All economic processes of enterprises are interconnected and interdepended. Some of them are directly related to each other, some are indirectly manifested. Thus, an important issue in economic analysis is an assessment of the influence of a factor on a particular economic indicator and for this use factor analysis.

Factor analysis of the enterprise. Definition. Goals. Views

Factor analysis refers to the scientific literature to the section of multidimensional statistical analysis, where the estimate of the observed variables is carried out with covariance or correlation matrices.

Factor analysis first began to be used in a psychometrist and is currently used in almost all sciences ranging from psychology and ending with neurophysiology and political scientists. The main concepts of factor analysis were identified by the English psychologist by Galton and are then developed by spirmen, Terestone, Kettel.

You can highlight 2 targets of factor analysis:
- Defining the relationship between variables (classification).
- Reducing the number of variables (clustering).

Factor analysis of the company - A comprehensive methodology for systemic study and assessing the impact of factors on the value of the effective indicator.

You can select the following types of factor analysis:

  1. Functional, where the resulting indicator is defined as a work or algebraic amount of factors.
  2. Correlation (stochastic) - the relationship between the effective indicator and factors are likely.
  3. Direct / reverse - from total to private and vice versa.
  4. Single-stage / multistage.
  5. Retrospective / promising.

Let us dwell on the first two more details.

In order to be held factor analysis is necessary:
- All factors must be quantitative.
- The number of factors 2 times more than the resulting indicators.
- Uniform sample.
- Normal distribution of factors.

Factor analysis carried out in several stages:
Stage 1. Factors are selected.
Stage 2. Factors are classified and systematized.
3 stage. The relationship between the effective indicator and factors is modeled.
4 stage. Evaluation of the influence of each factor on the effective indicator.
5 stage. Practical use of the model.

Methods of deterministic factor analysis and stochastic factor analysis methods are distinguished.

Deterministic factor analysis - Study in which factors affect the productive indicator functionally. Methods of deterministic factor analysis - the absolute difference method, the logarithming method, the method of relative differences. This type of analysis is most common due to its ease of use and makes it possible to understand the factors that need to be changed to increase / decrease the effective indicator.

Stochastic factor analysis - a study in which factors affect the productive indicator probably, i.e. When a factor is changed, there may be several values \u200b\u200b(or range) of the resultant indicator. Stochastic factor analysis methods - game theory, mathematical programming, multiple correlation analysis, matrix models.

You can evaluate the results of the organization's activities using different techniques, including using factor analysis. Factor analysis of profits from sales makes it possible to improve the performance of the enterprise. The study is conducted on the basis of accounting data.

What is needed a factor analysis of profits

Profit in the organization is called the difference between revenue for sold goods or services and expenses related to the acquisition of sold goods, as well as costs for selling them and administrative expenses.

The profit rate in the organization depends on many components:

  • the number of goods or services that were sold;
  • diversity of services provided or the products offered;
  • the costs carried out in connection with the acquisition or production;
  • the cost in which products are implemented.

To increase the organization's profits, a factor analysis of sales profits is applied. This method helps to establish, from which the volume of the organization's income greater depends on, to identify the leading factors, and also allows you to regulate the volume of money revenues. Based on factor analysis, the management of the enterprise makes decisions on the further activities of the organization. The analyzing basis is the information contained in the accounting reporting. Having the values \u200b\u200bof key indicators and knowing the calculation methodology, analyzes will not make problems.

Factor analysis of sales profits (example calculation)

The analysis requires the compilation of an analytical summary table based on the amount of income statement data. The information in the table is measured in thousands of rubles.

Consider the importance of each of the indicators to form a profit.

  • Volume of products sold and profit organization

For analysis it is necessary to recalculate the number of products sold at base prices: 12,000 / 1.25 \u003d 9,600 thousand rubles. Thus, the change in sales is: 9 600/11 500 * 100% \u003d 83.5%. In other words, the number of sold goods fell by 16.5%. In this regard, the company's profit decreased and profit: 1,600 * (-0.165) \u003d -264 thousand rubles.

  • Expenses for the production or purchase of goods

To analyze the influence of the cost of production, it should be counted its indicator of the basic period to changes in the volume of products sold: 8,000 * 0.835 \u003d 6,680 thousand rubles. I will identify the difference with the real cost of the current period: 6 680 - 7 700 \u003d -1 020 thousand rubles. This indicator suggests that the cost of production increased and caused a decrease in profits.

  • Commercial and managerial expenses

Analysis of the impact of expenses is made in comparison of the indicators of the base year and the current year. Commercial expenses in the example increased, in connection with this, profits decreased by 200 thousand rubles (1 500 - 1 300). An increase in management costs also led to a decrease in profit by 150 thousand rubles (750 - 600). Thus, the increase in costs entails a reduction in profits.

  • Changing prices

When calculating the influence of the price of the organization's profit, it is necessary to compare the amount of income received during the reporting period in current and basic prices. Sales in basic prices will be: 12,000 / 1.25 \u003d 9,600 thousand rubles. The price effect is calculated as: 12,000 - 9 600 \u003d 2,400 thousand rubles. Since in the current period, the price of sold products increased, then on the result of the calculation factor of the price influenced positively, that is, the profit with increasing prices increased by 2,400 thousand rubles.

This factor analysis of profits from sales (example calculation) is one of the options. It was used because it is built on accounting data and can be used by an external user for analyzing the organization. If there are internal information on profit factors, the calculation can be made otherwise.

