You did not do physical labor lately, but at night you saw a dream in which I dig to the ground, what could you dream about? You can find answers to these and many other questions in dream books and interpreters of dreams.

You dreamed of digging the earth

It is possible that seeing in a dream, as you dig up the earth, it is just a sign that you are tired and overwhelmed. But if you remember your dream after awakening, and everything that happened to you, all your feelings, emotions and actions, it means that the dream is a prediction. But in order to accurately understand what he predicts you and you need to go deep into the details of the dream.

What dreams of such a dream

The dream in which you saw how they saw a small pit independently, says that you are currently trying to find a solution to your problems, or some plans. If you dug out a lot of big sizes in a dream, then you will find the right way to solve problems, as well as you can increase your living standards, and their spiritual development.

Dreamed sleep, where you used a shovel in order to dig the soil like a gardener, means that you strive to change something in your life. Basically, such dreams are visited when a person is dissatisfied with something in his life, and wants to change it. Did you dream that you have grown up the earth? So, in the near future you can get rid of a large number of problems, your experiences and bad emotions.

Some dreams, decipher the dream with the digging of the Earth, as an indication that the soul of the dream is completely difficult to be in his bodily shell, and she seeks to leave the world. But this happens not always, since sometimes the small part of the dream is exposed to energy, and therefore the desire can come and not from it.

You do not need to make hasty conclusions of a dreaming with sleep, and first go deep into his minor details. Remember what exactly you dug the ground. If you used a shovel to dig earth in a dream, therefore, a dream is a cavement that events in the future will occur completely unexpectedly. If you used the pick in a dream, then be very careful, and beat yourself, try not to conflict in the near future. Perhaps you puck the ground with a plow in a dream? In this case, you will independently decide what your future will be. A good sign if the plow dragged the horse, it means that your capabilities are far from what you think.

What does such a dream foreshadow?

The dream, in which you dug the ground with a shovel, and she wet greatly from the rain, the harbinger of the fact that in the near future you will have change. In the event that the earth was dry, the dream foreshadows you that everything was already resolved the situation, but you have not yet understood it. If it did it with their own hands, it means that you have great opportunities, but if the earth was raw, then you just do not believe in yourself. To see in a dream the dark and loose earth the forerunner of what you can easily find what you need. But if the earth was tough, and her color was green-brown, it means that you are in real life being too landed person. But it is not good, because thanks to this quality you can choose a life path that will help you achieve much more than other people.

Dreaming, where you during the digging of the Earth, I got something out of it, suggests that in real life you should expect some kind of gift from the fate itself. Such a gift can be a major winning in the lottery, an increase in your wage, premium payments, or getting an unexpected inheritance.

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The most important and interesting on the topic: "dig up the earth to see in a dream" with a complete description.

Speak the earth is a grave work, and the ability to extradite food. Such an occupation tires a person, takes his strength. But, at the same time, it enters and makes it hardy.

And what does it mean if grave agricultural labor is only dreaming? How does this dream affect the future? To find out what to expect a dream, let's try to extract the vintage wise dreams.

Dig in a dream earth what it means

Such an important symbol, appearing in a dream, often has a mystical meaning. But may also be a sign of overwork. Such dreams are interpreted by double, depending on the other signs who greeted the person in his nightly Gresses.

First of all, you need to remember was there a dream shovel or some other tool.

  • For the shovel warns about unexpected changes, Kirk - advises to be careful and smaller conflict.
  • If you see a plow in a dream, it means that a person is the owner of his own destiny.

In addition, it is important to remember and what kind of soil will dream of a person.

Dream Dream to dig the land extracts as a sign of the approaching turn of fate. But Vanga has a dream interpretation, pushing away from quality of soil:

  1. Fertile - to wealth and success. The girl promises a rich wedding.
  2. Dry enlisions with a young man in a smoothie.
  3. Solid and smooth interpretation soil means the right choice of life path;
  4. Sybaky - doubts, obstacles.

