenneke Despite the fact that the Brenneke bullet was patented more than 90 years ago, it has not undergone significant changes. The Brenneke bullet has proven itself well in our country and abroad, gives good accuracy and lethality up to 80 m. The classic Brenneke bullet was specially developed for rifles with chokes. And the best performance, according to the manufacturers, is achieved precisely from full chokes (for the 12th - 1 mm), this statement also applies to the Brenneke-Magnum bullet weighing 39 g. Cartridges with 12-gauge bullets Brenneke Silver, Bronze and Emerald equip companies "Techcrim" and "SCM". For game hunting, I would still like to recommend cartridges from Brenneke-Classic and Brenneke-Exakt from RWS, because all experiments in the homeland with this bullet often led to inadequate results. This bullet is too simple in design, but experience shows that this “simplicity” ruined many attempts to recreate it elsewhere.
    The Gualandi bullet is available in three versions: Gualandi 28 g; Gualandi 32 g; Gualandi 40 g. Bullet Gualandi 28 g. A sub-caliber bullet designed for firing from barrels with muzzle narrowing. At the same time, the complete safety of the muzzle constrictions is guaranteed. Comfortable recoil when fired with a sub-caliber bullet will undoubtedly contribute to the accuracy of shooting. It is not recommended to use this bullet in a weapon with a muzzle restriction of more than 1 mm, due to the possibility of dismantling the plastic sump of a bullet in a choke, as well as in a weapon with an under-barrel magazine.
    Bullet Gualandi 32 g This is a typical 12 gauge hunting bullet. This cartridge can be used to catch medium elk and large wild boar. It must be remembered that the effective firing distance of such a cartridge does not exceed 50–60 m. The cartridge can be used in most 12-gauge rifles. Frequent firing of a 32 g Gualandi caliber bullet from a 1 mm choke barrel is not recommended. It is not possible to shoot from rifles with a barrel with “reinforced choke” muzzle constrictions (more than 1 mm). It is better to use 0.5 and 0.25 mm muzzles. Bullet Gualandi 40 g The Gualandi bullet weighing 40 g has a good stopping effect. At a distance of 50 m, the lethality of a bullet surpasses the stopping effect of almost all bullets of a rifled weapon of 7.62 mm caliber and practically corresponds to a shot from a rifled weapon of 9.3 mm caliber. The cartridge with a 40 g Gualandi bullet can be successfully used for catching large moose and wild boars. This bullet is used in magnum cartridges, so your weapon must be chambered at least 76mm. Good ballistic characteristics of the bullet and excellent stopping power allow it to be effectively used at a distance of up to 70 m. Due to the design features of the 40-gram Gualandi bullet, shooting from guns with any muzzle narrowing (cylinder only) is strictly prohibited. Recently, the number of different models of bullets made from alternative materials to lead (steel, brass, bronze) has sharply increased. Steel with a specific gravity of 7.8 g / cm3 is a material that is resistant to deformation at the time of the shot, and allows you to give the bullet a complex shape, favorable from the point of view of flight aerodynamics. It should be noted that most of these bullets have a good stopping effect, acceptable flatness and accuracy at distances up to 100 m, a reduced likelihood of ricochet, as a rule, the ability to shoot from the barrels of any drill, the ability, without changing the trajectory, to overcome obstacles in the form of branches and grass. Steel bullets in frames of polyethylene elements are well developed today. The most successful bullets from this group in terms of design are: Ivanov's bullet, Shot bullet, Blondeau's bullet, Rubeykin's bullet, D Dupleks bullets (Dupo 28; Monolit 32; Monolit 28; Rossa 32; Hexolit 32). To improve energy efficiency, the front of these bullets is straight and flat. Such bullets partially lose their aerodynamic qualities, but they have a strong impact effect due to the wide and flat frontal surface. Experience and statistical data on the range of shots during hunting show that the deteriorated aerodynamic characteristics of a flat frontal surface cannot adversely affect a sufficiently strong impact of a bullet even at a distance of 120–140 m. Despite the fact that the high aerodynamic resistance of a flat frontal surface of a bullet is undeniable , tests have shown that the stopping effect of a bullet with a flat front surface is effective at a very long distance. This can be explained simply: a large frontal surface of a bullet, even at a long distance at the moment of impact, provides a more efficient return of kinetic energy than a bullet of a small diameter. In addition to high frontal resistance, other factors are of decisive importance for accurate and successful shooting at a long distance - the initial bullet velocity and the weapon's recoil pattern, which determines the bullet throw angle relative to the weapon's anchor point. These bullets are indispensable, especially when shooting a wild boar in driven hunting, stealth hunting and shooting from under a dog. For confident shooting in game hunting, you need to know the anatomy of the animal. Shooting practice shows that the most successful and guaranteed shot is either a shot at the lungs or at the front shoulder blade. It is desirable that the bullet unfolds, while holding the mass, hitting vital organs and leaving a good wound channel. This makes it possible to more effectively search for the animal by the blood trail. Choosing the right bullet type and caliber for an effective shot is very important. And, of course, the weapon must be well-aimed with the type of cartridge appropriate for the hunt.

