Anastasia Soltan, youngest daughter dead Paul and Svetlana, is going to file for divorce two months after the wedding.

In which the vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan and his wife Svetlana died, another family was torn apart. The youngest daughter of a parliamentarian, who got married shortly before the tragedy, is filing for divorce. She accuses her husband Alexei Plotnikov, who ran in the elections on September 18, of careerism and embezzlement of money given to him for his wedding. A split in the young family began almost immediately after the accident on August 14. Anastasia received serious injuries and ended up in the hospital, where she spent more than a month. At first, they didn’t tell her that mom and dad were no more, since the patient’s condition directly depended on her psychological mood.

However, as Anastasia told Life, during treatment her husband sharply changed his attitude towards her - he did not come to the hospital and avoided talking about money.

When everything happened, my loved ones were with me in intensive care - family and friends. Everyone except him. And he was in my parents’ apartment, moved his things there and generally behaved strangely. Because everyone went to the hospital at once, and he did his business in the apartment. I called him to come, asked for help from family and friends, even deputy Anastasia Melnikova called and asked him to come to my hospital. But he had a goal - a career, even before the accident he said that his work came first, Anastasia said." src="https://static..png" alt="" data-extra-description="


"> Anastasia did not see the 250 thousand rubles donated by the guests at the wedding. According to her, Alexey also transferred them to his own account.

At first he explained that he would give it back later: the money was ours. And after the accident, when I asked where the money was, if he had spent it, he hung up and spoke very aggressively. After the elections, a day or two later, he came to the hospital and said that he had 15 minutes. Although he promised my friend in a conversation that he would live in the hospital after the elections, in reality all this did not happen. Now he lives in Rybatskoe, he doesn’t show up at home in his parents’ apartment - he won’t be able to get there, because we changed the locks,” says Anastasia.

The couple has not yet officially filed for divorce, but Anastasia has written a power of attorney to the lawyer who will handle the divorce process.

“Before the wedding, many people told us, people who had known my husband for many years, tried to convey to the parents: they say, aren’t you afraid to give your daughter to such a person. But we didn’t believe them,” continues Anastasia. - We have known Alexey since this moment just a year. He asked my parents for political help; they were very trusting people and wanted to see only the good in people. I think that he took advantage of his connections, and I am sure that this marriage was of convenience. This is exactly what everyone tried to tell us on the eve of the wedding.

According to the girl, Alexey Plotnikov, who ran in the elections to the Legislative Assembly from the A Just Russia party, planned to get into the St. Petersburg parliament, and then into the State Duma.

Anastasia’s sister, Veronica Soltan, told Life that for the first two weeks Alexey Plotnikov played the role good husband, came and supported. But then he disappeared and said that because of the elections he had no time for Nastya.

I publicly reproached him for not being with Nastya in intensive care when she was being treated very seriously. major surgery, but is at a funeral and shakes hands with everyone: high-ranking officials arrived and, accordingly, he could not miss this, - said Veronica. - I said that Nastya is currently undergoing surgery, he was hooked. Everyone understood that he should be next to Nastya. He came up and started shouting at me, saying that Nastya has a husband, she’s like friends with him. stone wall. I told him: “Where is this stone wall?"

Life contacted Alexey, who is now in Donetsk. The young man told his version of the family conflict.

The fact that I was not in the hospital is not true. I lived with my wife constantly, with the exception of the last 10 days, when I had to focus on the elections. I asked: “Nastya, we need to pay attention to the matter,” - there were elections. For which there was no counter-understanding, - said Plotnikov. No problem, get yourself debit card"Unfortunately, due to all the scandalousness of what is happening, everything has to be formulated exactly like this.

The money donated to the newlyweds was in Alexey’s account even before the accident. However, after the tragedy, when his wife needed them, he was not ready to return them.

