Sergei Svetlakov is a well-known comedian and actor throughout the country. As many people know, his first fame came back in the days when he was a KVN player. Afterwards he became a screenwriter and began to come up with jokes for the major league of KVN and more famous comedians, like Garik Martirosyat. He became a presenter and then an actor.

Svetlakov’s comedic talent, born in his childhood at school, is truly difficult to underestimate. Thanks to his own versatility, Sergei was able to achieve these heights and become what he is now.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Svetlakov

Thanks to his fame, Sergei was able to win an entire army of fans during his concert activities. Many of them, as well as fans of any other artist, are interested in such facts about Svetlakov as his height, weight, age. How old Sergei Svetlakov is is absolutely no secret - he is exactly forty.

With a height of 189 cm, Sergei’s weight is 80 kg. And looking at photos of Sergei Svetlakov in his youth and now, we can safely say that he is very similar to his father.

Biography of Sergei Svetlakov

Sergei Yuryevich Svetlakov was born on December 12, 1977. The future star of the world of humor was born in Yekaterinburg. His parents were hereditary railway workers. In fact, the Svetlakov family worked for railway tracks ever since tracks were laid in Yekaterinburg and trains started running.

Father - Svetlakov Yuri Venediktovich - held the position of assistant driver. And her mother, Svetlakova Galina Grigorievna, is a freight transportation engineer in the management department of the Yekaterinburg Railway. Sergei also had an older brother, Dmitry Svetlakov.

The biography of Sergei Svetlakov does not stand out as anything out of the ordinary. In the summer, the Svetlakovs went in full force to the village, where his father taught Sergei to fish. By the way, the artist still has this passion from childhood. At the age of seven, as expected, Svetlakov entered a regular secondary school. And he quickly became the leader of the class. He could easily win over any person and lead him along.

Often, schoolboy Seryozha encouraged others to engage in mischief and even truancy. In addition, already in childhood he showed a real talent for telling jokes. Even the girls from his older brother’s company often paid attention to the cheerful first-grader. At the same time, despite his mischievous character, Seryozha Svetlakov studied only “excellently”; studying at school was quite easy for him. At school, the comedian decided to connect his future with sports. He loved football and basketball. He could even boast of being a candidate for master of sports in handball. But his parents, who saw him exclusively as an official, were against their son’s wishes. That’s why they insisted on education at a “serious” university.

After graduating from school, Sergei entered, as his parents wanted, into Ural University communication routes. Already in his first year, the guy decided to take part in the “Knight of the Institute” competition, and, to everyone’s surprise, he won a landslide victory. According to Svetlakov himself, this was the first impetus for a different path.

Victory in this competition instilled unprecedented confidence in the guy, and in the same year he became a member of the university KVN team called “Barabashki”. And very soon he became its captain. In 1997, his team changed its name to “Current Period Park” and went to Sochi. This was the first serious performance within the framework of a real, serious KVN. They failed to win, but they began to be recognized in hometown. After one of his regular performances, Svetlakov was unexpectedly offered to become a screenwriter for the famous “Ural Dumplings”.

After graduating from university, the guy decided to first listen to his parents and go to work at the railway customs. Where I filled out declarations on the arrival of goods. After a few years of such a life, he was offered a place as a member in the team for which he had previously composed numbers. Sergei faced a serious choice: a stable job or KVN with a “floating” salary. Having decided to take a risk, Sergei Svetlakov decided to choose KVN. The present time shows that the risky decision made more than fifteen years ago turned out to be correct.

Filmography: films starring Sergei Svetlakov

The filmography of Sergei Svetlakov has its epic beginning back in 2009. From the time when the artist made his debut in a film associated with a comedy program created with his assistance: “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny."

It is impossible not to mention that at the same time as this film, the already promising actor was able to complete the parallel shooting of the New Year’s film “Christmas Trees,” which many probably remember. Svetlakov also starred in the following films: “Bedouin”, “Bitter!”, “Jungle”, “Groom”, “Stone”, and “Southern Butovo”.

Personal life of Sergei Svetlakov

This is not to say that the personal life of Sergei Svetlakov is completely uninteresting. The artist had two novels, each of which ended in a wedding ceremony.

