Zamkovaya Olga Makarovna
Job title: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MOUSOSH No. 1
Locality: S. Novoselitskoye, Stavropol Territory
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Project: "System didactic games and gaming techniques aimed at developing phonemic awareness in children with OHP"
Publication date: 12.03.2017
Chapter: secondary vocational

Speech therapy project

Topic: “System of didactic games and gaming techniques aimed at

on the development of phonemic awareness in children with special needs development"


Zamkova O.M. -teacher-speech therapist

highest qualification category

MOUSOSH No. 1s. Novoselitskoye

1.Relevance of this topic

devoted to




perception in children with special needs preschool age through the system

didactic games and gaming techniques.

The topic is relevant both for speech therapy and for pedagogy in general,

since the level of formation of phonemic representation in

The child's future literacy development depends on him.

A child’s full speech is an indispensable condition for his



Therefore very


speech deficiencies even in preschool age. Most children with speech

pathology experience difficulty in auditory differentiation of sounds

speech due to underdevelopment of phonemic perception.

The problem of developing phonemic perception becomes especially acute in








perception, it is impossible to successfully master literacy and writing skills.


speech therapy




yourself with didactic games and game techniques and therefore the speech therapist needs

widely use games in correctional work” (V.I. Seliverstov).







various speech disorders due to defects in perception and

pronunciation of phonemes with intact physical hearing and intelligence.

Thus, to increase the effectiveness of correctional work

formation of phonemic



ONR is necessary



gaming techniques.

Target abstract – describe the system of didactic games and gaming techniques,

aimed at developing phonemic perception in

children used in speech therapy.

A system of didactic games and gaming techniques aimed at

development of phonemic awareness in preschoolers

The role of didactic games in the development of a child’s speech

A didactic game is a link between play and learning. For

















gaming, which increases his mental activity. (A.K. Bondarenko).













The following structural components of the didactic game are distinguished:

didactic task;

game task;

game actions;

rules of the game;

result (summarizing).


speech therapy


is created


specifically for educational purposes, when learning takes place on the basis of a game

and didactic task. In a didactic game, the child not only receives




acts simultaneously as a type of gaming activity and a form of organization

interaction between the speech therapist and the child.








claims that speech is an invariable companion to all the child’s actions; word





Manifestations of a child’s speech are most pronounced in and through play.

IN word games, says A.K. Bondarenko, a child learns to describe













illogicalities in judgments, inventing stories yourself.

Game actions in verbal games form auditory attention, skill

listen to sounds; encourages repeated repetition of one thing and

the same sound combination that exercises correct pronunciation sounds and



speech therapist,





effectiveness of correctional work.

2.Development of phonemic perception in children’s speech development

preschool age

Phonemic awareness is the ability to perceive and differentiate

hearing the sounds (phonemes) of the native language, as well as understanding the meaning of different








Children with phonemic awareness disorders often distort their speech

sounds that can be pronounced correctly. Cause of incorrect speech





phonemic perception. For children with phonemic underdevelopment

perception is also characterized by violations of the sound and syllabic structures of the word

(omission, insertion, rearrangement, repetition of sounds and syllables). By using

development of articulatory skills can be achieved only minimally





the most important





Permanent pronunciation correction can only be guaranteed if









systematic work on the development of phonemic awareness, children are much more





words with the same root, common suffixes, prepositions with consonants












phonemic representations, phonemic analysis and synthesis. In your





children do not master literate reading skills in sound analysis and synthesis











rearrangement, replacement of letters) and is the reason for their failure. Job







sound pronunciations



teaching children at school. She leads the child to a complete analysis of sound

word composition necessary for teaching literacy. A child with good


in acceptance


sound pronunciation, that is, the inability to correctly pronounce some



the corresponding letter, and does not make mistakes in writing.

3. Stages in the work on the formation of phonemic awareness

The development of phonemic awareness occurs at all stages



subgroup and individual lessons.

This work begins on the material of non-speech sounds and gradually

covers all speech sounds included in the sound system of a given language.




auditory attention and auditory memory, which allows you to achieve the most








listen closely

those around



sound pronunciations.




highlight the following stages:





special games and exercises in children develop the ability to recognize and









teach children to differentiate phonemes.



the words are different: rhyming, change in sound complex in height and strength” and

etc.). During this stage, preschoolers learn to distinguish between heights,

3rd stage- the difference between words that are similar in their sound composition through

different from the others, choose a rhyme for the poem, reproduce

syllable row with a change in stress, reproduce the word in rhyme, etc. On

At this stage, children must learn to distinguish words that are similar in sound

are offered


distinguish words that differ in one sound (Words are selected in which

sounds that are distant in their acoustic-articulatory properties are different. For example,

sibilants – sonorant or affricates – sonorant).

4th stage



stage, children are taught to listen to the sound of syllables and words, independently





syllable combinations develop auditory attention. Children can be offered

complete the following tasks: reproduce syllable combinations with the same

vowels and different consonants, syllable combinations that differ in





building up




a common combination of two consonants and various vowels (tpa-tpo-


5th stage



distinguish phonemes of the native language. You need to start with differentiation

vowel sounds. At this stage, children learn to isolate the desired sound from the composition

didactic exercises – teach children to listen to the sound of words, clearly and





Certain sounds develop phonemic hearing.

6th stage



the task of the last, sixth, stage of classes is to develop in children

basic sound analysis skills. This work begins with the fact that

preschoolers are taught to determine the number of syllables in a word and clap two

and three Difficult words; clap and tap the rhythm of words of different syllabics

where children learn to determine the place of a vowel sound among other sounds. Then

begin to analyze consonant sounds. At the same time, the child is first taught

highlight the last consonant sound in a word. Implementation of activities on

the above stages takes place with complex interaction with narrow


Thus, work on the development of phonemic awareness


be carried out

step by step:









loved ones

acoustic-articulatory properties. Work is being carried out in parallel

on the development of auditory attention and memory in preschoolers.

4. A set of games and game exercises aimed at developing

phonemic awareness

A set of games and gaming exercises aimed at developing






violations, includes the following areas:

1. Games aimed at developing auditory attention.

2. Games for the development of speech hearing.

3. Games to distinguish between correctly and incorrectly pronounced sounds.

4. Distinguishing words with similar sound composition.

5. Differentiation of syllables.

6. Differentiation of sounds.

7. Games aimed at developing sound analysis and synthesis.

8. Characteristics of sounds.

Games aimed at developing auditory attention and recognition

non-speech sounds

Games in this group contribute to the development of children's auditory influence and

control, teach children to listen carefully and correctly perceive

the speech of others

"Recognize by sound"

Target. Development of auditory attention, phrasal speech.

Equipment: screen,



shelf, etc.)

Description of the game. The presenter behind the screen makes noises and sounds in different ways.

objects. The one who guesses what the presenter is doing to make noise raises

hand and tells him about it.

You can make different noises: throw a spoon, an eraser, a piece on the table


material, etc.

The one who guesses the noise gets a chip as a reward.

Games for the development of speech hearing

During this stage, preschoolers are taught to distinguish between height, strength, and

The purpose of these games and exercises is to teach children to speak loudly, quietly,




auditory perception.

"Three Bears".

Progress of the game: an adult displays pictures of three bears in front of the children -

large, medium, small. Then, telling the tale of the three bears,



"Guess who"

Target. Education of auditory attention.

Description of the game. Children stand in a circle. The driver goes into the middle of the circle,

closes his eyes and then walks in any direction until he comes across

“ku-ka-re-ku”, “av-av-av” or “meow-meow”, etc. The driver must guess who

one of the children shouted. If he guesses correctly, he stands in a circle. The one who is recognized will be

driving If you don’t guess correctly, then you just have to drive again.

Games aimed at distinguishing between correctly and incorrectly pronounced words


“How to say it correctly?”

Target. Learn to identify poorly pronounced words and correct them.

Description of the game. Speech therapist imitates distorted and normal

pronounce the sound in a word and invite children to compare the two types

pronunciation and reproduce the correct one.

"Be careful"

Target. Learn




words Equipment. Pictures: banana, album, cage.


games. Before


lay out



listen carefully to the speech therapist: if the speech therapist names the picture correctly



Pronounced words: baman, paman, banana, banam, vanan, come on, bavan, vanan;

ketka, keletta, ketka, ketka, tlekta, quette.

Games aimed at distinguishing words with similar sound compositions

"Dunno is confused"

Target. Learn to select words that sound similar.

Equipment. Pictures: onion, beetle, bough, crayfish, varnish, poppy, juice, house, crowbar, catfish,

spoon, midge, nesting doll, potato, etc.


games. Speech therapist



a word that is not like the others:

Poppy, tank, so, banana; - catfish, com, turkey, house;

Lemon, carriage, cat, bud; - poppy, tank, broom, cancer;

Scoop, gnome, wreath, skating rink; - heel, cotton wool, lemon, tub;

Branch, sofa, cage, mesh; - skating rink, skein, house, stream, etc.

"Say the word"

Target. Learn to choose the right word in meaning and sound.

Description of the game. The speech therapist reads the couplet, emphasizing in his voice the last word

in the first line, and asks you to choose one word from the following to rhyme


I sewed a shirt for Mishka, I’ll sew him...(pants).

On holidays, on the street, in the hands of children

The balloons are burning and shimmering.

He is with a bell in his hand, wearing a blue and red cap.

He is a funny toy, and his name is... (Parsley!)

All the guys from the yard shout to the kids: (“Hurray!”)

Two...(rams) drowned in this river early this morning.

There is a big fight in the river: two...(crayfish) quarreled.

"Okay listen"

An adult gives the child two circles - red and green and offers a game:

if the child hears correct name the item shown on

picture, he should raise a green circle, if incorrect - red


The complication of such games and exercises is as follows: first

words that are easy in sound composition are selected, then more complex ones

Games aimed at differentiating syllables

"Repeat correctly"

Target. Develop phonemic awareness and the ability to clearly reproduce

syllable chains.

Equipment: ball.

Description of the game. Children sit in a circle. The teacher offers the children one by one

catch the ball and listen carefully to the chain of syllables, then the child should

repeat correctly and throw the ball back. Syllable rows can be

different: mi-ma-mu-me, pa-pya-pa, sa-sa-za, sha-sa....

"Living Syllables"

Three children memorize one syllable each and go behind the screen, and coming out from there,




second and third. Later, the games introduce the syllables that make up a word,

for example MA-SHI-NA, after naming a syllable series, children answer that

it worked out, or they find such a picture among others.

Games aimed at differentiating sounds

An adult gives pictures to a child. Pictures of a train, girls,

birds and explains: “The train is buzzing oo-oo-oo; the girl is crying ah-ah-ah; bird


for a long time,

picks up the corresponding picture.

Work on distinguishing consonant sounds is carried out in a similar way.

"Find a place for your picture"

Target. Activation of the dictionary, differentiation of different sounds.

Equipment. Pictures whose names contain the sounds [w] and [z].

Description of the game. Children are sitting at tables. The teacher shows them pictures where


you can hear: sh-sh-sh-sh... I put this picture on the left side of the table.” Then





buzzes: w-w-w-w... “I put this picture on the right side of the table.

Now I will show and name the pictures, and you listen, in the title

which one will sound [w] or [z]. If you hear the sound [w], then the picture

it must be placed on the left, and if you hear the sound [zh], then it must be placed on the right.”




Children take turns naming the pictures shown.


pick up


matched their spelling. You can’t take words where the sound [zh] is

at the end of a word or before a voiceless consonant.

"Find your picture"

Target. Differentiation of sounds [l] - [r] in words.

Equipment. Images,


Each sound is matched with the same number of pictures.


games. Teacher

lays out



distributes the children into two groups and tells them that one group will

select pictures for the sound [l], and another for [p]. Approaching your group,

the child slaps the palm of the person in front and stands at the end of the group, and

the one who turns out first goes for the next picture, etc. When all

children take the pictures, both groups turn to face each other and





Games aimed at developing phonemic analysis

and synthesis

"Catch the Sound"

Target. Learn to distinguish a sound from a number of other sounds.

Description of the game. Children sit in a circle. The teacher invites the children to clap

U, A, K, A, etc. To make it more difficult, you can offer only vowel sounds.

A similar game is played to identify other sounds, both vowels and


Games for identifying the first and last sound in a word, determining the place

sound (beginning, middle, end)

"Fun Train"

Target. Learn to determine the location of sounds in a word.

Equipment: toy



a specific sound that occupies different positions in a word.


games. Before


steam locomotive

carriages in which toy passengers will travel, each in their own carriage:

in the first - those in whose name the given sound is at the beginning of the word, in

the second - in the middle of the word, in the third - at the end.

Games for determining the sequence of sounds in a word

Games aimed at determining the characteristics of sounds

"Colorful balls"

Target. Consolidation of differentiation of vowels and consonants, development


you were fast

thinking. Equipment: balls


colors. Description of the game. Red is a vowel. Blue - no. What's the sound? Give it to me

The teacher throws the ball to the children. The catcher calls a vowel sound if the ball

red, consonant - if the ball is blue, and throws the ball back


"Show me the circle desired color»

Target. Securing


v o l e s


sounds, Equipment: red and blue circles according to the number of children.

Description of the game. Each child is given a red and a blue circle.

The teacher invites the children to listen to different sounds, and a blue circle is raised,

if they hear a consonant sound and red if it is a vowel sound.

Description of the game. First option.

Differentiation games can be played in a similar way.

consonants in softness - hardness, sonority - loudness.

