The topic of obtaining a property deduction is extensive, but one of the most popular issues in it is the return of 13 percent on mortgage interest.

The reality is that buying an apartment on your own is often impossible; you have to resort to the help of banks, so it’s worth considering the specifics of this situation.

And in this article we will find out:

  • what is a mortgage tax deduction;
  • what amount and how many times can be returned;
  • what documents will be required.

A property tax deduction can be obtained if you are lucky enough to purchase a house or apartment (finished or under construction), as well as a plot for a house. But this is not enough.

The main condition is that the new resident must pay personal income tax at a rate of 13% to the budget - it is from these taxes that the procedure for processing a refund is based. Learn more about how it is formed personal income tax amount for return is explained in .

Determining the amount to be refunded if you pay for the purchase with your own funds does not cause problems - 13% of full cost housing, but not more than 2,000,000 rubles. Maternity capital or other benefits are not taken into account if they paid for the apartment. After all, these funds are not subject to personal income tax. And since income tax is not withheld, it means that nothing can be returned.

The situation becomes more interesting when property is purchased using bank funds. In this case, in addition to the percentage of the cost of housing for general conditions, it is possible to return interest on the overpayment on the loan.

It is immediately necessary to clarify that you can claim a deduction for bank interest This is possible only with a targeted loan, that is, the agreement with the bank must clearly indicate that the funds are intended for the purchase of housing.

You cannot issue an income tax refund on any consumer loan.

Repeated deductions from 2014

Oh, a lot of noise and chaos in the minds of citizens of the Russian Federation was caused by the law on the possibility of obtaining a repeated property deduction, which came into force in January 2014. Before this period, everything was much simpler: one apartment and one loan for it. It was in this combination that one could return income taxes, and once in a lifetime.

The fundamental difference between the two options is that a deduction from the cost of housing can be provided for several purchases (apartments) until the maximum amount for return has been accumulated. Deduction from mortgage interest is issued only once and only from one object. If the tax refund is less than the maximum amount, the remainder is forfeited.

You can watch this video tutorial or continue reading the article.

Since the owner has the right to both types of property deduction, registration always begins with the main one - a refund of 13% of the cost of housing. Only after this amount has been received in full can you apply for a “mortgage” deduction.

Maximum amount to be refunded

So, you purchased an apartment with a mortgage. Legally, the property is pledged to the bank, and you pay the loan amount and interest to the lender. The taxpayer can issue a refund on the interest that goes to the bank in excess of the principal debt.

Starting from January 1, 2014, a limit on the maximum amount for calculation was introduced - 3,000,000 rubles; you can receive up to 390 thousand rubles in your hands. In the regions of our huge country, housing prices vary greatly, so it is difficult to say whether the bar is set high.

But if you took out a mortgage before 2014 and want to return income tax on the interest paid, then the maximum refund amount is not limited: if you paid interest for 5 or 10 million rubles, then you have every right to return 13% of this amount fully.

Example. IN Nizhny Novgorod a two-room apartment can be purchased for 3 million rubles. If you take out a mortgage with a down payment of 600–700 thousand rubles. for 20 years, then total amount the overpayment will amount to more than 4.5 million rubles. Thus, starting from 2014, you will not even be able to apply for a full deduction for all interest, and you will only be able to return 13% of RUB 3,000,000. = 390,000 rub.

But if this event happened before 2014, it would be possible to return the tax on all interest, regardless of the amount.

Another limitation on the maximum possible payment is related to the amount of income tax paid by the owner during a certain period. So, if we submit documents for a 13% refund for 2015, in fact we will receive no more than we paid personal income tax on wages for the specified year. For this reason, it is more profitable to apply for deductions for the cost of housing and for mortgage interest in different tax periods.

In order to make the most of the right of property deduction, you can order an individual consultation or fill out a 3-NDFL declaration. The prices are fabulous, the results are real.

Registration procedure

Tax refunds are made only after actual payment of interest to the bank.

Let's assume you are purchasing an apartment with a mortgage in 2014. You will be able to submit documents to deduct mortgage interest no earlier than 2015, and will only claim last year’s actual overpayment.

In 2016, you will resubmit the documents, applying for a deduction for interest paid in 2015. This will happen until the amount reaches the maximum 3,000,000 rubles. In order not to contact the tax office every year, you can wait time and submit documents for deduction of interest for several years at once - the deadlines are not limited by law.

