Each of the houses of the horoscope is responsible for certain areas of life. Taken together, they describe the completeness of individual human destiny.

Secrets of the Eighth House: Keys to Transformation

VIII house, symbolically corresponding fatal sign Scorpio, in astrology, is responsible for crisis situations that require the ability to fight; illness, injury, danger; death and attitude towards death; sex and attitudes towards sex; interest in secrets, mysticism and magic. Another important sphere of influence of the VIII house is transformation, that is, transformation, reaching a fundamentally new level, which is accompanied by the death of the old state and the birth of a new one. Death itself as such is also a transformation: the bodily shell dies, but the inner content does not die, but undergoes changes, that is, it is transformed.
It is obvious that transformation as a deep mental process of total restructuring goes through crisis situations. It is in a crisis situation that they become more active internal resources for drastic changes. Transformations allow consciousness to reach a new level. In fact, it is an integral tool for internal growth. If a person avoids the necessary changes and resists them, then the crisis eventually hits him with full force, leading to even more severe situations.
The position of the VIII house in the signs of the Zodiac, as well as the planets that are located in it, will make it possible to determine what situations in a person’s life will trigger the mechanism of transformation of the psyche; will help you understand what will contribute to internal changes.

Eighth house in the horoscope

The position of the Sun in the VIII house actually orients a person towards initiating crisis situations. Such a person can consciously become involved in acute events, testing himself for strength. Basically, such people show great interest in the material side of life and in financial transactions that require working not only with their own, but also with other people’s money; the transformation mechanism is launched. However, it is also possible to pay too much attention to material things at the expense of higher matters. If such a person pays attention to things of a more subtle nature, he will be able to discover in himself greater insight and abilities for the secret sciences. The 8th house cusp in Leo indicates that transformation is triggered in situations involving publicity, fame and power, or in circumstances requiring great courage. The Moon in the VIII house indicates that a person constantly needs new emotions to transform. He experiences an acute lack of impressions, thrills, and can unconsciously be drawn into dangerous situations in order to compensate for it. The transformation of consciousness occurs through family crises, in situations that give a person acute experiences. The same applies to the vertex of the 8th house in Cancer.
Mercury in the 8th house speaks of a mind focused on solving mysteries and secrets. This is a strong position for a psychologist, an investigator. Abilities for magic, occultism, insight. Transformation is triggered in the process of mental activity, when a person is deeply immersed in the study of an object. The top of the 8th house in Gemini or Virgo also suggests that transformations are associated with intellectual comprehension of existence.
The position of Venus in the VIII house suggests that extreme situations in a person’s life are associated with romantic and partnership unions. Crises can be related to fatal love, jealousy. Partners or the object of love trigger the transformation mechanism. The VIII house in Libra speaks about the same thing. The position of Venus in the VIII house (or the cusp of the VIII house in Taurus) indicates financial crises that trigger a transformation of consciousness.
If Maas is in the 8th house, a person transforms his consciousness in critical, extreme circumstances that require quick and decisive action and physical extreme efforts. A profound restructuring of the psyche can be triggered in war, in conflict situations, when faced with danger or death. The vertex of the 8th house in Scorpio or Aries also gives these instructions. Mars in the VIII house is a strong position for the development of magical abilities.
Jupiter in the VIII house speaks of a craving for esotericism, the occult, and the search for sacred knowledge from religious or otherworldly sources. When studying them in the process of travel and encounters with other cultures, a transformation of consciousness occurs. The same indications are given by the top of the VIII house in Sagittarius.
Saturn in the VIII house may indicate some inertia regarding deep transformations. A person may delay this moment and be afraid to look deep into himself. Transformation occurs in isolation or while fulfilling the responsibilities assigned to a person. The same indications are given by the top of the VIII house in Capricorn. With Saturn in the VIII house, there is a risk of being subject to energetic influences, which are popularly called the evil eye, damage.
The position of Uranus in the VIII house suggests that the transformation of consciousness is triggered when confronted with the latest discoveries, practicing astrology, or studying space. Profound changes can occur abruptly and suddenly. The same applies to the position of the VIII house in Aquarius. At a high level of personality development, there may be the ability to anticipate dangerous situations.
Neptune in the VIII house attracts a person to mysticism and secrets. By revealing secrets, engaging in spiritual practices, psychology, and creativity, a person can reach a new level of consciousness. The caveat is to distinguish between illusions and reality. Excessive imagination, inattention or fanaticism can lead to dangerous situations. But the fight against illusions and deception will contribute to transformation. The 8th house in Pisces gives the same instructions.
Pluto in the VIII house suggests that the transformation of consciousness occurs in mass crisis situations, during social upheavals, and when faced with death. The study of death and borderline states, the profession of a surgeon or resuscitator are some of the vectors that will contribute to the transformation of consciousness.
For the Black Moon, the 8th house is a sign of a symbolic monastery. With good aspects it indicates magical abilities. When tense - the power of rough instincts and animal nature. Transformation is triggered through their awareness and elaboration, as well as in crisis situations related to money.

The 8th house of the horoscope gives answers to such burning questions as whether a person faces dangers, extreme situations, or extraordinary events in life. And if so, what exactly and under what circumstances will they occur. What exactly will they be expressed in? In what activities are expected: in adventurous adventures, in business or in everyday life (domestic injuries).

Analysis of the elements of the 8th house will also give the answer to exactly how, in what ways and how successfully a person will overcome and defeat the dangers that threaten him. And these can be threats to life due to interethnic conflicts, wars, criminal acts, accidents and simply dangerous adventures, interpersonal hostility from other persons.

Planets in the 8th house, their position, their configurations in the birth horoscope with other planets, as well as the configurations of planets with the cusp of the 8th house and the position of the ruler of the 8th house will answer these questions in detail. The more planets in the natal chart are determined in the 8th house, the more dangers and trials a person will have to endure, the more serious they will be and the more inevitable his desire for adventure - but the brighter and more interesting his life will be.

But not everything is so simple with this field. The 8th house of the horoscope is a place of power in the natal chart. This is a window for the most powerful cosmic flows! Analysis of the elements of this house gives a conclusion about a person’s capabilities for survival in the world and in society. What is given to him by nature and fate for self-defense, defense, for self-realization. Some people have strong fists, and they solve problems with physical strength and dexterity, and can only count on this. Someone has a strong spirit that can withstand any difficulties and become a leader for many. And someone has financial power, which also allows them to protect themselves. Thus, the 8th house of the horoscope is the strength of a person in this world!

Traditionally it is believed that the 8th house determines the material, financial position person. But in fact, the 8th house, unlike the 2nd house of the horoscope, does not determine cash or material values: it reflects money as a way of power. And if in a given society money means power, then the 8th house really indicates financial situation. But in medieval Europe, the 8th house was “responsible” for origin, strength and physical health, that is, what gave power and advantage in that era, according to those social laws. And in the case of money as a means of power, the 8th house determines not the property itself, but the accumulated financial resources, potential money: bank accounts, business. Or debts.

If the elements of the 8th house are in a detrimental position, a person is destined for the role of a victim on the part of the authorities, criminal elements, and violence on their part. Sometimes such a person simply becomes embroiled in a power struggle between other people. Or, if the elements of the 8th house have more than one square or opposition, or the element of the 8th house is the Moon or Neptune, then this means getting into debt, loss of independence, oppression by creditors.

A complete list of information that can be obtained when interpreting the 8th house:

  1. Financial power. Non-cash money, bank accounts. Accumulations, savings, capital turnover. The planets determined in this house and its ruler - by their nature, position in the birth horoscope, configurations, as well as configurations to the cusp of the 8th house - will tell about the volume and size of these types of funds.
  2. Contacts with banks and credit organizations. Loans and credits. Debts and debtors. Lending. Rent. Amount of loans, their repayment; improvement of financial situation through loans or losses from creditors, inventory and loss of property; benefit from loans or search for debtors, ruin, unsuccessful and ineffective investment of funds. Amount of rent and its payment.
  3. Deposits, investments, investments, shares, securities, share in the business. Profit or ruin. Successful investments and acquisitions or bankruptcy.
  4. Insurance. Relations with insurance organizations. Payment or non-payment of insurance.
  5. Inheritance. Inheritance issues.
  6. Business. Issues of business development, its strength, turnover of funds. Accounting, balance.
  7. Extreme situations: injuries, accidents, dangers, existential threats.
  8. Sexual activity, passion.
  9. Relations with authorities: patronage from those in power. Gaining, gaining power. Or violence on the part of those in power, lack of rights.
  10. Magic and mysticism. Spiritual strength. Possessing paranormal abilities or not possessing them. A collision with mysticism or the complete materiality of existence.
  11. Frankly powerful enemies.
  12. Death, its nature and causes.

