Elena Proklova became the next star guest of Boris Korchevnikov’s “Live Broadcast” program. On the show, the artist openly spoke about her romances with her colleagues. As it turned out, Elena met with Oleg Yankovsky (from whom she even became pregnant, but had an abortion, although he begged her to keep the child),


Proklova had no illusions about her relationship with Yankovsky: “Yes, he was married to beautiful woman till the end of one's days. There was great love. I believe that the infatuation with a girl like me, although it was long and serious, was just an infatuation. His wife knew about us."

Also on the Don Juan list was the star of the film “Gypsy” Mihai Volontir. They starred together in Moldova in the film “Be Happy, Julia!” In the midst of the film crew's work, Mihai's wife unexpectedly appeared on the set. According to Proklova, a terrible scandal broke out. “The whole hotel was shaking,” admitted Elena. The actress also met with Andrei Mironov and Oleg Tabakov.

Proklova asked for forgiveness from all the wives of her ex-lovers. She acknowledged that the "boomerang effect" exists. So, when Elena gave birth to a daughter from her husband Andrei Trishin, he began an affair with a young woman. “Everything in life is interconnected. Any action you take will come back to you,” the actress is sure. However, the couple were able to overcome the crisis.

Interestingly, Proklova’s ex-husband Andrei Trishin was also in the studio, with whom they, despite the divorce, live together. When it came to love affairs Elena, Andrei chose to leave the studio, not wanting to hear about his ex-wife’s novels. He returned only at the end of the program.

Let us note that Proklova’s frankness did her a disservice. Some “experts” did not understand why, after so many years, Elena suddenly decided to talk about her novels. Internet users also agreed with them.

They spoke very harshly to the artist. “Well, why does everyone need to know about her “dirty” laundry? Why this publicity throughout the country and beyond! Why should her relatives, the children of her lovers, know this? Just another PR! You can repent in church or before your conscience!”, “What is this? this! An aging, virtually unclaimed (I sympathize) actress is trying to arouse interest in herself in such an undignified way! Dignity must be preserved in all situations, Elena Proklova!", "It was she who did not repent, but boasted! How unpleasant it is for us, let alone the families of the actors and even more so!”, “Why apologize to the dead and their wives? The dead don’t care anymore. They’re in a different, Better world. And they can’t answer!!! But why dig all this up, even if it happened???? Especially under old age...What is it like for children and grandchildren to hear about the adventures of their mother or grandmother? there is a family, oh than they are silent. And this old senile woman showed her... to the whole country!" - this was only part of the negative reviews.

Yesterday's episode of Lera Kudryavtseva's popular show "Secret for a Million" simply blew up the Internet. The fact is that the guest of the program was famous actress Elena Proklova, who has long been credited with having affairs with her most famous colleagues.

When Lera Kudryavtseva asked the heroine of the program whether she really had affairs with such famous actors as Andrei Mironov, Alexander Abdulov, Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Yankovsky, Elena did not deny the rumors, answering the provocative question in the affirmative.

Unexpectedly for the audience, the 63-year-old actress shared details of her relationship with one of the most prominent actors in the country, Oleg Yankovsky.

Elena Proklova refused to destroy the family of Oleg Yankovsky

For a large army of fans, Oleg Yankovsky was and remains a true legend.

The actor whom thousands of women considered an image ideal man, lived his whole life with Lyudmila Zorina, whom he began dating while still a student at the Saratov Theater School.

The legendary actor invariably appeared at all social events, accompanied by members of his family, so yesterday’s revelations of Elena Proklova came as a real shock to fans of Oleg Yankovsky.

According to Elena Proklova, she had an affair with Oleg Yankovsky. The relationship was so serious that the actor persuaded his beloved to continue the pregnancy. However, Elena Proklova, who knew Yankovsky’s son and wife, decided to terminate the pregnancy and end the relationship.

Elena Proklova frankly admitted that it was a very painful decision:

I did it cruelly overnight and it hurt him. I'm sure he forgave me for this, he knew that he had no right to a second family

After the separation, Yankovsky and Proklova for a long time didn't communicate. Only at the funeral of Alexander Abdulov they managed to talk. Elena is sure that until the very last day There was still a place in Oleg Yankovsky’s heart for her.

