
Rating 5

Every person knows that the situation in the world today is that there are many more women than men. And this is taking into account the fact that every third one is a true beauty. Surprisingly, what to do with such power of beauty if at the top of this list is the dream of the male population - Oksana Fedorova? What interesting things are happening in her life, you...

Summary 5.0 excellent

Every person knows that the situation in the world today is that there are many more women than men. And this is taking into account the fact that every third one is a true beauty. Surprisingly, what to do with such power of beauty if at the top of this list is the dream of the male population - Oksana Fedorova? And what interesting things are happening in her life, you can read in this article.

Oksana Fedorova 2016. Accurate facts

We should start talking about Oksana Fedorova with her immediate birthday, which falls on December 17th. The girl was born in 1977 and today she is already thirty-eight years old, which does not interfere with maintaining an ideal appearance.

Like many the mighty of the world this Oksana Fedorova A eastern horoscope she is a Snake. It’s interesting, but this combination is found in many famous and influential people planets.

Where was Oksana Fedorova born - such beauties can only be born in Russia. As for Oksana specifically, she was born in the city of Pskov.

Today, Oksana Fedorova is a popular TV presenter and appears in modeling photo shoots.

Oksana Fedorova weight: 50 kg.

Oksana Fedorova height: 178 cm.

Oksana Fedorova. Biography

Oksana Fedorova, the future Miss Beauty and popular personality, was born in a small Russian city - Pskov. This happened happy event December 17, 1977. Unfortunately, Oksana did not have a happy family: dad, mom... Her father left them even when Oksana could not speak. So raising the baby fell entirely on the shoulders of her strong mother, who, among other things, was also a qualified medical specialist.

Time passed and Oksana Fedorova successfully graduated from Pskov school No. 8, this happened in 1995. It’s interesting, but while in high school, Oksana simultaneously studied at the legal lyceum.

This is surprising, but such a beauty turns out to have dreamed of engaging in useful activities for humanity throughout her entire adult life. She dreamed of being a police representative.

As for her ascent in the creative field, it all started with a small orchestra, where Oksana played the tenor saxophone.

Oksana Fedorova. Police career

After graduating from police school in 1997, Oksana Fedorova went to study in the city of St. Petersburg. Oksana left the higher education institution as nothing other than a lieutenant. She tried so hard to be the best that she finished it easily educational institution with honors.

Three years later, with the rank of lieutenant, Fedorova began working as an investigator in the internal affairs department of Pulkovo airport.

A little more time passed and Oksana Fedorova was invited to take the place of civil law representative in her native educational institution. At the same time, the girl enters an adjunct program at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg.

And here, while Oksana Fedorova is writing her PhD thesis, she is literally covered in a wave of popularity.

Oksana Fedorova and the path to Miss Universe

Studying at a university and her personal life did not stop Oksana from taking care of her appearance, so the girl visited various sport sections and shaping rooms. True, she did not go to ordinary places at all, but to a hall that belonged to the St. Petersburg Shaping Federation. And it was this organization that was directly involved in organizing the popular Miss Beauty contest in St. Petersburg.

At her first competition, Oksana Fedorova effortlessly wins and takes first place. This event happened in 1999. Then followed a series of endless events of this kind. And so, Oksana Fedorova becomes Miss Russia, and then takes first place at the international Miss Universe competition.

An interesting fact, but it turns out that Oksana Fedorova could take part in the Miss Universe beauty contest back in 2001, but obligations outweighed the desire to “be popular” and Oksana remained to take the exams.

But nothing stopped this attractive and purposeful person from taking first place at the beauty contest in 2002. And being already a certified specialist, Oksana receives the title “Miss Universe”.

In this competition the winner receives amazing beauty crown, the cost of which, according to primary standards, is estimated at two hundred thousand US dollars. The girl was awarded this luxurious gift by the Mikimoto jewelry corporation from Japan.

Among other things, Oksana Fedorova also received for her participation in a beauty contest various gifts and prizes with a face value of approximately two hundred fifty thousand U.S. dollars. And of course, we should not forget about the great opportunity to collaborate with fashion modeling agencies and study at the New York School of Television and Film (the training included an amazing apartment in Manhattan).

But for some personal reasons, Oksana Fedorova refused the request for an expensive photo shoot and announced to the whole world that she would not take part in the popular television show, because she had a lot to do at the university, she needed to work on her dissertation .

