The first thing you need to understand is that mantras can be uttered by people of any faith, not just followers of Buddhism. This is because mantas call for the power of the universe.

In order for the mantra to begin to act, it is not enough just to say it, it is necessary to be in a certain state. If, working with the mantra to attract money, you are distracted, thinking about everyday things, problems at work, a leaking tap or noisy neighbors, you will get zero effect. First you need to sit comfortably, straighten your back, relax. Try to focus on the present moment, on yourself, and on the words you will speak.

If you have a good ear for music, then try not only to accurately reproduce the words, but also the melody. If singing is not your forte, a mantra to attract money can be recited simply in chant. Pronounce the words clearly, but not too loudly. You should not notify the whole district that you are performing a ritual, otherwise the mantra may lose its own. Recite the money mantra every day. The number of readings should be a multiple of 7. That is, depending on the time you have, you can read them 7, 14, 21, 28 ... 105 times, etc.

It is best to recite mantras at home in a specially equipped place, so you will.

Mantra for attracting money: text in Russian

Ganesha is the god of wisdom, abundance and prosperity. In Indian tradition, he is depicted as a creature with the head of an elephant and the body of a man, sitting in the lotus position. The palm of one of the god's hands is turned forward. Ganesha's mantra to attract money helps a person with pure thoughts. The prayers of the elephant-faced deity are very effective. But if for the purpose of enrichment you plan to deceive your partner, then Ganesha will not respond to your calls, no matter how hard you try.

  • The main mantra of invoking Ganesha: "Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha"
  • A classic mantra for attracting money: "Om Gam Ganapataye Sarve Vighna Raye Sarvaye Sarve Guarve Lamba Daraya Hrim Gam Namah"
  • Mantra for Successful Business: "Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah"

It is better to carry out the ritual and hold a spinner or some kind of money amulet in your hands so that the energy of money is attracted to it. After chanting mantras over him for a long time, he will become an effective magnet for money.

Money mantras of Lakshmi and Kubera

Goddess Lakshmi is responsible for prosperity, wealth, happiness and good fortune. She is great at helping to increase income. It is better to refer to it at sunrise during the growing moon.

The mantra for attracting money Lakshmi is as follows: Om Hrim Shrim Lakshmi Byo Namaha. There is another one: "Mangalam Dishtu Me Mehashvarih Namaha".

Kubera in Hinduism is the treasurer god. It brings good luck in financial ventures.

Mantra for addressing Kubera: "Om Yakshya Kuberaya Vaishravanaya Padayeh Dhanan Somrejing Mi Dehi Tapaya Svaha".

Here comes the complicated money mantra , which allows both Lakshmi and Kubera to be brought to the aid at once: "Om Hrim Shrim Maha Ashta Iswaraya Sampadhu Adhi Maha Kubera Managalaya Sarva Hagya Sudhorsana Padma Chakra Ghadyudha Sri Lakshmi Narayana Dhevaya Namaha Svaha".

Mantras are one of the most effective ways to attract money into your life. With the help of them, you can not only attract a certain amount, but also make success a constant companion of your life.

Many people don't believe in the power of mantras, but that doesn't mean they don't work. The point is that any way to attract financial abundance takes time and diligence. If you think that it is enough to mumble mantras once under your breath while you are busy with a few more things, then of course nothing will work.

How it works

Despite the fact that a mantra is just a sound, there is tremendous power in it. By pronouncing such sounds in a special order, we create certain vibrations at the energetic level, which attract what we want to us.

That is why you need to be serious about reciting mantras and set aside special time so that no one interferes with you. In order to get the first results, repeat the mantras daily for two weeks. For many, money comes much faster, but here everything depends on the person himself, his desire and faith.

Once the process starts and money starts pouring in, you can reduce the number or frequency of repetitions. But this is already determined individually with the help of intuition. If you doubt your ability to hear the inner voice, then this ability can be easily developed in simple ways.