Profit from sales of the company is calculated as the difference between sales revenue from goods, works, services (with the exception of VAT, excise taxes and other mandatory payments), cost, commercial expenses and management costs.

The main factors affecting the magnitude of the profit from sales are:

  • changing sales;
  • changes in the range of products implemented;
  • changing the cost of production;
  • changing the sale price of products.

Factor analysis of profits from sales We are needed to evaluate reserves for improving production efficiency, i.e. The main task of factor analysis is to search for ways to maximize the company's profits. In addition, factor analysis of sales profits is a justification for making management decisions.

To carry out the analysis to make an analytical table, the source of information is the accounting balance and income statement of the company (1 and 2 form of balance):

Source data for factor analysis of sales
Indicators Previous period
thousand roubles.
Reporting period
thousand roubles.
Absolute change
thousand roubles.
the change, %
1 2 3 4 5
Revenue from the sale of products, works or services 57 800 54 190 -3 610 -6,2%
Cost price 41 829 39 780 -2 049 -4,9%
Commercial expenses 2 615 1 475 -1 140 -43,6%
Management expenses 4 816 3 765 -1 051 -21,8%
Revenue from sales 8 540 9 170 630 7,4%
Price change index 1,00 1,15 0,15 15,0%
Sales volume in comparable prices 57 800 47 122 -10 678 -18,5%

We define the influence of factors on the amount of company profits as follows.

1. To determine the impact of profit sales The profit of the previous period is needed to multiply the change in sales.

Revenues from the sale of goods of the enterprise in the reporting period amounted to 54,190 thousand rubles, first, it is necessary to determine the sales volume in basic prices (54 190 / 1.15), which amounted to 47,122 thousand rubles. Taking into account this, the change in sales for the analyzed period was 81.5% (47,122/57 800 * 100%), i.e. There was a decrease in the volume of products sold by 18.5%. Due to the decline in sales of products, profits from the sale of products, works, services decreased: 8 540 * (-0.185) \u003d -1 578 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that the main methodological complexity of determining the impact of sales on the profit of the company is associated with the difficulties of determining the change in the physical volume of sales. It is more correct to determine changes in sales by comparing reporting and basic indicators expressed in natural or conditionally natural meters. This is possible when the products are homogeneous. In most cases, realized products in their composition are inhomogeneous and it is necessary to compare in value terms. To ensure comparability of data and eliminating the effect of other factors, it is necessary to compare the reporting and basic sales volumes, expressed in the same prices (preferably in the prices of the base period).

The price change index for products, work, services is calculated by dividing the volume of the reporting period on the index of price changes. This calculation is not entirely accurate, since the prices for realized products change during the entire reporting period.

2. Impact of the range of sales The organization's profit is determined by comparison of the profits of the reporting period, calculated on the basis of the prices and cost of the baseline period, with the basic profit, recalculated for a change in the volume of implementation.

The profit of the reporting period, based on the cost and prices of the baseline period, can be determined with a certain fraction of the convention as follows:

  • revenue from the sale of the reporting period in the prices of the base period 47 122 thousand rubles;
  • actually realized products calculated on the basis of base cost (41 829 * 0.815) \u003d 34 101 thousand rubles;
  • commercial expenses of the base period of 2,615 thousand rubles;
  • managerial expenses of the base period 4,816 thousand rubles;
  • the profit of the reporting period, calculated on the basis of base cost and base prices (47,122-34 101-2 615-4 816) \u003d 5,590 thousand rubles.

Thus, the effect of shifts in the structure of the range by the profit value from sales is: 5 590 - (8 540 * 0,81525) \u003d -1 373 thousand rubles.

The calculation shows that the proportion of products with a lower level of profitability increased as part of the products.

3. Impact of price change The profit can be determined by comparing the cost of realizing the product of the reporting period with the cost of the base period, recalculated on the change in sales volume: (41 829 * 0.815) - 39780 \u003d -5 679 thousand rubles. The cost of realized products increased, therefore, the profit from the sale of products has decreased by the same amount.

4. The impact of changes in commercial and managerial expenses We define the company's profits by comparing their values \u200b\u200bin the reporting and base period. By lowering the size of commercial expenses, the profit increased by 1 140 thousand rubles (1 475 - 2 615), and by reducing the size of management costs - by 1,051 thousand rubles (3,765 - 4,816).

5. To determine the influence of prices Sales of products, works, services for a change in profits It is necessary to compare the sales of the reporting period expressed in the prices of the reporting and base period, i.e.: 54 190 - 47 122 \u003d 7,068 thousand rubles.

Summing up, we consider the overall impact of all listed factors:

  1. impact of sales volume -1 578 thousand rubles;
  2. the impact of the structure of the range of products sold -1 373 thousand rubles;
  3. influence of cost -5 679 thousand rubles;
  4. the impact of the magnitude of commercial expenses is +1 140 thousand rubles;
  5. the impact of the magnitude of management costs +1 051 thousand rubles;
  6. the impact of sales prices +7 068 thousand rubles;
  7. the overall influence of factors +630 thousand rubles.

A significant increase in the cost of production has occurred mainly by increasing prices for raw materials and materials. In addition, a negative impact of a decrease in sales and negative shifts in product range has had a negative impact. The negative impact of the listed factors was compensated by an increase in sales price, as well as a decrease in management and commercial expenses. Consequently, enterprise profit growth reserves are an increase in sales, an increase in the share of more profitable types of products in the total implementation and reduction of goods, works and services.

