Color life, fire and blood, danger and sex. Having lost red, we would lose energy, warmth, strength and passion. In order to stimulate our nervous system, release adrenaline in the blood and improve blood circulation, it is important to us red, wearing red and surround yourself in red. The cracked is also needed to maintain our forces in everyday life and make a sense of security.

Red - very physicalHe often provokes rage. Probably English football fans are famous for their reputation of calm outragees precisely because English football players are dressed in red shape. The cross of St. George in the English flag is also red. Holy George, the damaging dragon, is a symbol of power, fearlessness and aggression, which are associated with red.

A bouquet of red roses is allowed to clearly understand what strong feelings you have. Red - color of carnal love.

Red - amplifier.If your energy or vital activity has decreased, if you are not able to "stand up and go", you can assist "red" treatment.

Red products

  • Tomatoes, Red Pepper, Red Cabbage, Beet, Red Chile, Beans, Green Vegetables (they also contain iron)
  • Black and White Pepper, Ginger, Rosemary, Red Sage
  • Cherries, plums, rhubarb, apples, raspberries, strawberries, red currant

Red - Mars color. Mars manages aggression, sexual traction and that part of the body, to which red is related to genitalia. Thus, the red color is well wearing in cases where the person has lowered libido or when it craves a diversity in sexual life! One of the main properties of red is passion, joy of being, sexuality(carnal aspect). We give red roses to those who are in love, and on Valentine's days greeting cards with red hearts and gifts. The word "red" can be used and as an euphemism: the quarters of public houses are also called the "blocks of red lamps". The carriers of the red beam, or owners of red energy, with confidence and optimism look into the future. They do not experience fear of tomorrow afternoon and boldly and calmly cope with trouble. However, they can manifest their "red" character qualities and negatively: selfishly pursue their own goals, not paying attention to the feelings of other people.


If you have a decline for strength, physical or emotional, and you want to cheer up, you can write "Red" affirmation for yourself. Affirmation is a simple sentence that claims or strengthens a certain state. Affirmation is better to write in an affirmative form. Affirmation can be pronounced by looking into the mirror, then words are reflected and return to you with reinforced energy, which helps to absorb the information contained in affirmation and believe it. The text of affirmation can also be written on paper, which is then put under a pillow before bedtime. If you do it regularly, your subconscious will sooner or later receive your message and starts to act accordingly.

Red affirmation (example): "I have enough strength, will and skills to cope with everything!"

Red Properties

Positive - Energy, vitality, willpower, fearlessness

Negative - indifference, aggression, vorsolube, egoism


Red color - Very strong. They can not use at elevated blood pressure, heart disease. If you are a hot-tempered person, instantly upset, then the red color can transport you.

Treatment in red

Physiological states - reduced energy, anemia, poor blood circulation, reduced CD, cold, runny nose.

Negative mental states - Apathy, depression, fear, uncertainty in itself - misinterfidence.


The fact that every color existing in nature has its meaning and impact on a person has been known since time immemorial. Many ancient peoples, such as the Egyptians and the Chinese, were widespread the treatment of various diseases using a certain color with mixtures, or using appropriate clothing. If we proceed from the fact that the light and the color are not nothing more than energy, the disease settled in the body violates normal energy vibrations and streams. If you correctly apply the color energy, you can remove the energy blockade and restore the correct energy flow. The use of color in medicinal purposes has its name - color therapy.

For color therapy, white and black color are not suitable, because white
Reflects the entire beam of the rays, and the black absorbs all the color rays.

Red color
Red has a warming, animating effect. It strengthens the heart and blood circulation system. Red stimulates creative, vital, earth energy; Develops passion and spontaneous bold actions, it is cheerful and gives courage to implement new ideas. Red food and clothing activates liver operation and maintains the formation of red blood cells. This is a color derived from the body harmful substances. It helps to get rid of constipation and is very useful with a lack of iron. Excess of red leads to nervousness, anxiety, bustle.

stimulates the nervous system, releases adrenaline, helps with apathy, depression, phobias, uncertainty in itself and decline, gives a sense of security, confidence in tomorrow
stimulates brain activity and removes drowsiness, in large quantities enhances anxiety, excitement, nervous tension, activates sexuality and helps with infertility
Expands the vessels, activates blood circulation, helps with anemia, increases pressure, steads pulse and breathing, kills viruses, neutralizes some inflammatory processes, although the red color is contraindicated with acne rash, stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the metabolism and increases appetite. Forget about the red dishes during the diet
It has a warming effect, it helps with a cold and cold, reduces pain and tension in various female diseases. It is believed that red underwear helps especially in this.