Only four months pass and international organization decides on the need to revoke the title of “Miss Universe” from Oksana Fedorova. explains everything that happened by saying that the girl who becomes “miss” also has a number of obligations. For example, she needs to not only take care of her personal affairs, but also take part in multiple advertising campaigns, charity events and attend social events, but Oksana did not do this at all. She spent the entire period of this time in Russia.

Oksana Fedorova. Personal life

According to many, the refusal of all the opportunities provided by the competition organization was due to a strong love for a certain man. But as it turned out, giving up the title “Miss Universe” did not make the girl happy at all. After the competition, the girl hastily returned to St. Petersburg, but the girl refused to give any comments regarding her decision.

The only thing we managed to learn from the beauty herself was that she had long period time to drag on a relationship with a man who is several decades older than herself and works in the field industrial construction. And then information surfaced that Oksana Fedorova had been living with a certain Vladimir Golubev for more than sixteen years. Moreover, her lover is not only twenty years older than her, but is also in legally married with another woman. And in general, he is not an entrepreneur at all, but a banal bandit who is known in St. Petersburg in the criminal circle as “Barmaley.”

For the first time, “Barmaley” saw his future lover at a beauty contest that took place in the city of St. Petersburg. Then he made her an offer that the girl could not refuse. The girl was offered wonderful housing in a prestigious area, money for personal expenses, and all that was required of her was favor towards her lover. In other words, Vladimir invited Oksana to become an ordinary kept woman. But this kind of life required Oksana to renounce the title “Miss Universe”, and in general she was deprived of any freedoms.

Some of the women close to Oksana Fedorova said that the girl very often said that she was very tired of such a life and the time had already come when she was ready to exchange her “golden cage” for real family and children.

But Vladimir Golubev was not ready for such changes. And why does he need all this if the man already has a full-fledged family with a wife and children. And illegitimate children would cause serious discord in the relationship between Vladimir and his legal wife.

The year 2006 has arrived. Oksana Fedorova makes one of the most serious decisions in her life. They decide to leave Vladimir. At the same time, mass rumors about Oksana Fedorova’s new relationship appear as if out of nowhere. This time her name is associated with the personality of a certain Alexander Litvinenko, who is engaged in professional dancing. Their romantic relationship began on the popular television project"Dancing with the Stars".

All the journalists and yellow newspapers wrote during breaks that Oksana Fedorova and Litvinenko were preparing for the wedding. But it was not possible to reach the victorious end.

A little more time has passed and Oksana Fedorova has another boyfriend. And this time the person is very unusual - he is an adult man who has become a record holder more than forty times and was included in the Guinness Book of Records. For the sake of his beloved woman, he performed incredible stunts. But all this did not lead to anything serious.

After this, Oksana Fedorova was invited to a children's television show - “ Good night kids." She continues to be invited to various television projects. The year 2007 again brings her to the show project “Dancing with the Stars”, where she meets a man named Philip Toft. And finally they get married. What’s interesting is that between the day of the meeting and the day of the wedding, nothing passes - a few months.

Philip Toft could not boast of wealth. He literally didn't have a penny behind him. And yet, Oksana believed that they would be able to create a strong and reliable family. But as it turned out, Philip had no desire to become a father. Fedorova decides on the need to help her man develop as a person. They open a business, the marriage becomes fictitious. And the family company begins to produce biological additives under the Toft brand.

Despite her relationships with other men, Oksana never succeeded in eliminating Vladimir Golubev from her life. All this time he was reflected as a shadow in her affairs. Philip lived abroad, and Oksana Fedorova went about her business in Russia. The couple didn't even wear wedding rings. More and more often she was seen in public with the famous musical performer Nikolai Baskov.

Basque and Fedorova often demonstrated general public your romantic and warm feelings. They were not afraid to behave in a relaxed manner and even danced very explicit, erotic dances a couple of times. Many of the fans believed that in this way the stars were trying to stir up interest among ordinary citizens.

It turns out that there are even rumors that for one evening spent in the company of Nikolai Baskov, Fedorova had to give up to one hundred and fifty thousand US dollars.

But then information appeared that Baskov and Fedorova were seeking to legitimize their relationship. At the “New Wave” competition in Jurmala, Nikolai Baskov invites Oksana to finally legitimize their relationship and proposes to her. And the couple even hints that it is likely that the couple may soon become parents. A couple is literally everything free time spent together. Then time passed, for some period of time Oksana Fedorova bore the title of “Baskov’s bride.”