Wealth mantra

This mantra is one of the most powerful and gives a person not only financial abundance, but also the opportunity to do what he loves, and also to understand his purpose. Repeating it 7 times before going to bed and after waking up, you will soon notice how the number of positive moments in your life will increase, and the feeling of happiness will become your constant companion.


A mantra that attracts success and abundance

This is a very powerful mantra. As a rule, they turn to her when nothing else helps. It shows a way out of the most difficult situations and affects all areas of life. It is necessary to repeat this mantra 108 times daily for seven days. You can also use it in difficult situations.


You should also remember about your positive attitude. After all, if you read the mantra in the morning, and in the afternoon your thoughts are tuned to the negative, then the result will have to wait for a very long time. Tune in to the psychology of wealth, since money comes only to those who are ready to accept it and dispose of it wisely. Believe in yourself, constantly develop, learn something new and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.02.2017 15:45

Often, we all experience a lack of funds. There are many conspiracies, amulets and rituals to increase ...

Among the many conspiracies and rituals for money, there is a very simple way to attract what you want in life ...

The ancestors of the Eastern civilization were sure that mantras for attracting money are a powerful energy, with whose help it is really possible to ensure well-being and prosperity. Not everyone knows that the word "mantra" in India is usually called the "key" to the locked doors of the Universe. Usually, this is a listing of the names of the gods who are responsible for various areas of life. Contemporaries under the deity mean the energy flows of the Universe. It is generally accepted that the sequence of listing and the form of our speech has a direct impact not only on the mind and state of a person, but also on the objects around him.

To achieve the result, it is important to pronounce the mantras correctly to attract wealth. It is imperative that you be aware of them and read them not to yourself, but out loud. And not in a patter, but as if in a chant. Your voice should sound in tune with the energy currents of the Universe that you need to attract. In addition, sounds and syllables should sound without distortion, because each has a specific meaning that affects a series of events in the surrounding world.

Some Slavs do not understand how you can pray, while saying the same text for hours to fulfill one desire. Not everyone can do it and looks fantastic, but the mantras for attracting good luck and well-being, the practice of their application and the results already obtained convince that "the impossible is possible."

Almost everyone agrees that everything in nature is balanced. But today its laws are not fully operational. According to Vedic and Tibetan philosophy, this is why energy problems arise. But regularly reciting or listening to the mantra helps restore the natural balance. The main thing is to repent of mistakes. In response to the request, money will appear, and in the amount that is needed. and everyone can sing "songs".

Mantras are similar to prayers

Christians have a negative and distrustful view of mantras. However, in European culture, slander and various conspiracies are also used. Their roots go back to pagan times. They were pronounced in compliance with a certain ritual for a specific purpose. So people gained strength and had a mental impact on the surrounding objects and the course of events, using only the energy of vibrations of sounds.

The mantras of the Slavs have adapted over time. During the strengthening of Christianity, they began to be used by witches, sorcerers, healers. Even today, such magic is extremely popular, because its secrets are widespread on the World Wide Web. Unfortunately, not everyone uses it only for good.

Conspiracies, of course, are not the only legacy of the early days of Christianity. Strong prayers have become much more common. They are also phenomenal sounds that can miraculously affect reality and, for example, heal from a disease. However, prayers are based on the interaction of man and God. In them, Christians ask for forgiveness from the Creator, help and mercy. They are different in text and meaning, so they can be considered an analogue of mantras. Indeed, they are based on words and their power of sounds. A specific sequence of words represents the harmony of sounds that the Universe listens to and responds to.

For a long time, with a lack of money, people resorted to prayers to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, who, according to legend, performed many miracles. Using the link above, you will read about the three miracles that Spiridon performed.

Choosing the perfect mantra

There are different mantras for attracting money, the powerful power of which helps to choose a source of income. It makes no sense to read several different ones at the same time. It is enough to choose one. It will work quickly. The main thing is to follow the rules and order of meditation, to believe in success. It is necessary to recite the mantra daily and soon you will be sure that you are walking the right path.

