After the funeral of Anastasia Soltan, who fell from the window of the house where she lived with her parents before the tragedy, her ex-husband gave an interview to Life. Municipal council deputy Alexey Plotnikov spoke about his relationship with Nastya and her family. Here is a monologue from one of the characters in this sad story.

Relationship with Pavel Soltan

She was good Friendly family. It was a great joy for me when every evening we had dinner, everyone told us how the day went. I always wanted a family that had an understanding father-in-law. It took me a long time to choose a family. Pavel Mikhailovich introduced me to Nastya. It is a great honor for me that he saw me as a reliable person, and I sincerely respected Pavel Mikhailovich. He was very kind person and very sincere. Which, you know, is rare not just among politicians, but also among ordinary people.

Pavel Mikhailovich lived by his work, very modestly. Pavel Mikhailovich and Svetlana Valentinovna were people of their time. Just in the little things: my favorite cake is “potato”, my favorite cake is “Prague”. This is what unites people, what they had in their youth. For me, this is essentially a childhood memory.

What are the priorities of the sister and her husband?..

Svetlana Valentinovna once said: “Nastya, your sister will eat you.” Therefore, it is very important that a person appears, what if we are gone... Perhaps they felt. They said, “We might not exist,” something like that. We talked with Pavel Mikhailovich two weeks before the event, he said: “Alexey, I’ll last for five years. We need to think further.” Svetlana Valentinovna agreed with Nastya’s sister: we will help you with your mortgage, but don’t touch Nastya.

On the day of the funeral, I told Veronica’s husband that I didn’t need anything in this situation.

With a smile, with such an unpleasant, sarcastic smile, my sister’s husband said to me: “Alexey, you only married Pavel Mikhailovich. And once you get married, you can easily get a divorce.” From Veronica towards Nastya it was said: “We will find you another husband.”

Breakup with Anastasia Soltan

All the time after the accident I was in Sestroretsk with her. When she was transferred from Sestroretsk to the Elizavetinskaya Hospital, there was a ward with an adjoining room: in one room there was her bed, in the other room there was a sofa on which I spent the night. In the last week, they brought a cot on which I slept next to her bed. For the last nine days, I asked Nastya, I said that it was already the moment when I needed to focus on business. But, unfortunately, Nastya did not support me at this moment. And I came to her on September 19, when the elections had already taken place. To talk: that's it, now I'm here. But at that moment the dialogue did not work out at all; Anastasia was sure that she had been abandoned. It was a difficult conversation that led nowhere. And, of course, from September 19, communication with Nastya was only on September 24 or 25. When she was in such a lively, perhaps even nervous mood, she demanded that I bring the money.

You know, not everyone in our country is nominated to this level of election. And this, of course, is some kind of split in priorities: it seems that I was a wife, but I also seemed to be ineffective as a nurse. But for the sake of the future it was impossible to leave the matter

Alexey Plotnikov

Nastya had only two complaints - a laptop and money (half of the money that was donated for the wedding and money from the travel agency). If we tell all this in detail, then the laptop was transferred through my sister’s husband. Moreover, this young man came to the meeting, excuse me, with a bat. Which indicates strange thoughts in this person’s head.

I returned from a business trip, I went to Donetsk, and through my brother Pavel Mikhailovich, all the money was transferred and receipts were signed.

It’s a pity that there were people next to Anastasia who, in my opinion, gave her no best advice- file for divorce. This initiative of Anastasia together with her sister and husband, which was carried out by a lawyer. Nastya did not come to court. And by coincidence, I myself was late for court. The only thing they asked me was: “Will you appeal the court’s decision?” But you won’t be nice by force. Fight for a person who says: “I don’t want to see you, don’t come here.” On my part, the conversation was short, which ended after handing over the money she asked for.
Of course, the initiator of the discord is definitely the sister and her husband. All this led to this. On the day of the funeral, or rather the next day. Marina Parfyonova ( close friend families. - Approx. edit.) wrote to me on VKontakte: “In memory of my parents - to you great advice, protect Nastya from her sister. Because of jealousy towards her mother, my sister sincerely hates Nastya.”

