Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” or “WORTHY TO EAT”

June 11 (23) – icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” or “WORTHY TO EAT”- they pray during mental and physical illnesses, at the end of any task.

Troparion, tone 4:

Let us come, faithfully, with boldness to the merciful Queen Theotokos and tenderly cry out to her: send down upon us Thy rich mercies: preserve our Church, keep our people in prosperity, deliver our land from every situation, grant peace to the world and salvation to our souls.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful"

Worthyly glorified and righteously blessed from all the heavenly ranks, as if surpassing them without comparison, giving birth to God and the Creator of all things, exalted above all others, Most Wonderful Lady! Pray from You to the incarnate Christ our God, may the unrequited people look upon us, may He preserve us unharmed from all the enemy’s slander and evil slander, for Your Mother’s prayer can do much, according to the saying: ask, my Mother, I will not turn away, but I will fulfill all Your requests . For this reason, filled with joy in this, we cry out to Thee: save, O Lady, your perishing servants, enlighten those darkened by the wisdom of this age, and bring us to the sweetest Jesus, and forever rejoicing we cry: Glory to the Father, glory to the Son, glory to the Holy Spirit, glory to You, the Most Glorious. and the Most Immaculate Virgin Mary, blessed and blessed forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "It is Worthy to Eat"

O Most Holy and Most Merciful Lady Theotokos! Falling to holy icon Yours, we humbly pray to You, behold the voice of our prayer, see our sorrow, see our misfortunes and, like a loving Mother, trying to help us helpless, beg Your Son and our God: may He not destroy us for our iniquities, but show us humanity your mercy. Ask us, Lady, from His goodness for bodily health and spiritual salvation, and a peaceful life, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of the air, and a blessing from above for all our good deeds and undertakings. And as of old, You mercifully looked upon the humble praise of the novice of Athonite, who sang Thee before Thy most pure icon, and You sent an Angel to him to teach him to sing the heavenly song, with which the Angels praise Thee; So now accept our fervent prayer offered to You. About the All-Singing Queen! Extend your God-bearing hand to the Lord, in the image of the Infant Jesus Christ you bore, and beg Him to deliver us from all evil. Show, O Lady, Your mercy to us: heal the sick, comfort the afflicted, help the needy, and grant us the honor to complete this earthly life in a pious manner, to receive a Christian shameless death and to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven through Your maternal intercession to Christ our God, Who was born of You, Who is with His Beginning Father and to the Most Holy Spirit is due all glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “WORTHY TO EAT”

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Merciful” or “It is worthy to eat” they pray during mental and physical illnesses, at the end of any business, during epidemics, for happiness in marriage, during accidents.

Miraculous icon The Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat” is located in the capital of Athos, the city of Kareya, on the high place of the altar of the cathedral church. The time of her appearance is determined in 980, her glorification - in 1864. This icon is especially revered due to the following incident.

Temple of Protata, here in the altar there is an icon “It is worthy to eat.”

So they flowed night service in its own order until the time came to glorify the Most Holy Theotokos. Standing in front of Her icon WORTHILY THE “Merciful One,” the novice began to sing the generally accepted prayer: “More honorable than the Cherub and more glorious without comparison than the Seraphim. “, but the guest stopped him and said: “We don’t call the Mother of God that way” - and sang a different beginning: “It is worthy, as truly, to bless Thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate, and the Mother of our God.” And then he added to this “The most honorable Cherub...”.

Source: Temple Life-Giving Trinity on Vorobyovy Gory

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called “It is Worthy to Eat” (or “Merciful”)

O Most Holy and Most Merciful Lady Theotokos! Falling before Your holy icon, we humbly pray to You, listen to the voice of our prayer, see our sorrow, see our misfortunes and, like a loving Mother, trying to help us helpless, beg Your Son and our God: may He not destroy us for our iniquities, but show to us philanthropy your mercy. Ask us, Lady, from His goodness for bodily health and spiritual salvation, and a peaceful life, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of the air, and a blessing from above for all our good deeds and undertakings. And as of old, You mercifully looked upon the humble praise of the novice of Athonite, who sang Thee before Thy most pure icon, and You sent an Angel to him to teach him to sing the heavenly song, with which the Angels praise Thee; So now accept our fervent prayer offered to You. About the All-Singing Queen! Extend your God-bearing hand to the Lord, in the image of the Infant Jesus Christ you bore, and beg Him to deliver us from all evil. Show, O Lady, Your mercy to us: heal the sick, comfort the afflicted, help the needy, and grant us the honor to complete this earthly life in a pious manner, to receive a Christian shameless death and to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven through Your maternal intercession to Christ our God, Who was born of You, Who is with His Beginning Father and to the Most Holy Spirit is due all glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer of the Mother of God “It is worthy to eat” or “Merciful.”