All phenomena and processes of economic activity of enterprises are in relationships and interconnection. Some of them are directly related to each other, other indirectly. Hence, an important methodological issue in economic analysis is the study and measurement of the influence of factors on the magnitude of the investigated economic indicators.

Under economic factor analysis It is understood as the gradual transition from the original factor system to the final factor system, the disclosure of the full set of direct, quantitatively measurable factors affecting the change in the effective indicator.

According to the nature of the relationship between indicators, the methods of deterministic and stochastic factor analysis are distinguished.

Deterministic factor analysis It is a methodology for studying the influence of factors whose relationship with an effective indicator is functional in nature.

The main properties of the deterministic approach to the analysis:

· Build a deterministic model by logical analysis;

· The presence of full (tough) link between indicators;

· The impossibility of separating the results of the influence of simultaneously acting factors that cannot be combined in one model;

· Study of relationships in the short term.

Distinguish four types of deterministic models:

Additive models represent an algebraic amount of indicators and are

Such models, for example, include cost indicators in relationships with elements of production costs and cost articles; Indicator of the production volume in its relationship with the volume of output of individual products or volume of output in individual units.

Multiplicative models In general, the formula may be represented


An example of a multiplicative model is a two-factor model of sales.


where C. - the average number of employees;

CB. - average development per employee.

Multiple models:

An example of a multiple model is the indicator of the turnover of goods (in days). T OB.T.:


where S T. - Middle stock of goods; O R. - One-day sales.

Mixed modelsthere are a combination of models listed above and can be described using special expressions:

; Y \u003d; Y \u003d; Y \u003d.

Examples of such models are cost indicators for 1 rub. commercial products, profitability indicators, etc.

To study the relationship between indicators and the quantitative measurement of the set of factors that influenced the productive indicator, we give general rules for converting models In order to include new factor indicators.

To detail the generalizing factor indicator on its constituents, which are of interest to analytical calculations, use the receiving the factor system.

If the original factor model, and, then the model will take the form .

To highlight a certain number of new factors and the construction of factor indicators necessary for calculating factor indicators, use the expansion of factor models. At the same time, the numerator and denominator are multiplied by the same number:


To build new factor indicators, a reduction in factor models apply. When using this reception, the numerator and the denominator are divided into the same number.


The detailing of factor analysis is largely determined by the number of factors whose influence can be quantified, therefore multifactor multiplicative models are of great importance in the analysis. The basis of their construction is the following principles:

· The place of each factor in the model must correspond to its role in the formation of an effective indicator;

· The model should be built from a two-factor full model by consistently dismembering factors, as a rule of high quality, into components;

· When writing a multifactor model formula, factors should be located left to right in the order of their replacement.

Building a factor model - the first stage of deterministic analysis. Further define a method for assessing the influence of factors.

Method of chain substitutions It is to determine a number of intermediate values \u200b\u200bof the generalizing indicator by consistently replacing the basic values \u200b\u200bof factors to reportable. This method is based on elimination. Elimination - It means to eliminate, eliminate the impact of all factors on the value of the effective indicator, except for one. In this case, based on the fact that all factors change independently of each other, i.e. First, one factor changes, and everyone else remains unchanged. then two when the rest is unchanged, etc.

In general, the use of the chain methods method can be described as follows:

y 0 \u003d a 0. B 0. C 0;

y a \u003d a 1. B 0. C 0;

y B \u003d A 1. B 1. C 0;

y 1 \u003d A 1. B 1. C 1,

where a 0, b 0, c 0 is the basic values \u200b\u200bof the factors affecting the generalizing indicator y;

a 1, B 1, C 1 - the actual values \u200b\u200bof factors;

y a, y b, - intermediate changes in the resultant indicator associated with a change in factors A, B, respectively.

The total change in DU \u003d in 1-° C consists of the sum of the changes of the resultant indicator due to the change of each factor at fixed values \u200b\u200bof the remaining factors:

DU \u003d SDU (A, B, C) \u003d DU A + DU B + DU C

Du a \u003d u a - y 0; DU B \u003d y B - U a; DU C \u003d at 1 - y.

Consider an example:

table 2

Source data for factor analysis

Analysis of the impact on the volume of commodity products of the number of employees and their workings will we carry out the method described above on the basis of the data Table 2. The dependence of the volume of commercial products from these factors can be described using a multiplicative model:

TP o \u003d h about. SV O \u003d 20. 146 \u003d 2920 (thousand rubles).

Then the influence of changes in the amount of employees per generalizing indicator can be calculated by the formula:

TP SELL 1 \u003d H 1. SV O \u003d 25. 146 \u003d 3650 (thousand rubles),

DTPUSL 1 \u003d TPUSL 1 - TP O \u003d 3650 - 2920 \u003d 730 (thousand rubles).

TP 1 \u003d h 1. SV 1 \u003d 25. 136 \u003d 3400 (thousand rubles),

DTP SL 2 \u003d TP 1 - TPUSL 1 \u003d 3400 - 3650 \u003d - 250 (thousand rubles).

Thus, a change in 5 people had a change in the volume of commercial products. The number of employees, which caused an increase in the volume of products by 730t. rub. And a negative impact was reduced to 10t.rup., which caused a decrease in volume of 250 thousand rubles. The total influence of two factors led to an increase in products by 480 thousand rubles.