They wrote on VKontakte: “Alexey, ask for forgiveness.” You know, I'm sure I did everything right. The husband is always responsible. Work, business. In my case it was elections. You should never leave what you are doing, because this is the future of the family. You can never give up. The family should verbally support each other in any case. Nastya didn’t hear this. Nastya really wanted pity for herself, she received this pity on social networks. But this pity from social networks played an extremely negative role

Alexey Plotnikov

Death of Anastasia

Nastya had a flexible psyche, and all this was embedded in school years. The parents themselves, Pavel Mikhailovich, said that it was because of his sister. Before the wedding, when we went to meet my sister’s family, everyone was in the car: Nastya, Svetlana Valentinovna, Pavel Mikhailovich. They told me: “Alexey, never have any business with Slava. Especially money. The family is very complicated.” And the only phrase that I remember at the end is: “They are not good.” But no one thought that it would all happen like this. Nastya became highly dependent on support on the Internet, on social networks. It was very important for her when they liked her. Both the parents said and Nastya said: she is afraid of evaluation, evaluation from the outside. And when all these posts say, “Nastya, come on, hold on, you must be strong.” And when on the last day after the report there were phrases in her direction such as “Nastya, you need to think about it. Probably, these are not the most correct actions". That is, it was no longer support, but criticism. Perhaps she could not withstand this criticism.

Since she did not have access to the Internet, social networks, as I understand it, her smartphone was taken away. And at eight in the evening she went online, read it all and couldn’t stand it.

I don’t know what happened in those two months when Nastya lived with her sister and her husband. This is not indifferent to me, I constantly monitored what Nastya wrote, what my sister wrote, and what they generally wrote in the comments. I read that she tried to jump out the window. I don’t know how it all happened technically, how it all looked from the outside.

You know, my parents’ friends said: “Lyosha, don’t have any illusions, her sister doesn’t need Nastya.” At a certain moment there are two ways: either it’s really a madhouse, or something else. Nastya had to be separated from her husband. And my sister did it.

Everything had an impact. Separation from her husband - once, assessment from social networks. It’s amazing how easily people, not knowing the full complexity of the situation, make assessments.

Nastya had the ground completely knocked out from under her feet. She was very attached to her parents, very much. On the wedding day, when Marina Parfyonova approached her parents and said that now they need to live separately. Svetlana Valentinovna said: “Nastya can’t live without me.”

Yes, she couldn’t bear to part with her parents. Of course, it’s a pity that Nastya had no authority in this whole situation, despite the advice of her brother Pavel Mikhailovich, her parents’ friends, her friend, she didn’t hear what I said. As a result, my sister became a close person at that moment. But life showed that this was the wrong priority for Nastya.

Veronica took on the load, pushed me aside, but she herself did not carry this load to the end. God is the judge of everyone in this situation who was present. I'll move on with this.

Anastasia Soltan was buried the day before at the Kuzmolovskoye cemetery next to her parents, Pavel and Svetlana Soltan.

On her birthday, Anastasia Plotnikova (although the girl would have preferred the surname of her beloved father - Soltan, rather than her husband who abandoned her) died tragically, falling from the 12th floor. While the apartment where the tragedy unfolded without witnesses is being opened by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, dozens of condolences from people who have been involved in the family’s public drama on social networks are already pouring into the profile of the Soltan sisters. deceased deputy ZakSa.

"I am 21 years old. Back in the summer, I had everything I needed to be happy - my family. Beloved parents and beloved husband. In August, my parents and I ended up in terrible accident, mom and dad died, and I was between life and death. For me, my parents were everything, and my husband also abandoned me in the hospital. I didn’t know how to continue living, to be honest, I still don’t know. But I live!” Nastya desperately wrote on her VKontakte wall back in October.

Numerous well-wishers (as usual on social networks, this is everything, and not just good friends) supported her desire to live, but the lack of a friendly shoulder nearby was clearly felt: at some point the girl even published her phone number on the page with the note “Today is very bad. I would like to ask for help, but the worst thing is that nothing can be changed! Maybe someone knows how to survive all this?!” Apparently, no one helped: on her birthday, on the evening of November 24, Nastya passed away.

Let us recall that Anastasia Plotnikova is the daughter of a respected deputy speaker in St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltana – on August 14, she lost both her father and mother in a car accident on the Scandinavia highway, and she herself received serious injuries and found herself on crutches. Own injuries She wasn’t knocked down like that: all her life she watched her father, who lived with prosthetic arms and helped the disabled.

