The best way to learn how to recognize edible and inedible mushrooms is to familiarize yourself with their names, descriptions and photos. Of course, it is better if you walk on the forest with an experienced mushroom, or show your prey at home, but learn to distinguish real and false mushrooms to everyone.

The names of the fungi alphabetically, their descriptions and photos can be found in this article, which in the future can be used as a manual for mushrooms.

Types and names of mushrooms with pictures

The species diversity of mushrooms is very wide, so there is a strict classification of these forest inhabitants (Figure 1).

So, by edacy they are divided into:

  • Edible (white, boletus, champignon, chanterelle, etc.);
  • Conditional and edible (Dubovik, green, cheerking, grudge, line);
  • Poisonous (Satanian, pale custody, amanita).

In addition, they are accepted to divide the cap Niza. According to this classification, they are tubular (externally resembles a porous sponge) and lamellar (on the inside of the cap, the plates are well noticeable). The first group includes oil, white, boomes and booms. To the second - Ryzhiki, freight, chanterelles, hassle and cheerful. An individual group is considered curry, to which crumbs and truffles belong.

Figure 1. Classification of edible grades

It is also accepted to divide them on food value. According to this classification, they are four types:

Since species there is a lot, we give the name of the most popular with their pictures. The best edible mushrooms with photos and names are given in the video.

Edible mushrooms: photo and titles

Edible varieties include those that can be freely eaten in fresh, dried and boiled form. They have high taste, and to distinguish an edible copy from the inedible in the forest can be in the color and shape of the fruit body, smell and some characteristic features.

Figure 2. Popular Edible Species: 1 - White, 2 - Veshinka, 3 - Waves, 4 - chanterelles

We offer a list of the most popular edible mushrooms with photos and names. (Figure 2 and 3):

  • White Mushroom (Borovik) - the most valuable find for the mushroom. He has a massive light leg, and the color of the hat may differ from cream to dark brown, depending on the growing region. At the breakfast, the pulp does not change the color, and has a light walnut aroma. It happens a few species: birch, pine and oak. All of them are similar to external characteristics and fit into food.
  • Oyshemka: Royal, pulmonary, horned and lemon, grows mainly on the trees. Moreover, it is possible to collect it not only in the forest, but also at home, seating mycelium on logs or stumps.
  • Waves, White and pink, have a cap depressed in the center, the diameter of which can reach 8 cm. The wave is a sweet pleasant smell, and on a breakfast, the fruit body begins to distinguish sticky adhesive juice. They can be found not only in the forest, but also in open places.
  • Lisuki - It is more often with bright yellow, but there are light views (chanterelle white). They have a cylindrical leg that expands upwards, and the wrong shape hat is slightly embedded in the middle.
  • Maslenok It also happens a few species (real, cedar, deciduous, grainy, white, yellow-brown, painted, red-red, red, gray, etc.). The most common is the real oilbox, which grows on sandy soils in deciduous forests. A hat is flat, with a small tuberculk in the middle, and the characteristic sign is a skin mucosa that is easily separated from the pulp.
  • Wood, meadow, autumn, summer and winter, belong to edible varieties that are very easy to collect, as they grow large colonies on trees trunks and stumps. The color of the open may differ depending on the growth region and the species, but, as a rule, its shade varies from cream to light brown. The characteristic feature of edibles is assessed - the presence of a ring on the leg, which is not in false twins.
  • Boosynoviki belong to tubular: they have a thick leg and a proper shape hat, the color of which is different depending on the type of cream to yellow and dark brown.
  • Ryzhiks - Bright, beautiful and delicious, which can be found in coniferous forests. Hat of the right shape, flat or funnel. The leg is cylindrical and dense, the color coincides with the hat. The flesh is orange, but in the air quickly greashes and begins to highlight juice with a pronounced smell of coniferous resin. The smell is pleasant, and the taste of his flesh is slightly sharp.

Figure 3. Best edible mushrooms: 1 - Maslenok, 2 - Owls, 3 - Boosynoviki, 4 - Ryzhiki

Edible varieties also include champignons, shiitakes, raw materials, truffles and many other species that are not so much interested in mushrooms. However, it should be remembered that almost every edible grade is a poisonous twin, titles and features of which we will look at below.

Conditionally edible

Conditionally edible varieties are slightly smaller, and they are suitable for eating only after special thermal processing. Depending on the variety, it needs either for a long time to boil, periodically changing water, or just soak in clean water, squeeze and cook.

The most popular conditionally edible varieties include (Figure 4):

  1. Grup - A variety with a dense pulp, which is quite suitable for eating, although in the countries of the West, the freight is considered inedible. They are accepted to soak to remove bitterness, and then plant and marine.
  2. Rogging green (green) It differs from the other pronounced green-color legs and a hat, which is saved even after thermal processing.
  3. Smoldchchi - Conditionally edible specimens with an unusual shape of a hat and a thick leg. Eating them is recommended only after thorough heat treatment.

Figure 4. Conditional grades: 1 - Gruzdery, 2 - Green, 3 - Mock

Calculative and edible also include some types of truffles, cheese makers and amansorov. But there is one important rule that should be followed by collecting any fungi, including conditionally edible: if you have at least small doubts about edible, it is better to leave prey in the forest.

Inedible mushrooms: photo and titles

Salads include species that are not eaten due to health hazard, bad taste and too solid pulp. Many representatives of this category are completely poisonous (fatal) for humans, others can cause hallucinations or easy indisposition.

It is worthwhile to bypass such inedible copies. (with photos and names in Figure 5):

  1. Death cap - The most dangerous resident of the forest, as even a small part of it can cause a fatal outcome. Despite the fact that it grows in almost all forests, it is quite difficult to meet it. Externally, it is absolutely proportional and very attractive: young copies of a ball with a slight greenish tint, with age, she whites and pulls out. Pale ultrasounds are often confused with young floats (conditionally edible mushrooms), champignons and raw materials, and since one major copy can easily poison several adults, with the slightest doubts, a suspicious or dubious copy is better not to put in a basket.
  2. Red Moon, I know, perhaps, everyone. It is very beautiful, with a bright red hat, covered with white spots. It can grow both aimed and groups.
  3. Satanic - One of the most common twins of a white mushroom. It is easy to distinguish it on a light hat and a brightly colored leg, uncharacteristic for Borovikov.

