About braz warrior maidens - a popular story in world literature. Amazons, Valkyries, female gladiators in Ancient Rome and Russian “glades” are heroes. The word itself comes from the verb "Pole" - to go to the field on a military mission, look for soldiers and engage in duels with them. "Kultura.RF" recalls the brave warriors from Russian epics.

Boris Olshansky. Epic. 1999. Private collection

Vasilisa Mikulishna

Sergey Solomko. "Vasilisa Mikulishna". 1911

Ilya Repin. "Vasilisa Mikulishna". 1903-1904. State Russian Museum

Vasilisa Mikulishna. Frames from the cartoon. Directed by Roman Davydov. 1975

The hero was the daughter of Mikula Selyaninovich Vasilisa, who became the wife of the boyar Stavr Godinovich from the land of Lyakhovitskaya, Chernigov-grad. At the feast at Prince Vladimir, the boyar boasted to the guests of his wife:

In the third chamber - a young wife,
Young Vasilisa, daughter of Nikulishna.
She has a white face, exactly white snow,
Buttocks are exactly poppy seeds,
Black eyebrows of the black sable,
The clear eyes are clear to the falcon,
With a zealous heart, she is cunning-wise.

On the advice of the envious boyars, Prince Vladimir put Stavr in an earthen cellar, and sent the heroes Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich for the wonderful Vasilisa. Having learned about the ridicule and misfortune that happened to her husband, Vasilisa Mikulishna cut off her blond braids, disguised herself as a good fellow and went with 50 horsemen to the capital Kiev city. On the way, I met the heroes-messengers of Vladimir and, posing as the formidable ambassador of Vasilisa Mikulishna, Vasily Vasilyevich, deployed the capital messengers.

The prince gave the young man an honest reception, but Princess Apraksia noticed that a woman was hiding under a man's name: “This is Vasilisa exactly the daughter of Mikulishna; / She walks on the floor quietly, / Sits on the bench - she squeezes her knees. "... The brave wife had to go through trials: Vasilisa steamed in a hot "banyushka-parushka", played cards and fought with other heroes. As a result, she demanded that the prince release Stavr Godinovich from captivity and went home with her husband.

Nastasya Mikulishna

Nicholas Roerich. "Nastasya Mikulishna". 1943. Novosibirsk State Art Museum

Konstantin Vasiliev. "Nastasya Mikulishna". 1968

"A rattle of daring, daughter of Mikula Selyaninovich." An excerpt of the illustration for the epic about Vasily Buslaev for the "Jester" magazine. 1898. State Russian Museum

Vasilisa's sister, the youngest daughter of Mikula Selyaninovich, was the wife of Dobrynya Nikitich. They met in an open field, where the hero went after the battle with the Serpent Gorynych. On the way, he saw a bold hero, decided to check “Or does Dobrynya not have the strength in the old way? / Or does he still have no grip? ":

I caught up with Dobrynya Polyanitsa, I am a hero,
Hit the Polyanitsa with a damask club,
Yes, hit her in the head of a riot.
Polyanitsa will look back here,
Polyanitsa says these are the words:
- I thought mosquitoes bite me,
And this is the Russian hero clicks.

In a duel, Polyanitsa defeated Dobrynya. They liked each other, and the hero wooed her: "We had a wedding and finished it." Later, Prince Vladimir sent Dobrynya to the outpost to protect Mother Russia from the steppe riders. Nastasya Mikulishna, like Penelope, was waiting for her lover for 12 long years. During this time, another well-known hero, Alyosha Popovich, wooed her several times. After six years of Dobrynin's service, he brought the news of his “death” to his wife, and after 12 years he came with the prince and princess to play a wedding with Polyanitsa. This time, "they did not want to take it - they did it." Dobrynya learned about the celebration in time and came to the feast as an uninvited guest with a harp. He beat Alyosha Popovich, took Nastasya Mikulishna and returned to his white-stone mansion.

And they began to live with Nastasya Mikulishna,
Already, they began to live better than before.

