I sinned, visited a fortune teller, and I really repent of it. But it’s very difficult for me to fight those thoughts in my head that appeared after hearing fortune-telling information; I don’t know how to get faith in fortune-telling out of my heart. They told me this... That the one I love is not my man, that I am not his destiny, that I will never be with him, no matter what I do. And once upon a time, a clairvoyant told me that I would be lonely all my life, because “I was not created for a family.” What should I do?


Dear Evgeniya! Be sure to say this at the sacrament of confession. Fortune telling is a very big sin. The question of fortune telling is a mystical question, for fortune telling is far from harmless, it is a way of communicating with fallen spirits, that is, demons. The enemy of the human race is the father and ancestor of lies, will he tell the truth? Only if it suits his far-reaching plans. But this small grain of truth is served together with such a monstrous lie that it will only contribute to mental and physical destruction, and not at all to salvation.

All forms of fortune telling come from ancient pagan mysteries. They guessed by the stars, by the entrails of sacrificial animals, by various elements of nature - is it necessary to continue this list. Fortune telling is either idle curiosity or an unreasonable desire to build your life, relying not on reason and God-given free will, but on an absurd chance.

Many will object to this: they say they once had fortunes told by cards, and everything really came true.

Fortune telling is not always innocent fun or quackery. Satan doesn't always show us his business card and puts a sign at the place where his field of activity begins. On the contrary, he is ready to disguise himself and hide behind the cloak of innocent fun. In any case, you can’t joke with fortune telling. Even the simplest prediction can have dire consequences.

One eighteen year old girl she allowed the gypsy to tell her fortune. And she said that she would die on the day she turned twenty. The girl believed these words, and one can imagine how fearful her life was then filled. The approach of her birthday brought her incredible torment. She began to suffer from depression. The birthday itself passed without any incidents, the girl remained alive, but the mental anguish turned out to be so strong that after some time she became mentally ill and died two years later.

This is the main danger of fortune telling; a person becomes so bound by the information received that he can no longer think about anything else; it fetters him, fills him with fear, and paralyzes his will. What a person suddenly believed in becomes reality in his life. Words of Jesus "...according to your faith be it done to you"(Matt. 9:29) are fulfilled here in such a tragic sense. The predicted future manifests itself as an exorbitant mental burden, which not everyone is able to bear.

The Bible says: "...don't tell fortunes and don't tell fortunes"(Leviticus 19:26). This is an abomination in the eyes of God. And in relation to the fortune tellers and sorcerers themselves, the Word of God is even more radical. God ordered His people to destroy them in their midst. "Don't leave the witches alive"(Ex. 22:18).

Today is still a time of grace, let the person close to you repent of this sin at the Sacrament of Confession and ask the Lord with all his heart to forgive him this abomination and cleanse him of this sin and its consequences. He will do it, for it is written : "...The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin"(1 John 1:7). And this is the truth.

I would like to end with the advice of the Optina elder Paisius: “Look for great meaning in everything.” Seek - and do not fall for the many different tricks of evil spirits seeking your destruction!

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Fortune telling: prayer to Satan ( Hierodeacon Macarius)
Grandma fortune teller predicted bad things - stories (Part 1)
Fortune Telling Changed Plans - Stories (Part 2)
The gypsy’s prediction turned out to be difficult to forget - stories (Part 3)
A good fortune teller predicted something terrible - stories (Part 4)
A terrible gift of predicting the future. Confession of a fortune teller ( Natalie, 30 years old)
On the other side of fortune telling ( )
Trying to penetrate the veil ( Galina Kalinina)
This is a voluntary surrender of oneself into the hands of the devil.

As a rule, the question of whether fortune telling is a sin and “is it possible to tell fortunes” is asked by a person who believes in God. Perhaps even a church-going Christian or a practicing Muslim. And naturally, in this case, any priest will answer you that this is not worth doing.

But sometimes reading holy books or communicating with clergy seems useless or ineffective for some people of little faith, especially in difficult everyday situations. Man is weak, few can trust God and allow events to simply happen, gratefully accepting God's will.