Figure 5. Hazardous Inedible Grade: 1 - Pale Relochades, 2 - Moomer Red, 3 - Satanic Mushroom

In fact, each edible double has a false twin, which is masked for a real and can get into the basket of an inexperienced lover of a quiet hunting. But, in fact, the greatest fatal danger represents the pale refining.

Note: But not only the fruit bodies of pale refunds themselves are considered to be poisonous, but even their mycelium and disputes, so it is strictly forbidden to even put them in the basket.

Most of the inedible varieties cause abdominal pain and symptoms of strong poisoning, and a person has enough medical care. In addition, many inedible varieties are distinguished by an unattractive appearance and low taste, so you can eat them only by chance. Nevertheless, you must always remember the danger of poisoning, and carefully revise all the extraction that you brought from the forest.

The most dangerous inedible mushrooms are described in detail in the video.

The main difference between hallucinogenic from other species is that they have a psychotropic effect. Their action is largely similar to narcotic substances, so their intentional collection and consumption is punishable by criminal liability.

Common hallucinogenic varieties include (Figure 6):

  1. Amanita red - Ordinary inhabitant of deciduous forests. In antiquity, tincture and decoctions from it were used as an antiseptic, immunomodulatory agent and intoxicating substances for various rituals among the peoples of Siberia. However, it is not recommended to eat it in food because of the effect of hallucinations, as for the cause of strong poisoning.
  2. Sprintry shit Received its name due to the fact that it grows directly on the piles of feces. Representatives of varieties are small, with brown hats, sometimes with a shiny and sticky surface.
  3. Panelous Bellol (Bell Slash) It also grows mainly on the soil fertilized soils, but can occur and simply on wetlands. Color Hats and legs - from white to gray, grinding gray.
  4. Stroofaria blue-green Prefers the stumps of coniferous trees, growing on them alone or groups. It will not happen to eat it, because he has a very unpleasant taste. In Europe, such a strange is considered edible and even bred on farms, whereas in the US, it is considered to be poisonous due to several deaths.

Figure 6. Common Hallucinogenic varieties: 1 - red amanita, 2 - shit Stroofaria, 3 - Panelous Bellol, 4 - Stroofry blue-green

Most hallucinogenic species grow in those places where edibles simply do not come together (too wetlands, completely rotten stumps and piles of manure). In addition, they are small, mostly on thin legs, so it is difficult to confuse them with edibles.

Poisonous mushrooms: photo and titles

All poisonous varieties are somehow similar to edible (Figure 7). Even fatally dangerous pale toading, especially young specimens, can be confused with a raw.

For example, there are several twins of Borovik - Borovik Le Gal, beautiful and purple, which differ from the present legs too bright color or hats, as well as an unpleasant smell of pulp. There are also varieties that are easy to confuse with opens or raw materials (for example, a fiber and govirushka). The bile looks like white, but his pulp is very bitter taste.

Figure 7. Poisonous twins: 1 - Borovik Purple, 2 - bile, 3 - Royal Amanita, 4 - Zholkoli champignon

There are also poisonous twins, which differ from the present absence of a lean skirt on the leg. To poisonous varieties include agricultural machines: ibinamide, panther, red, royal, smelly and white. Cointers are easy to disguise under raw materials, rhymes or boosal.

There are several types of poisonous champignons. For example, yellowing is easy to confuse with a conventional edible copy, but during heat treatment it highlights a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Unusual Mushrooms World: Names

Despite the fact that Russia is a truly fungal country, very unusual specimens can be found not only here, but also around the world.

We offer you several options for unusual edible and poisonous varieties with photos and names. (Figure 8):

  1. Blue - Bright azure color. Meets in India and New Zealand. Despite the fact that his toxicity is not very studied, it is not recommended to use it.
  2. Bleeding tooth - A very bitter grade, which is theoretically edible, but an unattractive appearance and a bad taste make it unsuitable. It is found in North America, Iran, Korea and some European countries.
  3. bird's Nest - An unusual New Zealand grade, which in shape really resembles a nest of birds. Inside the fruit body are disputes, which under the action of rainwater spread around.
  4. Blackberry comb Meets in Russia. Its taste is similar to the meat of shrimp, and externally resembles a shaggy bunch. Unfortunately, it is rare and listed in the "Red Book", so it is grown mainly by artificially.
  5. Giant head - Far relative of the champignon. He is also edible, but only young copies with a white flesh. It occurs throughout the deciduous forests, in the fields and meadows.
  6. Cigar devil - Not only very beautiful, but also a rare variety, which is found only in Texas and several regions of Japan.

Figure 8. The most unusual mushrooms of the world: 1 - blue, 2 - bleeding tooth, 3 - Bird's nest, 4 - blackberry comb, 5 - Giant head, 6 - Devil cigar

Another unusual representative is considered a shroud of brain, which is found primarily in a temperate climate. There is it impossible, since he is deadly poisonous. We led a far from a complete list of unusual varieties, since all over the world there are copies of a strange form and color. Unfortunately, most of them are inedible.

An overview of unusual mushrooms of the world is given in the video.

Plate and tubular: titles

All mushrooms are divided into lamellar and tubular, depending on the type of pulp on the hat. If it resembles a sponge - it is tubular, and if the bands are visible under the hat - then the plate.

The most famous representative of the tubular is considered white, but this group also includes oils, boletins and boomines. The plate, perhaps, saw everything: this is the most ordinary champignon, but it is among the lamellar varieties most of all poisonous. Among edible representatives, you can highlight crops, rhyge, whale and chanterelles.

The number of types of mushrooms on earth

We are glad to welcome on the blog. The mushroom season is in full swing, so our theme today will be edible mushrooms, the photo and the name of which you will find below. In our immense country there are many types of mushrooms, so even experienced mushrooms can not always distinguish edible from inedible. But false and poisonous species can spoil your dish, and in some cases, even become a cause of death.

In the article, you will find out which edible mushrooms are, what kinds of species are divided, where they grow and what they look, which mushrooms appear first. I will tell you what benefit they carry for your body and what is their nutritional value.

All mushrooms are divided into three main sections: edible, convention and edible, inedible (poisonous, hallucinogenic). All this hats mushrooms, they constitute only a small part of the extensive kingdom.

They can be divided into many criteria. The structure of the hat is the greatest value for us, since sometimes doubles it is different.


  • tubular (spongy) - the bottom cap consists of the smallest tubes, resembles a sponge;
  • plate - plates at the bottom of the Hats, located radially;
  • temporary (curl) - shredded hats.