“Disability is not a death sentence, and my dad was proof of that. I believe that a person who has gone through pain and obstacles can feel the pain of others and help other people. This is what my dad was like, this is what I want to become. But I can’t do it alone, I need your help. There are people who, like Veronichka and me, stand up for mom and dad, and that’s priceless. But I will be grateful for any help in preserving their memory. Why not his, but their memory? Because without mom there would be no dad. Behind every successful man is his woman,” Anastasia wrote to her “friends” on VKontakte.

Her personal family life, unfortunately, did not repeat the bright example of her father and mother: her young husband Alexei Plotnikov, with whom she just got married in July, left her after a car accident. At 21, not every person can withstand so many shocks at once, especially a fragile girl. Nastya’s profile on the social network will now be studied by psychologists in order to understand her feelings and emotions that she poured out publicly. Older sister Veronica often joined discussions on VKontakte, and in correspondence she exposed the family conflict.

« Dear friends, you are all worried about Nastya’s health. My husband and I spent a month and a half trying to get her to go to rehabilitation and be able to get rid of crutches. Nastya was not interested in this, because... with crutches they feel more sorry for her. Yesterday in my post, I convincingly asked everyone not to interfere by giving cash with which she can escape from there. We love Nastya, worry about her and don’t want her to become disabled. And yet, there was a person who decided to save her from terrible exercises, massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and the pool. Apparently, at Olesya Nastin’s home, rehabilitation will be more effective, and she will leave there without crutches. Nastya's stay in the hospital was fully paid for. Maybe you should contact common sense and return her back for rehabilitation?” wrote the eldest of the Soltan sisters.

One of the family’s close friends (user Sasha Naidenysheva) wrote in the comments that on November 16, Nastya was taken to mental asylum after a demonstrative suicide attempt. Veronica Soltan, in her comments on Nastya’s page, also talks about her sister’s tendencies to commit suicide: “Don’t set foot in our house” will be said to anyone who demonstratively spites us (because we insist on rehabilitation) in front of our three small children, the art teacher will try jump out the window from the 15th floor with the words: “Mom, dad, take me with you!” I have to protect myself and my children." (Spelling and punctuation preserved)
The first, and so far the last, thing Veronica Soltan wrote after the death of her sister was an appeal to the audience of the social network. “I gave you the keys as you asked. Nastya is no longer alive. My God".

On Butlerova street, 13, where in parental home Nastya Soltan suffered a tragedy; a correspondent of the Federal News Agency is now in custody. Police, criminologists and other services are on site. According to one of the preliminary versions, which the security services shared with us, Nastya fell not from the window of her apartment, but from the balcony of the service staircase.

The Federal News Agency expresses its condolences to the family of Anastasia Soltan and is following developments.

Currently investigative committee Russia in St. Petersburg is conducting a pre-investigation investigation into the discovery late in the evening of November 24, 2016, near one of the houses on Butlerova Street, the body of 22-year-old Anastasia Plotnikova, the daughter of the former vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Pavel Soltan, who died in an accident.

Based on the results of the pre-investigation check, a procedural decision will be made.

Anastasia Soltan, daughter deceased deputy speaker The Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan was driven to suicide by a mental crisis, problems in the family, as well as high pressure the public, which is always interested in such dramas. This is the opinion of the girl’s close friends who discuss the tragedy on social networks. In addition, relatives claim that a few days before the tragedy, Anastasia had already tried to commit suicide.

““Don’t set foot in our house” will be said to anyone who demonstratively spites us (because we insist on rehabilitation) in front of our three small children, the art teacher will try to jump out the window from the 15th floor with the words: “Mom, dad, take me.” with me!” I have to protect myself and my children,” Veronica Soltan recently wrote on social networks.

According to the Metro newspaper, the suicide attempt took place on November 16, after which the girl was taken to a psychiatric hospital. According to Anastasia herself, the doctor, after a conversation, concluded that she did not have schizophrenia, and that she was simply experiencing great grief.

Let us remind you that Anastasia fell out of the window of her parents’ apartment on her 22nd birthday, November 24, late in the evening. The last entry on her VKontakte page was made at 21:14 - she published a link to an interview that Life had done the day before. During a conversation with journalists, the girl often cries and admits that she is “confused in this world.” At the same time, standing in front of the camera with crutches, she claims that she intends to undergo rehabilitation and make a full recovery. Anastasia wanted to live in her parents’ apartment alone with her mother’s favorite dog, Lunka.