Orange color

Orange color is a mixture of red and yellow, it has a harmonizing effect. This color awakens the joy of life and fun. It helps with depression, apathy and loss of appetite. An orange color is especially useful as a means against nervousness, fear, depression. This color has a beneficial effect on glands and lungs.

Negative influence when an orange overslapping is observed extremely rarely, only if it is used exclusively. Then orange color stimulates dependence on other people.

The positive effect of orange color has a problem with the digestive system and skin diseases, as well as with a bad chair, especially under the sign of the Virgin.

This color excites appetite. The heat provided with orange color relieves tension and cramps.


Yellow color is the color of spiritual development, it gives cheerfulness, supports the functions of the glands, activates the activity of the mucous membrane, stimulates mental processes.

It causes the formation of gastric juice. It helps with disabilities of digestion and with intestinal obstruction, soothes nerves, removes spiritual and nervous fatigue. Consequently, this color is good for school and university premises.

Yellow color soothes the spleen, activates the lymphosystem, helps with problems with the liver.

provokes to change and serious steps in life
Releases from negative, helps when depressed, understated self-assessment and pessimism, contributes to the best self-organization and concentration of thought, helps to quickly assimilate information, improves memory
It has a positive effect on the entire digestive tract, it helps for diseases of the liver, constipation, cleanses the body from toxins, controls the weight, helps with diabetes, treats some skin diseases.

Green color

The green color balances and neutralizes, this is the color of hope, harmony, recovery and natural maturation. Green color affects the pituitary and, thus, on the metabolism. It restores the balance between the liver and spleen, has a regenerating effect on the muscles and connecting tissue. It is pleasant for the eye and soothes. Green color stimulates the vegetative nervous system and speeds up the growth process. The overabundance of green does not have a negative impact. Only in very rare cases, he develops indecision. Inogda reaction becomes too slow and sluggish.

helps to be closer to each other, creates a feeling of harmony both inside a person and in his relationship with others.
Supports the equilibrium of the physical and psychological state of a person, mobilizes muscles and increases efficiency
It helps with impassional, malice, rudeness, emotional excitation, eliminates the claustrophobia, visually expanding the space, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, removes the headache and stabilizes the pressure
Very beneficial effect on pregnant women, making them more calm, it helps with heart diseases, lung diseases and influenza.

Blue colour

Blue color soothes, balances, reduces pain, relieves inflammation. As a rule, an overabundance of blue, as well as green, does not have a negative impact. In exceptional cases, fatigue, boredom, longing and reduced blood pressure appear. But the oversupply of blue in food products is not very useful, because it is inclined to have a braking effect. That is why the red wine gives a feeling of fatigue, while White Bodriti. Blue color gets cold. Therefore, it is useful for burns and elevated temperatures. For those who communicate a lot with people, blue color can appear wonderful screen. Blue color soothes, relaxes and opens the road with creative thoughts, free from the influence of the outside.

Blue and blue colors:
Removes fatigue and stress, pacifies and reduces the excitement, treats insomnia. It will also help the interior in the appropriate colors, and lamps, and bed linen
Helps when shyness and fear of talking, promotes meditation and creative ideas, sharpens intuition, in large quantities causes drowsiness and sadness, narrows vessels, reduces body temperature and blood pressure, slows down heartbeat
It has painful and antiseptic properties, helps with laryngitis, angina, rheumatism and migranes, has a beneficial effect on the spine.
Helps with vomiting and diarrhea, reduces the abundance of menstruation and neutralizes PMS
Helps with various skin diseases, cuts, insect bites and burns
Reduces appetite. If you wish to lose weight - urgently purchase dishes in blue-violet tones. However, at the same time he psychologically soothes full of people and encourages to remain as they are.