What dreams to dig earth shovel

  • Miller also, if in a dream a shovel dig a land, dream book will prophete a comfortable existence.
  • The French dream book predicts honorable honors, as well as an abundant harvest and fullest success in financial affairs.
  • In Muslim, see himself with a shovel - to change the position.
  • And the dream book Miss Hasse spreads the dream as soon funeral.

What dreams to dig ground in the garden

  • To dig the land in a dream of a shovel in a vegetable garden means an unexpected appearance in the life of a dream of unlimited possibilities.
  • So, in the numerological dream book of Pythagora, to pierce the garden means standing on the threshold of opening some kind of mystery.
  • Phondten promises the exhaust work, followed by a worthy reward.
  • But, if a girl dreams to dig a shovel in the garden, it foreshadows her an interesting acquaintance, a date and even a rich husband.

Dig potatoes from the ground that it means

  • Pumping out the potatoes from the ground, according to the interpretations of the Muslim Dream Interpretation, promises approximation to success. Especially when the fruits in a dream were large.
  • If potatoes lay on the ground, the Dream Dreams predicts new, interesting acquaintances. Moreover, a big bunch - to a good reward for the works.
  • But, if it dreams that petty tubers are to trouble, during which even pour tears.
  • Put - the ideas of the dream need to wait the best times.

Earth dig up his hands in a dream to what it is

  • Miller has interpretation of heavier and stubborn work, the need to achieve life benefits, overcoming difficulties. But at the end, such work is necessarily crowned with a reward.
  • The interpretation of the Loffa will repel him, predicted difficulties in achieving the goal.
  • Freud's dream book promises bad luck in an intimate life or a complete absence of it as such.
  • And in Muslim dreams treat as a unsuccessful search for a worthy earnings.

See in a dream how to dig

  • When it dreams that someone's soil jumps up, meaning the passive expectation of the weather from the sea, instead of actively take the situation in his own hands.
  • The shocking of such a vision in the dream book of Freud gives a man in a dream, victims of disappointment in life. Moreover, the responsibility for this it places on others.
  • But, if you dream that I had to hire workers on earthworks - this is to success in commercial affairs.
  • And when relatives help to pierce the soil - to the family holiday.

What dreams to dig a pit

Did you dreamed that they would jump a hole? Such a dream is unlikely to promise something good.

  • Muslim dream book in this case predicts the onset of the life crisis.
  • Miss Hasse interports digging pit as honest, but heavy and absolutely unprofitable work.
  • Miller, if during earthworks to detect sparkling crystals, stones or other things, is fortunately; Empties - to difficult times in the life of sleep.
  • If it is a grave, the peeling dreams are extinct as a big risk of fatal disease.
  • By Dreamnote Hasse - participation in the lawsuit as an accused, but, at the same time, a prosperous outcome of the case.
  • By Miller's dream book, if there was a digging of the grave, which means that a crushing blow to the dream is preparing to appear. But when the result of this work is visible in a dream, it means that the victory in this battle will still be on the side of the sleeping.

estimates, average:

Have you ever had to dig the land in a dream? Surely some will say that in this life never had to do. And why then the kingdom of morpheus gives us similar dreams? What does earth mean in his fence? Dream Interpretation advises not to focus specifically on the digging. In such dreams it is more expedient to memorize various details.

If the dream is digging earth

If you in your dream you see from the side, how you yourself are the earth, it says that soon you will get a good income. This pleasant news will be associated with what a tempting offer will be received, from which you cannot refuse.

What does earth duck to grow deep? Dream Interpretation explains it like this: if you have reached the clay layer, then this means that there will be many obstacles to your goal. Do not in this case dedicate unfamiliar people in their plans. Perhaps it is your excessive trust that can destroy the expected future for the future.

In a dream, did you dig a grave? It promises cooling of feelings from your second half. Also, this dream can mean quarrels and scandals with loved ones. Your arrogance can lead to the fact that all relatives and friends simply turn away from you. Dream Interpretation advises to restrain his emotions and listen to the opinions of others.

If in the night vision you dug a pit and found treasure in it, then it talks about good change in life.

In a dream, you wondered how did you dig the trench? This means that you are insecure in yourself and their strength. Dream Interpretation advises not to pay attention to people who reduce your self-esteem, and firmly go to your goal.