It is known that Sergei still maintains friendly relations with his first wife, Yulia, even despite the breakup. With his second wife, Antonina, he has been living in happy marriage. Moreover, one cannot help but notice that the decision about a second marriage was made absolutely spontaneously. And, in fact, no magnificent celebrations were held.

Family of Sergei Svetlakov

The family of Sergei Svetlakov is, first of all, his beloved wife Antonina, and two beloved children born in each of these marriages. Sergei’s first-born was the girl Anastasia, who, by the way, the comedian’s first wife gave birth to exactly on Svetlakov’s birthday. And the second wife, just a year after marriage, gave Sergei a beautiful son, whom they decided to name Vanechka.

We must also not forget about his closest relatives - the artist’s parents, who remained in Yekaterinburg, and his older brother - Dmitry Svetlakov.

Children of Sergei Svetlakov

As mentioned earlier, the artist has two children. The children of Sergei Svetlakov are his real pride. With his first wife, Yulia, it was not possible to conceive children for a long time. But, finally, little Nastenka was born, becoming a real birthday present for her father.

In the second marriage, everything turned out much more successfully, and baby Ivan Svetlakov was born just a year after his parents’ wedding. Sergei adores his children and tries to pay them enough attention. Despite the divorce, Svetlakov takes an active part in raising his daughter.

Son of Sergei Svetlakov - Ivan

The son of Sergei Svetlakov, Ivan, was born in the comedian’s second marriage, on July 18, 2013. Now the artist’s first son is four years old.

Vanechka, to the delight of his parents, grows up as a smart and cheerful child, periodically showing artistry, just like his famous father. Probably, when he goes to school, he will become the same ringleader that Sergei himself was in his time. Whether his humorous talent will be revealed is still unclear. The boy is growing up in a friendly, prosperous family, and this is the main thing in any case.

Daughter of Sergei Svetlakov - Anastasia

Sergei Svetlakov’s daughter, Anastasia, became the first child in the family, after her parents’ long attempts to have children. She became a real gift for her father, having been born on his birthday - December 12, 2008. Now the girl is nine years old. It is impossible not to mention that little Nastya followed in her father’s footsteps and has already performed in Comedy Battle more than once, and at her debut she was able to impress the judges with a successful pantomime.

Nastya loves her father and enjoys spending time with him, even though her parents no longer live together.

The ex-wife of Sergei Svetlakov - Yulia Malikova

Ex-wife Sergei Svetlakov - Yulia Malikova - became Svetlakov's first love. They met at university. Julia for two years younger than Sergei. And she married him while still a freshman.

Subsequently, Julia, as the wife of a Decembrist, traveled with him on KVN tours. Together with him, I decided to move to Moscow, where I decided to start building my own career as a realtor. When they divorced, they common daughter Nastenka was only four when the couple divorced. The reason for the breakup turned out to be trivial - lack of time.

Sergei Svetlakov's wife - Antonina Chebatoreva

The wife of Sergei Svetlakov, Antonina Chebatoreva, became the second and so far last love artist. Sergei met her in Krasnodar, at the presentation of his new film “Stone,” filmed in 2012.

According to Svetlakov, in Antonin he immediately saw his man. It is known that the lovers were vacationing together in Riga when they both made a spontaneous decision to get married. They quietly signed at the Russian Embassy. And they live happily to this day, raising their common son Vanya, who was born just a year after they met.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Svetlakov

Many fans of this talented artist are interested in whether their idol has such popular pages on the Internet as Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Svetlakov. The answer is yes! Of course he has them.

Sergei already has almost two million subscribers on his personal Instagram profile! All his photos are actively commented on by users. And his Wikipedia page will tell you about his short biography, filmography, existing awards, and very briefly - about the personal life and children of the former KVN player.

Sergey Yuryevich Svetlakov – a famous person, which never ceases to delight everyone on their TV screens. He constantly comes up with funny and sometimes funny jokes that are heard in numerous humorous projects.

