While surgeons were operating on the seer, the electricity was cut off in the elite clinic.

Vanga died in this ward. At the bedside of the prophetess is her godson Dmitry Vylchev

Hundreds of people came to the temple built by the seer to say goodbye to the deceased

Professor Piotr Delijski: “The doctors did everything possible”

The last days of Vanga's life are full of mysteries. There are more of them than in any detective story.

My aunt was killed! – Vanga’s niece Krasimira Stoyanova told Zhizn reporters.

She has reasons to make such harsh accusations. It is believed that Vanga’s death came at the time she herself had appointed. But the relatives still have a bitter feeling that there were people who hastened her departure to another world. Krasimira Stoyanova is convinced that the chain of events that happened in August 1996 became fatal for her aunt. And not all of them were accidents...

Ten years is a statute of limitations that “covers” even serious crimes. We will not blame any of the people who surrounded Vanga in last years her life. We'll just present the facts so you can draw your own conclusions...


Vangelia Pandeva-Gushcherova (that was Vanga’s name), despite her blindness, was in good health.

Professor Peter Deliyski, Doctor of Medical Sciences, works in the clinic of the Lozenets government hospital, the same one in which Vanga died. As a doctor, he observed her for more than forty years. Better " family doctor“No one knows about Vanga’s health status:

She was a physically strong woman. Until she was very old, she walked without stooping, her endurance was amazing - no doctor could see so many people!

According to Professor Deliyski, Vanga never denied official medicine:

She always sent her patients to doctors, accurately determining the profile of their illness. She herself also used the help of doctors. But she preferred to be treated at home...


Vanga knew that she had breast cancer. Symptoms of the disease appeared in her in 1994, shortly after the scandal with the construction of the church in Rupite - the church recognized the temple as non-canonical.

Vanga refused hospitalization. Doctors came to her home and treatment was mostly supportive. They wanted to prohibit her from accepting people, but Vanga continued to do this almost until her death.

Director Stilian Ivanov chronicled the life of the seer. Last time he met her in Rupita just ten days before her death.

“Vanga didn’t look exhausted,” says Stilian. - She was weak, but not dying. I could not possibly think then that she had less than two weeks to live.


...Vanga was taken to a Sofia hospital on August 3, 1996. Hastily, without warning her relatives. From Rupite to the Bulgarian capital it is about a hundred kilometers along a bumpy, winding mountain road.

Vanga was admitted to the hospital against the will of her relatives, says Krasimira. “My mother and I arrived in Rupite, and a neighbor told us that Vanga had been taken away. I started looking for her, calling all the clinics. And I found out that she was in a government hospital in Sofia. We rushed there and made our way to an appointment with the head doctor, Professor Gerasimov. He said that Vanga’s condition was serious, that she had endured the journey very poorly. We asked to see our aunt, and we were allowed. When I saw her, my knees shook. Auntie was completely different from her former, strong and domineering Vanga! She looked small and thin, and resuscitation equipment was piled around her bed. My mom, Native sister Wangi, I cried...

Aunt recognized us. She asked me to give her my hand. I offered my palm. Vanga quietly squeezed my fingers and said: “I’m sorry”...

My mother and I were crushed by grief. We didn't expect my aunt's condition to be so bad. It was impossible to disturb the old man. It was murder! Vanga should have been left alone, and she would have lived longer. She had breast cancer for a long time, her aunt got used to this disease. Since the cancer did not metastasize to important organs, the tumor encapsulated. Aunt Vanga died not from cancer, but from hunger and thirst!

Krasimira talks about last days aunts with pain in their voice: time does not heal this pain.

At the hospital, my aunt kept asking for something to drink. She was severely dehydrated.

But it was impossible to quench the unbearable thirst: the patient’s kidneys were failing.

By the morning of August 4, Vanga’s condition improved slightly. She asked to be taken home to Rupite. Because of the medications, Vanga seemed to be half asleep. Then, after her death, some newspapers will write that she fell into a coma. But the seer was conscious. Employees of the Vanga Foundation were on duty next to her. They tried to write down her every word, expecting farewell revelations. And Vanga asked to go home. To where the church she built stood...

It became clear to the doctors that the seer’s days were numbered. Having asked permission from relatives, on August 5, Professor Gerasimov announced at a press conference that Vanga’s condition was critical.

This news excited not only the whole of Bulgaria, but the whole world. People are used to thinking that Vanga is eternal...

When I saw the news footage from national television, says Stilian Ivanov, I felt terribly painful and bitter. TV reporters filmed Vanga dying against her will. She was not allowed to leave quietly...

On the afternoon of August 6, flowers were placed in the ward at Vanga’s request. Alive, in pots, just the way she loved them. She felt a little better. The smell of flowers reminded her of the garden near the house in Rupite - a place where her soul was yearning...

On this day was the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. In Bulgaria, according to tradition, fruits are blessed in churches. Niece Krasimir and sister Lyubka brought bunches of grapes from the church where they prayed for Vanga. The juice was squeezed out of them right in the ward and the patient was given a sip.

This is consecrated, from the temple...

Vanga swallowed it with trepidation, like a sacrament.

They prayed for her healing not only in Orthodox churches, but also in mosques.

But the priest was never invited to confess to the dying Vanga.

We didn’t have time to call the priest to the hospital,” Krasimira tells us. “The members of Vanga’s foundation, who were on duty at her bedside, did not allow it. But I believe that God will forgive Vanga’s sins, because she suffered terribly until the end of her life.…

Vanga's niece Anna was called from Greece. She is a doctor by profession and lives permanently in Athens. Anna arrived urgently on August 7 and has been in the hospital ever since.

And Vanga was getting worse. She said goodbye to close friends, bequeathing to live in peace. Most of all, she wanted all people not to harm each other...