Sometimes the revelations of famous people cause negativity in society. Elena Proklova's story about her affair with Oleg Yankovsky caused great amount outraged comments on the Internet. Viewers are outraged that the actress is opening up about her relationship with a man who is no longer alive:

You see, there are things in life that are not worth talking about. Well, don't. Be quiet...

“I didn’t want to hurt anyone,” Proklova insisted at first, saying that at that time Yankovsky had a wife and son. Now, does that mean pain can be caused? Let not only the wife and son listen, but also the grandchildren of the deceased.

Memories of those who have gone to another world are very annoying famous people, because they can’t answer anything...

Well, why all this, explain? For the sake of money or to take revenge on the late Yankovsky, who never got divorced and can no longer say anything? Or to humiliate his already middle-aged widow and amuse his vanity as an aged beauty? For what?

I don’t understand why these revelations and digging through dirty laundry are necessary. Yankovsky was married at that time, she would have kept quiet. This is obviously unpleasant for Yankovsky’s relatives and is not good for her image.

Elena Proklova recently made a sensational confession on television about her affairs with famous artists. The revelation caused a lot of noise. Many were perplexed: why now, after so many years, stir up intimate secrets of the past? We called the actress to find out how her husband and family reacted to her secrets.

“I went to the registry office at the age of 18 to break up with Tabakov"

- Elena, about your relationship with famous actors have been saying for a long time. But for the first time, you yourself confirmed the rumors.

With age, a person understands that there is no need to be ashamed of his actions. We need to comprehend them and move on with our lives.

- Your first romance was with Oleg Tabakov, with whom you starred in the film “Shine, Shine, My Star” (1969)?

I can't call it a real novel. But it was a great mutual love. I was very young then, I was 16 years old, and Tabakov drew attention to me. I completely sincerely fell in love.

- Did you want Tabakov to become your husband?

No. I wanted the relationship to be honest and for him not to deceive anyone. Even at the age of 16, it seemed to me that breaking with my family, especially when there were small children there, was vicious. It seemed to me that there should be some incredible love to have the right to take and betray a family. I understood all this, but what could I do? I fell in love, surrendered to my feelings, then I realized that I had to end the relationship. In many ways, the decision to marry my first husband (documentary director Vitaly Melik-Karamov - Ed.) was caused by the fact that I was tossing around and didn’t know how to stop everything.

“Yankovsky was hurt by my coldness”

- You admitted that you didn’t really love your first husband...

No, we loved each other, we great relationship and now.

- You were married from 1971 to 1975, gave birth to a daughter, Arina, whose upbringing you entrusted to your mother.

I wasn’t ready for motherhood then; I wanted to be fully involved in my profession.

- And yet, then you again started an affair with a married artist - Oleg Yankovsky...

Our relationship began on the set of “A Sentimental Affair” in Leningrad in 1976. I was already divorced. The fact that he was married didn't bother me. Yankovsky had already played in the film “Shield and Sword” and was an idol. He was used to charming anyone he wanted. But at first I treated him coldly, and this hurt him. The first time we met was at the buffet. He looked at me and said: “How amazing, this is fate.” Then I found out that he said this to every girl he wanted to meet. I answered him: “I don’t think so,” and walked to the table. Later he admitted that he was offended: he was used to women immediately melting...

When we were driving back to Moscow, it turned out that we were alone in the compartment - he asked us to get tickets together. Our relationship continued further. We went to film festivals together.

- Did Yankovsky’s wife Lyudmila Zorina know about your novel?

Rumors reached her. Moreover, I talked to her when Oleg and I had an affair. I have a lot of respect for this woman. She did so much for Oleg that I would stop respecting him if he left her. But you can't control your feelings...

- You said that your relationship with Yankovsky ended when you became pregnant from him and had an abortion, although he offered to keep the child...

I didn’t see any other way out: Oleg had a family.

