On November 24, 22-year-old Anastasia Soltan committed suicide in St. Petersburg - youngest daughter Deputy Speaker of the local legislative assembly Pavel Soltan, who died this summer in a car accident. The discussion of suicide - despite the fact that it happened two weeks ago - does not subside: before jumping out of the window, Soltan gave an interview to the Life78 TV channel. The channel's employees left the girl alone in the apartment - despite warnings that she might commit suicide. The local Union of Journalists tried to assess the ethical actions of the channel's employees, but has not yet been able to come to a common decision. “Medusa” tells the main thing about this story.

Anastasia Soltan's parents died in a car accident on August 15, 2016. The Toyota of Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan crashed into another car on the Scandinavia highway. Soltan himself and his wife Svetlana were killed. Anastasia, their youngest daughter, survived, although she received serious injuries. The court has not yet established who is at fault for the accident; the surviving driver of the second car denies wrongdoing.

After the accident, Anastasia Soltan began to complain about her husband. Shortly before the accident, she married a municipal deputy from A Just Russia, Alexei Plotnikov. Plotnikov was listed as a “party representative” in the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic; in June the Ministry of Defense awarded him a medal as a participant military operation in Syria. In September 2016, he ran for deputies of the city legislative assembly; the death of his wife’s parents did not change these plans.

“He has elections now, and this is the most important thing. On the one hand, I understand that the responsibility for our family is now on him, and he must work. But on the other hand, in the situation in which I find myself, you can find time for me. Before the elections, he decided not to spend the night in the hospital and left me alone. Sometimes I call him and beg him to come, because I either feel bad mentally, or I’m lying alone, chained to the bed, and he says that he has work, period. Then he can raise his voice at me, and yesterday he actually said that I enjoy the fact that I suffer,” this appeared on Anastasia Soltan’s VKontakte page on September 7.

St. Petersburg media drew attention to Anastasia Soltan’s complaints about her husband. Moreover, with each new post, Anastasia’s accusations became more and more serious - she stated that her husband had betrayed her, embezzled money set aside for Honeymoon, and wants to take over his parents’ apartment. Plotnikov denied everything and attributed his wife’s words to depression. On November 21, they divorced, Plotnikov (he lost the elections) that his ex-wife would regret stirring up the conflict.

On November 24, her birthday, Anastasia Soltan jumped out of a window and died. The day before her death, she escaped from the hospital where she was undergoing rehabilitation. According to Anastasia, her older sister Veronica and her husband sent her there almost by force. After escaping, Anastasia Soltan went to see her friend, then went to the Legislative Assembly to meet with her father’s colleagues. She was taken from the Mariinsky Palace to her sister's house. Anastasia went to the nearest McDonald's and called Life78 from there - this division of federal Life covered her story more actively than others - so that they would come and film how they were not giving her the keys to the apartment (her sister Veronica did not want to give the keys so that Anastasia would not was left alone). Correspondent Nikita Pimenov came to McDonald's with a film crew. After this, Veronica Soltan’s husband gave Anastasia the keys, but warned the publication’s employees that if Anastasia was left alone, she might commit suicide. She made such attempts while she lived with them before she began undergoing rehabilitation.

Life78 employees came with Soltan to her apartment. They filmed in which Anastasia showed them the apartment, said that she wanted to go to the hospital again, and how she was offended by her parents for “not teaching them how to live without them.” The journalists left, leaving Soltan alone. The next evening she committed suicide. After her death, Life78 made several more materials about her and her family.

About a hundred representatives of the city media community signed an appeal to the Union of Journalists asking them to evaluate the actions of Life78 employees. “The girl’s condition at the time of the journalists’ visit was unstable (the girl was depressed, crying, described herself as “a person on the edge”), the film crew was aware of the suicide attempts made by the heroine of the story, in the appeal. “In a journalistic environment, it is unacceptable to abuse the trust of an interlocutor, as well as his particularly emotional state, which does not allow him to adequately assess the consequences of his statements.” It also says that Life78 employees used Anastasia Soltan’s unstable condition “to create a more emotional and rating video.”