I am in Donetsk. I needed to leave urgently. I said that as soon as I return, I will immediately convey everything. We are husband and wife. We single budget We live, and I, as the head of the family, am responsible for the resources. And that's okay, that was the general idea. As soon as Nastya makes herself a card, she will receive all the money. The situation, unfortunately, is heading towards divorce, which is extremely unpleasant. We just got married a few months ago. “I think we need to react calmly to everything and not get too excited,” commented Plotnikov.
Alexey is inclined to believe that his wife’s behavior is due to the influence of her relatives.

Immediately after the tragedy, I was advised to protect Nastya from communicating with my sister, but after all, these are relatives. If after every quarrel all young girls take everything out on social networks, involve their relatives... You see, the situation is generally dirty, someone may like to sort through dirty rags, but I think it’s obscene. The most important thing is to protect honor from a young age. It’s extremely unpleasant for me that journalists call. Immediately after the funeral, Nastya’s sister’s husband changed the locks in their parents’ apartment. He said that until 40 days they would like no one to live there. And there is nothing wrong with this, I understand everything. I actually have my own apartment where I live. It just so happened that I needed to move into that apartment. Now her ex-boyfriend comes to Nastya’s hospital. If she sees it as ethical, well, Plotnikov complains.

Anastasia Soltan is now undergoing rehabilitation after treatment. She tells her friends about the conflict with her husband and the divorce on her VKontakte page. There, her subscribers write words of support to her - they wish her recovery and resolution of the situation. In each of her publications there is resentment towards Alexei, whose action she considers a betrayal.

After this tragedy, the only things that warmed me and gave me strength to live were that I would continue my father’s work and, when I could, give birth to children for my husband,” Anastasia wrote. - But I won’t give up, I can handle it!

On November 24, 22-year-old Anastasia Soltan, the youngest daughter of the local deputy speaker who died in a car accident this summer, committed suicide in St. Petersburg. legislative assembly Pavel Soltan. The discussion of suicide - despite the fact that it happened two weeks ago - does not subside: before jumping out of the window, Soltan gave an interview to the Life78 TV channel. The channel's employees left the girl alone in the apartment - despite warnings that she might commit suicide. The local Union of Journalists tried to assess the ethical actions of the channel's employees, but has not yet been able to come to a common decision. “Medusa” tells the main thing about this story.

Anastasia Soltan's parents died in a car accident on August 15, 2016. The Toyota of Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan crashed into another car on the Scandinavia highway. Soltan himself and his wife Svetlana were killed. Anastasia, their youngest daughter, survived, although she received serious injuries. The court has not yet established who is at fault for the accident; the surviving driver of the second car denies wrongdoing.

After the accident, Anastasia Soltan began to complain about her husband. Shortly before the accident, she married a municipal deputy from A Just Russia, Alexei Plotnikov. Plotnikov was listed as a “party representative” in the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic; in June the Ministry of Defense awarded him a medal as a participant military operation in Syria. In September 2016, he ran for deputies of the city legislative assembly; the death of his wife’s parents did not change these plans.

“He has elections now, and this is the most important thing. On the one hand, I understand that the responsibility for our family is now on him, and he must work. But on the other hand, in the situation in which I find myself, you can find time for me. Before the elections, he decided not to spend the night in the hospital and left me alone. Sometimes I call him and beg him to come, because I either feel bad mentally, or I’m lying alone, chained to the bed, and he says that he has work, period. Then he can raise his voice at me, and yesterday he actually said that I enjoy the fact that I suffer,” this appeared on Anastasia Soltan’s VKontakte page on September 7.

St. Petersburg media drew attention to Anastasia Soltan’s complaints about her husband. Moreover, with each new post, Anastasia’s accusations became more and more serious - she stated that her husband had betrayed her, embezzled money set aside for Honeymoon, and wants to take over his parents’ apartment. Plotnikov denied everything and attributed his wife’s words to depression. On November 21, they divorced, Plotnikov (he lost the elections) that his ex-wife would regret stirring up the conflict.

