The name Marilyn Kerro is known to many - even those who are not closely familiar with the popular show “Battle of Psychics” on the TNT channel. Participant in season 14, Marilyn Kerro gained fame, popularity and love numerous fans your gift. Despite her publicity and fame, little is still known about Marilyn’s personal life.

Marilyn Kerro has established herself as strong psychic. In order to achieve her goal, she uses all available methods. Kerro admits to being in contact with the other world and with the spirits of the dead. Her last decision, which excited her admirers, was her readiness to come to the mystical show again. In the upcoming 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Marilyn intends to seriously compete for the title of best. One can only guess whether such a rival worries the rest of the show's participants.

Very soon we will find out whether Kerro will be able to take revenge and win the project. Alexander Sheps supports his chosen one in her endeavor, so there is no doubt about the powerful protection of otherworldly forces. Follow the news about the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, root for Marilyn and and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.09.2015 00:40

This time the “Battle of Psychics” promises to be especially hot. The favorite of many fans of the project, Sergei, has left...

The main participants of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” were determined in difficult qualifying tests. The audience didn't stay...

  • Name: Marilyn Cerro
  • Date of Birth: September 18, 1988
  • Age: 29 years
  • Place of Birth: Rakver, Estonia
  • Height: 176
  • Activity: psychic, model
  • Family status: Single


Marilyn Kerro was born in a small village in Estonia on September 18, 1988. Marilyn's parents wanted a boy because, in their opinion, a girl was a stupid creature. Mary was deprived of parental affection. The girl's father, whom she does not consider as such, drank heavily and left the family when she was 5 years old. Aunt Salme began introducing Mary to the world of the dead as a child. She did not have her own home, but the only way fortune telling was done for residents of neighboring houses. How and when the woman died is unknown. One day Aunt Salme did not show up at home, and since then no one has seen her again. She left behind a Bible in Old Estonian.

The biography of Marilyn Kerro was closely associated with extrasensory perception back in early age. The girl began to see the future when she was 6 years old, ever since she suffered a lightning strike. Kerro received a lot of knowledge from the spirit of her great-grandmother. Marilyn's childhood was not like other children. She loved nature and fishing, and she had practically no friends. Since childhood, the little girl has been conducting seances in an abandoned house on the edge of the village. Marilyn knows her date of death and is sure that she will die in April 2071. This fact doesn't scare her at all.

Our heroine studied at the simplest school and graduated with honors. For admission to higher education educational institution The family had no money, and the girl started working. The biography of Marilyn Kerro is rich in the variety of professions that she had to master. At first she worked as a salesperson for three months, but was laid off. Then she became a vegetable packer. But the future star realized in time that she deserved more successful career, she didn’t want to repeat her mother’s fate. And the next step in her career was model business. After completing courses at a modeling school, the girl worked as a model in Tallinn for about 6 years.

Photos of Marilyn Kerro from the time of her career can become an example and example of beauty, style and presentation of oneself in front of the camera for many aspiring models. The girl chose this path to prove to her father her importance in society. Her mother supported her in every possible way, since she sincerely wanted to distract her daughter from the spiritualistic “fun.” At the age of 16, Kerro experienced anorexia, and a year later she was faced with a more serious illness - bulimia.

"The fight of extrasensories"

In 2013, our heroine took part in the “Battle of Psychics” of season 14 for the first time. On the set, the girl managed to amaze those present not only with her dazzling beauty, but also with her abilities. Methods by which Mary causes souls of the dead, bring fear to even the most convinced skeptics. Her trials begin with the shedding of blood, which the psychic sacrifices to the dead.

On the set of “Battle of Psychics,” Kerro often changed her image: from sweet and angelic to bitchy and scary. This is the essence of a witch, to be able to transform in seconds from a beauty into a monster that frightens those around her. Marilyn Kerro passed many tests without a single mistake, striking observers with the clarity of the information she gave out. The rivals openly disliked the red-haired beast. The celebrity experienced these situations very hard; she often wanted to cry, experiencing her pain. But the psychic turned out to be much stronger and did not give vent to tears. In the final of the “Battle of Psychics-14” Kerro became second.

In September 2015, our heroine participated in the show “Psychics Are Investigating. Season 6.” In the program, her rivals were the strongest participants in the history of the show.