Therefore, most people try to somehow resolve or at least clarify the situation for themselves, and it is for this purpose that they resort to the help of various fortune-telling.

Why is fortune telling considered a sin?

It should immediately be noted that any fortune telling is considered sinful in official monotheistic religions. But first of all, fortune-telling that predicts future events is considered sinful. To bring the future into our world, i.e. what should be known (and known) to God alone, the fortuneteller resorts to help otherworldly forces. Simply put, demons.

As you know, demons use every opportunity to harm man, God’s beloved creation. Therefore, when a person listens to a fortune teller, he is listening to a demon, according to the official position of the church.

The fortuneteller and the one who goes to the fortuneteller fall away from God, because they cease to believe and trust him, and become obsessed with pride.

As is known, pride is the worst of sins. A person begins to consider himself equal to God (if he knows what only He knows) and finds himself completely in the power of Satan.

Orthodoxy and fortune telling

In Orthodoxy, fortune telling is considered an undeniable sin, and a considerable sin. For sorcery and fortune telling, the Orthodox Church prescribes six years of repentance with excommunication from Holy Communion.

In confirmation of the justice of such a severe punishment, representatives of the Orthodox Church most often quote passages from the Bible: “Do not cast spells and do not guess” (Lev. 19, 26), “Do not turn to those who call the dead and do not go to wizards, and do not bring yourself to the point of desecration from them" (ibid., 31), "Whether man or woman, if they call the dead or cast magic, they shall be put to death: they shall be stoned; their blood shall be on them" (Leviticus 20:27), "Thou shalt not leave sorcerers in alive" (Exodus 22:18) and others.

The Orthodox Church warns its flock: fortune telling will not bring any good. Fortune tellers mislead people, they blindly believe what is said and stop doing God’s will, become inert or, on the contrary, devote too much time to unnecessary things just because the fortune teller said so. Meanwhile, their life, a gift from God, passes by.

All fortune telling is a legacy of ancient pagan mysteries. The Orthodox Church condemns fortune telling even in the form folk traditions, such as Christmas fortune-telling.

Any type of fortune telling is recognized by the church as an exercise in occultism and, as a consequence, a denial of the Divine will, and its own too. A person, having received some information about his future, finds himself, as it were, “bound” by this information; he can no longer imagine that anything will be different.

Christ came into this world to free man. And man makes himself a slave to some predictions slipped to him by demons.

Sin of fortune telling in Islam

According to the Koranic teachings, the Prophet Muhammad said: “Whoever comes to a priest or a fortune teller and believes him, he denies the book revealed to Muhammad.” Well, and accordingly denies God himself, as you can understand this.

Fortune telling and turning to fortune tellers is considered a prohibited action for a Muslim, i.e. is haram, and money that is given to a fortuneteller is also haram.

Anyone who tells fortunes is considered a sinner. He tells what the shaitan, eavesdropping on the angels, whispered to him. He stops believing in Allah because only Allah can know the future. He falls away from Islam. Not only the fortune tellers themselves sin, but also those who go to them.

Islamic theorists believe that it is ignorance of the basics of Islam, as well as weak faith (or its absence at all) that leads a Muslim to sorcerers and fortune-tellers.

Lines about the prohibition of fortune telling in the Koran

The Koran says: “O you who believe! Verily, wine, gambling, idols, and divination with arrows are the abominations of the works of Satan. Beware of them” (“Meal”: 90). The Prophet Muhammad said that whoever went to a fortune teller, Allah would not accept prayer for forty days.

If man walking to a fortune teller, this indicates his weak faith or lack of trust in Allah. Anyone who practices fortune telling falls into kufr (unbelief). Such a person, by his actions, not only harms his own soul and moves away from Allah, but also undermines the foundations of Islam.

Fortune telling on the Koran

Although fortune telling should not be confused with istikhara (fortune telling on the Koran). In the second case, this is not an attempt to find out the details of the future, but a humble prayer to Allah for help, a hint in difficult situation through the Koran.

