Wedding candles are a mandatory attribute of the ceremony. They differ from ordinary ones in being more elegant and sacred meaning, which the ritual gives them. They choose them carefully, preferring the most beautiful and largest candles, believing that they will ensure a long and happy life. family life. However, they do not have time to be completely used up, so what should you do with them later?

Signs about wedding candles

Many people pay attention to how wedding candles burn during the ceremony. It is believed that if they burn evenly, then the life of the spouses will be long and happy, and if they smoke and crackle, then the newlyweds will experience many difficulties in life.

One of the signs speaks about the duration of their burning. The spouse whose candle burns longer will live less.

Wedding candles after a wedding or divorce, the opinion of the holy fathers, when to light them, what they should be, how to store them if they are broken, what they are for

Many priests recommend lighting wedding candles during particularly solemn or difficult moments for the family. For example, if a child gets sick, or a spouse is on the verge of divorce. You can also use them at the birth of a child or recovery from a serious illness.

It is better to store them separately, wrapped in a clean towel or scarf, placing them next to the icons. Sometimes candles break, then they can be cut into pieces that will be lit separately.

Wedding candles after the death of one of the spouses, husband or wife, what to do with them

After the death of one of the spouses, wedding candles can be kept as a memory of a joyful event, but they can also be lit if necessary. You can also take them to church.

What are wedding candles for in magic?

Any object that a person holds in his hands carries part of his energy, which is important for magic, so wedding candles can be used in magical rites both with a positive goal - to return the spouses to the family, and with a negative goal - to turn them away from each other. Therefore, it is advisable that candles are stored in a separate place that is not accessible to strangers.

Wedding candles for returning a husband to the family in case of family discord

In case of discord in the family, you can use wedding candles, light them in front of the icons with which the parents blessed the spouses, and read prayers. In a couple of days, the discord will be forgotten, and the spouse will look at family life with new eyes.