"Mironov was scared"

- After Yankovsky, the famous “Gypsy” actor Mihai Volontir also came into your network.

I starred with him in Chisinau (in the film “Be Happy, Yulia!” in 1983 - Ed.). You see, when you play love on screen, it involuntarily arises for your partner in life. This is enough serious problem our profession.

Volontir's wife came to the shooting and gave her husband a scandal - the walls were shaking! After filming in Chisinau, I left for Moscow, and our relationship ended.

- And you also had an affair with Andrei Mironov...

They always fell in love with me first. And my love is of such a “secondary nature”. Andryusha Mironov was persistent in his courtship, and this evoked a reciprocal feeling in me.

- Did he give you flowers, take you to a restaurant?

We didn't leave the restaurant. Filming in a Caucasian village began with breakfast in a local restaurant and ended after midnight in this restaurant, when all the visitors had left and only the staff remained.

I think Mironov’s wife (actress Larisa Golubkina - Ed.) guessed. It was no coincidence that she came to the shooting to check. She arrived so beautiful and smiling. She said: “I’m glad to meet you. How wonderful it is here.” She realized that we were not just co-stars. And Mironov was scared. Andryushka was a coward, he was afraid. It was Andrei’s wife who first started talking about all this; I remained silent until she spoke out.

Cheating on your spouse - punishment for relationships with married people

- Your husband was in the studio when you started talking about romances with actors...

I didn’t warn him that I was going to talk about my novels. He didn't expect it, and his reaction - he got up and left - was spontaneous. I am grateful to him that he left so correctly. Once again he proved to me that he a real man, knows how to understand, forgive, love and remains a man.

- But you met the idols of millions...

In terms of social recognition, maybe they were cooler, but in terms of his masculine significance and value, he will give anyone a head start.

- And the fact that he once cheated on you...

I think this was my punishment for my relationship with married men.


Widow Volontir: Why did she defame Mikhai?

Is it even possible to talk about this? - Efrosinya Volontir was indignant when we called her after the broadcast with the confessions of Elena Proklova. - Mihai was a decent person, and I don’t believe that he cheated. We lived with him for 50 years. We had love at first sight, and no Proklova could stop us. She might have fallen in love with him, but they didn't have anything serious.

- They say that you came to the shooting and caused a scandal for him...

I realized that it was Proklova who was looking at my husband with loving eyes, and not he at her. My husband was handsome, women liked him, but he was a decent man, and family was the most important thing in his life. Proklova is proud of her turbulent personal life, but this does not make her look good. After the death of my husband, she decided to talk about the affair, to denigrate him. Why was she silent when he was alive? Mihai would not allow her to spread dirty gossip about him.

In her love list turned out to be Andrei Mironov, Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Yankovsky and Mihai Volontir.

Elena Proklova shocked fans with a frank confession: the actress publicly asked for forgiveness from her wives ex-lovers with whom she had affairs. Unexpected details Elena shared her personal life in Boris Korchevnikov’s program “Interview in live" What added piquancy to the situation was the fact that Proklova’s ex-husband Andrei Trishin, with whom she divorced, but nevertheless continues to live under the same roof, was present in the studio. True, having heard that they were talking about his novels ex-wife, Andrey wished to leave the studio and returned only at the end of the talk show. Despite the fact that the couple officially divorced, Trishin still believes that he and Elena are husband and wife, as he stated in front of the cameras and the audience.

The program was aired under the title “Elena Proklova: from whom do I ask forgiveness.” The list of those to whom Elena Igorevna decided to publicly repent turned out to be substantial. The actress said that the relationship with Oleg Yankovsky brought her the most excitement. During their affair, Proklova became pregnant and decided to have an abortion. Yankovsky, under the windows of the hospital, begged her to change her mind, but Proklova was adamant. The actor was not married then, so she never took their relationship seriously.