Nastasya Okulevna

Sergey Solomko. "Marya Lebed white"

Ivan Bilibin. "Mikhailo Potyk". 1902

Leonid Kiparisov. "Mikhailo Potyk and Marya Lebed White". 2016

"Soul-maiden" Nastasya Okulevna is one of the heroines of the legend about the hero Mikhailo Potyk. She saved him from the intrigues of his ex-wife, Marya White Swan. While Mikhailo fought with enemies in an open field, Marya became the Tsar's beloved and left with him. Returning, the hero rushed after her, falling into the traps of his cunning wife on the way: he drank a sleeping potion-wine, fell into a deep hole, was turned into a combustible pebble. The last time, having drunk the hero, Marya crucified him in the basement on a stone wall and left him to die. It was then that the Tsar's sister, Nastasya Okulevna, saved Mikhaila:

How is this Nastasya here Okulevna
Soon, soon she ran to the forge,
She took iron tongs there,
Tore off the police from the wall
And Mikhaylushka Potyka is young.

She healed of her wounds, and by cunning took out a saber and a hero's club, a good horse, from her brother. Mikhailo returned to the royal chambers, killed both his ex-wife and the king. He married Nastasya Okulevna and began to rule.

Nastasya Korolevichna

Nikolay Karazin. "Danube Ivanovich kills his wife." 1885

Konstantin Vasiliev. "The birth of the Danube". 1974

Sergey Solomko. "Nastasya Korolevichna"

Nastasya Korolevichna is the beloved of Danube Ivanovich. The hero met her when he went to Lithuania to woo Prince Vladimir, the princess Apraks. Apraksya's father, the Lithuanian king Danila Manoilovich, did not give his daughter to the matchmakers, and then the heroes took her away by force. Sister Nastasya went after the “got the bride”.

She rode in pursuit across a clear field,
And she rode on a heroic horse
Yes, for a glorious expanse I clean the field;
The horse galloped for a whole verst,
Up to his knees he gagged into the earth,
He snatched his legs from the earth,
On the hay bush, he twisted the earthen,
For three shots, he threw away the pebbles.

Danube Ivanovich entered a duel with a daring Polyanitsa and soon - as it happened in other epics - made her an offer. And Nastasya Korolevichna accepted him.

Two weddings were celebrated in Kiev. However, Danube Ivanovich and his young wife did not live together for long. The hero somehow boasted of his prowess, and Nastasya Korolevichna objected to him: "But I am not worse than you in any way: my strength is greater than yours, and my grip is farther than you.".

Such a phrase hurt his honor - and he challenged his wife to a duel. Each had to hit the silver ring on the opponent's head with an arrow. Polyanitsa hit, but Danube Ivanovich killed his wife. Upon learning that she was carrying a baby in the womb, the hero thrust a spear into himself out of grief. From his blood was born the Danube River, and from the blood of Nastasya Korolevichna - the river Nepra.

Daughter of Ilya Muromets

Viktor Vasnetsov. Heroic skok. 1914. House-Museum of V.M. Vasnetsova

And from the back not to see the neck white.

Passing by, she mocked the heroes. Ilya Muromets invited his comrades-in-arms to fight with the daring girl. However, no one dared to engage in a battle with the warrior, who "Grabbing a club with one hand, like playing with a swan feather"... And then the hero himself went to a meeting with Polyanitsa. They fought for a long time - with clubs, spears, and hand-to-hand combat - and suddenly they started talking. Having asked where the Polyanitsa came from, Ilya Muromets recognized his daughter as a hero, hugged her and let her go. However, she soon returned back, planning to kill her sleeping father. This time, the hero defeated his rival and fed it to the gray wolves and black crows.

In epic plots, Ilya Muromets met with the Polyanets more than once. Among them are the wife of the hero Savishna, and Zlatigorka, who bore him a son.

In Kiev, Kolyvan takes away jewelry from the townspeople, and Baba Yaga organizes a ball. The wives of the heroes learn that their husbands have been replaced, and Julius, Prince, grandmother and Tikhon are organizing a partisan movement. They are found in the cowshed by giant hares, but a cow in love with Julia saves the partisans. The prince appears on the streets of the city and calls on the townspeople to rebel against the usurpers, and the wives of the heroes with the Serpent Gorynych make their way into the palace and carry out reprisals against Kolyvan and Baba Yaga. The latter run away into the dungeon and again call the hares from the casket. The people fled, and the conspirators were captured. Here the heroes return with the Papuans and save the day, while Baba Yaga and Kolyvan manage to escape.