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Why is a wedding necessary when getting married?
In Christianity, the family is called the “small church.” From this point of view, relationships within the family are seen as not just everyday, everyday ones. The family is a Christian mystery, and it is not without reason that it begins with the Sacrament of Marriage; it exists by the grace of this Sacrament and draws strength from it.
In the Sacrament of Marriage, the Church blesses the bride and groom for life together, for the birth and raising of children. The bride and groom must promise God that they will be faithful to each other throughout their lives.
After the priest three times pronounces the mystical words: Lord our God, I crown (them) with glory and honor and blesses the bride and groom, they become husband and wife. From now on they are no longer two different people, but “one flesh”, which no man can and should not try to separate or destroy. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder, we read in the Gospel (Matthew 19:6). Separation of spouses is a sin not only before the children who were born to them, but also before God and His Church
What does the Church say about the responsibilities of spouses?
The Church of Christ offers in the apostolic reading prescribed for marriage the true teaching about the mutual duties of husband and wife. The marriage union, according to the word of God, is a great mystery (Eph. 5:32): it reflects the spiritually grace-filled union of Christ the Savior and His Church.
A husband must love his wife as Christ loves the Church: love unfailingly until the end of his life, love until he is ready to suffer and die for her. A wife, along with love for her husband, must have obedience. Although, according to the teachings of the Church, the husband is given power, his primacy is not an advantage, but a duty.
Such love is able to endure all the hardships in life, is able to make amends for the dissimilarity of characters, the difference in external qualities, and various shortcomings.
“It is difficult to stand alone in a strong and saving union. The threads of nature are torn, but grace is irresistible. Arrogance is dangerous everywhere, especially here. Therefore, humbly, with fasting and prayer, approach the Sacrament,” St. Theophan the Recluse advised those intending to get married.
How to adequately prepare for the Sacrament?
On the wedding day, it is customary to serve a prayer service to the Lord Jesus Christ for the blessing of a good deed. Parents bless those preparing to get married: the groom with an icon of the Savior, the bride with an icon of the Mother of God.
On the wedding day, the bride and groom confess, pray during the liturgy and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.
Is it necessary to get married after registration?
Since a church wedding is a Sacrament in which the power of Divine grace operates, and not just a beautiful ceremony, those entering into marriage must treat it consciously and responsibly. Based on this, the Church considers it necessary to make sure of the seriousness of the intentions of those entering into marriage and currently performs the sacrament of marriage only after the marriage is registered in the registry office. If registration and wedding are separated by some period of time, then until the church marriage takes place, one should abstain from marital relations.
Does the Church recognize civil marriage?
Marriage performed through state registration, Russian Orthodox Church considers valid (albeit insufficient for spouses professing Orthodox faith) and treats him with respect. If we're talking about about a relationship that is not secured by any state act, then the Church identifies these completely irresponsible relationships as prodigal cohabitation and considers them sinful.
Is it possible for spouses to get married already? for a long time married, registered in the registry office, but unmarried?
The Church never refuses the grace of the Sacrament, even if the spouses are of advanced age. Often they take the meaning of the Sacrament more seriously, prepare for it more responsibly and make the decision to get married after a serious period: reviewing their lives, acquiring true faith and joining the church.
Does the Church allow a second marriage?
The Orthodox Church considers a marriage entered into in the Church to be fundamentally indissoluble. Only adultery (violation of marital fidelity) is a complete canonical basis for the dissolution of a church marriage, because adultery effectively destroys a marriage. It should be remembered, however, that this dissolution is not a “debunking”, that is, a sacred act opposite to a wedding, but only a recognition of the fact of the destruction of the marriage.
Divorce of a church marriage is a prerogative church court, which is headed by the diocesan bishop. Only after this the Church blesses the innocent spouse to enter into a second marriage.
Second marriages are allowed by the Church only out of leniency towards human weaknesses, which is why prayers of repentance are added to the order for second marriages.
What should you do with wedding candles after the wedding?
Pious Russian custom involves careful storage wedding candles like memories of the Sacrament of Marriage. Sometimes they are placed in the icon case, which they received as a blessing from their parents for marriage. Wedding candles can be lit briefly during times of separation from a spouse or marital discord. The flame of a wedding candle will remind a spouse who has forgotten about love how happy he was on his wedding day, and will remind him of the need to preserve his family with all his might. According to ancient Russian custom, wedding candles are placed in the coffin of the spouse who died last.
It should be remembered: the wedding is not performed
- during all four multi-day fasts;
- during Cheese Week (Maslenitsa);
- on Bright (Easter) Week;
- from the Nativity of Christ (January 7) to Epiphany (January 19);
- on the eve of the twelve holidays;
- on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays throughout the year;
― September 10, 11, 26 and 27 due to strict fasting for the sake of the Beheading of John the Baptist and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord);
- on the eve of patronal church days (each church has its own).

Hieromonk Seraphim (Kalugin), Astrakhan, answers readers' questions.

I have a question for you. How you can influence your husband with the help of wedding candles or prayers (and what prayers). My husband and I have been married for 6 years, we are married, our families are very religious people. I was to him faithful wife, a year ago he cheated on me, I forgave him, but the problem is that he filed for divorce (threatening me), because he wants to leave me for that girl. But I love him very much and I want to live only with him, I see from him that he also hesitates, we have been struggling for a year now. I suspect that she somehow bewitched him, he loved me very much, and now he leaves and cries. This means that there is still something left for me... How can I help our falling apart family, if I really want to save it, no matter what... Please tell me.

Hello, Victoria. Indeed, in these damned days it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep a family together. The corruption and decline of morals reach such a point that I cannot stop crimes against the closest, dearest and dearest people.
It is impossible to influence a husband with the help of wedding candles, because actions with objects consecrated during the sacrament of Wedding (candles, footstool, other objects) is a witchcraft practice and is blasphemous for Orthodox Christian not acceptable.
Wedding candles are a family shrine. Pious custom involves careful storage of wedding candles as memories of the Sacrament of Marriage. Sometimes they are placed in the icon case, which they received as a blessing from their parents for marriage. Wedding candles can be lit briefly during times of separation or marital discord. You just need to remember that their kindling has power only under the condition of fervent prayer to God for your lost loved ones.
We must also remember that a person errs not always due to his malice or hardness of heart, but from the loss of moral guidelines, which are based on Gospel commandments. Then he might be an easy target evil people, a mockery for the devil.