Indigo (purple) color

This color soothes, stimulates the activity of the spleen, relaxes, relieves pain, supports the lymphosystem, strengthens perception. Negative effect of purple products is unknown. Such food cleans blood and prevents the loss of appetite.

Independent treatment of color therapy

You can improve your well-being with color therapy yourself without resorting to the help of a specialist. Instead of instruments - light sources used by professionals, you can use toned incandescent lamps or impose a special color film on the skin and direct the beam from the pocket lantern.

Very pleasant and extremely simple means - color supplement for the bath. The essence of such a procedure is that the skin perceives the smallest oscillations of each color through water. Color wear also operates. Pay attention to your condition after the morning awakening. If you feel fatigue or you have a bad mood and depression, you better choose clothes of joyful, bright, warm shades. If, after morning awakening, you are experiencing an excess of energy, it is better to wear a suit of soothing green or cool blue.

Now I want to say a few words about colored food. If the color affects our nervous system, on our mood, on our health when we look at it when we wear, then let's see what the color will have the color to our organism if we use it inside.

Red food
(meat, red vegetables: radishes, tomatoes, red cabbage, etc., red fruits and berries: cherry, strawberry, currant, apples, etc.) possesses the properties of the energy that gives our body, the properties that improve the composition of the blood purifying it is explained by the fact that these products are rich in iron.

Orange food
(oranges, tangerines, carrots, pumpkin, peaches, melon, honey, etc.) contributes to the improvement of vessels, purify the body, rich in vitamin C, protects our body due to the stimulation of the immune system. Improves mood.

Yellow food
(Lemons, corn, pineapples, bananas, etc.) has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, on the nervous system.

Green food
(Apples, cucumbers, kiwi, greens, etc.) is rich in vitamins A, C, B, which is favorable for the heart, strengthens such food nervous system.

Blue Food
(Blueberry, grapes, plums, mackerel, etc.) has antiseptic, antibacterial properties.

Blue Food
(plums, grapes, blueberries, etc.) soothes the nervous system, helps with insomnia.

Purple food
(eggplants, figs, dates, black currant, etc.) Helps for diseases of the joints, with urinary bubble diseases, and also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Blue - The color of the night sky, deep, dark, velvety, mysterious and incomprehensible. When we look at the night sky, we begin to think about your own soul and reflect on the highest sense of life. And at such moments it is visited by clairvoyance, which does not arise a bright day when we are engaged in work.

Like all the colors of the blue part of the spectrum, the blue leads from worldly life and leads to the spiritual world, where intuition is more important than reason, and faith - than proof.

Blue colour Frees thinking and blood and frees from fears and alarms that interfere with hearing that inner voice that knows that we really need. If you strive to develop your mental opportunities, expose yourself to blue, visualizing it or meditating it. It will help to open his "Higher I" and develop an inner vision. Blue color helps to decrypt the value of dreams.

Blue color is related to the pituitary gland located at the base of the brain and is an important endocrine iron of the body. The hypophies using hormones performs general control over the rest of the glands, including the thyroid gland and the adrenal gland.

Blue and hypophies correlate mainly with interburst Chakrawhich is placed between eyebrows in the center of the forehead (Ajna Chakra). This scalp is still known as the third eye. We see the third eye what is not available to ordinary vision. In the inland vision, we go beyond the limits and space and see what is in other measurements.

Treatment in blue

  • Physiological diseases - deafness, cataract, bleeding, nervous disorder
  • Negative mental states - obsession, paranoia, hysteria, increased sensitivity

An example of affirmation:

"I always trust my intuition, which leads me in life"

Blue quality:

  • Positive - mental abilities, depth, vision, wisdom, inspiration
  • Negative - Fear, arrogance, self-deception, loneliness, increased idealism


Color therapy helps to keep health and beauty on long years. Detach the color therapy for 10 to 15 minutes a day, and the results will not wait for a long time. In this article you will find specific recommendations on the use of color therapy in your daily life. This is an effective, easy and pleasant way to support yourself.

Modern studies have been proven that the colors and their combinations certainly affect the physical and psycho-emotional state of the person. It is also considered to be the deficit of any of the main colors leads to a deterioration in the mental and physical condition of a person. If a person give the necessary dose of the color that he lacks, then harmony is created in the body and well-being improved. Since each person has its own special aspects of common diseases and states, the degree of exposure to color is individual. Thus, with color therapy, it is important not only to choose the desired colors, but also determine the degree of their use in this particular case.