On September 19, 2015, the new 16th season of “Battle of Psychics” began on the TNT channel. All the applicants gathered in the clearing and were delighted to see Marilyn there, greeting her like a star. But as soon as it became known that the star had come not to support one of the contenders, but to compete for participation herself, the magicians’ enthusiasm gave way to discontent. Throughout the season, Kerro passed one test after another, winning more and more sympathy from fans, skeptics, and guests of the show. So in one of the episodes, singer Linda was greatly impressed by the psychic, could not hold back her tears and wanted to talk to her alone. In the final, Marilyn again took second place, losing the title of winner to Victoria Rydos.

On September 3, 2016, the next, 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics” started on the TNT channel. In the second episode, when 12 participants had already been selected, their test was to identify the person who was standing outside the door in the meantime. There were versions of what was there beautiful girl, which Marat Basharov, the host of the show, likes. At the end of the test, Basharov announced the person behind the door as the 13th participant in the 17th battle - Marilyn Kerro. Our heroine successfully passed the tests and considered the master her main competitor oriental practices and a student of Osho-Swami Dasha.

Personal life

The personal life of Marilyn Kerro still remains a mystery. The witch only admitted that she had never had a loved one, and that her heart was still free. It is quite possible that she completely decided to devote her life to magic and the occult world. The official website of psychic Marilyn Kerro is already completely inundated with reviews and laudatory comments about her talent and abilities.

Recently, the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Marilyn Kerro put an end to her relationship with the winner of the program, Alexander Sheps. “Sasha and I broke up. I have already spoken about this on camera several times, but apparently an official statement is required. Here it is: Sasha and I are not a couple. Each of us has our own life, and I respect Sasha very much. If I take a photo with him, this once again proves that we are not enemies,” Kerro wrote on Instagram.

Sheps did not comment on the break with Kerro, but Lately On his Instagram, photographs began to appear more and more often in the company of a blonde, which the psychic accompanied with poetry. Fans are at a loss as to who this girl is. Some suggest that she is Alexander’s student, others are sure that the blonde is his new lover.

Meanwhile, photographs of Marilyn in company appeared on the Internet. mysterious stranger. Fans of the Estonian witch suspected that they were having an affair. Some managed to find out the man's name - he turned out to be a certain Mark Alexander Hansen. Some claim that Mark is married and has a little daughter, others said that he has already separated from his wife. Kerro herself has not yet commented on the rumors.

Marilyn Kerro and voodoo

The Estonian witch specializes in voodoo and blood magic. Voodoo is an exotic pagan African religion with elements of magic, complex but primitive. Voodoo priests specifically become possessed by spirits for predictions; voodoo sorcerers practice black magic. Voodoo is characterized by sacrifices and talismans. Such popular concepts as “zombies” and magical “voodoo dolls” came to mass European culture precisely from the voodoo religion. "Horrible!" - some will say. After all, the religion and magic of voodoo invented by black Africans is the blackest in every sense. But if you thoroughly understand the essence of religions, you can conclude that, in fact, voodoo is safer than common religions. The fact is that voodoo does not hide its black essence and misleads people less, unlike many hypocritical religions that carefully hide their true essence.

  1. For more than ten years, Marilyn Kerro has been a vegetarian. The girl is convinced that animal organs and meat carry negative energy. And in order to appease the spirits when carrying out their rituals, the flesh of animals often comes in handy.
  2. Marilyn has tattoos on her body: the word “Michael” is inscribed on her wrist. According to rumors, the inscription is dedicated to the girl’s deceased friend, there is also an inscription on the back of her head, and on her chest there are hieroglyphs that carry the role of protection.
  3. Marilyn Kerro enjoys the fruits of popularity to the fullest. Together with her lover, she opened a store of magical items “Magic Workshop” in Samara. On the counter are various amulets and talismans, voodoo dolls self made and other accessories for magical rituals. Then a similar shop appeared in Moscow. Marilyn Kerro's very first store operates in Tallinn.
  4. In the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, for the first time in the history of the project, the finalist of one of the previous seasons, who took second place, is participating. The unprecedented return of Marilyn Kerro divided viewers into her ardent fans and haters.



Marilyn Kerro is a girl who gained fame thanks to her supernatural abilities. Perhaps her name would never have been known huge number people, if not for her desire to overcome life's adversities.

Marilyn Kerro in childhood

The “little witch” was born in Estonia in 1988. Her childhood years can hardly be called happy - her father drank constantly, and her mother had to work hard to feed the family. In addition, Marilyn Kerro's parents wanted a boy, so their daughter was not particularly pampered with attention and love.