The 8th house of the horoscope is associated with the sign of Scorpio. With this symbol of life and death. Scorpio is an emotional sign, a sign of power and survival in extreme and difficult life situations, in situations other than ordinary ones. The 8th house indicates just such situations.

Planets in the 8th house of the horoscope

The rulers of Scorpio, Mars and Pluto, become the true dispositors of the 8th house. Mars is survival, the struggle for life, overcoming obstacles and obstacles, self-defense and self-realization. And the 8th house is about the ways and necessity of protecting oneself from dangers, the possibility of overcoming them and the attitude towards them. That is, it directly clarifies the task of Mars: how exactly a person will protect himself and self-realize, by what methods and methods.

The more significant, stronger and brighter Mars is expressed in the birth chart, the more chances a person has to overcome all extreme situations and emerge victorious. And in its essential nature, strong Mars signifies masculinity, strong spirit and physical strength and agility. A very strongly expressed Mars in the horoscope means complete victory over all dangers, of which there will be many, and all serious, if Mars has squares, oppositions, half- and one-and-a-half squares.

Weak Mars in the birth horoscope foreshadows giving in to difficulties, accepting someone else's power over oneself, and a subordinate position. Depends on circumstances.

But actual power and strength is determined by Pluto. Its most powerful position in the natal chart determines the strongest energy, thirst for power and the ability to achieve it. Unexpressed Pluto indicates a person from the crowd, without leadership qualities. Thus, the solution and way out of many situations of the 8th house depends on the position and configurations of Mars and Pluto.

Neptune located in or ruling the 8th house, if it has squares, oppositions, semi- and sesquiquadrates, or forms a tense configuration with the cusp of the 8th house, means a clash with mystical and paranormal phenomena.

Jupiter from the 8th house brings wealth and good fortune, allowing one to avoid many dangers.

The role of the victim is prepared when Saturn is in the 8th house or its square to the cusp of the 8th house. This location of Saturn means, in a strong position, deception and betrayal, loss and theft, and in a flawed position, violence and lawlessness.

Venus located in the 8th house or forming a square to its cusp - fatal love, suffering due to sexual attraction.

Let's study what a strong VIII house of a horoscope can influence. If a person has a strong VIII house in his horoscope, his life will be accompanied by all the metamorphoses of death, starting from the first days of life. Death is like a sacrament, like a magnet, like fear, like a question, like a riddle. A person can approach these problems of the VIII house differently, depending on his spiritual level and position on the evolutionary ladder.

1. You can look Death in the eye and, having overcome the duality of the VIII house, die and be reborn in this life in a new quality. In other words, experience your own symbolic death.

2. A person with an accentuated VIII house gravitates toward collective energy management. In its highest manifestation, a person transmits through himself the energy of the subtle world, therefore the VIII house gives birth to occultists, astrologers, healers and high-class psychologists. Occult practice is associated with the 8th house.

This is magic and all the ways to control and transform energies. This also includes yoga, which aims to master energies on the other side of material life.

Magic is the ability to use certain powers. Here again there is duality, since magic can be white and black. Here the choice is between Good and Evil. Conscious use of powers for a purpose black magic leads to a terrible fall. This always has something to do with it Black Moon, especially if it is strongly expressed or is located in the VIII house, the house of its exaltation.

This situation can give birth to a terrible black magician, a sorcerer, a person who destroys the visible world. It would seem that his upper gate is open, but he closes it himself, despite the fact that he knows what he is doing.

3. The third way is, despite the pessimism that a strong VIII house gives, to find the beauty in risk and extreme situations. And then it can become an incentive to live. This is what people of the 8th house do, choosing professions related to situations “on the edge” - pilots, climbers, mountain rescuers, stuntmen, surgeons.

This could be athletes, as intense training brings transformation similar to yoga. These could be research scientists in sciences that are associated with the decomposition of elements into parts - physicists, chemists, surgeons, pathologists.

Thanks to Pluto, people of the 8th house have strong magnetism (which is not always known about), they very subtly feel other people's influences, and can be subject to them themselves. But, nevertheless, they have the ability to influence other people, capturing them emotionally or energetically.

Therefore, the VIII house gives birth to great directors and great artists who strive to influence the ethical values ​​of people with their art and talent. These are the most profound dramatic and tragic actors and directors. Their performances and roles played are rated by people much higher than they expect.

4. You can replace the problem of Death with the problem of instincts, as they say, to get into sex. Sex is ruled by Mars and Pluto. Sex is also a certain metamorphosis of death, it is like the origins of life, love, birth. The kinship of Neptune and the expelled Venus determine the psycho-emotional profile of sexual experiences. Tormenting a partner with his instincts, a person kills him and, as it were, takes over Death (Freud, De Sade).

5. Another way is to solve the problems of the VIII house through the II house. The 2nd house is physical strength, material values, money. The 8th house is also associated with money - inheritance, insurance, winnings. Each house is a mirror of the opposite house, only a crooked mirror.

The 2nd house is matter and form, the 8th house is the gateway to another reality. But first we must part with the material world and survive Death. Information from opposite houses penetrates each other. On the one hand, they are antagonistic, on the other, they complement each other.

But every person is given the opportunity to combine extremes, the opportunity to unite opposites. How to connect the seemingly unconnectable - the Earthly world and the Heavenly world? Only under the condition of duality, participating in both at the same time, giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s. This is the only way to learn to live simultaneously in two worlds, knowing that they are dialectically interconnected.

From this point of view, the problems of the 2nd house look different. You need to work on his problems, especially if he is significant. To have a support, a starting point, you need to be able to earn money. The trick is how to view this money - as an end in itself or as a means.

Strong VIII house of the horoscope. As a rule, great values ​​and material goods attract extreme situations. The more money a person has, the less protected he is, the greater the likelihood that it can be taken away, and from the VIII house.

It must be said that a person with a strong VIII house is very tempted to solve problems through the II house. A house that is too full and the opposite is empty gives rise to an attraction to the unknown, to that which does not exist. And this is natural - “I love what I don’t have.”

6. Well, if you walk along VIII at risk, then you can take someone’s treasures. Therefore, people who are the lowest embodiment of the VIII house set the extraction of valuables as their main task. And they get them without difficulty. The more they risk, the more they gain, the more they take from life. But this does not bring them any benefit, since they aggravate one extreme, forgetting about the other. Therefore, most often they themselves become victims of the VIII house.

Yes, you need money, but you need to earn it. Man must become the center that unites these two problems of life and death. On the one hand, you cannot be attracted to matter, knowing that it is not eternal and can collapse. On the other hand, he also has no right to destroy by forcibly invading a harmonious world that man did not create. If he kills and destroys, after death he will be met by the souls he killed.

In order to find out the location of planets in houses, you need to draw up a natal chart. To compile a natal chart, use the side widget (on mobile devices the widget is at the bottom of the page) - enter the date, time and place of birth and click the “Natal Horoscope” button. Detailed meanings of planets in houses are described on the pages of this section.

Eighth house


experience of living together; power and trust in partnerships

The seventh house ushered in the concepts of agreement and equality in partnerships. The eighth house turns these concepts into reality. It symbolizes the fulfillment of what has been proclaimed, just as the honeymoon represents the conclusion of the marriage ceremony.

Trust and faith in your partner are central here. Without trust, true partnerships are impossible, and... Of course, true union is impossible. Without faith, openness is impossible, receptivity is impossible. The give-and-take process very often turns into a battle fought from the defensive trenches. However, where there is faith and trust, magic can happen.

The second house symbolizes self-esteem. The eighth house symbolizes the opposite process, evaluation through partnerships. This is an indirect assessment of oneself in a shared existence with others. This assessment may literally mean the partner's judgment, but it is more likely that it is a judgment made by the person himself based on the perception of the partner's reactions.
The state of the 8th house shows how important the values ​​that he and his partner own are for a person, and also indicates the way to create an alliance in a partnership.


the secrets of ego death and rebirth through intense interaction with others

To be worthy of joining a union, you must sacrifice certain aspects of your personal life. Sometimes the change is only superficial, and other times it is fundamental. IN in rare cases developmental requirements lead to a total change in a person.