Example. Let someone Ipotekov P.V. I bought an apartment on credit in 2012 and have already received a property deduction for it: 13% of the price paid. And since 2012, he has been paying interest on the mortgage of 50,000 rubles annually. In this case, Ipotekov can return 6,500 rubles each year. = 50,000 * 13%.

But you can do it differently. If today, for example, is 2016, then over the past 4 years (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) interest on a mortgage loan of 200,000 rubles was paid. = 50,000 rub. * 4 years. And our Ipotekov can submit one 3-NDFL declaration for 2015, which will include all last year’s payments. In this case, he will receive a one-time return of 26,000 rubles. = 200,000 rub. * 13%.

So you have a choice: either receive annual mortgage interest payments, or accumulate a certain amount over several years, and only then return it through the tax office. The amounts paid on the mortgage do not expire, that is, there are no restrictions on the timing of their repayment.

Comment. There is another possibility of tax refund not at once, but with the help of. After contacting the tax office, you receive a notice of the right to a property deduction indicating the amount awarded. This document is submitted at the place of work, and from the moment the application is written, income tax is not deducted from the salary until the required amount has accumulated. The only difference in the documents is that there is no need to submit a 3-NDFL declaration.

To apply for a property deduction, you need to contact the tax office at your place of registration with a standard package of documents: an apartment purchase and sale agreement and an act of acceptance and transfer of property, receipts for payment for the purchase, a certificate of taxes paid.

A 13% refund on overpayments under a mortgage agreement can be a big help for new homeowners. These loans are taken out for large amounts and for a long period of time, and tax legislation offers financial support.

If you have any questions, feel free to write them below in the comments. We respond quickly and with pleasure. 🙂

Many owners of new housing have heard that it is possible to receive 13 percent from the purchase of an apartment, but not many know in what order such a payment is made, who can claim it and under what conditions. At the same time, the state can return a fairly significant amount when purchasing a new home, which can become a serious help to the family budget.
The procedure for receiving monetary compensation itself is quite simple and, if you study the intricacies of this process well, you can become its owner with an almost one hundred percent guarantee.

Return of 13 percent when purchasing real estate - legal framework

What is popularly called “return of money for an apartment” is legally called a “tax deduction.” A similar deduction for housing has been introduced since 2001. Its procedure is constantly changing, but the basic principles of accrual and payment laid down earlier are preserved.

The possibility of paying this deduction is established in clause 3 of Art. 210 NK. RF. According to it, the state returns to the citizen - income tax payer the amount of the 13% that he deducts from his salary to the budget. Usually the employer does this for him in the process of calculating and paying wages.

This compensation is aimed at stimulating the activities of citizens in certain areas of the national economy. In this case, it is providing the opportunity for privileged categories of the population to purchase housing on preferential terms.

Who is eligible for the deduction: tax refund conditions

Unfortunately, many owners of recently purchased property do not know who can return the personal income tax paid if their living conditions improve. At the same time, the legislation imposes rather modest requirements on applicants for this deduction. So, first of all, a citizen who wants to take advantage of this benefit must have official income and pay income tax on it.

Special conditions are established for pensioners. The point is that income tax individuals They do not pay from their pension, so they have the opportunity to return the amount for any year when they were employed, but no more three years back. This makes it possible for pensioners to also purchase housing on special terms.

Which purchases qualify for a 13% refund?

The second mandatory condition for receiving payment is the acquisition by a citizen of housing or its construction, since compensation in this case is directly related to this fact. This could be an apartment or a residential building. In this case, payment is made only from the amount of wages.

In the case when payment for housing is made at the expense of maternity capital or other funds, the person will not receive a tax refund. In addition, the property owner has the right to deduction in the case when he purchases not only an entire apartment or residential building, but also rooms, land plot or he will take cash loan for construction.

Is it possible to get 13 percent from the purchase of an apartment with a mortgage?

If the housing is issued with a mortgage, the state will return an additional 13% of the amount of the actual overpayment on the loan.

Thus, credit housing also makes it possible to enjoy benefits. Therefore, when applying for a loan, mortgage borrowers must clarify the issues regarding their receipt of personal income tax deductions.

What amount can you expect, calculation procedure

The tax deduction has its limits on the amount. The fact is that it depends on the cost of housing, and its difference is different regions can be colossal. So, for example, approximately one and a half million rubles in Nizhny Novgorod region maybe it’s worth a residential building, in St. Petersburg for this money you can only buy a room on a remote outskirts.