Oksana Fedorova, on the eve of a new relationship, made preparations and divorced Phillip. After another holiday together with Nikolai Baskov, the couple terminates the relationship. Every day their speeches changed and did not coincide. It was clear that there was very little time left before a complete rupture.

According to Oksana Fedorova herself, Nikolai Baskov is a completely spontaneous and sudden person. So marrying such a person will be very infantile.

More time passed and finally all the rumors and gossip surrounded Oksana Fedorova. 2011 came and a kind and reliable person finally appeared in the life of the beauty and ex-Miss Universe. Oksana Fedorova and Andrei Borodin (WSF employee) enter into a legal marriage.

Another year passes and the young couple has a child. It happens on March 6, 2012, the son is called beautiful name Fedor. And after this, another child is born - a girl named Elizaveta (July 22, 2013).

Oksana Fedorova 2016. Today

Today, the relationship between Oksana Fedorova and Andrei Borodin is talked about only in a positive way. Employee presidential administration happily married. And Oksana Fedorova herself confidently insists that she has finally found the very person with whom she is ready to spend the rest of her life. She feels confident and calm with Andrey.

Do you think the marriage of Oksana Fedorova and Andrei Borodin is really that strong? Or, as is often the case, it is not enough for men to have one lover? Tell us your thoughts and share them in the comments below.

In anticipation international competition beauty of Miss Universe 2011, which will take place on September 12, we can remember the first and so far only Russian winner of this competition - Oksana Fedorova.

Oksana Fedorova was born on December 17, 1977 in Pskov. Her father left the family when she was still very young, and Fedorova was raised by her mother, a doctor by profession. Choosing future profession, Oksana decided to follow in the footsteps of her great-grandfather, who worked in post-war years head of the Pskov police. She entered police school, from which she graduated in 1997 with a gold medal. After this, Oksana went to St. Petersburg, where she entered the faculty of heads of city and regional internal affairs agencies of the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There she decided to participate in the Miss St. Petersburg 1999 beauty contest, in which she achieved victory. After graduating from the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Oksana Fedorova took part in the Miss Russia 2001 competition, which she also won, and in 2002 she received the prestigious title Miss Universe 2002. Due to her unwillingness to fulfill the duties of the winner, Oksana Fedorova was stripped of her title. Oksana herself has repeatedly said that she could not fulfill her duties as Miss Universe, since she needed to defend her thesis on the topic “Civil regulation of private detective and security activities in Russian Federation" Since 2001, Oksana taught civil law at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, became an associate professor in the Department of Civil Law and received a another title police captain.
In 2002-2005 she took part in election campaigns Russian Party life. Since May 2006, he has been a partner of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Russia.
Presenter of the program for children “Good night, kids!”, programs “Subbotnik”, “Saturday Evening” on Russian television. She starred in the television series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” and the television movie “Sophie.” For two years she was the host of the television game “Fort Boyard” together with Leonid Yarmolnik.
In 2006, she graduated from doctoral studies at the Faculty of Training of Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and received the rank of police major.
Doctor of Law (2007). Dissertation topic " Public policy in the field of combating poverty in Russia: historical and legal research."

Since 2007 he has lived with his mother in Moscow.
In 2008 she made her debut as a writer. This fall, the Eksmo publishing house released Oksana Fedorova’s first book, “Formula of Style”: tips and recommendations on beauty and style. The book also contains autobiographical inserts and photographs from Oksana’s personal archive. It is also planned to release at least two more books by Oksana on makeup, image, etc.

Since 2007, Oksana Fedorova has been married to German businessman Philip Toft. They divorced in 2010. Oksana explained her divorce by saying that she and her husband rarely saw each other and actually lived in different countries. For some time Oksana Fedorova was engaged to Russian singer Nikolai Baskov, however, in 2011 Oksana and Nikolai announced that they had separated.

Oksana Fedorova's height is 178 cm, body measurements 88-64-93.

