Master of the game “What? Where? When?”, Director of the St. Petersburg branch International Association clubs “What? Where? When?”, systems engineer.

Graduated from the Industrial Pedagogical College of Vocational Education in 1975 and the Leningrad Institute of Engineers railway transport them. Academician V.N. Obraztsov, majoring in computers in 1980.

What? Where? When?

Friends and Kozlov

In the TV program “What? Where? When?" first appeared in 1981, since then he has performed without interruption, which is a game record.

He was awarded the Crystal Owl five times as the best player in the intellectual club (1990, 1992, 1995, 2000, 2006). In 1995, he was elected the first master in the history of the TV game; later Maxim Potashev and Viktor Sidnev also received this title.

Captain of the “Transsfera” sports team, in which he won the 1st World Championship (2002). 9 times in a row the team won the St. Petersburg Governor's Cup for the ChGK.

Champion of the television version of the Brain Ring in 1990, 1991, 1994. He also twice became a champion in the television “Own Game” (1995, 2003).

A television

Other projects

On April 5, 2008, Alexander Druz became one of the Russian participants in the Olympic torch relay, along with members of the government, sports stars and artists.


Married, has two daughters: Inna and Marina, both also play “What? Where? When?" and were awarded "Crystal Owls".

June 23, 2008 eldest daughter master of the game “What? Where? When?" Inna Druz gave birth to a girl. The granddaughter of Alexander Druz was named Alice.

Master of the club “What? Where? When?”, the intellectual player Alexander Druz has been familiar to most Soviet and then Russian television viewers since 1981, when he first appeared in the game, and then participated in it for many years with enviable consistency. The extraordinary erudition and competence of Alexander Abramovich, his ability to use them in practice, allow him to cope with the most complex riddles and received highly appreciated. He won the Crystal Owl as the club's best player six times and won the Diamond Owl for his championship in the 2011 games. In 1995 he was the first to receive honorary title Master's degree In life, Druz is engaged in work on TV, teaching - as part of the game. He himself got on the program “What? Where? When?”, writing a letter to her. The handwriting of the future public favorite was so illegible that Alexander Druz’s wife had to rewrite everything herself.

With my future wife- Elena, I knew Druz since childhood: they studied together in first and second grade. Then Lena was transferred to another school and their friendship ended. They rarely saw each other and gradually became unaccustomed to each other. In the ninth grade, Alexander wanted to see his old girlfriend and congratulated her on March 8th. Elena recalled how the quiet, modest boy she knew as a child spread his peacock tail while courting her at the age of fifteen and became a real joker. She, laughing, admitted that she tolerated his chatter only because he did her homework for her. unloved subjects- mathematics and physics. Their good relationship was then revived and turned into a romantic one. Since then, the lovers have never parted. They got married in 1978, when they were both 23 years old. A year later, the newlyweds had their first daughter, Inna, and three years later, another daughter, who was named Marina. To the game “What? Where? When?" The friend came not only as a married man, but also as the father of two children - there was someone to root for him at home.

Alexander Abramovich, who adores his girls, himself worked with his daughters, developing their abilities and succeeded: they both learned to read by the age of four and speak several languages, successfully graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance, and after that continued their education in France. Inna and Marina were, following the example of their father, participants in the ChGK games. Druzya’s wife told in an interview the truth about the “iron” captain - a player whom his growing daughters could always persuade to do anything: outside the game - he is a soft and compliant person. Discipline in the family had to be monitored by Elena, who always knew how to convince children to act wisely and correctly, and, on occasion, used all her professional skill as a psychologist. Most During their lives, the Friends family lived in the center of St. Petersburg, in a cramped apartment that required replacement when the girls began to grow up.

Despite the large amounts of winnings that are often announced during the game, in Elena’s opinion, it is impossible to get rich from it. Although not in poverty, the family of Alexander Druz never lived in luxury: large winnings were spent mainly on books, of which there are a huge number in their new apartment: everyone in the family reads. Once, after an unexpected prize in the form of a Peugeot car, Alexander Abramovich took the winnings in cash because he had nothing to pay the tax with. Then they all went on a two-week trip to Paris together and made some significant purchases. Most often, they have to make do with their earnings: Elena works in her specialty, her husband receives a salary from television. New apartment, purchased in 2001, they had to renovate at their own expense in order to turn the dilapidated communal apartment into a pleasant and cozy family home. This required considerable financial investments and therefore lasted for two years.