The maximum amount of the described payment is 2,000,000 rubles.

It is established in order to make the payment of the deduction standard. In fact, the taxpayer will receive no more than 260,000 rubles, since this amount is 13% of 2,000,000 rubles. If you purchase housing with a mortgage, the payment ceiling will be higher - 3,000,000 rubles.

In the same case, when housing was purchased for a lesser amount, in the event of its re-purchase, a second deduction may be provided for the amount of remaining funds up to the maximum payment amount. It is worth remembering that money for a second apartment cannot always be returned. In this case, the procedure for refunding paid tax should be clarified separately at the local branch of the Federal Tax Service.

For what period is a refund due, using the example of 2015?

It is also worth mentioning that at one time you can receive compensation only for an amount that does not exceed the amount of tax paid last year.

So, for example, if in 2014 a citizen paid personal income tax in the amount of 31,200 rubles, in 2015 he will receive a payment only for this amount. Remaining cash can only be obtained in the next tax period.

How to get 13 percent from the purchase of an apartment - return procedure

The described payment can be processed in two ways. The first method is that the taxpayer can receive the entire deduction amount at once. To do this, it is necessary, at the end of the year in which the purchased property was registered, to submit a document confirming this fact as part of a package of other documents necessary for processing the deduction. If the Federal Tax Service approves your application, the entire tax amount due to you will be refunded this year.

In the second case, there is no need to expect such a decision. The fact is that the tax deduction from the purchase of housing can be returned by the employer. To do this, the entire package of documents is submitted not to the Federal Tax Service, but to the place of work. If this option is chosen, 13 percent of personal income tax will not be accrued from the moment the relevant application is submitted.

What documents must be provided to receive a deduction?

In order to receive an income tax refund when you purchased real estate, you must provide the following set of documents to the local department of the Federal Tax Service or your employer once a year:

  • certificate 2-NDFL which the employer is obliged to issue to the employee upon request;
  • a document confirming the fact of acquisition of real estate, and if it was purchased after July 15, 2016 - an extract from the Unified State Register;
  • papers confirming additional expenses for finishing the premises, as well as banking and payment documents, indicating the targeted expenditure of funds;
  • application addressed to the head of the Federal Tax Service for registration of a deduction.

Deadline and place for submitting documents

These documents must be submitted to the tax office at the place of registration in the reporting year, for example, if you purchased real estate in 2014, this must be reported during the relevant declaration campaign. You can also clarify the conditions for refunding previously paid tax.

In addition, you can get similar information, as well as find out exactly how much money you can get back from the state when purchasing real estate, in the accounting department of the organization where you work. In this case, you can immediately make a claim regarding its size.

When can I receive my tax refund?

Many new owners of residential premises often do not know when the tax authorities will return the 13 percent deduction if they purchase housing. The answer to this question directly depends on what decision the tax inspector makes. The fact is that he is obliged to check the submitted application and tax return within 3 calendar months.

The result is communicated to the taxpayer by registered mail within 10 days after expiration of this period.

The amount of compensation itself is transferred to the applicant’s current account within a month from the date of receipt of the corresponding application by the territorial department of the Federal Tax Service.

The procedure for returning income tax when purchasing an apartment is the same for the entire territory of Russia, therefore there are no regional legislative acts on this issue. Separate explanations on the controversial issues of obtaining tax on the purchase of an apartment are contained in letters of recommendation Ministry of Finance.

Calculation of deduction, maximum amount, formula and examples

The deduction is calculated from the amount of expenses for purchasing a home. It is not possible to return the entire amount, but only 13% of it. Therefore, now we will find out how to return 13 percent when buying an apartment.

About beneficiaries and the features of deductions associated with them

Some Russians are legally exempt from paying personal income tax.. In particular, these are:

  • pensioners (including military personnel) - in terms of the pension paid to them;
  • entrepreneurs on special regimes (USN, UTII);
  • disabled people – in terms of disability benefits paid to them;
  • women in maternity leave– in terms of child benefits and alimony paid to them.

The right to postpone tax periods within three years is reserved only for persons of retirement age.

How to return the tax for the purchase of an apartment to such citizens? But these preferential categories can return income tax when purchasing an apartment when receiving other taxable income:

  • sale of an apartment owned for less than 5 years;
  • rental;
  • selling a car at a price higher than the purchase price.

How can a working pensioner get an income tax refund when buying an apartment? If pensioners or entrepreneurs work at the same time, then they have the right to claim a tax deduction on a general basis.