Born December 17, 1977.
Representative of Russia, senior police lieutenant Oksana Fedorova won the title of Miss Universe at the competition, the final of which took place in Puerto Rico. Oksana’s colleagues believe that she will not be seduced by the glitz of show business, but will return to her teaching career at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The organizers of the Miss Russia contest are sure of the opposite.
Oksana Fedorova is from Pskov. Her mother is a doctor, her father an engineer. After graduating from police school in 1997 with a gold medal, Oksana went to St. Petersburg, where she entered the faculty of heads of city regional internal affairs agencies at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1999, I decided to try my luck in a professional beauty contest.
- Then there were complaints about her figure, mainly about her hips. But she was actively involved in shaping and obeyed her coaches in everything. And as a result, she became “Miss St. Petersburg,” the director of this competition, Viktor Zemskov, told Izvestia. - Oksana is a very sociable girl, on good terms with everyone.
It is known that she lives alone: ​​she rents an apartment in a prestigious area in the center of St. Petersburg - not far from St. Isaac's Square. According to some reports, her friend’s name is Vladimir, he is 30 years old and runs a business. According to Viktor Zemskov, Oksana once admitted that she loves children very much and would like to give birth to five.
In 2000, Fedorova graduated from the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a gold medal and got a job at the police department of Pulkovo airport as an investigator, although she almost immediately ended up on sick leave, breaking her leg. Three months later, having entered graduate school, she left the police. In 2001, she won the Miss Russia competition. Currently he teaches civil law at the university and is writing a dissertation on the topic “Civil regulation of private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation.”
“Junior cadets look at her with admiration, but many of our guys don’t like her - she’s too thin.” When he teaches classes, in my opinion, he is shy. He dresses in a uniform and hardly uses makeup,” university cadet Mikhail told Izvestia.
According to Oksana’s immediate supervisor, head of postgraduate studies at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Evgeniy Protsenko, she is “an excellent teacher.” He also said that Fedorova is currently on a business trip, and her stay at the competition is “paid as working days.” For winning the Miss Universe contest at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, she was promised to be awarded a certificate of honor. And any day now she will be awarded another military rank- captain.
President of the All-Russian public organization“Miss Russia” Nikolai Kostin, remembering the rumors in 2001 that Fedorova’s victory in the national beauty contest was allegedly lobbied by the FSB, laughingly asked: “Well, our FSB agents went to Puerto Rico and talked with the owners of the Miss Universe contest” - Donald Trump and CBS?
“Girls from Russia took the title of Miss World more than once, and Miss Universe remained the only unconquered peak,” Nikolai Kostin told Izvestia. - Don’t think that I’m saying this only because Oksana won, but the Miss Universe competition is considered more prestigious than Miss World. This can be explained very simply: the owners of Miss World are British, and Miss Universe belongs to the Americans and is extremely popular in America, and therefore throughout the world.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Red Stars modeling agency, Vitaly Leiba, according to him, was happy about the Russian woman’s victory at such a prestigious competition, but spoke very reservedly about her future prospects.
- Not a single Miss Universe has yet become a successful working model. If Oksana Fedorova comes to us, then we will decide the issue of her professional suitability, regardless of titles and titles.
However, Oksana is unlikely to have to bow to the sharks modeling business: Along with the title of Miss Universe 2002, she received not only a scepter and a bejeweled crown worth $250,000, but also a scholarship for two years of study at the New York School of Film and Television Arts. Vice-president of the Miss Russia contest Marina Kruglova told Izvestia that a few hours after the results were announced, she managed to contact Oksana in Puerto Rico. Oksana said that she doesn’t really know yet what this victory gives her. On Friday morning, she and the organizers fly to New York, where a contract will be signed, according to which Oksana becomes the property of the Miss Universe competition for a year. Her responsibilities will include attending various presentations and charity events.
“In any case, she will soon return to Russia to defend her dissertation, there is one chapter left to finish,” said Marina Kruglova. - Oksana really wants to be a lawyer, but it seems to me that she still won’t refuse an internship at a film school. She always wanted to try herself in cinema.

Famous TV presenter, singer, actress, designer, lawyer by primary profession, police major Oksana Fedorova was born in Pskov on December 17, 1977. A neat figure gives Oksana a special charm and helps her win the hearts of not only Russian fans, but also foreign beauty experts.

Updated 02/16/2018 18:13

Oksana Fedorova's figure parameters:

  • Age: 40 years (as of February 2018)
  • Height: 178 cm
  • Weight: 58 kg
  • Dimensions: 88–64–93 cm
  • Foot size: 41

Oksana Fedorova’s mother is a nurse, her father is a design engineer. The future star spent her childhood mostly with her grandparents, as her mother often had to be on duty at the hospital. Her father left the family when Oksana was two years old.