Either way, something in you has to die. Thus, the 8th house symbolizes the “death experience” that is experienced whenever the personality capitulates to the larger reality beyond the ego. In traditional astrology, this experience is often understood as literal, physical death, but it is more appropriate to include the experience of “death of the ego”, followed by rebirth, but on a higher level.

The state of the 8th house indicates not only the characteristics of the death/rebirth experience, but also characteristic way creating a similar transformation with the help of other people.

Sexual fusion

true sexual union, tantric liberation

The eighth house is the last of the three “sex” houses. The first is the 2nd house, which emphasizes pure sensuality, selfish pleasure. The second was the 5th house, where courtship ultimately turned into a spectacle of the creation of love. Both of these houses are below the horizon, so they are subjective or personal.

The eighth house is the house of the western hemisphere, so it is focused on interactions with people; however, it is above the horizon, so it symbolizes the objectivity of sexual experience. The second house is the sphere of origin of pleasures. The 5th house builds the impulse of risk and excitement, and the 8th house is the climax joint relations, their implementation, transforming the release of orgasm.

Of course, orgasm can be correlated with the 2nd or 5th houses (in the 2nd house as pure pleasure, in the 5th as the culmination of a masterly performance), but the highest and most powerful possibilities of orgasm are correlated with the 8th house .

Besides physical contact, besides successful courtship, and even besides the magic of biological birth, there are higher spheres, no matter how intangible they may seem. To open these spheres in oneself, it is necessary for the ego to die for a while; for this purpose, the process of death/rebirth is built into the structure of the nervous system. The task is to free oneself from previous restrictions, beliefs or values, to shed the old skin, to go beyond the self at the moment of connection with the unimaginable (symbolized by the Divinity that manifests itself in the intimate relationship of lovers).

The condition of the 8th house reveals the characteristic way a person uses these intangible, occult or spiritual possibilities.

Focused Intuition.

non-rational knowledge in the specific context of interpersonal relationships

The eighth house is the second house among the three intuitive houses (the others are the 4th and 12th). Here the emphasis is placed on the emotional locator tuned to intuitive perception.

Logically speaking, this type of intuition works best when the relationship between the seer and the object is established in advance. But in real life everything happens differently. You may "accept" a lot of information about someone you barely know; with whom you did not enter into a “contract”, did not sign “agreements”, with whom you are connected only by the simplest intangible hint of a true relationship. From an occult point of view we could say that this person The person from whom such a vast flow of information comes to you is a person with whom you have already established a relationship in a space different from the space of ordinary life.

The state of the 8th house indicates the natural style and importance of relationship-oriented intuitive contacts in an individual's life.

Joint property

real inheritance created by relationships between people; joint finances, holdings or property

All partnerships control material resources, and by definition, these resources are jointly owned. Land, property and possessions all belong to the 8th house if they are part of a partnership. Thus, any inheritance or gift received from family or as a result of marriage is the domain of the 8th house.

It can be added that money itself is a symbol of joint property, since the monetary system is a way of formalizing and simplifying the exchange of goods that occurs in accordance with the rules established by society. The 8th house symbolizes all the money earned in a partnership, while the 2nd house symbolizes money earned solely by the individual's own labor. To have an idea of ​​the items of income, it is necessary to consider both houses, since in any kind of business both a buyer and a seller are required.

One system of analyzing these houses believes that the 8th house is the source of money - where it comes from, while the 2nd house is the area of ​​spending money - how it is spent. However, remember that this is only a theory of interpretation and not a rigidly established rule.
The state of the 8th house indicates the individual's attitude towards joint possessions, as well as the strategy for handling these resources.

Sun in the eighth house



The position of the Sun in the 8th house indicates that the theme of personal appreciation through partnerships is central to your life. The experience of being with someone - not just interacting with a person, but truly merging with them - is an experience so important that everything else pales in comparison. You connect to the source of life energy through a trusting relationship.

Believing in your partner simultaneously increases faith in yourself; choose the wrong partners and you will stop your development. A “faithful” partner will work with you to achieve a state of union. You sacrifice yourselves not for each other, but for the sake of something common and deeper than the ego. When unity is accompanied by the feeling of becoming more and more yourself, know that you are on the right path. The task is to create a productive unity with a person - not to depend on him and not to separate, but to connect on the basis of trust, while at the same time respecting his own path in life.


Strive with all your being towards transformation. It is impossible to flirt with this process, because if you take this path, the very essence of your life orientation changes. This process is similar to a solar eclipse. The radiance of your universe is temporarily extinguished, and this is not so easy to do. If you cannot die properly, then you are not able to live properly.

You did not come to Earth to live one life; you have come to live many lives, successively, and each life is built on the remains of the previous life, and all this happens during one earthly life, in one body. Ordinary life is not for you, so don’t try to create it, it can only arise by strangling the living thing that is hidden inside you. You need to live in the flow of the unusual, the extraordinary. Forget about the gray routine: strive for love and interest in life.

Sexual fusion.

The psychological liberation of sexual union is central to life. Orgasm opens the door to space - this happens especially clearly in the case of a gradual increase in emotional and physical arousal - where you for a short time forget who is penetrating whom, where the feminine and masculine are indistinguishable, where the lover and the loved one merge into a completely special being, 8 something more than a person.

This is liberation, which can originate in the biological environment and end in the spiritual sphere. Needless to say, release is most effective when your hearts are open, when you and your partner truly love each other. During sexual relations, focus on the center of your being and fill yourself with warm inner light.

Focused Intuition.

Intuition reveals your divinity. The intuitive apparatus was given to you from birth, and all that is required of you is simply to put it into action. You are able to penetrate any person you want to focus on because your locator is very powerful. Trap - You may be overwhelmed by what you perceive in another person. You have difficulty distinguishing between other people's sophisticated perceptions and your own experience, which can lead to confusion. The challenge is to act on what you feel without touching the source of those feelings. Unleash your premonitions. Strive for complete clarity. Your reward will be heartfelt warmth.

Joint property.

One of your levels life goal- this is management, responsibility, benefits from handling money, property and possessions. Based only on the position of the Sun, nothing clear can be said either about your financial situation or about your reaction to money; sign and aspects must be taken into account. All we can say is that your financial situation and reaction to money directly affect the fulfillment of your life goals.

You may be in possession of power that you apparently did not ask for, or you may be in need of power, desperately wanting it; but in any case, the power of shared resources will ultimately be yours. The trap is not to notice how many people are affected by you. The task is to fully own this power. Use it consciously, regardless of how you spend it.

Moon in the eighth house



The position of the Moon in the 8th house indicates hunger in intimate relationships. This is a basic need that is not analogous to a contrastive obligation. Let's say more, it has nothing to do with agreements and obligations and is associated with a different reality. The basis of joint relationships is the emotional expression of sympathy and intimacy, the openness of these feelings.

The trap is to be too dependent on your partners to feed you these feelings, believing that your partners will empathize with you regardless of whether you give them something in return or not, or open up or not. The task is to make contacts that satisfy your emotional need for a temporary but real union, and to avoid interactions that are “closed” or take a lot of energy from you.


Warmth and emotional gentleness are a need for security and self-confidence, but by definition, ego death creates a sense of danger even in the safest environment. For you, safety is hidden in intimate, hidden danger. Other people sense this danger by sensing the intensity of your feelings. You perfectly capture the supernatural in human sensations. You don't have to do anything to be receptive to the supernatural; you are attuned to it by nature, thanks to the unconscious locator. Live in such a way that every day some, very small part of the ego is released and does not allow our emotions to become explosive. The task is to create a sustainable existence through the veneer of regular and continuous change.

Sexual fusion.

Your deep sexual urge is temperamental; it is an automatic way of maintaining homeostasis. What you need is not so much simple closeness or intimate contact, but rather a deep sense of emotional calm. You need a safe release because it is in the release of orgasm that you begin to relax and release defense mechanisms. You may live and work with partners who provide little or no external security, but when it comes to sexual union, security must exist.