In other words, for official Islam, as for Orthodoxy, fortune telling is an absolutely prohibited action that entails various religious penalties.

Fortune telling and psychology (the principle of synchronicity by C. G. Jung)

The phenomenon of fortune telling was also explained by the representative of the school of “depth psychology” Carl Gustav Jung. From Jung’s point of view, it is absurd to apply the word “sin” to fortune telling, since it is based on a natural psychological principle - synchronicity.

Manifestations of this principle can be observed not only in relation to fortune telling - synchronicity underlies the organization of our world.

Jung says that from a scientific point of view, cause-and-effect relationships operate in our world. But at the same time, there are many phenomena that are inexplicable from this logical point of view.

We are talking about an accident, a coincidence, when the world suddenly makes us understand that we are invisibly connected with him. Jung gives numerous examples: stories of lost and mysteriously found things; prophetic dreams; a scientist is writing a chapter on the power of wind, and suddenly an unexpected gust of wind blows away all the papers from his desk; Jung himself is dealing with the symbol of the fish, and suddenly his patient brings him drawings of her dreams, which depict fish; another patient tells him a dream in which she is given a golden scarab, and suddenly a beetle begins to beat on the window of the room...

Examples of synchronicity also include various kinds of prophetic dreams, clairvoyance, premonitions and fortune telling. These phenomena are not synchronous (do not occur simultaneously), but rather synchronic: one of the events is a normal, causally determined state, and the other is not causally related in any way to the first.

According to Jung, these external “semantic coincidences” are the result of the generation of energy contained in the collective unconscious, archetypes.

The unconscious exists outside of time and space, but stores information about any of the “chronotopes”.

It is contact with the unconscious that also makes it possible to “travel” through any segment of space and time. What, in fact, is what fortune tellers do. With the help of heightened intuition (or dreams, or meditation), the fortuneteller comes into contact with the energy of the unconscious, which conveys to him information about the past or future.

Where does it say that guessing is a sin? Tarot readers' view

The famous tarot reader Sergei Savchenko, the founder of the Russian School of Tarot, claims that fortune telling is not mentioned in the list of sins. Jesus did not mention that fortune telling is a sin (this statement can be refuted, since Jesus was a Jew, and what the ancient Jews thought about fortune telling and witchcraft - see above).

In the Middle Ages, fortune telling was not under such a terrible ban and in official church. For example, even the popes practiced astrology.

But modern church, being a rigidly hierarchical organization, strives for complete, absolute control over its flock. The ban on fortune telling became just another effective mechanism by which the church could induce guilt in its flock and thus control the people.

If a person tries to think independently, without the mediation of the church to communicate with higher powers, such a person is naturally condemned by the church.

In addition, the tarot reader (a specialist in fortune telling using tarot cards) absolutely rightly speaks about the eclecticism of beliefs modern man who at the same time believes in Last Judgment and into karma.

If you are consistent and recognize Tarot cards (and not the church) as a mediator in communication with God, then fortune telling cannot be a sin. He who asks God questions, receives answers, moves on.

Is fortune telling a sin?

So, what can you answer to a person who has wondered whether it is possible to guess whether it is a sin? Such a person can be answered that this is a problem of choice, which entirely depends only on his decision. No one will be able to make a choice except himself, and only he himself will have to pay for this choice.

A person must realize that the choice made in favor of fortune telling or against it is only his personal responsibility. And the burden of an incorrect choice will fall only on his conscience.

What is a wrong choice in such a situation? You need to listen to your inner voice, plunge into the depths of your own “I” in order to understand what will distance you from the divine principle and plunge you into darkness. Because it is sin in monotheistic religions that is identified with darkness.

If the words of a priest or mullah have a strong, real meaning for a person, if he tries to build his life in accordance with very strict religious rules, then fortune telling will definitely not bring him happiness. Only remorse and regret for what he has done awaits him.

If a person expects that Orthodox Church or Islam will bless him for sin, then he will definitely not wait for this. As has been said, the “religions of the book” are united in their condemnation of fortune telling.