It is also possible to divide forest gifts on taste qualities, according to the method of formation of dispute, shape, painting, the nature of the surface of the cap and legs.

When and where mushrooms grow

In Russia and the CIS countries, mushroom sections occur almost throughout the territory, from the tundra to the steppe zones. The best mushrooms grow in a rich humid soil, which is well warmed. Lamaries of the forests do not like strong overvailing and excessive dryness. The best places for them in the meadow, where there are tenaks, on the edges, forest roads, landings and armor.

If summer is issued rainy mushroom places worth looking for hills, and if dry, near the trees in lowlands, where more moisture. As a rule, concrete species grow near certain trees. For example, the Ryzhik grows in pines and ate; white - in birch, pines, oak; The boletus - Usin.

Mushrooms in different climatic zones appear at different times, each other. We will analyze the middle lane:

  • The first spring forest harvest - lines and smurches (April, May).
  • In early June, boomes, butter, boosions, sweets appear. The duration of the wave is about 2 weeks.
  • From mid-July, the second wave begins, which lasts 2-3 weeks. In the rainy years, the break between the June and July wave does not happen. Since July, the mass appearance of a mushroom harvest begins.
  • August is marked by the massive growth of mushrooms, especially white.
  • From mid-August and at the beginning of autumn, huge families of chanterelles, rims, are grown with a favorable weather.

In large forests, the main season lasts from June to October, and from November to March in the forests you can find a winter mushroom. In the steppes, field mushrooms are more often found: umbrellas, champignons, raincoat, meadow. Season - from June to November.

The composition of mushrooms, benefits

In the mushroom composition up to 90% of the water, and the dry part is predominantly protein. That is why the dons of forests are often called "forest meat" or "forest bread".

The nutritional value:

  • In the mushroom protein, almost all amino acids enter, and even indispensable. Mushrooms are a significant part of the diet, however, due to the content of Fungin, they are better excluded from the menu to people suffering from kidney disease, liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Carbohydrates in the "forest meat" are much less than protein. The mushroom carbohydrate differs from vegetable and absorbs better, approximately like milk or bread.
  • Fat substances are absorbed as animal fats by 92-97%.
  • The composition contains wine, fumaric, lemon, apple and other acids.
  • The composition contains a large amount of vitamins PP, B1, A. Some varieties contain B2, C, D.
  • Mushrooms are rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium.
  • The composition includes trace elements - zinc, fluorine, manganese, iodine, copper.

The edible gifts of the forests carry a lot of benefits, they were used with antiquity to treat diseases. Now it is useful and delicious food, and vegetarians replace them with meat.

Mushrooms are able to increase immunity, clean the vessels and reduce cholesterol levels, struggling with depression and overweight. They help keep the beauty of hair, skin and nails. More details about the contraindications and beneficial properties of mushrooms on our website.

How to determine edible or no mushroom

How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible? After all, the boletus knows almost everyone, but rare and unusual instances are found in the forest. There are many ways.

For example, I had an interesting encyclopedia with pictures and descriptions in my childhood, plus I always went to the forest with experienced mushrooms. By the way, this is the best idea, take with you to the forest, a person who disassembled in mushroom affairs.

Several general tips:

  1. Consider if I saw the worms at least in the one mushroom made of mushrooms, they are edible.
  2. Tubular species are easier to distinguish from twins.
  3. Examine colors, white and greenish often indicates a poisonous twin.
  4. Do not try the mushrooms to taste, they are not always bitter, for example, a pale cant, a little sweet. Such an experiment can turn into poisoning.
  5. On false and poisonous doubles, a skirt is often found.

This is only a small part of the signs. Basically, each pair of twins their differences. Attention should be paid to the frequency of the plates at the bottom of the cap, mounting to the leg, color, pulp with a cut, the presence of rings. Below you will find the photo and the name of edible mushrooms with a short description.

How to look edible mushrooms

White Mushroom (Borovik)

The mushroom king has a light leg, a sponge under the hat has a cream and white color. If you break down a hat, it will not darken. He has several false and poisonous twins. For example, the Satanic mushroom has a dormant, and the biliary grows, the broken leg will cover the dark grid.

Support (Krasnogolovik)

In most cases, the boletus has a red cap, a dense pulp and leg. With dym, the cut is bluish or white, and the false redhead is red or pink.

Podberezovik (Obabok)

The colors of the cap differ from the dark brown to the light beige. It has an elongated leg with a gray mesh, and when cut does not change the color. A false mushroom has a dirty white or pink sponge, and his hat has a gray or pinkish.

Pretty massive mushroom with a velvet cap in the form of a pillow, with a lemon yellow pulp. The leg at the base is red, and the slope is shine. It is confused with satanic mushroom, but in color it is brighter.

This chanterelle has a color from pale pink to orange, its edges are wavy, corrugated, and under a plate of the plate. In the false version of the color from orange to the red. The edges jewelry are smooth, and when the juice is highlighted, white juice is distinguished.

Maslyaker is a yellow mushroom with a slippery-old spongy hat, which the film connects the film. In false oils, the hat is dark sometimes with a purple tint, under it plates. The sickness in the second, when removing, does not stretch, and the flesh blues.

Sponge flywheel, bright yellow sponge. In the "youth", his hat is velvet, and over time, it straightens and cracks. It has a dark green to bard. The leg without special enclosures, and the color does not change when the color does not change. It is often confused with peppers, bile and chestnut mushrooms. The main difference between Mokhovik - he grows on MCU.

The original has a color beige or cream, plates dark brown and skirt. Grows champignon in well-lit places. It is possible to confuse a popular mushroom with a pale and stinking mushroom, and they are deadly poisonous. Light records have light plates, and there are no skirts under the hat.

There are light cream and brown shades, on the leg they have a skirt, and on the caps of the scales, they are lamellar, grow on the stump. False whale are brighter, they have no ring from the film.

The young raw hat has a ball with ripe, and the ripe flat, dry to the touch, matte or brilliant. Color varies from green to red. Fragile plates, different, frequent, yellow or white. The flesh is fragile white, changes color with a cut. If the cheese is bright red or purple, most likely before you double.

Raincoat (Potatoes, Borovka)

A real rain cover has a shape of a ball, often on a small leg. His color is white or beige. The flesh is dense, white. Lzhedena, the flesh has a purple shade, dark skin.

About pines and larches grow more often. A hat with time begins to resemble a funnel, her color is orange, red or blue. She is smooth, sticky. Single with time becomes green.