Doctors held a consultation on August 8. Professor Gerasimov and his colleagues stated profound multiple organ failure. It seemed that the last hours were approaching.

But Vanga was able to return from the threshold of death. By August 10, Vanga felt better. Her face turned pink and the pain went away. She called all her relatives to her bed.

“Aunt asked to bury her near the house in Rupite,” says Krasimira. “She told me what to dress her in; she had prepared the outfit a long time ago.” She asked that the coffin be carried by six men who bear the name Dimitar. That was also her husband's name. And for the church choir to sing at the funeral. Vanga spoke loudly and clearly. There was no fear of death in her voice. She was happy that we were next to her. She held her sister's hand the whole time. And she bequeathed to us all to love each other...

Vanga asked to be washed and perfumed. Sister Lyubka stayed next to her for the night. Vanga was conscious. In the morning she said that she saw people who had died long ago next to her - her father, mother, husband, and other deceased relatives. And next to them are angels...

It was last night in her life. At Vanga’s request, her sister Lyubka soaked a piece of church prosphora in water. Vanga swallowed the bread and took a sip of water.

By morning she began to choke. Doctors decided to make an incision in the throat to insert a tube into the trachea. But as soon as the scalpel was brought to the throat, the lights in the hospital went out.

It’s strange that there were no emergency energy sources in the ward,” says Krasimira. - The life support equipment immediately turned off. And the aunt’s heart stopped forever. On August 11, 1996 at 10:10 a.m. Vanga died...

Who exactly and why in the government (!) clinic turned off the lights was never found out. The emergency was attributed to an accident that caused a network failure.

Professor Piotr Delijski convinces us that he and his colleagues fulfilled their professional duty and do not deserve reproaches.

Was it possible to save Vanga and extend her life?

“I am a urologist surgeon,” the professor answers. – Oncology is not my specialty. Therefore, I will refrain from commenting on cancer. Patients at such an advanced age can be operated on, but it all depends on individual characteristics sick. I am convinced that at that moment the doctors at our clinic did everything possible for treatment. What it allowed modern medicine. Vanga was an ideal patient - meek, well-mannered, efficient, patient. When I entered the room, she was almost dying. But she immediately called me by name. She recognized me...

Director Stilian Ivanov, with whom Zhizn journalists met in Sofia, believes that the cause of Vanga’s death is not only illness:

I am convinced that Vanga could well have lived longer. She was torn out of her home, from her usual environment. And they tried not so much to help as to explore it. It was useless, because Vanga’s secret is not in her body, but in her great spirit. But you cannot study the spirit with the help of instruments!

... Vanga’s death was the end only for her body. Her soul flew to heaven, but the prophecies remained. And her words live on, coming true to this day. And the ones she told politicians. And those that were addressed to pop stars. And those that were said ordinary people.

We will tell you more about Vanga’s revelations and will. They are truly amazing...

To be continued next Wednesday

Baba Vanga is a world-famous Bulgarian clairvoyant with a unique gift of foreseeing the most important events in the world. The biography of the clairvoyant is considered the most mysterious among all famous people of the last century, since it contains no confirmed events. However, Vanga’s predictions are still an unsolved phenomenon, as the popular press claims. Fans of Vanga's gift are finding new evidence that prophecies continue to come true with incredible accuracy in modern world, while skeptics say the opposite.

Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova was born on January 31, 1911 in the family of Bulgarian peasants Pande and Paraskeva in the territory of the modern Republic of Macedonia. The newborn did not receive her name right away, as she was very weak and her family did not believe that the girl would survive. Immediately after birth, she was wrapped in a sheepskin coat and placed under the stove, where two months later she cried for the first time. This became a symbol that the future clairvoyant had grown stronger and would live. Therefore, the girl was immediately baptized in the church and given the name Vangelia, meaning “bringer of good news.”

Vanga’s childhood and youth cannot be called bright and joyful, since at the age of 3 the girl lost her mother and was left half-orphaned. After this, Vanga’s father was called to the front, and left her completely in the care of a neighbor. Upon returning from the war, Pande married a second time, and the future soothsayer was taken under her wing by her stepmother, who saw in her stepdaughter only labor force, which she used to the fullest.

As a child, little Vangelia loved to play a very strange game, which became a kind of symbol of her destiny - she loved to look for hidden objects in the room blindfolded, and also blindly treat her toys. At the age of 12, Vanga strange circumstances went blind. She, returning from the pasture, was carried away by a tornado several hundred meters from the house and thrown into a field. When the girl was found, her eyes were tightly closed, as they were tightly clogged with sand. The father and stepmother tried to cure their daughter, but in vain - the required amount of money for the operation was too much for them, so after 4 years the girl became completely blind.

At the next stage, Vanga’s biography is connected with the House of the Blind in Serbia. It was perfect place for children with such problems, because the boarding school staff took very good care of the pupils and taught them to survive with such serious injuries. At the House of the Blind, Vanga was taught to knit, play the piano, clean the house and cook. The girl also took a course in school sciences, becoming acquainted with mathematics, the alphabet, music, drawing and other developmental sciences inaccessible to her due to blindness.

Three years later, Vanga had to return home to Strumitsa, since her stepmother died during the next birth and her father needed help. Despite her blindness, the girl became a real housewife - she managed to run the household and take care of her younger brothers and sisters, and also knitted and sewed for her fellow villagers, who, knowing the financial state of the family, paid the girl in food and clothing.

Extrasensory perception and prophecies

The blind girl's great gift began to manifest itself in 1940. Then she began to predict the fate of her fellow villagers and decipher their dreams, and she did this in a strange male voice. According to Vanga, during this period the clairvoyant began to hear the voices of the dead and communicate with God. During the same period, Vanga fell into her first trance, after which she predicted the outbreak of World War II, which began in April 1941.