"Name your brother"

Target. Consolidation


m i g k and x

consonants. Equipment: ball. Description of the game. First option.

The speech therapist names a hard consonant sound and throws the ball to one of the children.

The child catches the ball, calls his soft pair - “little brother” and


speech therapist


carried out at a fairly fast pace. If a child makes a mistake and gives

If the answer is incorrect, then the speech therapist himself names the desired sound, and the child repeats






phonemic awareness contribute to the successful development of children

prerequisites for further mastering the norms of the native language, so





It has








influences the development of the entire speech system of the preschooler, as well as







speech therapist

is to arouse students' interest in the game,

competently organize the game, ensuring an interested perception







knowledge, skills and abilities.












clear auditory differentiation, ability to analyze speech

current into component units. Hence, high level development

phonemic awareness is a prerequisite for successful development

literacy in the future, especially for children with speech impairments.

Thus, without special corrective influence, the child

will not learn to distinguish and recognize phonemes by ear, analyze

syllabic composition of words. The described step-by-step set of game exercises

in the classroom contributes to sufficient formation





didactic games significantly increases the level of readiness for school

learning, prevents dysgraphia and dyslexia.

speech therapists,


and parents of preschool children with ODD.


Altukhova N.G. Learn to hear sounds. – St. Petersburg, 1999.

Agranovich Z.E. To help speech therapists and parents. Collection of pets

tasks to overcome underdevelopment of the phonemic aspect of speech

in older preschoolers. – St. Petersburg, 2005

Alexandrova T.V. Live sounds or phonetics for preschoolers -

Saint Petersburg. 2005.

Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: Book. For

Vlasenko I.T. Chirkina G.V. Methods for examining speech in children. /

I.T. Vlasenko, G.V. Chirkina - M., 1970.

Varentsova N.S., Kolesnikova E.V. Development phonemic hearing at

preschoolers. – M., 1997.

Gadasina L.Ya., Ivanovskaya O.G. Sounds of all trades: fifty

speech therapy games. St. Petersburg 2004.

Games in speech therapy work with children / ed. Seliversotov V.I. –

Golubeva G.G., Correction of violations of the phonetic side of speech in

preschoolers - St. Petersburg. 2000.

Durova N.V. Phonemics. How to teach children to hear correctly

pronounce sounds / N.V. Durova. – M.: Mosaic-Synthesis.

Zhurova L.E., Elkonin D.B. On the issue of formation

phonemic perception in preschool children. M.:

Enlightenment, 1963.

Maksakov A.I., Tumakova G.A. Learn by playing. – M., 1983.

Tkachenko T.A. If the child speaks poorly. – St. Petersburg, 1997.

Tumakova G.A. Familiarizing preschoolers with sound words. – M.,

Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. – M.: Vlados, 1994

Dictionary “Terms and Concepts of Speech Therapy” // “Speech Therapy” (Ed. L.S.


Tumakova G.A. Familiarizing a preschooler with a sound word / Under

ed. F. Sokhina. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.

1.2.6. Features of the work of a speech therapist and educator in the development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception

In the work on the formation of phonemic perception, the following stages can be distinguished:

Stage I – recognition of non-speech sounds;

Stage II - distinguishing the height, strength, timbre of the voice on the material of identical sounds, words, phrases;

Stage III– distinguishing words that are similar in their sound composition;

Stage IV – differentiation of syllables;

Stage V – differentiation of phonemes;

Stage VI – development of basic sound analysis skills.

Work on the formation of phonemic perception begins with the development of auditory attention and auditory memory. The inability to listen to the speech of others is one of the reasons for incorrect sound pronunciation. The child must acquire the ability to compare his own speech with the speech of others and control his pronunciation.

Work on the formation of phonemic perception at the very beginning is carried out on the material of non-speech sounds. Through special games and exercises, children develop the ability to recognize and distinguish non-speech sounds.

Children should learn to distinguish the pitch, strength and timbre of their voice through games, listening to the same speech sounds, sound combinations, and words.

Then children learn to distinguish words that are similar in sound composition. Later, they learn to distinguish syllables and then phonemes of their native language.

The task of the last stage of work is to develop in children the skills of elementary sound analysis: the ability to determine the number of syllables in a word; clap and tap the rhythm of words of different syllable structure; highlight stressed syllable; analyze vowels and consonants.

1.2.7. Collaboration between a speech therapist and a teacher on sound pronunciation

The work of a teacher and the work of a speech therapist differs in the correction and formation of sound pronunciation in terms of organization, techniques, and duration. It requires various knowledge, skills and abilities. Let's look at the main differences:

Preparatory stage

Sound appearance stage

Stage of sound acquisition (correct pronunciation of sound in speech)

Conditions necessary for the formation of correct sound pronunciation in preschoolers with FFND:

for the initial sound production, a number of sounds belonging to different phonetic groups are selected;

in this case, it is advisable to use all analyzers. Reliance on kinesthetic sensations contributes to the conscious sound of speech;

the development of sounds mixed in children’s speech is carried out in stages and distributed over time;

consolidation of the given sounds in the process of differentiation of all similar sounds;

material for consolidating and automating sounds is selected in such a way that it does not contain sounds that are defective or mixed in the child’s speech; so that the selected material can contribute to enrichment, clarification of vocabulary, and the development of grammatically correct coherent speech.

1.2.8. Consolidating children's speech skills in individual and frontal lessons, in special moments

Individual lessons on the instructions of a speech therapist are conducted by the teacher in the afternoon, immediately after nap, that is, from about 15 o'clock until afternoon tea. This is the so-called speech therapy hour. The teacher works individually with those children whose names the speech therapist wrote down in a special notebook for evening assignments. This notebook is filled out daily. In addition, the speech therapist gives the group the completed notebooks of those children with whom he worked in the morning.

It is very important that during an individual lesson between a teacher and a child, all other children do not distract them and are engaged in quiet games. Board and board-printed games are best suited for this purpose. And if the teacher takes into account the characteristics of each child when distributing them, then such a game simultaneously gives a learning effect. For example, if a child has difficulties with fine motor skills, he should be asked to assemble a mosaic or string beads; if he has difficulties with constructive activities, he should be asked to put together cut pictures or special cubes, etc.

It is better to conduct classes with children in a specially equipped speech therapy corner. A large mirror is installed here, in which the faces of the child and the teacher can be reflected at the same time. In addition, here it is desirable to have visual material to reinforce the sounds [P], [Pb], [L], [L], whistling and hissing sounds.

When working with a child, the teacher must remember that pronunciation of all phonetic material from the notebook must occur with the obligatory emphasis of the fixed sound in the voice - pronounced exaggeratedly. The teacher should not miss a single phonetic or grammatical error in the child’s speech. The lesson can be continued only after the child says everything correctly. The teacher must pronounce all speech material loudly, clearly, slowly and achieve the same from the baby.

The teacher must carefully monitor the children’s speech and correct their mistakes not only in class, but also throughout all routine moments. Moreover, it is very important that all children’s mistakes are corrected by the teacher correctly. In no case should you imitate a child or ridicule him, as this can provoke a decrease in speech activity (up to complete silence in the group), isolation, and a negative attitude of the child towards the teacher, towards learning in general.

The manner in which children correct errors in their speech outside of class and during class differs from each other. So, during games and household activities You should not draw children’s attention to the mistakes of one of them; it is better to do this unnoticed by others. For example, during the game, one of the guys says to the other: “Take off all the dolls’ shoes, bring them without shoes.” The teacher, using a short break in the game, calls this child to him and invites him to listen to the correct and incorrect combinations of words (“all dolls” or “all dolls”, “without shoes” or “without shoes”). And then asks: “What’s the best way to say it?” And only then asks you to repeat the correct phrase.

If an error occurs when addressing the teacher, then you can react like this: “You can say it correctly, well, try it!” or “I don’t understand you. Think and say correctly.”

Now about correcting mistakes in class. Here, firstly, time is limited and long, lengthy inquiries into how best to say it are inappropriate on the part of the teacher. Secondly, the children’s attention is focused on the speech of the respondent and unnoticed; correcting his mistakes is impossible, and it is not necessary. And thirdly, classes, in contrast to cases of spontaneous communication uncontrolled by the child, should take place with maximum mobilization of the respondent’s attention, with a focus on competent, clear speech.

In connection with the above, errors during classes should be recorded by the teacher immediately (“Wrong”, “Wrong”, “I said the wrong thing”). All children are involved in correcting grammatical inaccuracies. The teacher himself corrects the child’s grammatical error only when the majority of children were unable to do so.

Errors in pronunciation should also be noted and corrected as the answer progresses. For example, if a child pronounces the sound [P] incorrectly, the teacher can ask him: “Repeat after me, emphasizing the sound [P], the words: build, slide, collect, play.”

It can also happen: one of the children really wants to answer, but the teacher knows in advance that the child will not pronounce a word with a complex syllable structure (policeman, duvet cover, plumber) and this will cause laughter among the others. You should invite the child to say the answer to the teacher in the ear, and then praise the child for his efforts.

In order for children to speak clearly and with the least number of phonetic errors in all classes, the teacher must set the tone with his very clear, fairly loud and unhurried speech.

The process of normalization of speech and the extinction of the pathological reflex are possible only with increased attention of the child to the speech of others and his own. Naturally, such work requires patience, tact, composure and constant ingenuity from the teacher.

Chapter II. Practical part

Preschool childhood is one of the most important stages of a child’s life: without a fully lived, comprehensively filled childhood, his entire subsequent life will be flawed. Extremely high pace of mental, personal and physical development during this period, it allows the child to quickly go from a helpless being to a person who masters all the basic principles of human culture. He does not walk this path alone; adults are constantly next to him - parents, educators, psychologists. Competent interaction between adults in the process of raising a child ensures the maximum realization of all the opportunities available to him and will allow him to avoid many difficulties and deviations in the course of his mental and personal development. The plastic, rapidly maturing nervous system of a preschooler requires careful treatment. When creating new intensive programs of developmental work with a child, it is necessary to keep in mind not only what he can achieve, but also what physical and nervous-mental costs it will cost him. Any attempts to shorten the preschool period of life as “preliminary” or “unreal” disrupt the course of individual development child, do not allow him to use all the opportunities that this age provides for the flourishing of his psyche and personality.

Senior preschool age immediately precedes the child’s transition to the next, very important stage of his life – entering school. Therefore, preparation for school begins to occupy a significant place in working with children of the 6th and 7th year of life. Two aspects can be distinguished here: firstly, the ongoing purposeful development of the child’s personality and cognitive mental processes that underlie his successful development of the child’s own curriculum, and secondly, teaching primary school skills (elements of writing, reading, counting).

The problem of a child's readiness for schooling is considered primarily as psychological: priority is given to the level of development of the motivational-need sphere, arbitrariness of mental processes, operational skills, and the development of fine motor skills of the hand. It has been established that intellectual readiness for school alone does not ensure a child’s successful entry into educational activities.

The entire first set of methods was aimed at qualitative diagnostics of the development of those mental functions that occupy a central place in the overall picture of the child’s psychological maturity and his readiness for systematic learning.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten "Romashka"
Speech therapy project
Topic: “Little Literacy”
Speech therapy games
in the development of phonemic hearing
in children 6 - 7 years old
Karavanova I. A.
teacher speech therapist
Project passport………………………………………………………………...3
Explanatory note……………………………………………..4
Project stages……………………………………………..7
Project passport
Problem It is very difficult to eliminate phonemic underdevelopment in children in a speech therapy center.