Advantages of this method: universality of application, simplicity of calculations.

The lack of a method is that, depending on the selected procedure replacement procedure, the results of factor decomposition have different values. This is due to the fact that, as a result of the use of this method, a certain indecomposable residue is formed, which is added to the magnitude of the influence of the last factor. In practice, the accuracy of assessing factors is neglecting, putting forward the relative importance of the influence of one or another factor. However, there are certain rules that determine the substitution sequence:

· In the presence of quantitative and qualitative indicators, a change in quantitative factors is primarily considered in the factor model;

· If the model is represented by several quantitative and high-quality indicators, the substitution sequence is determined by logical analysis.

Under quantitative factorswhen analyzed, they understand those that express the quantitative certainty of phenomena and can be obtained by direct accounting (the number of workers, machines, raw materials, etc.).

Qualitative factors The internal qualities, signs and features of the studied phenomena (labor productivity, product quality, the average duration of the working day, etc.) are determined.

Method of absolute differences It is a modification of the chain substitution method. Changing the effective indicator due to each factor by the method of differences is defined as a product of deviations of the studied factor on the basic or reporting value of another factor depending on the selected substitution sequence:

y 0 \u003d a 0. B 0. C 0;

DU A \u003d DA. B 0. with 0;

DU B \u003d DB. A 1. with 0;

DU C \u003d DC. A 1. b 1;

in 1 \u003d a 1. B 1. C 1;

DU \u003d DU A + DU B + DU C.

The method of relative differences It is used to measure the effect of factors on the increase in the effective indicator in multiplicative and mixed models of the type y \u003d (a - c). from. It is used in cases where the initial data contains certainly defined relative deviations of factor indicators in percent.

For multiplicative models of type y \u003d a . in . with the following analysis technique:

· Find a relative deviation of each factor indicator:

· Determine the deviation of the effective indicator w. at the expense of each factor

Example. Taking advantage of the data table. 2, carry out an analysis by the method of relative differences. The relative deviations of the factors under consideration will be:

Let's calculate the impact on the volume of commercial products of each factor:

The results of calculations are the same as when using the previous method.

Integral method Allows the shortcomings inherent in the chain substitution method, and does not require the use of receptions on the distribution of an indecomposable residue by factors, because It has a logarithmic law of redistribution of factor loads. The integral method allows you to achieve full decomposition of the effective indicator by factors and is universal, i.e. Apply to multiplicative, multiple and mixed models. The calculation operation of a specific integral is solved using PEVM and reduces the construction of integrants that depend on the type of function or model of the factor system.

Questions for self-control

1. What management tasks are solved by economic analysis?

2. Describe the subject of economic analysis.

3. What distinguishing features do the method of economic analysis characterize?

4. What principles underlie the classification of techniques and methods of analysis?

5. What role does the comparison method perform in economic analysis?

6. Explain how to build deterministic factor models.

7. Describe the algorithm to apply the most simple methods of deterministic factor analysis: the method of chain substitutions, the method of differences.

8. Describe merits and describe the algorithm for the use of the integrated method.

9. Give examples of tasks and factor models to which each of the methods of deterministic factor analysis applies.

The purpose of the economic activity of the enterprise is always a result that depends on numerous and diverse factors. Obviously, the more detail the influence of factors on the value of the result will be studied, the more accurate and the forecast will be the possibility of achieving it. Without a deep and comprehensive study of factors, it is impossible to make informed conclusions about the results of activities, to identify reserves of production, justify the business plan and take a managerial decision. Factor analysisBy definition, the technique includes uniform measurement methods (permanent and systemic) factor indicators, a comprehensive study of their impact on the value of the resulting indicators, theoretical principles underlying forecasting.

Distinguish the following types of factor analysis:

- analysis of functional dependencies and correlation analysis (probabilistic dependencies);

- direct and reverse;

- single-stage and multistage;

- static and dynamic;

- Retrospective and promising.

Factor analysis of functional dependencies is a methodology for studying the influence of factors in the case when the resultant indicator can be represented as a product, private or algebraic amount of factors.

The correlation analysis is a methodology for studying factors whose relationship with an effective indicator is probabilistic (correlation). For example, labor productivity at different enterprises at one and the same level of capital can depend on other factors, the impact of which is difficult to predict to this indicator.

With direct factor analysis, the study is conducted from common to the private (deductive way). Reverse factor analysis exercises a study from private, individual factors to the generalizing (induction method).

Single-stage factor analysis is used to study the factors of only one level (one step) of subordination without their detail for components. For example, y \u003d a · c. In case of multi-stage factor analysis, details of factors are carried out. BUT and IN : Separate them into composite elements in order to study interdependencies.

Static factor analysis applies when studying the effects of factors on the resultant indicators on the appropriate date. Dynamic - represents a methodology for studying the relationship between factor indicators in the dynamics.

Retrospective factor analysis studies the causes of changes in the resultant indicators over past periods, promising - predicts the behavior of factors and productive indicators in the future.

The main tasks of factor analysis The following are:

- selection, classification and systematization of factors that affect the investigative indicators under study;

- determination of the form of the relationship between factors and effective indicator;

- development (application) of the mathematical model of relationships between the result and factor indicators;

- the calculation of the influence of various factors on the change in the value of the effective indicator and comparing this effect;

- Status of the forecast based on a factor model.