Icon Mother of God“It is worthy to eat” or “Merciful”

Prayer of the Mother of God “It is worthy to eat” or “Merciful”

Let us come, faithfully, with boldness/ to the merciful Queen Theotokos/ and tenderly cry out to her:/ send down upon us Thy rich mercies:/ preserve our Church,/ keep our people in prosperity,/ deliver our land from every situation,/ grant peace peace/ and salvation for our souls.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” - meaning, what it helps with

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With all the variety of icons that glorify the image of the Mother of God, there are actually miraculous ones. It is precisely these icons that Orthodox Christians try to acquire for their home as a talisman; the Merciful Icon of the Mother of God is considered to be such an amulet icon, or otherwise it is called “It is Worthy to Eat.”

People turn to the image of the Mother of God for any illness: both physical and mental, as well as for the successful completion of any business. The face exudes to those who bow before her its grace-filled gifts of healing, help and omnipresent love. What significance is attached to the icon, what it helps with and how to pray to it correctly - you can find out from this article.

The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”

The Icon of the Merciful, the significance of which is extremely great for all Orthodox Christians, changed its appearance. Initially, it was the half-length face of the Virgin Mary with the Son of God on right hand, but more than a thousand years ago the icon changed, and now it represents the Mother of God and little Jesus, who gently clings to her, in the hands of the Divine Son - prayer.

In prayer to the miraculous image, the Mother of God is glorified, because it was this woman who had the greatest honor - to become the mother of Jesus Christ. The story goes that the Virgin Mary was virginally pure, and the conception took place without a husband, which is why the Queen is called “immaculate” in prayer. The meaning that it carries and prayer to it gives strength to everyone who believes, heals suffering, helps to finish things started and find happiness in marriage.

How does the “Merciful” (“It is worthy to eat”) icon help?

All Orthodox Christians turn to the icon for Holy help. The Holy Face of the Mother of God helps:

  • She gives miraculous healing to the one who asks: be it bodily (physical) illnesses, mental suffering, spiritual hardships.
  • The face of the Most Holy Theotokos “It is worthy to eat” has always been an assistant in the undertakings begun. Everyone who sincerely, with faith in their soul, turns to her for help will certainly receive the blessing of the Virgin Mary and help in the work they have begun. Often, they pray in front of the icon before starting any business, so that it is crowned with success.
  • At serious illnesses, epidemics or accidents - this icon has saved and healed those who believe in it more than once.
  • The Mother of God gives happiness in the family; people often turn to her to find happiness in marriage and spiritual peace.
  • Also, in front of the image “It is worthy to eat,” people pray for the remission of all sins, including terrible, mortal sins.

Days of Honor

Orthodox Christians honor the day of the Mother of God “Merciful” and perform festive services on June 11 in the new style, and on June 24 in the old style.

How to pray to the holy face

IN Orthodox Church There is a well-known liturgical chant - “It is worthy to eat”, which is directly related to the history of the appearance of this icon. Not a single Divine service, not a single prayer takes place without this chant.

« It is worthy to eat as truly blessed Thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and the Mother of our God, the Most Honest Cherub.”

They address the Most Holy One like this (prayer to the Mother of God of Mercy):

“It is truly worthy to glorify You, Mother of God, always blessed and immaculate and the Mother of our God. You are worthy of greater honor than the Cherubim, and in Your glory you are incomparably higher than the Seraphim, You gave birth to God the Word without violating the purity, and as the true Mother of God we magnify You.”

Where can you see the miraculous image of the Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat”

The very first image of “The Merciful” is kept in the Assumption Church, in Greece, on Holy Mount Athos. Only male representatives of any religion who have a diamonitirion (special permit) are allowed onto Mount Athos.

Lists of faces can also be found in Russian churches:

  • In St. Petersburg, in honor of the Mother of God of Mercy, a five-domed church was erected, in which a copy of the icon sent from Athos was placed.
  • Also, a list made by icon painters from the Skete of St. Nicholas, consecrated on the Holy Mountain, is located in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra (Moscow).

The appearance of the consecrated list in the capital of Russian cities is a sign of special grace and mercy from the Mother of God.

God bless you!