The girl’s latest posts on social networks suggest a deep mental crisis. It is noticeable how hard the death of her parents was for Anastasia. Things got worse when her husband, municipal deputy Alexey Plotnikov, left her. They met thanks to Anastasia’s father, with whom Plotnikov, also from A Just Russia, collaborated on work. A month before the car accident, the couple played gorgeous wedding and planned Honeymoon. Everything changed after the accident that claimed the lives of Pavel Soltan and his wife. According to Anastasia, her husband practically did not visit her in the hospital, and in response to her requests to come and support, he replied that he was busy with work. In September they filed for divorce.

Numerous media outlets that turned to Anastasia’s social networks to clarify the tragedy noted that many of her latest entries speak of the girl’s emotional instability: her texts are long, confusing, with many errors and repetitions. The girl splashed out facts from her personal life for everyone to see and constantly changed her mood.

Her older sister Veronica actively participated in the life of Anastasia Soltan. Despite her categorical statement in the entry given at the beginning of the material, she tried to help her sister to the last. But Anastasia did not accept these attempts, complaining that Veronica took all her personal belongings from her when she went to rehabilitation - gadgets, personal hygiene items, money and keys to her parents’ apartment.

To stop the flow of indignation from Anastasia’s friends, Veronica made an entry on her page:

“Dear friends, you are all worried about Nastya’s health. My husband and I spent a month and a half trying to get her to go to rehabilitation and be able to get rid of crutches. Nastya was not interested in this, because with crutches they feel more sorry for her. Yesterday in my post, I convincingly asked everyone not to interfere by giving cash with which she can escape from there. We love Nastya, worry about her and don’t want her to become disabled. And yet, there was a person who decided to save her from terrible exercises, massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and the pool. Apparently, at Olesya Nastin’s home, rehabilitation will be more effective and she will leave there without crutches. Nastya's stay in the hospital was fully paid for. Maybe we should use common sense and send her back to rehab? (bad Veronica and Slava).”

Let us note that when it became known about Anastasia’s death, Veronica wrote about it on her page, and then deleted her account.

From Anastasia’s notes and her stories in various interviews, it is noticeable how the girl’s mood and attitude towards her loved ones changes. She either blamed Veronica or admitted that she loved her and wanted to get rid of depression and undergo rehabilitation. The same applies to Veronica’s husband Slavik, whom Anastasia first accused of taking a large sum of money from her for her business, then talked about his care and thanked him for his help.

Anastasia’s followers both before and after the tragedy were divided into two camps. The first, the most numerous, actively supported the girl, wished her physical and moral health and urged her not to harm herself. But there were also those who found the girl’s behavior unworthy: they say that the 21-year-old daughter of the vice-speaker was simply not accustomed to living on her own, she was easily vulnerable and did not want to get rid of problems in order to continue living at the expense of her compassionate environment.


Because in a day, on November 25, Anastasia will be gone. Her body will be found under the windows of a high-rise building. The girl will be picked up by an ambulance. And a few hours later she would die in the hospital.

The dog will remain at home, a silent witness last hours, last tears, last decision...

On Sunday, November 27, according to Komsomolskaya Pravda, she was buried next to her parents at the Kuzmolovskoye cemetery.

Only the closest people came to the funeral. The farewell ceremony was kept as secret as possible.


IN last days everyone wondered what brought the girl to the fatal step.

They blamed the older sister, who condemned Nastya after her first demonstrative suicide attempt in front of Veronica’s children. They blamed social networks, saying that Nastya could not stand the unkind comments.

They condemned both at once - why did they expose their grievances and mutual claims to public discussion?

They commented on Nastya’s psychological instability, saying that she went to a psychotherapist or psychologist.

But some readers saw in what happened the influence of one of the St. Petersburg publications, which did an interview with Nastya before her death.

“They communicated with Nastya unsuccessfully, twelve hours later she died,” people write.

Deputy Boris Vishnevsky completely agrees with them.

I didn’t know Nastya, although I knew Pavel Soltan and his wife Svetlana well,” Boris Vishnevsky told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - But there is a feeling that not best role Journalists played a role in the incident. Perhaps, if there had not been that last plot, the tragedy would not have happened. Marina Shishkina and I (ex-deputy, public figure, journalist. – author’s note) today we are going to prepare and send a request to the ethics commission of the Union of Journalists to check the ethics of such a story. After all, they invaded the apartment, rented everything there... And a few hours later Nastya was gone. We will publish an open statement about the review, anyone who wants to can join.