If in your dream you feel how you covers an insurmountable desire to dig more deeper, then this suggests that soon you will learn the truth that you have been hidden from you.

For people who have their own business, digging in a dream means good luck and success.

Dreaming in which you yourself are digging the earth to hide from whom it means that there are people who preparing you trap in your environment.

See how someone digs the ground in a dream

What does earth do in this case? Dream Interpretation says that such a dream is promulit a long and heavy work, which will later free you from material difficulties.

If you see for how earthworks are carried out without your help, you are waiting for a long and rich life.

Have you seen in your dream, how did someone dig a ditch? This is a bad sign. You have serious health problems. Dream interpretation advises to consult a doctor.

If your friends or close relatives dig up the land, then in a difficult moment wait for them to help.

What if you watched how the dead did the land? Dream Interpretation advises to take care of his health.

Place Kopania

Digging a garden in a dream means a good harvest. Also, this dream can be interpreted differently. The garden of the garden, which you jump, means a lot of work, which is later evaluated.

Did you spend earthworks in the field? This is a good sign, promising good harvest and profit.

If you had to dig an earth in your dream, it means that your friends are preparing for you a dangerous trap. Dream Interpretation recommends to be careful.

What does the land in the garden mean? Dream Interpretation explains this by the fact that the prosperity and well-being will soon come in your life.

Did you dig in the cemetery? This means that the fate of some person in your hands.

What did the digging of digging in sleep?

If in his dream you dug and touched the earth with your hands, then this may mean worsening health.

Dreaming in a dream digging the ground with a shovel? This is promoting profit. Also, this dream may mean what you must fulfill these people promises.

If in your dream you are trying to scat out with your hands, then this means your insecurity and its own forces.

Dig the land in a dream shovel after the rain means changes. And they will be bad or good depends on whether you were hard to carry out this action.

If you dug up with your hands and immediately jumped into it, then this suggests that you have broken my life with your own hands. Now, in order to establish everything, you should work thoroughly.

Some details

If unexpectedly, you fell into a dug hole, then bad changes are expected in your life.

If the dreams dropped the earth in a dream, and water arrived at high speed, then this suggests that in your life there will be a bad situation to which you cannot influence.

Copte peat? This means that you are waiting for undeserved punishment.

If in a dream you have dugged anything, then you will have good news from friends.

Have you buried something? This suggests that it is not time to show your capabilities. Postpone it until better times.

If after digging you saw emptiness in the pit, then this is a great misfortune. Be careful!

In the dug hole, did you find a corpse? This is a good sign, promising profit and success in affairs. A dream is interpreted in a different way, in which you found a deceased person who once knew. Perhaps he warns you about the upcoming danger. In this situation, you should be careful.

If you dreamed like a similar dream, then you should not take it literally! Successful dreams!

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All that is associated with the soil is filled with sacred signs. What is why the earth will dig in a dream, is interpreted by dream books favorably or with alarming predictions. In order not to make a mistake in premonitions, carefully remember how the process passed.

Than Kopali

In general, any work with the Earth, by Miller's dream book, to a peaceful existence. Witch Medea claims that this is a reflection of a constructive search for solving problems in real life.

Freud in his dream book analyzes sexual problems. He dreamed that he was hard and dug the ground for a long time: you have a saturated sex life. If in a dream you enjoy the fact that we row her hands, you are not lucky in intimate life, perhaps it is not at all.

Forced someone to work with a shovel - completely disappointed relationships with the opposite sex and tend to accuse former partners in all their failures. If you were forced to dig a ditch, you are satisfied with passive submission in a pair.

Worst of all, if you dreamed that you simply observe from the side, how someone else digs the earth - it doesn't matter, with hands or shovel, this indicates a complete disappointment in the sale of carnal fantasies. Do not deprive itself as an important component of human happiness, in the field of sensual pleasures, relying in the case and initiative of the partner.