Watch the video story about the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”:

Icon of the Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat” or “Merciful”.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Merciful” or “It is worthy to eat” they pray during mental and physical illnesses, at the end of any business, during epidemics, for happiness in marriage, during accidents.

Icon of the Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat” (Merciful).

At the end of the 10th century, not far from the Athos Kareya Monastery, an old hermit lived in a cell with his novice. One day the elder went to the all-night vigil in the temple, and the novice remained in his cell to read prayer rule. As night fell, he suddenly heard a knock on the door. Opening it, the young man saw in front of him an unfamiliar monk who asked permission to enter. The novice let him in, and together they began chanting prayers.

So their night service proceeded in its own order, until the time came to glorify the Most Holy Theotokos. Standing in front of Her icon WORTHILY THE “Merciful One,” the novice began to sing the generally accepted prayer: “More honorable than the Cherub and more glorious without comparison than the Seraphim. “, but the guest stopped him and said: “We don’t call the Mother of God that way” - and sang a different beginning: “It is worthy, as truly, to bless Thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate, and the Mother of our God.” And then he added to this “The most honorable Cherub...”

The monk ordered the novice to always sing in this place of worship the song he had just heard in honor of the Mother of God. Not hoping that he would remember such wonderful words of the prayer he heard, the novice asked the guest to write them. But there was no paper or ink in the cell, and then the stranger wrote the words of the prayer with his finger on the stone, which suddenly became soft as wax. Then he suddenly disappeared, and the monk only had time to ask the stranger his name, to which he replied: “Gabriel.”

The elder who returned from the temple was surprised to hear the words of a new prayer from the novice. Having listened to his story about the wonderful guest and seeing the wonderfully inscribed letters of the song, the elder realized that the celestial being who had appeared was the Archangel Gabriel.

The news of the miraculous visit of the Archangel Gabriel quickly spread throughout Athos and reached Constantinople. The Athonite monks sent a stone slab with a hymn to the Mother of God inscribed on it to Constantinople as proof of the truth of the news they conveyed. Since then, the prayer “It is worthy to eat” has become an integral part of Orthodox services. And the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”, together with its previous name, is also called “It is Worthy to Eat”.

Prayer of the Mother of God “It is worthy to eat” or “Merciful.”

Worthyly glorified and righteously blessed from all the heavenly ranks, as if surpassing them without comparison, giving birth to God and the Creator of all things, exalted above all others, Most Wonderful Lady! Pray from You to the incarnate Christ our God, may the unrequited people look upon us, may He preserve us unharmed from all the enemy’s slander and evil slander, for Your Mother’s prayer can do much, according to the saying: ask, my Mother, I will not turn away, but all petitions I will fulfill yours. For this reason, filled with joy in this, we cry out to Thee: save, O Lady, your perishing servants, enlighten those darkened by the wisdom of this age, and bring us to the sweetest Jesus, and forever rejoicing we cry: Glory to the Father, glory to the Son, glory to the Holy Spirit, glory to You, the Most Glorious. and the Most Immaculate Virgin Mary, blessed and blessed forever and ever. Amen.

O Most Holy and Most Merciful Lady Theotokos! Falling before Your holy icon, we humbly pray to You, behold the voice of our prayer, see our sorrow, see our misfortunes and, like a loving Mother, trying to help us helpless, beg Your Son and our God: may He not destroy us for our iniquities ours, but will show us his mercy philanthropically. Ask us, Lady, from His goodness for bodily health and spiritual salvation, and a peaceful life, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of the air, and a blessing from above for all our good deeds and undertakings. And as of old, You mercifully looked upon the humble praise of the novice of Athonite, who sang Thee before Thy most pure icon, and You sent an Angel to him to teach him to sing the heavenly song, with which the Angels praise Thee; So now accept our fervent prayer offered to You. About the All-Singing Queen! Extend your God-bearing hand to the Lord, in the image of the Infant Jesus Christ you bore, and beg Him to deliver us from all evil. Show, O Lady, Your mercy to us: heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing, help the needy, and grant us the honor to complete this earthly life with goodness and honor, to receive a Christian shameless death and to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven through Your maternal intercession to Christ our God, Who was born of You, Who is with the Beginning. To His Father and the Most Holy Spirit is due all glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Description of the icon of the Mother of God Worthy There:

At the end of the 10th century, not far from the Athos Kareya Monastery, an old hermit lived in a cell with his novice. One day the elder went to the all-night vigil in the temple, and the novice remained in his cell to read the prayer rule. As night fell, he suddenly heard a knock on the door. Opening it, the young man saw in front of him an unfamiliar monk who asked permission to enter. The novice let him in, and together they began chanting prayers.