    Rifle bullets All of the listed calibers work well on moose and wild boar in combination with Norma bullets (Oryx bullets; Vulkan; Alaska; Nosler Partition; Swift A-Frame; Barnes Triple-Shock).
    Oryx Bullet Oryx - has a high hitting accuracy, good expansion in the diameter of the projectile, high penetrating power and a very high residual weight (up to 96%), as well as a high impact on all European ungulates.
    Vulkan The Vulkan bullet is a classic, time-tested, with a thin shell in the front, which results in rapid expansion in diameter and high energy output (residual weight up to 78%).
    Alaska The Alaska bullet is a classic among Scandinavian moose hunters. The well-proven lead-tipped projectile with a tombak sheath is known for its fast and good expansiveness.
    Nosler Partition Bullet Nosler Partition - with controlled (limited) expansion (residual weight up to 64%). For a large and wounded beast.
    Swift A-Frame Bullet Swift A-Frame - with very high residual weight (up to 98%) and high penetration. For a large and wounded beast.
    Barnes Triple-Shock The Barnes Triple-Shock is the newest bullet with the highest resistance of its kind on the market (100% residual weight). This is a bullet for high velocities and hard bones of a large animal. The Oryx, Swift A-Frame and Barnes Triple-Shock bullets allow elk and large wild boar to be hunted at all angles with high efficiency wherever a flat shot is required. Cartridge 308Win. it is better to use for catching moose weighing up to 200–250 kg with bullets Oryx, Nosler Partition, Swift A-Frame, Vulkan. RWS cartridges give the best results when hunting wild boar and elk in combination with bullets Evo, DK, HMK, Uni Klassik, KS, TMR.
    Evo The Evo bullet is the new Evolution bullet with high precision. Evolution provides very good stopping power even at long distances, its high penetration makes the bullet especially effective when hunting large animals. Thanks to the design of the Rapid-X-Tip ballistic tip, the bullet deformation process begins immediately after hitting the target. Already at the very first stage, the Evolution bullet transmits a sufficient amount of energy to the target, providing the required stopping effect. The residual mass of the bullet after being hit is close to 100%.

    Some hunting bullets have a negative impact on barrel survivability. This is due to the design of the shell. The new Evolution bullet is free from this drawback. Due to the presence of a recess in the bottom, the bullet is less rigid and causes less wear on the barrel. The nickel plating of the bullet prevents the formation of deposits in the bore.

    DK Bullet DK - with a double core, consists of two lead cores of different hardness and a bullet shell made of tombak. The weight ratio of the cores is 50:50. Features of the bullet: - good and clear trail of the affected game; - very short distance of the game after the shot; - the design of the bullet (cutting edge) provides an even cut of wool at the inlet; - optimal expansion in the first half of the game body; - slight damage to game meat.

    HMK HMK bullet - a feature of this bullet is the famous H-jumper, which defines the exact boundary of deformation in the middle of the shell. Two cores of different hardness are responsible for the double action of the bullet. The front part, after getting into the body of the game, unfolds very quickly with a large expansion and the formation of a large number of fragments. The cylindrical rear section is detached along the H-groove, allowing penetration through even when big game hits the bone. Features of the bullet: - limited formation of fragments, thanks to the H-shaped jumper; - reliable provision of the outlet; - slight damage to game meat; - quick death of the game from shock.

    Uni Klassik Bullet Uni Klassik - has high rigidity and good residual weight. The design of the bullet consists of two cores of different hardness, where the rear, harder part, enters with its end into the front, softer one. This design, when it enters the game, leads to a mushroom-like deformation of the front part. The rear part of the bullet, which has more than a third increased area, provides good external bullet ballistics. Features of the bullet: - good and clear trail of the affected game; - the front part of the core is characterized by fragmentation with limited formation of fragments; - the rear part, more rigid, retains its shape and reliably provides the required outlet; - the design of the bullet (cutting edge) provides an even cut of the wool at the inlet; - slight damage to game meat.