Dream Birthday Birthdays also warns what to dream to dig Earth to those who were born from January to April: Be careful, you may have to specify you. In the Muslim interpreter it says, if someone in a dream droves in her hands and eats it, he intends to assign someone else's property fraudulently. If you dreamed that the water was dreamed and screaming out of it, then the dreams earn an honest way.

Miller's dream book interprets what the water is dreaming in the created pit, as the foresight of failure. Find something valuable in it - to a happy turn of events.

Works in the garden

He had just dreamed of digging the land in a dream - this is a bad sign, but secured by life, and work in the garden predicts a considerable success in the area where efforts are made. Cooking the ground for landing promit girl getting a proposal of a hand and hearts, a fast happy marriage.

Every preparation of soil for plants in a dream is a sign of accomplishments, for example, planting flowers - to meet a selfless love, and dig the land in a garden for planting potatoes - to the fulfillment of desires.

But to do it in a dream with the dead man - not only leaves a heavy precipitate in the shower, but also predicts loss. If it was a relative, then say goodbye to someone from loved ones, someone else's person - with a colleague or neighbor. Also, it is unfavorable in a dream, as a shovel jumping a bed in a garden, and then they turn out to be wounded - the dream book of the apostle Simon Kananita foreshadows that the neighbors on the site will say goodbye to the deceased - relative.

In the Slavic dream book it is said that digging the ground covered with juicy green moss - to a profitable marriage. Processing dry, lifeless ground - to sorrow, disappointment. What dreamed of a fertile package prepared by another person: it's time to take on the implementation of the long-planned plans, the stars will indicate the way to success in the craft and work.

What dreams of land

in the dream of flowers

covered with greens or moss - rich marriage; dig - to the funeral soon; Lying on Earth - small troubles; dig (if soft land) is a quick completion of cases; gave the earth - wealth, well-being, depending on the size and type; Beautiful, picturesque and very well-kept land - a beautiful wife and a happy marriage; Underground moves (for a long time) - difficult achievements of honor and wealth, in cases harm despair and criticism; Frequently in the Underground Travel - Ambulance profitable; Earth moves - happy change.

Dreamed Earth

by dream of Miller

To dream of fertile land - a good sign; But if the earth is fruitless and stony, then the failures and failures await you. If you dream that during the sea swimming, you suddenly saw the land away, is a wonderful sleep that expects sudden brilliant prospects that reveal in front of you. To see the freshly walled land in the garden - promises you prosperity and well-being. If your clothes are fan of the earth, then you will have to leave the house, fleeing the disease and harassment of the law.

See in a dream ground

by Dream Loffa

The image of the Earth is distinguished by the variety of interpretation values. Mother Land and Mother-Nature are two idiomatic expressions used in the description of the Earth as a source of life. In a dream, the Earth personifies the source of our being. In some cases, the Earth transmits our experiences about the blood, home coat or about harmony, or it may be a dream from the discharge of the so-called "chaos" dreams - about the end of the world. The dreams in which you are seized by fear of nature may be a consequence of the impact of newspaper headlines.

What dreams dream about land

by dream book Vangu

To see a good, fertile land is a prophecy of good crop and a comfortable life. If you dreamed of a desert land, then in the future, humanity is waiting for a terrible hunger as a result of a long drought. To see in a dream all the land in the cracks is the foresight of the strongest earthquake, which will take hundreds of lives. People accepted God - and he will shake the earth. To see the ball flying in a dream towards Earth - evidence that in a short time, an amazing mystery will come down. Apparently, you come into contact with the residents of another planet, as a result of which the world will tell a lot of new and interesting. If you dreamed of an ice covered with ice, then in not so distant time, our planet is waiting for icing. A long winter will come, and the land will cover with an ice crust for several years. Being in a dream on a small island, on which there are many people together with you, - the head of the demographic crisis. Open a new land in a dream - good luck sign in all matters.

Dreamed to dig

by dream of Miller

To see earthworks in a dream - it means that hard, but not a poor life awaits you. If, Roy Jama, you find some sparkling valuable things, then it promises a favorable turn of fate. But extensive emptiness in the pit - means that true misfortunes will be chased. Water filled with a pit that you dug out means that despite your most stressful efforts, the position of things does not obey your will.