It has a flat pink hat with a deepening in the center and a nonsense pattern circles, the edges of it bent inside. White flesh, dense, juice is also white. Color when cutting does not change. Doubles often have scales, greenish color other than white flesh.

Cointer (Chang)

It has a beautiful appearance, bright yellow. The shape of the header, the correct, round, it hides the plates. An adult coiner resembles a loyalty. False twins have an unpleasant smell, incorrect forms and covered with scales.

Received an umbrella due to a long leg and characteristic shape of the cap, first a shape shape, then resembles an umbrella. White color, with a tint of beige, in the center is a darker spot, and the surface of the ragside. Plates are darker with age. Many twins that differ in color can have a sharp smell and loose flesh.


The taper hat first has a hemispherical shape then an indulged, reminiscent funnel. It is dry and smooth, white, light brown, ohloque, the center is darker. Plates are white, but with age dark. White flesh, dense, although with age loyal. False govari have a white color.


The lamellar mushrooms deserve their name, because they grow row or circles (witch circles). The head of the young row resembles the ball, and then straightens. It has white, brown, red, yellow. The edges can be curved, smooth, or curved. Skin can be dry, velvet or smooth, mucous. The leg is velvety, more often has a pink-brown color. A poisonous double has a dirty gray, be careful!


More often the lines is found in a pine forest, due to possible frosts on his cap appear black spots. The cap itself is growing with the leg, has a winding form. It has brown, brown, reddish or yellow. Than lines older, the-hat is lighter. The leg is also not flat, but the flesh is white and easily breaks.


The surface of the curb cap, as if all in the cells, it has an ovoid shape. Its color is grayish, yellow and brown shades. The pulp of curor is white, soft, and the leg has a cylindrical shape, slightly thickened to the bottom. False curl grows from the egg, makes an unpleasant smell and is covered with mucus.


We grow oyster trees on a tree, in one another, so they got such a name. The saber's hat is smooth, sometimes wavy, gray color with a purple tint. Plates are frequent, dense, have gray. The edges are concave, the legs are short, dense. False weighs are brighter and other shades.

Now you know how to check the mushroom and find out whether it is edible or not. You can go to the forest without fears. Choose only the right mushrooms and remember that even edible mushroom can cause harm if it is old or starts to degrade.

Video - edible mushrooms with description

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If you are not sure of your knowledge of mushrooms - collect only the most common and familiar to you personally!

White Mushroom (Borovik)

There is a special category of mushrooms, which are swaying with all mushrooms, except white. " Well, just an empty forest, mushrooms found everything with a dozen!"- In their lips, it does not mean that the forest is really" empty ": just for the sake of all the rest they will not be touched. With white, you can do anything: dried, marinate, sorry, fry - and fry without prior gouring. As a rule, it is preferred to dry - to eat a mushroom soup in winter.

White mushroom (Boletus edulis). © Michael Wood.

Little Borovka can be completely white, with the age of a hat he becomes brown, and then a dark brown. Also, with age, the hat unfolds: the kids have a half-head, with the edges adjacent to the leg, in adult white - unfolded, simply convex, can be flat. Tubes (those that are on the wrong Hats) are first white, then light yellow, then greenish, even very green. The leg at Borovik looks like a barrel, an extended book, white or cream.

White mushroom (Boletus edulis). © dezidor.

White mushroom has other forms: mesh (with a slightly cramped hat), dark bronze (with a dark brown, almost black hat), rooted (yellow-brown, with a very yellow tubes and a leg and slightly shine on the cutting cut) . There is a royal borovik with a red hat and yellow tubes and leg. All of them are edible and very tasty.

Caution! White can be confused with inedible bull and satanic mushrooms, as well as with a poisonous pink-golden Borovik.

. © AK CCM. . © H. Krisp. . © Archenzo.
  • Handicraft mushroom, bile mushroom (Tylopilus Felleus). In an adult gall mushroom, pinkish tubes and pores. He does not poison, but so fortune the taste that he was nailed to be bull.
  • Satanian mushroom, Satanian sick (Boletus Satanas). The Satanian mushroom is characterized by a red leg (right under the hat it is yellowish) and orange-red tubes, the pores of which are shine, if you press them.
  • Borovik Rozovokovy, sick of rose-in-law, Borovik Pink-golden (Boletus Rhodoxanthus). Rosovo-golden, poisonous, Borovik looks like a satanic mushroom: he has red tubes, also shine when pressing, and the leg is yellow, but with such a dense red grid, which sometimes seems very red.


Oyah also grow large groups and, as a rule, every year on the same places. Once finding an oison colony, you can "graze" on it annually.

Autumn fees (Armillaria Mellea). © Mde.

These mushrooms grow beams on rotten stumps and fallen trees. Wheels of brown hats, in crude weather a little reddish, in their dry color closer to beige. The most middle and edge of the cap is darker than all

hat. On the leg, they say there is a ring (young mushrooms have a ring film tightens the heaps of the hat), the leg itself over the ring is smooth, below - scaly, in the bottom of the hollow.

Sulfur-yellow false (Hypholoma Fasciculare). © rasbak.

Caution! Summer opens can be confused with a poisonous false-pool sulfur. They are distinguished by the leg (the false pool it is smooth, without scales) and the color of sulfur-yellow oen is truly sulfur yellow, bright, with an orange middle of a hat. And more: the false opaque has a very unpleasant smell, and the present is a pleasant, mushroom. If this is, of course, you talk about.


Chanterelles are good because they do not like wilds. Therefore, embarking on the colony of these fungi, you can be sure that half of the forest harvest does not have to throw. Chanterelles of less than all other mushrooms are inclined to accumulate harmful substances, so they are completely harmless to liver and kidneys. But at the same time they are very solid and digested worse than others. Little chanterelles resemble an egg yolk color, with age they pale, and the elderly copies can be almost white. The middle of the hat in adult chanterelle is indulge so that the mushroom shape reminds a funnel; Little mushrooms have convex cap. The leg, fragile with a hat, the book is narrowed.

Chanterelle Ordinary. © James Lindsey.

Caution! Flashing ordinary can be confused with an inedible false chanterelle. In shape, they do not distinguish anything, but the color of false chanterelle is very characteristic, bright orange. But to the old age mushrooms are pale and become indistinguishable from edible.

Hovwashka orange, or false chanterelle (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca). © H. Krisp.