Svetlakov is a star of television, cinema, and advertising. He constantly appears in films that are dedicated to the New Year theme. The man is engaged in dubbing, writes scripts for numerous teams of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club and is a talented producer of numerous projects.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Svetlakov

IN modern society The fair-haired and bright comedian has long and firmly occupied his niche, so his fans want to know his height, weight, age. It’s quite easy to find out how old Sergei Svetlakov is, knowing his date of birth.

Sergei Svetlakov was born in 1977, using simple calculations we understand that he was 39 years old. According to his zodiac sign, he is a sociable, friendly, charismatic, bright, restless Sagittarius. It is the representatives of this sign who will be at the center of any noisy party, and Svetlakov is exactly like that.

By eastern horoscope Sergey is a Snake, therefore he has such character traits as mystery, wisdom, insight, and a tendency to seek adventures to his advantage.

Svetlakov’s height is one meter eighty-nine centimeters, and his weight does not exceed eighty kilograms.

Biography of Sergei Svetlakov

The biography of Sergei Svetlakov is unusual and seems simply fantastic. She points out that an incident can change a person’s entire life.

Little Seryozha was born in Yekaterinburg, then Sverdlovsk. The boy was very active, perky and hooligan. Sergei and his brother did almost everything together, they especially loved to fish.

IN school years the boy quickly became the life of the party and the ringleader; he was loved for his jokes and great sense of humor. The guy amazed everyone with his sociability and resourcefulness. Sergei was a good student, played handball, basketball, football and wanted to become a great athlete.

Adolescence made itself felt, as the young man began to drink alcohol, smoke and disrupt classes. The company gave the guy the nickname “Svetlak” and respected him.

Sergey entered Ural State University at the insistence of his parents, who saw him as the new minister of the USSR. Even in his first year, the guy was noticed by representatives of the university KVN team. They were surprised at how skillfully Sergei came up with jokes, wrote scripts and told jokes.

The young man became the captain of the institute KVN team “Barabashki”, which was later renamed “Park of the Current Period” and successfully performed in Sochi. Later, he began working as a freight forwarder and writing jokes for the Ural Dumplings team, with which he began performing in 2000.

Since 2006, he has been the creator and actor of the comedy show “Our Russia”, in which he played several dozen roles. Svetlakov performs in the project “ Comedy Club"together with famous comedians who once played in KVN and outgrew it.

Since 2008, he became one of the four presenters of the ProjectorParisHilton project on Channel One. He dubs films, appears in music videos and is an official representative of the company. cellular communications Beeline. He is invited to serve on the jury of various humorous projects.

Filmography: films starring Daniil Strakhov

Numerous fans Svetlakov is known as a screenwriter, comedian, producer, and also as talented actor humorous genre.

Sergei’s filmography is rapidly expanding with new works, in which he talentedly creates images of a foreman, toastmaster and even a doctor. The debut in big cinema was the humorous project “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny,” which was released in 2010.

The filmography contains such films as “Bedouin”, “Gorko!”, “Stone”, “Emergency “Moscow-Russia”. Svetlakov also starred in new version the legendary Soviet film “The Diamond Arm,” striking everyone with the new image of Semyon Semenovich Gorbunkov.

The work by which everyone recognizes Sergei is all parts of the family and truly New Year’s project “Yolki”.

Personal life of Sergei Svetlakov

The personal life of Sergei Svetlakov has always been stormy, because the blond handsome man with a perfect sense of humor attracted the attention of high school girls even at school. The girls themselves wanted to get to know Seryozha, so he had someone to have short-term affairs with. Svetlakov always said that he learned the bitter truth: you shouldn’t keep a leaving woman.

Svetlakov had two truly beloved women who became his wives and gave him children. Sergei claims that he is not only a loving, but also a terribly jealous person.

Family of Sergei Svetlakov

The family of Sergei Svetlakov is not humorous or creative at all. There were often rumors on the Internet that the comedian’s father was rich and influential person. This is not true, since from the very beginning of the railroad, its ancestors were associated with trains.

Father: Yuri Venediktovich– all my life I worked as an assistant driver at Sverdlovskaya railway.

Mother - Galina Grigorievna— worked on the same railway, she was an engineer who organized cargo transportation.