On November 24, her birthday, Anastasia Soltan jumped out of a window and died. The day before her death, she escaped from the hospital where she was undergoing rehabilitation. According to Anastasia, she was almost forced there by elder sister Veronica and her husband. After escaping, Anastasia Soltan went to see her friend, then went to the Legislative Assembly to meet with her father’s colleagues. She was taken from the Mariinsky Palace to her sister's house. Anastasia went to the nearest McDonald's and called Life78 from there - this division of federal Life covered her story more actively than others - so that they would come and film how they were not giving her the keys to the apartment (her sister Veronica did not want to give the keys so that Anastasia would not was left alone). Correspondent Nikita Pimenov came to McDonald's with a film crew. After this, Veronica Soltan’s husband gave Anastasia the keys, but warned the publication’s employees that if Anastasia was left alone, she might commit suicide. She made such attempts while she lived with them before she began undergoing rehabilitation.

Life78 employees came with Soltan to her apartment. They filmed in which Anastasia showed them the apartment, said that she wanted to go to the hospital again, and how she was offended by her parents for “not teaching them how to live without them.” The journalists left, leaving Soltan alone. The next evening she committed suicide. After her death, Life78 made several more materials about her and her family.

About a hundred representatives of the city media community signed an appeal to the Union of Journalists asking them to evaluate the actions of Life78 employees. “The girl’s condition at the time of the journalists’ visit was unstable (the girl was depressed, crying, described herself as “a person on the edge”), the film crew was aware of the suicide attempts made by the heroine of the story, in the appeal. “In a journalistic environment, it is unacceptable to abuse the trust of an interlocutor, as well as his particularly emotional state, which does not allow him to adequately assess the consequences of his statements.” It also says that Life78 employees used Anastasia Soltan’s unstable condition “to create a more emotional and rating video.”

Life78 does not see anything unethical in what happened.“Soltan herself called us and asked for help. That's what we did. When the family and everyone else didn’t care,” Konstantin Pridybaylo, deputy editor-in-chief of the publication, told Meduza. Ordinary employees of Life78 in private conversations say that the correspondent who was with Soltan is not capable of “cynical manipulations for the sake of a ‘fried report’.” “This is the kind of person, he’s not a Life guy, you know? He is very good; By the way, he’s very worried about the whole story,” said one of the TV channel’s employees.

The Union of Journalists was never able to decide whether professional ethics were violated or not."We had a very heated discussion. As a result, we will formulate a resolution. We will formulate... We said that in this case they [Life78 employees] basically acted humanly, it seems that they were the only ones who were nearby. On the other hand, we said that we would distance ourselves from such methods of work,” the chairman of the St. Petersburg Union of Journalists and Leningrad region Lyudmila Fomicheva. The Union of Journalists was supposed to make a resolution on December 7, but has not yet reached a consensus. Its text is expected to be published on December 12.

“She couldn’t bear to part with her parents. Of course, it’s a pity that Nastya had no authority in this whole situation... As a result, [her] sister became a close person at that moment. But life showed that this was the wrong priority for Nastya,” about death ex-wife Alexey Plotnikov. Veronica Soltan refused to talk to Meduza - as soon as she heard that a journalist was calling her, she apologized and hung up.

Artem Alexandrov

"Echo of Moscow in St. Petersburg", St. Petersburg

Anastasia Soltan, daughter of the vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Pavel Soltan, who died in an accident. The tragedy occurred on the evening of November 24 - where her parents’ apartment is located. A few hours before her death, she posted a link to an article entitled “I’m offended by my parents for not teaching me how to live without them.” On the day of her death, the girl turned 22 years old. Back in August, she was involved in an accident, where her parents died and she received serious injuries. Then then setroy.

Marina Parfenova, a close friend of the family, told Metro how relationships developed in the Soltan family and what happened immediately before the girl’s death.

According to Marina, she was friends with the Soltan family for 30 years.
- They were rather closed people, but we were very close with Pavel and Svetlana. Nastya was very domestic, absolutely her mother’s child. Despite her age - 22 years old - she could not take a step without her mother.

