Former lead singer of the group Ivanushki International Oleg Yakovlev, who may have had AIDS.

Let us remind you that Yakovlev was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia. Organ edema occurred against the background of liver cirrhosis. According to doctors, the musician’s condition was critical, so he was immediately connected to a ventilator. However, it was not possible to save the singer's life.

Information leaked to the media that Oleg Yakovlev had AIDS. It was immunodeficiency that caused common problems body, which did not allow the singer to cope with pneumonia.

Yakovlev’s colleagues did not know that the artist had health problems. According to other participants of Ivanushki International, Oleg was always in excellent spirits. The artist was always thin and pale, so the stars did not assume that Yakovlev might be sick with something. Common-law spouse Oleg Yakovlev Alexandra Kutsevol, on the contrary, knew about feeling unwell beloved. The girl repeatedly recommended that the singer see a doctor, but the star chose to self-medicate.

Let us recall that Oleg Yakovlev joined the group “Ivanushki International” in 1997, replacing deceased Igor Sorina. Together with Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov and Kirill Andreev, Oleg Yakovlev recorded the song “ Poplar fluff”, which instantly soared to the top of the charts. In 2013, the artist decided to leave the group and concentrate on his solo career.

On Thursday, June 29, the media named the probable cause of death of the former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev.

A competent source shared with journalists sensational information about the former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki” Oleg Yakovlev, who died on June 29. The informant stated that the performer had AIDS.

Previously, informed reporters named the cause of death of the 47-year-old artist as cardiac arrest. There is another version. Oleg’s cohabitant Alexandra Kutsevol told the pen sharks that Yakovlev died due to an advanced stage of pneumonia.

And suddenly sensational news appeared in the media. According to the website EG.RU, the ex-member of the Russian group “Ivanushki International” allegedly had AIDS. A competent source reported this to the publication. According to him, Oleg Yakovlev’s heart problems were a consequence of immunodeficiency.

There is a third version about alcohol abuse. The website found out that the performer had liver problems. They say that the singer died as a result of pulmonary edema, and complications arose due to cirrhosis.

Note that Yakovlev had health problems for a long time. According to the artist’s lover, the other day his health deteriorated sharply, after which he was urgently hospitalized. Oleg was placed in intensive care with bilateral pneumonia, and doctors connected him to an artificial respiration apparatus.

Early in the morning of June 29, the singer died in intensive care without regaining consciousness. According to Kutsevol, Yakovlev might have been saved if he had been hospitalized earlier. The artist simply did not take the disease seriously and preferred to be treated at home.

“The cause of death was double pneumonia, so all this time he was connected to the machine. During this time, he never even regained consciousness. It was an advanced stage, he was treated at home by himself. Previously, we did not call an ambulance, you know, coughing and coughing. Everything happened too quickly, none of us had time to come to our senses,” said the artist’s inconsolable lover.

Oleg Yakovlev from “Ivanushki”: the cause of death was HIV or AIDS? New details in the mystery of death famous singer shocked the fans.

All show business stars prefer to die gracefully. Throughout history, there has not been a single case of death due to anal cancer, intestinal perforation or prostate tumor. These “shameful” diseases, which occur in large numbers among ordinary people, “by a strange coincidence” they pass by pop stars or famous politicians.

It is extremely rare to talk about alcoholism or drug addiction, or the consequences of sexually transmitted diseases. In the entire history, only one person admitted that he had HIV - the legendary lead singer of Queen, Freddie Mercury.

Relatives famous people They like to name two causes of death - either brain cancer or “heart failure.”

Approximately the same diagnosis was made when the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev died on June 29, 2017. The official version is cardiac arrest due to bilateral pneumonia.

Did Yakovlev have AIDS?

After the artist’s death, a number of online publications, citing a “trusted source,” stated that former soloist“Ivanushek” was sick with AIDS. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, a cardiologist highest category Tamara Ogieva noted that pneumonia cannot be the primary cause; only some “chronic disease associated with weakened immunity” can lead to death.

A very interesting parallel can be drawn with the aforementioned Freddie Mercury. He also died of pneumonia as a result of which his heart stopped. But the root cause was still HIV infection.

At one of Oleg Yakovlev’s last concerts, journalists and spectators noticed that the singer looked exhausted and had lost a lot of weight.

During the interview with Oleg (June 10, 2017), the yellow whites of his eyes were very clearly visible, which indicates the presence of liver damage. When the singer was hospitalized, he was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis.

It is worth noting that against the background of HIV infection, even mild liver diseases can become irreversible and develop into cirrhosis.

Another factor that should not be forgotten is that Russia is on the verge of an HIV epidemic. Thus, from 2010 to 2017, according to official data, the number of cases increased from 57 to 88 thousand people, that is, by almost 35%.

