When, among worries and routine affairs, you have a moment to play solitaire, the soul finds the desired peace. Anyone who has tried it knows. During simple manipulations with cards, you can find answers to questions that cannot be found under other conditions.

Solitaire and its historical role

Solitaire is the ancient science of predicting fate. It is believed that in human destiny everything is predetermined, but if it is predetermined, then it can be foreseen. If desired, everyone is able to adjust and improve their later life. Various mystical techniques, including solitaire fortune-telling, help in resolving such issues.

The historical fact of the origin of solitaire is ambiguous. Someone attributes the authorship to the French mathematician Pellison, who surprised the king himself with a new entertainment Louis XIV. Others think it was the right way prisoners of the Bastille to predict their fate. There is also a legend about Marie Antoinette.

Playing solitaire while in a prison cell, the French queen hoped for a pardon. One of the prisoners told her that if she played solitaire, she could avoid execution. Her solitaire game never worked out.

What is true and what is fictional stories is no longer clear, but one thing is clear: all the origins of solitaire lead to France. Translated from French, this mysterious word means “patience.” And quite reasonable. After all card spread, this is a kind of meditation, agreement with oneself, spiritual solitude. The fortuneteller must slowly lay out the pictures, look for similarities and find answers to the questions that torment him.

Nowadays, ordinary playing cards are often used as a tool for Russian solitaire. Importance is given to the number of cards in the deck, the rules of the layout and its coincidence. In the old days, our distant ancestors used homemade card designs for solitaire. These cards differ from playing cards in their symbols and ways of solving and interpreting them.

Vintage Solitaire

This type of solitaire is noted for its picturesqueness, originality, and vitality. After all, fortune telling cards were made by fortune tellers themselves. They put not only skill into this, but also a piece of their soul.

The drawings contain meanings close to us and images familiar from everyday life.

In another way, this method of fortune telling is called Indian. It differs from ordinary fortune telling in that it contains life symbols.

How to make cards?

The ancient solitaire game that our grandmothers played involves the use of homemade cards. Colorful, simple pictures are drawn on the cards. To do this, just take white or any other colored cardboard, cut out the required number of rectangles from it, in our version 40 pieces, and paint. The images on the cards must correspond to the symbols from the interpreter.

For those who find it difficult to draw on their own, we can advise you to print out suitable pictures on a printer or cut them out of magazines, and then stick them on prepared cards. Cover each cut card with transparent tape.

Cut each card in half. So from each card we got two adjacent cards required for playing the old solitaire game.

Layout rules

Take the cards in your hands and focus. Ask your question. When playing solitaire, you can refer to past events, as well as to future ones, and to the present. A solitaire session is dedicated to one event. You must analyze your question, the situation as a whole regarding the problem. You don't have to think about anything else, just maps and imaginary visions on your exciting topic.

Lay out the cards in five rows of five cards each. They laid out the first row, followed by the second, etc. Afterwards, you need to carefully examine the cards following each other for coincidence, both in the horizontal and vertical directions. Cards can be rotated around their axis, but cannot be swapped.

Don't take the interpreter too literally. Everyone has their own situation, and you need to be able to apply the information received in accordance with it. A picture has emerged, look at its meaning, take your time, think about what it means to you.

Please note that if several coincidences have accumulated nearby in one place, perhaps this is some kind of sign that only you can understand.

Don't play old solitaire too often. It is believed that the information that the magic of the cards reveals to you is given several decades in advance. One row of the layout – 10 days.

As a rule, 5 rows of the layout are made, which means that it is best to play solitaire no earlier than after 5 weeks or once every two months. However, for simpler quick questions, you can consider it as if one row is one day.