The modeling business attracted Fedorova from her youth, and her figure made it possible to realize an old dream

girl with early years dreamed of the stage, often tried on my mother’s dresses, shoes and jewelry, and school years I learned how to remake old things. In her youth, the girl was seized by the desire to become a model. She attended music school, learned to play the guitar and saxophone, and was seriously involved in volleyball.

The chiseled figure of Oksana Fedorova is an object of envy and an example to follow

Show business opened its doors to Oksana in 1999, when she was a student at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and studied at a modeling school for a year. Oksana Fedorova’s height, weight, and body parameters still meet the necessary criteria. Perseverance, hard work, extraordinary intelligence, and unique femininity brought her victory in the Miss St. Petersburg competition.

Thanks to beautiful figure and Fedorova’s charisma won the high-profile title “Miss Universe 2002”

By this time, the 22-year-old beauty had Golden medal upon graduation from the Pskov Police Legal Lyceum and a red diploma from a secondary special police school. A year later, Oksana graduated with honors from the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After her initial success on the catwalk, Fedorova won the Miss Russia and then Miss Universe titles in 2002. But such significant victories did not disturb the clarity of the girl’s thinking, and when she had to choose between the podium and the successful defense of her dissertation, the girl chose education. As a result, Oksana successfully completed graduate school, becoming a candidate of legal sciences.

Oksana Fedorova is beautiful even at home

But the dream of conquering the stage did not leave the prudent girl. Nine years ago, Oksana Fedorova retired to the reserves and now works on television and does vocals. Fedorova is the author of the book “Formula of Style”, founder charitable foundation“Hurry to do good,” the development of which she devotes a lot of time and effort. Now Oksana has a full-fledged a happy family, about whom she once dreamed - her husband Andrei Borodin, an employee of the Russian Presidential Administration, and two children - four-year-old Fedor and three-year-old Lisa.

Reserve police major, candidate of legal sciences, Miss Universe, clothing designer and jewelry, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, TV presenter, wife and mother of two wonderful children - this is “ achievement list» everyone's favorite Oksana Fedorova. Recently, in her interviews, Oksana has been correcting journalists - her last name is now Borodina. At the same time, she claims that she has finally found the very man she has been waiting for all her life. “When a woman is loved, she is both beautiful and strong,” this is what the Russian beauty says about her personal happiness.

Oksana Fedorova with children and husband – photo of a happy family

Oksana Fedorova never hid her personal life from fans. But in September 2011, Oksana’s fans were surprised when they learned that the star had been married for six months. Why such secrecy? Who became Fedorova’s chosen one, why does she hide her husband from everyone?

In the photo - Oksana Fedorova with her husband

It turned out that Oksana became a wife former employee FSB, and now politician Russia - Andrey Borodin. Fedorova’s husband works in V. Putin’s administration and little is known about him. The future spouses met at one of the charity events. The two military men immediately found common interests. Communication was easy and relaxed. Borodin stays away from show business. According to Oksana, he feels uncomfortable when he gets into the lens of a photo or video camera. “I am the person behind the scenes,” this is how Fedorova’s husband explains his position.

In the family, Miss Universe wants to remain in the shadow of her husband. “A woman perceives life through her man”, “a man is for God, and a woman is for a man” - this is the life philosophy that Fedorova adheres to today when it comes to her family and relationships with her husband. In many interviews, Oksana talked about how protected she felt next to her husband. He became a reliable support and gave real female happiness.

The marriage of Oksana Fedorova and Andrei Borodin produced two children. In the spring of 2012, their son Fedor was born, and in the summer of 2013 the family was replenished with a daughter. Fedya recently turned 6 years old, and caring mother I am already seriously thinking about the future of my child. A retired major, the wife of an FSB officer and the granddaughter of an officer, wants her eldest son to choose a military profession.

In the photo - Oksana Fedorova with her son

Oksana Fedorova has a 22-year-old son Nikita from a previous marriage - true or fake?

Oksana's husband Andrei Borodin already had a family. Three children were born to her: Nikita (22 years old), Ivan (15 years old) and Sasha (12 years old). Fedorova gets along well with her stepsons. They even train together in boxing. The model’s husband is fond of this fighting sport and introduces all his sons to it. My husband has set up a ring in one of the corners of the garden where he trains the boys.