At the end of the film, clones of heroes sail away on a raft with the Papuans.

Characters (edit)

  • Prince of Kiev- the prince is greedy, cunning, at the same time cowardly. However, he is capable of a feat and in general, the hero is positive. A common character in all five films.
  • Ilya Muromets- the oldest hero. Kind, disinterested, he believes in the fate, signs and power of the "Russian Land". Married to journalist Alyonushka, chronicler and feminist ( "I am not a woman, but a chronicler").
  • Alesha Popovich- the youngest hero, stupid, but cheerful and honest. I could not learn to read and write. His first feat ended in failure, but he realized that he needed to improve and not let Russia down and his hometown Rostov. Alyosha has a wife, a young beauty Lyubava, as well as a talking horse Julius, a donkey Moses and uncle Tikhon. In the first part, the Prince invited Alyosha to serve him, but the latter refused.
  • Nikitich- the most educated hero. He loves to sleep and believes that sleep gives strength (while he does not wake up until dawn, or rather, until the first touch of the first ray of the sun on his face). As a rule, Dobrynya is not only strong, but also educated, knows a lot and knows how. He is married to the domineering and economic Nastasya.
  • Guy Julius Caesar(or simply Julius) - Alyosha Popovich's horse who can speak. Differs in intelligence (while the level of his knowledge is closer to today). Sometimes he carries Alyosha Popovich on him, and sometimes the donkey Moses does it, but Alyosha can make him go with him. One of the funniest fairy tale characters. Its prototypes were Sivka-Burka, the Little Humpbacked Horse and the Donkey from the Shrek tetralogy. Hometown - Novgorod. There he lived at the temple, in which he read many books, and therefore named himself in honor of the "Roman commander and emperor." Then he was hijacked by the gypsies, who later sold him to Tikhon, taking in return a shirt, boots and a sword.
  • Baba Yaga- hereditary sorceress in the sixth generation ( "I am Baba Yaga in the sixth generation!"), who knows a lot about ancient dark magic.
  • Kolyvan- one of the main villains. He plays lotto well, thanks to which he has many debtors, which he uses for personal gain. Lying, smart, but cowardly, short and fat.
  • Becket- Crimean Khan. He's lying that he suffers from multiple sclerosis. Tried to kill Elisha. He also tried to beat Dobrynya with his army, but he defeated his army and took everything that he had.
  • Gomuma- a giant gorilla, which had to be defeated by the heroes on the distant shores. Reminds of King Kong.
  • The wives of the heroes - Lyubava(Alyosha's wife), Alyonushka(Ilya's wife), Nastasya Filippovna(Dobrynya's wife). And they will enter a burning hut, and nip with a rolling pin.
  • Tikhon- uncle (mentor) Alyosha, caring and slightly grumpy. In some cases, resourceful, but cowardly. Loves Alyosha as his child. In the cartoon "Three heroes and the Shamakhan queen" he showed himself resourceful, finding an opportunity for the Prince to escape from the dungeon.
  • Grandma- the grandmother of Lyubava. Grumpy, but always takes care of everyone and helps in difficult matters and difficulties.
  • Dragon- a three-headed anthropomorphic dragon and the best friend of Dobrynya Nikitich. Suffers from personality disorder. As a result, each head speaks with its own voice, and in speech, all three heads often confuse the singular and plural in speech: "We lost to Kolyvan at cards", etc. If in the epics Dobrynya fought with the Serpent, then in the cartoon Dobrynya trusts the Serpent as himself. The Serpent is also a master of oriental martial arts, since in the fourth part he served as a sacred dragon in China.
  • Burushka- the horse of Ilya Muromets. As in the epics, Ilya values ​​him.
  • Dobrynya horse- a powerful heavy horse. On it, Dobrynya went on a campaign against Khan Beket in the second film.
  • Papuans- natives of small stature. They know how to write, read and speak. They asked the heroes to become their kings and save them from Gomuma.
  • Clerk- an assistant to the prince and a pronounced rank-worshiper.
  • Rabbits- Baba Yaga's henchmen. They live in a box and are armed with carrot clubs. Some of the main villains of the cartoon. They are afraid of the cow and try to avoid it, starting with a fight in the barn.
  • Cow- a minor character. Fell in love with Julia and saved him by butting rabbits.