From the point of view of the impact on the results of financial and economic activities of the enterprise, factors are divided into basic and secondary, internal and external, objective and subjective, general and specific, permanent and variables, extensive and intense.

The main factor is the factors that provide the most noticeable to the result. Others are called secondary. It should be noted that, depending on the circumstances, the same factor may be the main, and secondary.

Internal calls are the factors for which the company can affect. They should be given the greatest attention. However, external factors (market conditions, inflation processes, the conditions of supply of raw materials, materials, their quality, cost, etc.), of course, are reflected on the results of the enterprise. Their research makes it possible to more accurately determine the degree of influence of internal factors and ensure a more reliable forecast for the development of production.

Objective factors do not depend on the will and desires of people (in contracts for the designation of these factors, the term is used - irresistible force; this may be a natural disaster, an unexpected change of political regime, etc.). In contrast to objective, subjective reasons depend on the activities of individuals and organizations.

General factors are characteristic of all sectors of the economy. Specific are those that operate in a separate industry or enterprise. Such division of factors allows us to fully take into account the features of individual enterprises and make a more accurate assessment of their activities.

Permanent and variable factors are distinguished by the term of impact on the results of production . Permanent factors affect the studied phenomenon continuously throughout the test period (reporting period, production cycle, product life, etc.). The impact of variable factors is one-time, irregular.

Extensive are factors that are associated with quantitative, and not high-quality increase in the effective indicator, for example, an increase in the production volume by expanding the seed area, an increase in livestock livestock, the number of workers, etc. Intensive factors characterize qualitative changes in the production process, for example, an increase in crop yields as a result of the use of new fertilizer species.

Factors also share quantitative and high-quality, complex and simple, straight and indirect. Quantitative factors, by definition, can be measured (number of workers, equipment, raw materials, labor productivity, etc.). But, often, the process of measuring or searching information is difficult, and then the influence of individual factors characterize qualitatively (more - less, better - worse).

Most factors studied in the analysis consist of several elements. However, there are also those that do not launch composite parts. In this regard, factors are divided into complex (integrated) and simple (one-element). An example of a complex factor is labor productivity, and a simple number of working days in the reporting period.

Factors that have a direct impact on the productive indicator are called straight (direct actors). Indirects affect the mediation of other factors. Depending on the degree of indirectness of the effect, the factors of the first, second, third and subsequent levels of submission are distinguished. Thus, the factors of direct action - Factors of the first level. Factors that determine the effective indicator indirectly, with the help of the factors of the first level, are called factors of the second level etc.

Any factor analysis of indicators begins with modeling a multifactor model. The essence of the construction of the model is to create a specific mathematical relationship between factors.

When modeling functional factor systems, a number of requirements must be observed.

1. The factors included in the model should really exist and have a specific physical value.

2. The factors that are included in the system of factor analysis of indicators must have a causal relationship with the indicator under study.

3. The factor model should ensure measurement of the effect of a particular factor on the overall result.

In factory analysis, the following types of most common models are used.

1. When the productive indicator is obtained as an algebraic amount or the difference of resulting factors applied additive Models, for example:


where - profits from the sale of products,

- revenues from sales,

- Production cost of sales products,

- commercial expenses

- Management costs.

    Multiplicative Models are used when the resulting indicator is obtained as a product of several result factors:


    where - the profitability of assets,

    - profitability of sales,

    - FDO-report assets,

    - The average value of the assets of the organization for the reporting year.

    3. When the productive indicator is obtained by dividing one factor to another, apply multiples Models:

    Various combinations of the above models give mixed or combined models:




    In practice of economic analysis, there are several ways to simulate multifactor models: extension, formal decomposition, expansion, reduction and dismemberment of one or more factor indicators to composite elements.

    For example, the expansion method can be as follows to build a three-factor model of profitability of assets of the organization:



    where is the turnover of own capital of the organization,

    - Independence ratio or share of equity in the total mass of assets of the organization,

    - The average cost of own capital of the organization during the reporting period.

    Thus, we obtained a three-factor multiplicative model of profitability of assets of the organization. This model is widely known in the economic literature as the Dupon model. Considering this model, it can be said that the profitability of the organization's assets is influenced by the profitability of sales, turnover of equity and share of equity in the total mass of the organization's assets.

    And now consider the following model profitability:


    where is the share of revenue per 1 rub. full cost of products,

    - the proportion of current assets in the formation of assets,

    - the share of reserves in the formation of current assets,

    - turnover of stocks.

    The first factor of this model speaks of the pricing policy of the organization, it shows the basic markup, which is laid directly in the price of products sold.

    The second and third factors show the structure of assets and current assets, the optimal value of which makes it possible to save working capital.

    The fourth factor is due to the magnitude of the production and sale of products and indicates the efficiency of the use of production reserves, physically he expresses the number of revolutions that reserves are committed for the reporting year.

    Method of equity It is used when it is difficult to establish the dependence of the analyzed indicator from private indicators. The method is that the deviation on the generalizing indicator is proportionally distributed between individual factors, under the influence of which it happened. For example, it is possible to calculate the impact of the change in the balance profit on the level of profitability by the formula:

    R I. = R·(  I. / b)

    where  R I. - change in the level of profitability due to increasing profits under the influence of the factor i., %;

    R - changing the level of profitability due to the change in balance profit,%;

    b - changing book profits, rub.;

     I. - change in balance profit due to factor i..

    Method of chain substitutions Allows you to measure the influence of individual factors on the result of their interaction - generalizing ( target) Indicator, calculate the deviations of actual indicators from regulatory (planned).