As Marina Parfenova says, when her parents passed away, Nastya’s sister Veronica remained close to her. The deceased fell under her influence. According to a family friend, Alexey - ex-spouse Anastasia Soltan - simply interfered with Veronica and her husband.

You see, Veronica is not own daughter Pavel. And Nastya had a share in the apartment where they once lived as a family. And now Nastya’s entire share belongs to Veronica. As Pavel told me, she and her husband have a lot of loans, but the debts must be repaid.

Marina Parfenova witnessed what happened immediately after the death of the parents of two girls.

The state Nastya was in was all the work of Veronica and her husband - from the first minute. On the second day after the death of her parents, Veronica runs and cuts the locks into the apartment. She and her husband were all afraid that Lesha would take something, they kicked him out of the apartment. Nastya didn’t even regain consciousness, but this was already happening there.

As Marina says, later, when Nastya was in the hospital because of nervous breakdown, Veronica came there and said: “You don’t need Alexey. We will find you another.”

Marina Parfenova tried to talk to Nastya and told her: “Stay with Lesha, he is your salvation.” But Nastya did not listen, she was deeply depressed.

Alexey did not leave Nastya, he came to see her in the hospital, but she began to have hysterics, she began to drive him away. He was simply covered in mud. And if Veronica had not interfered, had not pushed him away, had not discredited him, everything would have been fine.

Marina says that the young people themselves were not ready for family life- they dated for about six months, and then lived in marriage for no more than two months.

Nastya had depressive states and before, she worked with a psychologist. Then this tragedy with her parents, which Nastya saw with her own eyes, because she was conscious. Three doctors looked at Nastya after her first suicide attempt and said: “Everything is fine, she’s just a spoiled girl.” She was released and was not given any pills or other treatment. Veronica grabbed it for herself. We wanted to find good specialist, and Nastya was taken to a hospital where there were 15 people in a ward.

Marina Parfenova also remembered how the parents of the future spouses received their daughters. The meeting with Alexey, Nastya’s future husband, went well, Pavel and Svetlana were very happy. But Veronica’s husband was not to his liking.

Veronica is all under her husband. Svetlana told me that he beats her, and she was in the hospital for safekeeping - he beat her,” says Marina.

According to media reports, Anastasia Soltan will presumably be buried at the Kuzmolovskoye cemetery in the Leningrad region, where her parents are buried.

Anastasia Soltan, daughter deceased deputy speaker The Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan was driven to suicide by a mental crisis, problems in the family, as well as high pressure the public, which is always interested in such dramas. This is what the girl’s close friends think when they discuss the tragedy in in social networks. In addition, relatives claim that a few days before the tragedy, Anastasia had already tried to commit suicide.

““Don’t set foot in our house” will be said to anyone who demonstratively spites us (because we insist on rehabilitation) in front of our three small children, the art teacher will try to jump out the window from the 15th floor with the words: “Mom, dad, take me.” with me!” I have to protect myself and my children,” Veronica Soltan recently wrote on social networks.

According to the Metro newspaper, the suicide attempt took place on November 16, after which the girl was taken to mental asylum. According to Anastasia herself, the doctor, after a conversation, concluded that she did not have schizophrenia, and that she was simply experiencing great grief.

Let us remind you that Anastasia fell out of the window of her parents’ apartment on her 22nd birthday, November 24, late in the evening. The last entry on her VKontakte page was made at 21:14 - she published a link to an interview that Life had done the day before. During a conversation with journalists, the girl often cries and admits that she is “confused in this world.” At the same time, standing in front of the camera with crutches, she claims that she intends to undergo rehabilitation and make a full recovery. Anastasia wanted to live in her parents’ apartment alone with her mother’s favorite dog, Lunka.