Box office gross and audience reaction

In total, the picture earned $ 31.5 million. In general, the cartoon received negative reviews and was recognized by viewers as the worst not only from the franchise, but from all the cartoons of the Melnitsa studio, despite a positive assessment from professional critics. So, the cartoon became the best according to the version “ RIMA-2012».

Having collected a record 327 million rubles in the first weekend and taking the first position among film premieres, the cartoon significantly passed into the second, having collected only about 62 million rubles and dropping four positions in the film premieres chart. Ultimately, the last part of the franchise turned out to be the most disastrous of the entire franchise about heroes based on the results of ordinary viewers' reviews on popular and reputable Internet portals.

A series of cartoons about three epic Russian heroes - Alyosha Popovich, Dobryna Nikitich and Ilya Muromets - was conceived by the Melnitsa and STV film companies after the successful film adaptation of the epic about Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Snake directed by Konstantin Bronzit in 2004. The commercial success of the trilogy, or rather only the third film about Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber, whose rental in 2008 paid off both the cartoon itself and the losses from the two previous films, spurred the creators of the cartoons to continue the film series about the three heroes and other characters of these stories loved by the audience.

Characters of the cycle "Three heroes"

Epic heroes - Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets
The wives of the heroes - Lyubava, Nastasya Filippovna and Alyonushka
Horses of heroes - Gaius Julius Caesar (or simply Julius), Horse in apples and Burushka
donkey moses
Prince of Kiev

Director - Konstantin Bronzit

In the ancient Russian city of Rostov, a son was born into a priest's family. His parents named him Alyosha. And when he grew up and became a hero, he performed such feats that he became the hero of Russian epics, Alyosha Popovich. Only his exploits began with embarrassment. The Tugar enemy horde, led by Tugarin the Serpent, approached Rostov and demanded that the inhabitants of the city pay tribute. Popovsky's son proposed a plan of action. The people approved this plan and collected a mountain of gold. Alyosha managed to fail his own plan "safely", but with what a crash! And he missed the gold, and destroyed half the city. Then he vowed to catch Tugarin the Snake and return the gold. Alyosha Popovich set off with his grandfather Tikhon, who raised and raised the boy, and a little later they were accompanied by the talking horse Julius, bought from the gypsies, the almost 16-year-old beauty Lyubava, her grandmother and their donkey Moses.

Director - Ilya Maksimov

The film tells how Dobrynya Nikitich goes to rescue the prince's niece Zabava from the clutches of the Serpent Gorynych. It will not be easy for Dobrynya and his young disciple Elisha to fulfill their plans. Dobrynya does not know, and does not even realize that the Prince himself is put in a hopeless position and is not at all interested in the return of his niece. Dobryna faces a difficult test - to learn the bitterness of betrayal. However, the villainous plans will not come true - even Baba Yaga will be powerless in front of the direct and honest Dobrynya and his friend Elisha ...

Director - Vladimir Toropchin

The Prince of Kiev is offended in earnest: Nightingale the robber stole the state treasury right from under his nose! Together with Ilya Muromets, the Prince goes in search of the kidnapped, and with them - the correspondent of the chronicle "New birch bark". The road ahead is not easy to Constantinople, where the Byzantine Emperor himself awaits travelers ... This is the third domestic animated blockbuster after Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich. It was the turn of Ilya Muromets to fight the enemies of the Russian land, which are the Nightingale the Robber, and the Byzantine state that hired him.

Director - Sergei Glezin

In order to always remain beautiful, the Shamakhan queen needs to irrigate the Tree of Youth with the tears of young beauties, but there are no such women left in her kingdom - she exterminated everyone out of jealousy. Then the wise raven - the assistant to the queen, invites her to take possession of Russia, from ancient times rich in beautiful women. The Shamakhan villain bewitches the Prince of Kiev, and now the carriage is taking her to the new palace, in the very heart of Russia. But on the way, three heroes and their companions stand in her way. “Three heroes and the Shamakhan queen” is the last part of the cycle about Russian heroes.

A cartoon about the new adventures of Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich, who, due to the intrigues of the insidious Baba Yaga, find themselves behind the seven seas on an island where the natives and the terrible Gomuma live. In their absence, the cunning merchant Kolyvan, together with Baba Yaga, decide to seize the kingdom and take power from the prince of Kiev. But the horse Julius comes to the aid of the inept ruler, as well as the wives of the heroes and their numerous supporters. “Three Heroes on Distant Shores” is the fifth cartoon in a series about three heroes.