  • In the bank get a bank account statement with details (it can also be downloaded from the Internet bank).
  • according to form 3-NDFL. It contains all information about income and withheld personal income tax (from certificate 2-NDFL).

    How to get 13 percent on the purchase of an apartment? To register a property deduction, fill out sheet D: the address of the apartment, type of property, amount of expenses (only within 2 million rubles) is written down here.

    Tax return for personal income (form 3-NDFL): , .

  • Before you return personal income tax from the purchase of a home, you must contact the Federal Tax Service at your place of residence/official registration along with a declaration, 2-NDFL certificates, as well as copies of real estate documents (purchase and sale agreement), extract from the Unified State Register, TIN.

    They are presented without notarization, but at the same time as the originals: each is marked “true copy” and signed.

  • Attached to the documents. The application to the Federal Tax Service indicates a request to return the amount of overpaid tax with reference to clause 6 of Article 78 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The amount to be refunded according to the declaration and the tax period (year) are indicated here. The header of the document contains the name of the inspection, the applicant’s full name, his TIN and contact information. Finally, the bank account details for the transfer are entered.

    Application for a deduction: , .

  • The inspectorate reviews the received and conducts them desk audit. She has it for this up to three months.
  • After approval, you will receive a corresponding notification from the Federal Tax Service and the deduction amount specified in the application will be transferred to your bank account./li>
  • Receipt through employer

    The procedure for obtaining a tax deduction when purchasing an apartment involves the following steps:

    1. Receive a notification from the Federal Tax Service, which contains confirmation legal right for deduction. The procedure for receiving a deduction when purchasing an apartment will be similar to that applied when receiving a deduction directly through the inspection.

      The only difference is that the taxpayer is not required to write an application for a tax refund, fill out and first receive a 2-NDFL certificate.

      Before returning money from the purchase of an apartment from the tax office through the employer, the Federal Tax Service will need an application to confirm the right to the deduction; here you need to specify in detail the full name and details of the employer.

    2. Provide a certificate from the Federal Tax Service to the accounting department at your place of work., as well as the following documents: title documentation (since 2016, a certificate is not issued, such a document is an extract from the Unified State Register); purchase and sale agreement and payment documents.
    3. A statement is being written on providing a deduction in the form of non-payment of personal income tax.

      Application for a deduction for the employer: , .

    4. After reviewing all documents the employee will receive a larger salary from next month.

    Now you know how tax deductions are paid when purchasing an apartment through an employer.

    Reasons for refusal and what to do if you are refused?

    Before returning a percentage of the purchase of an apartment, you also need to know about the reasons for refusing to receive it. The legislation contains a list of grounds for refusing a tax refund:

    • the apartment was purchased for the employee from the funds of his employer;
    • when using state support funds when purchasing an apartment (for example, maternity capital, government subsidies, military mortgages) - but a deduction can be received from the contributed amount of own funds;
    • with the participation of relatives (interdependent persons) in the transaction: full- and half-children, grandparents, grandchildren, spouses;
    • when the parties to the transaction are a subordinate and a superior;
    • if the person has already used his right to deduction (before 2014) or has exhausted the limit established by law.

    But there may be other reasons for refusal.: finding inconsistencies and factual errors in submitted documents. In this case, it is enough to make the necessary corrections within the time frame established by the inspector.

    How to apply for a tax deduction for the purchase of an apartment if the violations committed are more serious and the taxpayer does not agree with them? He has the right to appeal the actions of the tax authorities. Initially, you can file a complaint in favor of the inspection management and, if the result of its consideration is unsatisfactory, go to court.

    Features of calculation, completion and submission of the declaration

    For a mortgage

    Let's take a closer look at how you can get 13 percent when buying an apartment with mortgage lending. When buying an apartment using borrowed funds, the Tax Office Additionally, you need to submit a loan agreement And a certificate from the bank about the amount of interest payments for the year.

    In the application to the Tax Inspectorate, you can immediately indicate the details of the account opened to repay the mortgage loan. After reviewing the submitted documents, the Federal Tax Service will transfer funds to repay the mortgage to the borrower’s account. This money can act as a monthly payment or partial early repayment of the loan.

    Let's give examples, how to apply for 13 percent when buying an apartment with a mortgage. The apartment was purchased for 4 million rubles, of which the initial payment amounted to 1 million rubles, 3 million rubles. was transferred to the seller by the bank. A deduction for the principal debt and the first payment is provided from 2 million rubles. (260 thousand rubles).