So their night service proceeded in its own order, until the time came to glorify the Most Holy Theotokos. Standing in front of Her icon WORTHY IS “Merciful,” the novice began to sing the generally accepted prayer: “The most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim...”, but the guest stopped him and said: “We don’t call the Mother of God that way” - and sang a different beginning : « It is worthy to eat, as truly, to bless Thee Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate, and Mother of our God» . And then he added to this « Most honorable Cherub…»

The monk ordered the novice to always sing in this place of worship the song he had just heard in honor of the Mother of God. Not hoping that he would remember such wonderful words of the prayer he heard, the novice asked the guest to write them. But there was no paper or ink in the cell, and then the stranger wrote the words of the prayer with his finger on the stone, which suddenly became soft as wax. Then he suddenly disappeared, and the monk only had time to ask the stranger his name, to which he replied: “ Gabriel».

The elder who returned from the temple was surprised to hear the words of a new prayer from the novice. Having listened to his story about the wonderful guest and seeing the wonderfully inscribed letters of the song, the elder realized that the celestial being who had appeared was the Archangel Gabriel.

The news of the miraculous visit of the Archangel Gabriel quickly spread throughout Athos and reached Constantinople. The Athonite monks sent a stone slab with a hymn to the Mother of God inscribed on it to Constantinople as proof of the truth of the news they conveyed. Since then, the prayer “It is worthy to eat” has become an integral part of Orthodox services. And the icon of the Mother of God “The Merciful”, together with the previous name, is also called “It is Worthy to Eat.”


Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Merciful” or “It is worthy to eat” they pray during mental and physical illnesses, at the end of any business, during epidemics, for happiness in marriage, during accidents.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called “It is Worthy to Eat” or “Merciful”

O Most Holy and Most Merciful Lady Theotokos! Falling before Your holy icon, we humbly pray to You, listen to the voice of our prayer, see our sorrow, see our misfortunes and, like a loving Mother, trying to help us helpless, beg Your Son and our God: may He not destroy us for our iniquities, but show to us philanthropy your mercy. Ask us, Lady, from His goodness for bodily health and spiritual salvation, and a peaceful life, the fruitfulness of the earth, the goodness of the air, and a blessing from above for all our good deeds and undertakings... And as of old, you mercifully looked upon the humble praise of the novice of Athos, who sang Before Your most pure icon You sent an Angel to him to teach him to sing the heavenly song, with which the Angels glorify You; So now accept our fervent prayer offered to You. About the All-Singing Queen! Extend your God-bearing hand to the Lord, in the image of the Infant Jesus Christ you bore, and beg Him to deliver us from all evil. Show, O Lady, Your mercy to us: heal the sick, comfort the afflicted, help the needy, and grant us the honor to complete this earthly life in a pious manner, to receive a Christian shameless death and to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven through Your maternal intercession to Christ our God, Who was born of You, Who is with His Beginning Father and to the Most Holy Spirit is due all glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Akathist to the Holy Mother of God before her Icon, called “Worthy to Eat”, or “Merciful”

Kontakion 1
Chosen by God from the human race to serve the incarnation of the eternal Word, the most blessed Virgin Mary, worthily sung by the Angels in Heaven, we sinners on earth dare to bring songs of praise; Having graciously received from us, O all-merciful Queen Theotokos, save us from all troubles and eternal torment freedom, let us call You: Rejoice, Helper of Christians and merciful Representative of sinners.

Ikos 1
Archangel Gabriel was sent from heaven quickly from You, Mother of God, to the humble novice of Mount Athos, who in a desert cell sang Thy songs of praise before Thy holy icon, may he teach him to sing the heavenly song with which the Angels praise Thee in Zion on high. In the same way, we too, remembering Your good providence for people, cry out to Tisitsa with thanksgiving: Rejoice, worthily praised by the Archangel and Angel; Rejoice, blessed one from all heavenly powers. Rejoice, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate; Rejoice, Mother of our God. Rejoice, Most Honest Cherub; Rejoice, Most Glorious Seraphim without comparison. Rejoice, you who gave birth to God the Word without corruption; Rejoice, truly present Mother of God. Rejoice, magnified in Heaven and on earth; Rejoice, sung by those above and below. Rejoice, one blessed among women; Rejoice, thou who hast brought forth the fruit of life for us. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Representative of sinners.