They all have an unconventional modern world the scale of values ​​and spending on travel seem more expedient to Friends than accumulating capital. When the eldest daughter told her parents about her desire to try her hand at ChGK, they warned Inna that the playing conditions were often unprofitable for club members and required investments; To do this you need to get a job and have your own money. They simply did not have any extra funds at that time. Traveling does not always require significant investments, and Elena loves to simply explore, under the guidance of her husband, the surroundings of her hometown: he always makes an excellent guide. He knows so much about St. Petersburg and its satellite cities that he can talk about it for hours. They are slightly embarrassed by the fact that Alexander Abramovich is recognized everywhere. But star fever he doesn’t have one and you can always treat the increased attention of others with humor.

Alexander Druz's wife is the dearest and closest person to him. They have been together for almost 40 years and Alexander Abramovich frankly admits: I believe that the main prize that I won in life is Lena. She's mine best friend“She’s smart, pretty, a wonderful mother, an excellent housewife.” The friend is happily married to her and never imagined another woman in Elena’s place: “Everything in my wife is harmonious. And I don’t need another one.” Now that both of Friends' daughters are married, they have new meaning life and wonderful general care: four granddaughters: Alice. Alina, Ansley and Roni, whom it would be nice to raise in the spirit family traditions respect for intelligence, education and intelligence.

Alexander Druz is a six-time winner of the “Crystal Owl” prize in the intellectual game “What? Where? When?" and the only three-time world champion in sports ChGK.

Friend Alexander Abramovich was born on May 10, 1955 in Leningrad. The boy grew up in a very educated and intelligent Jewish family, so he became interested in self-education early on. As a child, Alexander read all the books that were in the house, from heavy encyclopedias to literary works different authors. But this did not stop him from behaving like an ordinary boy of his age: fighting, playing football, breaking taboos and going swimming in ponds. Young Druz also dreamed of becoming a fireman or a sailor.

IN kindergarten Alexander did not go, his mother sat at home with him, since other relatives were not around, and his father worked a lot. The boy studied well at school, although, despite all his knowledge, he was not an excellent student. He participated in school competitions and competitions where general educational knowledge was required, he won his first award at the age of nine at an evening interesting questions. Druz graduated from school without even winning a silver medal, after which he entered a technical school to major in electrical engineering.

After technical school, Alexander entered the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, from which he graduated with honors in 1980. However, the young man had only one B in his diploma - in the political economy of socialism, which he was given due to his personal conflict with the leadership of the department. As a result, Druz received the profession of “systems engineer.”

In his youth, immediately after graduating from college, Alexander worked as an engineer in the construction industry, but soon his biography changed dramatically. After the fateful invitation to the program “What? Where? When?" A friend devoted his life to television.

"What where When?"

Alexander Druz got on television not because of his outstanding appearance or height (according to some media reports, the intellectual’s height is only 168 cm), but because of his incredible knowledge. Even as a child, he watched the intellectual show “What? Where? When?" and easily answered questions posed by viewers. When in 1980 the opportunity arose to try himself as one of the experts and participants in a television program, Alexander immediately decided to take advantage of this opportunity.

He wrote an application, which, by the way, due to the terrible handwriting of the future expert, his wife had to rewrite, and sent it to Moscow. Alexander was in his fifth year at that time and was preparing to defend his diploma, so he had enough free time to travel to the capital. He successfully passed all the tests and trials that the author and presenter of the program, Vladimir Voroshilov, prepared for novice experts, and already in 1981 he appeared on television as part of the show.

The friend turned out to be quite a gambler and from that moment appeared in almost all episodes of the intelligence show. He was kicked out of the club several times, but the expulsion did not last long, and Alexander safely returned to the show. In 1982, Druz was disqualified for giving a hint.

For the first time on for a long time The connoisseur left the project in 1983 along with two other participants, but a year later the host of the program, Voroshilov, decided to give them a chance. During the audience voting, the majority of votes were cast for Druz's return to the club. Alexander “flew” from the show three more times, but since December 1992 he has never left the program again.

In 1991, Alexander became a teacher, preparing schoolchildren for the club games “What? Where? When?". Regularly held school and interregional tournaments. For his services in the field of education he received the medal “In Memory of the Tercentenary of St. Petersburg.”

Druz is one of the most successful players on the show, with about 50 successful games to his name. He also set a record for the number of games played: as of 2014, Alexander became a participant in 75 episodes of the popular show. The connoisseur was named the best player six times, receiving the club's Crystal Owl award in 1990, 1992, 1995, 2000, 2006 and 2012. He also became the first holder of the title of Master of the Game.

Show “What? Where? When?" brought the expert not only popularity and fame, but also became a source of income for Alexander. Although after deducting all taxes, the amount was not that big.

In March 2016 at the club “What? Where? When?" burst out loud scandal. Rovshan Askerov's team gave a controversial answer to the question about the tomato and wisdom, but after much persuasion and discussion, the presenter credited the team with the answer. A friend commented on this situation, saying that Askerov risked his reputation in front of an audience of millions. This comment caused a violent reaction from Askerov, who stated that Alexander Druz had no reputation at all, and, therefore, it was not for him to talk about strangers.