But not trouble: because chanterelles always grow big colonies; where there are old men, there are kids, and in the color of these kids a false chanche can always be identified

Chernushka (black germ)

Europeans consider Chernushka - one of the most common mushrooms in the suburbs - inedible, and very in vain. Maybe they did not soak her? Not anterhalched black gently robbery. And exposed - so even sweets. Black groove - hardly the best mushrooms for salting, solid, crunchy, do not lose taste for a long time.

Smart black (Lactarius turpis). © Igor Lebedinsky

They grow most of the trees under the Christmas trees, and grow groups that at first glance it is not noticeable. Simply, finding Chernushka, do not go from the scene. Side squatting and take a long time to look into the ground. Mushrooms "grow up" right in front! Most likely, it will even be found that you sat on a couple of Gruzda ...

Chernushka's hand brown or almost black, with an olive tide, in the middle - in the middle, edges rounded. White plates griest to the leg, the leg itself is brown-green, the book is narrowed. The flesh is white or gray, plenty of milky juice.


The pulp of the oil-kids is white, in adults - yellowish or very yellow.

The oils are good in pickled and fried, but you should not be dried: there are too many water in these mushrooms, and after drying from them the horns will remain - legs.

The young oil makeup is slippery on the touch, with the age of the hat becomes dry. It can be red-brown, hidden-yellow, grayish-orange, and tubes and pores in all types of oil - yellow, in maturity - closer to olive. Milk-white liquid is released from the tubules

Pepper Mushroom, or Maswear Pepper (Chalciporus Piperatus). © AK CCM.

Caution! Maslenok can be confused with an inedible pepper mushroom, not poisonous, but very sharp, really pepper. Only the oil box is small pores and yellow tubes, and the pendant pore mushroom has large, and the tubes of reddish shades. And yet: if the pepper mushroom is broken, the pulp it will soon become reproach, and the pulp of the butter will not change the color.

Podberezovik (Obabok) and a boletus

In stabber, there may be brown, gray or even a black hat and white or cream tubes, which can be dirty gray with age. The leg is thin and higher than at Borovik, white, with brown or black scales. You can confuse the subbrazovik, perhaps with a boletus, whose hat is orange, brick-red or hidden yellow. But Putai is not confused, it will not be worse, because both of these edible fungus and very tasty.

Collect mushrooms best in a wicker basket: they will be ventilated and disassemble. Never use polyethylene packages, otherwise, coming home, you will find that they brought a shapeless dweling mass.

Sometimes during a walk, a person rises to the mushroom clearing and does not understand the edible forest mushrooms or not. If you have the concept and idea of \u200b\u200bthe "right" mushrooms, then ambiguities with what mushrooms are edible, disappear by themselves. When tourism, as a hobby or simply for the safety net in various life situations, it is necessary to have knowledge of mushrooms and their species.

The structure of mushrooms and their features

Safe species differ from poisonous and inedible form and the color of the fruit body, the structure of the hymenophore and the smell.

Edible mushrooms are tubular: they received such a name due to the fact that under their hat there are tubes, similar to the sponge - they contain disputes.

Most of the types of edible mushrooms have a similar description, but they are not alike, and it is necessary to consider when collecting.

False varieties, on the contrary, have a lamellar hats structure inherent in most inedible. It should be borne in mind that most of the inedible mushrooms are very similar to edible.

Edible varieties

Specialists have long selected a list of frequently encountered edible mushrooms that can be eaten even without heat treatment.

It includes: oyster, rhymes, whale, podbirosoviki, champignons, chanterelles, mokhoviki, truffle.

Reveal this list and understand how these mushrooms look, you can, having familiarized yourself with their description:

Mushroom Pork: Main varieties

Different mushrooms represent various gastronomic interest. Of course, you should not collect all the mushrooms in a row, let them even be edible.

To obtain the maximum benefit from the situation, it is worth focusing on the fungi affiliation to certain categories.

Categories and classifications

When highlighting mushrooms in the classification, it is worth considering their belonging - they are edible and conditionally edible. Edible includes mushrooms that can be eaten without processing. Conditionally edible - those that before use must be treated with thermally - scalding, jar, etc. Edible mushrooms of Russia are divided into 4 categories:

  1. The best representatives of the mushroom world, which are worshiped among cooks and mushrooms. Have a high nutritional value, good protein potential. These include white, boroviki, rhyge, freight, champignons.
  2. Edible and conditionally edible. These include, for example, some Boroviki (Borovik Yellow), some duboviki (ordinary and crawled), Obabki (all kindergudi and many subbroopers), all edible maslives, some Mochoviki (Mokhovik Chestnut).
  3. This category includes edible and conditionally edible, but not the best and useful copies, the worst in quality than the mushrooms of the first two categories. These include almost all the mokhoviki, some maslives (yellowish, gray, ruby), many flashlights (glades, sorrich and rubel), many champignons.
  4. The worst category edible and conditionally edible mushrooms. These are all scales, umbrellas, pylographs, robes, horses, coinsters, cystoderms, plutes, raincoats, to-screw.

Below are color images of some edible mushrooms, and their detailed description of their description, which will practically help the novice mushroom with the external signs of collected mushrooms, and will also provide an opportunity to make sure that the collected mushrooms are edible.
It must be remembered that mushrooms have a large variability of form, size, colors and consistency. Depending on the nature of the soil, surrounding vegetation and weather, the appearance and consistency of the mushroom can change significantly, but the experienced mushrooms will not be mistaken.
Often, the mushrooms of the same species grow in the neighborhood, whose changes are not so cutting and which are like transient to the usual in appearance of mushrooms.
The descriptions of mushrooms are designed so that the characteristic of the hat, the lower sporing layer (sponge or plates), is described, then the leg, the mushroom pulp its smell and taste, as well as the color of the spore powder.

White mushroom.
Local names: Borovik, Belovik, Korovnyak.
Hat - fleshy, in young mushrooms of pale yellowish color. Later, the hat becomes chestnut-brown, sometimes dark brown (in white mushrooms growing in pine bodies). Hat round shape, convex, then more flat. The top surface of the hats is smooth, the bottom surface is spongehous, small, the young mushroom is white, in a more mature - yellowish with a greenish tinge.
The flesh is a dense, pleasant mushroom smell and taste, white color is saved on a break.
Spore powder - brown or yellowish brown.
Place and growth time. Coniferous and deciduous forests, mainly under the pine, fir tree, birch and oak. White mushrooms appear from half of July to half of October.
Eating food. Edible mushroom, most highly valued for their excellent taste. Suitable for all types of culinary manufacture and blanks; For soups, roast, marinade, salt and drying.
Similarity with a white mushroom has its unfortunate double - bile mushroom.