The family lived very poorly, but Marilyn had strong character- She graduated from school with honors, wanted to go to university, but was unable to do so due to financial difficulties. It was necessary to work and help her mother, and the girl first got a job as a saleswoman in a store, and then as a packer at a vegetable warehouse.

But she did not give up, because she was sure that she deserved more. Marilyn graduated from modeling courses and began building. But one day she came across books left by her great-grandmother, who allegedly had a wonderful gift of finding missing things and people and predicting events. The aspiring model plunged into the world of magic with interest and, according to her own statement, the soul of her late great-grandmother appeared to her.

Parents of Marilyn Kerro

As you know, parents are not chosen. Marilyn Kerro is a case when a child is unlucky with relatives. The family had three children, Marilyn was the youngest. To this day, she cannot forgive her father for the fact that alcohol was more important to him than his own daughter. He left the family when Marilyn was only 5 years old. She rarely saw her mother because she most spent time at work. It is known that Marilyn Kerro’s mother’s name is Inta; the girl also said in one of her interviews that her mother calls her Marie, but she does not associate this name with herself. Currently, Inta Kerro has another family, in which Marilyn lived before she appeared on the “Battle of Psychics.” It is not known exactly how old Marilyn Kerro’s mother is, but the winner of the program states that it was from her that she got her strong, unyielding character, which does not allow her to stop there.

But Aunt Salme played important role in the making of the witch Marilyn. Auntie did not work; she received her bread by telling fortunes to friends and strangers.

Read also

Only at the age of 15 did Marilyn learn about her existence - then her mother realized that the girl’s abilities were hereditary. It is to her great-grandmother’s books and Aunt Marilyn’s lessons that she is grateful for her current popularity.

Enough has been written about the Estonian clairvoyant Marilyn Kerro in all kinds of media to satisfy the curiosity of a wide range of fans and ardent skeptics. The graceful green-eyed beauty instantly attracted the attention of a large audience.

Psychic Marilyn Kerro acquired powerful army fans and adherents, becoming a participant in the fourteenth “Battle of Psychics.” You can read reviews about the work and individual meetings with the Estonian clairvoyant on the official website of Marilyn Kerro, the website of the “Battle of Psychics” program, also by typing in search engine request "Marilyn Kerro".

There are a lot of reviews, most date back to the time when Marilyn Carro first appeared on the popular show federal TV channel TNT. She immediately positioned herself as a witch, using various rituals of magic and witchcraft in her work. Available information from Marilyn’s personal biography gives reason to assume that a lonely childhood and difficult experiences of youth, in fact, predetermined the manifestation of her unusual gift. Marilyn Kerro constantly sees a reflection of her destiny in the destinies of her clients. The number of stories about personal contacts with Marilyn is impressive.

The page created by her fans on VKontakte is filled with numerous entries describing personal meetings with the psychic Marilyn Kerro. Take everything written there as at face value very difficult - reviews of Marilyn Carro's sessions consist of enthusiastic exclamations and emotional individual impressions. An excess of overwhelming feelings is often replaced by emoticons and exalted interjections.

This is not surprising - the authors of the vast majority of stories are women. The impressions of several men who decided to entrust their problems to a psychic do not differ in emotional intensity from most women’s stories ( interesting point– descriptions of their meeting with Marilyn by a certain Pasha Savinkin and Kesha Borisov on the VKontakte page were from female face). Marilyn Kerro most often sees a reflection of the fate of those who seek advice and help in precious and semi-precious stones, advising that one must have a stone as a talisman.

On the website “Battle of Psychics. Reviews” there are no stories specifically about Marilyn’s sessions, but the tone of statements about psychics is completely different, more pragmatic and tough.

The cost of a visit to Marilyn Kerro is also discussed in two tones: a rather serious amount of 25,000 rubles, indicated as the price of personal communication with Marilyn, is presented by fans as “only 25,000”; the authors of the negative response are disappointed by the obvious discrepancy between the price and the result obtained from a visit to Marilyn .

Reviews for the article

Arina Tarasova, Vorkuta, 02/17/16

Dear friends!!!))) I finally managed to get an appointment with Marilyn Kerro today! Before this I heard a lot positive feedback about Marilyn Kerro, but now I am convinced of her Gift personally! She's so great! If you are in doubt whether to go to her or not for an appointment, then cast aside all doubts! Marilyn was so helpful and sweet and radiates incredibly kind energy!