Then the girl was afraid to admit her visions to anyone, since she could be considered crazy. But she still told close friends and acquaintances about her secret, which soon spread to the whole world.

Vanga was deeply religious; the woman belonged to Orthodox faith, in which such supernatural abilities were interpreted as witchcraft. But when Vanga’s predictions and healing gift began to help people, the prophetess became convinced that she had received a heavenly gift, and not a gift from the devil.

At first, Vanga’s predictions concerned male front-line soldiers - the girl told her family about their whereabouts and foresaw whether they would return home alive.

After this, people began to come to Vanga en masse for help, advice and predictions. According to historians, the woman received up to 130 visitors a day. The seer made her predictions on a piece of refined sugar, on which every visitor had to sleep the night before visiting Vanga. Statisticians have calculated that during the clairvoyant’s career, people brought her more than 2 tons of refined sugar, which indicates that she helped more than a million people.

In 1967, Vanga became a civil servant and began to receive a salary for her predictions, since before that she had received people for free. During this period, more and more people began to appear among its visitors. famous people and politicians who wanted to learn from the seer their own destiny and the future of the country, and also to receive valuable advice. Regular guests of the clairvoyant were the Bulgarian Tsar Simeon II, the leader of the Bulgarian Communists Todor Zhivkov, Soviet writers Leonid Leonov and Yuri Semenov, as well as representatives former president Russia.

Until the end of her life, Vanga remained religious. The clairvoyant urged people to believe in, to be kinder and wiser.

At the same time, Vanga interpreted biblical parables in a unique way and came up with her own prayers. The fortuneteller loved to retell to journalists the legend of the flood and Noah's Ark. According to Vanga, the famous ark was ten steps from the clairvoyant’s house, and the woman could touch the warm wood, which Vanga really liked to do. Fans of Vanga's prophetic gift interpret these stories in different ways: some see this as evidence of Vanga's direct connection with God, while others see it as a veiled prediction about the end of the world.

Personal life

Vanga’s personal life, like the entire biography of the clairvoyant, has no official confirmation. It is known that the clairvoyant of the 20th century found her first love in the House of the Blind. Then Vanga was even ready to marry her chosen one, but all plans were changed by her father, who urgently returned the girl home.

The only husband Vanga was Dimitar Gushterov, who married a blind soothsayer in 1942. Then Dimitar took his wife to hometown Petrich, which was located on the border of Bulgaria, Greece and Macedonia. The couple lived for 40 years until the death of Dimitar, who passed away due to many years of drunkenness and its consequences for health.

Vanga's children are also one of the most interesting biography of the soothsayer. It is known that the clairvoyant was childless, but during her life she adopted two children - a boy, Dimitar Volchev, and a girl, Violetta. The seer raised her adopted children as worthy people, they were given a good education and the “right” start in life.


Vanga's death occurred on August 11, 1996. The clairvoyant predicted her own death a month before the incident. The great predictor was killed by an oncological disease (breast cancer), which began to rapidly progress in recent months Vanga's life.

Your own death Vanga accepted with a smile on her lips. The clairvoyant called on the whole world not to mourn her, since the load that Vanga had to carry through life was unbearable. The achievements of the fortuneteller for humanity are highly appreciated in modern society. In honor of Vanga, a museum dedicated to the seer was opened in Petrich in 2008, and in 2011, a statue weighing 400 kg was installed in Rupite, where the clairvoyant lived in her last years.

Vanga's predictions that came true

Some of the clairvoyant’s predictions that came true appeared on the Internet in 2001, without primary sources indicating Vanga’s authorship. Skeptics claim that the Vanga phenomenon is a falsification started by the Bulgarian government and intelligence services in order to attract tourist flow and, accordingly, financial investments.

According to popular sources, over half a century Vanga made 7 thousand predictions that came true. In addition to World War II, the clairvoyant predicted events in Syria, Nicaragua and Prague. In 1943, Vanga predicted a loss in the war with Russia, to which the German Fuhrer only laughed, which turned out to be in vain.

Also among Vanga’s predictions that came true, it is worth noting the “velvet” revolution foreseen by the seer in Montenegro, the death of an Indian political figure, the death and collapse of the USSR. In addition to political forecasts, journalists became aware of Vanga’s predictions regarding scientific world. The clairvoyant foresaw that the time of miracles would soon come, and science would make grand discoveries in the immaterial world.

In 1980, Vanga predicted the tragedy with the Kursk submarine, which occurred in 2000 and claimed the lives of 118 crew members. And in the early 90s, the seer started talking about the terrorist attack in the United States in September 2001. Then Vanga said that “the American brothers will be pecked to death by iron birds.” Scientists claim that the Bulgarian clairvoyant also predicted the ascension to the presidency of the United States of a “black man”, who would become the last head of this country.

Vanga did not use dating in her own prophecies. The clairvoyant listed events sequentially and used vague language. Tying Vanga’s words to specific years and events is either a subsequent interpretation of the fortune teller’s statements, or falsification.

Vanga’s dream books and horoscopes are popular on the Internet, despite the fact that the clairvoyant did not compile collections of dream interpretations, but did it intuitively and in a trance and, being an Orthodox believer, did not believe in eastern horoscopes.

In 2013, the first fictional biographical series about the life of the famous healer and fortuneteller appeared. The serial film is named full name psychic and shows the life of Vanga as a person, illuminates various periods of the life of the mysterious seer. The role of Vanga was performed by five actresses: Natalya Nikolaeva, Daria Otroshko, Kristina Pakarina. This made it possible to convey Vanga’s life both in childhood and in old age on television.

In 2014, another series about the fortuneteller appeared - the documentary project “The Real Vanga.” In total, 18 feature and documentary films dedicated to the famous prophetess were released on television. Last – documentary NTV channel “New Russian sensations: Vanga. Prophecies 2017" - released in 2017.