Full name Speech therapy project for the development of phonemic hearing in children 6-7 years old on the topic: “Little literate people”
Project type Practice-oriented
The goal of the project is to create conditions for the formation of phonemic hearing in children 6 - 7 years old through didactic games.
Educational areas Social and communicative development, speech development, safety, reading fiction, physical development
Project period 1 year
Expected results For children:
Perceive complex rhythms according to verbal instructions from the teacher

Divide words into syllables
Differentiate sounds by sonority - deafness, hardness - softness
Determine the position of a sound in a word

For teachers:
Enrich with knowledge and skills to carry out work on the development of sound and sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words.
For parents:
To enrich and replenish the knowledge of practical material necessary for the development of phonemic hearing in children.
Project participants Children of the Kalinka preparatory group attending a speech therapy center; preparatory group teachers, parents, children attending the speech center.
Presentation of the project photo presentation at the parent meeting “We are playing”
Explanatory note
The speech therapy project “Little Literacy” presents materials on organizing joint activities speech therapist with children, teachers and parents on the development of phonemic hearing in children 6-7 years old.
Relevance of the project:
The problem of preparing children with phonemic hearing impairments for school has been studied for a long time, but even now it does not lose its relevance.
Despite the fact that the special speech therapy literature covers in sufficient detail the stages and sequence of the process of forming phonemic perception, the number of children with phonemic hearing disorders is constantly increasing.
The lack of full perception of phonemes leads to the following disorders: the phonetic side of speech, syllable structure, vocabulary, grammatical structure speech, the formation of sound analysis and synthesis is impossible. Which will further lead to dyslexia and dysgraphia.
It is very difficult to eliminate phonemic underdevelopment in children in a speech therapy center.
The knowledge of even experienced teachers of mass groups on this issue is insufficient.
Parents do not always pay attention to immaturity phonemic processes children do not see this as a problem.
In this regard, the “Little Literacy” project was developed
Didactic games and exercises will help develop phonemic hearing, collaboration with teachers and parents.
The novelty of the project is the inclusion of games and exercises to develop a sense of rhythm.
Children with phonemic disorders have difficulty completing tasks involving the assessment and reproduction of rhythms. Even when playing single-rest rhythms, they make mistakes. It is difficult for them to count the number of claps, blows, and then reproduce them correctly.
When memorizing poetry, such children violate the rhyme of the poem, since the rhythm and rhyme of the poetic form “eludes” them
The development of a sense of rhythm is one of the prerequisites for the implementation of speech activity.
A well-developed sense of rhythm creates the prerequisites for further mastery of the phonetic side of speech: the syllabic structure of a word, verbal and logical stress, and the rhythmic organization of the speech motor act.
The development of rhythm also prepares children to work on stress and intonation expressiveness of speech.
Games for the development of rhythmic sense create the necessary basis for the development of phonemic perception, teach not just to hear, but also to listen, compare and evaluate sounds by the force of impact. This stage of work is very important in the development of phonemic hearing.
Objective of the project:
Creating conditions for the formation of phonemic hearing in children 6 - 7 years old through didactic games.
Project objectives:
For children:
To develop skills in perceiving and reproducing simple and complex rhythms;
Learn to differentiate speech sounds by hardness - softness, sonority - deafness;
Teach syllable divisionIntroduce letters
Develop auditory perception;
Develop skills in sound and sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words;
Cultivate perseverance and the ability to listen to comrades.
For teachers:
Training in special methods and techniques in conducting games and exercises for the development of auditory perception, phonemic hearing, development of rhythmic sense, speech breathing.
For parents:
Involving parents in correctional work with children with speech disorders
Introduce parents to the use of speech games to develop phonemic awareness at home.
Expected result:
For children:
Develop auditory perception
Formation of skills of perception of simple and complex rhythms
Differentiation of sounds by sonority - deafness, hardness - softness
Perform sound-letter analysis and word synthesis
Divide words into syllables
Know the letters of the Russian alphabet.
For teachers:
Enrichment with the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out work on the development of auditory perception, phonemic hearing, performing sound and sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words, rhythmic sense and speech breathing.
For parents:
Enrichment, replenishment of knowledge and practical material necessary for the development of phonemic hearing in children.
Project addressees:
Children of the Kalinka preparatory group attending a speech therapy center with a pedagogical diagnosis of FFND, OPD level III
Group teachers
Forms of work
Project stages:
Diagnostic stage
Responsible teacher-speech therapist (September 15 days) speech therapy examination of children in the preparatory group
collection of anamnestic data about the child
child supervision
individual conversations with parents
parent survey
Main (project implementation) stage (September-May)
Conducted within school year.
Responsible teacher-speech therapist.
Month Educational area Purpose
Work with children
September for the game “Guess What I’m Doing”
“Guess where the woodpecker is knocking” “Attentive ears”
“Rhythm” Development of auditory perception, development of a sense of rhythm,
October d\game “Letter mosaic”
“Identify the sounds in the word”
“syllabic arithmetic”, “Look, don’t make a mistake!”, Isolating the first stressed vowel in a word, familiarization with letters, dividing words into syllables,
November d\games “Guess the sounds in a word”, “Find a syllable”, “Look at the letters”, “letter book”, Isolating the last sound in a word, getting to know the letters,
December games “Living Sounds”, “Hidden Letters”, “Telegraph Operators”, Position of sound in a word, familiarization with letters, dividing words into syllables
January games “Find a sound house for the word”, “Unravel the letters”, “Same and different”, Syllabic carriages”, Position of sound in a word, familiarity with letters, dividing words into syllables Differentiation of sounds by voicedness-dullness, hardness-softness
February d\games “Collect the word”, “The letters are hidden”, “Tasty table”, “Syllable chain”, “Guess what sounds are in the word?”, “Collect the word” Position of the sound in the word, familiarity with the letters, dividing words into syllables Differentiation of sounds by sonority-dullness, hardness-softness
March d\games “Sounds are visiting”, “Letters are hidden”, “Flower shop”, “Fishing rod”, “Helicopter”, “Name the sound” Position of sound in a word, familiarization with letters, dividing words into syllables Differentiation of sounds by voicing - deafness, hardness-softness
April d\games “Spread the words in houses”, “Guess what our names are”, “Collect the word”, “Sound ball” Position of sound in a word, familiarity with letters, dividing words into syllables Differentiation of sounds by sonority-dullness, hardness- softness
May Final lesson, photo exhibitionWork with teachers
September individual conversations about the peculiarities of the development and upbringing of children October Consultation: Sound analysis of words" Introduce the peculiarities of the formation of sound analysis in preschool children
November Master class “Development of the skill of sound-letter analysis Training in special methods and techniques for performing sound analysis
November “Features of the development of phonemic hearing in children. Interaction of speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzers" Introduction to the peculiarities of the formation of phonemic hearing in preschool children
Working with parents
September history taking, individual conversations Determination of the structure of a speech defect
October Master class “Development of sound-letter analysis skills Training in special methods and techniques for performing sound analysis
January Consultation “Phonological hearing is the basis of correct speech” Introduce parents to games that develop phonemic hearing
February School speech development“Phonics Lessons” Introduction to phonemes, training in sound-letter analysis
March Consultation “The most common mistakes made by adults when teaching children to read at home” Training parents in reading techniques at home
May Final lesson 3 Final stage
For children
Compiling a collective album “My Favorite Letter”
Individual notebooks “Little Literacy”
For teachers
Card file did. games to develop phonemic awareness
For parents
Photo presentation “We are playing”
Phonemic processes have formed in children
Teachers learned special techniques for developing phonemic awareness
Parents enriched and expanded their knowledge on the development of phonemic hearing in children.
Appendix No. 1
Work with children
Compiled by a speech therapist
Karavanova Irina Anatolyevna
No. Name of the game Didactic task Game material Literature
Preparatory stage
development of auditory perception
1. "Guess what I'm doing"
Development of auditory perception A bunch of keys, water in a bottle, harmonica, newspaper The speech therapist shows objects and performs actions with them. Invites the children to turn away, performs an action with the object and invites the children to guess - what rattled, rang, rustled?
2. “Guess where the woodpecker is knocking” Development of auditory perception, development of orientation in space Woodpecker toy, blindfold. Children with their eyes closed guess the direction of the woodpecker's knock.
3. “Attentive ears” Teach children to listen and understand the sounds of the world around them (birds singing, splashing water, the sound of the wind, etc.) Audio cassette 4. “Give me a word” Various poems familiar to children 5. “Who woke up Mishka?” Teach children to listen purposefully to surrounding sounds, perceive them and distinguish them. Toy Bear L.F. Fomina from 18
6. “Rubble” Development of auditory attention, learning to determine which words make sense and which do not. Speech material by Sokolov
From 25
7. “Find a pair” Exercise children in selecting words that differ from each other in one sound. The disk is divided into 2 parts.
Subject pictures: scythe-goat, firewood-grass, reel-reel, fishing rod-duck, etc. Shvaiko
C 53
Games to evaluate and play
8. “Rhythm” Wooden sticks, one for each child. The speech therapist taps out a simple rhythm with pauses and asks the child to repeat.
9. “Tap the rhythm according to the pattern” Teach children to tap the rhythm, observing pauses between claps Cards with a rhythmic pattern The child taps the rhythm card
10. “Names and Rhythms” Teach children to tap out the rhythm, observing the stressed syllable in the word, write down the rhythm pattern Plane pictures of boys and girls, chalk, board Shvaiko G.S.
11. “Guess our names by the rhythm” Exercise children to correlate the desired name with the rhythm pattern Plane pictures of boys and girls, rhythm patterns M.A. Mikhailova from 44
12. “Walk” Development of a sense of rhythm Musical hammers according to the number of players (instead of a hammer you can use a tambourine, wooden spoons, etc.) M.A. Mikhailova from 45
13. “Identify the card by rhythm” Teach children to correctly find the desired rhythmic pattern using the clap (or tapped rhythm) Cards with a depicted rhythmic pattern, children's musical instruments (drum or tambourine, musical hammer, etc.)
Prize chips of M.A. Mikhailov from 48
14. “Listen and repeat” Teach children to reproduce the rhythm with two pauses. Musical instruments (drum, tambourine, wooden spoons, etc.) The speech therapist clap the rhythm with 2 pauses and asks the child to repeat.
15. “Tap the rhythm” (“Morse code”) Reproduction of a rhythmic pattern according to verbal instructions Musical instruments The child, according to the verbal instructions of the speech therapist, taps the rhythm that will be given to him through the verbal instructions
Main stage
d/games for the formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis
16. “Identify the sounds in a word” Teaching children the sound analysis of words Chips for designating sounds, strip diagrams of the sound composition of words, L.E. pointer. Zhurova,
N.S. Varentsova from 16
17. “Guess the sounds in the word” The same Chips of three colors, stripes-schemes The speech therapist names the word by sounds and the child guesses the word
18. “Living sounds” Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words Chips of three colors, picture by L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentsova from 20
19. “Sounds come to visit” Ability to perform sound analysis of words consisting of two sounds Schemes of the sound composition of words, chips for designating Sokolov’s sounds
20. “Match a word to a diagram” The ability to navigate the sound structure of a word consisting of 3 sounds Schemes of the sound composition of words, object pictures Children are given cards with sound diagrams of words, the child must choose a picture that corresponds to the sound scheme
21. “Find a sound house for the word” The same circle, divided into four parts. In the center of the circle there is a sound diagram of the word 22. “Let's build a pyramid” Exercise children in determining the number of sounds in words Drawing a pyramid of squares. At the bottom there are five squares, then four, three and two. Subject pictures consisting of 2 to 5 sounds (eg: mustache, catfish, porridge, bag) 23. “Gather a word” Determining the first sound in words and composing words from the selected sounds (three or four) Cards with pasted pictures. On each card (for example: flour, aster, bun, poppy) a guessing word is pasted on the back of the card) The speech therapist names the word by sounds: m-u-h-a
Note: at the beginning, words consisting of two, then three sounds are composed, then words consisting of four sounds with open words; as the material is mastered, words with a combination of consonant sounds are introduced.
24. “Guess what our names are?” Strengthen the ability to identify the first sound in words and compose words from the highlighted sounds (three to four), practice reading words of three to four letters. Table with images of children: girls and boys (four to five). There are 4-5 long pockets on top for subject pictures, and pockets on the bottom for letters. Subject pictures and cards with letters. G.S. Shvaiko from 43
D/games and exercises for isolating a separate sound in a word, determining the position of a sound in a word
25. “Find pictures that begin with a sound...” Practice identifying the first sound in a word Object pictures 26. “Identify the first sound in a word” Strengthen the ability to identify the first sound in a word Cards with object pictures on each card there are six images. The combination of items on the card may be different. Objects, names that begin with vowels.
Items whose names begin with consonants that are easy to pronounce.
Pictures of whistling and hissing sounds: chips of different colors - red, blue, green; chips with the image of a ringing and crossed out bell (to differentiate voiced and unvoiced sounds). G.S. Shvaiko from 42
27. “Chain of words” Exercise children in identifying the first and last sound in a word Cards with object pictures (pencil-cabinet-flag-bush-axe-rocket-bus-bitch-key-kettle-cat-pineapple-catfish-mac-crocodile -onion)
G.S. Shvaiko from 44
28. “Find the place of the sound in the word” Exercise children in the ability to find the same sound in the names of objects and determine the position of the sound in the word Cards with object pictures, on each card there are three pictures with the same sound in name: poppy, stork, hand, but with different positions in the word
Chips-diagrams depicting the position of the sound in the word by G.S. Shvaiko from 46
29. “Match the word to the diagram”
1 option
Option 2 Exercise children in the ability to determine the position of a sound in a word; differentiation of whistling and hissing sounds in words
Is the same; practice independently inventing words with a given sound, focusing on the sound pattern Cards with three sound patterns in words (one cell is shaded at the beginning, end and middle of the pattern), object pictures whose names contain the sounds “s” and “sh”
G.S. Shvaiko from 46
G.S. Shvaiko from 47
30. “Who lives in the house?” Exercise children in selecting words with a certain sound, activate the vocabulary on the topic “animals” Flat houses with four windows, in the attic there is a window for a letter; object pictures depicting animals.
k- cat, goat, rabbit, kangaroo;
s- elephant, dog, magpie, fox;
h- hare, zebra, goat;
ts - chicken, heron, hen;
g- giraffe, crane, hedgehog. G.S. Shvaiko from 47
31 “Collect a bouquet” Exercise children in distinguishing a given sound in words, fixing the name of the color Cards with vases. The vases contain stems with flower heads made of velvet paper attached to the ends. The vases have pockets for letters. Multi-colored flowers cut out of paper. Flowers with sounds: s – blue, lilac, red, gray; l – blue, white, violet, green, yellow; r – red, pink, orange, lilac, gray
G.S. Shvaiko from 51
32. “Builders” Teach children to come up with words with the sounds “r” and “ry” A sheet of paper, a felt-tip pen or a board and chalk Zhurova p. thirty