Color therapy can be used in different forms. It can be drawing, and contemplation of photos in a specific color, and the creation of an appropriate interior, and the selection of your wardrobe, as well as food, stones, colored water, color salt, and the like.

Value of colors in color therapy

Red - Improves all metabolic processes in the body, activates the activities of internal secretion, displays poisons and toxins, accelerates blood circulation, supports the content of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, has a regulatory effect on the senses.

This color of love, action, endurance. In a difficult time, it helps to overcome the depression, adjusts to an optimistic wave.

Redest red can cause overexcitation, increased pressure, headache, fatigue and redness of the eyes. Prolonged impact may result in fatigue and reduce performance.

Irritable and easily excitable people, as well as high pressure people need to be careful with red.

Orange - Removes a feeling of fear and raises the mood, stimulates the thyroid gland, helps to fight with icota, convulsions, and also contributes to the absorption of uluses, strengthens the lactation. It is a good tonic after severe illness and contributes to the update of the physical body. It is good during menopause and age-related changes in men, as it balasts the hormonal state. Orange affects the intestines and to absorb food, excites appetite. Promotes tissue regeneration, it is used as a vomit for poisoning, eliminates convulsions and removes the voltage. Orange color rejuvenates, leads to equilibrium nervous system. Increases performance, though to a lesser extent than a red color, but for a longer period of time. Promotes learning and memorization. Orange gamma also helps when depressed, fills with vital energy, inspires, creates a joyful mood.

Orange should not be used for too long. This color is not suitable for nervous people.

In terms of yellow color, it is similar to orange, but in a softer form.

Citric - regulates the processes of digestion and metabolism, contributes to the removal of sputum during bronchitis, poisons and toxins in poisoning, affects calcium exchange along with Indigo color.

Green - Creates a sense of equilibrium, harmony and recovery, has a normalizing and soothing effect on the central nervous system, as well as the activity of the cardiovascular system, suppresses microorganisms, reduces blood pressure, dissolves blood clots. Used in the treatment of headaches, eye fatigue, impaired vision. Removes mental and physical overvoltage. The green color soothes, simultaneously charges the body with energy and leads it to complete harmony.

For example, if a person is mentally tired and unnewned, it is necessary to surround it with green - it will return to him and harmonizes his condition. So, you can add green to home interior (curtains, dishes, tablecloths, decorative pillows, green plants, etc.).

Turquoise - Soothes the nervous system, helps with insomnia and burns, increases skin tone, speeding up the formation of collagen, regulates the metabolism.

Blue - destroys infections, helps with inflammation, with skin diseases, with asthmatic and allergic conditions, relieves mental excitation, leads to equilibrium respiratory system, improves the body's resistance. Promotes removal of emotional stress. Soothes the nervous system. Beneficially affects fatigue and insomnia. It helps to achieve their ideals, awakens intuition, enlightens the mind, facilitates the feeling of loneliness, adjusts to kindness and love.

For example, if a person has a high temperature or high blood pressure, a blue color will have a beneficial effect on it. You can contemplate the sky, look at the photo, wrapped in a blue blanket. And after some time, a person will feel much better.

With long-term exposure can reduce performance.

Blue - The color of Indigo is used to reduce pain, has a resolution effect at eats and tissue growths, stops bleeding, reduces the thyroid hyperfunction, rejuvenates, has antibacterial properties. It strengthens the lymphatic and immune system. Causes an equilibrium nervous system. It can be used in the treatment of some obsessive states. Blue color creates a favorable setting for a calm, but not intensive mental work and reduces the feeling of fatigue from it. Blue color brings a peace, relaxes, creates confidence.

Too much blue can lead to depression and sadness.

Purple - It is useful for any internal inflammations, it is capable of lowering appetite, enhances the body's ability to absorb and use mineral substances, removes muscle tension and pain, supports the immune system, has an antimicrobial effect, has a tonic effect on the eyes. Soothes the nervous system. Well suited for solving mental tasks, contributes to the development of spirituality. Purple, like blue, brings a peace, softens many situations. This is the energy of kindness and love.