Director - Konstantin Feoktistov

The court horse Gaius Julius Caesar, to his misfortune, overhears the conversation of the boyars and learns about the conspiracy against the prince. What to do? There is no one to protect the prince! The heroes are far away - they are catching the robber Potanya, Gorynych is on vacation, the army is on exercises. But if the bad guys are going to take over the world, then someone needs to save it? Who is he, the real hero who will come to the rescue? Of course, the horse Julius! A real strategist and a "great combinator". He will certainly save everyone, and if he doesn’t save, then at least he will try. The main thing is that the operation to save the world does not turn into a complete disaster.

Three heroes and the sea king (2017)

Director - Konstantin Feoktistov

The heroes have family troubles. To unwind, they decide to quickly drive to China for the dragon's tooth, a symbol of wisdom and strength. At the same time, the prince of Kiev went for a walk with the horse Julius for the treasures of the sea king in order to replenish the treasury and "patch up the budget." But the sea king decided to marry and for this he drowned Kiev. And what should be done now? What will help our heroes? Friendship, courage and, of course, love.

Director - Konstantin Feoktistov

New adventures of three heroes and, of course, the horse Julia.

The rights to cartoons from the Three Heroes series belong to the following film companies:
Film company CTB
Animated film studio "Melnitsa"

Historical sources "settled" the great trinity in different centuries. The names of the three heroes have become symbols of childhood for many generations of children.

In epics and legends, three heroes - Ilya Muromets, Nikitich and Alesha Popovich often perform various feats together. They save their native land from hordes of enemies, go out to battle with outlandish villains, help out handsome girls in trouble.

Their deeds were reflected not only in the Slavic epic, but also in the stories that for centuries passed from mouth to mouth by the Finns, Altaians, Germans, Scandinavians. Who were these three knights in reality and did they meet with each other?

Ilya Muromets

In 1188, at the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, the monk Elder Elijah, whose memory Orthodox Christians celebrate on January 1. The national hero, crowned with glory and wounded in battles, took monastic vows at a ripe old age. According to another version, the monk Ilya Pechersky died in battle, when in 1204 Prince Rurik brought the Polovtsians to Kiev and destroyed the Lavra.

His relics rest in the Near Caves of the Lavra. In 1988, an interdepartmental commission of the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR carried out an examination of the remains.

The study showed that in the tomb rests a man by the standards of the 12th century of old age, who suffered many injuries and wounds and died from a striking blow to the heart. A rounded weapon, possibly a spear, pierced his left arm and entered his chest. His right hand remained forever folded for the sign of the cross. Doctors also identified defects in the spine, which make it possible to speak of paralysis of the extremities suffered in adolescence.

So it became clear that the Church preserves the memory of the epic hero, whose image in numerous retellings over many centuries has become vague and indefinite.

Historians know several versions of Ilya's origin. So, for example, that hero could be Ilya Chobotok... He earned this nickname when, in the absence of weapons, he fought off the enemies with a chobot, that is, with a boot. In the Vladimir village of Karacharovo, they not only consider Ilya Muromets to be their fellow countryman, but also a relative. For men from the family Gushchins, possessing extraordinary strength, until the 19th century it was forbidden to participate in amusing fist fights.

According to another version, Ilya came to the service of the Kiev Prince Vladimir from the village of Karachev near the city of Moroviysk in the Chernigov region. And the Germanic epic poems, without going into details, call him simply - Ilya Russian.

This hero is the main character in 15 plots of heroic epics, according to which his biography can be traced. If we proceed from them, then in his youth, Ilya was paralyzed, and later he was healed by kaliks passing by (according to some versions - by Christ and the two apostles). He studied martial arts from Svyatogor, and having entered the service of the Kiev prince, he proved himself to be a victory over Nightingale the robber... It is also known that Ilya Muromets had a difficult relationship with Prince Vladimir, and his son Falconer suffered a tragic fate.


The place of birth of this hero is not exactly known. Some researchers believe that he was born in the second half of the 10th century somewhere in the region of Vladimir-Volynsky. It is quite possible that Nikitich is not his patronymic at all, but a distorted nickname given by the name of the village of Nizkinichi.