White mushroom
Taste nice
Lower surface hats white, yellowish, greenish
Flesh on white

Bile mushroom
Taste intensely bitter bottom surface hats white, then pink and dirty pink flesh on a fad is slightly pink

Photo of a white mushroom (click to enlarge):

Photo on the left - Mountainamoeba, photo on the right - Joselu Blanco.

Polish mushroom.
The hat is fleshy, chestnut, in dry weather velvety, and raw - slightly sticky, the shape of the hats rounded, the edges at the young age bent inside, then straighten, and later bend up. The bottom surface of the Hat is spongy, yellow-green (when pressing is painted in a bluish-green color).
The leg is more or less elongated, smooth, yellowish or light brown, loose consistency.
Flesh - in young age white, dense, later yellowish and soft; At the breakfast lightly blue. The smell is pleasant.
Spore powder - brown.
Place and growth time. It grows mainly in coniferous forests in summer and autumn.
Eating food. Edible, good mushroom taste, used in boiled, fried, as well as in salt and dried.
With poisonous mushrooms does not have similarity. The incredible bile mushroom mentioned above may be similar to the form in the form, but the characteristic distinguishing feature of the Polish mushroom is painting in the blue-green color of the spongy surface of the hat with a slight pressure.

Photo of the Polish mushroom (click to enlarge):

Photo on the left - Maja Dumat, photo on the right - Tomasz Przechlewski. Boost.
Local names: Osinovik, Krasnyuk, red mushroom, redhead.
The hat is semi-like, fleshy, slightly velvety, red, then drow-red, sometimes orange. The bottom surface of the spongy, fine, white or gray.
The leg is cylindrical, the bottom is thickened, white, covered with longitudinally located flaky fibrous dark scales.
The flesh is dense, white on a break surface will first shine, then becomes purple-black. The smell is not expressed.

Place and growth time. It grows mainly under the aspen, as well as in Berezovo-pine forests from mid-July to mid-September, sometimes later.
Eating food. Edible, delicious mushroom, is used in the fresh form for frying, cooking soups, as well as for zero and drying. The disadvantage is the darkening of mushrooms during processing.
Similarities with poisonous or inedible mushrooms has no.

Photo of the boost (click to enlarge):

Photo (from left to right) - Zakwitnij! PL EJDZEJ & IRIC, MIRAN RIJAVEC, MAJA DUMAT. Podbirovik.
Local names: Birchovik, Scoops, Obabok.
The hat is first semi-shaped, curved, smooth, and raw weather slightly mucous, various colors tones, from light yellow to dark drone. The bottom surface of the spongy, fine-pour, light grayish, with separate rusty spots. The upper skin is very subtle, not removed, as is observed in other spongy mushrooms.
The leg is cylindrical, narrowing up, dense, white, coated with longitudinal gray flakes-like fibrous scales.
The flesh is white or grayish-white, the color does not change on a break, relatively quickly becomes loose and spongy, in crude weather it is very water. The smell is poorly expressed.
Spore powder-brownish-olive color.
Place and growth time. It grows in bright deciduous forests, mainly under the birch, from June to the end of September.
Eating food. Edible, good to taste the mushroom, in fried and boiled form is little inferior to the taste of white mushroom, goes for marination, pickles and dryers. When processing darkens. The lower half of the legs should be cut off, as it is a small-scale - fiber and hard.
Similarities with poisonous mushrooms has no. Some similarities are noted with a birch at the inedible bile mushroom.


Taste nice
Lower surface of a light gray hats with rusty spots. White flesh, not changing color

Bile mushroom
The taste of intensely bitter bottom surface is white, then the pink and dirty pink flesh is white, on a fond of a poorly pink. The most distinguishing feature is the bitter taste of the fungus.

Photo Podberezovka (click to enlarge):

Photo (from left to right) - Jason Hollinger, JÃrg Hempel. Oilly ordinary.
Local names: Basic, Chat, Zhelek.
The hat is semi-like, later convex, mucous-oil, in crude weather is richly covered with mucus, in dry - brilliant, silky, yellowish brown-brown color. The edges of the cap are connected to a white leg, a rather dense film, which is breaking down with age, forming a ring around the legs. The bottom surface of the spongy, light yellow, is easily separated from the base.
The leg is cylindrical, dense, yellowish, has a closer to the hat easily disconnected film ring.
The flesh is white or light yellow, soft, the color does not change on the break. The smell is weaklyodovy.
Spore powder - yellow-hidden color.
Place and growth time. It grows in coniferous forests under the pines from mid-July to mid-September.
Eating food. Edible, delicious mushroom. It is used for cooking in soups and for frying, as well as for salting and marination. For drying less suitable. When processing, skin with mushroom cap should be removed.
Similarities with poisonous mushrooms has no. Slightly similar to inedible mushroom lamb, having a bitter taste. At the lamb, the bottom surface of the hat has rusty-red.

Photo of an ordinary oil (click to enlarge):

Photo (left to right) - Jason Hollinger, Charles de Martigny. Mochovik green.
Local names: Penpet, submarine, reshetnik.
The hat is fleshy, semi-shaped, over time it becomes open, velvety, brown-olive color. The bottom surface of the spongy hats, with uneven large-scale angular pores, bright yellow, and then greenish yellow. The top skin from the hat is not separated.
The leg is more or less cylindrical shape, a slightly sophisticated downward book, at the top of a burying, the bottom is yellowish,
The pulp is light yellow, there is a slightly blossom. The smell is weaklyodovy.
Spore powder - from light hidden-brown to brownish-olive color.
Place and growth time. It grows in coniferous and mixed forests, mainly in forest edges and glades, from June to late September.
Eating food. Edible mushroom, satisfactory taste. It is used in fried and boiled form, as well as for drying and salting,
Similarities with poisonous mushrooms has no. Lightly similar to the inedible mushroom lamb, but, as well as the butter, it differs from it the colorful bottom of the spongy layer.

