What to see in Crimea today to make you want to come back tomorrow - right next year? Conventionally, the attractions of Crimea can be divided into 6 groups, more are possible, but let’s start small:

Ancient cities and fortresses. Famous objects - the best preserved Sudak fortress in Crimea and other Genoese heritage in different parts peninsula: fortresses of Kerch and Yenikale in Eastern Crimea, Mangup-Kale, ancient Greek in Sevastopol and other monuments.

Interesting places of Crimea - Chufut-Kale

Crimean Khanate and his legacy. The most striking object preserved from that period is the Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai. There are many monuments in Western Crimea, which not every tourist gets to today. The Crimean Khanate left a noticeable mark in Evpatoria, be sure to book an excursion to this city, it will be interesting!

Naval theme. It is most fully represented by the federal city of Sevastopol and its two heroic defenses. Having arrived there, it is worth visiting the Panorama, the 35th battery, the Balaklava Museum of Nuclear Submarines, the Naval Museum of Sevastopol, Sapun Mountain, Mikhailovsky Ravelin and much more. A city of immense size (not only by Crimean, but even all-Russian standards) - it will take at least a week to explore Sevastopol and Balaklava, which is part of it. Ideally - two. Don't believe me? And you come, and it will seem to you that all the sights of Crimea are concentrated here. But no matter how it is, there are many interesting places ahead.

Sights of Crimea - Panorama of Sevastopol

Palace and park architecture. Here Big Yalta and Alushta take the lead. The entire southern coast of Crimea and part of the territory of Greater Alushta are built up with palaces and castles in which the Vorontsovs, Yusupovs, Romanovs once spent time... In addition to the classic palace triangle - and the Vorontsov Palace - the Yusupov Palace, Dulber, Kharaks, the Palace of Princess Gagarina, etc. are open to excursion groups. Don’t forget about Cape Ai-Todor and the Swallow’s Nest castle that adorns it.

Hunting lodge of Nicholas II - Massandra Palace

The miraculous sights of Crimea. We can talk endlessly about the beauty of nature - mountains, canyons, beaches, waterfalls! It is enough to remember such names as Ai-Petri, Demerdzhi, Cape Kapchik, Golitsyn Trail, and your heart begins to skip a beat with delight.

Sights of Crimea - funicular to the top of Ai-Petri

Crimea is gastronomic. Excursions with tastings of local wines, seafood and much more are breaking popularity records. Massandra Winery, Inkerman Vintage Wine Factory, oyster farms, trout farms - and that’s not all. You can learn and try more only in Crimea!

Gastronomic attractions of Crimea - mussels!

Do you understand why a one-time visit to Crimea obviously won’t get you off? There are so many interesting and not so interesting places here that you can devote the next 5-10 years to them. Just kidding :)

Crimean peninsula - perfect place for the most demanding tourist. There is sea, sun, mountains and many amazing and picturesque places. Among them are both man-made attractions and natural beauty. Today I will tell you about the places that locals recommend visiting. There will probably be several corners on the list that will open up the Black Sea Peninsula for you from a new side.


The Crimean city of Balaklava was first mentioned by Homer. He calls it a quiet bay, hidden behind rocky mountains, thanks to which there are no big waves here. Since even the ancient Greek poet was in this city, when the journey to Crimea took several years, residents of the 21st century should definitely visit here.

Among the main attractions of the city is the Chembalo fortress. Its history begins in the 14th century, when colonialists came to Crimea. The view that opens near the main tower explains why the territory of Balaklava has always been tidbit for all conquerors.

Also in Balaklava you should visit the Naval Museum. A place for it was cut into the rock to repair submarines. For a long time the object was classified, and the city was not on the map at all. The building is believed to be impregnable even if bombed. But now anyone can visit the city and admire the impregnable fortresses.

Lost World Beach

Near Balaklava there is a picturesque kilometer-long piece of land. On three sides this part of the Black Sea coast is surrounded by inaccessible cliffs, and on the fourth it is washed by the waves of the Black Sea. Because of this isolation, it is not crowded and quiet. Once on this beach, everyone can feel as if they are on a desert island and completely relax from the bustle of the city.

You can get to the Lost World from Balaklava by speedboat, boat, or even an inflatable mattress. Some people get to the beach on their own - to do this they need to swim a hundred meters around the ledge of Cape Aya. Rock climbing enthusiasts can visit this place by rappelling down the cliffs. But be careful - sharp protrusions cut the ropes.