It was the voivode Dobrynya, historians believe, who helped Vladimir to ascend the princely throne, bypassing his older brother Yaropolka... By the way, Dobrynya could well have taught Vladimir to achieve by force Rognedy, the daughter of the Polovtsian ruler, who became the bride of Yaropolk.

Vladimir with an army came to Polotsk, captured Rogneda and publicly raped. The prince himself, as the legends describe, was very woman-loving and kept a whole harem in Kiev. To hunt for the only woman (even if she refused to marry him, calling him the son of a slave), in order to humiliate her later, is not in his nature. And Dobrynya was very annoyed by the reminders that his sister Malusha with the prince Svyatoslav was a slave, a housekeeper.

In the epics, Dobrynya Nikitich fights with the Serpent and rescues a whole series of beauties from trouble, including his own wife, Nastasya Mikulishnu... In reality, being appointed by Prince Vladimir as governor in Novgorod, he first installs pagan idols in the city, and then, after the baptism of his nephew, converts his inheritance to Christianity.

Despite religious vacillations, the hero was a competent and skillful ruler, under him Novgorod flourished. Prince Vladimir also owes many strategic government decisions to his uncle and educator. Son of Dobrynya Nikitich, Konstantin, became one of the prominent companions Yaroslav the Wise... The direct descendant of the hero was a saint Varlaam Pechersky, the first abbot of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Alesha Popovich

In the epics, Dobrynya Nikitich fought with Ilya Muromets before they became friends. BUT Alesha Popovich wooed Dobrynya's wife when he was on a campaign. In fact, Dobrynya Nikitich lived in the 10th century and served Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko, Ilya Muromets two centuries later labored in the service of Vladimir Monomakh.

And the Rostov brave man Alexander (Olesha) Popovich, who became the prototype of the epic Alyosha Popovich, in his youth fought for Vsevolod the Big Nest, and laid down his head in the battle of Kalka in 1223 in the squad Mstislav the Old, that is, in the XIII century. And the inseparable trinity of heroes, obviously, never existed.

"Someone from Rostov, resident Alexander, verb Popovich, and the servant be his name Rush; Serve more Alexander to the Grand Duke Vsevolod Yuryevich ", - says in the chronicles of the beginning of the XIII century.

The hero was drawn into a political confrontation between the two sons of Prince Vsevolod, Constantine and Yuri, and personally killed some of the latter's best warriors. To avoid revenge, he went to Kiev in the squad of Prince Mstislav the Old.

A warrior from a boyar family, whose father was a priest, is portrayed in epics not as a strong man, but as a cunning one. He is boastful, cunning and dexterous. The chronicles list numerous battles in which Alexander Popovich took part and beat many enemies. One of them, the Polovtsian Khan Tugorkan, entered the epics under the name Tugarina.

Prince Mstislav was happy when such a famous warrior entered his service, who, moreover, brought with him several experienced comrades. The Kiev ruler believed that he could now cope with any enemy. However, in the battle of Kalka, where the Russian regiments, together with the Polovtsy, opposed the Tatars, Mstislav was expected to be defeated and killed.

According to some reports, Alyosha Popovich was the son of the saint Leonty, Bishop of Rostov and Suzdal.

    In Russian fairy tales, you can often find the mention of heroes. Even the pictures were drawn on the theme of Russian folklore about heroes. Vasnetsov, the picture is called Heroes. These heroes were called: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich. Their wives were called: Polyanitsa Savishna, Nastasya, Elena Petrovna. Horses: Burushka, Belyushka, Guy Julius Caesar. About Russian heroes and modern cartoons are filmed.

    Three heroes were called -

    1. Ilya Muromets from the city of Murom, wife - Polyanitsa Savishna (horse - Burushka).
    2. Dobrynya Nikitich from Ryazan, wife - Nastasya (horse - Belyushka).
    3. Alsha Popovich from the city of Rostov, wife - Elena Petrovna (horse - Guy Julius Caesar).
  • There is even a modern cartoon about the adventures of three heroes. There is a painting in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

    Ilya Muromets


    Alesha Popovich


    Nastasya Filippovna

    Three heroes from Russian fairy tales are:

    1) The oldest Ilya Muromets,

    2) Average by age category Nikitich

    3) The youngest of the three heroes Alshi Popovich.