    Substitution - replacement of the basic or regulatory magnitude of the private indicators. Chain substitutions are consecutive substitutions of basic values \u200b\u200bof private indicators included in the calculated formula, the actual values \u200b\u200bof these indicators. Then these effects (the effects of the replaced replacement for changing the magnitude of the generalizing indicator studied) are compared with each other. The number of substitutions is equal to the number of private indicators included in the estimated formula.

    The method of chain substitutions is to determine a number of intermediate values \u200b\u200bof the generalizing indicator by consistently replacing the basic values \u200b\u200bof the factors on the reporting. This method is based on elimination. Elimination means to eliminate, eliminate the impact of all factors on the value of the effective indicator, except for one. In this case, based on the fact that all factors change independently of each other, i.e. First, one factor changes, and everyone else remains unchanged. then two when the rest is unchanged, etc.

    In general, the use of the chain methods method can be described as follows:

    where a 0, b 0, c 0 is the basic values \u200b\u200bof the factors affecting the generalizing indicator y;

    a 1, B 1, C 1 -
    actual values \u200b\u200bof factors;

    y a, y b, -
    Intermediate changes
    The resultant indicator associated with the change in factors A, B, respectively.

    The total change  y \u003d in 1-° C is consisted of the sum of the changes of the resultant indicator due to the change of each factor at fixed values \u200b\u200bof the remaining factors:

    The algorithm of the chain substitution method can be demonstrated by the example of calculating the effect of changes in the values \u200b\u200bof private indicators per magnitude of the indicator presented in the form of the following calculated formula: F. = a.· b.· c.· d..

    Then the basic value F. will be equal F. 0 = a. 0 · b. 0 · c. 0 · d. 0 ,

    and the actual: F. 1 = a. one · b. one · c. one · d. 1 .

    General deviation of the actual indicator from the basic  F. (F.=F. 1 –F. 0), obviously, equal to the amount of deviations obtained under the influence of changes in private indicators:

    F. = F. 1 +F. 2 +F. 3 +F. 4 .

    Changes in private indicators are calculated by consecutive substitutions in the formula for calculating the indicator F. actual parameter values a., b., c., d. Instead of basic:

    The calculation check is carried out by comparing the balance of deviations, i.e. The overall deviation of the actual indicator from the basic should be equal to the amount of deviations under the influence of the change of private indicators:

    F. 1 –F. 0 = F. 1 +F. 2 +F. 3 +F. 4 .

    Advantages of this method: universality of application, simplicity of calculations.

    The lack of a method is that, depending on the selected procedure replacement procedure, the results of factor decomposition have different values. This is due to the fact that, as a result of the use of this method, a certain indecomposable residue is formed, which is added to the magnitude of the influence of the last factor. In practice, the accuracy of assessing factors is neglecting, putting forward the relative importance of the influence of one or another factor. However, there are certain rules that determine the substitution sequence:

    in the presence of quantitative and qualitative indicators, a change in quantitative factors is primarily considered in the factor model;

    if the model is represented by several quantitative and qualitative indicators, the substitution sequence is determined by logical analysis.

    Under quantitative factors, when analyzing, they understand those that express the quantitative certainty of phenomena and can be obtained by direct metering (the number of workers, machine tools, raw materials, etc.).

    Qualitative factors define internal qualities, signs and features of studied phenomena (labor productivity, product quality, average working day, etc.).

    A variation of the reception of chain substitutions is a calculation method using absolute differences. The target function at the same time, as in the previous example, is represented as a multiplicative model. The change in the magnitude of each factor is determined compared to the basic value, for example, planned. Then these differences are multiplied by the remaining private indicators - multiplicative model multipliers. But we note, when moving from one factor to another, it is already taken into account by another multiplier value. Multipliers standing after the factor (right), according to which the difference is calculated, remain in the value of the base period, and all remaining in front of it (left) are taken in the values \u200b\u200bof the reporting period.

    The method of absolute differences is a modification of the method of the chain substitution. Changing the effective indicator due to each factor by the method of differences is defined as a product of deviations of the studied factor on the basic or reporting value of another factor depending on the selected substitution sequence:

    We will show this on the example of the influence of individual factors in the amount of the cost of materials. TS M.which are formed under the influence of three factors: the volume of output in physical terms Q., rates of consumption of materials on the product account m. and prices for materials P M..

    TS M. = Q.· m.· P M..

    First, the change in each factor is calculated in comparison with the plan:

    changes in product output  Q.= Q. 0 – Q. 1 ;

    changing the rate of consumption of materials on the accounting unit  m. = m. 0 – m. 1 ;

    change price per unit material  P M. = P M. 1 – P M. 0 .

    Further, the influence of individual factors on the generalizing indicator is determined, i.e. The sum of the cost of materials. At the same time, private indicators facing the indicator for which the difference is calculated, leave in their actual value, and all behind it are in the base.

    In this case, the impact of changes in the volume of production output  Q. The amount of the cost of materials will be:

    TC MQ. = Q.· m. 0 · P M. 0 ;

    influence of changes in the rate of consumption of materials  TC MM.:

    TC MM. = Q. 1 ·  m.· P M. 0 ;

    the impact of changes in prices for materials  TS MP.:

    TS MP. = Q. one · m. 1 ·  P M..