Let us remind you that on August 14, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan crashed on the Scandinavia highway - his Toyota collided head-on with a Mercedes. Pavel Mikhailovich's wife Svetlana also died in the accident. Their youngest daughter Anastasia, who was sitting in the back seat, miraculously survived, but was taken to the hospital.


Professor of Psychiatry Mikhail Vinogradov:

“You should have told her simple words: you must live in memory of your parents!”

Nastya’s psyche could not bear so many misfortunes, says Professor Mikhail Vinogradov. – It's about, of course, about meaningful suicide. She wanted to do it. She saw no meaning in life, since she was left without parents, divorced her husband, and was disabled herself. She had to somehow get out of her problems, but her sister, apparently, didn’t need it. Hence the loneliness. Worries about the death of her father and mother, attempts to bring herself into life tired her. She has lost the meaning of existence.

Do you think Nastya was mentally unstable?

Most likely, she was healthy. Just a tragedy that happened in her life, for anyone normal person will have a tragic impact! Much depends on those around you.

What words should you say to people in such a situation?

We have this formula: “In memory of your parents, you must live in such a way that they are proud of you. Parents always give only the best to their children. You must show with your life that they were not mistaken in you. They would like you to have a good life.” And when you come to the grave, tell your parents: “I’m trying to make you proud of me. It’s hard for me, I barely got over your loss, but I found the strength to live - for your sake, because you would want it.” Such in simple words very often it is possible to keep people from taking tragic steps.

According to a family friend, a certain psychiatrist advised Nastya to write letters to her deceased parents...

This is just a mockery! These are unacceptable things!

So instead of being distracted, she plunged into the past?

Yes, and this became an additional impetus for suicide.

My sister took Nastya’s phone so she wouldn’t go on social networks...

Very in vain. She needed to communicate with the world, and she would probably receive support on social networks from the most different people, in the same vein: we must live with dignity for the sake of mom and dad.

And if someone had been there on her birthday, would Nastya still live?

Big question. Even if someone came to her for a while, after that she would still be left alone - without the support of family and friends.

22-year-old Anastasia Soltan, daughter of the deceased Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan, fell from a 12th floor window and died.

The Investigative Committee began an investigation into the death of Anastasia Soltan, who died on her 22nd birthday.

Anastasia Soltan was the daughter of the deceased vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan. The tragedy occurred on November 24. The girl's body was found near one of the entrances to the Academy Park residential complex in St. Petersburg.

According to preliminary data, Anastasia Soltan fell from the window of the “back” staircase on the 12th floor of this residential building, and the Soltan family’s apartment was located on the sixth floor.

Eyewitnesses reported that the girl’s body was not removed for about six hours. On the day of her death, Anastasia Soltan turned 22 years old.

Anastasia Soltan was married. But on November 21, she divorced her husband Alexei Plotnikov. According to media reports, Anastasia Soltan was the initiator of the break in relations.

Alexey Plotnikov - politician, former leader youth organization of the Saratov regional branch of the party "A Just Russia".

Anastasia Soltan had difficult relationships with older sister Veronica.

Recently, Nastya Soltan escaped from the hospital where she was undergoing rehabilitation after an accident.

Nastya Soltan wrote about her latest thoughts and life on the social network:

“Now I’ll go for a walk with the dog, then take a bath, and then eat dumplings with a glass of wine, I can’t sleep for 3 days (and I wrote then because I wasn’t drunk, but angry (another dear person betrayed), tired, wrote not from my phone.

And when I’m drunk, I usually don’t write anything backwards, I just cry and cry.”

Anastasia Soltan published tragic records. The girl asked her friends for help, saying that she did not know how to continue living.

Anastasia said that just recently she had everything - family, parents, husband - and for Lately After great losses, she does not know how to cope with her serious condition.

Let us recall that the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and the president of the St. Petersburg Artistic Gymnastics Federation, Pavel Soltan, died in an accident on the Vyborg highway.

The Toyota RAV4 in which he was traveling with his wife Svetlana and daughter Anastasia collided with a Mercedes on August 14, at about 18:00, at 43 km of the Pargolovo-Ogonki highway.

Soltan died instantly as a result of the collision, and his wife was hospitalized in serious condition. Doctors were unable to save her; she died in the hospital on the night of August 15.

The daughter received moderate injuries, she was also taken to the hospital, she was diagnosed with a broken leg, pelvis and large loss of blood.

Pavel and Svetlana Soltan were buried at the Kuzmolovskoye cemetery.