33. “Broken TV” Teach children to identify the vowel sound in the middle of a word by silent articulation. Speech material: words consisting of three sounds (poppy, onion, smoke, juice, peace, etc.); chips with symbols of sounds or letters. The speech therapist declares himself a speaker. The TV sound is broken. Shows articulation of vowel sounds, and then pronounces short words, naming the first and last sounds, and the vowel - silent articulation.
34. “What vowel sound is hidden in the word?” Teach children to identify the vowel sound in the middle of the word and relate it to the letter Cards divided into two parts. At the top of the card are depicted objects whose names have one vowel sound in the middle of the word (moss, catfish, smoke); at the bottom there is space for letters, letters. The child is asked to look at the pictures, identify the vowel sound in the words and put a letter under each picture.
35. “Who is bigger?” Exercise children in coming up with words for a given sound Chips, prizes Children come up with words for a given sound
Didactic games for differentiating sounds
36. “Tim and Tom” Exercise children in distinguishing by ear and in pronunciation of hard and soft consonants Two plane pictures depicting little men in blue and green hats; object pictures starting with paired consonant sounds according to hardness - softness (eg: p-p) Bugrimenko from 17
37. “Distribute the words into houses” Teach children to differentiate consonant hard and soft sounds Flat houses with four windows. On the attic window there are symbols of the consonants of hard and soft and soft sounds. Subject pictures whose names begin with paired consonant sounds of hardness and softness. Pictures with a certain sound are populated in the houses.
Note: this game can also be used to differentiate sounds by voicedness and deafness. Symbols indicating voicedness and deafness are inserted onto the attic window in the houses.
38. “Match a diagram to the word” Strengthen the ability to determine the position of a sound in a word Cards with images of various objects that include the same sound, but in different positions (beginning, end and middle of the word); card diagrams depicting the position of a sound in a word Cards with pictures at the top. At the bottom there is a place for laying out a strip diagram with the position of the sound
39. “Fishing Rod” Exercise children in differentiating sounds…. Subject pictures
fishing rod, symbolism of differentiated sounds Children use a fishing rod to catch pictures with the desired sound
40. “Wonderful bag” Same Object pictures, toys, wonderful bag, prize chips By taking toys out of the bag, children determine the first or last sound in a word.
41. "Who will assemble faster things?" Exercise children in differentiating sounds s-sh Large map, in the middle of which two suitcases are depicted. Drawn in a circle are items of clothing whose names contain the sound “s” or “sh”. Between the objects there are circles from one to four; chips of different colors, square cube of different colors or with letters
“s” and “w” G.S. Shvaiko from 49
42. “Shop” Exercise children in differentiating sounds
“r” and “l” “s” and “w” Shelf cards divided into two parts. In the upper part there is a place for goods (subject pictures) in the lower part for money. Money paper cards with letters
“r”, “m”, “s”, “w” G.S. Shvaiko from 50
43. “Helicopter” Differentiation of sounds in pronunciation Two circles fastened together in the center. On one there are pictures with differentiable sounds; on the second there is a triangle cut out with Children, turning the helicopter, call pictures 44. “Sound ball” Differentiation of consonant sounds by hardness and softness Multi-colored ball 45. “Name a pair” Strengthen the ability to distinguish between paired hard and soft sounds Zhurov’s ball p. 48
Didactic games aimed at teaching syllabic analysis and word synthesis
46. ​​“Telegraphists” Teach children to clap rhythmically two and three complex words with open syllables, coordinate hand movements with speech Children clap words according to the instructions of the speech therapist
47. “Living syllables” Teach children syllabic analysis of two-syllable words by Gadasin from 37
48. “Let’s build a pyramid” Exercise children in the ability to count the number of syllables in words, correctly name each syllable A pyramid of squares in three rows: down three squares for three-syllable words, above two squares for two-syllable words, at the top one square for one-syllable words .
Subject pictures: catfish, beetle, crayfish, goat, vase, crow, etc. G.S. Shvaiko from 56
Note: This game can be used various topics: for example: birds, animals, transport, etc.
49. “Flower Shop” Exercise children in dividing words into syllables, activate vocabulary on the topic of flowers. Subject pictures depicting flowers, which consist of two, three, four syllables; number cards “money” with two, three, four circles, typesetting canvas by G.S. Shvaiko with 57
50. “Let’s plant flowers in the flowerbed” Exercise children in the ability to divide words into syllables. Development of self-esteem The same G.S. Shvaiko from 58
51. “Tasty table” Teach children to come up with words with a given number of syllables on a given topic, enrich their vocabulary Chips - prizes G.S. Shvaiko from 58
52. “Find your home for the word” Exercise children to divide words into syllables Subject pictures, syllable houses from one to four syllables 53. “Change the word” Teach children how to transform words by building up syllables Cards that depict an object are below cards are drawn with syllables in the form of squares. One square, two squares and three squares. 54.
"Divide the Word"
Strengthen the ability to independently divide words into syllables (words of different syllabic structures) and name each syllable separately
Cards on which subject pictures are pasted in the upper part, small pieces of Velcro are pasted at the bottom of the card under the pictures for sticking cards of patterns indicating the number of syllables; cards - diagrams with the number of syllabic squares (from one to four)
55. “Syllabic arithmetic” Develop the ability to perform syllabic analysis and synthesis, development of mental activity, enrichment and clarification of vocabulary. Speech material proposed by a speech therapist.
Chips are prizes. Sokolova
Vasilyeva from 93
Note: Unfamiliar words are clarified and explained during the game.
56. “Syllable chain” Strengthen the skill of dividing two, three, one-syllable words. Subject pictures with two, three and one syllables or toys in their names. 57. “Make sure you don’t make a mistake!” Teach children to come up with words using a given syllable, enriching their vocabulary. Chips are prizes. 58. “Find the syllable” Strengthen the ability to identify the first and last syllables in words, develop attention. Object pictures with two and three syllables in their names.
Chips. 59. “Relay Race” Teach children to come up with words for a given number of syllables Prize chips 60. “Shop” Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables of different syllabic structures and correctly name each syllable separately at the request of the speech therapist Toys, “money” with syllable patterns (from one to four syllables) The speech therapist names the syllable of the intended word, the children guess.
61. “Feed the animals” Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables, consolidate knowledge about eating animals Object pictures depicting animals (or toys), pictures depicting the food that these animals eat Didactic games for memorizing letters
62. Reading the fairy tale “Letter City” 63. “Letter mosaic” Development of visual perception, consolidation of the visual image of the letter Planar letters cut into 2-3 parts The speech therapist distributes the cut elements of the letters, which must be assembled and named the letter.
64. “Assemble a letter” Consolidation of the visual image of a letter, the ability to assemble a holistic image from several elements. Planar cut letters of large size, cut into two or three parts. The speech therapist distributes cut elements of letters that need to be assembled and called the letter.
65. “Restore the broken letter” Development of visual perception, development of graphomotor skills, memorization of letters Cards on which letters with missing elements are drawn. Pencils Children recognize the letter and complete the required element
66. “Techniques” The goal is the same See the game “Restore the broken letter” by S. Vasilyev from 20
N. Sokolova
67. “Letter Egg” Development of visual perception, development of fine motor skills Eraser, paper, pencil Children recognize the letter and add the required element to the letter that the “Letter Egg” “ate”
68. “Same and different” Learn to find common and different elements in two or three letters Cards with letters by S. Vasilyev from 18
N. Sokolova69. “Unravel the letters” Development of visual perception, teach children to see letters superimposed on each other and highlight them separately Cards with a graphic image of several letters superimposed on each other, the common elements of the letters should not coincide S. Vasilyeva from 19
N. Sokolova70. “Look at the letters” Development of visual perception, strengthen the ability to see letters superimposed on each other and having common elements of letters Cards with a graphic image of letters superimposed on each other with a coincidence common elements S. Vasilyeva from 19
N. Sokolova71. “Who has the better memory?” Development of visual perception, prevention of optical dysgraphia, memory development Card with printed letters not in alphabetical order, pencils or S. Vasilyev’s chip p19
N. Sokolova72. “Cross out the wrong letter” Development of visual perception, skills Cards depicting letters in the correct and distorted form Cross out the incorrect spelling of letters
73. “Raise the right letter” Teach children to identify the vowel sound in the middle of the word and correlate it with the letter A card with twelve squares, in the upper part of which there are objects denoting monosyllabic words, in the lower part there are empty cells for laying out letters, letters, pencils 74. “The letters hid” Development of visual perception, the ability to see letters superimposed on each other N. Sokolova from 26
Appendix No. 2
Working with teachers
Consultation for teachers
Prepared by a speech therapist teacher
Karavanova I. A.
The formation of the pronunciation side of speech is a complex process during which a child learns to perceive sounding speech addressed to him and control his speech organs to reproduce it.
With normal speech development, the child does not immediately master standard pronunciation. The long journey of a child mastering the pronunciation system is due to the complexity of the material itself - the sounds of speech, which he must learn to perceive and reproduce. When perceiving speech, a child hears many variants of sounds, which, merging into syllable sequences, form continuous acoustic components. He needs to extract a phoneme from them, while abstracting from all the sound variations of the same phoneme and recognizing it by those constant distinctive features by which one is contrasted with the other.
If a child does not learn to do this, he will not be able to distinguish one word from another and will not be able to recognize it as identical. In the process of speech development, the child develops phonemic hearing - this is the ability to recognize speech sounds in the speech stream, because without it, according to N.I. Zhinkin, the generation (birth) of sounds is impossible.
At present, the problem of studying the characteristics of the development of phonemic hearing in children remains insufficiently illuminated, although many research works have been written about it not only by psychologists and linguists, but also by physiologists. The works of researchers such as N.Kh. are of great importance for understanding many complex processes underlying speech perception. Shvachkina, N.I. Zhinkina, A.N. Gvozdeva, V.I. Beltyukova, D.B. Elkonina, L.E. Zhurova, A.N. Leontyeva, M.I. Lisina and others. The data of these authors show that phonemic hearing is especially intensively formed during early childhood. Considering the development of speech perception at an early age, N.I. Shvachkin, in his work “Development of phonemic perception of speech at an early age,” identifies two stages in the development of phonemic hearing:
I. stage - pre-phonemic II. stage – phonemic
Prephonemic stage
At the 3rd week, the newborn begins to react to the voice.
By 4 months, reaction to the voice and intonation of spoken speech.
By 5 months, the child grasps the general rhythmic, melodic structure of the word.
At 9-10 months - a reaction to the intonation and meaning of some words. From this time on, the self-learning mechanism begins to work.
From the age of 11 months, the child distinguishes contrasting sounding words ba-ba, pa-pa, ma-ma.
From 11-12 months, phonemic hearing begins to develop. At this time, phonemic hearing allows:
understand the speech of others;
imitate others;
establish a connection between words and objects.
Phonemic stage
By the age of 2, the child differentiates all speech sounds only by ear, and understands well the speech of an adult addressed to him.
By the age of 5-6 years, children already differentiate all sounds both by ear and in pronunciation.
Research by N.H. Shvachkin is confirmed by literary sources and other authors (M.I. Lisina, E.O. Smirnova, V.V. Vetrova, etc.)
In parallel with phonemic hearing, which carries out the operations of discrimination and recognition of phonemes, phonetic hearing also develops, which carries out “monitoring of a continuous stream of syllables.” Phonemic and phonetic hearing together make up speech hearing, which not only receives and evaluates other people’s speech, but also controls one’s own speech. Speech hearing is the most important stimulus for the formation of normalized pronunciation, which can only be carried out with coordinated work between the mechanisms of auditory control and reception on the one hand and control of speech movements on the other.
The functional unity of speech perception and speech production is mentioned in the works of N.I. Zhinkin, N.Kh. Shvachkina, V.I. Beltyukova, A.A. Leontieva and others.
Even during the birth of phonological theory, the largest linguist Baudouin de Courtenay pointed out that the structure of a phoneme is determined by both acoustic and motor components.
Investigating the patterns of development of children's speech, A.N. Gvozdev notes that the general course of a child’s assimilation of the sound side of speech is determined by the joint action of the auditory and motor spheres: “The auditory sphere is leading in the sense that, thanks to early development hearing, the child learns to distinguish various phonetic elements by ear; their exact auditory representations become a regulator for their development in his own pronunciation. But for their appearance in the child’s own speech, in addition to auditory ideas, articulatory skills are also needed... These skills are developed later, and with their development, sound elements freely enter into the child’s own speech. From this side, the development of the motor sphere turns out to be decisive for the entire course of mastering the phonetic aspect of the native language. A.N. Gvozdev “A child’s acquisition of the sound side of the Russian language”, Moscow 1948) Comparing the results of a study of the perception of sounds in normal and impaired hearing, as well as the patterns of development of phonemic hearing and the formation of the pronunciation side of speech in normal and pathological conditions, V.I. Beltyukov comes to the conclusion that in children suffering from speech impediments, phonemic hearing is under a certain influence of these deficiencies: sounds that are not differentiated in pronunciation are differentiated by hearing worse than disaggregated sounds. The dependence of the development of phonemic hearing on the activity of the speech motor analyzer is shown in the studies of V.K. Orfinskaya. Studying children with motor aphasia, she revealed in some of them selective violations of the phonemic system, manifested in difficulties in finding individual articulatory positions, in others - selective violations of phonemic analysis and synthesis, expressed in difficulties when switching from one articulatory position to another, in perseveration phonemes. A.R. Luria pointed out that the process of formation of the perception of sounds and speech hearing is carried out with the close participation of the articulatory apparatus and only in the process of active articular experience acquires its complete character.
Deviations in the development of the speech-auditory and speech-motor analyzers that arose before the onset of speech development or even during the period of its formation entail certain deviations in speech development (Beltyukov, Shvachkin, etc.)
First of all, this manifests itself in the formation of the sound and phonetic system.
At the same time, the greater the impairment of the speech-auditory analyzer, the greater the immaturity of the sound pronunciation system.
Thus, scientists believe that the perception of speech sounds and their pronunciation are two interconnected and interdependent processes that clarify and complement each other.
Phonemic hearing develops by 2 years of age.
Phonemic hearing is ahead of expressive speech, i.e. First, hearing is formed, then understanding, and then expressive speech.
Phonemic hearing is the factor that brings the incorrect pronunciation of a sound to the norm, that is, it adapts the organs of articulation to the desired position.
The interaction of the speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzers is two interconnected and interdependent processes that clarify and complement each other.
The stronger the impairment of the speech-auditory analyzer, the greater the immaturity of the sound pronunciation system.