How to solve the problem of choosing a financial mantra? You can ask the teacher. Or rely on intuition or reason. Having made a decision, it is better to find her audio recording and listen to it several times. This will help you reproduce the anthem sound perfectly and obtain the desired effect.

Mantras for attracting financial success are a special class of Vedic hymns, small texts that do not have to be perfectly accurate. Even if you replace one or two words, the mantra will not be weaker.

According to the guru, charged water can be used to attract wealth. This is easy to do. The mantra must be memorized and written down. Put water on, play audio recording and repeat the recording test. After completing the ritual of chanting reading, place the vessel in such a place so that the light of the moon falls on the water. Then you should read the mantra out loud with outstretched palms to the Moon, until you feel that its light fills your body through your palms. At the end, the charged water is drunk in small sips. Regularly performing such a ritual is correct.

It is believed that for a successful business, it is necessary to wear a ribbon or a silver ribbon on the ring finger of the left hand, not the right hand, on the full moon. The greatest effect is achieved in the case of a full moon on Monday.

The three most powerful mantras to attract wealth are:

  • "Om Gam Ganapataye Sarve Vighna Raye Sarvaye Sarve Guarve Lamba Daraya Hrim Gam Namah"

  • "Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah"

  • "Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha"

Three versions of the mantra Ganesha, who is considered the main god of abundance and wisdom. It is recommended to recite one of your choice 108 times every day, in front of the Ganesha figurine, such daily manipulations will turn the figurine from a souvenir shop into a talisman to attract money. Ganesha needs to be presented with gifts in the form of coins and sweets so that he transforms them into financial energy.

Mantras of the treasurer god Kubera

God Kubera ensures success in all financial activities. When reading, to enhance the power of the mantra, it is recommended to use artifacts such as yantras and plates painted with paintings from the world of Kubera.

Chanting a mantra to attract money, the powerful force of which can solve all financial problems, should become a habit. But reading them like memorized poetry at school is not enough. That's all from reading a mantra, the main thing is that any mantra should be supported by a true aspiration and desire for what the Universe is asking for.

The quality of human life depends on the ability to manage the flow of monetary energy. The power of the monetary egregor is powerful, positive and motivating, but his resentment can break life.

In this article

What is it and what is its impact

Money egregor appeared long before the invention of banknotes and coins. Ancient people exchanged things or services. The exchange gave rise to a powerful egregor, one of the most ancient and strong energy-information fields of the planet.

Money is a way of energy exchange in the monetary egregor

The egregor of wealth helps only its members. His help consists in:

  • constant influx of material resources;
  • large income;
  • making good deals.

Whether a person will be rich depends largely on himself, or rather, on his mood and thoughts. Money, values ​​and material goods are unevenly distributed among people. Some are poor and live paycheck to paycheck, incurring debt. And someone does not even think about the costs, living in a big way. It is generally accepted in society that money is the equivalent of happiness.

Rich people are capable of managing the energy flows of finances. Energy flows through them in both directions: to people and away from people. The flow rate is not fixed, as is the channel width. The more a person receives energy from the monetary egregor, the richer he is. The poor people's canals are narrow and the flow moves too slowly, not keeping up with human needs.

People are able to control the flow of money into life.

To become a rich and wealthy person, it is not enough to connect to the egregor. You will have to work on the flow of energies, increase the speed of its movement, and expand the channel. For this, certain rules have been invented.

Briefly about subtle matters

Every person interacts with society. It is impossible to break the connection with other people. The fear of loneliness is an ancient fear of death, when a person was rejected by the tribe.

To be deprived of society and social support means not only to lose shelter over one's head, but also to lose ties to the egregor of the Sort. The connection with him is very important as he nourishes and protects the participants. And besides this, the Rod lays in everyone a program according to which people take care of their descendants. This is important for the continuation of the Family, because without followers the egregor of the family will die.