Regardless of what difficult situation a person finds himself in, all the clergy say: do not go to a fortune teller, she will not help, but will only involve you in sin. Because your life is entirely in the hands of God, and it is to Him that you should turn in difficult situations.

Is it possible for an atheist to guess?

Sometimes a person does not consider himself to belong to any particular monotheistic religion, he does not comply with religious precepts, in a word, he does not live strictly religious life, but believes in higher power. In his mind there is the idea of ​​sin as something bad, causing harm.

In this case, he should ask himself: “Why do I want to guess?” Do I want to shift responsibility for my life to some higher power? Or do I just want to know myself better, see the hidden labyrinths of my own soul, return to the past in order to understand the present more clearly?

And it is in this case that fortune-telling systems will be a wonderful guide on this psychological journey. And again I would like to remind you of the parting words that experienced fortune tellers always give: you should not take what fortune telling says literally or as a guide to action. This is just an opportunity, a hint that you must interpret yourself, which you may not take advantage of at all.

But in any case, it’s only your life, and the decision is anyone’s guess. And will fortune-telling be a sin for your soul only?

And with this I say goodbye to you, I wish you to better understand yourself, and of course, visit our training and self-development portal more often where you can find completely scientific and statistical methods of fortune telling, which are based not on magic and energy, but on scientific data, for example, you can read and even . In addition, you can read about what tarot is, or even fortune telling using the book of changes.

Remember Zhukovsky in “Svetlana”?

Once every Epiphany evening
The girls were guessing

And also from Pushkin in Onegin:

Christmas time has arrived. What a joy!
Windy youth guesses,
Who doesn't regret anything
Before which life is far
It lies bright and vast;
Old age guesses through glasses
At his grave board,
Having lost everything irrevocably;
And all the same: hope for them
He lies with his baby talk

Maybe unconsciously, but Alexander Sergeevich caught the main thing - the deceitful childishness of fortune telling. And the image of old age, having lost everything, but still wondering at its grave board, is reminiscent of a lost player at roulette, who bets the last gold on “zero”, and, of course, loses.

Why can't you guess? The question is childish and funny for a believer, but, alas, relevant for a half-believer or even a non-believer. Here's why. Many probably remember the story of M.A. Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog” and the wonderful phrase of Professor Preobrazhensky: “Here, doctor, is what happens when a researcher, instead of going parallel and groping with nature, forces the question and lifts the veil: here, get Sharikov and eat him with porridge.” It’s the same in the life of every person, when instead of going parallel and groping with God’s Providence (or for those who don’t understand this language, with his destiny), he lifts the veil over the future: then he receives his man-dog, his Anubis in the form of their distorted, mutilated fate - fulfilled fears and realized phantoms, or, on the contrary, the fragments of their unfulfilled hopes.

But for a believer, everything is clear. worthy of the eighth circle of Dante’s Hell - the department of “violators of the Divine” (although, of course, the Divinity is not subject to any violence or pressure). These are people who want to snatch His secrets from God, to steal some secret knowledge from Him. They again repeat the sin of Adam and Eve and heed the insidious whisper of the serpent: “And you will be like gods, knowing good and evil” (Gen. 3:5). But, naturally, God does not reveal anything to them, despite all their efforts. After all, “the wicked will not see the glory of God.” And Divine knowledge - even more so. Then the question is - from whom do fortunetellers get their knowledge, if not from God? The answer is clear: from the monkey of God, that is, from the devil. Fortune tellers listen to the seducing spirits, the spirits of evil in heaven, and ultimately to their master, the Father of Lies, or, more simply, to the Chief Scammer, whose entire pleasure is to deceive, destroy, and kill. It is no coincidence that many Church Fathers interpreted famous place in the Bible (Gen. 6:1) about the union of the “sons of God” with the “daughters of men” in the context of the spiritual connection between women fortune-tellers and demons who taught them fortune-telling and witchcraft. And the harsh but justified Old Testament norm becomes clear: “Thou shalt not leave a sorcerer alive” (Ex. 22:18). Because their profession is lying and communicating with demons. And the fate of the one who risks turning to them is clear - to become a demonic toy, an obedient ball in the hands of the Chief Thimblemaker and die. The fate of the Israeli king Saul, who turned to the Endor fortune teller, is indicative: under the guise of Samuel, she summoned a demon who, apparently, correctly predicted the fate of Saul and his troops, but thereby demoralized them, morally disarmed them and did everything to ensure that his ominous dream came true and a destructive prophecy.