    KS Bullet KS - provides controlled deformation and uniform expansion regardless of the size of the game. The bullet's outer shape creates ideal conditions for high precision and flatness. Features of the bullet: - very high accuracy, thanks to the long leading belt; - small formation of fragments; - the groove in the rear part of the bullet provides the required exit hole.

    TMR Bullet TMR - with a very high degree of expansiveness in the body of the game. Fragmentation of the bullet is sometimes observed, as a result of which a through shot is not always possible. High stopping power and insensitivity to obstacles allow this bullet to be widely used in driven hunts. Features of a bullet: - high breaking capacity in hunting small game; - good value for money. Federal Premium cartridges equipped with Barnes Triple-Shock X-Bullet, Barnes MRX-Bullet bullets will cope well with the task of reliable defeat of the beast; Trophy Bonded Bear Claw; Nosler Partition.
    Dmitry Kopaev Photo by Viktor Kozlovsky

    Photo by Vladimir Makarov Early springs are worse than late ones. The early ones usually become protracted, warming is interrupted by the return of cold weather. In late spring, the first summer months are warmer, which is favorable for wildlife. Hence the saying: "Late spring will not deceive."
    Late springs are more frequent and come in early April. In the center of the ETR, spring snowmelt most often begins on March 18. Then there will be other phenological sub-seasons - revitalization and the height of spring, and only then, in the 20th of May, the pre-summer will come.

    Autumn is rainy - there will be a rainy spring. Last autumn was not rainy.
    If the snow is applied early in the fall, then the spring is early. There was no early snow.
    If September is cold, the snow will melt in March. September was warm
    Early snow in winter - early spring. The winter snow is late this winter.
    It melts early - it won't melt for a long time. It didn't melt early in February.
    Long icicles - for a long spring. There are no long icicles yet.
    Snowy winter means long spring and rainy summer. Winter is quite snowy this year.
    Early fall of foliage in trees (birch, maple, aspen) - by early spring next year. Last fall, leaf fall in the Moscow region was delayed by almost a month
    If the edges of melting snow around the trees are steep - by a cold spring, gentle - by a long one.
    Mice make nests at the bottom of the cops or in the ground - by dry spring.
    The woodpecker knocks early (back in January) - by early spring. In January, the woodpecker remained silent, he was cold and had no time for knocking.
    The colder the last week of February, the warmer it is in March.
    In January - March, in March - January. January was "January", not March. One can think that March will be "March" too.
    If February is rainy, then spring and summer can be expected to be rainy. February was not rainy.