1. Libra – uncertainty, doubt.

2. Laurel wreath - a surprise, an unexpected gift.

3. Road – trip, journey, business trip.

4. Spruce - don’t expect outside help, you can only rely on yourself, loneliness.

5. Castle – closed door, unreachable path.

6. A snake is a bad sign, trouble is possible.

7. Umbrella – romance, dreams.

8. Key – opened door, open path.

9. Book - government affairs.

10. The bell is an unexpected misfortune.

11. Ring – happiness in love.

12. A boat is a good sign, good luck.

13. Crown – success and achievements.

14. Kopek – financial well-being.

15. A fire is happiness in the family.

16. Cat – romantic relationships, flirting.

17. The cross is a harbinger of fate.

18. Swan - good news.

19. The girl’s face is a new acquaintance.

20. The mill is a waste of time, gossip.

21. The moon is unexpected news.

22. Swords – discord. Argument.

23. Lightning - quick resolution of current affairs.

24. Points – the situation requires thoughtfulness.

25. A letter is unexpected news.

26. Horseshoe – harmony in life.

27. Glass - fun, celebration, feast.

28. Candle – measured, calm life.

29. Heart pierced by an arrow - separation from a quarrel, breakup, divorce.

30. Sun – good luck.

31. SOS – worry, anxiety.

32. Arrows (feathered) - achieving a goal, good luck in business.

33. Arrows (forked at the ends) - the beginning of a new relationship.

34. Duck - betrayal, setup.

35. Flag – career changes.

36. Flower - the beginning of a new love.

37. Chains - procrastination in business.

38. Watches - changes in life.

39. Skull – health problems.

40. Anchor – stability in life.

Gypsy Solitaire

For this solitaire game you will need a 36-sheet deck of regular playing cards. Shuffle the deck and begin the spread. Think through your question in advance and throughout the entire fortune telling, look for and analyze events related to it.

Place 8 cards in a row, face down, go to the next row, lay out 8 cards again and so make 4 rows of face-down cards. You should have 4 cards left in your hands.

Your layout is a two-dimensional table. Rows - order of cards from king to six (without ace). Columns - diamonds, hearts, clubs, spades. Each card has its own place.

Take the first card from the four remaining and put it in place. Those. your card is jack of hearts, its place is the third card in the second row. You put it in its place, and move the one that was there to its place. For example, there was a six of spades, put it in the last row, instead of the last card.

Thus, you change all the sheets in a row until you hit any ace. You put it aside. Then take a card from the remaining three and look for its rightful place. You make a deal until the next ace and so on.

Solitaire is successful if the last card revealed is an ace, while the remaining cards are all in their places and open.

One of the testaments of our ancestors says: Live according to your conscience, in harmony with Nature and with yourself. Everything seems to be simple and clear. In reality, this does not always happen. Something is in the way, there is no knowledge, there is no basic understanding of the situation, there is no support and God knows what else.

The ancient online solitaire game, which we are pleased to present to you, has absorbed all the wisdom of our ancestors, all their experience, all their knowledge. This is not just a free Russian solitaire game, which, when played, will give you predictions for soon. This is a system of knowledge, by touching which you can receive good advice and hints, warnings and messages that can help you understand the intricacies of your own life.

It is impossible to determine the exact time when Russian solitaire was born. Moreover, some call it Russian solitaire, some call it old solitaire, and some even call it old Russian solitaire. The point is not that, the main thing is that you can resort to him at any time, in the most difficult and incomprehensible situation, and he will always help and advise you, like a thread sticking out from a ball, by pulling which you can come out into the light.

Solitaire is played automatically, with five cards each and consists of four rows. Your task is to find matches of signs. In order for the signs on the cards to match, they can be rotated by clicking on each of the cards. As soon as the values ​​match (from one to several), you should find the interpretation of the matched symbol in the table of values ​​​​given below.

Guess for free and have fun playing ancient Russian solitaire.

Ancient Russian solitaire

One of the testaments of our ancestors says: Live according to your conscience, in harmony with Nature and with yourself. Everything seems to be simple and clear. In reality, this does not always happen. Something is in the way, there is no knowledge, there is no basic understanding of the situation, there is no support and God knows what else.

The ancient online solitaire game, which we are pleased to present to you, has absorbed all the wisdom of our ancestors, all their experience, all their knowledge. This is not just a free Russian solitaire game, which, when played, will give you predictions for the near future. This is a system of knowledge, by touching which you can receive good advice and hints, warnings and messages that can help you understand the intricacies of your own life.