And not only in essence, but also in form, fortune telling carries anti-Christian meanings. Take, for example, cards as a tool for fortune telling. They are not so harmless in appearance. Of all three hypotheses for the origin of cards (Chinese, Egyptian and European), the most convincing is the European-occult one, according to which cards appeared in Europe in the second half of the 14th century and are associated with the Jewish Kabbalistic environment. In this case, everything falls into place. It is no coincidence that the suit “cross” is also called the word “club”, while in the Jewish tradition, unclean food is called club food. Accordingly, the suit of “crosses,” blasphemously symbolizing the Cross of the Lord, is designated by a word testifying to the Jewish abomination of the Cross. The peaks symbolize the Spear of Longinus, which pierced the side of Christ (John 19:34), which is hinted at by the very name “peak,” that is, a spear. “Worms” refers to the Gospel sponge on a reed: “one of the soldiers took a sponge, filled it with vinegar, and put it on the reed, gave Him to drink” (Matthew 27:48). Another interpretation is also connected with the Passion - this is the pierced heart of Christ. Finally, the “tambourines” symbolize the nails with which Christ was crucified. It would seem, what do diamond-shaped “diamonds” have in common with nails? The answer is clear to those who have seen the heads of old pre-revolutionary nails: they are square, not round, like modern ones. Medieval nails were like that. There is also a Jewish trace in the name “trump”, which is a corruption of the word “kosher”, which denotes “pure” food, ritually acceptable for Jews.

Let's look at the names of the cards. The most significant card is the joker (literally “jester”). But in the Italian version he is called “the devil” and originally on his staff he carried... human head. The word "ace" is of Polish origin, from the Low German "devil". It is significant that on the ace card in the 16th century. They often drew... a pig - an animal, to put it mildly, not kosher from a Jewish point of view. It is possible that the “lady” is a blasphemous image of the Madonna; the fact remains that biblical heroines - Rachel, Judith, and so on - were often depicted as ladies. Finally, David and Solomon were often depicted among the “kings.” In contrast, among the “jacks” (the word “jack” literally means “servant, serf”) was depicted the knight La Hire, nicknamed “Satan.”

It is no coincidence that cards soon began to be subject to bans and persecution due to their obvious connection with blasphemy and evil spirits. The occultists themselves recognize the occult nature of the so-called. tarot cards, or Egyptian cards, and the connection with them of ordinary cards. Here are just some eloquent quotes from occult sites:

“The history of the origin of playing cards is often considered together with the history of the Tarot (or Tarot) deck.

Tarot is a deck of 78 cards with various designs on them. The deck is divided into 2 parts, b O The largest of which consists of 56 cards, called minor cards, and the other part - of 22 cards, called main (or major) cards, as well as Arcana.

Small cards in the amount of 56 are divided into four suits, each of which consists of 14 cards, very similar to modern playing cards.

Four suits - Scepters (sticks, wands), Swords, Cups and Pentacles (Coins, Denarii). Tarot readers usually give the following correspondence between these suits and the suits of playing cards. Scepters are crosses, Swords are spades, Cups are worms, Coins are diamonds.

Each suit consists of ten cards from one (Ace) to ten, as well as four role cards- King, Queen, Knight and Page.

The Arcana consist of 21 numbered cards and usually go in this order: 1 - Magician, 2 - Pope (Priestess), 3 - Empress, 4 - Emperor, 5 - Pope (Priest), 6 - Lovers, 7 - Chariot, 8 - Justice , 9 - Hermit, 10 - Wheel of Fortune, 11 - Strength, 12 - Hanged Man, 13 - Death, 14 - Temperance, 15 - Devil, 16 - Tower (Lightning), 17 - Star, 18 - Moon, 19 - Sun, 20 - Court, 21 - Peace. The unnumbered card is called the Fool.