    What the National Calendar prophesies for us:
    23.07. If birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top (third decade of July) - wait for early spring (next). And if from below - the next spring is late. If evenly - average. In our area, birch leaves at the tops and below turned yellow at about the same time, later than usual. 07.10. Thekla the glowing girl. What is October, so is April. Last October was good on 08.11. Dimitri Solunsky. Dimitriev day. Grandfather's week. If on November 8 it is cold and snow - spring is late and cold, and if thaw - winter and spring are warm. In the central regions of the European Union of Russia on this day, the air temperature was positive, in some places heavy rain and drizzle were noted. We are waiting for a warm spring. 09.11. What is the weather in November, so is May. The weather in November was generally slightly warmer than the multiyear average. 22.11. Matryona is winter. Cloudy, snowy weather predicts a rainy May. Cloudy weather with snowfalls was observed throughout the EPR. 28.12. The day shows what March will be like. Cloudy weather prevailed over most of the ER, and snowfalls were noted in the zone of the passing atmospheric cold front. 29.12. Haggai. The day shows what April will be like. During the day, a warm atmospheric front passed, which brought cloudy weather with snowfalls, turning into heavy rains during the day. 30.12. Ananias, Azarius, Misail. The day shows what May will be like. Above the center of the EPR was the southeastern periphery of the cyclone, in which atmospheric fronts "provided" cloudy weather, in the southeast in places with snowfalls, and in the northwest in places with rains. 06.01. If it is warm on this day, the spring will be cold. It was cold. 07.01. Nativity. In the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, founded by Abbot Sergius of Radonezh, there is a 15th century manuscript "Kolyadnik" This manuscript contains signs determined by the days of Christmas (the holiday of Kolyada). Christmas this year fell on Saturday, and this is what is written in the manuscript: “And even if it will be Christmas on Saturday, winter is windy, the fruit is scarce for good, the spring is dry, spring and summer are wet, the sheep are ruined, the deaths of men, the three-day shaking, the old ruin ". In other words, spring should be expected to be "wet". 24.01. Fedosey-Vesnyak. Fedoseevo is warm in the early spring. Warm days of January do not respond well. It was cold, don't expect early spring. 25.01. Tatiana. The sun will peep at Tatyana - to the early arrival of the birds. Early sun - early birds. The sun will shine - by early and friendly spring. Not overlooked. 26.01. The first chi-chi-fi of the great tit heralds early spring. In mid-February, the first spring songs of the titmouse have not yet sounded. 31.01. Athanasius-lomonos, Cyril. At noon the sun is early spring. The sun "showed through". 01.02. Makaryev day. Clear sunny Makaryev day - early spring. If there are drops - believe in the early spring. There was no clear sunny day, but about the drop ... During the day, the air temperature was -20 ...- 24 °. 02.02. Euthymius. On Euphemia at noon the sun is early spring. The second day of February shows spring: sunny - towards red spring, cloudy - wait for late blizzards. The weather was cloudy and cold. 04.02. Timofey the semi-winter. If the sun is visible on this day at noon, then the spring will be early. Almost throughout the European Russia there was full cloud cover and snowfalls on the atmospheric front. 06.02. Aksinya-half-winter, half-bastard Ksenia. What is Aksinya, such is spring. There is a bucket on the half-winter - spring is red. There was no bucket. There was cloudy frosty weather, in the north-west in the front zone there were some snowfalls. 02.14. Trifon. On Tryphon it is starry - late spring. If many stars appear in the sky, then winter will stand for a long time and spring will be late. There were no stars. 15.02. Presentation. Second day (meeting of winter and spring). What is the weather on Presentation, so will spring. On Sreteniev's day there is a snowball - in the spring it burns. Snow is sweeping across the road - it will be late spring, and if it does not, it will be early. If the rooster drinks water on this day, winter will continue for a long time. On this day, the weather in the center and in the south and southeast of the EPR was cloudy, with snowfalls of varying intensity, only to the north of St. Petersburg there were breaks in the clouds. The results of checks carried out by climatologists revealed that after a very warm December, in 70% of years, April is also warm, and in 60% of cases it is very warm. December was comparatively warm, hopefully April will also be comparatively warm. It was revealed that after a very warm January, March is also warm in 90% of years. January was very cold.
    Let's summarize:
    Timing. The overwhelming majority of signs speaks of the onset of spring either early or late, but at the usual time.
    Cloudy. Rather normal than cloudy.
    Precipitation. You can expect a lot of precipitation, as they say, there will be a "wet" spring.
    Air temperature. Opinions of signs were divided approximately equally between "normal" and "warm", but "with a slight preponderance" towards a warm spring. According to the advice, March and April can be expected to be cloudy, "wet" and warm. The same cloudy weather with precipitation can be expected in May - in terms of temperature, it is not warm, but close to the average long-term temperatures.
    Golovko is revolted

WEAPON: How to properly shoot a duck with a weapon? To hit a duck well, you need a gun with a good fight. Remember, the longer the barrels of your shotgun, the more concentrated the shot will be at longer distances, the more likely you are to hit the duck at a long distance. The smaller the barrels, the greater the scatter of the shot, for example, with the barrels of a smoothbore gun with a length of 415 mm, it will be very difficult and almost impossible to hit a duck at a distance of 50 meters. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with

DOUBLE CONSTRUCTION: How to shoot a duck from close range and long range? How to shoot a duck without breaking it to shreds and hitting it at a great distance? For duck hunting, you need to use the choke, it is best to shoot the duck at close range with the muzzle choke, and for a long shot use the choke, so you have a better chance of hitting the duck when shooting.

SKILL: Nothing will help you more for shooting a duck than the ability to shoot and feel the weapon, which is why it is recommended to have one weapon that you get used to so that it will be one with you. How to shoot a duck correctly? Train, train and train again, if you do not have the opportunity to go to the shooting range, then train at home to throw up the gun. It is better to train twice a week for one hour, and if you cannot constantly train to shoot a duck, then train every day for an hour, starting two weeks before the opening of the duck hunting season. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with

Hunting for waterfowl is the most widespread, and for many hunters the only hunting in the pen. Weighty mallards, nimble teals, slender pintails, swift gogols are enviable trophies not only for a young, but also an experienced hunter, besides, they are even more interesting objects for shooting in.

In excitement, and sometimes due to incorrectly selected cartridges, many hunters make the most annoying mistakes, it would seem, in the most correct situations.

The main types of hunting for ducks in August: on morning and evening flights, to a small extent, walking hunting in flooded meadows and passable bogs and from the entrance by boat, which, however, is not always allowed everywhere.