The trap is emotional dependence on a lover. You are drawn to him by the need for release, so be careful not to become “glued” to your partner, just as a child is “glued” to his mother. And equally, don’t foster dependency in your lover. Let your needs be met, but don't get hooked. The task is to feel the entire rich spectrum of emotions that arise in sexual relationships; Cultivate a mutually relaxing relationship.

Focused Intuition.

Your intuition is automatic, omnipresent, and impossible to ignore. You tend to increased sensitivity to other people's feelings, especially when you are emotionally involved in a relationship. People become more aware of their own needs when they're around you, and that's a good thing. However, when you are around other people or want to be, your own needs may overwhelm you, or people's needs may become dominant in your emotional perception. The trap is giving in to these needs and losing touch with the true messages of your intuition. The challenge is to protect your integrity even when you are bombarded with emotions.

Joint property.

You are dependent on the advantages created by partnerships or family inheritance; you spend a lot of energy, work overtime to protect them. This is not to say that you feel a very serious responsibility for them, but rather that you identify yourself so closely with the partnership that you take on the role of educator. You are capable of supporting your partner at a certain time in life, and if this is done with trust and respect, then this experience may be the most fruitful for you. Choose a partner who is trustworthy when handling money because suspicion can drive you crazy. The trap is the loss of a sense of security due to lack of resources or money. If you start thinking about what you don't have, you will "inflate" your need to such an extent that you will become unhappy. The goal is to fill your life with tangible evidence of mutual virtue and respect.

Mercury in the eighth house



The more contacts, the closer you get to your intimate world. However, interactions do not have to be based on complete agreement. Although conflict in a relationship is counterintuitive to the symbolism of many planets in the 8th house, here it contributes to your arousal.

Since disagreements are purely mental and not emotional, the relationship ends up becoming more intimate. However, don't rely too much on ideas where you and your partner disagree. Also remember the tendency to talk about intimacy without sacrificing anything for the sake of true union. The goal is to use the connection of your mind to the mind of another person as a kind of “intuition radar” pointing you towards the real merging of your souls.


Your thoughts take you to the edge of self-understanding of your personality, and although it may seem strange - that your brain is taking you beyond yourself - it really is the most natural process in the world for you. Develop a scientist's vision; explore all the transformation processes taking place in the world around you. Ask people about the significance of change for them; study the language of these changes and put yourself in similar conditions. And remember, it is not enough to just think about transformation.

What you have learned and learned, you need to bring into your own life, shift the focus from the scientist to the guinea pig. In the end, you yourself are your best experiment. The initial task is easy: learn the transformation syntax with your rational mind. The real trick is the ability of your mind to teach your heart.

Sexual fusion.

Your nervous system is sensitive to sexual contact. It is intertwined with the nervous system of a loved one. Arousal is actually hidden in a vast network of neural sensors that ultimately connect in the brain.

Talking is often more sexual than touching because you want to meld with your loved one's mind. You move from a state of activity to a state of passivity and vice versa quite quickly, and although this may delight your lover, it can equally prevent the steady build-up of tension necessary for release. Sexual feelings can arise suddenly, even in an inappropriate environment. Equally, you are capable of thinking of some kind of joke immediately after the climax of sexual relations, and needless to say, such thoughts spoil the mood. Satisfy your curiosity about crossing Niagara Falls in a barrel - your mind is the barrel and your sexual energy is the waterfall.

Focused Intuition.

You are not so much a highly intuitive person, but rather someone who is very interested in intuitive experiences. Intuition is an invisible and very vague process, and although you have all the means to be physically sensitive, it is not easy for you to fully open to your power. You stand on the sidelines, wanting to check your intuition, confirm it rationally and objectively.

The trap is simply discussing and talking about possibilities rather than actually using your intuition. The goal is to tune your nervous system so that you can hear other people's thinking, or at least discern the patterns of their thoughts, if not the words themselves.

Joint property

Your mind is busy with incessant accounting calculations, moving resources, shuffling property. It may be a completely natural experience that recharges your nervous system, in which case you enjoy the change; or weakening the nervous system, and then you gradually exhaust yourself with imaginary crises. It's not about how much you have, but how you manage your possessions. Put money into circulation - both your own and the money of other people that you manage. Realize how wonderful it is to spend a significant portion of your time thinking about resources, because handling money and possessions is a game that you need to recharge. The essence of the task is not to gain and lose, but to play.

Venus in the eighth house



Being close to another person is a true pleasure for you. Sacrificing for love is a very valuable experience for you. But first, make sure that love really exists before you sacrifice, and second, be sure that the other person loves you too. Do not persuade him to enter into an alliance, because this leads to the trap of inevitable betrayal and loss of harmony. Instead, use every good feeling to build an intimate relationship. The task is to understand that even personal love is the result of the interaction of two individuals; it is something that does not come from the separate life of each person, but is created by the harmony of their union with each other.


Venus loves rituals in all forms, even rituals of complete ego surrender. The possibility of rebirth has its own aesthetic, so you are willing to participate in the process. You are susceptible to psychological change because you are much more than just your physical body. The trap is the belief that change will not affect the values ​​that are important to you now. You believe that you will remain the same as you exist in the present, but will have greater opportunities to enjoy the delights of life. To some extent, such views are beneficial for you, but in general it is a completely stupid attitude towards own development. The task is to understand that death means a complete abandonment of old ways of understanding what pleasure is, in favor of new values ​​and, fortunately, new pleasures.

Sexual fusion.

The aroma of sexual union is a powerful aphrodisiac, gentle and refined, a very powerful magical drink. For you, this is the icing on the cake of life. The emphasis here is feminine qualities: embrace, softness, receptivity. Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, your beauty encourages other people to enter into an alliance with you. You know how to offer yourself to your loved one, to open up completely, but there are also pitfalls. You can be seductive, putting on an attractive mask of receptivity to ensnare the one you want. You may even delude yourself into believing that you are open when in fact you are not. Remember, sexual vanity is your enemy, not your ally.

The task is to understand that the aesthetic and physical pleasures of union are truly worthwhile if they are found in contact with the right person, at the right time and in the right place. When these conditions are met, the pleasure of complete liberation leads to your renewal.

Focused Intuition.

Your intuitive abilities are aimed at finding a special goal, at intercepting the vibrations of personal love. You also appreciate physical sensuality in other people. If you find this in another person, then pleasure fills you and makes your inner world vibrate more harmoniously. It’s a trap to use such sensitivity solely for your own needs, and not for the common benefit of you and other people. The task is to open ourselves to the invisible worlds that exist around us, worlds of inexpressible beauty.

Joint property.

Perhaps you are trying to inherit money, or marry a rich person. In any case, the struggle for money is something that you may not realize. Even if you don’t have money, you believe that you deserve it, because owning money, in your opinion, is a right given to you from birth. Whether you are wrong or not, this consideration permeates all the decisions you make.

The trap is smug superiority, a tendency to ignore the real suffering and deprivation in the world. Indifference can arouse hostility in people. The goal is to use all resources to express love and grace. This process may be interfered with by family or friends, but it should not stop until you fill the whole world with love. You are capable of being an open-hearted educator, regardless of whether you receive anything for your work.

Mars in the eighth house



You sense the value hidden in your lover. It fills you with desire, and you strive to penetrate through the shell of the outer personality to the treasures located in the depths of the human soul. But often you ignore personality boundaries. In fact, the stronger the boundaries, the harder you can try to break through them. This is a death trap because the Treasures of the union are only acquired when both people are safe in sacrificing themselves to each other.

If you insist on breaking people's boundaries, they will simply strengthen their defenses against you. The result is an ongoing war, an argument, and not intimate contact. Realize the impact of your masculine strength, the power of your pressure. Let the warmth of your desire awaken receptivity in the other person. The task is to earn access to the inner sanctuary through ardor, and not belligerent behavior.


You are capable of being the ideal spiritual warrior, a crusader knight who goes out to duel with the dragon of the ego. The trap is a distorted interpretation of victory and defeat. If you slay the dragon but your ego survives, then you have suffered spiritual defeat. Then the question arises: what is a dragon? You are a heat-seeking projectile looking outward for a target. But often the warmth comes only from you. Everything is like in the famous saying of Pogo: “We have met an enemy, and this enemy is ourselves.”

It is not conquest, but interpenetration that produces transformation. The task is not to split hairs, follow your desire and know that the desire itself will make changes along the way.

Sexual fusion.