It is impossible to determine the exact time when Russian solitaire was born. Moreover, some call it Russian solitaire, some call it old solitaire, and some even call it old Russian solitaire. The point is not that, the main thing is that you can resort to him at any time, in the most difficult and incomprehensible situation, and he will always help and advise you, like a thread sticking out from a ball, by pulling which you can come out into the light.

Solitaire is played automatically, with five cards each and consists of four rows. Your task is to find matches of signs. In order for the signs on the cards to match, they can be rotated by clicking on each of the cards. As soon as the values ​​match (from one to several), you should find the interpretation of the matched symbol in the table of values ​​​​given below.

Guess for free and have fun playing ancient Russian solitaire.


It is worth strengthening your own position. This will give you strength and confidence in the future

Beautiful courtship beautiful words and actions that can make you lose your head

Wreath of flowers

A calm period of life. There is an opportunity to contemplate, slowly create, and enjoy the fruits of one’s own labor

Horn (musical instrument)

When you are persistently called upon to do something, do not rush. Think about what this will do for you: benefit or harm?

You shouldn’t make a mess that you won’t be able to clear up later.

Solving cases in a “state” house. It’s not always quick, it’s not always pleasant, but you have to decide

Thunder and lightning

A storm has broken out, minutes of you, if you don’t flirt with it and tempt your own fate

Growth, gain, new knowledge, new aspirations and new horizons

The road is still closed. You won't get what you've been waiting for

The time has come to tear off the masks and disguises. Are you ready for this? Sometimes the revelations received are not encouraging

A woman with poison dripping from her lips. Beware of that poison, because you can be poisoned by it

It takes time and desire to unravel the tangle. Don’t be angry, just deal with the difficulties and misunderstandings that have arisen. Walk towards the light

A solution will be found, the secret will be revealed, approval will be received

The road from which many things begin. Change in life

News from afar, both good and not so good

Quiver of arrows

You can send a hundred arrows, but never hit, or maybe just one arrow that hits the target. Less fuss. More grit

Declaration of love, proposal to “build a family nest”

There are decisions that are not easy to make. However, this must be done, because there is nowhere to go further

Wallet with coins

Profit, profitable proposition, income generation

Hypocritical person in the immediate environment

No one will do for you what you should do. Don't waste your time on self-deception

Rook (sailboat)

New horizons, new distances, new impressions

White swan

The desire will come true if there is no stone in your bosom, and if no harm will come from your desire to anyone

Cradle (smoking pipe)

Reflections, thoughts, not joyful thoughts, empty talking shop

Lots of fuss, little use. Now is not the time to waste time

Month in the window

Hope that lives in everyone's heart to the last

Family hearth, time with family, family celebration, possibly a wedding or name day

Opened door

The path is open, the time has come, the solution to old cases

An obstacle that can be overcome. We need to get together and act, then the issue will be resolved positively

A joyful sign. But don't think that happiness is a freebie. Keep light and kindness in your heart and then you will be happy

A wonderful sign. Recovery, happiness, love, well-being in everything

Everything is your experience. Sometimes, to become wiser, you need to inject yourself many times. Don't let this upset you. Now you are stronger by one more thorn

Before you start something unkind, think carefully. The dirt to which you are dooming yourself will not be easy to wash off.

Heart with arrow

Falling in love, love confession, love. Sometimes unrequited love

Crossed sabers

Quarrel, disagreement, dust to the ceiling due to division

Good news, recovery, someone's patronage or help

A new idea, a new idea, thanks to which you will reach new circle life

An enemy, an envious person, a dirty trickster, who is just waiting to annoy you.

Shtof with a glass

A feast during which you can lose your “face”. Don't get drunk

Time to collect stones, time to take stock, time to stand still

Dear visitors!

We apologize, but at the moment this fortune-telling technical reasons closed to mobile device users. We suggest you choose the following, available on mobile phones and smartphones, solitaire games: Catherine's fortune-telling, gold fish, Berendey's solitaire



Do not flip previously matched symbols
Flip all characters

This is a solitaire game from the artist Alexander Itchenko!
Interpretation taken from the website http://www.diary.ru/~Aza-zara/p42086435.htm.
Solitaire is played with 5 cards in 4 rows.