What should characterize any waterfowl hunt? Deliberate and accurate shooting. After all, not only can it be difficult to find a wounded duck, but a purely broken duck without a good dog often disappears in the swamp thickets after an inaccurate shot. And the game that has not been found is not only a wasted life, but also a spoiled mood.

In most hunting farms, only hunting is practiced on morning and evening flights, and in many central regions there is also a time limit (morning from dawn to 9-10 o'clock, evening from 17-18 to dark), so duck and evening out - the main August hunts.

In general, shooting ducks at this time of the year is not very difficult. As a rule, before landing on the water, flocks of duck fly in circles, gradually decreasing, and if you do not fuss and show restraint, then you have to shoot at calmly flying game at an accessible distance.

The August duck is still not strong for a wound, and therefore fraction No. 6 or No. 7, especially in the evening, will be quite enough. The requirements for the cartridge are, first of all, the sharpness of the battle, which, with a high-quality polyethylene wad, is a matter of course. The number of pellets is sufficient to provide a wide and even coverage of the firing area.

When using cartridges with an increased charge, it is advisable to use special wads or equipment methods that increase the diameter of the shot talus, this is especially useful in the evenings when shooting is carried out at small distances. But a cartridge with a standard shot weight of 32 grams (12 cal.) Is enough, and even a sporting cartridge (2.5 mm shot, 28 g) shows excellent results.

For firing small shots, there is no need for a heap of gunfight, and muzzle constrictions of 0.25-0.5 mm are quite enough. When there are replaceable nozzles, the problem is solved simply, and if the gun is the only one with chokes from 0.75 mm or more, you should use, as mentioned above, special charging cartridges, especially in the absence of shooting skills. Although, as practice shows, even experienced shooters, when shooting in flight, avoid heavy-hitting guns, preferring guns and cartridges with an even wide scree.

Duck hunting involves a lot of shooting, so many hunters prefer semiautomatic shotguns or double-barreled shotguns with ejectors, although the choice of the gun system is a matter of taste. The most important thing is a stock that is suitable for the hunter's build, good balance, and precise operation of the mechanism.

Now directly about the shooting. The first thing that is necessary is attentiveness, do not miss the approach of the game, "twist" your head, look around all the time, listen to the whistle of duck wings, so that the flying ducks are not a surprise. Seeing an approaching flock from afar, take a position (this mainly refers to the location of the feet), comfortable for shooting. If you don't have a clear shotgun throwing skill, put the stock in your shoulder beforehand, but do it carefully behind cover, as the game first of all notices the movement. If the hut is good or twilight has come, then there is no danger to be afraid of being noticed.


Shoot at a flying duck only with a leash, the trigger is released without braking and, moreover, without stopping the gun, pressing the trigger without a jerk with an even and smooth movement of the front phalanx of the index finger (for beginners, you cannot put two fingers on the trigger at once).

If you do not yawn, then most of the shots will be at oncoming (oncoming) ducks, to the left or right of the hunter. In this case, the distance to the game will be reduced all the time, the leash of the gun will occur with acceleration, which helps to reduce the lead, which will be no more than one meter at 25-30 meters. It is clear that the leash and any movements of the rifle inserted into the shoulder are carried out only by turning the body.

It is more difficult to shoot when the ducks are passing by the side 30-40 meters. Here, the angular velocity of the leashes is low, and one has to take significant lead times of the order of one and a half meters or more, and sometimes make sure that the gun does not stop. In such cases, you can use overtaking shooting, starting a leash slightly behind the target, energetically overtaking a flying duck, going forward by a smaller amount (up to one meter), boldly pressing the trigger in motion.

A certain skill will require shooting at the game swooping in with a bayonet. At a low altitude of the game, the speed of the leash will be low, and if the duck flies a little higher than the arrow, then the trigger is pressed at the moment when the trunks have blocked the game. When the bayonet duck flies very low, the shot is fired practically without a leash, and, despite the proximity of the target, the lead will not be as small as it might seem (sometimes up to a meter).

Low flying ducks, especially in the evening, always seem closer than they really are, so do not rush to jump and shoot. If you are not sure about hitting the game flying into the bayonet, it is better to skip the duck and hijack. When shooting purely hijacking low-flying game, you should: first - aim without violating the aiming line (eye-middle of the aiming bar-front-sight-target), second - when combining the front sight with a flying duck, immediately press down the descent. If the hijacked game goes at a high altitude, there should be a short leash along the trajectory of the game's flight, going down and when a gap appears, a shot should sound.