You are “charged” with sexual passion. The desire for connection burns continuously in the lower chakras. When desire is awakened, it becomes white-hot. You often forget about everything, focusing only on him. Desire can manifest itself as a “gateway” to orgasm without paying enough attention to the partnership itself, but it can also mean a mania for intimacy. In any case, the trap is the idea that it is not you who puts barriers to connection, but the loved one. This leads to an outburst of anger as soon as sex is involved. Remember that turning a loved one into your enemy is defeating yourself. The task is to learn how to merge correctly. Passion and ardor are your arrows, desire is your bow.

Focused Intuition.

Unexpectedly for other people, you throw yourself out of your body and rush towards intuitive contact with them. Every person you need is wanted by the sharp beam of your locator. Trap is a violation of someone else's property rights. People's inner thoughts, feelings and desires are often dangerous, often not an accurate reflection of their true selves, and therefore necessarily personal. Learn to intuitively enter only those areas that are open or not blocked. When you enter someone's inner sanctum, you may inadvertently walk into a cesspool, and what you find there may not be pleasant. The goal is to hone your sensitivity to the razor sharpness of a razor blade. Use this tool as a surgeon, removing blockages, or as a loving person, filling a loved one with virtue.

Joint property.

You are very sensitive to the topic of money and probably wish you had more of it than you currently have. Instead of organizing your life with simple and focused efforts, you rush towards those people who already have money or apparently desire wealth. But be careful: money, property and possessions can easily cause battles in your family, social or love relationships. Deal with these conflicts, otherwise you may kill love. The task is to work together with other people to develop goals that can be achieved in a partnership, and to turn the fires of your aspirations into a single flame.

Jupiter in the eighth house



Jupiter's placement in the 8th house suggests that you have many opportunities to gain the personal value generated in partnerships. You can achieve union with almost every person, because internally you are open to this state. Contacts can often be ephemeral, but they are powerful nonetheless, and you should allow yourself the luxury of absorbing evaluation of yourself in every interaction. The pitfall is failure to develop a deeper, intimate relationship with a person. The task is to realize that the world is your shell.


You strive for development and change with an enthusiasm that is unmatched by the symbolism of any other planet in the 8th house. However, there are pitfalls here too. You may become overwhelmed by a simplistic view of change: more is better. Since you are not essentially the owner, you do not consider it necessary to sacrifice anything.

Since you are not “attached” to anything, why should you give up anything? What you need to give up is your pride. Ego death means just that to you: sacrificing excessive pride. The challenge is to choose true humility over false pride, and not feed your ego behind a falsely humble mask.

Sexual fusion.

The liberation achieved through sexual union seems to be the most natural process in the world. You achieve it without much effort because your sensitivity to the virtues of sexual relations is strong and well developed. Any sexual contact should captivate and captivate you even more. If this does not happen, then you become bored with your loved one, you turn into a disinterested observer and soon you begin to look for more exciting things. sexual relations.

There are two traps. First, you may have such high expectations for your sexual relationship that your partners find it difficult to achieve, and they may end up recoiling from you. Secondly, you really want to be free, and you are able to disentangle yourself from a loved one who strives for intense intimacy. Don't get detached too quickly; you will sacrifice your transformative efforts. The challenge is to let the merging experience provide you with real wisdom. Undoubtedly, you approach sexual relationships with healthy curiosity and pleasant surprise, unless there are instructions to the contrary.

Focused Intuition.

Your intuitive radar covers the entire space at once. You scan it for something interesting; your psychic sensitivity extends far beyond the narrow limits of what you extract from another person. You may be fascinated by the meaning of messages coming from beyond human space, but you need to distinguish between true messages and occult nonsense. The trap is to waste resources, believing that only your intuitive vision can show you the “right” solution to problems. Do not be dismissive of a specific job: comprehensive dependence on your premonitions can fail you in a critical situation. The goal is to use your intuitive radar to get in touch with your higher self, reflected in others and carrying your true wisdom.

Joint property.

Your attitude towards wealth is opportunistic. You can't meet too many people or have too many friends if you want to be rich. The pitfall is missing out on some good opportunities just because they require you to work hard. Why put in the effort when interacting with people is so much more fun? Remember, favorable plans and inexhaustible wealth are two different things. The goal is to develop a truly philanthropic attitude toward your wealth-related connections. The world is truly your “shell”, but do not forget to dig up the bed every time after harvesting. This kind of “taxation” preserves your happiness and the happiness of the world.

Saturn in the eighth house



The position of Saturn in the 8th house indicates a strong sense of responsibility in intimate relationships. It may indicate working hard to create long-term intimate relationships. Or it indicates anxiety. You may fear that you are responsible for every failure in the partnership, and not only for the problems in the relationship itself, but also for any problems that arise in your partner's life. You may mistrust other people's motives, believing that they will discard you as soon as they sense your shortcomings well enough.

These concerns are not unfounded; they need to be examined with care. Enter into a long-term agreement and fulfill obligations gradually, step by step. Even when you feel the pressure of intimacy, remind yourself to move slowly. The trap is the desire to receive from others what you did not give. The challenge is to choose your partners carefully and then get to work hard.


Moderate your sensitivity to other people's reactions, your fears and fears that you will be criticized or humiliated for not changing quickly enough or not well enough. You know very well not only what to change, but also how to make these changes. Don't blindly follow the rules and patterns that come to you from the outside; forcing change because of fear of rejection will not bring anything good. At the same time, don't give up on the work of changing yourself just because other people are pushing you to transform. The challenge is to be responsible for who you are, not who you think you should be. Remain calm, do not protest, while continuing to gain strength through measured forward movement. Your fears of ego death are only as strong as the power you impart to them, so celebrate the tiniest victories over inertia. And most of all, be gentle and forgiving with yourself. You can change, time is on your side.

Sexual fusion. You want the sexual relationship to be tangible, not ethereal, but this desire is so demanding that it can suppress the very ability to gain such an experience. You fear that if you "let go" of yourself, you will destroy yourself, so you hold back. The closer you come to fulfilling your desire, the more you are pulled back.

Sometimes you cannot achieve liberation and you consider it a personal failure. This is wrong. This is the result of being too heavy, too serious. You are suspicious of the desires that your loved one shows towards you. This is your defense against fear of rejection. The task is to patiently develop the ability to sexually relax. Don't forget, the path leading to the top of the mountain is long, the journey is long. And only by remembering this, you can enjoy the view from the top of the mountain.

Focused Intuition.

You feel that just being intuitive is not enough for you; you often require impeccable knowledge. These are too high expectations. You also fear the consequences of intuitive perception, believing that other people will kill the messenger. Finally, you fear that you, in fact. crazy that intuition is unreal and that you have become a victim of a form of self-deception. Behind every trap are your real concerns, but none of them are true. The challenge is to work hard to develop intuitive abilities and slowly develop the belief that invisible worlds actually exist and can have great pragmatic value.

Joint property.

Money means responsibility, whether you have a lot or a little. Often YOU will face disappointments - the reward for your patience is not as great as you hoped. Fortunately, Saturn improves over the years, like a fine wine, and it can bestow powerful divine meaning on you. However, this can be achieved when you carefully manage the resources that partnerships provide you with. Money that easily falls into your hands is like counterfeit money: you should reject plans (of casual enrichment. The task is to be like a little pig who builds a house of bricks.

Uranus in the eighth house



Intimacy is a peak experience. You spend a lot of time observing the alliance rather than participating in it, staunchly supporting a third-party position. In this case, you are not able to change your personal assessment through interaction with other people. Then, suddenly, a spark runs between you and your partner; it explodes, throws you out like a rocket from its launch pad, and shoots you towards the skies of the union. The trap is mutual exclusivity, incompatibility, a tendency to deny a different way of thinking, regardless of your condition. The task is to respond to the call of intimate contact whenever your life becomes enslaved in the swamp of inert habits, fully aware that these revolutionary alliances are undoubtedly short-lived, but respecting them.


One moment in time you are a person you know, and the next moment you are a stranger to yourself, a stranger from another world. These conditions rarely last long. Let's say more, they reflect the process of your formation; envisioning what you might eventually become. What characterizes both states is a readiness for solitude, so that you are not disturbed by ordinary relationships with people. The task is to comprehend what ultimate reality is, clearing itself of illusions, like a snake from its old skin. Remember these basics, let them, like a compass, guide you to maturity.