What dreams to dig

in the dream of flowers

to death; dig something - master in a personal; Someone digs - recognize the secret; See digging. Planet

by dream of Miller

If you dreamed of the planet - in reality you have to go outward trip and inside work.

Replies of experts

In a dream, I see the land (brown color) climbs outside the window and after a while squeezes the window, and I see people who, as it were, I dare, but for some reason they are afraid of them, and with my granddaughter and son go to go through the door, go away from them . What does this dream mean? (Nina)

Land in a dream symbolizes real life, habits, family traditions. Judging by the description of sleep, the appearance of something that you regarded as a gross intervention in your family life or threat to traditions. It seems that you do not defend your rights, you run away.

In a dream, I saw a soft fertile land, but woke up, frightened that this is the grave. What is it? (Malka)

The grave in a dream often means the coming trouble. Judging by the description of sleep, you first will not understand what is happening, but guess in the process.

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Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

One way or another, in a dream, there is from time to time or dig an earth, or sow something, plant, or dig. Well, let's understand what we dream of land work. Dig ground in a dream - always bad! Yes. If you are going to dig in a dream ...

Dream "dig earth" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dig the land in the garden or on the field - to a rich crop.

Sleep online - dig

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Being on the wall, dig ground - change.

Dream Interpretation: What dreams to dig

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Speak in a dream ground - the forever you get a well-deserved award for long and grave work. In addition, sleep predicts abundant harvest and successful financial transactions.

Which means sleep in which dream of digging

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

"Contact in the past", "dig to someone's grave, pit" - to harm. "Speak under someone" or "picking up in the mud or in old underwear" - collect compromising, seek deficiencies, strive to take someone's service place. "Spoke" - take a defensive position. "Pissor" (Escape), "DOWNLOAD TO SUTI", ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams to dig

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Spice in the past, dig to someone's grave, pit - harm. To dig under someone or picks up in the mud or in old clothes - to collect compromising, seek deficiencies, strive to take someone's service place. Skip - take a defensive position. Picker (escape), to get to the bottom, ...

Why dream of digging in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dig up the land - to gain benefits. To see how someone else is digging - hard work will be chosen from the needs and deprivation. If you dig a hole on the clay shore - Introduces this means that your enemies will activate their efforts against you. Dig ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams to dig

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbolizes the solution to solve the problem. If you yourself are digging - your works will be rewarded. See another digger, especially a ditch - to trouble, disease. Spin the Earth, the garden - soon you will open the truth. Kopinate deeper to dig something - make your achievement. Excessive modesty ...


Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you dig up the earth, then in life you will be lucky and you will not be needed, but for this you should make efforts. The dream in which you dig a pit and detect treasure in it, symbolizes the favor of fate. But if …

Dream - dig - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dig up the land - to gain benefits. To see how someone else is digging - hard work will come out of the need and deprivation. Freshly won land - prosperity and well-being. Speak the grave - the foresight of the loss of friends and cooling to you beloved. Dig a trench - you ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams to dig

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dig a well. Profitable work, source of income. To dig claine. Damage to health. Dig the ground. To the funeral or to deterioration of the health of your own or relative.

Dream interpretation online - dig

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw in a dream, how someone digs the earth, then difficult, but not a poor life. The dream is that you dug out treasure, promises a favorable turn of fate. A dream in which you find extensive emptiness in the pit foreshadows ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams to dig

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dig up the land - to gain benefits. To see how someone else is digging - hard work will be chosen from the needs and deprivation. Freshly won land - prosperity and well-being. Speak the grave - the foresight of the loss of friends and cooling to you beloved. Dig a trench - you ...

Dig in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Earth dig - fast funeral. To see earthworks in a dream - it means that hard, but not a poor life awaits you. If, Roy Jama, you find some sparkling valuable things, then it promises a favorable turn of fate. Detect in a hole extensive ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams to dig

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dig up the land, garden. Tip of the day: Soon you will open the truth. Kopinate deeper. Split something. Tip of the day: make your achievement. Excessive modesty will be a hindrance. Bury something. Tip of the day: now there is no time to speak with your proposal. Post off its implementation until better times. Be …

See to dig

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dig in a dream ground - to gain benefits. To see how someone else is digging - hard work will be chosen from the needs and deprivation. If in a dream you dig a pit on the clay shore - in reality it means that your enemies will activate their efforts ...