All other hijacked ducks flying several sides, without the skill of quickly throwing a gun, are deliberate misses. A skilled shooter combines the insertion of the gun into the shoulder with turning the body towards the flying target, with a short leash or offhand leads the barrels to the right place and presses the trigger. Even at a decent distance, due to the rapid angular movement of the gun, the lead is insignificant.

It is impossible to predict all situations that arise when shooting on a duck hunt, but you need to remember: a confident quick shot of the gun, a smooth leash with acceleration, a clear lead fixing, body work, a smooth pull on the trigger and full attention are the key to an accurate shot.

When firing the second (subsequent) shot, if there was a miss, try to make an amendment, if you hit, keeping the pace of the leash, transfer the sight to the next duck and shoot a little more ahead. When shooting at a flock of attackers directly at the hunter, the first shot is fired at the "bayonet" duck, and the next, depending on the change in the flight of the game, at a hijacked or semi-hijacked bird.

In any case, you need to turn nimbly and sometimes not only with your body, but also step over your feet. It is better to work out this technique at home or practice on the spot, while the ducks are not summer. In general, it is useful to take a seat in the hut, warm up slightly, throwing the gun and making leashes in the intended shooting zones.

In August, in the evening, the duck flies in a light way, so there are no difficulties when shooting, but try to get up to beat the game against a light background of the sky. Precisely record the places where the shot ducks fall, and if possible, immediately pick up the shot down game. At dawn, if the broken ducks are not carried away by the wind, do not rush to pick them up, they rather attract than scare off their relatives.

Duck hunting is pleasant in every way - to meet the sunrise or to admire the sunset, to enjoy the river expanses, to be alone with nature, watching the flocks of duck sweeping past in the distance, and most importantly, to experience yourself as an arrow flying in on agile game.

How to properly aim at a sitting duck, how to aim at a flying duck, how to shoot ducks while hunting? Shooting ducks while hunting is not an easy task, since it is associated with the variety of species of ducks, and the fact that even ducks of the same species in different conditions in flight can create different conditions for shooting. Not only the flight of ducks is varied, but also the situation on the hunt for ducks, in which the hunter will have to shoot at them. Therefore, there is nothing simple in such a matter as hunting a duck.

How to properly aim at a sitting duck

When hunting ducks, you need to take into account that if a duck sits or swims in the water, then it is less vulnerable to a shot than a flying duck, while the distance can be the same. This is explained by the fact that the feather of a sedentary duck fits tightly, and if we take into account that, in addition to feathers, a duck also has down, then everything together forms a very solid shell. In addition, a seated or floating duck is less of a target than a flying duck. Whenever possible, when hunting duck over long distances, do not shoot sitting ducks. Spring and late autumn is the time when ducks are well-feathered, so they are stronger for shot at this time. In the summertime, ducks are most vulnerable.

How to shoot a seated duck:

  • When hunting for a duck, it is advised to shoot at a floating bird, aiming slightly under it, that is, you need to aim at the middle of the line that was formed from the contact of the duck carcass with the surface of the water.
  • If a duck sits on a stone on the shore, then aim and shoot at the center of its carcass.
  • When hunting ducks, it is advisable to shoot in the side or in the back.
  • Do not aim for the chest, because in this place the bird is most protected from the shot with down and feathers.

How to properly aim at a flying duck

Surely, every hunter knows that in order to hunt a flying duck, you need to aim and shoot not at the bird's carcass, but slightly ahead of it. This is easy to explain. After all, some time will pass between pressing the trigger of the gun and the moment when the shot shot reaches the target, in our case, to the flying bird. And a bird that has come under the sight will have time to fly a certain distance during this time. Therefore, when hunting a duck, you need to aim and shoot in front of the target. But at what distance to shoot in front of the target depends on how fast the target moves, what is the distance between the muzzle of the gun and the target. The greater the distance and speed of the target, the greater the distance you need to take in front of the target and then you can hit the target directly. So duck hunting is also math. If you shoot at flying birds with ordinary shooting, as a result of a decent killing circle of a hunting rifle, then it is advised to aim at the duck in its front part, then it will not escape the charge. Experienced hunters, who have the knack and skill of hunting duck, are able in any conditions, at any time, almost instantly, to weigh at what speed the duck flies, what is the distance between the muzzle of the gun and the duck. All this allows them to consciously and confidently choose the right "front" and shoot.