    During the first year, the borrower paid 750 thousand rubles in interest on loans. He is entitled to a deduction of 97,500 rubles. The remaining money from 2.25 million rubles. overpayments on credit interest can be compensated in the subsequent period.

    Having figured out how income tax is refunded when buying an apartment with a mortgage, you should talk about compensation for a child.

    Per child

    So, how do they pay 13 percent of the purchase of an apartment? In 2014, legislators made it possible for parents to register deductions for children when buying an apartment in their ownership. The child’s consent to the fact that his parents will receive a tax deduction back when purchasing a home for him is not required.

    The fact that the parents received a deduction for the child does not deprive him of the right to a refund in the future for himself.

    Here are some details on how to return a percentage of the purchase of an apartment for a child.

    In case of registration of housing in joint ownership of a child and one of the parents, then the latter gets the opportunity to issue a 3-NDFL for a refund from the purchase of an apartment not only for his part, but also for the child.

    For example, Sidorova purchased an apartment for 3 million rubles. and distributed the shares in equal proportions between themselves and minor son. Despite this, she has the right to receive an income tax refund when purchasing an apartment for the entire amount within the limit.

    In the same way, income tax is paid on the purchase of an apartment from the budget if the child has become the sole owner in the transaction or other relatives (grandfather, grandmother, etc.) are co-owners. For example, a grandmother draws up a deduction only for her share, and a mother – for hers and her son.

    How to get a tax refund when buying an apartment if the housing is registered as joint ownership? The father and mother have the right to decide for themselves which of them will increase their deduction at the expense of the child’s share.


    How to get a tax deduction from the purchase of an apartment for a pensioner? Most pensioners do not qualify for deductions.. This is true if their only source of income is a tax-free pension. But pensioners have the exclusive right to transfer deductions to previous periods (such changes have appeared in the Tax Code since 2012).

    Regardless of the date of purchase of the apartment a pensioner has the opportunity to receive a property deduction for the purchase of an apartment over the last 4 years. Thus, in 2017, he was given the opportunity to return personal income tax for 2013-2016. In 2018, it will no longer be possible to include 2013, only the period up to 2014. It turns out that if a citizen has already been retired for more than 5 years, then he loses the right to transfer.

    Let's give examples, how you can return 13 percent from the purchase of an apartment to pensioners. In 2016 (summer), pensioner Artemyev A.A. retired. In 2017, he bought an apartment. Artemyev can apply for a deduction in 2018. At the same time, he has the right to postpone the periods for processing the deduction to those periods when he was still working and paying personal income tax: for 2014-2016 (1 half).

    How is a tax deduction carried out when purchasing an apartment for working pensioners? Working pensioners exercise their right to a tax deduction as usual.

    The specifics of receiving a deduction for a non-working pensioner are discussed.

    Buying a share

    In such a situation, apply for a property deduction when buying an apartment possible only for the share belonging to the owner.

    For example, Citizens A and B purchased an apartment for 3 million rubles. Their shares were 1/3 and 2/3, respectively. Citizen A draws up a deduction of 1,000,000 rubles. (3,000,000 * 1/3). Citizen B - from 2,000,000 rubles. (3,000,000 * 2/3).

    The share owned by the owner is confirmed by an extract from the Unified State Register. No additional documents are needed.

    Separate rules for the distribution of deductions apply to spouses.


    When registering an apartment in a shared shared ownership Since 2014, spouses have the right to return VAT when purchasing an apartment not only in the proportion contained in the title documents, but also according to the actual costs incurred. They must be confirmed by payment documents.

    On the other hand, the Family Code states that Regardless of which spouse incurred the expenses, they are considered joint. Therefore, spouses themselves have the right to decide how to make the tax deduction for the purchase of an apartment more profitable.

    Moreover, it is usually more profitable for both of them to declare their rights to deductions, especially when buying an apartment more expensive than 2 million rubles. After all, then each of them will be able to exercise their right within the limit of 260 thousand rubles.

    When purchasing real estate in common joint ownership, the husband/wife can distribute the money from the purchase of the apartment by agreement. By default, it is distributed in equal shares: 50%. But in the submitted application to the Federal Tax Service, you can indicate any share of the spouse: from 0 to 100%.