The essence of sleep - clay

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Clay foreshadows cash complications. If in a dream you dig a pit on the clay shore - in reality it means that your enemies are ready to go to the attack on you. To dig the earth and suddenly stumble upon the clay - the foresight of the unpleasant interference with your new interesting ...

For a long time, all dreams, to one degree or another associated with the Earth, have a special meaning. Interpretation of dreams of land is associated with many different parts and can have both negative shade and positive. Most of the most famous dream books interpret the silence as a signal about large life changes. The earth predicts a new lifewater. Not all changes predicted with such a vision will be unfavorable.

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    If the man has digging the land in his dream, then this suggests the search for solving problems.

    If a person sees himself from the side of the Earth shovel, is the foresight of increasing earnings. Also dig the soil means a favorable offer, which is difficult to refuse.

    Drain a deep hole with a shovel is a sign of obstacles to the goal. It is not worth telling unauthorized people about their plans. Excessive credulity leads to negative consequences for future prospects.

    If the dream covers the desire to dig and deeper and deeper - the long-hidden truth will soon open soon.

    If a person is digging in a dream, "luck will come to him soon.

    A person watches from the side as someone digs a pit - in life he will be accompanied by success and wealth.

    See how someone is digging a ditch, means having serious health problems. Dream interpretors advise in this case to undergo a survey in the clinic.

    To dig a hole along with the dead man - to serious health problems. It should be care about and abandoning bad habits.

    Dig a shovel wet earth (after the rain) means changes in life. If during work fall into the dug hole - changes will be for the worst.

    Dig up

    Rushing with hands loose ground with worms - there will be problems in personal life. A woman seeing in a dream, how to break the soil, complete worms, will fail to marry. In a man who observes in their dreams a similar picture, there may be problems with the sexual sphere.

    A tender young man dig dry ground with his hands - the wife will be a squabble and grumpy.

    Dig good fertile soil - the life path will be smooth. A person who makes himself digging black fatty soil will be materially secured.

    Watch in a dream, how someone digs the soil is a bad sign.

    Dig an excavator

    To see the excavator in his Gresses is a warning about trouble at work. Currents from colleagues or reprimand from bosses are possible. Also, the phenomenon of this powerful car in a dream warns about the unpleasant levels. To see himself working at the excavator - Probased section of the property or loss of income in the future.

    A woman who sees a working excavator from the side will soon find a highly paid job. For a man, such a dream testifies to successes in all endeavors.

    If a girl sees an excavator with a raised bucket in a dream, it means an ambulance with a rude and a non-zeal man who, however, will bring happiness in his personal life. A man similar sleep predicts increased attention of non-traditional orientation.

    Sometimes the appearance in the dream of an excavator suggests that it is necessary to sort out yourself, to dig in your feelings and emotions and bring order there.

    In any case, the excavator in a dream is a sign that you need to make certain efforts to achieve the goal.

    What dreams of a girl - interpretation of dreams

    In the garden

    If the girl in his Gresses see how she digs the land in the garden with a shovel, - this promulits her soon married to a secured person.

    Pump the whole garden - stand on the threshold of opening long-standing secrets.

    If a person sees himself a digging shovel in a garden standing in one place - soon he is waiting for the exhausting work, followed by a decent award.

    A person dreams that he digs the earth, but he sees himself from the side - a luck will come soon in affairs and business.

    Watch how someone is digging a pit in the garden, - troubles at work or in the family.

    Preparing the land for planting potatoes (that is, dig small pits in a row) - to the cash profit in the near future.

    At the cemetery

    If a person sees himself to a shovel's grave - to great loss. There will be a gap of a long relationship or the death of someone from loved ones.

    Drain the grave in the house - to family scandals and discord. There is a conflict that will provoke a division of family relationships.