Vanga's predictions for 2016, which appeared in the press, spoke of natural disasters and man-made disasters. During this period, the fortuneteller foresaw a war between the whole world and a Muslim state, as well as a conflict between eastern countries, after which one eastern country would eventually use nuclear weapon and Europe will be empty. According to Vanga, in 2016 Europe was supposed to be depopulated after the world war. chemical warfare, which will be unleashed by Muslims.

I am posting a continuation of my old notes about Vanga - this time about her love. When I spoke with Vanga’s relatives and neighbors in Bulgaria, the thought kept spinning in my head - wow, she’s a great prophetess, but in her personal life she suffered like simple woman. The husband is a drunkard, the eternal cross of many women. But she endured it, didn’t leave him, she loved him. But she didn’t save me. In the photo - she is with her husband, her only and beloved one, her father, sister and house in Petrich. Here is my note about Vanga’s love:

"Vanga's fatal love

I'm a martyr! - Vanga spoke about herself.
She spent her life helping people solve their problems. To find out their future, the sufferers brought Vanga pieces of sugar. But her life was never sweet. Even loving a man became a bitter fate. But Vanga remained faithful to her husband Dimitar Gushterov for the rest of her life.

People most often imagine Vanga as a blind, hunched old woman.
Today we give you a unique opportunity to see her in the photo as she was in her youth. Swift, impetuous and full of tenderness...
“My aunt in her youth and youth was a very attractive woman,” Vanga’s niece Krasimira Stoyanova shows us photographs from the family archive. - Slender, with a wonderful figure, sweet face. Even blind eyes did not spoil general impression. She was energetic, lively, and very neat. And her sharp mind and sense of humor made her the life of any company. Vanga's first love happened at a boarding school for the blind in the city of Zemun - where she studied from fifteen to eighteen years old. The young man Dimitar from the village of Gioto, also blind, confessed his feelings for the girl.
Vanga really liked him. Their romance was pure and innocent. The young man proposed marriage to Vanga. His parents, who were rich people by local standards, agreed to the marriage. Vanga and Dimitar were already dreaming of a wedding. And if it had happened, the life of the blind girl would have flowed completely differently. But everything turned out completely differently.

In the city of Strumica, Vanga’s stepmother suddenly died. And the father demanded that his daughter return home immediately. Vanga, submissive to him, said goodbye to her beloved forever. Those who lost their first love will understand her pain, her tears. By the will of her father, she herself gave up her happiness. In order to raise motherless children in poverty.
Vangelia became a nanny for her brothers and sister. Vasil was six years old, Toma was four, Lyubka was only two...
And after the death of her father, Vanga remained the only support of the family. She herself almost died of pleurisy in 1941. And that same year, barely getting back on her feet, she began to prophesy. She told her neighbors exactly the date of the Nazi attack on Yugoslavia, where her family then lived: April 6, 1941.
Even then, Vanga became indispensable for the entire region, because she accurately predicted the fate of the soldiers who went to war. Who is alive, who is dead, who is missing.
Vanga’s relatives described that time as follows:
“Vanga stood in front of a lit lamp and spoke in a low and strong voice, completely different from the one she usually had. She was very puny, but looked majestic. It seemed that it was about to take off, soar into the heights. The face changed, it shone as if it was emitting light. Vanga spoke without ceasing, with amazing accuracy she named the names of the mobilized men, the area, the events that happened to them...”

One of the predictions, associated with passionate love, glorified young Vanga throughout the area. At the very beginning of the war, she told the mother of her fellow countryman Hristo Prchanov that her missing son was alive, but would not return soon.
Pavlina, the young man's bride, did not believe this prediction and married another guy. And a year later Christo returned. And it was Pavlina who saw him first on the market square! She fainted because she thought her groom was dead! Following the news of his beloved’s betrayal, Christo waited new blow. The mother, hugging her son, died of a broken heart...
People came to Vanga not only for prophecies. She gained the gift of a healer. In some amazing way simple woman I felt which herb could help to a specific person. Her recipes were often unexpected. For example, she advised pouring water on a mentally ill woman in which herbs growing near a river were soaked - and she recovered! Vanga called herself a doctor-koi - in Bulgarian this means “healer”.
If not new love, then Vanga’s fame would go to Yugoslavia, her native country. She lived in the city of Strumica and did not think of leaving her beloved Macedonia. But everything turned out differently...

The Bulgarian guy Dimitar Gushterov won Vanga’s heart. Trouble brought him to her.
Vanga was then thirty-one years old, but she seemed much younger. Dimitar Gushterov was twenty-three. dark-skinned handsome guy came to Vanga to find the killers of his brother.
- I must take revenge on them! - Dimitar fumed on the way to the prophetess, telling his fellow travelers about his grief. - My brother is left with three children and a wife sick with tuberculosis...
He was only in the courtyard of the house when Vanga came out to meet him herself.
“I know why you came to me,” she said. - Do you want me to name your brother's killers? Maybe I'll tell you their names, but not now. You must promise me that you will not take revenge. God will punish them, and you will become a witness to this...
The shocked Dimitar came to Vanga many times that spring. They talked about everything under the sun. And soon they felt that they were in love...
Dimitar took his bride from Strumice on April 22, 1942. Together with her sister Lyubka - the brothers were mobilized at that time - Vanga began to live in her husband’s house in the Bulgarian city of Petrich.