To protect descendants and create comfortable conditions for their life, growth and development, people earn money and save material wealth. And how successfully they cope with this depends on the quality of communication with the egregor of wealth.

It so happens that several generations of a family never get out of poverty and misery. Money failures are pursued in every business. The fault of the energy-informational field is to blame. Once upon a time, the ancestors of the family violated the rules of behavior with the energy-informational field of wealth and disconnected from it, naively believing that they would cope on their own.

Descendants do not have to suffer because of the mistakes of their ancestors. Relations with egregor can and should be built correctly, namely: conduct a new connection ritual. Many turn to magicians and sorcerers for help, which is in vain. The ritual is simple, each person is able to fulfill the requirements and establish relations with the egregor of money on their own.

Connection to cash flows

The egregor of money perceives only clear images and clear desires. Decide what you want.

The image sent to space will return to the sender with the same mood with which it was sent. A person's thought is material and capable of being embodied in the real world. It is important to live without deceiving yourself.

Thoughts can shape a person's environment

Spend more time in banks or jewelry stores. These are places where positive energy accumulates and each person feels its constructive attitude, being there and recharging.

In this video, a parapsychologist tells how to connect to a money egregor:

How to expand your channel

The free flow of energies is hindered by mental blocks in a person's consciousness. They are noticed when the connection work begins. Blocks are negative attitudes, mental boundaries for scaring off money.

It is a shame to be rich, you need to be like everyone else and not stick out.

To get rid of blocks, follow the rules for working with a monetary egregor:

  1. Imagine that a positive connection is stronger than a negative one. Negative thoughts are the most dangerous blocks.
  2. Start small in your requests.
  3. Don't pick up money on the street.
  4. Wear clothes and a blue or green wallet. These are the colors of money.
  5. Respect money. They do not tolerate neglect and rejection.

Money magic

Visualization will help to establish a strong and lasting connection with the egregor of money. Emblems, signs, banknotes and bank logos carry the energy of money.

One of the oldest symbols of wealth is the golden calf. It has been known since the Old Testament times, when the people of Moses created a golden idol at the foot of the sacred mountain. In European culture, the meaning has not changed. The bull symbolizes stubbornness, greed and the desire to get rich.

Adoration of the golden calf

No wonder his bronze sculpture adorns Wall Street in New York. Psychics see this as an attempt by American financiers to subjugate world cash flows. This is a very powerful symbol. In addition to America, a bronze bull statue is located in Shanghai, where the American market is developing. Wherever a new bull statue is erected, it will inevitably connect to the local dollar egregor of the Americans.

The golden calf - the idol of an ancient cult

Banks and businessmen use money magic in their work. If you look at the leader among the world currency - the dollar, then the strong occult symbols depicted on it are striking.

Signs on a dollar bill - money magic in action

The eye in the pyramid is one of the few magic tricks that has made the dollar a stable and strong currency. The color of the banknote is green. This is one of the colors that egregor favors.

Mental communication

The egregor of money will respond if you turn to him. Communication and attention is all that is needed from the person who wants to connect. Express your thoughts clearly. For example, ask for a certain amount for business development.

It is important not to think that without this money everything will collapse. After all, thought is material. A positive attitude will help the money quickly get into the hands of the asking person. And they will come, most likely, in an unexpected way, following the will of the egregor.

After the money is received, the egregor is thanked. At first, you cannot ask for much. Greed interferes with establishing a strong connection and receiving the patronage of the energy-informational field.

Money mantras

The Indian mantra of Ganesha is popular all over the world. The elephant-headed god is worshiped in Hinduism. He is the patron saint of wisdom, success and wealth. He encourages his followers with prosperity in business and a stream of well-being. Treats with great attention to requests coming from a pure heart.