Purple an overdose can cause longing and depression.

White - Cleans the inner space, carries a positive charge and good luck. White color gives power, energy, aligns the mood and heals from the ailments. It provides therapeutic effect on the central nervous system and contributes to the purification of the body from slags.

Color therapy in the examples

Do you have a bad mood, depression? Then you will need three colors - red (activity, overcoming depression), yellow (stimulating effect on the nervous system), green (balance, harmony). You can work with these colors one of the following methods:

1) Visualization of color. Relax, close your eyes. Alternately imagine these colors in this order - red, yellow, green. For example, you can imagine that you are lying on a red bedspread. And then, imagine yourself in free clothes of yellow, and then - trees with green foliage surrounding you.

2) Color spectrum. Take paint, sheet of paper and apply paints (in our example - it is red, yellow and green colors) in the same sequence on the sheet. You can draw different lines, circles or other some forms, as well as everything that wants to follow only your desire. When you finish the drawing, carefully look at it. What do you feel? Red causes a desire to act, yellow - pleasure, green - charges. The impact of other colors: orange - joy, blue - calm, blue - desire to create, purple - approaching spirituality.

3) Mandala. Color the mandala. For our example, the first to take red and paint them all those elements of the mandala that I want to paint, then paint yellow and, at the end, green.

Working with the mandala, as well as during free drawing, it is good to use your favorite colors or colors that correspond to the problem. So, if you have anemia, then use more red. If you are subject to frequent colds, then use orange paint more. Draw the yellow sun, glade with yellow flowers, if you want to raise yourself mood. With irritability, add more green in your drawings. With anxiety - blue. If you are weakened, draw the blue sea. Want to remove mental and muscle tension, then use purple color in the drawing. When applying color therapy, remember that all warm colors (with the predominance of red) are activated and stimulated, and cold (with the presence of blue) - soothe.

4) Free drawing. Relax, close your eyes. Imagine something very beautiful. Open your eyes. Position the picture on the paper sheet with the help of paints. Draw as the intuition suggests, trying to fill the paint all the sheet. At the end of the drawing, you will get some color image. Look at this picture. What is drawn on it? Press. What does it look like?

5) Contemplation of photos and paintings in a specific color. Choose a few photos of A4 format (2-3 photos for each color), on which one of the main colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple) are focused. You can store them in the photo album or in the folder on the computer. Periodically browse these photos, lingering longer on those colors that you are currently needed.

I offer you some photos (one for each color) for contemplation. Click on any photo, the window opens with a picture in a large size. Relax, turn on pleasant music and 5 minutes to review the photograph you have chosen.

Value of colors in color therapy. Treatment of diseases in adults and children.

  • The world is full of paints and therefore interesting. Human eyes thanks to the light distinguish colors, their shades
  • Our ancestors noticed the healing human reaction from contemplation of one or another color. Therefore, they paid special attention to his choice, layout of the dwelling and its color, clothes
  • Color is able to activate and snag the processes flowing in the human body and psyche. These properties are explained by the wave nature of each specific color. So it acts on the pituitary gland and sishkovoid glands that are responsible for the production of hormones.
  • Accordingly, the first either give a signal to their intensive workout, or to a decrease in the appearance rate

Let's talk more about the color therapy, its features of application and benefits for a person.

Color for the treatment of diseases in children

Multicolored fingers and palms at the kid

Children are impressionable in nature and prone to a deeper perception of everything they see. Perhaps therefore treatment with the color of their diseases has a positive effect:

  • red color has a beneficial effect on the treatment of skin diseases, including scarletins, windmills. Alternation of red and yellow rays clean up anemia, apathy in kids, contribute to an increase in their physical activity, weight growth
  • orange is shown in the weakness of the heart and impairment of the lungs. He treats the flu well, if you send it to the area of \u200b\u200bthe spleen, and green - the throat
  • yellow - color of view. He is mild for perception with his eyes and adjusts many of their diseases.
  • blue proved its beneficial effect with violent mental disorders, eye muscle relaxation
  • blue reduces the manifestations of jaundice, vitiligo, contributes to the scarring of burns, a decrease in appetite
  • green soothes and relaxes, effective in the treatment of claustrophobia
  • blue, blue and green possess the soothing effect, relaxing the children's psyche, set up a dream, give a peace. Therefore, psychologists and designers are united in opinion about the choice of such a color gamut for a bedroom children's room.
  • purple color works on keeping the balance of internal skin processes, strengthening immunity, alignment of blood pressure, mental health
  • pink heals the kids even in the hospital. Enough to use the underwear of this shade