    To dig a grave for the now living person - so expresses discontent with this person.

    Interpretation of famous dreams

    Dream Rommel:

    • Yama is a symbol of danger.
    • Drain deep pit - worrying for a loved one.
    • Assist to dig pit - soon the trouble will end, a light strip in life will come.
    • Trying to get out of the pit with the help of hands - overcome difficulties.

    Dream Loffa:

    • Dig ground shovel - to ambulance.
    • To see in a dream, as another person is digging, - in a short time will increase well-being.
    • Dig a deep hole and walk to the clay layer - obstacles in affairs, problems in business.
    • If the pit was found at the digging of the pit - to change in fate.

    Dream Freud:

    • A man feels in a dream that he is hard to dig up the earth, "he has a full sex life.
    • Feels that digs with pleasure - problems in sexual sphere.
    • A person makes anyone to dig instead of himself - dissatisfaction with his life.

    Earth is the basis of the whole world. With it, not only our physical body is connected, but also astral. To see in a dream of work related to the Earth, is a kind of signal that something will change in life.

Sometimes and in a dream we have no peace, and even on the other side of the reality we carry out some kind of hard. You dreamed, how did you dig the earth, or did someone do it? Do not rush to forget this message over. In this article you will learn what to dream to dig the land.

Dream analysis

    Dream Interpretation Gustav Miller

    In this dream, earthworks, with the participation of a dream or simply monitoring them - a dual sign. One side, he foreshadows a man rich and fed life, on the other hand, all this will be with great difficulty.

    In some cases, the shovel and excavation with its help symbolize the freedom-loving nature of the dream. The condemnation of others will never make it collapse from the selected road. However, it is not always good: listening to the opinion of the closest people still stands.

    If you especially remember the shovel itself, know - soon you will have a powerful patron, who will become your assistant in the business sector.

    Esoteric dream book

    Esoteric dream book has its own interpretation of farming in a dream. It is rather a psychological sign that symbolizes your leaning over the measure to pick him in yourself, my mind and your soul. Unfortunately, such a "diligence" causes dissatisfaction with themselves and unnecessary self-criticism. This dream is advised - be easier and treat yourself more condescendingly.

    See in a dream how the earth digs some other - an extremely unfavorable sign that talks about the possible dream disease. Especially bad if the excavator was unfamiliar to you - in this case you are waiting for not only health problems, but also the threat of your reputation.

    Dream Nostradamusa

    Jewish clairvoyant paid special attention to the details of the dreams of the Earth's digging. In his opinion, dreams, in which something digging earth found something in it. Dig a hole and find ancient treasure - soon you are waiting for a big luck. Find in the ground decorations - all your dreams and desires, even the most daring and intimate, will definitely come true.

    Dig earth and find an unusual subject in it - your diligence will be fully rewarded. Find some ordinary item is the case you have conceived or started will successfully complete. Drop precious coins from the ground - soon you are waiting for an interesting acquaintance that may seriously affect your life.

    Generally, Nostradamus considered a dream about the digging of the Earth a favorable signBut especially - if something has been able to detect something in the soil.

    Dream "From A to Z"

    In this book, Dreams to dig the land is considered a favorable sign that foreshadows. Earth digs some other - you will choose from a distressed position, but for this will have to work pretty. Dig a wet land mixed with clay - your ill-wishers will try to do everything to pour your life and slow down your promotion forward.

    Dig ground and walk to sand and clay - there will be many unpleasant obstacles on your life path, although at first everything seemed cloudless. Dig up the land in the garden - in the near future you are waiting for prosperity and prosperity.

    Dig in the field - the thing you want to start will be too risky and unreliable. Before making him, think twice. Dig a turn - you are not quite confident in your abilities. Dig peat soil - you will have to incur punishment, and completely undeservedly. Shower out of the ground something huge - soon you will get a pleasant news from your friends.

Plowed land: What does it mean?

If in the dream you were revealed by the smelling ground in your garden, you can congratulate you - you are waiting for prosperity, success and abundance. However, if your clothes were swollen in the ground, this is not so good. He foreshadows either the need to depart on for a long timeor illness.