“The suits of playing cards, as well as role cards, can be found in the theories of G.I. Gurdjieff. It is noteworthy that the most mysterious researcher of the East (mainly Sufi traditions, the religious-mystical movement of Islam), who brought many secrets of Eastern wisdom to the West, uses playing cards to describe his system, which he called the “Model of Fate.” According to G.I. Gurdjieff, a person consists of three Centers. This is the Intellectual center (mind, intellect, thinking) - it corresponds to the suit of diamonds, the Emotional center (emotions, mood, heart) - it corresponds to the suit of hearts, the Physical center (body) - it corresponds to the suit of spades (body movement) and the suit of clubs (instincts) , body reflexes).

Compared to tarot cards, modern playing cards are a smaller tarot deck with the Page or Knight removed, leaving 13 cards in each suit. Even in this truncated form, the cards are of great symbolic importance, since their division corresponds to the number of seasons. The two colors - red and black - represent the two main seasons of the year, when the sun is north of the equator and when it is south of the equator. The four suits represent the four seasons. Twelve role cards (kings, queens and jacks in each of the four suits) represent the signs of the zodiac, arranged in triads."

I think this is enough for the reader to understand: playing cards are inextricably linked with all kinds of devilry.

Of the Russian legislative monuments about cards, the Code of 1649 is the first to be mentioned, which prescribes to deal with card players “as it is written about tatya” (thieves), i.e. beat mercilessly, cut off fingers and hands. A decree of 1696 introduced the idea of ​​searching anyone suspected of wanting to play cards, “and whoever has their cards taken out should be beaten with a whip.” In 1717, playing cards was prohibited under threat of a fine. In 1733, prison or batogs were designated for repeat offenders. Unfortunately, under Catherine II, cards practically took root in Russia. With corresponding consequences - countless basenesses of landowners towards serfs (losing living people and entire families at cards), ruin and suicide.

Therefore, dear readers, if you are asked to tell fortunes with cards, stop and think: who are you with - with Christ or with Satan.

Chatto V. Origin and history of playing cards. London, 1848.

J. IN. Thiers. Traite des jeux. Paris, 1686.

Senger. Researches into the history of playing cards. London, 1848.

Lehrs. A, 1885.. Die ältesten deutschen Spielkarten des Königlichen Kupferstichkabinetts zu Dresden. Leipzig

Reader question:

Hello. Once, in our early youth, we were telling fortunes with a saucer - we called upon the spirit and the answers were given to us. I was told my husband's name and that there would be one child and something else. I was not baptized then and did not know that fortune telling was a sin. I forgot about that fortune telling and only remembered it many years later, quite recently. The husband's name and other facts matched. I had an abortion, but then I gave birth to a child. I really want a second child, but it hasn’t happened for many years. Will the fortune-telling really come true, how should I feel about this and what should I do? God bless.

Archpriest Andrei Efanov answers:

Material on the topic

Recently, during the Beijing Olympics, our athletes, fearing the “machinations of Chinese psychics,” resorted to such “proven, reliable means” as “a pinch of salt, fish scales, orthodox cross" etc

Hello, dear Elena! This is not a very simple question. Fortune telling is a sin and you understand why, right? Sin is a wrongly chosen path, that is, a mistake. The mistake here is that you wished to bypass God’s will to find out your destiny. If it were God's will, God would let you know your future if you really needed it. And the second mistake is that you have resorted not to God, but to some spirits, and spirits, demons are those who have departed from God. That is, you turned to ungodly forces. The way out that I see is to tell in confession that you took this step and repent of what you have done. By this you will cleanse your soul from the sin committed. And then live the church life, participate in the Sacraments - confess, take communion - take care of your health and rely on the will of God. The Lord will give a second child, a third - thank God. No means it’s not necessary. God bless you!