The girl’s latest posts on social networks suggest a deep mental crisis. It is noticeable how hard the death of her parents was for Anastasia. Things got worse when her husband, municipal deputy Alexey Plotnikov, left her. They met thanks to Anastasia’s father, with whom Plotnikov, also from A Just Russia, collaborated on work. A month before the car accident, the couple played gorgeous wedding and was planning a honeymoon. Everything changed after the accident that claimed the lives of Pavel Soltan and his wife. According to Anastasia, her husband practically did not visit her in the hospital, and in response to her requests to come and support, he replied that he was busy with work. In September they filed for divorce.

Numerous media outlets that turned to Anastasia’s social networks to clarify the tragedy noted that many of her latest entries speak of the girl’s emotional instability: her texts are long, confusing, with many errors and repetitions. The girl splashed out facts from her personal life for everyone to see and constantly changed her mood.

Her older sister Veronica actively participated in the life of Anastasia Soltan. Despite her categorical statement in the entry given at the beginning of the material, she tried to help her sister to the last. But Anastasia did not accept these attempts, complaining that Veronica took all her personal belongings from her when she went to rehabilitation - gadgets, personal hygiene items, money and keys to her parents’ apartment.

To stop the flow of indignation from Anastasia’s friends, Veronica made an entry on her page:

« Dear friends, you are all worried about Nastya’s health. My husband and I spent a month and a half trying to get her to go to rehabilitation and be able to get rid of crutches. Nastya was not interested in this, because with crutches they feel more sorry for her. Yesterday in my post, I convincingly asked everyone not to interfere by giving cash with which she can escape from there. We love Nastya, worry about her and don’t want her to become disabled. And yet, there was a person who decided to save her from terrible exercises, massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and the pool. Apparently, at Olesya Nastin’s home, rehabilitation will be more effective and she will leave there without crutches. Nastya's stay in the hospital was fully paid for. It might be worth contacting common sense and return her back to rehabilitation? (bad Veronica and Slava).”

Let us note that when it became known about Anastasia’s death, Veronica wrote about it on her page, and then deleted her account.

From Anastasia’s notes and her stories in various interviews, it is noticeable how the girl’s mood and attitude towards her loved ones changes. She either blamed Veronica or admitted that she loved her and wanted to get rid of depression and undergo rehabilitation. The same applies to Veronica’s husband Slavik, whom Anastasia first accused of taking a large sum of money from her for her business, then talked about his care and thanked him for his help.

Anastasia’s followers both before and after the tragedy were divided into two camps. The first, the most numerous, actively supported the girl, wished her physical and moral health and urged her not to harm herself. But there were also those who found the girl’s behavior unworthy: they say that the 21-year-old daughter of the vice-speaker was simply not accustomed to living on her own, she was easily vulnerable and did not want to get rid of problems in order to continue living at the expense of her compassionate environment.

The daughter of Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan, Anastasia, decided to commit suicide on her 22nd birthday.

The tragedy occurred on the night of November 24-25 in the apartment of the girl’s parents on Butlerov Street. The girl jumped out of the window.


The girl’s sister Veronica spoke about this: “I handed over the keys, as you asked, Nastya is no longer alive. My God,” she wrote on social networks (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note edit.).

The harbingers of what happened was a tragedy in the family, which Anastasia was never able to cope with.
In August in terrible car accident Nastya lost her parents. The girl remained alive and was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.

In addition, the girl was left by her husband Alexey Plotnikov, with whom she was married for only a couple of months. Moreover, the husband decided to divorce while Nastya was still in the hospital.




" I am 21 years old. Back in the summer, I had everything I needed to be happy - my family. Beloved parents and beloved husband. In August, my parents and I were in a terrible accident, my mom and dad died, and I was between life and death. For me, my parents were everything, and my husband also abandoned me in the hospital. I didn’t know how to continue living, to be honest, I still don’t know. But I live! It’s hard, painful, scary, but you have to live! My dad lost his arms and legs when he was young, but he didn’t give up! A man who needed help himself helped people and children who found themselves in difficult life situation. And my mother helped my father every day, for 25 years, and until her death she was devoted to him. I want to continue their work, I want to help people. Appreciate life and give kindness!” — Anastasia Soltan wrote on her page in