Svetlakov has an older brother, Dmitry Yuryevich. The guy is seven years older than his star brother, he works as a manager in mall. The guys organized a joint business, opening a store that sold exclusive gifts.

Children of Sergei Svetlakov

The children of Sergei Svetlakov are beloved and the best for their daddy. When they were little, Sergei swaddled and fed them himself. At the same time, Svetlakov could work for days before this, but getting up at night to see a crying baby was a joy for him, not a duty.

Sergei often repeats that a real man and the father must be able to do everything the same as a caring mother. When spouses separate, children should never suffer, so Sergei pays a lot of attention to his daughter. His second wife adores the baby and considers her her child.

Children are not jealous, but simply adore each other and play together with pleasure.

Son of Sergei Svetlakov - Ivan Svetlakov

The son of Sergei Svetlakov, Ivan Svetlakov, was born in 2013, his mother was the second wife of the famous comedian and actor. The boy is incredibly similar to his father, even all his habits are the same.

Sergei Svetlakov announced that the baby was born during the Comedy Club anniversary festival in Jurmala. The boy's name was given by his father; by the way, if a girl is born, the mother will name him.

Ivan was named after Urgant, this is true Russian name. The boy walks to kindergarten and even starred in the film “Yolki” with famous dad.

Daughter of Sergei Svetlakov - Anastasia Svetlakova

The daughter of Sergei Svetlakov, Anastasia Svetlakova, was born in 2008 in her first marriage. The girl is very smart and bright, she studies well and is not afraid of anyone at all.

At the age of six, the little girl made her debut on the Comedy Battle stage when her dad took her with him to the project. Out of boredom, Nastya sneaked backstage, made an agreement with Pavel Volya and went on stage with the pantomime “Kitten”.

The following times, the residents of the Comedy Club themselves asked the little girl to perform something. Nastya constantly appears with her dad on the “Dancing” project, she sits in his arms and draws.

He also wants to become a resident of the Comedy Club and write jokes. The girl starred in the movie “Ambulance “Moscow-Russia”, so far only in an episode.

The ex-wife of Sergei Svetlakov - Yulia Svetlakova

The ex-wife of Sergei Svetlakov, Yulia Svetlakova, appeared in the actor’s life at the university. She was very beautiful girl with a sense of humor. Before living together, the couple had a long affair.

After marriage, the young people moved to Moscow, where their daughter was soon born. Sergei earned money, and Yulia looked after the baby.

The marriage broke up in 2012, and before that the couple lived apart for a long time. The reason was Svetlakov’s fame and the love of millions of fans. Yulia asked to leave the stage, but Sergei could not do this.

Sergei Svetlakov's wife - Antonina Chebotareva

Sergei Svetlakov’s wife, Antonina Chebotareva, was a native of Krasnodar, and it was no coincidence that the guy met her. The girl was a deputy director in a company with which Svetlakov collaborated.

In 2012, Sergei brought his film project “Stone” to Krasnodar, and Tosya came to the premiere. The man noticed the beauty, but the romance began after his second visit to the city.

The wedding took place in Riga and was unusual; the couple hid it from fans and friends for a long time. Now the guys live together in Moscow and raise common child.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Svetlakov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Svetlakov are available in official form. The famous showman and humorist has pages in all in social networks, through which he communicates with his fans. Information can also be found on Svetlakov’s official website.

Sergei's Wikipedia contains information about his childhood and student years, personal and family life, spouses and children. Quite a lot of reliable information is available about career growth and creative plans.

On official page on Instagram it is possible to find exclusive photos, which Svetlakov personally posts. And this page is subscribed to by more than a million people who actively comment and evaluate the information posted. The videos and photos that Sergei posts are reliable and high-quality, they are dedicated to the work and personal life of the comedian.

The famous comedian and TV presenter Sergei Svetlakov will turn forty-one this year. The former KVN player rarely spoils fans and talks about his family and children. Now Svetlakov lives in his second marriage with Antonina Chebotareva. In July 2013, she gave birth to Sergei’s son, who was named Ivan. For a very long time, Svetlakov preferred to hide Vanya from the public and only six months ago published his photo on his Instagram.