Treatment methods

Color treatment - Chakram health diagnostics

Since the color therapy people use a long time ago, the methods of its practice got a lot. Globally divide them into 2 groups:

  • special
  • casual

To the first one can attribute collaboration in:

  • clinics and specially equipped rooms in medical facilities
  • organization of space for color therapy in the territory of enterprises / firms with the involvement of a medical specialist
  • clinics or psychologists' offices using the patient's attention concentration on color shown on a sheet of paper
  • selection of minerals and applying them to patient places according to a scheme determined by a specialist

In the second group you will find various methods of home treatment with color:

  • home and Room Interior
  • clothes
  • table setting
  • food Consumption Specific Color at a specific point in time, for example, orange for lunch, green - for dinner
  • use of water charged with one color. To do this, a transparent vessel wrap with paper or polyethylene of the desired shade and put it in the sun for several hours. Either plunge the healing mineral and insist water with it under the sunny rays

Value of colors in color therapy

Flower palette in color therapy

Each color and shade bear certain information and vibrations. We distinguish them subconsciously and with eyes.

If you look at the value of colors in the color therapy, then:

  • red has a warming effect, has a beneficial effect on the bloodstream, the work of the muscles. He is able to cheer up a person, structuring his emotions and thoughts
  • orange awakens the fire of digestion and normalizes breathing. It stimulates the production of joy hormones. It was noticed that he could cure a person from infertility
  • yellow - the color of the sun and organs located near the solar plexus. Able to unail confidence, perseverance, power especially before important negotiations
  • green color personifies life, optimism, harmony with the outside world. Especially susceptible to him heart and lungs
  • blue - the color of the crawler truth. Activates mental processes, normalizes the activities of the urine-sexual system organs, relaxes the body and psyche before bed
  • blue color love our bone system, organs of vision and breathing. He perfectly quenches pain, treats various kinds of dependence
  • purple has both strength and softness, combines the energy of the body and spirit. Affects the sidberry gland, and therefore - the mental and emotional work of our body

Be careful in working with flowers, since their overabundance provokes the reverse reaction - instead of cure from the ailment, the latter is enhanced.

Treatment in color therapy green

Therapeutic green color in nature

The most harmonious and instant hope color in color therapy is considered green. He personifies:

  • love
  • friendly relations
  • generosity and abundance
  • comfort

For the human body, it is useful:

  • as a regulator of coordinated work of the heart, respiratory and vision organs
  • in the role of anti-allergen and warned inflammatory processes
  • ability to align the activities of patients kidney
  • as an eliminator of headaches and dizziness

For our psyche Green is shown:

  • to remove stresses, especially after the strongest experiences and stress
  • as a means for relax, restoration of internal harmony, calm
  • for making decisions, even in the most difficult situations
  • as a ridder from negative feelings and emotions

Contemplation of natural green color streamlines thoughts, reduces mental excitement, encourages thinking and determining the further action plan.

What to treat yellow?

Yellow tulips - pleasant to the eye

Confident and labeled yellow color has the strength in the treatment of our body and mind.

On the physical plane, it contributes to the work:

  • digestive system
  • organs around solar plexus
  • liver
  • heads - Enhances the concentration of attention, memory
  • skin Pokrov
  • excretory system, especially during the period of cleaning procedures
  • whole organism in getting rid of toxins and excess weight
  • exchange processes, especially liquids

Psychologically, he is strong in:

  • overcoming shyness, uncertainty, depressive and gloomy looks
  • pasivation of energy, liveliness of the mind, refinement, concentration
  • enhance curiosity and interest in life
  • improving general mood
  • the establishment of communicative links between people. The latter feel the need to talk, express everything that has been booked

When to use white color?

White flower healing in color therapy

White color simultaneously personifies innocence and death, the transition from one stage of being to another.