Ganesha has a thousand names, each symbolizing an aspect of god

He is approached collectively or individually. In a group, it is easier to tune in and understand the pronunciation of difficult syllables. Ganesha's mantra is sung at any time of the day, an unlimited number of times.

For the right mood, we recommend buying a figurine of a god and, when favorable changes occur, thank it with sweet fruits or sweets, because Ganesha loves sweets. To speed up the arrival of material benefits, put sugar cubes at the feet of the deity every day.

Before performing the mantra, you need to:

  • calm down;
  • wait until breathing evens out;
  • focus on your request and the image of Ganesha.

The first mantra is simple and short, perfect for chanting and creating a mood.


The text of the second mantra is more complicated; it will require attention and perseverance to execute it. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation and do not confuse words in places, otherwise there will be no effect.


The third mantra of Ganesha is one of the most famous mantras in the world. She endows the praying person with success in business and strength for spiritual enlightenment. It will only work if performed regularly.


Interaction rules

Money cannot be neglected. They can be offended by the state of the wallet in which they are stored. An old, shabby wallet, which is high time to throw it away, can scare away cash flows from you.

It is customary to give wallets with a bill inside, so they are charged to attract material benefits. If the wallet misses money, in spite of everything, it is recharged - transferred for temporary use to a rich friend or left for a short time in a wealthy house.

It is not recommended to carry bills in the pockets of your clothes. So they crumple, torn, decay and become worthless. Egregor will take this as disrespect. It is allowed to carry money in pockets only if carrying it attracts energy flows to the wearer. But even in this case, money must be protected and monitored.

It is customary to put a coin or a foreign banknote in the place where the bills are stored, which will not be spent. It is dangerous to use Chinese coins with a hole, because the energy is not trapped in them and flows away.

You can't give up wealth even in jest. Manage your money wisely: do not waste and do not throw around. It is best to accept and spend them with gratitude and with a light heart.

On the street, do not step on spilled coins - this is a sign of disrespect.

With the right behavior, people attract the energy of money into life.

Forget about bragging and boasting conversations. Money doesn't like that. It is best to avoid such situations and not discuss your own and other people's income with anyone.

Amulets for wealth

Creation of amulets is an alternative to conducting monetary rituals. They do not require painstaking preparation, and their effectiveness depends entirely on the energy and mood of the owner. A strong desire to get rich will create a powerful amulet that can attract wealth into the life of a novice magician.

Money hand

The hand of a conspiracy practitioner will become an amulet.

After the ritual, money will stick to your hands

A favorable time for creation is when the moon is growing. You will need 2 white paper sheets and a pencil. In the evening, crush the lead evenly on one. While reading the plot, press your hand to the sheet.

I do the monetary rituals, I attract bills to the piggy bank. So that money went to my house, they did not forget the road. One to one, second to second! And all to me!

Then, instead of a hand, put three bills of different denominations on the sheet and cover with a second sheet on top. Put the folded sheets in a paper folder and hide in the closet.

A tree to attract money

To create an amulet, seedlings of a bastard or zamiokulkas are suitable. They cannot be bought in the store, it is best to take them from rich and wealthy acquaintances. The fat woman attracts rubles, and the zamioculcas attracts dollars.

The fat woman attracts monetary energies into the life of the owner

Together they do not work well, so you only have to choose one plant. When planting in a pot, read the conspiracy:

My copper money, my gold money, any my money, go to my hands, to my wallets, go on Monday, go on Tuesday, go on Wednesday, go on Thursday, go on Friday and Saturday, go on Sunday. Let every penny and ruble know me, not to someone else's hands, but to my wallets. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Place three identical coins on the bottom of the pot before planting. To enhance the positive effect of the amulet, praise the plant and decorate with jewelry.

Wealth secrets

Whenever you make a profit, the connection with the egregor grows stronger. By giving alms or helping out with friends' money, you appease the karmic egregor. A positive connection with him can increase income.