Teacher consultation
teacher speech therapist
Karavanova I. A.
A child’s readiness to study at school largely depends on the level of development of the phonemic aspect of speech. Most children with normal development by the time they go to school have already fully mastered the sound side of speech and the formation of phonemic processes. However, a certain proportion of children entering school have pronounced speech deficiencies, which affect not only the pronunciation side, but also the auditory differentiation of phonemes. A sign of phonemic underdevelopment in children is the incompleteness of the process of formation of sounds, distinguished by subtle, articulatory and acoustic features. This includes whistling - hissing sounds, voiced - unvoiced, hard - soft, sonorants, plosives and fricative sounds.
With phonemic underdevelopment, a number of features in the pronunciation of sounds are revealed. These difficulties manifest themselves in children in replacing one sound with another, simpler in articulation. So, for example, the sound “m” is replaced by the sound “s”. Or mixtures of sounds in speech. In some cases, the child uses sounds correctly, in others he substitutes them, for example, he says: “The braid has a fluffy tail.”
Underdevelopment of phonemic hearing negatively affects the formation of children's readiness for sound analysis and word synthesis. Due to the lagging development of phonemic hearing, its vocabulary is not replenished with words that include sounds that are difficult to pronounce. For the same reason, the grammatical structure of speech is not formed to the required extent.
With underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, many prepositions and unstressed endings words remain elusive for a child. Due to the underdevelopment of phonemic hearing and perception, it will necessarily lead to a writing disorder at school.
We find confirmation of this in the works of the authors: R.E. Levina “Writing impairment in children”, T.G. Egorova “Essays on the psychology of teaching children to read and write”, etc.
So A.F. Spirova provides interesting data indicating that schoolchildren with phonemic hearing impairments, on average, do 2-5 times more errors than students with normal speech.
For example, I.N. Sadovnikova identifies a group of specific errors (i.e. not related to the use of spelling rules):
phonemic perception errors;
sound analysis errors;
Phonemic awareness errors
The errors are based on difficulties in differentiating phonemes that have acoustic-articulatory similarities.
IN oral speech the undifferentiation of phonemes leads to substitutions and mixtures of sounds; a mixture of letters appears in writing. The most common errors concern whistling and hissing, voiced and voiceless, hard and soft, sonorators, and affricates.
Sound Analysis Errors
D.B. Elkonin defined sound analysis as the action of establishing the sequence of the number of sounds in a word (recognition of a sound among other phonemes and isolating its word in the initial position, as well as a complete sound analysis of the word).
The lack of formation of sound analysis actions manifests itself in writing in the form of omissions, rearrangements, and insertions of letters or syllables.
Thus, for a child in preschool age to successfully master literacy at school, it is very important to eliminate the underdevelopment of phonemic hearing and perception.
Severe violations of phonemic hearing lead to the fact that the main semantic distinctive features of the phoneme suffer (hardness - softness, sonority - deafness), the child does not differentiate sounds and words, hence the vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech suffers.
Necessity early fix children have speech disorders associated with underdevelopment of phonemic processes before entering school.
Master class for educators
“Development of sound-letter analysis skills in children of senior preschool age”
Material prepared
teacher speech therapist:
Karavanova I. A
Slide No. 1
Master class for educators
“Development of sound analysis skills in children of senior preschool age”
Introductory part:
The sound side of speech early becomes the focus of the child’s attention. He notices the pronunciation features of other people, gives examples of incorrect pronunciation, and notices the difference in individual words. However, he cannot independently decompose words into sounds. This task it is necessary to solve in literacy classes and purposefully develop in children the ability to be able to perform sound (phonemic) analysis.
In the studies of F.A. Sokhin, L.E. Zhurova and their students, a sequence was developed for the formation of children's orientation in the sound form of a word.
Familiarization of children with the sound side of words begins in the primary and middle groups, when in the process of nurturing the sound culture of speech in exercises and speech games, they learn to clearly and clearly pronounce sounds, listen to the sound of words, distinguish similar and different words by ear (goat-braid ), pronounce them with different strengths voices and at different tempos. Children are taught to listen to the sound of poetry, to rhyming words, and to notice frequently occurring sounds. Through systematic work, children gradually master the meaning of the word sound. All this allows children to pay attention to the sound form of the word. This work continues in older groups. To do this, various methodological techniques are used aimed at highlighting sound and understanding its semantic role:
pronunciation of a word with intonation emphasis on sound (ZZZZZHuk, koSHSHShka, etc.);
listening to the sound of different words (long and short), invite children to measure the length of the word with their palms. when pronouncing a word, the child spreads his palms folded towards each other and pronounces the word, for the word “cat” - the palms are spread slightly apart, which means the word is SHORT, and for the word “turtle” - the palms are spread wide apart from each other, which means the word is LONG;
highlighting frequently repeated sounds in a poem. For example:
Sonya and Sanya are sleeping peacefully,
The dog and the cat sniffle in their sleep
catfish with mustache falls asleep
The owls are sleeping on the bitch,
comparison of synonymous words (the meaning of the words is close, but the sound is different: doctor-doctor);
comparison polysemantic words- homonyms (needle, key, etc.)
All this helps and prepares the child for the formation of ideas about the word as a unit of language and is the basis for subsequent learning to analyze its sound structure.
Slides No. 2,3,4
In children with speech impairments, due to objective reasons, by the age of 6 years, a conscious attitude to the sound side of the language is unformed. Therefore, correctional work to shift the child’s attention from the meaning of speech to its sound composition is important.
In older preschool age, the task is to develop in children the ability to perform sound (phonemic) analysis.
Slides No. 5,6,7,8,9,10
Sound analysis is the sequential selection of individual sounds in a word, determining the order of sounds in a word, distinguishing sounds according to their qualitative characteristics (vowel-consonant, hard-soft consonant).
The ability to identify sounds in a word is necessary for:
Reading training
Competent writing at school
Learning your native language
Slide No. 11
Before teaching children sound analysis, you need to play out the fairy tale “Turnip” in order to consolidate the idea of ​​​​the formation of an ordinal series, the place of each object in relation to others. Who is first, who is second, etc. work out synonyms with children: “first” - “at the beginning”, “last - at the end”, “middle”. Slide No. 12,13
At the first stage of work on teaching sound analysis, cards with a picture of the word being analyzed and the sound diagram of the word (the number of sound cells) are used. At the beginning, gray chips are used to highlight sounds, and then red chips are introduced to highlight vowel sounds.
Slide No. 14,15,16
When getting acquainted with hard consonants and soft consonants, it is recommended to simultaneously analyze two words “Moon” and “Fox” in sound, which shows the meaningful function of consonant sounds. In the word “Moon” the first sound “L” is a hard consonant (blue chip), and in the word “Fox” the first sound “L” is a soft consonant (green chip). Slide No. 17
The material for sound analysis can be various items: these are chips of red, blue and green colors, paper clips, magnets, pebbles, buttons, pencils, clothespins, mosaics and various other items of red, blue and green colors.
Slide No. 18
First, words consisting of two or three sounds are used, then words of four and five sounds are introduced, depending on the child’s level.
It is not recommended to move on to sound analysis of complex words without mastering simple words(3-4 sounds)
Only after you have mastered the material from the previous lessons, move on to the next lessons.
Appendix No. 3
Working with parents
School of speech development
Teaching parents the skills of sound-letter analysis of words
Raise the level of teachers in the methodology of sound-letter analysis of words
Lesson #1 Speech sounds
Theoretical part
The word “phonetics” comes from the Greek phone – “sound”. The science of phonetics studies the sounds of language - their formation, functions, their behavior in speech.
The sound of speech is an articulate element of spoken speech, formed by the speech organs (lips, tongue, vocal cords). This is the shortest sound unit pronounced in one articulation. Sounds form words. We distinguish one word from another because they consist of different sounds. A word may differ in just one - a single sound, but have different meaning. Compare house and smoke, cat and whale. This is the main function of sounds - to distinguish one word from another. The sounds that help distinguish words are called “phonemes.” For example, let's take the word HOME. Replace the first sound in it. What word might it contain? Scrap, lump, catfish, volume and others. Now replace the second sound in the word HOUSE. What will come of this? Smoke, I'll give it. Let's try to replace the last sound. How many words did you get? Don, dol, dot, dot.
Thus, we change only one sound, but we get another word. And each of the sounds helps to distinguish words by meaning. Sounds have a meaningful function.
In Russian, phonemes are consonants and vowels.
To convey the exact sound of a word, special symbols in square brackets are used - phonetic transcription.
Example: the word “garden” sounds like “sat”, the word “water” sounds like “vada”.
Practical part
Games and exercises with phonemes for adults
“remove one phoneme”
Take out one phoneme from each word. Do this so that the remaining phonemes form a new word. Like this: a handful-guest, regiment, to your heart's content, paint, slope, screen, trouble, warmth.
"add a phoneme"
Add one phoneme to each word to make a new word like this: scarf ball. Chopping, gift, table, treasure, paw, mustache, vinegar.
"replace the phoneme"
In the proposed words, replace one phoneme with another to make a new word. Like this: walrus cake. Bun, paw, teeth, pussy, sand, jackdaw, eagle, mink, wedge, longing, light, log, frame. Lesson No. 2 Vowels and consonants
What are the sounds of speech? To answer this question, let's look at the diagram:
Speech sounds
Vowels Sonorants Consonants
Noisy Hard-soft Unstressed Voiced-voiceless Why are sounds divided in this way? Why do scientists distinguish vowels and consonants, and consonants are divided into sonorant and noisy, and the latter, also into voiced and voiceless?
This division is largely determined by the presence of voice and noise in speech sounds.
When sounds are formed, a tone is formed in the human larynx. Tone is a musical sound. Simply put, the voice.
The sounds of a language can consist only of tone - of voice. They have no noise at all. Then they are called vowels.
And they can consist of noise or noise with a voice. Then they are called consonants. Vowels are mouth openers. The louder we say them, the wider we open our mouths.
The consonants closed their mouths. Schematically, this can be represented as shown in the diagram
Vowel sounds
Consonant sounds Voice Sonorant Voiced noisy Noisy voiceless
Voice and noise
Voice and noise Noise
Typical mistakes of adults
It happens that during classes on pronunciation of sounds, an adult invites the child to come up with words starting with some letter. For example, for the letter B, for a child who does not yet know how to read, the task is not formulated correctly. After all, a letter is a written sign. To come up with a word starting with a letter, you need to imagine how it is written. Therefore, it is better to ask to come up with words that begin with some sound. But then it is the sound that should appear in the task, and not alphabetical name letters. If you want to hear words starting with the sound “B” from a child, then you need to pronounce the sound clearly and briefly, without any vowel “additions” like “E”.
Lesson No. 3 Hard and soft consonants
All sounds in the Russian language are divided into hard and soft consonants. How are they different from each other?
Is it possible to determine by touch whether a consonant sound is hard or soft? Of course not, because these names are conditional. Soft is the one in which the back of the tongue is additionally raised towards the palate. The passage through which the air flows narrows, and a sound called soft is obtained.
Most hard and soft consonant sounds form pairs. (g-g).
But there are sounds - loners who do not have a mate. The sounds ts, sh, zh are hard, the sounds y, ch, shch are soft.
Adult mistakes
Sometimes you can hear an adult asking a child: “What sound does the word “whale” begin with? and immediately answers: “Remember: with the sound “K.” this is mistake. In the word whale one can clearly hear the soft ky.
It is important to teach your child to distinguish between hard and soft consonants.
Questionnaire for parents whose children attend a speech therapy center.