On May 10, Vanga got married to Dimitar. His mother Magdalena was not happy about his marriage to a blind girl:
- Is this, son, your happiness?
In addition to Dimitar and Vanga, a bunch of relatives huddled in a tiny house on Opolchenskaya Street, 10. His mother, three nephews from his deceased brother and his sick widow, as well as two more children of two other brothers.
Vanga and her sister Lyubka took on all the household chores. The blind girl washed, cooked, sewed, knitted, and kept the house clean. Imagine how much strength it took!
There was no time to rest. Having heard that the famous prophetess had moved to Petrich, people flocked to Vanga. For fortune telling, she asked to bring them a piece of sugar.
Then, years later, scientists were tormented by solving this riddle: is it really refined sugar that helps Vanga find out everything about the person who came? Many versions have been put forward: and the fact that his crystals, if kept under the pillow at night, somehow record information about a person. And the fact that here, as in homeopathy, the grains “remember” the state of the substance...
And the secret is simple - you need to look for it in the hungry past.
During the war, sugar was a much harder “currency” than money. And Vanga then needed to feed his family.

Dimitar loved his wife very much, but was burdened by her fame as a fortune teller.
- You have to end this! - he told her more than once. - Just take care of your home and family, like all other women!
“But then we will die of hunger,” she answered. - My beloved Mitko, you cannot provide for your entire family now. Besides, people need my gift. Who will help them now if not me?
It was no coincidence that Dimitar was afraid for his wife: the police began to pursue Vanga. Two local gendarmes - Dimitar Chuchurov and Boris Lazarov - constantly visited her house and demanded to report on enemies of the authorities.
- If you don’t cooperate, we’ll send you to a concentration camp! - they threatened.
Vanga flatly refused to spy. They didn’t send her to the camp, but they began to demand money. This racket, started by the fascist collaborators in Tsarist Bulgaria, was later continued by the communists. It’s amazing: the authorities changed, but always demanded the same thing from the blind prophetess - espionage and money!
The Nazis still took revenge on Vanga for his intractability. Her husband was sent to the front, to Greece.
Vanga managed to say goodbye to Dimitar:
- You will return alive, but be careful of the water!
Dimitar contracted hepatitis, which tormented him throughout his life.
And the fate of Vanga’s sister and brothers during the war was differently. Vasil was a partisan in Yugoslavia, he died heroically on his birthday, as his sister predicted. Younger brother Tomé also fought against the Nazis. He survived and lived his entire life in Yugoslavia; he died in 1981). And sister Lyubka got married in Petrich in 1947 and did not part with Vanga until her death.

Dimitar, who returned from the front, built new house on the site of an old shack. He overstrained himself and began to suffer from stomach pains. One of my friends advised me to numb the pain with vodka. First, a glass of rakia before lunch. Then - and before dinner.
“Mitko, you can’t drink,” Vanga convinced her husband.
And he only remained silent in response. Became withdrawn and irritable. He locked himself in his room and drank, drank, drank...
Vanga cried and prayed. One day she told her sister that she knew for sure that Dimitar would not conquer his passion for vodka:
- He's doomed...
Every day to Vanga for with the help Hundreds of people came, but she did not show them her own misfortune with either a word or a tear. They told her about their problems and sought help. And no one knew that this woman, merciful to everyone, was suffering immensely: she was drinking herself to death, her most beloved and dear person was dying from vodka!
Dimitar's liver cirrhosis worsened and dropsy began.
He was in the hospital, and Vanga did not leave his bed. The attending physician Peter Deliyski told her that there was no hope, but Vanga herself had known this for a long time.
She took her husband home. Vanga knelt next to his bed, crying and praying. When Mitko died, Vanga fell asleep. She slept until the funeral. And, waking up, she said to sister Lyubka:
- I escorted his soul to the place where it was destined...
That day Vanga put on black widow's clothes. Her relatives suggested that the people who came to her for help disperse:
- We have grief...
But Vanga went out into the yard, as always. She said quietly:
- Don't drive them away. I will accept everyone...
She tried to satisfy her sadness with work. And always, until her death, Dimitra remembered how the only man In my life. God did not give them his children, and Vanga suffered greatly from this. She became the godmother for 15 thousand children.
Was Vanga's marriage happy? Don't be so quick to say no. How many women in the world love their dissolute, drinking husbands more than anything else?!
Vanga lived with Mitko for twenty years. And she always spoke about him with tenderness, without reproaching a single word. That means she loved her very much. Yes, I suffered from his drunkenness. But she always considered Dimitar her protector:
“If my husband were alive,” said the widowed Vanga, “he would not have offended me.” Mitko would stand up for me...
They offended Vanga severely. It got to the point that the Bulgarian authorities tried to accuse her of espionage. But more on this in the next part of the investigation, “Who killed Vanga.”
Grigory Telnov, first published in the newspaper "Life" in 2006.




A newborn girl, wrapped in a sheepskin coat, lies warm next to the stove - this is how the biography of Vanga, the famous fortuneteller of all times and peoples, began. The girl’s parents didn’t even hope that the baby would survive, so they didn’t give her a name. Only two months later, the girl screamed like a normal baby. At baptism, the girl was christened Vangelia (Vanga). “She who brings good news” is translated from Greek as Vangelia, who was destined to become the greatest psychic. When Vanga was three years old, her mother died. For a long time, Vanga was under the watchful supervision of neighboring women.

The next milestone in Vanga’s biography began with his arrival in parents' house new owner - stepmother Vanga. A real tragedy, which has no reasonable explanation, happened to a girl who was eleven years old at that time. The cloudy weather did not foretell anything special until the children walking on the street noticed something looming in the sky. unusual cloud. The first thoughts that came to the children’s minds were that a thunderstorm would break out. Despite gusts of ominous wind, tearing and blowing leaves from the trees, no thunderstorm was expected. The dusty pillars rising from the ground swirled with incredible speed like tornado funnels, approaching closer and closer to little Vanga until they completely picked her up. With terrible force, Vanga, spinning in the mouth of the tornado, was carried by it a considerable distance and thrown into the field. Before losing consciousness, the little girl felt as if someone's palm had touched her head.