Symbol meanings:

SCALES- fluctuations. A symbol can be an answer to a question or an addition to other symbols.

WREATH- a gift, one of the very complex symbols.
Initially it means “gift”, but as practice shows, not everything is so straightforward.
Likes to appear with cross like a gift from fate.
Looks nice when you make a wish for a potential desired pregnancy, And wreath falls out with skull(sort of a gift).
WITH face- means a meeting that will bring a surprise.
Co hat promises the fulfillment of a wish.
But with mill- rude flattery.

ROAD- it’s expensive in Africa too.
Together with broken hearted And key means that you will be "sent"
and if it's a plus scull or cross, then further away than just in FIG.
WITH for hours can mean "a new path in life."

TREE- loneliness.
Unlike a candle, this is real life loneliness.
Or you have to deal with something alone.

LOCK- closed path. Bad sign. This is a dead end - nothing will work. Dead end of business, dead end of relationship.
If together with chains, then the path may be closed due to removable obstacles.
The path may be closed for a period of time (month).
It matters to hide something or to protect it.

SNAKE- trouble. disease.

KEY- open path.
But here it strictly depends on the situation - if you ask “will I be fired from my job?”
and the answer is a key, then this means that the path to the labor market is open for you (that is, you are free, payment and goodbye!),
and if we're talking about about a new opportunity, a new business, then this is a favorable sign,
indicating the absence of obstacles.
In love it can also mean an open path to the heart, you can, for example, ask:
“Does Vasya have a girlfriend?”, and from the key you can understand that he doesn’t.
In short, the key's job is to open.

BOOK- government House. Any institution where you will have something going on.
And educational establishments And labor organization.
Well, if suddenly skull, then the hospital.

BELL- hit. Something will shake.
No, it’s not necessarily bad, sometimes joy hits hard too.
There will definitely be a shock, but whether it is good or bad must be judged by the accompanying symbols.
Bell and road may mean an accident.
But together with coins may also mean good deal- a lot of money will suddenly roll in.
And so on. If there is only one bell, then most likely, unfortunately, it speaks of something bad.

RING- explanation. The ring means that there will be some serious conversation.
Together with with my heart- this is a break in relationships,
but together with flower- recognition if it joins a flower hearth, then we will probably talk about marriage.
WITH flag - business conversation.
Most often, this symbol indicates a conversation about relationships between people.

- boundless happiness. Occurs when you experience real tangible happiness.
A bright splash, a sea of ​​emotions, seventh heaven.
If the symbol appears together with hat- this is the promise of real magic.

CROWN- success. This is a kind of positive answer to all your questions.
This is both success in the business you have in mind and success in love.
Success in everything. Can neutralize bad signs.

BONFIRE- family hearth, symbol of family, home.
In principle, the symbol is positive, but experience shows that even though we are talking about family,
but not necessarily about family joys, sometimes about family problems.
May mean "stay at home."
For young people, the hearth symbolizes the parental family, even if they have their own.

CAT- flirting.
The cat goes well with other symbols and is always easy to interpret:
cat with bowl- close relationships due to drinking,
cat with face- casual connection,
cat with skull- sexually transmitted disease or unwanted pregnancy.

CUP- a feast, a symbol that is supposedly pleasant and cheerful.
Booze, party. Caution if combined with skull- there may be poisoning or pregnancy if it still connects cat.
WITH tree- drink alone.

CROSS- fate, fatality, nothing can be changed.
In company with skull- serious illness,
WITH by letter- fatal news,
WITH bowl- hard drinking, and if with bowl And skull, then a terrible hangover.
In general, everything to which a cross is added takes on the color of inevitability and bright manifestation.

SWAN- good news.
Good news, a favorable outcome. Good sign.
If it comes up during fortune telling, you don’t have to worry about anything anymore,
if he is the last, everything will end well, no matter what stands in front of him.

FACE- acquaintance.
New acquaintance new person, or a meeting with a person who is not new, but, on the contrary, an old acquaintance.
In other senses, this is “the truth in person”, “the result in person” and the like.
When divining for pregnancy, it can mean its presence (a new face - a newborn).