He acts on the psyche as a cleaner from negative. Dress up white clothes, if you are currently in a heavy and gloomy period of life.

In most religious flows of the world, the white color is associated with holiness, blameing, chastity, female essence.

What treats blue color?

Blue Clouds - Reflection of Natural Blue

The intuition activator and the executor of desires - so they talk about blue color in color therapy. It is also the only one of the spectrum is the strongest painful color.

On the physical plane they treat:

  • disease eyes, ears, brain
  • bone system, especially spine
  • diseases of the endocrine system
  • arterial pressure deviations
  • clearing manifestations in women
  • painful monthly
  • breath organs and air space from pollution
  • ears, colds, asthma, skin diseases
  • harmful Habits - Smoking, Alcohol and Narcotic Dependencies

Mentally, it is capable of:

  • restore healthy brain and psyche in general
  • soothe, instill confidence in the happy resolution of any situation
  • relax, arrange to calmness
  • improve the feeling of comfort and safety
  • remove negative emotions and soreness from memories
  • inspire

Treatment in red

Red dress girl

The brightness and heat of red is having a beneficial effect on both the overall human well-being and its mental state.

From the point of view of the body, it is capable of:

  • have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, expand the vessels, eliminate blockage, ignite blood, stimulate the production of red blood bodies
  • strengthen immunity and memory, raise low hemoglobin, help in harmonious leakage of cleansing procedures
  • align the work of the liver, the glands of the internal secretion
  • eliminate hypotension, anemia, cold, infectious and skin diseases
  • stimulate brain activity
  • restore the organism weakened after disease

At the mind level, the red is valid like this:

  • activates internal reserves of energy
  • adds energetic, self-confidence, enterprise
  • displays depressed, depressed states, melancholism

How to apply pink, orange, purple color?

Meadow flowers orange, pink, yellow and white

The color of tender love is pink. It is used for:

  • heart treating and restoring his forces
  • reliable depression, melancholy
  • accelerating the process of recovery of children who lie in the hospital
  • elimination of diseases in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis
  • giving the skin hips and buttocks of healthy velvety
  • relaxing mental and physical

Orange - the color of cheerful optimists, positive thinking and health. He copes with:

  • the function of cleansing the body due to the relationship with the spleen
  • saturation of the body and spirit by positive, faith in itself, a healthy assessment of his forces
  • drawing cheerfulness and joy, wise prudence in difficult periods of life
  • transformation of negative emotions to creative
  • the adoption of its fate and all its turns while preserving the ability to start life from pure sheet

Mysterious purple color will have to taste those who are subject to emotional rims, wants to part with overweight. In addition, he:

  • favorable for organs of vision, immune and lymphatic systems
  • reduces cardiac rhythm, migraines, skin rashes, eye fatigue
  • protects from solitude

Treatment pain color

Colored cheerful children's palms

Scientists all over the world paid a lot of attention to the study of the effect of color to the perception of a person, treatment of diseases. In particular, Russian minds based on research developed a computer program that allows diagnostics of hospitals to determine the nature of pain.

According to their works, pain is three species:

  • somatogenic - provoked by injuries, onco-scabers, surgical operations, chronic fabric and joint diseases
  • neurogenic - arising due to damage to the central and peripheral nervous system
  • psychogenic - observed due to the long influence of stressful situations, severe periods of life. Medical examinations of the patient with such a type of pain usually do not marvel any results, that is, from the point of view of physical health, a person has no disease

Interestingly, all patients associate the absence of pain with green, yellow, less than red spectrum colors. So it can be assumed that these colors are the painful effect on a person.

Color therapy in psychology

Colored pencils for drawing as a method of therapy

Knowledge of our ancestors about the effect of color per person were proven by scientists in practice.

  • Our eyes are able to perceive three colors - red, blue and green due to the presence of appropriate colodes in the structure of the visual apparatus. And we distinguish the shades depending on the percentage mixing of the main colors.
  • If any of the colors is caught by the eye, we say that we see black
  • If you have a specific goal to reduce the manifestations of the disease on the physical or psychological levels, study the color therapy and select the desired color to achieve it
  • Scientists went further and proved that human skin can distinguish and absorb the vibrations of a particular color. For this, a number of studies have been conducted with the placement of a man in the room of different colors, including dark, devoid of lighting
  • Take a look in the works of the great doctors of antiquity. For example, Avicenna advised his patients wearing clothes and natural minerals of a particular color, shift of the paints of the walls of the dwelling, receiving a bath with painted water
  • Contemplation of living natural landscapes and pictured in the picture also causes certain emotions in us, associations. For example, the cloudy day of late autumn or a bright sunny summer day instill in us longing or joy, happiness.