Surprisingly, Vanga remained alive after the evil and horror inflicted by nature! Waking up after the incident, Vanga’s eyes were tightly closed and covered with sand. Local doctors were unable to cope with the girl’s injury. The only hope was for an expensive operation at that time in the capital's hospital. The small landowner did not have the required amount of cash, but Vanga’s father tried hard to find it. Meanwhile, the girl’s vision was constantly deteriorating, and Vanga’s final blindness overtook her four years after the incident, which remained a mystery.

Vanga's biography continued in the House of the Blind, where she was sent in 1925, and where she spent three years of her life. Here she learned the basics of knitting, sewing, cooking, mastered reading techniques for the blind, and studied music. Right here young girl I experienced the brightest feeling on earth when I met and fell in love with a blind young man from a wealthy family. In Vanga’s biography, this period is rightfully considered the happiest and brightest, because the loving couple was already preparing for the wedding. As fate would have it, all plans collapsed at one moment when Vanga’s stepmother died during the birth of another baby. The father, who was in confusion and confusion, left with the children without female hand, counted only on help eldest daughter. Thus, Vanga’s dreams of his own happiness ended up buried along with his stepmother. At the behest of her father, the girl again found herself in her father’s poor house...

Vanga's subsequent biography, dating back ten years of his life, is characterized as a painful and difficult period. Despite complete blindness, Vanga had to knit, spin, and sew to feed her family, however, there was a catastrophic lack of money. In addition, Vanga was overtaken by a serious illness. After standing for a long time on the concrete floor with bare feet to receive benefits for the poor, Vanga caught a very bad cold and was bedridden with terrible diagnosis- polio. There was minimal hope for recovery, but to everyone’s surprise, the seriously ill Vanga rose to her feet. In Vanga’s biography, this is the second inexplicable phenomenon that happened to her. At this moment, her extraordinary abilities were noticed by people, and Vanga’s biography is marked by a new period called “Vanga’s predictions.”

As Orthodox publications tell about Vanga’s biography, she first fell into a trance in 1940. A year later, in 1941, Vanga spoke in an unknown male voice and absolutely unexpectedly began to predict the future for everyone, foreshadowing further death or a long life. Vanga’s biography throughout the year involves a complete lack of sleep.

As Vanga herself says, at that time she was amazed to discover knowledge that was previously unknown to her about what was about to happen and what other people could not even imagine.

At first, Vanga did not prophesy to anyone, for fear of being declared crazy. One day Vanga could not restrain her impulse and predicted to her friends that the war would start in April. There is no doubt that her predictions were viewed with skepticism. But when German troops invaded the territory of Yugoslavia with military operations on April 6, everyone immediately remembered Vanga’s prophecies and started talking about her as a clairvoyant. A mass pilgrimage began to her house. Despite the fact that at this stage biography of Vanga, she was much younger than most of her visitors, all the newcomers asked for help, advice and had high hopes for Vanga’s predictions. The fortuneteller tried not to refuse people who came to her, with the exception of the cases with Chumak, Kashpirovsky and Juna’s students. Vanga’s predictions always turned out to be true; only the last few years of Vanga’s biography indicate the opposite. It is surprising that in most cases Vanga did not start a conversation with those people who were on the verge of death or came to her out of curiosity.

Based on the experience of 25 years of observations of Vanga, G. Lozanov, a Bulgarian scientist, approved more than seven thousand of Vanga’s predictions, which actually came to life. He concluded that Vanga's predictions are realized beyond the limits of random coincidences and amount to about 80% of the total.

When in 1942 soldier Dimitar Gushcherov approached Vanga, asking him to point out his brother’s killers, the clairvoyant avoided answering. She promised to talk about them later, taking the soldier’s word not to take revenge on the killers. Vanga added that he would be destined to see with his own eyes the death of his brother’s killers.

The soothsayer amazed the soldier, who came to her more than once until she offered to become his wife. After the wedding, Vanga moved to live with Dimitar in Petrich, located two hundred kilometers from Sofia, the Bulgarian capital. In the last years of his life, Vanga’s husband drank a lot due to the fact that they did not have children, and died in 1962 from cirrhosis of the liver. After his death, suffering all the years from the fate of remaining childless, Vanga accepted an orphan boy who one day knocked on her house, who became her own son. When Dimitar Volchev - Foster-son soothsayer - grew up, then found his recognition as a prosecutor.

Vanga's predictions turned out to be true not only regarding the course of the Second World War, but also the events in Nicaragua, Syria, and Prague. In 1943, Vanga predicted Hitler would lose the war and asked him to leave Russia alone. According to eyewitnesses, the Fuhrer ridiculed the Bulgarian clairvoyant, as it turned out, absolutely in vain. Subsequently, Vanga's 1963 predictions regarding the assassination attempt on John Kennedy, the thirty-five-year-old US President, came true. Vanga's 1968 biography tells the story of three important events she predicted. political events- the fatal wounding of Senator Robert Kennedy, the rebellion in the Czechoslovak Republic and the victory of the Republican candidate. In 1969, Vanga predicted the death of Indira Gandhi, in 1979 - the initial period of perestroika and the collapse of the USSR. One of Vanga’s most famous predictions is “Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it...” Skeptics wondered: “How can the city of Kursk, located far from the sea and other large water sources, be buried under water?” And only August 2001 clarified the situation: people understood which “Kursk” the fortuneteller had in mind.

In her autobiography, Vanga wrote that in 1967 she “entered” public service. Vanga’s biography talks about the fact that at a certain period she received up to one hundred and thirty people a day. In the last years of her life, Vanga could receive no more than ten to fifteen visitors, spending no more than three to four minutes on each of them. Moreover, all the money Vanga received as a token of gratitude went to the state treasury. Cost of services of the most famous Bulgarian psychic was one hundred leva for Bulgarians and $50 for foreigners, despite the long-term resistance of intelligence officers regarding their visits.