A television

In 1990, Alexander became a participant in the intellectual show “Brain Ring” from the creator of “What? Where? When?" Vladimir Voroshilov. The first year of the game ended for Druz with a complete victory and the Golden Brain award. He also received the cup a year later, in 1994 and 2000.

Since 1995, Druz became a participant in the “Own Game” program, where he also achieved considerable success. Having made his debut in the show, Alexander became the undisputed winner and owner of the main prize of the game - a car. However, the connoisseur did not have the money to pay the tax on the prize, and took the reward in cash, buying himself a Zhiguli car, which served him for seven whole years. Of the 35 games played on the project, Alexander won 22, becoming the owner of the two maximum wins in one game in the history of the program.

Since 2009, the famous expert periodically plays for the Nikita Mobile TeTe team, which plays in the sports analogue of “What? Where? When?" and "Brain Ring". He made his debut at the Uzbekistan Brain Ring Championship, where he won. Subsequently, he participated several times as part of the team at games in Uzbekistan, Great Britain, Israel and Ukraine.

Since May 2011, Alexander has been the host of the educational program “Hour of Truth” on the 365 Days TV channel. The program discusses historical moments, and thanks to the knowledge of the host and invited specialists, the show becomes not only interesting, but also extremely educational.

Druz became a frequent guest of many popular Russian programs: “Who wants to become a millionaire?”, “Guess the melody”, “Evening Urgant”, “While everyone is at home”.


Alexander Druz connected his life with television not only through the intellectual game “What? Where? When?". As an expert told the press, the game does not feed. In 2002, he told reporters that TV was his Full time job. Alexander Abramovich was the head of programs at the St. Petersburg television company "Golden Taurus", which supplies content for such channels as "Culture" ("Fatherland and Destinies") and REN-TV ("Agency").

In 2007, Druz founded the construction company Stroy-Azhio, which was engaged in wholesale trade building materials. In 2011, he registered another company, Trans-Agio, specializing in freight transportation. A year later, Alexander decided to sell the companies because he did not have time to develop them, and also due to the emerging crisis in the industry. The new owner of the business was the head of the companies, Andrei Gromov.

In 2017, Alexander Druz starred in a movie for the first time. He played a cameo role in the third season of the series “Mommies” on the STS channel.

Today Alexander is the head of the department game programs on the TV channel "STO" in hometown St. Petersburg.

Alexander Abramovich is popular not only among television viewers. Internet users also fell in love with the connoisseur, which resulted in a huge number Friend memes. One of the most popular was the phrase “Alexander Druz is responsible for the bazaar” and a screenshot from one of the programs, where Druz indignantly looks up, with original captions.

Personal life

With my future wife Alexander Druz met Elena in first grade. She was a noisy and sociable girl the exact opposite a quiet, modest boy. Then life took the children to different schools, and they met only seven years later after Alexander called Elena and congratulated her on March 8th. For about a year they were just friends, the future expert helped the girl with her homework, they walked through museums and city streets. In the tenth grade, the couple began an affair, which eventually led to marriage. Elena and Alexander got married in 1978. A year later, the couple had a girl, Inna, and in 1982, their second daughter, Marina.

Alexander took an active part in the upbringing and education of his children; from the age of three months, he read educational books to them, developing their intelligence and thirst for knowledge. As a result, Inna and Marina followed in the footsteps of their father and different years also took part in the show “What? Where? When?”, also becoming owners of “Crystal Owls”.

On this moment Alexander is already a grandfather to his three granddaughters Alisa, Alina and Ensley and also devotes a lot of time to their education.

Except for Friends in this large family there is another master. This is Sean the Scottish Fold cat. full name who sounds like Magister Skimbleshanks Monami.

Sean is a master not only in name, but at a meeting of the “What? Where? When?" ten years ago they declared the cat a full-fledged master and promised to take his opinion into account if he participated in meetings.

TV shows

  • What? Where? When? (participant)
  • Brain-ring (participant)
  • Own game (participant)
  • Hour of Truth (host)

In 1972 he graduated from Leningrad high school No. 47 named after. K. D. Ushinsky.

He graduated from the Industrial Pedagogical College of Vocational Education in 1975 and the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers named after. Academician V.N. Obraztsov, majoring in computers in 1980. He is interested in bonistics.

In the TV program “What? Where? When?" first appeared in 1981, since then he has performed without interruption, which is a game record. In 1982, he became the first expert to be disqualified for giving tips to players. He also holds records for the number of games played - 73 (as of January 15, 2013) and victories - 46.