Child's name______________________________ ________________________________
Date and year of birth_______________________________________________
Home address and telephone number Mother's full name ___________________________________
Her place of work, profession, work phone number _____________________
Dad's name______________________________________________________________
His place of work, profession ___________________________________
work phone _______________________
Do you notice any difficulties in your child's speech? Which? __________
What is your attitude towards your child’s speech difficulties? ________

Data on the progress of speech development
When did your child develop babbling speech? __________________
Your child's first words: ___________________________________
Your child's simplest phrases: _____________________________________________
Extended speech of your child:__________________________________________
Which preschool child visited? __________________________
1 . . What activities in kindergarten does your child not like? Why?
2 What activities does your child like? ____________________________
3. Has the child’s initial attitude towards learning in a speech therapy group changed? Which way? What contributed to these changes? _____________________________________________________
4. What can you say about your child’s speech at the beginning of the school year?
Sound pronunciation ______________________________________________
Dictionary __________________________________________________________
Grammatical structure of speech (ability to construct a phrase)__ ___________________
5. What changes are being observed now?
In sound pronunciation and speech development: ___________________________
In preparation for literacy learning: ______________________________
6. Are you satisfied with the work of a speech therapist? If not, then what? ______________________________________________________________
For frontal and individual lessons: ______________________
Consultation work with parents: ____________________________
The relationship between the speech therapist (educator) and parents? _________________
Conducting open classes and parent meetings:
7. Has your attitude towards the speech therapy group changed?
8. Your comments, wishes, suggestions for working with your child at the speech center: _____________________________________________
for parents
The most common mistakes
allowed by adults when teaching children to read
at home
The basis of learning to read is not the letter, but the SOUND. Before showing your child a new letter, for example M, you should teach him to hear the sound [m] in syllables and words. At home, both sounds and their corresponding letters should be named the same way - i.e. the way the sound sounds. Take, for example, the sound [m]. We pronounce it abruptly: M! And the letter M must be called the same: M! By no means EM! When speaking EM, we pronounce two sounds - [e] and [m]. This circumstance only disorients children. And one more thing: please do not mix the concepts of SOUND and LETTER when teaching a child to read.
The second serious mistake is teaching letter-by-letter reading, i.e. The child first names the letters of the syllable: M! A! - and only after that the syllable itself is read: MA. This skill of incorrect reading is very persistent and is corrected with great difficulty. Correct reading- this is reading in syllables (of course at the initial stage). And at the beginning of learning, let the child read (stretch) the first letter of a syllable for as long as he likes until he figures out which letter is next: MMMA. (At the same time, the child moves the pointer from letter to letter.) If only he didn’t stop after the first letter! If only he could read the letters of the syllable together!
Prepared by a speech therapist teacher
Karavanova I.A.
How to help a child
what if he forgets, confuses, or writes letters incorrectly?
Does your child distinguish between “left” and “right”? The child must be able to perform tasks correctly: show your right ear, tell us what you see to your left, etc. If a child writes letters in the wrong direction, most often this is a consequence of unformed concepts of “right” and “left”.
Can your child put together pictures from 6 cubes? (If it is difficult, this is a consequence of the underdevelopment of visual-spatial analysis and synthesis.) Games with various “designers” and “builders” are very useful for the development of spatial concepts and visual perception.
To make it easier for your child to remember letters, the following techniques are recommended:
Coloring large letters;
Modeling letters from plasticine by a child;
Cutting out a letter according to a contour drawn by an adult;
“Writing” with broad gestures all the letters being studied in the air;
Comparison of a letter and its elements with familiar objects and other letters;
A child tracing letters written by an adult;
Writing letters along a contour drawn by an adult;
Writing letters using reference points set by adults.
Prepared by a speech therapist teacher
Karavanova I.A.

Wonderful pouch
Place toys in any cloth bag different shapes: ball, cube, car, rings, pyramid, etc. Invite the child to put his hand in the bag and find a round object (square, triangular) by touch. Questions: “What did you get? What figure does your subject resemble? What color is the object? Encourage your child to talk about the subject as much as possible. Help your child first, then let him tell everything on his own.
Can you drive or not?
Offer your child a box with pictures depicting vehicles, as well as other objects with the sound “s” in the name: sled, airplane, scooter, bus, trolleybus, table, chair, boot, etc. The child takes turns taking one picture out of the box, names the item depicted and says whether it can be ridden or not. Make sure children pronounce words correctly.
Tell your child that when it rains, the drops hit the roof. Pronounces “drip-drip-drip” at a moderate pace. And when the rain just begins, its drops fall rarely and knock differently (pronounces “drip...drip” slowly, stretching out a little, with pauses). If it goes heavy rain, then the drops knock on the roof like this: “drip-drip-drip” (pronounced in at an accelerated pace). An adult offers to determine by ear what type of rain it is and says “drip-drip-drip” at different tempos. Make sure that the child is attentive and accurately determines by ear the speed of pronouncing the sound combination. And then he correctly reproduced these sound combinations independently at a given pace.
Prepared by a speech therapist teacher
Karavanova I.A.
9. Classes should be short and not cause fatigue or satiety. It is advisable to inform your child about what tasks he will do tomorrow.
10. Call all consonant letters as sounds. For example, not
[ve] or [em], and [v] or [m].
11. Do not rush to move on to the next task if you are not sure that the child has mastered the material from the previous one
12. It is necessary to support the child’s desire to study, stimulate him to further work, encourage success, teach him to overcome difficulties.
We wish you success!
“When working with a child, remember...”

Dear parents!
The success of speech therapy work largely depends on the participation of parents in the process of overcoming a speech defect. When organizing classes with your child on the instructions of a speech therapist at home, remember:
1. To consolidate the results of speech therapy work, your children need constant homework.
2. Classes should be regular, entertaining, not forced, and not turn into additional study hours.
3. Classes can be conducted during walks and trips. But some types of activities require a calm business environment, as well as the absence of distractions.
4. Class time (15 – 20 minutes) should be fixed in the daily routine. Regular study time disciplines the child and helps him master the educational material.
5. It is necessary to determine who exactly from the adult environment of the child will work with him according to the instructions of the speech therapist; it is necessary to develop uniform requirements that will be presented to the child.
6. When receiving an assignment, carefully read its contents and make sure that you understand it. In cases of difficulties, consult with a teacher or speech therapist.
7. Select visual or gaming material that you will need for classes. Think about what material you can make together with your child.
8. It is necessary to teach the child to complete tasks independently. You should not rush to show how to complete a task, even if the child is upset by the failure. Help for the child must be timely and reasonable.
Consultation for teachers and parents
Karavanova I. A.
teacher speech therapist
Sound analysis of words
We are surrounded by a world full of different amazing sounds. All we hear and all we say are sounds. It is very important that the child understands the sound structure of speech. This is necessary for learning to read, write correctly at school, and to study their native language.
Sound analysis is:
– determining the order of sounds in a word;
– highlighting individual sounds;
– distinguishing sounds according to their qualitative characteristics (vowel - consonant, hard - soft).
During classes, the child listens attentively to words and sounds, determines the place of the sound in a word, distinguishes between hard and soft consonant sounds by ear, and selects words for a given sound.
Then children get acquainted with materialized models of words (schemes). Here they learn to identify all the sounds in a word in order and model words.
During the learning process, children consistently master the analysis of words that are increasingly complex in structure. They learn to listen to the sounds of speech, distinguish between stressed and unstressed vowels, compare words according to sound patterns, find similarities and differences, etc.
With the help of entertaining moments, try to maintain a strong interest in classes, a desire to learn new things and acquire knowledge and skills. A child can make diagrams of words not only with the help of cards, but also with the help of small buttons and toys of appropriate colors, which promotes the development of finger muscles (fine motor skills). Additional stress on small muscles if buttons are stored in a transparent bottle or jar with a screw cap that the baby needs to open or close independently.
Multi-colored tokens develop and strengthen memory, train finger muscles.
It is not recommended to move on to sound analysis of complex words without mastering simple words. Only after you have mastered the material from the previous lessons, move on to the next lessons. After completing all the exercises on all topics, the child begins to read whole words, which makes it easier for him to perceive the lexical meaning of a word and promotes speech development.
Conventions for schematically performing sound analysis of words:
hard consonant
soft consonant
Always soft sounds: Ch, Shch, Y
Always hard sounds: Ш, Ж, Ц
The letters b and b do not make sounds.
Sample sound pattern of a word:

How to perform sound analysis
This flower is called poppy. Repeat this word.
MMMAC - tell me how I am. What is the first sound in this word? Is it a vowel or a consonant? Take the token that represents the consonant sound and place it under the picture.
MAAAK - tell me how I am. What sound do you hear after M? What sound is this? Take the token that represents the vowel sound and place it after the M.
MAK (the sound K is emphasized) - what is the last sound in this word? Is it a vowel or a consonant? Take the token that represents the consonant sound and place it after the A sound.
– Name all the sounds in the word MAC in order.
– Where is the sound A: at the beginning, end or middle of the word?
– What is the first sound in the word MAC? What is the last sound in this word?
– Name the vowel sound in the word.
– Name the consonant sounds in the word.
– How many sounds are there in the word MAC?
Agranovich Z.E. Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words in children - St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2000.
Vasilyeva S.A., Sokolova N.V. Speech therapy games for preschoolers - M: School - Press, 1999.
Kozyreva L.M. Speech development. Children from birth to 5 years old Yaroslavl: Development Academy, Academy Holding, 2001.
Kolesnikova E.V. Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old. Scenarios for educational and game activities for the workbook “From A to Z” - M: Yuventa 2001;
Special course: “Teaching preschool children to read and write” / L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentsova, etc./ Ed. N.V.Durova.-M.: A.P.O. 1994
Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in a special kindergarten: In 2 hours. Parts 1,2. – M: Publishing house “Alpha”, 1993.
Shvaiko G.S., Games and play exercises for speech development: A book for kindergarten teachers: From work experience. Ed. V.V. Gerbovaya – 2nd edition rev. – M: Education, 1998.
Yashina V.I. Studying the level of speech readiness of children for learning at school / Special course: Diagnosis of children's readiness for learning at school. M.: Association "Vocational Education" 1994

Speech therapy project: “A system of didactic games and gaming techniques aimed at developing phonemic awareness in preschoolers”

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….. 3

    Relevance of this topic…………………………………………… 3

Main part. A system of didactic games and gaming techniques aimed at developing phonemic awareness in preschoolers.

    The role of didactic games in the development of a child’s speech. ………………… 4

    Development of phonemic awareness in preschool children………………………………………………………………………………...... 5

    Stages in the work on the formation of phonemic perception..... 7

    A set of games and gaming exercises aimed at developing phonemic perception…………………………………… 9

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………… 16

References……………………………………………………….. 17

1.Relevance of this topic

This work is devoted to the problem of the formation of phonemic perception in children with special needs of preschool age through the system

didactic games and gaming techniques.

The topic is relevant both for speech therapy and for pedagogy in general, since the level of formation of phonemic representation in

The child's future literacy development depends on him.

A child’s full speech is an indispensable condition for his

successful schooling. Therefore, it is very important to eliminate all speech deficiencies in preschool age. Most children with speech

pathology experience difficulty in auditory differentiation of sounds

speech due to underdevelopment of phonemic perception.

The problem of developing phonemic perception becomes especially acute during the period of a child’s preparation for schooling, i.e. in older preschool age, when without developed phonemic perception it is impossible to successfully master literacy and writing skills.

“Among the methods for correcting speech therapy disorders in preschoolers with positive side In terms of effectiveness, didactic games and gaming techniques have proven themselves and therefore the speech therapist needs to widely use games in correctional work” (V.I. Seliverstov).

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment is a violation of the processes of formation of the pronunciation system of the native language in children with various speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes with intact physical hearing and intelligence.

Thus, to improve efficiency correctional work on the formation of phonemic perception in preschoolers with ODD it is necessary to widely use the system of didactic games and gaming techniques.

Target abstract – describe the system of didactic games and gaming techniques aimed at developing phonemic perception in

children used in speech therapy.

A system of didactic games and gaming techniques aimed at developing phonemic awareness in preschoolers

    The role of didactic games in the development of a child’s speech

A didactic game is a link between play and learning.

For a child it is a game, and for an adult it is one of the ways to learn. The essence of the didactic game is that children solve mental problems proposed to them in an entertaining game form, find solutions themselves, while overcoming certain difficulties. The child perceives a mental task as a practical, playful one, which increases his mental activity. (A.K. Bondarenko).

A didactic game has a certain structure that distinguishes it from other types of games and exercises. Structure is the main elements that characterize the game as a form of learning and gaming activity at the same time.

The following structural components of the didactic game are distinguished:

didactic task;

game task;

game actions;

rules of the game;

result (summarizing).

In modern speech therapy, a didactic game is created by a teacher specifically for educational purposes, when learning proceeds on the basis of a gaming and didactic task. In didactic play, the child not only gains new knowledge, but also generalizes and consolidates it. A didactic game acts simultaneously as a type of play activity and a form of organizing interaction between a speech therapist and a child.

In creating a modern system of didactic games that promote speech development, much credit goes to E.I. Tikheeva. She claims that speech is an invariable companion to all the child’s actions; the word should reinforce every effective skill learned by the child. Manifestations of a child’s speech are most pronounced in and through play.

In word games, says A.K. Bondarenko, the child learns to describe objects, guess from descriptions, based on signs of similarity and difference, group objects according to various properties and characteristics, find illogicalities in judgments, and invent stories himself.

Game actions in verbal games form auditory attention, the ability to listen to sounds; encourage repeated repetition of the same sound combination, which exercises the correct pronunciation of sounds and words.

Thus, the use of didactic games in the work of a speech therapist contributes to the development of children’s speech activity and to increasing the effectiveness of correctional work.