Yes, he was married to a wonderful woman until the end of his days. There was great love,” Elena said during the broadcast. “I believe that the infatuation with a girl like me, although it was long and serious, was just an infatuation. His wife knew about us. She was wise

However, Elena has already voiced the story with Yankovsky in an interview with one of the TV channels. But her affair with the star of the film “Gypsy” Mihai Volontir turned out to be a complete surprise to everyone. Proklova never talked about her feelings for the Moldovan artist, with whom she starred in the 1983 film “Be Happy, Yulia!” Filming took place in Moldova, and in the midst of the crew’s work, Mihai’s wife unexpectedly appeared on the set.

The scandal was indescribable. The whole hotel was shaking,” Proklova recalls.

Elena also admitted that tender feelings connected her with Andrei Mironov (her partner in the film “Be My Husband”) and Oleg Tabakov - at a time when they worked in the same theater. But Alexander Abdulov, with whom the actress was persistently rumored, was not among her fans.

According to the actress, only over time did she realize that the “boomerang effect” exists - when she herself found herself in the place of a deceived wife. Andrey cheated on her with a young neighbor when their long-awaited daughter was born. The couple experienced a real family crisis and were on the verge of divorce.

Everything in life is interconnected. Any action you take will come back to you,” Elena emphasized.

At the end of the program, Boris Korchevnikov summed it up: both Oleg Yankovsky and Mihai Volontir passed away due to a serious illness. And next to them until the end of their days were devoted wives who were able to forgive them for all their infidelities.

Yes, loyalty is always valuable,” agreed Elena Proklova.

Not all studio guests appreciated the actress’s frankness. Some were perplexed: why, after so many years, did she need to again shake out her dirty linen and talk about past affairs with married men. In response, Elena admitted that she was tired of the rumors and speculation associated with her name, so she decided to tell herself how everything really happened.

The star admitted that she was expecting a child from the married actor.

Elena Proklova has two adult daughters (pictured is the actress with youngest daughter Polina). Elena did not hide from her children that in her younger years she made many mistakes - she had abortions several times.

— This was the norm of life in those days. The first time my grandmother took me by the hand to an abortion. “I was 17 years old, I was in my first year at university,” the actress admitted.

Proklova’s revelations were aired in the “Secret to a Million” program (NTV). By the way, her daughters were also present in the studio. The most frank confession actresses on air was very unexpected. It turns out that Elena Proklova had one of her abortions from the legendary actor Oleg Yankovsky. The romance began when both were filming a lot and were popular.

- Yankovsky was my love. We met... I had an abortion on September 2, my birthday, Oleg was standing under the windows of the hospital... Seeing how much he loved, I decided to end the relationship overnight. He also knew that he had no right to a second family,” Proklova admits.

Elena said that, contrary to her wishes, in those years when her stormy romance with Oleg Yankovsky was developing, she communicated with his wife, even took her lover’s heir, Philip, with her. eldest daughter to the rink. Proklova was having a hard time with this whole ugly situation; she did not want to destroy Yankovsky’s marriage, so she abruptly broke off the relationship. She doesn’t even regret having an abortion from her beloved man - since she saw what kind of relationship Yankovsky had with his wife, she didn’t want to interfere with the family.

“I had no right to do this,” Elena is sure.

After the breakup, Proklova and Yankovsky avoided meeting. But the last conversation ex-lovers nevertheless took place, almost 30 years after the relationship. Last time Before Yankovsky’s death, the actors met at a farewell with Alexander Abdulov.

“We talked at Sasha Abdulov’s wake. They admitted that they were grateful to each other for doing exactly that then... I think that until the end of his life she occupied some place in his heart,” says Proklova.

The 63-year-old actress admitted to having affairs with Oleg Tabakov and Andrei Mironov, as well as Yankovsky’s brother Igor. Now Elena Proklova is divorced, but lives with her third ex-husband in the same house. She is a wealthy woman. In addition to the house and apartments in Moscow, Elena bought an apartment in Sochi for 15 million. By the way, I didn’t ask my husband for money for an apartment in the resort city. I worked for three years to purchase real estate in Sochi.

Elena Proklova. Photo: personal archive.
Actress with daughter Polina and ex-husband. Photo: Express Newspaper archive.