Stepan Uvarov, Cherkessk, 05/18/16

After meeting with the psychic Marilyn Kerro, I was filled with a feeling of joy, all my problems seemed to be left behind! It feels like I’ve been in God’s bosom! Mary is like that a positive person. In the future I want to take my son to her for an appointment, besides, the cost of an appointment with Marilyn Kerro is very reasonable!

Diana, Tula, 06/07/16

I want to tell you about how I managed to get an appointment with Marilyn Kerro) This can be called a New Year's miracle! Before the appointment, I read reviews about Marilyn Kerro, many wrote that Mary is a girl who instantly puts you at ease. To my surprise, I was not worried at all. Mary told me everything in detail, and most importantly, she helped! And her smile really warms like the sun))) She is somehow magical!!! I wish Mary happiness and good luck in everything! I hope that we will see her again ;-)

Anfisa, Mineral water,25.07.16

So I visited famous psychic Marilyn Kerro... To be honest, I was left slightly bewildered... I think that the cost of seeing Marilyn Kerro is overpriced. I paid 25 thousand. For this money I heard some general phrases. Mary herself asked what problem I came with. I thought that she would tell me everything herself, as in the program, without any questions. Mary herself greeted me hospitably, was kind to me, and she looks very impressive!

Administrator, Wikiwings, 08/30/16

Friends, feel free to leave reviews about the psychic Marilyn Kerro. If you had a chance to attend a reception with Kerro, please share your opinion with other people. What did you like and what didn’t, was there an appointment, was the cost of the appointment high, how did they treat you, did they cope with your problem. Is it true what other people write in reviews of Marilyn Kerro

Oksana, Magnitogorsk, 09/14/16

I, like many, heard a lot of positive reviews about Marilyn Kerro, but I was not able to attend a reception with her, but I did attend her meeting! What a beauty Mary is, you listen to her and forget about everything) It seemed to me that she knew everything there was to know about everyone who came to the meeting)) From the meeting, of course, I only had positive impressions! It was unreal! Thanks to her for everything!!!

Zhanna Timofeevna, Khimki, 09/20/16

I returned from a personal meeting with Mary, and immediately decided to write about how it all went! Mary is a unique psychic, and as a person she is kind and so radiant! It seems that you can talk to her endlessly! I am full of emotions, very happy that I came to her!

Nadezhda, Voskresensk, 10/03/16

Marilyn Kerro did the research for our family! A week passed after the appointment, but things finally got off the ground! Imagine, we couldn’t do anything for several years, but Mary was able to stir things up! Thanks a lot Marilyn!!!

Marina, Lobnya, 10/16/16

So, I left the reception from Marilyn Kerro! Oh, this is really space!!! Goodbye doubts, she told me what to do in order to cope with the problem. She talked about such details - this is truly a gift, guys! At the reception, Marilyn Kerro seems to be conducting an investigation; I am still shocked by meeting such a strong and bewitching girl! Thank you very much!

Ekaterina, Moscow, 10/24/16

Please tell me how to get an appointment with her, I always run into scammers

Akhmetova Muhabbat,Uzbekistan,04.11.16

Over the past 5 years, I have addressed my problem to the authorities, to fortune tellers and psychics, to Interpol, to a private investigation, and generally to friends. Most people and authorities took the money and disappeared. And when we decided to turn to psychics from the Battle of Psychics for help, I realized the futility of trying. The kind of money they ask for admission is expensive to pay. After all, I don’t need advice, I need real help. I thought such a gift was given to a select few in order to help people. But when I read the reviews, it seemed that people come to them not out of despair, but to prove their worth. It's a pity I don't have that kind of money. After all, even if I want to get to them, I will have to remain naked. After all, I need to go to Moscow, live in a hotel, eat, wait for an indefinite amount of time, and this is also money. In short, these are unattainable gods for me.

Irina, Ekaterinburg, 06.12.16

Where does Mary take....and how much does one appointment cost?

Nadezhda, Ekaterinburg, 12.12.16

She may be strong, but she goes to battle like a schoolgirl, a poor student who gets a certificate, begs for a hand like a beggar, although she deservedly takes second place. Sheps, of course, is stronger with Victoria and Dasha is also much more humane. If she takes first place, then for her it is no longer a victory, but a favor and pity for the audience, or even the fourth time. I personally lost respect for her. I agree with the hope that Shevchenko will walk until retirement.

Olga, Russia, Penza, 12.12.16

How to get an appointment? What is the price?