Photo of the Green Mokhovka (click to enlarge):

Photo (left to right) - Mukhrino FS, Jason Hollinger. Ryzhik.
The hat is fleast, first flat, then a funnel-shaped, with the edges wrapped inside, smooth, slightly mucous, red or orange color with darker concentric circles (a type - boron redhead) or orange color with a clear bluish green tone with the same concentric circles ( A variety is a spruce Ryzhik).
Plates - orange, with greenish spots, descending, frequent.
The leg is at first dense, later the hollow one color with a hat.
The pulp is broken, white, but the breakfast will quickly blossom, and then green, it highlights a rich not burning on the taste of the juice of an argent color. The smell is pleasant, refreshing, spicy.
Spore powder - white with a weak yellowish or pinkish tint.
Place and growth time. It grows in coniferous forests, mostly spelled, and in young people from the end of July to the end of September.
Eating food. Edible, delicious high quality mushroom. It is predominantly for salt and marination, but can also be used in fried. For drying is unsuitable.

Photo of the Ryzhka (click to enlarge):


Photo (left to right) - Furtwangl, Ian Sutton.

Syroezhka greenish.
The hat is first semi-shaped, later prostrate and slightly concave, fleshy, rigid, light greenish, and then green, more or less rough skin from the hat is not separated; With the growth of the mushroom, it is easy to break and gives cracks. The edges of the hats are smooth.
Plates are free or attached, often branched (priced), thick, white, or slightly yellowish color.
The leg is rigid, dense, later hollow, white or slightly yellow.
The flesh is tough, brittle, white, without a very pronounced smell.
Spore powder - white or with a slightly yellowish tint.
Place and growth time. Mushroom grows in bright deciduous and funny forests, under the birch, on the edges from July to October.
Eating I eat. Edible, good mushroom taste, the best among raw materials. It is used in fried and boiled form, as well as for salting.
To a certain extent, the greenish cheese can be resembled with poisonous mushrooms (causing fatal poisoning) from the pale refrain group, but there is no absence of a ring on the leg and dupts for the lower end of the legs with a swap. In addition, greenish cheeseing has a fragile consistency, which does not have a pale loyal.

Photo of griming greenish (press to enlarge):

Photo and Green cheese.
The hat-at first is semi-like, then prostrate and slightly concave, with a rumbled edge, fleshy, olive-green or yellow-greenish color, in old mushrooms The color of the hats varies and goes into gray-brown or gray-lilac.
Plates are free or attached, frequent, narrow, uneven lengths, sometimes branched at the legs, white.
The leg is quite dense, smooth, in old mushrooms loose, easily crumbling, white.
The flesh is at first dense, but then it becomes soft and easily crumbling. The smell of ordinary mushroom.
Spore powder - light yellowish.
Place and growth time. It grows in coniferous and deciduous forests, often under the birch, on forest roads, in shrubs and forest glads from July to September.
Eating food. Edible, good to taste mushroom. It is used in fried and boiled form, as well as in bed.
Green cheese can have to a certain extent similarity with mushrooms from the pale refining group, but the absence of a ring on the leg and is sharply different from them at its base, as well as the fragility of its consistency.

Stock Foto Green raw (click to enlarge):

Photo wikipedia. Food cheese.
The hat is first semi-shaped, later depressed in the center, red or red-brown, with a purple tint, in the center - darker, and young copies, on the contrary, brighter color. The edge of the hats is smooth or sloping. Skin does not die or separates only around the edge of the Hat.
Plates - attached or slightly sliding, branching, sometimes shortened, narrow, white. When drying the mushroom, the plates take a yellowish tint.
The leg is white, solid, smooth, the book is somewhat narrowing, wrinkled.
The flesh-dense white, often there is rusty yellow spotty, especially in places made by larvae. Smell with a slight fruit or mushroom tint. There is no smell in old mushrooms.
Spore powder-white color.
Place and growth time. It grows in deciduous and coniferous forests, you can also meet in the meadows in July and August.
Eating food. Edible and very tasty mushroom. It is consumed in soups, for frying, salt and home drying.
Similarities with poisonous and inedible mushrooms have no food cheese.

Photo of food raw materials (click to enlarge):

Photo and santharellus.kzl.

Local title: Green.
The hat is first convex, then the prostrate, adhesive, smooth or slightly covered with flakes with curved edges; Dense, fleshy, brownish yellow, olive yellow, greenish yellow color or olive-brown color. The center of the hat is darker. Top peel is easily removed.
Plates - Frequent, Wide, Attachment Attachment To Floor Floor, Serious Yellow
The leg is short, first the dinner, then extends, dense, gray-yellow. Often the feet of the fungus half hidden in the ground. The hat is towering little above the ground and easily breaks.
The flesh is dense, white or slightly yellowish, under the shell cap - yellowish-greenish color. The smell is not expressed.

Place and growth time. Grows in sand conifers, more often than pine forests from September to November.
Eating food. Edible mushroom, tasty. It is used and harvested in any form. Before use and preparation, it is recommended to remove the skin from the cap, the plates in the case of their contamination should be cut off. Grinding mushrooms should be thoroughly rinsed in water, as they are often contaminated with sand.
The greenstock is sometimes confused (abroad) with a fatally poisonous pale toadstool, from which it is easily distinguished by yellow coloring plates, as well as the lack of a rings and a cheerful thickening mushroom with a collar.

Photo of the greenstone (click to enlarge):

Photo and A row.
Local name; A row of gray.
The hat is convex, with uneven edges, dark gray, ash with a purple tint, in the center dark with radiant stripes, adhesive, fleshy, slightly covered with scales, which the old mushroom cracks around the edges. The upper skin is easily separated.
The plates are relatively rare, wide, white (with yellowish age), in the place of attachment to the leg, the laid.
The leg is strong, dense, smooth, cylindrical, white or slightly yellowish; Immersed more or less deep into the soil, so the hat is weakly issued above it.
The flesh - loose, brittle, white, in the air is gradually weakly yellow. The smell is a poorlyar.
Spore powder - white.
Place and growth time. Growing groups in sandy, coniferous, less often deciduous forests in September to the first frost.
Eating food. Edible, delicious mushroom. Suitable for cooking, frying and pickles. Before use, it is recommended to remove the top leather from the hats and laundered the sticking sand.
Similarities with poisonous and inedible mushrooms has no.