Nobody prevents people from getting rich, except for themselves

Jealousy and anger scare away money. It is allowed to envy someone else's wealth if it motivates you to take action. Money does not tolerate dirt, so the homes of the poor are often not cleaned. Spiritual filth is akin to garbage. Cruelty and betrayal are not acceptable for the creative energy of the monetary egregor.

Wealth values ​​people who are optimistic and active. What if there are not enough funds? The answer is simple - make money. Money will appreciate aspirations and desires, but those who are used to crying and complaining about fate are avoided by monetary energy.

Money doesn't like debt. Each loan, as long as it is paid, does not affect karma, but if the due date passes, then the flow of energy is disrupted. Debt destroys cash flow.

How to give thanks for help

The less people know about your desire to connect to the flow of monetary energy, the better. Wealth abhors empty talk.

In order not to experience financial difficulties, remember 5 simple rules for maintaining communication with an egregor:

  1. Don't honor money as sacred. Banknotes and coins are only a means of energy exchange for egregor and participants. Material wealth is not a goal, but a way to achieve goals.
  2. Constantly express gratitude to the egregor and praise him.
  3. Think only positively about him. Not money is the source of human vices, but people themselves.
  4. Turn to egregor for advice and help.
  5. Be sincere.

Respect and gratitude attract money into a person's life

If you maintain a relationship with egregor as with a good friend, then the answer will not be long in coming.

How to disable the egregor of poverty

Before establishing a strong connection with monetary energy, the practitioner of magic is advised to disconnect from the egregor of poverty, if in the past he was dependent on it.

For this, the magician takes a comfortable position and reflects on the disasters that have visited him. Anything that causes sadness is within the energy field and is linked to it by golden threads. The practitioner imagines how the threads are woven into a thick rope. While a person is reading a prayer, the rope is torn:

I get rid of the energy of instability and become free from connection with the egregor.

This video talks about how to effectively disconnect from the egregor of poverty and tune in to positive thinking:

A little about the author:

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This is the desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. Step into the fire during life, which opens the gates of immortality, and find true freedom.

There are known Slavic mantras, which are called agmas, but unlike the Vedic ones, they do not contain more than three words, in addition, they cannot be abused, since they are extremely strong and, with regular use, can stop working.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Cash mantra to attract cash flow

Some people hardly earn their daily bread, while others literally stick to their hands. Why is there such injustice? It's all about a special program written in heaven for each person. But this is not a verdict at all! Mantras for attracting money and success help to change the situation for the better - their regular reading contributes to an increase in well-being.

A request that is repeated every day

There are universal keys that help keep oneself in good shape, or code phrases that trigger very specific processes in a person's life (for example, for the sake of curing a disease or removing damage). The mantra "cash flow" can also be used fragmentarily when you need to solve a sudden financial problem. If thoughts of prosperity, confidence in the future worry above all else, the mantra to attract money should be pronounced daily, for a long time (perhaps the whole life).

It is important that such a key works better and better from systematic repetition, a kind of "cumulative effect" is triggered here. The money mantra for attracting cash flow helps to successfully solve financial problems " Om - Gam - Ganapataye - Namaha". Its meaning is to win the benevolent attention of the Higher Forces, distributing success (including financial) and luck to people.

You can come to wealth in different ways, however, counting on the help of Heaven, you should give preference only to the righteous. Special mantras for attracting money are powerful, fast-acting and effective. At the same time, it is poorly compatible with fraud, theft and other violation of the laws of the Universe. Are you sure of the purity of your thoughts and intentions? Repeat daily 108 times in a row the phrase “ Om - Hrim - Klim - Shrim - Namah"- for the sake of a good cause, she will begin to work very actively.

Money is not a hindrance to happiness!

You should not oppose "happiness in general" to financial well-being, they are perfectly combined. A person who monitors his physical purity is less likely to get sick, and those who care about the harmony of internal vibrations and the strength of the protective shell do not know problems in any of the spheres of life.