How did Vanga “predict”? In her autobiographical essay, Vanga said that all the deceased close people gather around a person, who willingly talk, ask questions and answer those posed by the soothsayer. Vanga’s predictions are based on the facts that she hears from these dead people, and it is these words that Vanga conveys to the living. Sometimes people who visited Vanga heard voices from the other world, which seemed like a thin, dull whisper. Often visitors lost consciousness, recognizing the voices of their deceased relatives.

According to representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vanga was not an Orthodox believer, although she considered herself one of them. This opinion is caused, first of all, by the fact that Vanga believed in reincarnation, which is unique to pagans. However, Vanga constantly celebrated religious Christian holidays and observed all fasts. Using his own savings and human donations, Vanga managed to build a snow-white Orthodox Church of St. Petka opposite his home, the vaults of which were painted by the famous Bulgarian artist Svetlin Rusev. However, Vanga's relationship with the church was quite complicated due to the church's denial of similar predictors and disbelief in their prophecies.

Talking about her biography, Vanga said that there was no need to make futile attempts to explain her actions. According to her, everything she does is business God's hands, and her gift is from God, who deprived her of sight, giving in return another way of seeing the world - visible and invisible.

Among Vanga’s regular visitors were Simeon II, the Bulgarian Tsar, Todor Zhivkov, the leader of the state and party, whose daughter Lyudmila, the Minister of Culture of the People’s Republic of Belarus, for long years was considered the guardian of the fortuneteller. In addition, Vanga’s predictions also applied to the writer L. Leonov, Yu. Semenov, artist N. Roerich, and many no less, who came to her famous people. Among them were emissaries of B.N. Yeltsin, to whom Vanga eagerly made political forecasts that were not advertised for well-known reasons.

Vanga's predictions to the Russian people, as a rule, came true. She said that criticism of Gorbachev was in vain and people would still remember how good it was with him.

One day the soothsayer was visited by actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov. From the doorway, she asked him angrily why he did not fulfill the request of Yuri Gagarin, who asked before his last flight to buy an alarm clock and put it on the table, as if in memory. No one knew about this conversation except its participants, so Tikhonov was simply shocked.

Leonid Leonov was also lucky enough to visit the famous seer. The writer took absolutely all of Vanga’s predictions for granted and believed them unquestioningly. At the beginning of 1991, Leonid Leonov asked his friend from Bulgaria to give Vanga a letter that spoke about the novel “Pyramid”, which the writer began in 1939. He was dissatisfied with the work he had written and increasingly began to think about destroying the completed book. Having received Leonov’s letter, Vanga replied to him that the novel can be considered completed, however, minor additions and adjustments need to be made to it. The prophecy was supplemented by the fact that the novel would be published and translated into several languages, but after completing work on the novel, Vanga predicted Leonid Maksimovich’s death. For twenty years he was in no hurry to put last point in this work, because he knew that Vanga’s predictions were endowed with enormous power. Perhaps the world would never have had a chance to see the “Pyramid” in the form in which it is presented now, if in the early nineties of the 20th century Leonov had not received yet another written prediction from Vanga. The letter said that the writer would have time to publish his work and enjoy its international fame. Thus, the beginning of April 1994 was marked by the publication of the first volume of the novel "Pyramid", after which in the summer of the same year, celebrating ninety-five summer anniversary, its author, Leonid Leonov, died. Unfortunately, all Vanga’s predictions tend to come true...

The clairvoyant did not stand on ceremony with Evgeniy Yevtushenko, who came to Vanga, telling him straight in the eyes that he smelled like a barrel. Vanga told the writer that he knows a lot and is good for a lot, but drinks and smokes too much.

Krasimira Stoyanova, Vanga's niece, the world owes what she recorded for the fortuneteller a large number of her sayings. She described the most popular and significant ones in her article “Biography of Vanga.”

Vanga's predictions regarding scientific discoveries. She said that the time of miracles would come, and great discoveries would be made by science in the field of the intangible world. Vanga predestined people to become witnesses greatest discoveries in the field of archeology, which will have to radically change humanity’s ideas about the ancient world. According to the clairvoyant, gold, previously hidden, will certainly appear on the surface of the earth, but the water will leave.

Vanga sincerely believed that the future belongs to people with kind hearts, who will live in a world full of splendor, and which is difficult to imagine modern representatives humanity.

Relatively human soul Vanga had a clearly formed idea. The soul is not capable of dying and being reincarnated. The souls of bad people become embittered, so they are not taken to heaven. And the best and kind souls return to earth.

Vanga gave very wise and valuable instructions, telling her not to envy anything and mourn her life, because the load she carries through life is too heavy to lift. The soothsayer said that you should not wish for too much in order to be able to pay for everything later.

Vanga announced the exact date of her death a month before. With a smile on her lips, Vanga accepted death. On August 10, 1996, at exactly midnight, doctors started talking about a sudden improvement in the condition of Vanga, who was suffering from cancer, which was constantly progressing. It is worth noting that Vanga, giving people relief, did not allow anyone to treat her. When describing Vanga’s biography, her niece said that her grandmother asked for bread and a glass of water, and then wanted to take a swim. When her requests were fulfilled, Vanga said that she was fine now. At approximately nine o'clock in the morning, the fortuneteller reported that the spirits of deceased relatives had arrived for her. The Seer talked with them, made gestures reminiscent of stroking the head... And at ten o’clock in the morning she passed into another world. This is how the biography of Vanga, the greatest clairvoyant of the 20th century, ended.