Photo Rogging (click to enlarge):

Photo and Wet.
The hat is very adhesive, mucous, first convex, then flat-convex, grayish-brown with a purple tint. The edges of a young mushroom hat are connected to a blank with a transparent film, remaining in an adult mushroom in the form of an unclear ring on the leg.
Plates - sliding, soft, rare, first light, then gray, brown or almost black.
Cylindrical leg, on the surface of the mucous, white and only at the bottom of the outside and inside the bright yellow color. Has the remains of the ring.
The flesh is soft, white, with a weakly yellowish tint, odorless.
Spore powder - dark brown.
Place and growth time. Growing groups in coniferous forests, in MCU, under the firings, from July to October.
Eating food. Edible, delicious mushroom, although it looks neappety, as it is covered with mucous skin. Before use in food, this skin is removed. Young instances of wets are suitable for all types of culinary processing, especially for marination.
Similarities with poisonous inedible mushrooms have no wet.

Photo Mikruchi (click to enlarge):

Photo wikipedia. Cap split.
Local name: Forest champignon, chicken, cheeky, rispins, turkey
The hat is first the cap, then flat-convex, gray-yellow, straw yellow or hidden color, along the edge of the striped, the top of the hat is covered with a mild ripple.
Plates - weakly surprised or free, frequent, whitish, light-clay shade, later become rust-brown, have gear edges.
The leg is cylindrical, dense, whitish (over time it becomes yellowish), in the first hours of life, connected to the edges of the cap film, remaining on the leg in the form of a yellowish ring. At the base of the leg, the remnants of the total covered in the form of an increased collar, but more often the remains of the collar disappear or unlikely.
The flesh is soft, often watery, white, under the skin of a yellow-walled hat.
Spore powder - rzavo-hidful color.
Place the time of growth. It grows often with groups in coniferous and mixed forests from August to October.
Eating food. Edible, delicious mushroom, not inferior to the taste of a real champignon. No wonder this mushroom is called "Forest Shampignon" in separate locations. Young mushrooms can be used in boiled, fried, salty and especially in pickled form.
The cape's cap has similarities with poisonous mushrooms from a pale refrain group and mushrooms, which differs in the absence of whitish scales and the presence of mildew on their cap, as well as a rusty spore powder. In the poisonous agaroves, the spore powder has a white color.
In old copies of the ring cap, the plates have rust-and-brown color; In pale and brass and amoorors, the plates will save white to old age.

Photo Cap Killy (click to enlarge):

Photo Shampignon ordinary.
Local name: Peter.
Slap - semi-shaped, fleshy, smooth or scaly, whitish, yellowish or light brown.
Plates are free, frequent, first pale pink, then pink, finally, when ripening the dispute black and brown.
The leg is dense, thick, cylindrical, short. In the young mushroom, the edges of the cap are connected to a white bedspread, remaining later in the form of a clear leathery white ring on the leg.
The flesh is dense, white, slightly pinking on a break. The smell is pleasant
Spore powder - black and brown color.
Place and growth time. Grows in the gardens, parks, gardens, on the boulevards, on pastures, landfills, fields, meadows, and in general on the worried land from July to September; in the south earlier. Cultivated all year round in champignons, oranges, mines, etc.
Eating food. Very valuable edible mushroom, excellent taste. It is suitable for any species of dishes, in a bed and marinade. Old mushrooms with black and brown plates of tasteless.
Champignon has similarities with mortally poisonous mushrooms from the pale leafing group, which differs in the following main signs: the pale leaflers are only white and never pink and black and brown, the tube's base is enclosed in a volley (the remainder of the total covers). SHAMPINON WILLS, as well as a tuberous thickening of the base of the legs are missing. There is a spore powder of white, and the champignon is black and brown.

Photo of the ordinary champignon (click to enlarge):

Photo Operations of the present (click to enlarge):

Photo Nathan Wilson and Mukhrino FS Fox.
Local name: Spliene.
The hat is first convex with a wrapped edge, then almost flat and later funnel-shaped, with unevenly very wavy edges, fleshy. Color hats, like the whole mushroom, egg-yellow.
Plates - naughty on the leg, narrow, WilcyTo-raid, the same color as the Hat.
The leg is short, solid, expanding up, directly goes into a hat, yellow, smooth.
The flesh is dense, rubber, light yellow, never worms, the smell aromatic, resembles dried fruit.
Spore powder-light yellowish color.
Place and growth time. Grows in mixed forests from June to late September.
Eating food. Edible mushroom, with a relatively good taste, is used in boiled, grilled, pickled and saline. It is recommended to collect young copies.
Similarities with poisonous and inedible mushrooms, chanterelle does not have a chanterelle, has a similarity with a false chanterelle, previously erroneously considered a poisonous, but in reality that is an edible mushroom. False chanterelle differs from the true reddish-orange color, especially the color of the plates, more round edges of the hat and full of the leg. This mushroom is often assembled by mistake along with a real chanterelle.

Fresh photo (click to enlarge):

Stock Foto Sandra Cohen-Rose and Martin Jambon Blackberry yellow.
Local name: Kolchak yellow.
Hat - flat-convex with uneven surface, dense, yellowish. Outdoor edge, as a rule, windbladder. On the bottom surface of the cap, instead of the plates, there are thick sitting and turning onto the leg of the spies whitish, and then yellowish-pinkish color, very brittle and easily erased with finger from the surface.
The leg is dense, solid, white or yellowish, upstairs expands, turning into a hat.
The flesh is light yellowish, brittle. The smell is pleasant.
Spore powder - white with a yellowish tint.
Place and growth time. Grows in coniferous and deciduous forests with nests from August to October.
Eating food. Edible mushroom, medium taste. Only young people are used (with the size of a hat up to 6 centimeters), since with age, the consistency of the fungus grubes and bitter taste appears. Can be used for cooking, frying and drying.
Similarities with poisonous and inedible mushrooms blackberry yellow does not have.

Photo blackberry yellow (click to enlarge):

Photo Tomasz Przechlewski and Norte Blackberry motley.
Local name; Kolchak is motley.
The hat is first semi-shaped with a wrapped edge, and then a slightly smoke-shaped, gray-brown, coated with large, concentrically located, lagging dark brown scales. On the bottom surface of the cap, instead of the plates are densely sitting siebs of grayish color, which are somewhat "avoiding the leg.
The leg is short, dense, smooth, top white, bottom gray brown.
The flesh is rather dense, whitish, then red, dense with a weak spicy smell.
Spore powder - brown.
Place and growth time. It grows in dry coniferous forests, on the sandy soil from August to November.
Eating food. Edible mushroom with a specific taste. It is consumed only at a young age (with the size of a hat to 6 centimeters), since adult mushrooms have a tough, a bitter taste appears.
Similarities with poisonous blackberry blackberry does not have a motley.

Photo Blackberry Pins (Click to enlarge):

Photo FRED Stevens and