Sexual fusion.

Why do you explode in sexual ecstasy at one moment, but remain coolly standing aside at another moment? You don't know what to answer. These questions touch on your individuality and the expression of your will. When you are in your usual volitional state, you can steadfastly refuse sexual relations. When you become receptive to the subtler vibrations of consciousness emanating from your depths, only then do you accept the full gifts of tantric power.

Sexual union, however rare it may be, is a sudden awakening of your sensitivity. In this liberation, you gain a renewed sense of your uniqueness, a humble respect for the power that is diffused in the space around you. The challenge is to accept this power as you tap into it; Respect yourself, your partner and the space for the gift of sexual magic.

Focused Intuition.

You are alternately fascinated and disappointed by intuitive perceptions. At times, you are a skilled magician. At other times, you are a zero, denying your own miracles. You don't want to be a trained seal responding to mosquitoes, even your own. Intuition manifests itself, shocking you and other people with its unpredictability.
Your mental concentration is so philanthropic that you often receive information about strangers, and not about those who are closest to you. In a sense, distance increases sensitivity.

The trap is not taking personal advantage from sudden flashes of intuition. The goal is to give whatever you receive, to allow your intuition to go where it wants to go, rather than trying to develop it or force it into a regimented use.

Joint property.

Unpredictable situations happen with money and possessions, especially if they are the funds of your partnership. You can make and lose fortunes, often overnight, so expect the unexpected. It's good if you make money in unconventional ways, because storing your talents in a bag is an out-of-the-ordinary situation. Reducing your attachment to money and possessions relieves your fears about them.

The trap is excessive willfulness - submitting to external pressure is not typical for you, and you can be incredibly stubborn when pressure is placed on you, however, you are also gracefully flexible when you feel the freedom of relationships. Finally, you tend to play the money game according to your own rules, and although this is a valuable quality, you may end up getting into trouble. The challenge is to be aware of what you gain and what you lose.

Neptune in the eighth house



The position of Neptune in the 8th house suggests that intimate relationships are a direct road to the Cosmic Center. You are always ready for such relationships; you only need the lightest contact to reveal, open up the entire depth of your soul. But beware of the pitfalls. Your boundaries are not strong; at times they hardly exist at all, and by entering into an alliance you lose yourself. Real intimate contact is circular in shape - it always leads you to yourself. If you use this contact to escape from yourself, then you have nowhere to return - there is no “I” to meet you, and the result is chaos or disappointment. Don't be seduced by your fantasies of immediate fusion, no matter how easy it may seem to you.

The task is to continuously affirm the true spirituality of the interpersonal union. Invite God and recognize his presence in human intimacy, even when cynics reject the possibility.


You are attracted to the idea of ​​transcendence. You want to forget about the Earth, soar in spiritual bliss. However, you forget about reality. Ecstatic visions alternate with nightmares. Which of them is reality and which are just dreams? By paying enormous attention to every aspect of personal development, you create imaginary transformations that solve imaginary problems. Remember that real personal growth occurs in this life, not outside it.

The Source of Growth Is Responsibility The challenge is to change your understanding of spirituality itself. Connect holiness with common sense, with everyday life. You are a priest by nature, but you learn the most important lessons when you accept your own life and the life of everyone around you.

Sexual fusion.

Sexual union with a loved one is easy, magical and majestically seductive. The intensity of the feeling that arises during sexual contact is emphasized here, since emotions are more important to you than physical contact. You surround yourself with the passion of your beloved, wanting to dissolve in bliss. However, you sometimes use sexual relations as a drug to escape from real life. The return that inevitably occurs after the fading of romantic illusions is not only annoying, but also painful. Don't fly too high and leave your partner. Of course, try with all your might to rise emotionally, but do not leave the earth. Better fertilize it with outpourings of the spirit. The task is to raise the earth to heaven: to release the holiness contained in matter and make it shine.

Focused Intuition.

The invisible streams of intuition are truly oceanic. In fact, you must consciously limit the flow of psychic information coming to you. Otherwise, you will be inundated with an avalanche of images and feelings coming from God knows where. Separate true messages from white noise. You must develop clarity of perception and the ability to interpret what you receive. Is there a difference between personal fantasies—hopes, dreams, fears, worries, and feelings that seem to come from other people? Are they real, or are they just a reflection of your subconscious? Your borders, your shell, are a sore point, so the task is to remain open, but at the same time improve the ability to distinguish, differentiate between you and other people.

Joint property.

You believe that money comes to you from a never-ending cornucopia, and you are God's agent distributing these riches, usually to save the world. Your motives are both pure and corrupt - you want the resources coming from family or other partnerships to be used for good causes, but at the same time you hope that some of the funds will flow to you. The thought of working for money is unacceptable to you, since you believe that it should come to you solely thanks to your kind heart. When you love, you are generous in the face of failure; you also need to be careful about spending money, because you may believe that money will help you gain recognition and approval. The challenge is to share what you have with people while maintaining faith that the universe will provide for you.

Pluto in the eighth house



You steadfastly reject intimacy with some people, while you are manically attracted to others, and in their presence your sensitivity becomes extremely powerful. Your behavior boomerangs back to you: people often react to you in the same way - either everything or nothing. You are fascinated by the subtle power of intimate relationships, although you often mistake the source of this power, believing that it comes from the other person. This is not true. Its source is a shared relationship, fueled by something mysterious within you. The main pitfall is trying to control the power of the subconscious, which usually leads to disaster.

The task is to be receptive to unconscious sources of energy. Power will still be present in the joint relationship, but no one will dominate or be dominated. And then the whole will become greater than the sum of the parts, and the mystery will reveal itself.


You both love and fear the tension of a shared relationship, for you are fascinated by the mysterious aspects of life. When you eventually surrender yourself to the power of this relationship, your personality can literally change. Old habits, old ways of thinking and feeling will disappear completely, so that it will be quite difficult for you to even imagine that they once existed. However, don't forget who you were just now. Real transformation requires a gradual transition from one state to another, not a one-time leap. The challenge is to accept change without resistance. Transformation has its own special laws that differ from the laws of ordinary life. Let the death of the ego happen in its own way and in its own time.

Sexual fusion.

Sexual relationships, surprisingly, can be normal most of the time, despite the manic desire for them. You are suffering from the “flat” intimacy, but subconsciously you are preparing for the deep process of basic liberation. Suddenly you enter into the rhythmic intensity of sex, you explode like a volcano. Once you find the relationship you want, there is no turning back for you. You can only submit your will to something deeper and more powerful, respecting the power that erases your past and reveals new meaning"I". The trap, as always, is control. Don't suppress yourself and don't try to dominate your loved one. The task is to believe that after you are swallowed up by the “black hole” of sexual union, you will be reborn renewed, just as a chrysalis is reborn into a butterfly.

Focused Intuition.

Invisible information is constantly absorbed by your subconscious. It is there in a frozen state, like water in an iceberg, nine-tenths hidden in the depths of the ocean. Then, at some point in time, some experience of a joint relationship releases all the information at once. You enter a phase of unimaginable sensitivity, having enough strength and pressure to break life into pieces - sometimes the lives of other people, and sometimes your own. The trap is reckless resistance to the deep currents of intuition, causing earthquakes. The challenge is to let your understanding of the universe change as you distribute what flows through you.

Joint property.

You are prone to extremes in relationships and behavior when money and partnerships are combined with each other. You may be a greedy gold digger, only interested in what you can get out of a partnership and unwilling to pay attention to anything else. But you can just as easily be selfless, giving other people support beyond their wildest dreams. This is not submission to duty, but a motivating desire for recognition and wealth. Explore these urges, otherwise they can ruin your life and ruin your partnerships.

It is a trap. The task is to learn to transmute the desire for gold, to understand the alchemical processes occurring both in the sphere of money and in the sphere of psychology. Learn to transform that which is of no value into that which is of great value, and with the knowledge you have learned, transform yourself into something purer and more refined.

VIII house in Aries

style of self-change

impetuous and sudden even for the person himself and occurs as a result of some serious or traumatic event.

punishment for mistakes

arises spontaneously, happens quickly, often in the form of physical impact, when a person is completely unprepared, and he has to figure out what’s what for a long time.

crisis situations

are formed suddenly, without any visible connection with life events, against the backdrop of extreme situations, unmotivated anger and aggression. Danger comes from a love of risk, from sudden extreme situations - disasters, fires, fractures, injuries, burns, fire, diseases with high fever.


fast, unconscious as a result of an accident, an inflammatory process. A person is interested in death not out of fear, but out of a willingness to explore this phenomenon. You can only save yourself from death by decisive, quick actions.