    The wives of these heroes are:

    1) The oldest - Alyonushka;

    2) The average hero - Nastasya Mikulshna;

    3) Younger - Lyubava.

    Horses, respectively: Burushka, Belyushka and Guy Julius Caesar.

    Three heroes is a collective name for heroes from Russian epics. The names of the heroes were Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alsha Popovich. Each hero had one wife and one horse ... xD

    In general, their names were Alnushka, Nastasya Filippovna and Lyubava. Well, the horses had names - Julius, Burushka and Vasya.

    The three heroes were named Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich. Alyosha Popovich's horse was named Guy Julius Caesar, Dobryni - Belyushka, Ilya Muromets - Burushka. But the wives do not know what their names were.

    In Russia there were many heroes, but only three became the most famous who went down in history. Legends were made about them, told in epics, they were portrayed in paintings, films were made.

    Counts that the heroes lived in Russia in fact and served in the city of Kiev to Prince Vladimir, nicknamed Red Sun.

    painting V. Vasnetsov Heroes

    The eldest of the three was Ilya Muromets, who lived up to thirty years in the city of Murom (depicted in the middle in the picture). Ilya was born into a peasant family, could not walk for a long time, but possessed powerful strength and will. When he got to his feet, he went to defend the Russian land from enemies.

    The average hero was Nikitich, originally from the city of Ryazan (he is on the left, on a white horse). Dobrynya was smart and reasonable, a brave warrior, voivode and adviser to the prince.

    The youngest of the three heroes was Alesha Popovich, the son of a priest from Rostov (drawn on the right). They said about Alyosha that he was cunning and cunning, did not differ in great strength, and loved women very much.

    Three heroes became popular characters again after the release of the cartoon series. Six full-length films have already been filmed, the first was released in 2004.

    Cartoon characters are similar in appearance and character to real heroes.

    In the cartoon, the heroes have wives: Ilya married Alnushka, Dobrynya married Nastasya Filippovna, Alyosha married Lyubava.

    Ilya's heroic horse was called Burushka. As in the epics, the cartoon showed that Ilya values ​​his horse very much.

    Dobrynya in the cartoon does not ride a horse, but a funny camel named Vasya.

    Alyosha Popovich has a horse, Julius, and also a donkey named Moses, on which Alyosha fought Tugarin the Serpent.

    Many people know the names of the three great Russian heroes. These are Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets. A famous painting where we can see them hangs in the Tretyakov Gallery.

    But information about their horses is not so widespread. Their names were Gaius Julius Caesar, Burushka and Belyushka.

    And few people know about their wives. If only from not so long ago released cartoons. Their names are Lyubava, Nastasya Mikulishna and Alyonushka.

    The name of the very first fairytale hero of Russian epics, whom the children of Ilya Muromets get to know. A strong man who spent 33 years on the stove and who could become in an instant to save the Russian land from the invasion of the Polovtsy and other tribes. The Russian heroes Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich match him with their glorious deeds. Three Russian warriors, three heroes, there is even a well-known painting by the pen of Viktor Vasnetsov Three heroesquot ;, many animated films have been created that tell about the strength and glory of heroes.

    According to historians, all three fairy-tale characters had real prototypes and in epics, Russian epics, they acquired the features of fairy-tale characters.

    Many people learned about Russian heroes from modern cartoons, and not from epic legends.

    The Bogatyr Ilya Muromets had a wife Savishna Polyanitsa and a faithful horse Burushka.

    Dobrynya Nikitich married Nastasya Mikulishna. Belyushka performed feats on horseback.

    And Alyosha Popovich loved Elena Petrovna. The heroic horse was called Gaius Julius Caesar.

    Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alsha Popovich are three heroes. Bogatyrs are strong, brave people, defenders of the Russian land. Every child knows their names.

    The nickname of the Horse Ilya Muromets is Burushka, Dobrynya Nikitich is Belyushka Alyosha Popovich, according to the cartoon, is Julius.

    Having the wives of Ilya Muromets - Polyanitsa Savishna, Dobryni Nikitich - Nastasya (daughter of Mikula Selyaninovich), wife of Alyosha Popovich Elena Petrovna (aka Alenushka).