LUTE- hobby.
Most often this is a passion for people, falling in love or a new interesting friendship that will captivate. There may also be a passion for the business. In general, some kind of strong passion.

MILL- gossip, empty.
In fact, it turns out that this sign appears with some futility, nothing will work out, everything will be in vain.
Vain dream ( hat), a fruitless road ( road), useless activity ( flag).
If this symbol appears in the layout, all other symbols become empty and useless.
The children are crying. But! Bad symbols are also smoothed out - unnecessary worry ( spider),
trivial quarrel ( swords). Well, the importance of gossip and rumors has not been canceled.

COINS- money. Well, everyone knows this: coins are money.
And that's not all! Sometimes they can just as easily mean valuable information or profitable business connections.
If the coins are wreath, then this is a gift, and if with raven, then they’ll throw money at you, for example.

MONTH- news on the way, news within a month.
Your question, your goals are either postponed for a month or will be resolved within a month, depending on the accompanying signs.

SWORD- argument. If a sword falls out, a quarrel is inevitable, hide sharp objects and keep quiet.
Sword with skull - looks like a fight. Sword with broken hearted- it seems that the quarrel will lead to separation.
If you still fell out and watch, then there will be a quarrel global consequences.

LIGHTNING- a lightning-fast decision, a sign of sudden insight, quick and exact solution Problems.
Together with month- this is a direct instruction to postpone the problem for 21-28 days.

SPIDER- anxiety, an unpleasant sign, but what’s pleasant about a spider?
The spider is all sorts of worries of a very nasty nature, when you sit and worry,
it’s vague and dreary, and you can’t do anything about it.
Other symbols may explain what the spider refers to.
It may be that the spider comes first, and then a good symbol - which means the worry is in vain, and everything will work out.
And if after good signs, then not everything is so good and you will have to worry more.

LETTER- news.
This news is immediate and for the most part official, often very informative and long-awaited.
Good news or bad news can be judged by the other symbols, but as practice shows, most often these are facts, just facts.

HORSESHOE- happiness. The talking symbol is a horseshoe - a sign of happiness.
Moreover, this sign is very simple. There is no need to speculate or invent anything about it; happiness is simple, clear and very true.
Definitely a good sign!

SPYGLASS- thoughtfulness. Or it will be thinking about the news (swan, watch, letter),
or this is a reflection after some events. Or just a call to think.

CANDLE- peace, a sign of peace and relaxation, which does not always calm down.
You tell him: “How will I pass the exam?” - and he - “calm down”, you tell him “Vasya loves me?” - and he - “calm down, fool.”
Imagine: winter, snow, blizzard howls “uuuu... uuuu...”,
You are sitting in your hut, with your paws tucked in, and there is a candle on the table, and the tongue of its flame flutters so terribly - this is a candle!

HEART (pierced by an arrow) - broken heart, unhappy love, mental suffering.
If it falls out with raven- cruel betrayal.
Together with skull- severe mental suffering, despair.

SUN- luck, a sign of dawn, prosperity in life.
Everything that was bad before in the scenario is all neutralized.
The sign promises that everything will be fine in the end, no matter how bad things are now.
This sign is always focused on the future, even if it answers a question about the past.

CROW- betrayal, and a very painful one. A setup.
Together with skull or with my heart- this is really bad.
Co hat means the collapse of a dream, with tree- stay in all alone without help.

STRELOCK- achieving the goal. A wonderful sign.

FLAG - new activity.
The sign always means only talking about business.
A new activity will be more interesting than troublesome if this sign appears alone.
With all other signs it will characterize the essence of this activity.

CHAIN- sign of obstacles. These obstacles are small and annoying, but always noticeable.


WATCH- changes. There is no need to be afraid of this sign, it is very fair.
Even if it seems that changes are for the worse, then it turns out that this is not so.
Good or bad, these changes are always strong.

SCULL- illness, painful.
Pain and illness. Physical and spiritual.
Well, he behaves accordingly - he rarely comes up with good symbols, but if this happens, it turns out to be a very fat “fly in the ointment”.