Life78 does not see anything unethical in what happened.“Soltan herself called us and asked for help. That's what we did. When the family and everyone else didn’t care,” Konstantin Pridybaylo, deputy editor-in-chief of the publication, told Meduza. Ordinary employees of Life78 in private conversations say that the correspondent who was with Soltan is not capable of “cynical manipulations for the sake of a ‘fried report’.” “This is the kind of person, he’s not a Life guy, you know? He is very good; By the way, he’s very worried about the whole story,” said one of the TV channel’s employees.

The Union of Journalists was never able to decide whether professional ethics were violated or not."We had a very heated discussion. As a result, we will formulate a resolution. We will formulate... We said that in this case they [Life78 employees] basically acted humanly, it seems that they were the only ones who were nearby. On the other hand, we said that we would distance ourselves from such methods of work,” the chairman of the St. Petersburg Union of Journalists and Leningrad region Lyudmila Fomicheva. The Union of Journalists was supposed to make a resolution on December 7, but has not yet reached a consensus. Its text is expected to be published on December 12.

“She couldn’t bear to part with her parents. Of course, it’s a pity that Nastya had no authority in this whole situation... As a result, [her] sister became a close person at that moment. But life showed that this was the wrong priority for Nastya,” about death ex-wife Alexey Plotnikov. Veronica Soltan refused to talk to Meduza - as soon as she heard that a journalist was calling her, she apologized and hung up.

Artem Alexandrov

"Echo of Moscow in St. Petersburg", St. Petersburg

Galina Soltan - Anastasia Soltan's aunt, wife sibling Pavel Soltana, told Metro about the last few days on the evening of November 24. After a traffic accident in August 2016, in which her parents died, the series of terrible trials that befell the girl did not end.

In many ways, Galina Soltan confirmed the words of her close friends.

Nastya seemed to be smart, but sometimes she behaved like a 13-year-old girl, you could do whatever you wanted with her. Nastya was like a zombie, she drove her husband Alexei out of the hospital and did not want to communicate, recalls Galina Soltan.

Part of the reason for such discord was the money that was given to Nastya, and Alexey Plotnikov took it for the election campaign.
“He said: “I need to feed my family, I need to get elected!” Of course, he returned all the money to the last penny and took nothing for himself. I visited Nastya several times at 9 am and met Alexey at the hospital. He said: “I don’t know what to do, she drives me away, says nasty things and calls security.”

At some point, Alexey Plotnikov stopped communicating with Nastya and said: “They threw mud at me so much that I can’t take it anymore,” says Galina Soltan.

Galina often visited Nastya in the rehabilitation hospital.

She was in terrible condition, it was scary to look at her. I think it’s unlikely that anyone “helped” Nastya commit suicide; most likely, she did it of her own free will. Nastya had problems before. But on the last day before her death she said: “They won’t wait for me to give up, I want to live.” She meant her sister and husband. But left alone in the house, she, of course, could do it.

On the eve of these words, an incident occurred when Nastya and Veronica’s husband, Vyacheslav Koltsov, remained at home.
- Slava either asked her to do something or clean up after herself, in the spirit: “If you are waiting for something to be served to you, go get it yourself.” And she, of course, immediately burst into tears: “I don’t know what to do, but he says, so jump out the window.” And she opened the window and stood up. Nastya said that Slava pulled her from the window.

After this, says Galina Soltan, Nastya was sent to the Skvortsov-Stepanova hospital for four days, where they were going to inject the sedative Phenazepam.

The hospital said that Nastya was absolutely safe and wouldn’t do anything to herself. That she had no prerequisites for suicide was just a game for Nastya.

When Nastya ended up in a rehabilitation clinic, her aunt came to visit her. And the girl, to whom her husband brought things and a telephone, could no longer be within the walls of the clinic.

Nastya said: “I’m leaving here. I won’t lie here in this general ward, people complain that I don’t let them sleep at night. I walk around and cry.” And she began to pack her things. The nurse said that, of course, she would not let her go outside. Nastya called her friend Olesya and said: “I’m coming to see you.” Olesya, of course, could not leave her on the street and let her in. Nastya then said: “This mental hospital broke me, it’s like being in prison.”

Details on the topic "The Death of Anastasia Soltan".