How to shoot a flying duck:

  • When hunting for a duck in summer, and also if you are going to shoot at ducks flying up to stuffed animals or to a decoy duck, it is recommended to aim at the duck's head.
  • When hunting for ducks in autumn, as well as if hunting for a duck is conducted on flyways, it is recommended to aim ahead of the bird by one, two or three arshins. Remember that the greater the distance from the shooter to the bird, the greater the distance you need to take in front of the target.

Diving ducks hunting

Diving ducks that float on the water are especially tough on hitting shot. When hunting diving ducks in autumn, it is advised not to sit ducks, but to ducks on the rise. It is easy to shoot at dives that are just rising from the water and with a successful shot, the duck, as a rule, fights cleanly. If you shoot at sedentary ducks, then wounds are possible. In this case, it is also possible to chase the wounded duck, which also dives, which means that you will have to shoot at it several times. Do not hesitate to shoot if the duck has sat on a scarecrow, especially in autumn hunting.

Autumn duck hunting

Duck hunting starts on the second or third Saturday in August, depending on the region. By this time, almost all young ducks have already climbed the wing. Duck broods continue to keep in thickets of horsetail, reed and other supports. Therefore, in the first days of opening, duck hunting is carried out from the approach or entrance to them by boat to departure. As soon as the ducks begin to make massive flights for feeding during the evening dawn, the duck hunting begins on the flights. In late September - early October, ducks gather in flocks and fly south. From the beginning of the flight, ducks are hunted from huts with stuffed animals, profiles and decoy ducks.

Duck hunting from approach to departure

How does a duck hunt take place from the approach? Walking ford hunting for duck is usually carried out on small, shallow water bodies with marsh vegetation, along rivers overgrown with horsetails, grasses and bushes, rivers, in abandoned, overgrown with grass pits. With such a hunt for a duck, a trained dog can be of great benefit: it will find a hidden duck, drive it out of the supports into clean water or force it to climb its wing, catch a wounded animal and bring a killed bird to the hunter. The best dogs for hunting duck are wire-haired cops and spaniels. It is also advisable to have a boat on which the hunter can move through the water.

Shooting on such a duck hunt is usually produced at short ranges with shot No. 5 or No. 6.

Fly duck hunting

Since the second half of August, ducks have been making regular flights from their day-resting places to fields and reservoirs that serve as a place for fattening. They usually fly in the same ways. At the end of August, ducks fly out to feed before dark, in late autumn - at dusk and even in the dark. Ducks return from feeding before sunrise. In the evening they fly alone, in groups and in large flocks. They return to the places of the day in small groups, often in pairs.

How is duck hunting on flights? The hunter needs to determine the path along which the flights are made, and choose the place where the ducks fly in a large mass, not high, within the correct shot. In the light of the evening dawn, camouflage is advisable, later it is enough to stand near a bush or tree and not make sudden movements when a bird approaches. Evening dawn is used for shooting in flight, morning - for hunting a duck from a hut with stuffed animals in places of daytime. In the evening dawn, the hunter becomes face to the place of the day, and in the morning - face to the place of feeding. Do not hunt duck in places of birds' fat or arrange huts there, as this can scare the bird away from constantly visited places. The flight is strongly influenced by the weather. Quiet cloudy days with drizzling rains, when the duck flies low and calm, are best for duck hunting. Ducks fly high in clear weather, and very quickly in windy weather.

Shoot ducks on a hunt on a flight possible only when they are within the correct shot, taking the correct lead. It is advisable to shoot on such a hunt for a duck in theft or at the moment when the duck is over the hunter. Counter shots are not always successful, as the dense and smooth plumage of the chest can protect the duck from injury. With a very fast flight in windy weather, it is useful for a hunter to get up sharply from behind a shelter to his full height at the moment when a flock of ducks flew into him. This unexpected appearance of a man scares the ducks. They rush up, the flock is mixed, and the hunter is given the opportunity to choose the desired target for the shot.

Shoot duck hunting on flights followed by shot # 5 or # 4. Shooting at flocks is not allowed. It leads to massive injuries and unnecessary loss of game.

Duck hunting on the day

How does the duck hunt take place during the day? The hunter determines the places of the ducks' day by observing their morning and evening flights. At the end of the day, you need to go around the area where the ducks are supposed to be on a boat in order to accurately determine the places of their placement by the crushed grass, feathers and droppings. The ducks raised at the same time on the wing fly off to the reaches or to the feeding places, and the next morning they usually return back.

In the place of the greatest accumulation of ducks from the material at hand, a shelter is arranged from which in the morning a duck with stuffed animals is hunted. The size of the duck hunt cover should be able to shoot while standing. It is advisable to arrange shelters so that the sun does not shine in your eyes. You should leave for an ambush before sunrise.