Svetlana, Russia, Penza, 12/17/16

In the comments, an author from Cherkessk writes about Marilyn that it’s like he’s visited God, and even plans to take his son to her. People, come to your senses, go to the Temple of God, be alone with God, endlessly believe in Him and talk to Him and everything will be fine with you. And don’t compare these people with God.

Sonya, Russia, Angarsk city,24.12.16

Mary, very good psychic, and in season 17, I was rooting for her, but unfortunately Swami Dashi won, I’m very sorry for Mary, she tried so hard to win! Well, in general, she's super

Elena, Moscow, 12/28/16

Good afternoon. Tell me how to get to Marilyn for an appointment, I come across scammers who ask for an advance payment

Olga, G. Krasnoyarsk, 01/01/17

Olga, Krasnodar, 01/05/17

Mimi, Moscow, 01/06/17

How many idiots are there in our country!

Masha, Moscow, 01/06/17

Give Mary your hand so you don't have to see her again

Catherine , Russia. Moscow region. Orekhovo city Zuevo,21.01.17

Dear people, tell me how to get an appointment with Merlin Kerro, I ask you, I beg you, I really need her help, please respond

Marina, Moscow, 01/22/17

I need to get an appointment with Marilyn. How to do this without falling for scammers? My question is difficult. Help!!! Marilyn, please respond.

Angelina, Murmansk, 02/16/17

I don’t believe either her or her friend Sheps. These characters (witches, magicians, mediums) were created by the charlatan project Battle of Psychics itself. They, like many of these “winners (finalists),” do not have the abilities that they shine on the screen; it’s all a deception.

Olga , Vinnitskaya Street House 15,19.02.17

My brother recently died. I am very anxious and cannot live in peace.

Irina, St. Petersburg, 03/18/17

The battle of psychics is a show, all the information is collected by the broadcast assistants and given to the “false psychics.”

Elena, Penza, 03/21/17

Tell me, how can I get an appointment with Mary? Give your contacts please.

Ivan the Terrible, Moscow, 03/22/17

These guys are good actors, talented, maybe they even graduated... In life, no one will help you except yourself! Puppeteers play with their puppets and enrich themselves on someone else's grief. It’s good that they are at least rarely put in prison...

Elena, Krasnodar, 03/29/17

Ivan the Terrible Moscow, I completely agree with you and with others who consider such psychics to be charlatans. Moreover, they equate them with God. At least they would be embarrassed to say that. It’s disgusting that they are being dragged into this filth and people believe in deception and also pay huge amounts of money. How much they charge at one time, many people need to work for several months to feed their family. It’s too bad that the kind of business they run is not punishable by law.

Alesya, Moscow Russia, 04/12/17

I was at Carolyn's. Didn't hit it at all. Not a single question was answered. It's all a show. And I gave 35 tons of rubles. And about 6 years ago Pokhabov had one, but she paid about 7 thousand. He didn’t answer me either. I just advised you to go in for sports and get wet cold water))) hahahahaha good advice for 7 t rub. And post-work with me for 20 minutes. He said that I tired him and he was tired. And then I found my aunt on VKontakte. She charged me 900 rubles. Well, I was skeptical about this. I think I’ll write it just for fun... What if... And I was shocked. Of course it turned out to be very cool. So don’t even watch this battle of psychics at all! It's all a scam clean water. If Merolyn is a divorce, then that means Sheps is the same... And read about her fucking friend Ilona Novoselova... So there’s absolutely no affiliation there. Gang watering can. For anyone interested, I’ll send a link to this auntie. Maybe this will help someone

Marilyn Kerro is one of the brightest and most original characters in all the seasons of the “Battle of Psychics”, hereditary Estonian witch, born in a small village, a suburb of Rakvere, 09/18/1988.


When Marilyn is asked to talk about her childhood, she herself notes that she has mixed impressions. On the one hand, in this childhood there was sometimes a lack of the most basic things - new beautiful clothes, fashionable trinkets, and sometimes even food. The girl's parents were poor, and her father often looked into the bottle.

Marilyn Kerro in childhood

Her mother raised Marilyn and her two sisters. Although this cannot even be called upbringing in the usual sense. Spending most of my time in a low-paid job physical work In order to somehow make ends meet, my mother nevertheless tried to maintain warm and trusting relationships with the girls.

Since childhood, Marilyn understood that she had no one to particularly rely on, so she tried to study well in order to escape from such an existence in the future. She studied well, especially since the subjects were easy for her.