The TV presenter also has a child from his first wife, Julia. Sergei studied at the same university with her. Yulia came to Moscow with Sergei to help him conquer the capital. Their joint child was born in 2008. The girl's name is Anastasia. By the way, Sergei and Nastya have the same birthday – December 12th.

Sergei said that when Nastya was a baby, he often got up at night to lull the crying baby to sleep. He fed, swaddled and looked after himself. Having grown up a little, the girl decided to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a comedian. At the age of six, she already made her debut on the stage of the Comedy Battle program, where her dad would be the judge. Now the girl lives with her mother. Therefore, for Sergei, any time spent together with his daughter is a real gift.

On the May holidays, Svetlakov went on vacation with his second wife and son to warm countries. He took Nastya with him. By the way, both children get along great. As the showman himself says, they are growing up like brother and sister.

Recently, Svetlakov published a photo on his Instagram page, which he captioned as follows: “I spent the best day...yesterday.” It shows Nastya sitting on the fence and tenderly hugging Sergei. Svetlakov’s subscribers were amazed by this family photo. It received more than one hundred thousand “hearts” on the Internet.

On December 12, the daughter of TV presenter, actor and producer Sergei Svetlakov, Nastya, turned 8 years old. Sergei shared the good news on Instagram: he posted a photo with his daughter, succinctly commenting on the photo: “Only once a year.”

Fans rushed to congratulate the young beauty on the holiday, and also noted the similarity between father and daughter: “How similar, they have the same eyes,” “One to one! Incredibly similar! Happy birthday! May your dreams always come true and may your inspiration never leave you!”, “So similar to your dad,” “ Father's daughter! Beautiful, happy birthday!” (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note edit.).

Anastasia is a child from the first marriage of Sergei Svetlakov and Yulia Svetlakova, which lasted 15 years. In 2011, at the presentation of the film “Stone,” Svetlakov met new love- Antonin Chebotarev. Sergei and Antonina did not have a wedding in the classical sense - the lovers signed tracksuits on the way to go fishing, and six months later they took 20 relatives to Thailand. In 2013, their son Ivan was born.

Let us remind you that Sergei Svetlakov’s wife Antonina does not often go out with her star half. But the premiere of the film “Groom”, produced, written and performed by leading role which is her husband, she could not miss.

" The event turned out to be truly stellar: almost the entire Moscow elite gathered to be the first to see the final part of the New Year's franchise. There were some surprises too. For example, the relationship between them began about a year ago.

One more star couple, who attracted everyone's attention, his wife also became Antonina Chebotareva. Spouses rarely go out together, but this time they made an exception. Svetlakov and Chebotareva happily posed for photographers on the red carpet. At some point, they were joined by Svetlakov, who played a key role in one of the short stories.

Sergey Svetlakov for the first time in for a long time went out with his wife

Ivan Urgant, Antonina Chebotareva and Sergey Svetlakov

Let us remind you that this fall Svetlakov spoke for the first time about the birth of his third child. As it turned out, the couple managed to hide the birth of their second son more than a year: the boy was born in July 2017. Svetlakov himself assured the press that he did not make a big secret of the birth of his son, but simply did not advertise the event on purpose. So, when Antonina’s rounded belly began to clearly reveal her position, the couple left for Thailand for several months. Then the Svetlakov family vacationed in Spain and Jurmala and only recently returned to Moscow.

However, in mid-October Svetlakov decided to show the first photo of his son. “Find someone new in the photo,” he captioned the touching frame. Let us remind you that Maxim is the third child of Sergei Svetlakov. The showman and his wife Antonina have another son, Ivan, who turned 5 years old this summer. Also, the artist’s wife quickly found a language with Svetlakov’s nine-year-old daughter Anastasia from his first marriage with Yulia Voronchikhina.

Sergei Svetlakov with his parents, wife Antonina, sons Ivan and Maxim and daughter Anastasia

As for the film “The Last Christmas Trees,” the film is traditionally released on New Year’s Eve – December 27. The project will complete the stories of long-loved and new characters in the series, and will also allow viewers to once again see the characters performed by