    Taxpayers who have income taxed at a rate of 13% are entitled to a property deduction when purchasing an apartment. It is provided based on the amount of expenses actually incurred for the purchase of an apartment, but within the limits of the personal income tax and established by law limits of 2 million rubles. when buying a home with your own money and 3 million rubles. – when using borrowed funds.

    Let's summarize how to get a tax deduction for buying an apartment. You can apply for a refund from the budget through the Federal Tax Service or your employer. You can also return 13 percent for the purchase of an apartment only in the year following the year of purchasing the apartment/receiving the transfer deed.

    You can get back the money you paid to the government in taxes, or you can choose not to pay tax (up to a certain amount). To do this, you need to get a so-called tax deduction, that is, reduce your taxable income. A tax deduction is an amount that reduces the amount of income on which tax is levied. Often the income you receive is only 87% of what you earned. Because your employer (or other tax agent) pays 13 rubles out of every 100 rubles for you as tax (personal income tax, otherwise called income tax). In some cases, you can get this money back. One such case that gives the right to a tax deduction is the purchase of residential real estate using a mortgage loan and the payment of interest on the mortgage loan.

    How is the return on home purchases and mortgage interest related?

    A tax deduction can be obtained for both the cost of housing and the interest paid on the mortgage loan. These are two components of the “property tax deduction”. The procedure for receiving it is as follows: as a rule, taxes are first returned on the cost of housing, and then on interest paid on the mortgage.

    How to calculate deductions and tax for refund

    The deduction amount reduces the so-called taxable base, that is, the amount on which tax was withheld from you. You will be able to receive from the state in the form of tax refunds not the amount of the deduction, but 13% of the amount of the deduction, that is, what was paid in taxes. The deduction amount can be the entire amount of interest actually paid, but not more than 3 million rubles - the deduction limit. The amount of tax refund can be up to 13% of the interest actually paid. If you paid interest to the bank, for example, 100 rubles, you can return 13 rubles.

    At the same time, you will not be able to receive more than you paid in taxes. For example, you paid 100 rubles in interest on the loan for 2012. 13% of 100 rubles is 13 rubles. You can receive 13 rubles only if you paid (or your employer withheld from you) 13 rubles in income taxes for 2012. If you paid only 10 rubles in taxes in 2012, you will be able to return 10 rubles based on the results of 2012. 3 rubles will be transferred to the following years. The mortgage interest deduction, unlike some other deductions, is carried forward to future years.

    Maximum deduction amount

    There is no limit on the number of years you can deduct. That is, if you, for example, pay off a mortgage loan over 20 years, you can pay back taxes for the entire 20 years as the interest from planned turns into paid. Maximum size The tax refund when purchasing real estate is 260,000 rubles, but the refund of interest on a mortgage loan is made in excess of this limit. The maximum tax refund on a mortgage loan is 390,000 rubles

    Tax Refund Calculator

    In addition to this page, you can use our mortgage calculator to calculate the amount of mortgage payments and the amount of taxes that you can return. Our mortgage calculator, unlike many others, also calculates the taxes to be returned on the mortgage, including a breakdown of the returned taxes by year. Our calculator in the section "Buying a home" / "Calculator".

    Calculators you can download

    How to get the maximum deduction quickly and easily?

    The easiest way to quickly prepare correct documents for maximum refund and submit these documents with Tax. With the Tax Inspectorate, the documents will be approved and you will not have to redo them. You will receive the correct documents and expert advice. And then you can choose whether to take the documents to the inspectorate yourself or submit them online.

    Two ways to receive a deduction

    There are two ways to receive a deduction: at the end of the year for which the deduction is received, by receiving the entire amount from the tax office, or during the year for which the deduction is received, by underpaying the tax and receiving a deduction from the employer (or other tax agent). Let's look at an example. To receive a refund on interest paid, for example, in 2012, you need to wait until the end of the year. Then, for example, in January 2013, you can submit documents to the tax office and receive your taxes refunded in one amount (up to 13% of the interest paid in 2012).

    Or you can take necessary documents at the tax office, provide them to the employer and receive a deduction from the employer. But the employer will not return anything to you. He will not withhold income tax from you until the amount of income tax that he thus pays you is equal to the interest actually paid in 2012.

    What to do if common property

    In the case of shared ownership, the deduction (both for the cost of housing and for interest on the mortgage) is distributed in accordance with the shares of the owners. The same principle applies if spouses own shares. One participant in shared ownership cannot transfer his share of the deduction to another.