Because in a day, on November 25, Anastasia will be gone. Her body will be found under the windows of a high-rise building. The girl will be picked up by an ambulance. And a few hours later she would die in the hospital.

The dog will remain at home, a silent witness last hours, last tears, last decision...

On Sunday, November 27, according to Komsomolskaya Pravda, she was buried next to her parents at the Kuzmolovskoye cemetery.

Only the closest people came to the funeral. The farewell ceremony was kept as secret as possible.


IN last days everyone wondered what brought the girl to the fatal step.

They blamed the older sister, who condemned Nastya after her first demonstrative suicide attempt in front of Veronica’s children. They blamed social networks, saying that Nastya could not stand the unkind comments.

They condemned both at once - why did they expose their grievances and mutual claims to public discussion?

They commented on Nastya’s psychological instability, saying that she went to a psychotherapist or psychologist.

But some readers saw in what happened the influence of one of the St. Petersburg publications, which did an interview with Nastya before her death.

“They communicated with Nastya unsuccessfully, twelve hours later she died,” people write.

Deputy Boris Vishnevsky completely agrees with them.

I didn’t know Nastya, although I knew Pavel Soltan and his wife Svetlana well,” Boris Vishnevsky told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - But there is a feeling that not best role Journalists played a role in the incident. Perhaps, if there had not been that last plot, the tragedy would not have happened. Marina Shishkina and I (ex-deputy, public figure, journalist. – author’s note) today we are going to prepare and send a request to the ethics commission of the Union of Journalists to check the ethics of such a story. After all, they invaded the apartment, rented everything there... And a few hours later Nastya was gone. We will publish an open statement about the review, anyone who wants to can join.

Let us remind you that on August 14, a deputy crashed on the Scandinavia highway Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan - his Toyota collided head-on with a Mercedes. Pavel Mikhailovich's wife Svetlana also died in the accident. Their youngest daughter Anastasia, who was sitting in the back seat, miraculously survived, but was taken to the hospital.


Professor of Psychiatry Mikhail Vinogradov:

“You should have told her simple words: you must live in memory of your parents!”

Nastya’s psyche could not bear so many misfortunes, says Professor Mikhail Vinogradov. – It's about, of course, about meaningful suicide. She wanted to do it. She saw no meaning in life, since she was left without parents, divorced her husband, and was disabled herself. She had to somehow get out of her problems, but her sister, apparently, didn’t need it. Hence the loneliness. Worries about the death of her father and mother, attempts to bring herself into life tired her. She has lost the meaning of existence.

Do you think Nastya was mentally unstable?

Most likely, she was healthy. Just a tragedy that happened in her life, for anyone normal person will have a tragic impact! Much depends on those around you.

What words should you say to people in such a situation?

We have this formula: “In memory of your parents, you must live in such a way that they are proud of you. Parents always give only the best to their children. You must show with your life that they were not mistaken in you. They would like you to have a good life.” And when you come to the grave, tell your parents: “I’m trying to make you proud of me. It’s hard for me, I barely got over your loss, but I found the strength to live - for your sake, because you would want it.” Such in simple words very often it is possible to keep people from taking tragic steps.

According to a family friend, a certain psychiatrist advised Nastya to write letters to her deceased parents...

This is just a mockery! These are unacceptable things!

So instead of being distracted, she plunged into the past?

Yes, and this became an additional impetus for suicide.

My sister took Nastya’s phone so she wouldn’t go on social networks...

Very in vain. She needed to communicate with the world, and she would probably receive support on social networks from the most different people, in the same vein: we must live with dignity for the sake of mom and dad.

And if someone had been there on her birthday, would Nastya still live?

Big question. Even if someone came to her for a while, after that she would still be left alone - without the support of family and friends.

00:45 — REGNUM 22-year-old Anastasia Soltan, the daughter of Pavel Soltan, the deputy speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, who died in a traffic accident in August, died after falling out of a window. The girl's relatives reported the tragedy. Anastasia Soltan had a birthday on November 24th.

“I gave you the keys as you asked. Nastya is no longer alive. My God,” her older sister Veronica wrote on social media.

According to Life, Anastasia fell from the window of the sixth floor apartment where she was in Lately. Police officers and doctors are working at the scene of the incident. As media reported, in recent days the girl had been living with a friend, but the day before she returned to her parents’ empty apartment.