An archive of all questions can be found

It would seem, what are the consequences of fortune telling? For many, this is a way to have fun, innocent fun. Isn’t it useful to know what lies ahead and prevent bad events? Few people know that the desire to look into the future can result in huge problems. The Church is unambiguous in its assessment; it considers fortune telling to be a great sin.

For many, fortune telling is an innocent activity, a way to have a good time. However, the church considers fortune telling a great sin

What can fortune telling lead to?

This is how a person works; he wants to believe in a miracle and someone’s higher help.

In difficult life situations, some trust in God, while others, trying to lift the veil of the future, turn to fortune-tellers and magicians.

This situation is dangerous from several sides:

  • An unfavorable prognosis, even if a person is not gullible, will still be deposited in his subconscious. Thought is material, constantly thinking about prediction, a person begins to attract troubles and misfortunes into his life.
  • It has been noticed that a systematic desire to tell fortunes arises in people with increased suggestibility, who are unable to solve their problems on their own. Instead of understanding the reasons for this or that life situation, they always look for advice from cards or magic balls. This is how a dependence on fortune telling is formed, and a person is already afraid to take an independent step without consulting the magical attributes.
  • With a favorable prognosis, another situation is possible when a person does not see the point in taking any important actions to achieve a goal, because they predicted that everything will be fine. Such an attitude can change his fate, postponing, or even completely eliminating, some events from his life.

The Church considers people addicted to fortune telling and the occult to be subject to mortal sin, since such activities disrupt spiritual balance and lead to separation from God.

How Orthodoxy regards fortune telling

From the point of view of religion, a person’s very desire to look into his destiny is sinful. God created man, and he also determined his path and the trials along it. Attempts to change what is destined are interference in God's providence. Not a single creative force will help a person in this, therefore fortune-tellers in their craft are helped by a force contrary to God, and fortune-telling is a great sin.

It does not matter what color the magician paints himself, white or black. The Church is so categorical about fortune telling, because a person who resorts to magical rituals, loses faith in God. He loses the ability to humbly accept the trials that befall him and, overcoming them, grow spiritually. He becomes susceptible to the worst of sins - pride, which leads to apostasy.

The Church believes that fortunetellers lose faith in God and do not develop spiritually

How does the church relate to Epiphany and Yuletide fortune telling, after all, this activity is more than one century old? This kind of fun is considered a relic of paganism, but the official religion does not approve of it. But one should distinguish between such semi-comic traditions as throwing a boot, slandering a dream and others, from card layout. Fortune telling with cards is especially condemned by the church. After all, they say that through cards a person communicates with evil spirits that can influence his destiny.

Popular fortune telling on the Bible is not welcome, because in order to understand Holy Bible, you need to work mentally. This book is not intended for immediate solutions to everyday problems; it can show the true path, but only for those who are ready to work on their spirituality.

Fortune telling offers a glimpse into the future without making any effort. As is known, quick results is paid doubly; in this case, the person is paid off with his spiritual and mental health.

What Scripture Says

The Bible strongly condemns the practice of any form of occultism and witchcraft; magicians and fortune-tellers are called accomplices of the dark world. Holy Scripture repeatedly calls their practice an “abomination” and warns Orthodox Christians against turning to mediums for advice.

“To ask for help and seek advice,” the Bible says, “is necessary from the Lord God.” In addition, those who profess a pagan religion face severe punishment. An example is Canaan - the promised land - ancient state, whose inhabitants became mired in occult practices, which led to their downfall.

The Bible uses the word “fornication” to describe the verbal fornication of false prophecies, which become the cause of both personal disasters and many historical dramas.

“Do not cast spells and do not guess,” said the Lord, “and to those who suggest turning to whisperers and sorcerers, answer: shouldn’t a truly believing people turn to God.” The Bible is categorical towards sorcerers of any rank: “Have no mercy on sorcerers.”