Himself plowing the earth - thanks to your own efforts, wealth and luck will come to you. You, and only you can help yourself.

Pove the Earth in the field is a favorable sign that foreshadows the rise in office, an increase in his salary, or a change in the work on a much more successful option. Nevertheless, such a dream warns - to work a person will have to be very hard.

Plowed ground of black color - the personification of sorrow, the despondency and sensation of meaninglessness, which will become your satellites for a long time. Especially bad if the black earth was cold and wet - you are waiting for a heavy illness that can have tragic consequences.

Soil was warm - very good sign. She promises a dream abundance, well-being. If you are the landwriter in reality, such a dream should be understood literally - you are waiting for wealth.

Pashnya is considered a symbol of future changes, and very significant (moving, marriage, moving, etc.). Especially good, if the soil was smooth and smooth - in this case, all changes in your life will be positive and bring you only joy and satisfaction. However, the books of dreams warn: you will also have to make an effort so that it becomes possible.

Switched ground covered with pits and irregularities - the problem of the dream is that he lacks collens and concentration. He does not know how to organize himself, which will lead to full collapse in affairs.

Overpoked land in the garden is the case that you are being covered, very noble and beautiful, but at the same time completely unpromising. Did you like the earth yourself in the garden? Rejoice - such a dream foreshadows a rich autumn harvest.

A good sign is considered a vision in which you independently managed to overheat the entire area. This suggests that you are an incredibly economic and economical person, these qualities will bring you.

Plow raw land - Soon you are waiting for some troubles related to love relationships. Specified land has nalipped on your shoes - you are waiting for obstacles in the life path.

Sowing and landing

Seying seeds to the ground is a very good symbol that foreshadows the dream of successful acquisitions, abundance and well-being in the material sphere. Sometimes such a dream can foreshadow an interesting and fascinating journey in the near future. However, the books of dreams warn: To shake the fruits, it is first necessary to generously sow seeds! That is, to get all these benefits, the dream will have to make their own efforts.

Plant flowers - an ambiguous sign that is interpreted depending on the details. Especially good if you planted plants in a greenhouse - this is the foresight of your cherished dream. And it is worth remembering - the brighter and more beautiful there were flowers, the more favorable will be your future.

It is important to recall what kind of flowers you planted:

  • Tulips "You will dismiss on a noble and beautiful act that will make people respect you."
  • Gladiolus - Soon you will be invited to visit, where you will be able to truly "shine."
  • Romashki. - Your health will be strong.
  • Roses - Full harmony will be reigned in your family and lovers.
  • Forget-me-not - Soon you will accidentally meet with former love, and feelings will flare up with a new force.

Plant onion - uniquely negative sign. He foreshadows the dream of the most unpleasant emotions: envy, hatred, impotence and despair. The bow brings tears not only in reality, but in a dream - his landing on the other side of the reality will tear the dream of suffering and disappointment. True, there is an exception here - if you managed to plant and grow beautiful onions, your suffering will be rewarded with further happiness.

Sress the tree - mostly good prophecy. To better understand it, the meaning, remember which tree you planted:

  • Apple tree - Pleasant love adventures.
  • Pear - You are waiting for betrayal.
  • Vishni - Soon wealth will come to you.
  • Lemon - You will have a reason for jealousy.
  • Apricot - You are waiting for a change in place of residence or work.
  • Peach - New acquaintances.
  • Orange - Joyful dating and meetings.

Plow a tractor or plow

Plow the earth with the help of a tractor or plow is such dreams, mean a very hard work, which, however, will allow you to become successful. Therefore, the dream is worth the patience and not lose hope.

Also does not prevent recall details:

  • Plow the Earth on the wheel tractor - Work will be hard, salary - small.
  • Crawler - There is not much better work, and payment will be worthy.
  • Tractor - Soon you can start your own business.
  • Plow Plow do it yourself - You have the hardest job, and alone.

Seeing the dream of land, its processing and jumping, do not rush to forget it. Arm yourself with the best books of dreams and try to understand what the highest strength wanted to warn you about.