The Divine Commandment says that only selfless love leads to happiness: “live in love, as Christ loved us... fornication and all uncleanness and covetousness should not even be mentioned among you... Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her "(Eph. 5.2, 3, 25). We just need to believe that there is a solid wall that protects us from everyday troubles and the eternal destruction of the soul, that the yoke of Christ’s commandments is good and easy.
One is pretty clever man recently told me: “I have a wife, a child, I love them very much, I take care of them, but I am lost. This is a pain that cannot be compared with physical pain. If I were a believer, how easy it would be for me to resolve this situation.”
It is customary to pray to the Holy Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv to protect the family from all misfortunes. They are known among Orthodox Christians as patrons of matrimony, marriage, happy family, they pray to them “if the husband innocently hates his wife.”
And you, pious wives and children, save your souls with patience, because only “he who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13).

I have a question for you. How you can influence your husband with the help of wedding candles or prayers (and what prayers). My husband and I have been married for 6 years, we are married, our families are very religious people. I was his faithful wife, a year ago he cheated on me, I forgave him, but the problem is that he filed for divorce (threatening me) because he wants to leave me for that girl. But I love him very much and I want to live only with him, I see from him that he also hesitates, we have been struggling for a year now. I suspect that she somehow bewitched him, he loved me very much, and now he leaves and cries. This means that there is still something left for me... How can I help our falling apart family, if I really want to save it, no matter what... Please tell me.

Hello, Victoria. Indeed, in these damned days it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep a family together. The corruption and decline of morals reach such a point that I cannot stop crimes against the closest, dearest and dearest people.
It is impossible to influence your husband with the help of wedding candles, because actions with objects consecrated during the sacrament of the Wedding (candles, footstool, other objects) is a witchcraft practice, blasphemous and not acceptable for an Orthodox Christian.
Wedding candles are a family shrine. Pious custom involves careful storage of wedding candles as memories of the Sacrament of Marriage. Sometimes they are placed in the icon case, which they received as a blessing from their parents for marriage. Wedding candles can be lit briefly during times of separation or marital discord. You just need to remember that their kindling has power only under the condition of fervent prayer to God for your lost loved ones.
We must also remember that a person errs not always because of his malice or hardness of heart, but because of the loss of moral guidelines, which are based on the Gospel commandments. Then he can become an easy prey for evil people, a mockery for the devil.
The Divine Commandment says that only selfless love leads to happiness: “live in love, as Christ loved us... fornication and all uncleanness and covetousness should not even be mentioned among you... Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her "(Eph. 5.2, 3, 25). We just need to believe that there is a solid wall that protects us from everyday troubles and the eternal destruction of the soul, that the yoke of Christ’s commandments is good and easy.
One rather smart person recently told me: “I have a wife, a child, I love them very much, I take care of them, but I am lost. This is a pain that cannot be compared with physical pain. If I were a believer, how easy it would be for me to resolve this situation.”
It is customary to pray to the Holy Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv to protect the family from all misfortunes. They are known among Orthodox Christians as the patrons of marriage, marriage, and a happy family; they are prayed to “if a husband innocently hates his wife.”
And you, pious wives and children, save your souls with patience, because only “he who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13).

Not a single wedding ceremony takes place without wedding candles. The candles that burn in the hands of the newlyweds are not a simple flame dancing on the tip of a wax stick. They are the embodiment of pure and mutual love those getting married, their faith, their prayers and requests addressed to God. But what is further fate wedding candles after they have fulfilled their main role? About this and much more in more detail.

What to do with wedding candles after the wedding and how to store them?