Did Oleg Yakovlev suffer from AIDS and could he die from it? It is quite likely that he did. The artist's common-law wife

Alexandra Kutsevol promised to sue the publications that started the rumor. However, a trial on this matter never took place, but ex-wife filed a lawsuit against Yakovlev’s friend, to whom he bequeathed his apartment.

By the way, Yakovlev and Kuvevol did not have children. According to rumors - also due to the presence of AIDS. But the exact cause of death remains unknown to this day.

Funeral of Oleg Yakovlev

The funeral of Oleg Yakovlev took place already...40 days later. According to relatives, such a long period was due to an attempt to reach an agreement with the place on Vagankovskoe cemetery. When the final refusal was made, it was decided to bury the artist at Troekurovskoye Cemetery.

It is noteworthy that the burial site is full-size (not a columbarium), however, Oleg Yakovlev’s body was cremated. This was his will, despite the fact that the singer professed Orthodoxy.

According to some sources, a place at the Troekurovsky cemetery costs from 1 million rubles.

There were no photographs of Oleg Yakovlev in the coffin, nor of the burial itself. People kissed the coffin, but what was there—an urn with ashes, or the artist’s face covered with a cloth—remained a mystery. Journalists were almost not allowed into the ceremony.

Most likely, the body was burned after the farewell ceremony, but they chose to hide the face due to the long stay in the morgue or the consequences of the illness.

Yakovlev’s grave is located in section 15 of the Troekurovsky cemetery. You can get to the Kuntsevskaya metro station, and then by bus No. 612. Or from Teply Stan metro station by bus No. 781.

Previously, informed reporters named the cause of death of the 47-year-old artist as cardiac arrest. There is another version. Oleg’s cohabitant Alexandra Kutsevol told the pen sharks that Yakovlev died due to an advanced stage of pneumonia.


And suddenly sensational news appeared in the media. According to the website EG.RU, the ex-member of the Russian group “Ivanushki International” allegedly had AIDS. A competent source reported this to the publication. According to him, Oleg Yakovlev’s heart problems were a consequence of immunodeficiency.

There is a third version about alcohol abuse. The website found out that the performer had liver problems. They say that the singer died as a result of pulmonary edema, and complications arose due to cirrhosis.

Note that Yakovlev had health problems for a long time. According to the artist’s lover, the other day his health deteriorated sharply, after which he was urgently hospitalized. Oleg was placed in intensive care with bilateral pneumonia, and doctors connected him to an artificial respiration apparatus.

Early in the morning of June 29, the singer died in intensive care without regaining consciousness. According to Kutsevol, Yakovlev might have been saved if he had been hospitalized earlier. The artist simply did not take the disease seriously and preferred to be treated at home.

“The cause of death was double pneumonia, so all this time he was connected to the machine. During this time, he never even regained consciousness. It was an advanced stage, he was treated at home by himself. Previously, we did not call an ambulance, you know, coughing and coughing. Everything happened too quickly, none of us had time to come to our senses,” said the artist’s inconsolable lover.

On Thursday, June 29, the media named the probable cause of death of the former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev.

So, according to some reports, the singer was sick with AIDS. The musician’s heart problems were a consequence of immunodeficiency, reports citing a “competent source.”

Let us remind you that it became known earlier that Yakovlev had health problems for a long time. And a few days ago he ended up in intensive care: doctors diagnosed the ex-soloist of “Ivanushki” with “acute pneumonia.”

Doctors fought for the singer’s life until the last moment. He was connected to a ventilator, but this did not help. Oleg Yakovlev died on Thursday.

By the way, according to the expert “ Komsomolskaya Pravda", the real cause of death of the 47-year-old musician could not be pneumonia, but a chronic illness.


The cause of Oleg Yakovlev's death was cardiac arrest

The musician’s girlfriend and producer named the cause of Oleg Yakovlev’s death

Possible cause of death of Oleg Yakovlev: where did the ex-soloist of “Ivanushka International” have heart failure?

Now, it’s probably difficult to imagine the excitement around the Ivanushki International group. In the late 90s, they were the real gods of our stage, and, in the absence of Instagram and paparazzi in those days, they were practically inaccessible, which is why the Forbidden fruit made it even sweeter. The first shock came to fans when Igor Sorin left the group in 1998 - he was quickly replaced by the new “little Ivanushka” - Oleg Yakovlev


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Oleg Yakovlev passed away on the morning of Thursday, June 29. He died in a Moscow hospital without regaining consciousness from a severe form of pneumonia.

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On the morning of Thursday, June 29, the former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev died in Moscow. His beloved Alexandra Kutsevol reported this on her Instagram.


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