3. Development of phonemic perception in the development of speech in preschool children

Phonemic perception is the ability to capture and distinguish by ear the sounds (phonemes) of the native language, as well as understand the meaning of various combinations of sounds in words, phrases, and texts. Speech hearing helps differentiate human speech by volume, speed, timbre, and intonation. Children with phonemic awareness disorders often distort in their speech those sounds that they can pronounce correctly. The reason for incorrect speech lies not in the child’s reluctance to speak correctly, but in deficiencies in phonemic perception. Children with underdevelopment of phonemic perception are also characterized by violations of the sound and syllabic structures of words (omission, insertion, rearrangement, repetition of sounds and syllables). With the help of developing articulatory skills, only a minimal effect can be achieved, and, moreover, a temporary one. Phonemic perception is the most important stimulus for the formation of standardized pronunciation. Permanent correction of pronunciation can be guaranteed only with the advanced formation of phonemic perception. There is no doubt that there is a connection between phonemic and lexical-grammatical representations. With systematic work on the development of phonemic perception, children perceive and distinguish much better: endings of words, prefixes in words with the same root, common suffixes, prepositions when consonant sounds are combined, etc. In addition, without sufficient development of phonemic perception, the formation of phonemic processes that are formed on its basis is impossible: the formation of full-fledged phonemic representations, phonemic analysis and synthesis. In turn, without long-term special exercises to develop the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, children do not master competent reading and writing. Children with phonemic awareness disorders do not cope well with the sound analysis of words in school, which leads to difficulties in reading and severe writing disorders (omissions, rearrangements, replacement of letters) and is the reason for their academic failure. Work on the development of phonemic awareness is of great importance for the acquisition of correct sound pronunciation and for the further successful education of children at school. It leads the child to a complete analysis of the sound composition of a word, which is necessary when learning to read and write. A child with good phonemic perception, even if there is a violation of sound pronunciation, that is, if he is unable to pronounce a sound correctly, recognizes it correctly in someone else’s speech, associates it with the corresponding letter, and does not make mistakes in writing.

4. Stages in the work on the formation of phonemic awareness

The development of phonemic perception is carried out at all stages of work with children and is carried out in a playful way, in frontal, subgroup and individual lessons.

This work begins on the material of non-speech sounds and gradually covers all speech sounds included in the sound system of a given language. In parallel, from the very first lessons, work is carried out to develop auditory attention and auditory memory, which allows us to achieve the most effective and accelerated results in the development of phonemic perception. This is very important, since the inability to listen to the speech of others is often one of the reasons for incorrect sound pronunciation.

In the work on the formation of phonemic perception, the following stages can be distinguished:

1st stage- recognition of non-speech. At this stage, through special games and exercises, children develop the ability to recognize and distinguish non-speech sounds. These activities also contribute to the development of auditory attention and auditory memory (without which it is impossible to successfully teach children to differentiate phonemes.

2nd stage– difference in pitch, strength, timbre of the voice based on the same sounds, words, phrases (these are games like “Say it like me”, “What is the difference between words: rhymes, changes in sound complex in height and strength”, etc.). During this stage, preschoolers learn to distinguish the pitch, strength and timbre of the voice, focusing on the same sounds, sound combinations and words.

3rd stage- the difference between words that are similar in their sound composition, through game tasks such as repeat similar words, choose a word that is different from the rest, select a rhyme for a poem, reproduce a syllabic row with a change in stress, reproduce a word in rhyme, etc. At this stage, children should learn to distinguish words that are similar in sound composition. Children are also offered tasks where they must learn to distinguish words that differ in one sound (Words are selected in which sounds that are distant in acoustic-articulatory properties are selected. For example, sibilants - sonorant or affricates - sonorant).

4th stage– differentiation of syllables. Game exercises at this stage teach children to listen attentively to the sound of syllables and words, independently find similar and different sounding words, correctly reproduce syllable combinations, and develop auditory attention. Children can be asked to complete the following tasks: reproduce syllable combinations with the same vowel and different consonants, syllable combinations that differ in voiced-voicedness (pa-ba, pu-bu-pu); reproduce syllabic pairs with an increase in consonant sounds (ma-kma, to-who), syllabic combinations with a common combination of two consonant sounds and different vowels (tpa-tpo-tpu-tpy).

5th stage– differentiation of sounds. At this stage, children learn to distinguish phonemes of their native language. You need to start with differentiating vowel sounds. At this stage, children learn to isolate the desired sound from a composition; didactic exercises teach children to listen attentively to the sound of words, clearly and correctly pronounce the sounds in it, find and highlight certain sounds with their voice, and develop phonemic hearing.

6th stage– development of phonemic analysis and synthesis skills; the task of the last, sixth, stage of classes is to develop children’s skills in elementary sound analysis. This work begins with preschoolers being taught to determine the number of syllables in a word and to clap two and three complex words; clap and tap the rhythm of words of different syllable structures; highlight the stressed syllable. Next, an analysis of vowel sounds is carried out, where children learn to determine the place of a vowel sound among other sounds. Then they begin to analyze consonant sounds. In this case, the child is first taught to identify the last consonant sound in a word. The implementation of activities at the above stages takes place in complex interaction with specialized specialists.

Thus, work on the development of phonemic perception should be carried out in stages: starting with the isolation and discrimination of non-speech sounds and up to the fine differentiation of sounds that are similar in acoustic-articulatory properties. At the same time, work is being done to develop children’s auditory attention and memory in preschoolers.

5. A set of games and gaming exercises aimed at developing phonemic awareness

A set of games and play exercises aimed at developing phonemic perception in preschool children with speech disorders, includes the following areas:

1. Games aimed at developing auditory attention.

2. Games for the development of speech hearing.

3. Games to distinguish between correctly and incorrectly pronounced sounds.

4. Distinguishing words with similar sound composition.

5. Differentiation of syllables.

6. Differentiation of sounds.

7. Games aimed at developing sound analysis and synthesis.

8. Characteristics of sounds.

Games aimed at developing auditory attention recognition of non-speech sounds

Games in this group contribute to the development of auditory influence and control in children, teach children to listen carefully and correctly perceive the speech of others

"Recognize by sound"

Target. Development of auditory attention, phrasal speech.

Equipment: screen, various toys and objects (paper, spoon, shelf, etc.)

Description of the game. The presenter behind the screen makes noises and sounds different objects. The one who guesses how the presenter makes the noise raises his hand and tells him about it.

You can make different noises: throwing a spoon, an eraser, a piece of cardboard on the table, hitting an object against an object, crumpling paper, tearing it, cutting material, etc.

The one who guesses the noise gets a chip as a reward.

Games for the development of speech hearing

During this stage, preschoolers are taught to distinguish the pitch, strength and timbre of the voice, focusing on the same sounds, sound combinations and words. The purpose of these games and exercises is to teach children to speak loudly, quietly, in a whisper, to reproduce onomatopoeia loudly and quietly, and to develop auditory perception.

"Three Bears" .

Progress of the game: An adult puts pictures of three bears in front of the children - large, medium, small. Then, telling the tale of the three bears, he pronounces the appropriate lines and onomatopoeia in either a low or high voice. Children should, focusing on the sound complex and the pitch of the voice, simultaneously raise the corresponding picture.

"Guess who"

Target. Education of auditory attention.

Description of the game. Children stand in a circle. The driver goes into the middle of the circle, closes his eyes and then walks in any direction until he comes across one of the children, who must give a voice in a pre-agreed manner: “ku-ka-re-ku”, “av-av-av” or “ meow-meow”, etc. The driver must guess which of the children shouted. If he guesses correctly, he stands in a circle. The one who is recognized will be the driver. If you don’t guess correctly, then you just have to drive again.

Games aimed at distinguishing between correctly and incorrectly pronounced sounds

“How to say it correctly?”

Target. Learn to identify poorly pronounced words and correct them.

Description of the game. The speech therapist imitates a distorted and normal pronunciation of a sound in a word and invites the children to compare the two types of pronunciation and reproduce the correct one.

"Be careful"

Target. Learn to determine the correct pronunciation of words. Equipment. Pictures: banana, album, cage.

Description of the game. Pictures are laid out in front of the child and they are asked to listen carefully to the speech therapist: if the speech therapist names the picture correctly, the child raises a green flag; if incorrectly, the child raises a red flag. Pronounced words: baman, paman, banana, banam, vanan, come on, bavan, vanan; anbom, aibom, almom, album, abbom, alpom, alny, ablem; cell, cella, cella, tletka, kvetka, tlekta, kvetka.

Games aimed at distinguishing words with similar sound compositions

"Dunno is confused"

Target. Learn to select words that sound similar.

Equipment. Pictures: onion, beetle, bough, crayfish, varnish, poppy, juice, house, crowbar, catfish, spoon, midge, matryoshka, potato, etc.

Description of the game. The speech therapist pronounces the words and invites the child to name a word that is not similar to the others:

Poppy, tank, so, banana; - catfish, com, turkey, house;

Lemon, carriage, cat, bud; - poppy, tank, broom, cancer;

Scoop, gnome, wreath, skating rink; - heel, cotton wool, lemon, tub;

Branch, sofa, cage, mesh; - skating rink, skein, house, stream, etc.

"Say the word"

Target. Learn to choose the right word in meaning and sound.

Description of the game. The speech therapist reads the couplet, highlighting the last word in the first line with his voice, and offers to choose one word from those proposed for the rhyme:

I sewed a shirt for Mishka, I’ll sew him...(pants).

On holidays, on the street, in the hands of children

The balloons are burning and shimmering.

He is with a bell in his hand, wearing a blue and red cap.

He is a funny toy, and his name is... (Parsley!)

All the guys from the yard shout to the kids: (“Hurray!”)

Two...(rams) drowned in this river early this morning.

There is a big fight in the river: two...(crayfish) quarreled.

"Okay listen"

An adult gives the child two circles - red and green and offers a game: if the child hears the correct name of the object shown in the picture, he must raise the green circle, if the wrong one - red (baman, paman, banana, banam, bavan ...).
The complication of such games and exercises is as follows: first, words that are easy in sound composition are selected, then more complex ones

Games aimed at differentiating syllables

"Repeat correctly"

Target. Develop phonemic awareness and the ability to clearly reproduce syllable chains.

Equipment: ball.

Description of the game. Children sit in a circle. The teacher invites the children to take turns catching the ball and listening carefully to the chain of syllables, then the child must repeat correctly and throw the ball back. Syllable series can be different: mi-ma-mu-me, pa-pya-pa, sa-sa-za, sha-sa...

"Living Syllables"

Three children memorize one syllable each and go behind the screen, and when leaving there, pronounce them; the rest of the guys determine which syllable was the first, second and third. Later, syllables that make up a word are introduced into the games, for example MA-SHI-NA; after naming the syllable series, the children answer what happened, or find such a picture among others.

Games aimed at differentiating sounds

An adult gives pictures to the child Pictures of a train, a girl, a bird and explains: “The train is buzzing ooooh; the girl is crying ah-ah-ah; the bird sings and-and-and-and". Next, he pronounces each sound for a long time, and the child picks up the corresponding picture.

Work on distinguishing consonant sounds is carried out in a similar way.

"Find a place for your picture"

Target. Activation of the dictionary, differentiation of different sounds.

Equipment. Pictures whose names contain the sounds [w] and [z].

Description of the game. Children are sitting at tables. The teacher shows them pictures of a ball. The teacher says: “When the air comes out of the ball, you can hear: shhhhh... I place this picture on the left side of the table.” Then he shows them a picture of a beetle and reminds them how the beetle buzzes: w-w-w-w...“I place this picture on the right side of the table. Now I will show and name the pictures, and you listen to which one has the sound [w] or [z] in the name. If you hear the sound [w], then the picture should be placed on the left, and if you hear the sound [w], then it should be placed on the right.” The teacher shows how to complete the task, then calls the children one by one, who name the pictures shown.

Pictures must be selected so that the spoken sounds correspond to their spelling. You cannot take words where the sound [zh] is at the end of the word or before a voiceless consonant.

"Find your picture"

Target. Differentiation of sounds [l] - [r] in words.

Equipment. Pictures whose names contain the sound [l] or [r]. For each sound, the same number of pictures are selected.

Description of the game. The teacher lays out the pictures with the pattern facing up, then distributes the children into two groups and tells them that one group will select pictures for the sound [l], and the other for the sound [r]. Approaching your group,

the child slaps the palm of the person in front and stands at the end of the group, and the one who is first goes for the next picture, etc. When all the children have taken the pictures, both groups turn to face each other and name their pictures. When repeating the game, you can modify it a little:

Games aimed at developing phonemic analysis and synthesis

"Catch the Sound"

Target. Learn to distinguish a sound from a number of other sounds.

Description of the game. Children sit in a circle. The teacher invites the children to clap their hands when they hear the sound [a]. Next, different sounds are offered: A, P, U, A, K, A, etc. To make it more difficult, you can offer only vowel sounds. A similar game is played to identify other sounds, both vowels and consonants.

Games for identifying the first and last sound in a word, determining the location of the sound (beginning, middle, end)

"Fun Train"

Target. Learn to determine the location of sounds in a word.

Equipment: toy train, pictures, the names of which have a certain sound that occupies different positions in the word.

Description of the game. In front of the children there is a train with a steam locomotive and three carriages in which toy passengers will travel, each in its own carriage: in the first - those whose names have the given sound at the beginning of the word, in the second - in the middle of the word, in the third - at the end.

Games for determining the sequence of sounds in a word

Games aimed at determining the characteristics of sounds

"Colorful balls"

Target. Strengthening the differentiation of vowels and consonants, developing attention and quick thinking. Equipment: balls are red and blue. Description of the game. Red is a vowel. Blue - no. What's the sound? Give me the answer!

The teacher throws the ball to the children. The catcher calls a vowel sound if the ball is red, a consonant sound if the ball is blue, and throws the ball back to the teacher.

“Show me the circle of the right color.”

Target. Strengthening the differentiation of vowels and consonants, Equipment: red and blue circles according to the number of children.

Description of the game. Each child is given a red and a blue circle. The teacher invites the children to listen to different sounds, and a blue circle is raised if they hear a consonant sound and a red circle if they hear a vowel.

Description of the game. First option.

In a similar way, you can play games to differentiate consonants by softness - hardness, sonority - loudness.

"Name your brother"

Target. Consolidating ideas about hard and soft consonants. Equipment: ball. Description of the game. First option.