    In case of common joint ownership, the deduction is also distributed, but at the request of the owners. They will need to write a written application for the distribution of the deduction and submit it to the tax office along with other documents. The deduction can also be distributed in favor of one owner.

    How to get a tax deduction

    On the Tax website you will find everything you need to get a deduction. Now you don't need to contact consultants. You can do everything yourself much faster and cheaper:

    1 Fill out the declaration on the Tax website. With us, filling out the declaration correctly will be quick and easy.

    2 Attach the list of documents to the declaration. The list and application templates can be downloaded for free in the “Useful” / “Documents for deduction” section of the website.

    3 Submit documents and receive money. All you have to do is submit the prepared documents online through the Tax Office or take them to the inspectorate and receive the money.

    To proceed to filling tax return 3-NDFL on our website, please click the Next button below.

    If you are going to receive a deduction for 2018

    If you want to receive a deduction for interest paid in 2018, you must wait until the end of 2018. Documents for deduction can be submitted from the first working day of 2019. The program for preparing 3-NDFL for 2018, which you will need, will appear on our website in January 2019. This is due to the fact that the 2018 return is usually filed after the end of 2018.

    In Russia, compensation for part of the expenses incurred due to the acquisition of real estate is provided. You need to know how to return 13 percent for an apartment - use the property deduction (Article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). How to receive an income tax refund when purchasing an apartment is regulated and established in detail by the tax legislation of the Russian Federation. So, how to get a tax deduction when buying an apartment in 2019?

    Conditions for applying the right to deduction

    The deduction is provided to citizens Russian Federation who regularly pay income taxes. The percentage of deduction for the purchase of real estate is determined in accordance with the coefficient of 0.13 applied to the cost of the transaction, but within the limit allocated by the state. Mandatory conditions for a 13 percent return:

    • resident of the Russian Federation;
    • availability of permanent taxable income;
    • use of personal funds;
    • The parties to the contract are independent of each other.

    The right to receive a deduction can be applied regardless of the property, that is, each of the share owners, if there are several of them, has the opportunity to own their part. This norm is innovative, since previously – until 2014 – the provision was tied to the owner. However, compensation cannot be provided if the money was transferred from other persons.

    Additional conditions for return are ownership of the object or representatives. It can be:

    • owners;
    • the owner's spouse;
    • parents of the owner, if he has not reached the age of majority.

    The number of times the deduction is applied depends on the time of the transaction. If the date of the transaction is before 01/01/2014, then the deduction can be applied once, and if the transaction was carried out after the beginning of 2014, then the number of applications is not numerically limited.

    Calculation and determination of the amount

    How to calculate a tax deduction when buying an apartment is enshrined in the provisions and algorithms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The payment and calculation of “income” is mainly carried out by the employer’s accountant. In specific life situations The legislator provided for the right of a citizen to receive a refund of part of the previously paid tax.

    The final deduction amount is calculated based on the transaction value. However, the maximum is limited by the basis for the calculation. The base is applied depending on whether the property is purchased outright or through a mortgage. For ordinary transactions, the base is a maximum of 2 million rubles; for a mortgage, an additional 3 million rubles are provided for loan repayment (for 2019).

    Calculation when purchasing real estate with a mortgage occurs separately to cover the cost of housing and the mortgage. Compensation for the cost is provided one-time, and for interest - annually until the limit is exhausted. Using the example, the amount of income tax refund when one person purchases an apartment worth 180,000 rubles will look like this: HF = 1,800,000 x 0.13 = 234,000

    It is worth considering that the amount accepted for calculation - the base - may include not only the direct price of the housing itself. A 13 percent tax refund when purchasing an apartment also applies to additional expenses - finishing work. Of course, these expenses can be used to calculate the amount due for reimbursement only if there is a limit. Despite the presence of a price limit, there is an option to return 13 percent if you bought an apartment at a higher price. This is available, for example, to spouses who register for shared ownership. After which they both have legal grounds for a benefit. The limit for both spouses will be independent.

    Preparatory stage – collection of documents

    The procedure for returning 13 percent includes several steps:

    1. Analysis of the right to provision.
    2. Studying the list of documents for tax refund when purchasing an apartment.
    3. Making a request.
    4. Waiting for approval from the Federal Tax Service.
    5. Receiving monetary compensation.

    Having analyzed the situation and realized that you are entitled to a tax deduction, you need to start collecting papers. Preparation of documents for a refund of 13% tax on the purchase of an apartment differs somewhat depending on the conditions.