Ruler of the 8th house in Aries

good ability to manage energy flows, but there is a danger of losing control due to impetuosity and ardor. A person quickly navigates a crowd and does not succumb to the feeling of being herd, imposing his own style of behavior and survival. He willingly takes the initiative into his own hands and radiates energy around himself. In all types of mutual exchange he is honest and tries to return in equal measure. In sex he is proactive and passionate, demanding recognition of his sexual merits. Frequently changes sexual partners. Interested in occult sciences.

ruler of the 8th house in the 1st house

appearance, behavior have a great influence on the themes of the eighth house - a person can attract extreme situations with his choice. The ability to take big risks and overcome any dangers along the path of development. The need to demonstrate to the whole world your attitude to the problems of death, transformation and rebirth, sex.

danger of personality destruction, suicide rate, sexual excesses.

VIII house in Taurus

style of self-change

slow, almost imperceptible both for the person himself and for the external environment.

punishment for mistakes

it hits one place for a long time, most often the wallet, completely exhausting the person.

crisis situations

heavy and long lasting. There may be a negative fixation on certain circumstances, which is difficult to get rid of. There is a danger of being covered with earth, stones or freezing. Danger from gluttony and laziness.


usually calm and not painful.

ruler of the 8th house in Taurus

in all types of mutual exchange he is selfish, trying to take a little more and give a little less. In sex he is conservative, careful, but caring, sensual and affectionate. He treats sex like food - you need a lot and constantly. A person values ​​his physical life and strives to make her comfortable in the most unfavorable circumstances. He has very developed possessive instincts and an expressed desire to accumulate material values ​​as reliable protection from possible crises. Avoids risks and untested, unfamiliar situations. Has stable ideas about the purpose of existence and the mysteries of life and death, whether they are true or false - this is the tenth thing. There are abilities for energy massage, acupuncture, good energetic contact with objects of the material world.

ruler of the 8th house in the 2nd house

income is associated with extreme, crisis, turning point, catastrophic situations. Good luck in banking, insurance business, politics and usury. Often sexual activity becomes a source of income.

is influenced by difficult aspects

thoughtless hoarding, greed, slowness in resolving financial issues, financial crises.

VIII house in Gemini

style of self-change

quite mobile and flexible, but shallow.

punishment for mistakes

has an annoying and not very painful character, most often it concerns the severance of established connections and distortion of information.

crisis situations

usually pass quickly, but are accompanied by a mass of small, side problems and are subtly changeable in nature. Danger from gossip and slander, air travel, hurricanes, whirlwinds, falls from heights.


As a rule, it is quite easy and instantaneous. Death on a trip, in the house of relatives, from damage to the respiratory organs or nervous system, due to haste or error.

Ruler of the 8th house in Gemini

in all types of mutual exchange he feels like a fish in water, but always strives for some benefit. An asexual sign, chasing quantity rather than quality. He is interested in the mental rather than the sexual side of sex, but he constantly talks about it, since he knows many stories on this topic. At critical moments he acts quickly and efficiently. It is possible to receive information from other worlds. Tendencies towards mental modeling, subtle work with words - hypnosis, suggestion, auto-training. Be wary of all pathological tendencies.

ruler of the 8th house in the 3rd house

a person is able to adapt to any difficult situation, has a good sense of danger and easily changes his behavior. Able to receive information in advance about impending danger and can prepare for it or avoid it.

is influenced by difficult aspects

misfortunes with relatives, the danger of the premature death of a brother or sister, troubles on short trips, during contacts with brothers and sisters, gossip, rumors, anonymous letters, slander.

VIII house in Cancer

style of self-change

has an internal secretive nature of the flow, manifests itself suddenly, being the result of emotional overstrain.

punishment for mistakes

It is very painful, excruciating, happens unexpectedly and affects the people closest to you.

crisis situations

manifest themselves quite quickly, are experienced deeply and emotionally, but a person is not inclined to advertise them. Intuitive premonition of danger from water, drugs, acids.


most likely due to disease of vital internal organs. There is a danger of drowning.

Ruler of the 8th house in Cancer

In all types of mutual exchange, a person, first of all, pursues the goal of his own safety, and therefore decides to engage in some kind of interaction with great difficulty. Very sensitive to criticism related to sex. He is attentive to the issue of his own death - it is important that he is remembered and the matter continues. Carefully looks after the graves of relatives. Can be a conductor of occult information, knows how to penetrate secrets, and receive spiritual heritage. Abilities for mediumistic practices, mysticism, meditation.

ruler of the 8th house in the 4th house

one of the parents plays a big role in shaping attitudes towards sex. Life-critical situations can arise through the fault of parents and ancestors, most often when fulfilling the destructive moral and ethical guidelines given by them. Inheritance indicator.

is influenced by difficult aspects

destruction and disaster in the house, possible attempts on property and the lives of loved ones, leaving home or early death parents, death within the walls own home, a sign of "ancestral curse".

VIII house in Leo

style of self-change

protracted, occurs with great difficulty and long periods of depression, but the result can exceed all expectations.

punishment for mistakes

has a long-lasting nature and, above all, “buries” respect for a person, significantly reducing his prestige in society.

crisis situations

durable and stable. During such periods, a person tends to show off his feelings and experiences. Danger from risky actions, sudden extreme situations - disasters, fires, fractures, injuries, burns, fire.


occurs brightly, noticeably - “in the world” and usually occurs from heart failure, heart attack.

ruler of the 8th house in Leo

in all types of mutual exchange he tries to be honest and equal, never trifles, however, he does not strive to limit himself. Sex is one of the ways of self-expression, so a person strives for diversity in this area and in relationships with a partner requires mutual return. He loves all kinds of love games and is a true master of flirting. Empathy and emotional intimacy with a partner are little understood and are almost never achieved. Tendencies towards energy magic, hypnosis, suggestion.

ruler of the 8th house in the 5th house

uses sex in the sphere of creativity and art. Many movie beauties have this situation in their horoscopes. Love life is full of intrigue, risk and drama. Personal magnetism. Children can play important role in spiritual growth and transformation - more than parents, partners or career. A person is able to grasp the meaning of life at the moment of their birth, and can use this to completely transform their views.

is influenced by difficult aspects

misfortunes with children, fatal love, fatal losses, victim of the crowd during entertainment enterprises, illnesses as a result of a sloppy sex life.

VIII house in Virgo

style of self-change

has a changeable character, accompanied by constant introspection.

punishment for mistakes

happens as if fleetingly, a person “burns” on some small detail, but this insignificant detail can destroy the entire structure he has created.

crisis situations

accompanied by fixation on certain details, facts, events. They are most often caused by household and industrial trifles. There may be a danger of being covered with earth, stones, or freezing.


most likely from intestinal infection and gastrointestinal cancer.

Ruler of the 8th house in Virgo

in all types of mutual exchange he is very picky, tries to be moderate and uniform. Problems on the sexual plane arise primarily from the fact that one is too critical of one’s partner and places too high demands on him. Approaches the topics of life and death critically, relying exclusively on real facts and rejecting what cannot be verified by experience. There is an ability for astrology, for treatment with oriental types of massage.

ruler of the 8th house in the 6th house

able to put a lot of work into running a household and managing the property of other people. A well-ordered sex life is very important for physical tone. There is the ability to withstand superhuman tests and adapt to incredibly difficult conditions.

is influenced by difficult aspects

severe trials related to the place of service or employment, hard labor, industrial injuries, accidents at work, indicator possible death at work, illness, life-threatening, disruption digestive system, a banal cut of a finger can provoke blood poisoning, medical negligence, and danger from pets.