    The general deviation of the amount of the cost of materials will be equal to the amount of deviations of the influence of individual factors, i.e.

    TS M. =  TC MQ. +  TC MM. +  TS MP..

    However, in practice, there are more often situations when it is possible only to assume the presence of functional dependence (for example, revenue dependence ( Tr) from the number of manufactured and implemented products ( Q.): Tr = Tr(Q.)). To verify such assumptions use regression Analysis by which you choose the function of a certain type ( F R.(Q.)). Then, on a plurality of function definitions (on the set of factor indicator values), a plurality of function values \u200b\u200bare calculated.

    The method of relative differences is used to measure the effect of factors on the increase in the effective indicator in multiplicative and mixed models of the type y \u003d (A - B) . from. It is used in cases where the initial data contains certainly defined relative deviations of factor indicators in percent.

    For multiplicative models of type y \u003d a . in . with the following analysis technique:

    find the relative deviation of each factor indicator:

    determine the deviation of the effective indicator w. at the expense of each factor

    The integral method avoids the shortcomings inherent in the chain substitution method, and does not require the use of receptions on the distribution of an indecomposable balance by factors, because It has a logarithmic law of redistribution of factor loads. The integral method allows you to achieve full decomposition of the effective indicator by factors and is universal, i.e. Apply to multiplicative, multiple and mixed models. The calculation operation of a specific integral is solved using PEVM and reduces the construction of integrants that depend on the type of function or model of the factor system.

    You can also use already formed working formulas given in special literature:

    1. Model of the form:

    2. Model of type :

    3. Model of the form:

    4. Model of the form:

    A comprehensive analysis of the financial condition implies a wide and complete study of all factors affecting or subject to influence the final financial results of the organization's activities, which, ultimately, are the main purpose of the organization.

    The results of the analysis should be used to make the right management decisions by the administration of the Organization and reasonable investment decisions with owner shareholders.

    Task 2.

    It is known that during the reporting period, the average list of workers has increased from 500 to 520 people, the average number of worked in one working hours per day - from 7.4 to 7.5 hours; The average number of days worked for the year has decreased from 290 to 280 days; The average hourly generation of the worker decreased from 26.5 rubles to 23 rubles. Production volume has decreased from 28434,5 tr. up to 25116 tr. Using the method of relative differences, appreciate the effect of factors on changing the volume of production. Make argued conclusions.


    Method of relative differences It is used to measure the effect of factors on the increase in the performance indicator only in multiplicative and additive-multiplicative models.

    Table 1

    Source data for calculation



    Basic year

    Reporting year

    Deviations (+ ;-)

    Medium list of workers, people.

    The average number of worked hours spent on a day, h.

    The average number of days worked for the year, days

    Middle hour development, rub.


    Production volume of products, TP





    We have a model of type

    VP \u003d h * T * n * F,

    In this case, the change in the effective indicator is defined as follows.

    According to this rule, for calculating the influence of the first factor, the basic (planned) value is necessary to multiply the relative increase in the first factor, expressed in the form of a decimal fraction.

    To calculate the influence of the second factor, you need to add a change in it at the expense of the first factor to the planned (basic) value of the first factor and then the amount obtained is multiplied by the relative increase in the proof factor.

    The influence of the third factor is defined in the same way: it is necessary to add it to the planned value of the performance indicator at the expense of the first and second factors and the amount received is multiplied by the relative seserum of the third factor.

    Similar to the influence of a quadruple factor

    We summarize the factors that produced revenue in the reporting year:

    increase the number of workers 1137.38 t.

    increase the number of host hours

    on day 399.62 t. r.

    changes in the number of working days - 1033.5 t.

    Middle-hour generation changes -3821.95 TR

    Total -3318.45 t. R.

    Thus, based on the relative difference method, it is found that the overall influence of all factors was -3318.45 tr., Which coincides with the absolute dynamics of the volume of production under the condition of the problem. A small discrepancy is determined by the degree of rounding during the calculations carried out. A positive impact was the growth of the average list of working per 20 people in the amount of 1137.8 TR, a slight increase in the working day of one worker at 0.1 h. Led to an increase in production output by 399.62 tr. The negative impact was reducing the average hour work with one working on 3.5 rubles. per hour, which gave a decrease in production volume on -3821,5 TR. Reducing the average day of days spent by one worker per year for 10 days led to a decrease in production volumes to -1033,5 tr.

    Task 3.

    Using the economic information of its enterprise, evaluate its financial stability based on the calculation of relative indicators.


    Krajelsnab Joint-Stock Company, registered by the Registration Chamber of the City Hall of Krasnodar No. 10952 dated May 14, 1999, OGRN 1022301987278, hereinafter referred to as the "Society", is a closed joint-stock company.

    Society is a legal entity and is valid on the basis of the Charter and Legislation of the Russian Federation. The society has a round seal containing its full proprietary name in Russian and an indication of its location, stamps and blanks with their name, its own emblem, as well as registered trademark and other means of visual identification in the prescribed manner.

    Full company name of the Company in Russian:
    CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KOLITEKHSNAB". Abbreviated company name of society in Russian: Kratechsnab CJSC.

    Location (Postal address) of the Company: 350021, RF, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Karasun administrative district, ul. Tram, 25.

    CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KOLITEKHSNAB" was created without limiting the term of operation.

    The main subject of society is trade and procurement, intermediary, brokerage.

    We will analyze the financial stability indicators of the organization under study (Table 2).

    table 2

    Analysis of indicators of financial stability CJSC "Krajkhsnab" in absolute terms





    2005 by 2003


    Growth rate, %

    1. Sources of own funds




    342 270,9


    2. Overseas assets




    38 050,0


    3. Sources of own working capital for stock formation and costs




    380 321,0


    4. Long-term loans and loans

    5. Sources of own funds adjusted to the value of long-term borrowed funds




    380 321,0


    6. Short-term credit and borrowed funds




    7. The total amount of sources of funds, taking into account long-term and short-term borrowed funds




    380 321,0


    8. The value of stocks and costs that appeal in the assets of the balance






    End of Table 2.





    2005 by 2003


    Growth rate, %

    9. Surplus sources of own working capital






    10. Surplus sources of own funds and long-term borrowed sources






    11. Excess the total values \u200b\u200bof all sources for stock formation and costs




    987 432,2


    12. Three comprehensive indicators (s) of the financial situation




    Conducting an analysis of the type of financial stability of an enterprise in a dynamics, a decrease in the financial stability of the enterprise is noticeable.

    As can be seen from Table 2, and in 2003, and in 2004, and in 2005, the financial stability of the Krajelsnab CJSC under a 3-comprehensive indicator of financial stability, it is possible to characterize as "the crisis-unstable state of the enterprise", since Enterprises lacking funds for forming stocks and costs to carry out current activities.

    Calculate the coefficients of financial stability CJSC Krajkhsnab (Tables 3).

    Table 3.

    COefficients of financial stability CJSC Krajkhsnab






    2004 2003

    2005 by 2004

    The coefficient of autonomy






    Relationship ratio of borrowed and own funds (financial leverage)






    Coefficient of the ratio of mobile and immobilized means






    Relationship ratio of own and borrowed funds






    The coefficient of maneuverability






    Reserves and cost security coefficient






    Industrial Property Coefficient






    Coefficient of short-term debt,%




    Credit Coefficient,%





    Analysis of financial stability on relative indicators, submitted in Table 3 suggests that, according to the indicators presented in the table, compared with the base period (2003), the situation at Kratechsnab CJSC as a whole worsened 2004 and somewhat improved in the reporting unit 2005 G.

    The indicator of the "autonomy coefficient", for the period from 2003 to 2004 decreased by -0.06 and in 2004 amounted to 0.37. This is lower than the normative value (0.5) in which the borrowed capital may be offset by the property of the enterprise. The indicator of the "autonomy coefficient", for the period from 2004 to 2005 decreased by -0.08 and in 2005 amounted to 0.30. It is also below the regulatory value (0.5) in which the borrowed capital may be offset by the property of the enterprise.

    The indicator of the "Relationship ratio of borrowed and own funds" (financial lever), for the period from 2003 to 2004 increased by 0.39 and in 2004 amounted to 1.67. In 2004, 2004 increased by 0.67 and in 2005 amounted to 2.34. The more this coefficient exceeds 1, the greater the dependence of the enterprise from borrowed funds. The permissible level is often determined by the working conditions of each enterprise, primarily, the speed of revolutions. Therefore, it is additionally necessary to determine the rate of turnover of material working capital and receivables for the analyzed period. If receivables turns into the faster of working capital, which means a fairly high intensity of receipt of funds to the enterprise, i.e. As a result - an increase in own funds. Therefore, with highly turnover of material working capital and even higher turnover of receivables, the ratio ratio of own and borrowed funds may be much exceeded 1.

    An indicator "The ratio of the ratio of mobile and immobilized funds", for the period from 2003 to 2004 increased by 1.76 and in 2004 amounted to 13.32. The figure for 2004 to 2005 increased by 5.47 and in 2005 amounted to 18.79. Regulatory significance is specific to each individual industry, but other things being equal conditions, an increase in the coefficient is a positive trend.

    The indicator of "coefficient of maneuverability", for the period 2003 - 2004 decreased by -0.02 and at the end of Dec. 2004 amounted to 0.80. This is higher than the normative value (0.5). In 2004, the figure for the period 2004 increased by 0.03 and in 2005 amounted to 0.83. This is higher than the normative value (0.5). The coefficient of maneuverability characterizes what the proportion of sources of own funds is in mobile form. The regulatory value of the indicator depends on the nature of the enterprise's activity: in the fundamental industries, its normal level should be lower than in the material intensive. At the end of the analyzed period, CJSC Krajelsnab has a light structure of assets. The share of fixed assets in the balance currency is less than 40.0%. Thus, the company cannot be counted for the branch industries.

    Indicator "Fire Protection Coefficient and Own Facilities", for 2003 - 2004 decreased by -0.11 and in 2004 amounted to 0.50. The period of 2004-2005 increased by 0.07 and in 2005 amounted to 0.57. This is lower than the regulatory value (0.6 - 0.8), as in 2003, 2004 and 2005, the company lacks its own funds for the formation of reserves and costs, which showed and analyzes financial stability indicators in absolute terms.


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    Evaluation of economic indicators of the trade enterprise on the example of the main performance indicators of the enterprise Show use of 6 private methods and techniques for economic analysis Financial State of the Trade Organization and Estimation of Economic Indicators