    List of required documents

    The required paperwork, regardless of the method of acquiring real estate, is as follows:

    • passport;
    • petition();
    • contract;
    • evidence of transfer of personal funds;
    • certificate of registration of the object (copy).

    The forms required for a tax refund when purchasing an apartment can be downloaded by clicking on the links above.

    Special cases

    For spouses

    If the object is acquired as the shared property of the spouses, then the required papers are supplemented with a marriage certificate and confirmation of everyone’s expenses.

    The apartment was purchased before 2014

    And for real estate purchased before 2014, you must provide confirmation of the distribution of shares. It could be:

    • the court's decision;
    • agreement between spouses;

    Child deduction

    Additional documents when receiving a deduction in the name of a minor child:

    • birth certificate;
    • certificate of ownership in the child's name.

    Finishing work

    If finishing work was carried out, then you need to provide actual proof of the costs. Everyone decides individually which documents need to be submitted for a 13% refund. If the required document is not submitted, the Federal Tax Service may refuse.

    Documents for tax refund when purchasing on credit are supplemented by a loan agreement and calculation of monthly payments. There are legal and procedural nuances of how to get 13% of the purchase of an apartment on a mortgage, at the same time bank commission. Since interest is calculated from the amount of money spent on payment for the year, you cannot receive compensation for all interest at once.

    Registration procedure

    There are two algorithms for how to return 13 percent if you purchased an apartment:

    • one-time payment of the entire amount through the Federal Tax Service;
    • use of future benefits through the employer.

    One-time payment of 13% through the tax office

    In the first option, the person who requested compensation receives the entire amount due to him in his current account. However, there is a condition - the amount of compensation cannot be more than the “income” for the previous 3 years, transferred by the citizen to the budget. If the amount of compensation is exceeded, only a portion will be paid, and the remaining funds will be transferred to the next year. The procedure for returning income tax according to the first method is based on the principle “Pay first - then receive compensation.”

    Algorithm of actions if the route to the Federal Tax Service is chosen:

    1. Preparation of documents at the beginning of the year following the year of acquisition:
      • filling out the 3-NDFL declaration;
      • request from the accounting department for a 2-NDFL certificate;
      • collection of transaction papers and payment receipts;
      • writing a statement.
    2. Innings collected documents to the local department of the Federal Tax Service.
    3. Waiting for the request to be considered.
    4. Receiving funds.

    There is only one downside to this procedure: the wait is quite long. To verify the applicant’s documents, 3 months are given (in special cases may extend the period), and for transferring funds after confirmation of eligibility - a month. In total, 4 months or more may pass from the moment the papers are submitted until the funds are received.

    Through the employer

    In the second algorithm, the applicant is given a benefit for future payments. The essence of the benefit is exemption from paying income taxes. This tax refund procedure when purchasing an apartment does not oblige you to first transfer funds to the budget. This option is convenient if the amount paid is less than the required compensation.

    An alternative option for applying for a tax deduction when purchasing an apartment is through the employer, using the method of providing benefits. The procedure will be like this:

    1. Prepare an application to the Federal Tax Service to verify and confirm eligibility.
    2. Wait for the verification period.
    3. Receive confirmation.
    4. Send to employer:
      • confirmation from the Federal Tax Service;
      • contract;
      • confirmation of the amount spent.
    5. Receive benefits on your next salary.

    This requires a month of waiting for the tax office to consider the application-request. After which, in the next billing period - a month - the citizen already benefits from compensation.

    The downside is that if the amount of compensation is significant, you may not have time to take advantage of the entire deduction before the end of the year. And for the next period it is necessary to repeat the procedure for submitting a request and confirming rights. Payments are not automatically transferred to the next period.

    A distinctive feature of the option to implement the deduction through the employer is that there is no need to prepare and submit a 3-NDFL declaration.

    Control dates

    The period for applying the tax deduction in the period after 2014 is not limited, that is, you can take advantage of the opportunity during any year after the property was purchased. There are no restrictions on the number of requests, but within the limit.

    The income tax refund period consists of the period required to conduct the audit and the time required to transfer funds to the applicant’s bank account. The beginning of the calculation of periods according to the return algorithm through the tax office is January of the next year.

    For example, the reimbursement period for purchasing an apartment in 2017 is summer - autumn 2019. When using a future benefit - the next month after confirmation. That is, if you request payments through your employer, then you do not need to wait for the end of the period - the year when the real estate was registered.