Kontakion 2
Having seen the desert novice of the day's stranger come to his cell and sing a sweet song to You, the Lady, you did not understand that there was an Angel in him, but greatly enjoyed his heavenly singing and asked him to write to him the words of the song he sang: when did you see, as if under his finger the stone tablet softened, and the words written on it deepened like on an arctic fox, recognizing in this wonderful action, and cry out to the Word God born of You: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
With a divinely illuminated mind, opening a new song, the Archangel spoke to the disobedient one, as if the faces of the angels in the abodes of the heavens were chanting Thee, the Mother of God, and commanded him, let him proclaim to man the words of the heavenly song and teach them to sing to Thee in an angelic manner: Hail, full of grace Mary; Rejoice, for the Lord is with you. Rejoice, blessed among women; Rejoice, unfathomable Mother of God the Word. Rejoice, immaculate village of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, you who revealed the unspeakable conception. Rejoice, you who showed an imperishable Christmas; Rejoice, thou who art the Mother and Virgin. Rejoice, having preserved both yourselves immaculate and holy; Rejoice, having surpassed the angels in Your purity. Rejoice, never-ending wonder of the heavenly minds; Rejoice, exaltation of the human race. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Representative of sinners.

Kontakion 3
By the power of God, Gabriel the Archangel turned a hard stone into soft wax and on it with his finger wrote words of praise to You, Mother of God, so that everyone would know the great miracle and undoubtedly believe, as the heavenly powers truly sing of You, imitating them, and we sing of Your greatness, Virgin, and in spiritual joy we cry out to God who glorified You: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having spiritual simplicity and an immaculate heart, the humble novice has been granted angelic conversation and the sight of the official-chief of the heavenly powers, but we, darkened by wickedness and malice, looking with trepidation at Thy holy icon, Lady, we pray diligently to Thee, turn us from our evils and teach in humility and meekness of spirit we say to You: Rejoice, you who sanctified Mount Athos with Your grace-filled presence; Rejoice, you who have filled its hills and wilds with the glory of Your miracles. Rejoice, thou who hast made the wilderness of Athos worthy of the angelic appearance; Rejoice, you who multiplied the monastic monasteries in it for the salvation of human souls. Rejoice, who promised Your intercession to all who remain in fasting and prayer; Rejoice, you who save the repentant from the troubles of the sea of ​​life. Rejoice, the grace of Your Son and God bringing down to the places dedicated to You; Rejoice, you who mentally showed the Temples of God. Rejoice, thou who providest a calm refuge for those seeking salvation; Rejoice, you who supply us with everything we need for piety. Rejoice, thou who live in a manner pleasing to God, the Giver of temporal and eternal blessings; Rejoice, Intercessor for us of the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Representative of sinners.

Kontakion 4
A storm of bewilderment troubled the elder monk, when he heard a new and wonderful song from the lips of his disciple and saw a stone board like wax, I received a mark: when I learned about the visit of a wondrous visitor, who was called Gabriel, I knew that this one was like the one who told You the gospel of old, Virgin, seedless conception of God the Word. In the same way, magnifying Your majesty, Queen of the high and low, you joyfully kept pace with Angels and men to the Creator: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Having heard about the visit of the Archangel monks to Mount Athos, I flocked to see the board, on which the writings of heavenly songs were supernaturally inscribed, and the Archangel sang Thee reverently before Thy holy icon, Lady, before her. Accept, therefore, our prayers offered to You with singing like this: Rejoice, as the council of angels rejoices in You; Rejoice, for in You the human race triumphs. Rejoice, who bore all things in Thy hand; Rejoice, Thou who didst contain in Thy womb that which cannot be contained by the whole world. Rejoice, thou who lent flesh to Thy Creator; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the most beautiful of all sons of men. Rejoice, you who nourished the Nourisher of all things with milk; Rejoice, Thou who cared for Thy Son, the Existing Provider of all creation. Rejoice, praise of virginity; Rejoice, glory to mothers. Rejoice, preserving virginity at Christmas; Rejoice, you who combined Christmas with virginity. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Representative of sinners.

Kontakion 5
God-seer Moses sometimes received the Law of God on stone tablets, inscribed with the finger of God, and the monks of Mount Athos received a heavenly song in praise of the Mother of God, inscribed on a stone tablet, from the Archangel and, with this teaching, brought angelic praise to You, hastening to God who was so well-willed for them: Alleluia .