VIII house in Libra

style of self-change

has a clear, visible character, occurs decisively and is the result of a sensitive reaction to internal state partner.

punishment for mistakes

has a very fast, unexpected nature and, above all, concerns a person’s partnerships and his marriage.

crisis situations

often associated with the loss of internal support, a point of balance. Danger from gossip and slander, air travel, hurricanes, whirlwinds, falls from heights.


ruler of the 8th house in libra

in all types of mutual exchange he tries to be scrupulous and honest, he can give more than he receives in return. He views sex as a form of artistic self-expression, idealizes it, tries to design it as beautifully as possible, and draws vigor and health from it. As a rule, one connection and one experience are not enough. Wants to try all possibilities, which often results in few meaningful and deep love connections. He hates problematic situations and tries in every possible way to avoid them. He treats death calmly and tries not to think about it. Inclinations are more towards magic than towards mysticism and mediumship.

ruler of the 8th house in the 7th house

marriage and business cooperation affect the ability to work with other people's finances, sex life person. The ability to win difficult cases and get out of hopeless cases.

is influenced by difficult aspects

danger to a marriage partner, death at the hands of an enemy, danger from judicial or investigative measures, notoriety.

VIII house in Scorpio

style of self-change

slow, secretive, violent and disconcerting, and the result of inner work.

punishment for mistakes

has a viscous, long character and concerns, first of all, the destruction of a person’s inner world and changes in his personality.

crisis situations

deep, extended, although outwardly little noticeable. The impact of negative situations is strong and sustainable. Danger from water, medicines, acids, firearms and bladed weapons.


painful, as a result of fever, aggravated inflammatory process or from interaction with water. May be the result unforeseen circumstances, radiation or murder.

Ruler of the 8th house in Scorpio

in all types of mutual exchange he tries to be honest. She views sex as a source of creativity and internal stability, surrenders to it with selflessness, and can assert herself through sex. There is an ability to rise on the instincts of the crowd, especially in Time of Troubles, feeling at home in it. Wanting to change himself, he can expose himself to all sorts of dangers. Strong emotional reaction in stressful situations, biased assessment of events and excellent retention of fortitude. The attitude towards death is interested and responsible, requiring study. There is an opportunity to be a conductor of occult information, penetration into secrets, and receiving spiritual heritage. Strong inclinations towards the occult, magic, mysticism.

ruler of the 8th house in the 8th house

predisposition to esoteric practices, love of risky and dangerous situations. Aspect of a sex symbol, stuntman or magician. /+/ Aspect of wealth, success in working with other people's large finances.

is influenced by difficult aspects

difficult circumstances and turning points in life, catastrophic events occur around a person, the likelihood of violent death, difficulties in relationships with tax office, dangerous surgical operations.

VIII house in Sagittarius

style of self-change

has a consistently changeable character and occurs as a result of the development of one’s own spiritual concept.

punishment for mistakes

“arrives” immediately, has a “slippery” character and, above all, affects the freedom of self-expression and the possibility of a person’s education.

crisis situations

they come quickly and pass just as quickly, they are distinguished by the presence of an ideological element - Article 58, denunciation, persecution of those in power. Danger comes from a love of risk, from sudden extreme situations - disasters, fires, fractures, injuries, burns, fire.


death, most often, comes from abuse of all kinds of joys of life and is rapid.

Ruler of the 8th house in Sagittarius

in all types of mutual exchange he is generous, tries to give more than he receives, never wastes time on trifles and does not count. Great interest in sex - I want to try everything and compare. When making love, he takes time to prolong the pleasure, he loves to be flattered at this moment. Fights crises energetically, but law-abidingly, without violating generally accepted norms of behavior. He is optimistic about issues of life and death - “God won’t give it away - the pig won’t eat it.” He believes in life after death and the immortality of the soul, and works hard on self-improvement. Tendencies towards energy and natural magic.

ruler of the 8th house in the 9th house

intellectual abilities can play an important role in self-transformation. Restructuring of worldview under the influence long roads, emigration. Financial relations abroad.

is influenced by difficult aspects

problems with receiving higher education, dangers or shocks far from home, disasters on long journeys, suffering in exile, death far from home, while traveling or traveling, publishing books, teaching, public politics are dangerous due to ideological differences.

VIII house in Capricorn

style of self-change

has a radical character and is the result of the idea of ​​perfection, as man himself imagines it.

punishment for mistakes

happens quickly, arises suddenly and, above all, affects a person’s ambitions and his career.

crisis situations

deep, heavy. Long-term depression and withdrawal are possible. Danger of being covered with earth, stones, or freezing.


from old age, from hypothermia, severe chronic illness. Life is usually long, death is almost never unexpected.

Ruler of the 8th house in Capricorn

in all types of mutual exchange he is rational, measured, and will never give or take too much. Despite his apparent coldness, he is actually highly sexual. Often prefers older intimate partners. Through reasonable behavior in dangerous situations, he instills calm in others and often becomes a leader. Leads a frugal life, stocking up necessary means in case of crisis. Makes a will in advance to provide for his loved ones in the event of his death. The crowd on the street irritates, weakens, and therefore cannot remain in the crowd for very long. He persistently and persistently studies the occult, striving through it to comprehend the secrets of life and death. There are inclinations towards the magical path, the opportunity to achieve a lot in this direction.

ruler of the 8th house in the 10th house

career, personal goal affect the ability to work with other people’s finances, the ability to self-change, and a person’s sex life. The ability to use extreme circumstances to advance. Achieving goals through the ability to take risks in times of danger. Innate sexuality can be successfully used in career matters. Dealing with other people's finances depends on the person's administrative power. Death in some public place.

is influenced by difficult aspects

fatal circumstances, difficult trials prevent the achievement of a goal, career collapse, loss of reputation, sex life may become the object of public attention, and things may reach a scandal, the premature death of one of the parents or leaders.

VIII house in Aquarius

style of self-change

has a sudden, extravagant character, persists for a long time and, most often, is the result of some kind of insight.

punishment for mistakes

has a protracted nature and concerns, first of all, friendship and the desire for independence.

crisis situations

They have an extremely sharp, absolutely unpredictable nature, and last for quite a long time. All plans and undertakings of a person are destroyed. There is danger from the general opinion of the group, air travel, hurricanes, whirlwinds, falls from heights.


likely to be violent, either due to extreme events, accident, explosion, catastrophe, lightning strike, electrical discharge or vehicle. Natural death occurs as a result of severe chronic diseases. The root cause of fatal diseases is often neuropsychiatric disorders.

Ruler of the 8th house in Aquarius

in all types of mutual exchange he is sincere, friendly, able to give everything without demanding anything in return. Sex can be perceived as enslavement, trying to explore all phases in a somewhat restrained or unconventional way. Attracts eccentric, intellectual partners, often with unusual sexual orientation. A distantly cold attitude towards death, pretending that it worries him the least. Inclinations towards the mental side of the occult, descriptive models. Interested in the phenomena of insight, inspiration and clairvoyance. There is a danger of “going crazy” during superficial and inept experimentation with one’s psyche.

ruler of the 8th house in the 11th house

friends, group activities influence the ability to work with other people’s finances, the ability to self-change, and a person’s sex life.

is influenced by difficult aspects

fear of change, sudden collapse of plans and projects, shock associated with friends, perhaps the death of a friend or death in a circle of friends, attempts to unite people end in shame and prison.

VIII house in Pisces

style of self-change

has a constantly changing and secretive nature, and is the result of accumulated suffering.

punishment for mistakes

has a changeable and elusive character and concerns mainly the deprivation of mental peace.

crisis situations

difficult to diagnose and unstable. Possible permanent shift emotional states and self-deception. Danger from water, drugs, acids, radiation.


alone, in a dream, under anesthesia. Lethargic or imaginary death, from water, chemicals, overdose of drugs or medications. Most often, death is likely from stroke, paralysis and fluid metabolism disorders in the body. The circumstances of death are shrouded in a thick fog of mystery or mysticism. The type of death itself cannot be determined. There is no clear information whether the person died or not.

Ruler of the 8th house in Pisces

in all types of mutual exchange he is merciful, but irresponsible, he can steal and give less, sincerely assuring that everything was done fairly. Great sexuality, selflessness and sacrifice in sex. A person may forget about both time and space during this period. In a critical situation, he trusts only his own instinct. A mystical, idealistic approach to the mysteries of life and death. Tendency to meditation, mediumship, spiritualism.

ruler of the 8th house in the 12th house

death in hospital, secret nature of sexual relations. Relations with the world undergo significant changes as a result of transformations that occur in critical situations. Transformation and rebirth of a person occurs in complete solitude. Powerful occult abilities.

is influenced by difficult aspects

pressure from the criminal world, everyday vices, death in isolation.