Oksana herself also began taking boxing lessons from Andrey. True, the woman complains that her blow is still weak, and her movements are more like choreography. But the purposeful Miss Universe, who passed military training, not used to retreating. She hopes that she will still be able to master this male sport.

Miss Universe 2002 - Oksana Fedorova (photo of the contestant). The story of how a graduate student of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was deprived of the title of the most beautiful woman in the world

Oksana began her modeling career in 1999. Then the 21-year-old cadet of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received the title “Miss St. Petersburg.” In 2001, already a graduate student at the same military university, the girl took first place in the Miss Russia competition. And 2002 became a landmark year in Oksana’s life. It was then that she had to choose between a modeling future and military career. The girl became the winner of the world's most prestigious beauty contest, Miss Universe. Its organizer at that time was Donald Trump, current president America.

Fedorova remained a beauty queen for only a short time - only four months. She had to terminate the contract, and the title of “Miss Universe” went to the contestant from Panama, who took second place. There were several versions of why Oksana was stripped of her title. The American side claimed that the Russian model had secretly married and was expecting a child. The organizers of the competition motivated their accusations by the fact that the model had allegedly gained 7 kg weight.

Oksana explained scandalous story because she needs to defend her dissertation. And the Miss Universe schedule is very busy - interviews, participation in charity events, photo shoots. Being so busy, there was no time left for treatise. The girl made a choice in favor scientific activity. For this, in America they began to throw mud at her and threatened her with legal proceedings. It all ended with the girl’s top prize being taken away. But Oksana still considers herself the owner of the title “Miss Universe 2002”.

Hot photos of Oksana Fedorova from ski resorts and thermal springs

Oksana Borodina, unlike many domestic stars cinema and television, did not appear in candid photo shoots for men's glossy magazines. But she loves to post racy photos on her Instagram page. For example, a hot photo shoot in the pool in January 2016 surprised fans with its frankness.

The photographs looked original - a young woman takes a warm bath against the backdrop of snow-covered fir trees. But this was not the only thing that made them unusual. Nobody is used to such images of intellectual and family woman. The pictures caused a wave of comments. Someone was indignant and said that the role socialite It doesn’t suit Oksana at all. There were also those who compared her photo with the posts of Anastasia Volochkova, known for her shockingness and scandalousness. But most followers liked this image of their favorite. They hastened to notice that Fedorova was Once again proved to the whole world why she received the title “Miss Universe”.

The second time Oksana showed off her figure in a swimsuit was in the fall of 2017. Then photos from her appeared on her Instagram page. thermal springs Sakhalin. On them former model appeared before the public in a closed black swimsuit with a revealing neckline. In the comments, she shared with subscribers her impressions of visiting the island and admired its beauty. But few people were interested in Sakhalin landscapes. All attention was focused on the figure of the 39-year-old model, which the media immediately called imperfect. It has been suggested that the mother of two children was never able to get her figure in order after the birth of her daughter.

What plastic surgeries did Oksana Fedorova perform, photos before and after plastic surgery

Oksana Fedorova does not hide her tolerant attitude towards plastic surgery. She even calls her her friend, who may someday come to her aid. But the TV presenter and model believes that surgical changes to one’s appearance should be treated with caution. Before the operation, you need to carefully weigh and think about everything. And the main thing is to visit a psychologist and find out from him, perhaps, the desire for silicone beauty lies in deep-seated mental problems or experiences.

If this is the case, then you should attend training and gain self-confidence. If not, then only then go to an appointment with plastic surgeon. But you need to choose an experienced specialist with a good reputation. Fedorova shared these thoughts in one of her interviews last spring. The conclusion suggests itself - Oksana didn’t do it plastic surgery, but treats them loyally.

And this could well pass for the truth, if not for the compromising evidence that was accidentally made public. In 2014, the media stated that Fedorova sued a plastic surgeon after unsuccessful operation. We were talking about lip augmentation. The plastic surgery was unsuccessful. Oksana's lips were ruined - they were very swollen and spoiled the proportions of her face. A professional lawyer decided to punish the culprit of “unaesthetic medicine” and filed a lawsuit. Nobody knows how the unpleasant story ended. But many assume that Fedorova’s education left no chance for the plastic surgeon to get away with it.