However, due to the fact that the girl always had her own opinion and was not afraid to express it, conflicts with teachers became commonplace. Therefore, having received basic education, she simply dropped out of school.

Independent path

Young Marilyn's first place of work was a store. And she liked it - she loved to communicate with people and easily found mutual language with any buyers. But life did not allow her to relax, preparing another unpleasant surprise - in one of the next crises, the company decided to reduce the number of employees, the first to fall under the newcomers and among them Marilyn.

Desperate to find at least something decent and having managed to get used to even small, but her own money, Marilyn goes to where she could get without special education- Vegetable packer. But quickly tired of the dull monotonous work, she makes one of those decisions that changed her life.

Since the road to the university was closed, Marilyn decided to take advantage of what nature had given her and entered a modeling school. Charming and artistic, she achieved good success in this simpler way, and was able to afford what she did not have in childhood - eat what she wants and dress beautifully. But still this was not at all what she dreamed of.

And barely reaching the age of 17, Marilyn sets off in search of happiness to Foggy Albion, taking with her best friend(who was even younger!) and a couple of twenties in my pocket. After spending a couple of nights at the station, the girls began to simply “comb” all the shops and cafes in search of any kind of work.

And finally, we got work as waitresses and a small room for two. Life did not become much better than it was in her homeland, and a disappointed Marilyn soon returned home.

Birth of a Witch

First of all, she finished school, while still managing to actively appear in advertising brochures and glossy magazines. This allowed her to lead a more free and independent life than before her trip to England. And she worked in a modeling agency for about 6 years.

Now she did not need to work long hours in order to somehow ensure a decent existence for herself. Which means she could use her free time at our own discretion. And Marilyn finally began to actively study the ancient books that she inherited from her great-great-grandmother.

At first it was just an interest, but over time she began to discover more and more new abilities: pictures from the past and future began to appear to her, she began to distinguish the colors of the aura and see physical and energetic diseases in people. Around this period, she had a dream of becoming a doctor and saving people from pain and suffering.

During one of the sessions of working with ancient books, the spirit of her great-great-grandmother appeared to Marilyn, who passed on her gift and opened access to communication with the other world. From that day on, Marilyn fully accepted her essence and became a real witch.

The fight of extrasensories

Marilyn began to increasingly enthusiastically explore the magical world that had opened up to her and learn new techniques. Now she could communicate not only with her great-great-grandmother, but also with other inhabitants of the world of the dead. She developed her own rituals and work techniques.

At the same time, the “Battle of Psychics” program was quickly gaining popularity, and one day Marilyn decided to go to film set to try your hand.

She impressed the entire film crew from the very first day, confidently declaring that she came to the Battle for victory and would at least end up in the finals. However, she plunged many into an even greater shock during the selection test, when, in order to appease the spirits and get a hint in which particular car the person was hiding, she sacrificed the heart of an animal.

Compared to other psychics, her techniques were unusual and rather gloomy: she often used different kinds sacrifices, rituals of Voodoo magic and confidently communicated with the afterlife. But she failed to win the 14th battle. As promised, she confidently reached the final, but the audience gave the palm to Alexander Sheps.

The next year, Marilyn tried again and in the 16th battle again reached the final. But this season was very difficult for her. Other participants believed that having already gone through this path, she had a clear advantage over the others and were aloof and even hostile towards her. And again Marilyn took second place after.

Not wanting to accept defeat, she, by decision of the film crew, bypassed all the qualifying rounds, and again finds herself on the site as part of the participants in the 17th Battle. And he loses her again! And only this makes her accept the situation and understand that the Battle is only part of the path, and not the goal of life.

Personal life

It's hard to believe, but a beautiful, charming girl and model did not have a Serious relationships. Moreover, when at the age of 20 she almost became a victim of sexual harassment and found herself beaten and scared, she became even more withdrawn and began to fear communication with the opposite sex.

The winner of the 4th Battle, Alexander Sheps, with whom she developed a liking from the very first days of filming, helped her overcome this fear. Although their relationship began after the show ended. They continued for about 2 years until the couple announced that they had decided to go their separate ways.

With Alexander Sheps

The main problem was that Marilyn was already ready to create a full-fledged family, she dreamed of having children, of which there should be at least two - after all, she herself grew up in big family, I wanted to devote myself to caring for my loved one. Alexander, apparently, had more ambitious plans, and caring for his family was definitely not included in them.