Duck hunting shooting is conducted at close range, so you need to use the fraction No. 5 or No. 6.

A huge selection of stuffed animals for hunting and their varieties can confuse novice hunters. Therefore, they are advised to contact specialized stores for duck hunting, where competent specialists will help with the choice and give practical advice on how to choose stuffed animals. These include, for example, Large selection of lightweight, modern, crushable

stuffed duck .

Duck hunting from the entrance

How does the duck hunt from the entrance take place? Hunting for ducks from the entrance is carried out throughout the summer-autumn period. For such a duck hunt, you need to have a boat in which two can sail - a hunter and a rower. The boat must be light and stable so that the hunter can shoot while standing and pass silently over the reeds. The boat is equipped with one long straight paddle that you can paddle and push through, a scoop for scooping up water and a small spare paddle. The hunter is located approximately in the first third of the boat's length, the rower is at the stern. With such a distribution, the bow of the boat is not overloaded and conditions are created for its better passability, and therefore for a successful duck hunt.

The success of the duck hunt from the entrance equally depends on the accuracy of the shooter and on the rower's ability to quietly and imperceptibly bring the boat to the distance of a lethal shot to the duck hidden in the supports. The hunter must be attentive, self-possessed, dexterous, able to stand in the boat and make accurate shots at the duck when rolling. The rower must be physically resilient, have good eyesight to notice the places where the killed bird falls and to find the bird shot while hunting for a duck.

It is better to hunt a duck from the entrance on windy days and start it somewhere around 9-10 am, after the birds returning from night feeding have calmed down in the reeds and other supports. During the daytime, ducks usually spend in the same places. Therefore, it is useful to travel around the reservoir before starting a duck hunt to find out where the ducks are raised. It is better to make the entrance against the wind, hiding behind reeds and reeds, if possible, and silently.

Shoot duck hunting it is necessary at a lethal distance without delay at the time of take-off of the duck. The most suitable is the fraction No. 5 and No. 4. Do not spare cartridges for finishing off a downed, but moving bird. Wounded animals often dive and then hide off the coast and reeds. Finding them after that is almost impossible.

Fly duck hunting

In September - October, ducks migrate from north to south. The first to fly off are the teal-cracker and shirokonoski, behind them are the teal-whistles, the pintail and the witch, later than the others, the mallard and diving ducks fly off. Ducks fly every year in flocks along the same routes.

How is duck hunting going on flights? To hunt a duck on the fly, you need to find out the paths along which the ducks fly, the places where they descend, where they stop to rest and feed. Spacious well-camouflaged huts are set up along the ducks' paths. Decoy ducks are planted near the hut, and stuffed animals and profiles of ducks of various breeds are placed 20 meters away from it, at a safe shot distance.

Fly duck hunting takes place from dawn to dusk. It is useful to check in advance and mark with sticks the maximum distances for shooting. Autumn ducks are especially careful, so a hunter, sitting in a hut, must behave very quietly. Ducks usually sit down in groups and even in small flocks.

Shoot on the fly duck hunting it is necessary, targeting individual ducks, with shot No. 3 and No. 4.

In order to correctly hit a duck on a hunt while shooting it in years, you need to know which lead to take when shooting at a duck, which we will actually tell you about in this topic. But remember, nothing will allow you to shoot well at a duck and take the right lead as a duck hunting practice. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with


Considering that the flight speed of a duck is on average 20-30 meters per second, then when shooting it is necessary to take a lead, since the initial flight speed of the shot is only 370 meters per second and when shooting at a duck at a distance of 35 meters, the duck manages to fly out of the circle shot defeat. That is why it is necessary to take a lead when shooting at a duck. To understand how long it takes a fraction to fly a certain distance, you need to familiarize yourself with the topic:


In this topic, we will show you only approximate leads that must be taken when shooting at a duck, since different types of ducks have different flight speeds, and in each case, the distance to the ducks and the angle of the shot will be different, therefore, in each case, the lead when shooting the duck will vary. Despite this difference in lead, there are already established guidelines for lead-shooting when shooting duck in years, which can be used as a basis.


As you can see from the above table, the lead you need to take along the duck can be from 4 to 8 meters, provided that the target is 35 meters, depending on the angle of meeting of the shot and the duck, therefore, in order to correctly take the lead along the duck, the hunter it is necessary to learn how to quickly determine the distance to the duck, the angle of fire and the approximate flight speed of the bird, which again comes only with practice. But the approximate and averaged data on the lead when shooting at a duck, you can take from the above tables and pictures.