HAT- dream.
You have a dream, so think about what and how it relates to it in your scenario.
It is clear that good signs will bring its completion closer (quiver, clock, swan, key),
bad ones destroy and move it away (skull, raven, castle, chains).

ANCHOR- stability, stability. Nothing will change, everything will be fine.

Comments (23) Read messages first

08.09.2018 21:12

She asked the question, “What will our relationship with the Mol. Man be like in the near future?” Dropped out; Clock-Road-Cup-Mill-Swan. Clock-Road - New way in life, Swan - good news. How can you combine the Cup and the Mill with these symbols?

18.08.2017 16:18

If it’s a shooter, then this is 100%, but the mill confuses me, for me the mill is always an empty fortune-telling, maybe for you it’s an empty experience, share later whether it came true or not

18.08.2017 09:33

Help me decipher. The question was: will they hire me? dropped: anchor, letter, hat, mill, sun, shooter.

16.05.2017 17:42

If a "tree" turns into a "cat"... what does that mean? Help me please!

12.05.2017 12:59

to the question “how does he feel about me?” dropped: “coins, month, telescope, letter, hat, cat.” What means?

The word "pasians" means "patience" in French. Solitaire fortune telling is, as a rule, a single ritual in which there are certain rules for the layout, as well as a certain goal. Upon achieving this goal, a prediction of the future is made or an answer to the question posed is given. In such situations, chance and fate play a decisive role, because this is not a classical card game, where everything depends on the level of skills and intelligence!

A selection of 30 online solitaire games

In this section you will find a lot of interesting and free online solitaire fortune-telling games that can give you a prediction about love, the future, relationships, or simply give advice regarding the current situation!


Despite the French pronunciation of this word, the origin of the game itself and the fortune telling based on it still remains unclear. Some believe that its homeland is Scandinavia and was originally performed on runes.

Historian Parlet David believed that solitaire was originally played by two participants, each of whom laid out his own deck. Although all that is known for certain is that this was the favorite, and perhaps the only occupation of the prisoners of the Bastille during the time of Louis XIII.

This is interesting: According to one legend, it was Mary Stuart who played solitaire the night before her execution. There are rumors that she was promised a pardon if the situation worked out. However, what kind of arrangement this was and who exactly promised her freedom is unknown. More likely, this story nothing more than a legend!

Principles and rules of online fortune telling

Modern online solitaire - fortune telling, is a type of predicting the future that uses cards with symbols. Symbolic fortune telling is very ancient: Tarot cards and even more so ordinary Playing cards arose much later. However, some types of solitaire games still use a standard deck of 36 sheets.

Advice: If you wish, you can make cards yourself and carry out fortune telling in reality. In some cases, such as on New Year, Christmastide, Christmas - the predictions will be very accurate!

An important point in carrying out such fortune-telling is a correctly formulated question. Although most often solitaire is played on a specific situation in order to determine possible directions for its development.

Most popular types

Exact amount existing species Solitaire games are unknown. Roughly speaking, there are several hundred of them. These fortune tellings captivate, entertain and of course predict the future. The accuracy of their forecasts is comparable to that of any other type of fortune telling! The following layouts are best known in Russia:

  • Indian;
  • Russian;
  • Swedenborg;
  • Love;
  • For the Near Future;
  • On playing cards;

The layout of the cards in them is not complicated, and is almost entirely done by the computer. Online fortune telling is carried out both on special cards and on regular decks with 36 or 52 sheets. If you are a beginner and would like to learn the meanings of the cards, then first of all remember that:

  • Worms - symbolize feelings and emotions;
  • Clubs - professional sphere and relationships with people;
  • Diamonds - money, finance, luck and failure;
  • Spades - physical effort, power, violence;


How you feel about fortune telling is entirely your business. It is best to perceive any online fortune telling as free and harmless entertainment. Don't give them too much serious significance, this is just one of several ways to look into the future, but nothing more.

And finally, don’t be too upset about what the cards predict for you! Always remember that your life is in your hands. While a person is alive, he can change his destiny. The main thing here is to believe in yourself!

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