Application of color therapy for stress removal

Drawing with colorful paints with fingers as a method for removing stress
  • The dynamism of the modern world leaves his imprint on each person. Therefore, the number of stresses does not decrease
  • The methods of overcoming them are enough, among them the decent place was taken by color therapy, or chromotherapy
  • Thanks to the scientific and practical works of scientists, we can independently choose the desired color and work with it to relax, bring your body and mental state into equilibrium

Several tips for those who wish to try color trees in order to free themselves from light stress of irregular nature:

  • red color contraindicated people suffering from hypertension
  • blue will avoid hypotonized
  • green Color Sprits Recurities from those who suffer from cancer
  • avoid a long contact with only one color, it should be changed
  • black Coleler will never withdraw you from stress and depression

If you are able to depressed for years, then one chromotherapy will be little. Be sure to contact a specialist for advice and help.

Practice Color Treatment with:

  • special lamps painted in different colors
  • nozzles for lamps, lamps
  • glasses with special glasses
  • charged concrete color under the sun's water rays
  • taking a colored bath. You can paint the water, for example, using a colored sea salt
  • wearing clothes of the desired shade
  • reception of this or that color

Color therapy: Exercises

Formation of bouquets from colors as a color therapy method

Consider several different exercises on color therapy:

  • rainbow - to remove fatigue, gaining vitality and energy. Exercise lying with closed eyes. Turn on a pleasant meditative composition or nature sounds. Imagine that you turned out to be a summer day in the woods in the tent. Hear bird singing, foliage noise and a small rain. You relax, filled with joy, unity with the sounds of nature. The rain ended and you came out. Around you sparkling peace and rainbow between trees. Imagine that you can fly and ride to her. Slowly plunge into the beneficial vibrations of each color of the rainbow in turn. Linger on each of them seconds for 20. Then feel your body, condition. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes. Look at the short roller about the rainbow to secure the effect
  • to eliminate myopia - use pictures or cards with landscapes, in which a lot of either white or purple or black colors. So stimulates the brain areas that are responsible for the concentration on remote items, which means that the eye muscles are trained. After graduation, close your eyes for a couple of minutes and relax
  • yellow square. Prepare a 440x40 yellow paper square. Secure it at a distance of meter-one and a half from the stool, where you will sit. For a quarter of an hour, see him without distracting. Then close your eyes for a couple of minutes and relax. Your brain will independently transmit yellow vibration to those organs that need it
  • with a candle and picture for training. Position the grilled candle at a meter distance. Alternately take the picture in one, then in another hand. Pull it as much as possible so that the candle is visible in the field of your vision. Try to clearly see what is depicted in the picture. This result must be achieved with both eyes.

Color therapy: Games

Children play with colored toys

Treatment and adjustment of the mental state with color equally good for children, and for adults. Only due to the fact that kids believe in miracles and are more willing to be included in the game, more opportunities for chromotherapy have been developed for them:

  • dancing with scarves or pieces of concrete color fabric
  • drawing up drawings from multicolored pieces
  • inventing colorful stories
  • association of its mood with concrete color
  • coloring
  • search for specific color items
  • games with pencils, felt-powder, small, colored paper

Among adults widespread coloring was obtained in the form of a mandala - this is a drawing consisting of small repeated segments, each of which is painted in its color.

  • During work on the painting of fragments of the drawing, you calm down, thinking about the events of your life, charge the flowers that use in the process
  • So, we considered the meaning of the colors and their influence on a person, including in order to cure specific ailments in adults and children. Identified exercises and games with collections suitable for any age
  • Color therapy as practical science is tested by time and proved its relevance to the current moment. Moreover, she does not have side effects with a reasonable use of accumulated knowledge

Video: The effect of color therapy per person for treating diseases