It is still not known whether Vanga left heirs. There is a moment in Vanga’s biography when she said that a certain girl lived in France. It is to her that she must pass on her abilities, and supposedly after Vanga’s death the girl will go blind... However, immediately before her death, Vanga said that only God, who gave her these abilities, can decide to whom they should be passed on, and nothing depends on her.

Date of death:

Vanga (Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, born Dimitrova; January 31 ( 19110131 ) , Strumitsa, Ottoman Empire - August 11 Petrich, Bulgaria) - Bulgarian clairvoyant. She was born into the family of a poor Bulgarian peasant. Most lived her life in the city of Petrich, at the junction of three borders (Bulgaria, Greece, Republic of Macedonia). For the last 20 years she has been receiving visitors in the village of Rupite.


Vanga was born on January 31, 1911 in Strumica in the modern Republic of Macedonia. The name "Vangelia" translated from Greek (Greek. Ευαγγελία ) means "good news". With the outbreak of the First World War, Vanga's father, Pande, was mobilized into the Bulgarian army. His mother died when Vanga was four years old. The girl grew up in a neighbor's house. Returning after the war, the widowed father remarried.

In 1923, Vanga, her father and stepmother, moved to the village of Novo Selo in Macedonia, where her father was from. There, at the age of 12, Vanga lost her sight due to a hurricane, during which the whirlwind threw her hundreds of meters. She was found only in the evening with her eyes filled with sand. Her family was unable to provide treatment, and as a result Vanga went blind. In 1925, she was sent to the Home for the Blind in Zemun, Serbia, where she spent three years. After the death of her stepmother, she returned to her father's house in Strumica.

Vanga first attracted public attention during the Second World War, when a rumor spread through the neighborhoods closest to her village that she was able to determine the location of people missing in the war, whether they were alive, or the places where they died and were buried. One of Vanga's first titled visitors was the Tsar of Bulgaria Boris III, who visited her on April 8, 1942.

According to Vanga herself, she owes her abilities to certain invisible creatures, the origin of which she was not able to explain. Vanga's niece, Krasimira Stoyanova, said that Vanga spoke with the souls of the dead or, in cases where the dead could not give an answer, with a certain inhuman voice.

There are undocumented opinions that Vanga predicted the collapse of the USSR, the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the victory of Boris Yeltsin at presidential elections 1996, the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk, the September 11 attacks, and Topalov's victory at the world chess tournament. Vanga is credited with a 1979 prophecy: “But he will return old Russia and will be called the same as under Saint Sergius." At the beginning of 1993, Vanga seemed to say that the USSR would be revived in the first quarter of the 21st century and Bulgaria would be part of it. And in Russia many new people will be born who will be able to change the world. In 1994, Vanga predicted: “At the beginning of the 21st century, humanity will get rid of cancer. The day will come when cancer will be shackled in “iron chains.” She explained these words in such a way that “an anti-cancer drug must contain a lot of iron.” She also believed that they would invent a cure for old age. It will be made from the hormones of a horse, a dog and a turtle: “A horse is strong, a dog is hardy, and a turtle lives a long time.” Before her death, Vanga said: “The time of miracles and the time of great discoveries in the field of the intangible will come. There will also be great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the world since ancient times. It is so predetermined."

In 1994, at the expense of Vanga, according to the design of the Bulgarian architect Svetlin Rusev, the chapel of St. Paraskeva was built in the village of Rupite. Due to the non-canonical nature of both the architecture of the building and the wall images, the chapel was not consecrated by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, so the building is simply referred to as “temple”, without specifying its affiliation. According to the rector of the church of St. Archangel Michael in Varna, Bulgaria, “she actually built a temple at her own expense, which was painted by one of the famous Bulgarian artists. But he obviously tried his hand at church painting for the first time, which resulted in something terrible, in the literal sense of the word.”

Vanga's grave

Shortly before her death, Vanga reported that the Earth was being visited by alien ships from a planet sounding like “Vamfim,” “the third in a row from the planet Earth,” and another civilization was preparing a big event; the meeting with this civilization will occur in 200 years.

Illness and death


Fraud in the name of Vanga

Vanga's name is often mentioned in the pages of the tabloid press. Vanga is credited with various predictions, which often contradict each other. For example, after the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, some newspapers reported about the impending nuclear disaster, which Vanga allegedly predicted. Also, Vanga’s name can often be found in advertising banners of fraudulent sites offering to receive a prediction of the future for SMS, allegedly made by Vanga herself.

Films about Wang

  • “Vanga: Prediction” - documentary film by V. Vikulin (2006)
  • “Russian sensations: Vanga - a prophecy for Russia” - documentary film made by NTV (2007)
  • “Secrets of the century: Vanga. The visible and invisible world" - documentary film by E. Kruglikova (2011)
  • “Vanga” - a documentary film made by NTV for the program “Confrontation” (2011)
  • “Vanga is back! The Secret Archive of the Soothsayer" - NTV documentary (2011) - in this film, Vanga's possible heir was introduced: a girl from France named Kaede.
  • “Frank Confession: Vanga” - documentary film made by NTV (2011)
  • “The Second Coming of Vanga” - documentary film made by NTV (2011)
  • “Vanga. The world visible and invisible" - documentary film shot by Ostankino (2011)
  • “The whole truth about Vanga” - documentary film made by REN TV (2011)
  • “Russian Sensations: Confession of Vanga” - documentary film made by NTV (2011)





  • Pitanov V. Yu. Vanga: who pulled the string?
  • Boris Rudenko. The phenomenon of Yuri Gorny. Part 3. (with a personal section about Wang) // “Science and Life” No. 3 for 2004.
  • Hieromonk Vissarion: “Vanga is an unhappy woman, a victim of dark forces”


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Born on January 31
  • Born in 1911
  • Born in Strumica
  • Died on August 11
  • Died in 1996
  • Blind
  • Forecasters
  • Deceased in Petrich
  • Died from breast cancer

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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