Waterfall "Jur-Jur"

The deepest waterfall in Crimea is especially popular among guests of the peninsula. The peculiarity of Jur-Dzhur is that, unlike other waterfalls in Crimea, which are fed by rainwater, it does not dry out even in the driest times. It originates from the Ulu-Uzen River, which falls along the rapids of the Khapkhal Gorge.

You can get to this picturesque place from the village of Generalskoye, which is located near Alushta. If you are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to climb the mountains on your own two feet, then you will have to walk about 12 kilometers in one direction. If this climb is not for you, contact the locals. They will be happy to take you to the very pit of the waterfall.

Safari Park "Taigan"

In the Crimean Safari Park Taigan you can watch the lives of 60 lions, 40 tigers and hundreds of other animals, including giraffes, crocodiles, monkeys, roe deer, camels. This live 3D tour will leave an unforgettable experience for you and your children.

Since the park territory is quite vast, more than 30 hectares, there are hotel, where you can stay overnight to continue your excursion in the morning. After the walk, it is worth refreshing yourself in local cafes. You will surely remember such a meal surrounded by wild animals for a long time. Don't forget to take a ride on the Ferris wheel - it can see the entire territory of the park and offers a picturesque view of White Mountain and a local pond.

The road to Taigan Park is only 40 km from Simferopol to Belogorsk. You can get there either by your own car or using the services of local entrepreneurs and tour operators.


The ancient ruins of the ancient city of Chersonesus are located just 3 kilometers from Sevastopol. The surviving columns will make everyone think about the power of history and those periods when they truly built to last and worked conscientiously.

Once upon a time, Prince Vladimir of Kiev was baptized here. Therefore, in addition to the ruins, in Chersonesos you can visit the most beautiful St. Vladimir's Cathedral, decorated in Byzantine style.

Don't forget to throw a pebble at the Kherson bell, which is considered a symbol for all Sevastopol sailors. In the old days, its sound served as a signal in bad weather. During the tour, you will definitely be told the romantic story associated with it.

On the territory of Chersonesos there is also a preserved ancient theater. In summer you can watch interesting performances under open air, performances and festivals.

Except historical value, Khersones is attractive because it offers a picturesque panorama of the city of Sevastopol. Also here you can swim in the sea and feel like a real archaeologist by taking part in an expedition.

Panorama "Defense of Sevastopol"

It’s worth coming to Sevastopol not only for Chersonese. This seaside city leaves no one indifferent. After viewing the ships in Sevastopol Bay, be sure to visit Panorama. This is the name of the museum dedicated to the defenders of the city from the French and British in the 19th century. This is a huge picture that surrounds you on all sides. By climbing the spiral staircase to the observation deck, you will be able to examine it in more detail. The subject foreground will create the effect of presence at the battle for Sevastopol.

Interestingly, during World War II the museum was attacked, but the city residents managed to save and remove fragments of the exhibition. After the end of the war, the Panorama was restored and a new, no less impressive canvas was opened. Any local resident will be happy to tell you how to get to the museum.

Vorontsov Palace

The majestic building for Count Vorontsov was built in the first half of the 19th century according to the drawings of Edward Blore. This architect also designed Westminster Abbey and part of Buckingham Palace in London. Long years there was a palace family nest Vorontsov family. After nationalization, the Bolsheviks made a museum of Russian creativity here, to which they brought the most famous paintings, expensive dishes and furniture from all over the union.

Near the palace is another man-made creation, which is called a local landmark - Vorontsov Park. A variety of plants are collected here to create picturesque flower beds and flower beds. Fountains, grottoes, waterfalls, sunny meadows, spread over an area of ​​40 hectares, will surprise you with their luxury and grandeur.

The Vorontsov Palace and the park of the same name are located in resort town Alupka on the southern coast of Crimea.

bird home

The Swallow's Nest is the name given to the castle located on the very edge of the Aurora rock. In appearance, the building resembles a medieval castle in the Gothic style and it seems as if this most recognizable symbol of the southern coast of Crimea is about to fall into the sea. There is no need to be afraid! The foundation of the palace is securely reinforced with concrete slabs. However, not a single tourist leaves the feeling of height inside the building.

The history of the castle has many exciting stories, which the museum guides will tell you with great pleasure. According to one of them, the building was called the “castle of love” and was built for the beloved of a German oil baron. Visit the Swallow's Nest and learn more about this amazing story!

The castle is located 20 kilometers from Yalta. You can get to it either by your own or by public transport.