The speech therapist names a hard consonant sound and throws the ball to one of the children. The child catches the ball, calls its soft pair “little brother” and throws the ball to the speech therapist. All children take part in the game. It is carried out at a fairly fast pace. If the child makes a mistake and gives the wrong answer, the speech therapist himself names the desired sound, and the child repeats it.

Thus, didactic games for the development of phonemic perception contribute to children’s successful mastery of the prerequisites for further mastering the norms of their native language, since the development of phonemic hearing and perception is of great importance for mastering reading and writing skills, has a positive effect on the development of the entire speech system of the preschooler, and also lays the groundwork for the basics of successful schooling. The task of the speech therapist is to arouse students’ interest in the game, competently organize the game, ensuring that children are interested in the material being studied and attracting them to master new knowledge, skills and abilities .


IN last years Researchers often address the problem of phonemic awareness in preschoolers. This is not accidental, because mastering reading and writing requires a clear correlation of sound and letter, clear auditory differentiation, and the ability to analyze the speech flow into its component units. Consequently, a high level of development of phonemic perception is a prerequisite for successful development of literacy in the future, especially for children with speech impairments.

Thus, without special corrective intervention, the child will not learn to distinguish and recognize phonemes by ear, or analyze the sound-syllable structure of words. The described step-by-step set of game exercises in the classroom contributes to sufficient formation

phonemic perception. The practical application of such a system of didactic games significantly increases the level of readiness for school education and prevents dysgraphia and dyslexia.

This abstract will be useful to speech therapists, speech group teachers and parents of preschool children with ODD.


    Altukhova N.G. Learn to hear sounds. – St. Petersburg, 1999.

    Agranovich Z.E. To help speech therapists and parents. A collection of homework to overcome the underdevelopment of the phonemic aspect of speech in older preschoolers. – St. Petersburg, 2005

    Alexandrova T.V. Live sounds or phonetics for preschoolers - St. Petersburg. 2005.

    Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: Book. For

    Vlasenko I.T. Chirkina G.V. Methods for examining speech in children. / I.T. Vlasenko, G.V. Chirkina - M., 1970.

    Varentsova N.S., Kolesnikova E.V. Development of phonemic hearing in preschool children. – M., 1997.

    Gadasina L.Ya., Ivanovskaya O.G. Sounds for all trades: fifty speech therapy games. St. Petersburg 2004.

    Games in speech therapy work with children / ed. Seliversotov V.I. – M., 1981

    Golubeva G.G., Correction of violations of the phonetic side of speech in preschool children - St. Petersburg. 2000.

    Durova N.V. Phonemics. How to teach children to hear and pronounce sounds correctly / N.V. Durova. – M.: Mosaic-Synthesis.

    Zhurova L.E., Elkonin D.B. On the issue of the formation of phonemic perception in preschool children. M.: Education, 1963.

    Maksakov A.I., Tumakova G.A. Learn by playing. – M., 1983.

    Tkachenko T.A. If the child speaks poorly. – St. Petersburg, 1997.

    Tumakova G.A. Familiarizing preschoolers with sound words. – M., 1991.

    Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. – M.: Vlados, 1994

    Dictionary “Terms and Concepts of Speech Therapy” // “Speech Therapy” (Ed. L.S. Volkova)

    Tumakova G.A. Familiarization of a preschooler with a sounding word / Ed. F. Sokhina. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.

Brief summary of the project

Project type: correctional pedagogical, creative.

Executor: teacher-speech therapist of the first qualification category of MADOU d/s No. 9 “Cockerel” of a combined type.

Addressability: the project is designed for children senior group“Fairy Tale”, visiting a speech therapy center; group teachers; parents.

Duration: long-term, September-March 2014-2015 academic year.

Expected result: organizing correctional and speech therapy work with children in a speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution, through the successful use of ICT.

This project is aimed at developing phonemic hearing and perception of children with speech impairments with priority use of information and communication technologies.

The project is open in nature: having studied the innovative technologies used in speech therapy practice and relying on the material and technical equipment of the speech therapy room, for the 2014-2015 academic year I have planned work on the use of information technology in working with children of senior preschool age who have a violation of phonemic processes.

Educational information technology is a pedagogical technology that uses special methods, software and hardware (cinema, audio and video, computers, telecommunication networks) to work with information.

The project will be implemented through the use of information and communication technologies: computer special programs, games, presentations, pictures, audio recordings (poems, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters), music.



Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 9 “Cockerel” of a combined type

Speech therapy project

on the topic of:

“Improving phonemic processes in children

senior preschool age

using ICT"

"You and your health"

I qualification category

Katkova Elsa Yurievna


Brief summary of the project

Project type: correctional pedagogical, creative.

Executor: teacher-speech therapist of the first qualification category of MADOU d/s No. 9 “Cockerel” of a combined type.

Addressability: the project is designed for children of the senior group “Skazka” who attend a speech therapy center; group teachers; parents.

Duration:long-term, September-March 2014-2015 academic year.

Expected result:organizing correctional and speech therapy work with children in a speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution, through the successful use of ICT.

This project is aimed at developing phonemic hearing and perception of children with speech impairments with priority use of information and communication technologies.

The project is open in nature: having studied the innovative technologies used in speech therapy practice and relying on the material and technical equipment of the speech therapy room, for the 2014-2015 academic year I have planned work on the use of information technology in working with children of senior preschool age who have a violation of phonemic processes.

Educational information technology is a pedagogical technology that uses special methods, software and hardware (cinema, audio and video, computers, telecommunication networks) to work with information.

The project will be implemented through the use of information and communication technologies: special computer programs, games, presentations, pictures, audio recordings (poems, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters), music.

Formulation of the problem

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of children with speech impairments and, accordingly, there is a need to find the most effective way to educate this category of children.

The regulatory framework and regulations on the speech therapy center of a preschool educational institution make it possible to reconsider the priorities of providing speech therapy assistance and the use of innovative technologies, which will contribute to more effective and high-quality work of a speech therapist with children of senior preschool age in the conditions of a speech therapy center of a preschool educational institution.

The use of various unconventional methods and techniques prevents fatigue in children, supports cognitive activity in children with various speech pathologies, and increases the effectiveness of speech therapy work in general.

The introduction of computer technology is a new stage in the educational process. Working in a kindergarten, I was actively involved in the process of widespread use of ICT in my practice. To implement correctional tasks, and most importantly, to increase children’s motivation for classes, it is necessary to use computer programs in classes, since I believe that these programs can serve as one of the means of optimizing the process of speech correction, development and improvement of all higher mental functions. Mastery correct speech is important for the formation of a child’s full personality and for his successful education at school.

There is no doubt that a sufficient level of formation of phonemic processes has a positive effect on the formation of the phonetic side of speech, the syllabic structure of a word, and their insufficient formation entails specific errors in writing and reading disorders.

Thus, it has now become actual problem searching for new approaches and means to teaching children with developmental problems that would meet modern achievements science and technology and the interests of children, causing their increased motivation, cognitive activity and curiosity, because it is no secret that children of any age are attracted to computer games.

For a preschool child, play is the leading activity in which his personality is manifested, formed and developed. And here the computer has ample opportunities, because correctly selected educational computer games and tasks are, first of all, for the child. play activities, and then educational.

The use of non-traditional methods and techniques in correctional work, for example, multimedia presentations, prevents fatigue in children, supports cognitive activity in children with various speech pathologies, and increases the effectiveness of speech therapy work in general. Their use in speech therapy classes is interesting, educational and exciting for children. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with children.

That is why there is currently a demand for the introduction of new technologies and techniques into the speech therapy process, which involve making the correction process effective, not tedious for children, but interesting, the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Using a computer in speech therapy work helps to activate voluntary attention, increase motivation for classes, and expand the ability to work with visual material.

Thanks to the sequential appearance of images on the screen, children are able to complete the exercises more carefully and fully. The use of animation and surprise moments makes the correction process interesting and expressive. Children receive approval not only from the speech therapist, but also from the computer in the form of prize pictures accompanied by sound design.

There is a computer in the speech therapy room to work with ICT.

Currently, many have been developed computer games, interesting multimedia aids with encyclopedic data for preschoolers, but not enough games have been developed to correct children’s phonemic processes.

As part of the project, I did the following work on the use of ICT in logocorrection work:

1. Computer programs have been selected, installed and used for the development of phonemic awareness in preschool children:

Computer program “Sound Koleidoscope”;

Computer program “Lyolik is preparing for school” parts 1 and 2;

Computer program “Lyolik learns to read.”

2. Presentations are created and downloaded from the Internet and used to develop phonemic processes.

3. “Speech therapy chants” by T. S. Ovchinnikov

4. Audiobooks of fairy tales, nursery rhymes, etc.

5. I regularly use Internet resources in my work

Classes using a computer are conducted in fragments, and the following conditions must be met to preserve the child’s health, i.e. compliance with SanPiNov:

1. Working with a computer in one lesson for a short time (5-10 minutes)

2. Carrying out gymnastics for the eyes; during work, it is necessary to periodically move the child’s gaze from the monitor every 1.5-2 minutes. for a few seconds.

Thus, the use of information technology in correction process allows you to intelligently combine traditional and modern means and methods of teaching, increase children's interest in the material being studied and the quality of correctional work, significantly facilitates the work of a speech therapist teacher, electronic resources make the process of correcting phonemic processes more effective and dynamic compared to traditional methods, since tasks it is presented in a playful, interactive form. All this increases the child’s motivational readiness for classes, which has a positive effect on the results of speech therapy work. The introduction of computer technology today is a new stage in the educational process.

Goals and objectives:

Objective of the project: development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills through the priority use of computer technologies in the correctional speech process in children with functional disabilities.

Project objectives:

For children

For teachers

For parents

1. Develop auditory perception;

2. To develop skills in perceiving and reproducing simple and complex rhythms;

3. To develop the ability to differentiate speech sounds by hardness - softness, sonority - deafness;

4. Develop skills in sound and sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words;

5. Develop the ability to divide words into syllables;

6. Introduce letters.

Training in special methods and techniques in conducting games and exercises for the development of auditory perception, phonemic hearing, development of rhythmic sense, speech breathing.

Involve parents in correctional work with children with speech disorders.

Introduce parents to the use of speech games to develop phonemic awareness at home.

Strategy for achieving the set goals and objectives:


Kind of activity

Implementation deadlines

Stage I - Diagnostic

Speech therapy examination, collection of anamnestic data about the child, individual conversations with parents, observations of children


(from 1 to 15)

Studying methodological and popular science literature; planning; selection and creation of computer programs, games and presentations.


Stage II - Basic

Creation of a collection of methodological, practical and electronic materials (programs, games, presentations, audio and video recordings, pictures).


Conducting subgroup and individual lessons with children using ICT.


Memo for parents “Child’s speech development calendar”


Consultation in a mobile folder for parents “Characteristics of children’s speech”


Memo for parents “When working with your child, remember...”. Consultation for the mobile folder “Obedient Letters”


Consultation in folder-moving for parents and educators “Developing phonemic hearing in preschoolers”


Workshop for educators “Development of phonemic hearing in preschool children”


Booklet for parents “Games for the development of phonemic hearing in children.”


Stage III – Final

Examination at the final stage to monitor the effectiveness of correctional and speech therapy work using ICT; analysis of work results, formulation of conclusions on the use of ICT in working with children with disorders of phonemic processes.


Project presentation. Reflection on experience project activities and determining the prospects for its further development.


Expected Result:


  • Reducing the number of children in need of speech therapy support (evaluation mechanism - quantitative analysis);
  • Creation of a collection of methodological, practical and electronic materials (programs, games, presentations, audio and video recordings, pictures).
  • Satisfaction of parents and teachers with the quality of services provided (evaluation criterion – results of a parent survey).
  • Expanding the information field about the activities of the preschool educational institution's logo center.


  • Improving the quality of the correctional educational process;
  • Increasing the number of older preschoolers released from speech therapy centers with no speech impairments;
  • Increasing the number of parents of older preschoolers who are satisfied with the quality of educational services.

At the beginning of the school year, I diagnosed older children with speech disorders, where it was revealed that 50% had impaired phonemic perception. When completing tasks, children find it difficult to determine the presence of a sound in a word, come up with a word for a given sound, or select pictures for a given sound. Problems arise in identifying non-speech sounds. Children make mistakes when performing tasks to distinguish syllables.

After corrective speech therapy work on the development of phonemic awareness using ICT, diagnostics showed that the level of development of phonemic awareness became higher.

The dynamics were shown in a comparative chart for the beginning of the year and the end of the year.


Analyzing the work done with children, I concluded that the use of modern computer technologies makes it possible to effectively organize work aimed at developing phonemic processes and gives positive dynamics in the development of all aspects of speech. Children's motivation for speech therapy sessions increases, good results are achieved and the efficiency of the entire correctional and educational process increases.

The computer is becoming a necessary tool for teaching children with speech impairments;

The use of ICT increases the child’s motivation for speech therapy classes, helps improve speech and cognitive activity
Helps improve a child's self-esteem
the use of computer technology in the process of correcting children's speech disorders makes it possible to more effectively eliminate speech deficiencies, thereby overcoming barriers to achieving success.
In the process of corrective speech therapy work based on them, children develop correct speech skills, and subsequently self-control over their speech.

IN further work This topic will be continued with children in the pre-school group. I plan to replenish the card index of games, develop manuals, and also select information for parents of children in the preparatory group, using non-traditional forms of work (Question and Answer Evening, round table, oral journal).

Project network web