According to old customs, wedding candles must be brought home, carefully wrapped in a clean handkerchief and placed behind the icon with which the mother and father blessed the future newlyweds. marriage ties. Based on the fact that all objects have the ability to store the energy of the person who holds them in their hands, you should take seriously their protection from strangers. The fact is that there are people who can, with their help, both bring spouses together and divorce them, using magical powers. Therefore, the place where candles are stored should be inaccessible to others.

After the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds must bring candles into the house. According to signs, they become a talisman for a given family, a guarantee of its well-being and happy life. It is best to keep this family heirloom behind the icons with which the mother and father blessed their children for marriage. Candles should be wrapped in cloth or a handkerchief. They can also be hidden under the glass of the icon. This is necessary to prevent dust from getting on them.

Wedding candles after divorce

Church ministers do not advise inventing anything regarding these wedding attributes, namely, about their mystical power. All these are just superstitions and distorted ideas about the true meaning of these wedding attributes. Therefore, you should not place your hopes on them that they will be able to return their spouse to the family if there is no reciprocity between them.

Many people wonder what to do with such candles if the destinies of the spouses diverged and they had to get a divorce. The most important thing is not to give them to anyone. They can be burned in front of the icons or taken to the temple and lit there. Last idea very healthy, where they were born there they should disappear into the centuries, and you can also ask God for health for each of the spouses in the future. Let people go with good thoughts!

When do they light it?

Wedding candles are endowed with the power of the prayer that the priest read during the ceremony of heavenly marriage. That is why it is appropriate to light a candle when difficulties begin in the family. For example, a baby is sick or a marriage is about to break up. At this moment, you should ask for help from your spiritual patrons; only bright and kind requests should be made. Yes, you say - let them hear you.

Also, some priests recommend lighting them in honor of some significant event for the family. For example, the birth of a baby or getting rid of serious illness. To do this, candles need to be lit in front of the icons with which the parents blessed the spouses for a long and happy marriage, and be sure to read the prayer. How many candles you light (one or two) does not matter. After all, the young are now one. They are members of the same family and the candles belong to both of them.

Wedding candle and its signs:

There are many popular signs regarding wedding candles. Here are some of them:

  • if the flame of the candles is even, then the life of the newlyweds will be prosperous, full of love and happiness;
  • if the candles crackle and emit soot - to a difficult and hectic life, filled with troubles and troubles;
  • based on the duration of burning of the candles, one can judge how long each spouse will live (whose candle burns less will live longer);
  • It’s a bad sign if one of the candles goes out during the wedding - this may portend early death one of the newlyweds;
  • if the candles burn out in the same period of time, then the young will live the same;
  • whichever of the spouses holds the candle higher during the ceremony will rule in the house;
  • in order to live life together and die on the same day, candles must be extinguished at the same time;
  • in order to protect the house from lightning during a thunderstorm, you need to light a wedding candle;
  • to reduce the agony of a dying person, you need to light a wedding candle near his bed;
  • This ritual attribute, if lit, can even stop a fire.

What to do with them after death?

After one of married couple will die:

  1. can be left as a reminder of the day they got married;
  2. take it to church and let it burn there;
  3. one of them should be placed in the coffin along with the deceased.

Napkins for wedding candles

To prevent the newlyweds from getting smeared or burned by the melted wax, napkins are used to hold the candles. When choosing them, first of all you should give preference to white products or at least light colors. As of this attribute Handkerchiefs or fabric napkins, lace napkins, with or without embroidery may appear. Shops located near churches often sell special potholders for this purpose. The cost of such pleasure will cost young people from 1.1 to 5.2 $ per couple.

How much do wedding candles cost?

The cost of this attribute for a church ceremony depends on their length, the presence of carvings or sculpting, the complexity of their manufacture, the presence of candlesticks, flowers, bows and other decorative details. So the cheapest ones will cost future spouses about 93 cents apiece. The most expensive ones can cost $60 each from the budget. We recommend buying classic long candles directly from the church. It’s better to buy a beautiful candle for the family hearth ceremony, which in the future can be lit on all special holidays or romantic dinners future spouses.

And here interesting video how to make a church attribute at home.