He was awarded the Crystal Owl six times as the best player in the intellectual club (1990, 1992, 1995, 2000, 2006, 2012). Winner of the Diamond Owl (award for the best player in 2011). In 1995, he was elected the first master in the history of the TV game; later this title was also received by Maxim Potashev, Viktor Sidnev and Andrei Kozlov.

Captain of the “Transsfera” sports team, which, under the name “Troyard,” won the 1st World Championship (2002). 9 times in a row the team won the St. Petersburg Governor's Cup for the ChGK.

Champion of the television version of the Brain Ring in 1990, 1991, 1994. In the television “Own Game” he won “Line Games” (1995), “Super Cup” (2003), was the captain of the team that won the III Challenge Cup (2002), and set an absolute record for performance in one game - 120,001 rubles.

In 2009, as a foreign player, he competed for the Nikita Mobile TeTe team at the Uzbekistan championships in brain ring (1st place) and ChGK (2nd place), then at the 1st Tashkent Open Cup (1st place in ChGK and brain -ring, as well as in the overall standings, 2nd place in the erudite quartet) and at the Znatokiad-2009 in Eilat (including 2nd place at the Olympic tournament in the ChGK). In the same year he played for the British national team at the ChGK Nations Cup in Kirov.

In 2010, he also played several times for the Nikita Mobile TeTe team, which won the VII Championship of Uzbekistan, and then the VIII World Championship in Eilat (Israel). In 2011 and 2012 this team won the national championship without a master, but at the IX and X World Championships of those years he joined “NMTT”. In Odessa (2011), together with the team, he became a silver medalist, and in Saransk (2012) - gold (becoming the only three-time world champion in sports ChGK).

One of 11 players who took part in all ten world championships in sports “What? Where? When?".

Birthday May 10, 1955

master of the game “What? Where? When?”, Director of the St. Petersburg branch of the International Association of Clubs “What? Where? When?”, systems engineer


Alexander Druz was born on May 10, 1955 in Leningrad.

In 1972 he graduated from Leningrad secondary school No. 47 named after. K. D. Ushinsky.

He graduated from the Industrial Pedagogical College of Vocational Education in 1975 and the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers named after. Academician V.N. Obraztsov, majoring in computers in 1980. He is interested in bonistics.

What? Where? When?

In the TV program “What? Where? When?" first appeared in 1981, since then he has performed without interruption, which is a game record. In 1982 he was disqualified for giving tips to players. He also holds records for the number of games played - 71 (as of December 26, 2011) and victories - 41.

He was awarded the Crystal Owl six times as the best player in the intellectual club (1990, 1992, 1995, 2000, 2006, 2012). Winner of the Diamond Owl (award for the best player in 2011). In 1995, he was elected the first master in the history of the TV game; later this title was also received by Maxim Potashev, Viktor Sidnev and Andrei Kozlov.

Captain of the “Transsfera” sports team, in which he won the 1st World Championship (2002). 9 times in a row the team won the St. Petersburg Governor's Cup for the ChGK.

Champion of the television version of the Brain Ring in 1990, 1991, 1994. In the television “Own Game” he won “Line Games” (1995), “Super Cup” (2003), was the captain of the team that won the III Challenge Cup (2002), and set an absolute record for performance in one game - 120,001 rubles.

In 2009, as a foreign player, he competed for the Nikita Mobile TeTe team at the Uzbekistan championships in brain ring (1st place) and ChGK (2nd place), then at the 1st Tashkent Open Cup (1st place in ChGK and brain -ring, as well as in the overall standings, 2nd place in the erudite quartet) and at the Znatokiad-2009 in Eilat (including 2nd place at the Olympic tournament in the ChGK). In the same year he played for the British national team at the ChGK Nations Cup in Kirov.

In 2010, he also played several times for the Nikita Mobile TeTe team, which won the VII Championship of Uzbekistan, and then the VIII World Championship in Eilat (Israel). In 2011, this team won the national championship without a master, but at the IX World Championship (Odessa) he joined NMTT, and in its composition he became a silver medalist.

A television

Author and presenter mind games And educational programs on various TV channels. Current place of work is the STO-TV channel (St. Petersburg), position - program manager.

Other projects

On April 5, 2008, Alexander Druz became one of the Russian participants in the Olympic torch relay, along with members of the government, sports stars and artists.

Alexander Druz tried to become a deputy Legislative Assembly St. Petersburg 4th convocation.


His wife Elena Druz is a doctor, there are two daughters: Inna and Marina, both also play “What? Where? When?" and were awarded "Crystal Owls".

On June 23, 2008, the eldest daughter of the master of the game “What? Where? When?" Inna Druz gave birth to a girl. The granddaughter of Alexander Druz was named Alice.

Both daughters studied at Physics and Mathematics Lyceum 239, where Alexander Druz still coaches youth teams of experts.