Paths of Redemption

Having realized what sinful path he has taken, a person begins to look for an opportunity to atone for what he has done. What can you do to cleanse your soul:

If a person has taken a sinful path, then it is necessary to go to church and sincerely repent

  • The most important thing in this case is repentance, sincere, with the same force with which the sin was committed. Repentance should not only be verbal, it is an awareness of one’s mistakes, a burning desire to correct oneself, to cleanse oneself of filth and never return to it again. A person who has been baptized must come to confession, and no matter how ashamed or scary it may be, tell the priest everything without concealment. The sacrament of confession does not tolerate modesty and pride; the more honestly and sincerely a person repents, the more his soul will be purified. Hidden sins continue to corrode their carrier from the inside, undermining spiritual and physical health.
  • It is also advised that when you come to the temple, light candles for the repose of the souls of all relatives and order a memorial service. The more close people are mentioned, the better.
  • After nine days, you should come to church again and light candles for the health of all living relatives, close people, friends and enemies. Mentally ask them for forgiveness and wish them health. Seven days later, on the third visit, a candle is lit for your health. Then you should collect blessed water and bring it home. This water is drunk every morning, a few sips for 40 days, and a wash is performed to wash away the sin of fortune telling.

Since in Orthodoxy occult practices are considered one of the mortal sins, penance may be imposed on the repentant. It should be understood that this is not a punishment; penance is not intended to punish the disobedient. By fasting and daily prayers, a person rethinks his life, frees himself from spiritual shackles, and approaches communication with the Almighty.

No matter how much you would like, a committed act cannot be changed. You can recognize it, sincerely repent, ask God for forgiveness, change your attitude towards life and forever abandon the vile deed. Just as a loving parent does not punish his child for the same offense all his life, so the Lord understands and forgives repentant sinners.

Psychologists' opinion

Psychologists, as well as clergy, are concerned about the widespread passion for magic and the occult. Fortune telling, psychotherapists assure, is one of the ways to program fate, and it’s good if the prediction turns out to be successful. Here are the dangers for people who often resort to fortune telling, experts highlight:

  • People who have an internal unresolved conflict most often turn to specialists and magicians. Instead of working effectively on himself, a person relies on what the cards or coffee grounds. As a result, personal problems are hidden deep down, which makes the situation even worse.
  • Another result of frequent fortune telling is infantilism. If a person is predicted to fail in business, he will not even try to save it. All events that occur are perceived as signs of fate, with which it is useless to argue. Such a person would rather go with the flow than try to change something.
  • Changing the assessment of reality is popularly called simply “guessing your destiny.” This is manifested by the fact that a person at the subconscious level programs himself (during self-fortune) or receives a program, often negative, from a fortuneteller. Under the influence of thoughts and behavior, a person’s fate changes.
  • One of the negative consequences is the emergence of obsessive fears. For example, someone was told that there would be a major car accident, and as a result the person is afraid to even walk near the road.

The appearance of obsessive fear - negative consequence going to a magician, according to psychologists

The point of view of the esotericists themselves

Why is fortune telling a dangerous activity even from the point of view of people involved in this craft? Sin, in a broader sense, is an action that results in a violation peace of mind, damage spiritual health, failure in energy exchange with environment. What happens during fortune telling?

In order to receive information from the past or from the future, the fortuneteller must change his subconscious, becoming a conductor between the information field and the magical attribute.

Moving to another part of space to obtain the necessary information always occurs when two energies collide: one’s own and another’s, which does not pass without leaving a trace for the fortuneteller.

In addition, the information received is not always clear and understandable; in order for magical objects to reflect it, it must be strengthened by the sorceress’s own energy. The result is a loss energy forces, weakening both on the physical and subtle spiritual levels.

This is such a thoughtless waste that causes damage energy shell, is called a mortal sin.

It has been noticed that people who professionally engage in divination are often unhappy, they are haunted by illnesses, disasters, and loneliness. Fortune telling is considered as a destructive act in religion, science, and bioenergy. Whether it’s worth trying to look into the future, guessing or not, everyone decides for himself, but we shouldn’t forget that a lot depends on what steps we take in the present.

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