“I love my parents very much, they gave me a lot,” the girl said in an interview with Life78 two days before her death. “But I’m offended by them because they didn’t let me understand how I could live without them.” How to live without them. And that life doesn’t end without them.”

Anastasia Plotnikova (Soltan) was in the car of the vice speaker of the St. Petersburg parliament during a car accident on August 14, 2016. Her father died on the spot, and her mother died several hours later in the hospital. The girl received severe injuries and fractures, for a long time was in the hospital for treatment and rehabilitation. She walked on crutches, but told friends that she was recovering quickly.

Nastya’s mental state was seriously undermined by a conflict with her young husband Alexei Plotnikov, a party comrade deceased Pavel Soltana, who, according to the girl, did not help her during treatment and rehabilitation. As a result, a few days ago the couple officially divorced on Anastasia’s initiative.

The girl was greatly burdened by her stay in the hospital, and, despite the insistence older sister and other relatives, she left the medical institution and received the keys to her parents’ apartment from her sister.

Pavel Soltan died in an accident on the 43rd kilometer of the Pargolovo-Ogonki highway on the evening of August 14. Soltan was driving a Toyota Verso, and his wife and daughter were in the car with him. The deputy's Toyota collided with a Mercedes-Benz C200, which also contained a family from three people. According to the Leningrad region prosecutor's office, Toyota was moving in its own lane, and Mercedes flew into the oncoming lane. However, in a popular urban group in social network one of the users claimed that she was driving behind a Mercedes car and saw with her own eyes that it was the deputy’s Toyota that flew into the oncoming lane.

Pavel Soltan died on the spot. His wife was hospitalized in serious condition, but she could not be saved. Daughter Anastasia was hospitalized. Three people in the Mercedes were also hospitalized. A criminal case is being investigated, which may soon end up in court.

Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan and his wife Svetlana crashed in car accident on the 43rd kilometer of the Pargolovo - Ogonki highway.

At the 43rd kilometer of the Pargolovo - Ogonki highway, a Toyota car, in which there were Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan with his wife Svetlana and daughter Nastya, and a Mercedes, in which a man, a woman and a one-year-old child were traveling, collided.

As a result of the accident, Pavel Soltan died on the spot, his wife died in the hospital. The driver and passenger of the Mercedes were seriously injured.

According to preliminary information, the culprit of the accident was the Mercedes driver, who drove into oncoming traffic.

Their daughter Veronica reported the death of Pavel Soltan’s wife on her page on the VKontakte social network.

“They couldn’t save mom. Mom also died. Nastya is in serious condition, but stable. She has a fractured pelvis and leg. Loss of blood,” she wrote.

Nastya - younger sister Veronica, she and her parents were in the car at the time of the accident.

Anastasia Soltan (married to Plotnikova)

The tragedy occurred at about 18.00 on August 14. At the 43rd kilometer of the Pargolovo – Ogonki highway, “Merdses” and “Toyota” cars collided. Pavel Soltan was driving the Toyota.

Soltan Pavel Mikhailovich.

In 1988 he graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after. IN AND. Ulyanov (Lenin) (LETI), in 2003 received the second higher education at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University.

From 1984 to 1998 he worked as a leading engineer at the Research Institute of Prosthetics.

From 1998 to 2007 - deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the second and third convocations in the 13th electoral district.

In March 2007, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly. fourth convocation. Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on social issues, member of the standing commission on urban management, urban planning and land issues of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

Member of the council of the St. Petersburg branch of the A Just Russia party.

In December 2011, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fifth convocation. On January 18, 2012, he was elected by a majority vote as Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

Member of the Coordination Council for Disabled People under the Governor of St. Petersburg. Member of the Council for Disabled People under the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Member of the Board of the Committee on physical culture and sports of the Government of St. Petersburg.

Winner of a diploma from the Golden Pelican charity movement in the Person of the Year category. Awarded the gold medal of the Special Olympic Order "Honor and Nobility". Awarded the Honorary Silver Order of Public Recognition.

President of the St. Petersburg Artistic Gymnastics Federation.

He was married and raised two daughters.