Ikos 5
Having seen the ruler of Mount Athos, a great miracle in the appearance of the Archangel and the new songs, she forwarded the board with the letters inscribed by the Angel to the Tsar and Patriarch of Constantinople, to assure the truth of this glorious miracle; I joyfully accepted this, as a guarantee of God’s favor in the entire Orthodox Church, and legalized the singing of the angelic song in praise of You, Mother of God, and crying out to You in tenderness: Rejoice, adorned with the graces of all the virtues of the Virgin; Rejoice, unbridled Bride. Rejoice, thou who hast increased the unfading color of Christ; Rejoice, verbal paradise, tree of life vegetated for us. Rejoice, heavenly hay, who preserves us from the heat of passions; Rejoice, cover of the world, broadening the clouds. Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, giving saving coolness to the faithful; Rejoice, source of living water, no one dies from not drinking. Rejoice, Judge of the righteous prayer; Rejoice, forgiveness of our sins. Rejoice, abiding in heavenly glory at the right hand of God; Rejoice, you who do not forsake the earth-born through Your mercy. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Representative of sinners.

Kontakion 6
The Holy Church preaches the greatness of Thy miracles, Mary the Mother of God, and brightly flaunts, singing Thy angelic song, brought from heaven to earth by the ruler of the heavenly forces, Gabriel; pray with him, O Most Pure Lady, to Thy Son and God, that He may preserve His Church unshakably in piety and put to shame all heretical and schismatic uprisings, and may we, the children of K, be worthy to sing to Him without condemnation: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
You have shone with many rays of miracles, O merciful Mother of God, through Your holy icon, Lady, and with these not only Mount Athos, but also You have illuminated many places, so that we may learn to call You: Rejoice, our joy, who delights sorrowful hearts open to You; Rejoice, good Intercessor, hastening us to help. Rejoice, you who have given us the guarantee of salvation in Your icon; Rejoice, O Mount Athos and many countries glorified by it. Rejoice, our famous Hope; Rejoice, our unshameable hope. Rejoice, solution to our sorrows; Rejoice, our sorrows have been quenched. Rejoice, confirmation of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, disgrace of unbelief and evil-doing. Rejoice, Divine manifestation of love; Rejoice, glorious miracles have been performed; Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Representative for sinners.

Kontakion 7
To those who want to reap salvation, the merciful Patroness and Helper appear, Mother of God, and ever intercede for them to Your Son and God, even if someone falls into some sin, beset by the infirmity of the flesh, yet through You he receives rebellion for salvation, as you all want to be saved and to the mind truths come to those who sing praises to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
A new heaven and a new earth have been prepared from Your Son and God for those who love Him, O Lady All-Good, and You are a great guide for them. We also pray to Thee, do not let us perish in the wilds of sin, but lead us along the right path to the land of light and eternal joy, and let us cry out in praise to Thee: Rejoice, the first adornment of high Zion; Rejoice, ever-ready intercession of the abodes of the valleys. Rejoice, good earth, who brought forth the saving grace of the world; Rejoice, unearthed, fertilized by the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, thou who received the fire of the Divine into Thy womb; Rejoice, you who have satisfied the hunger of fallen humanity with the bread of life. Rejoice, Throne of the King of Glory; Rejoice, adorned chamber of the Almighty. Rejoice, temple animated by the Trinitarian God; Rejoice, door of the Lord, through which the Son of God came to us. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Representative for sinners.

Kontakion 8
A strange appearance of the Archangel, which sometimes happened on Mount Athos, a divine sight, for which the all-sung one became famous your name, Mary Theotokos, and all the faithful have learned to sing angelically to You, the Most Honest Cherubim and the Most Glorious Seraphim Mother of our God, every creature rejoices in Her, and the human race gratefully cries out to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
We place all our hope in You, Mother of God, and in our sorrows we fervently flow to Your holy icon, hoping to receive grace-filled consolation from it. Help us, Lady, to endure all sorrows with patience and gratitude, and instead of faint-hearted murmurs, to cry out to You with compassion: Rejoice, Joy to all who mourn; Rejoice, consolation to all the sad. Rejoice, you who labor and are burdened with sweet Peace; Rejoice, life-giving joy to those who are sick and distressed. Rejoice, in the hour of sorrowful bewilderment you put a good thought on your heart; Rejoice, inspiring in days of despondency with the hope of eternal blessings. Rejoice, you who extend a helping hand to those who are tempted; Rejoice, you who take away the wrath of God from our heads. Rejoice, you who give peace to those overwhelmed by misfortunes; Rejoice, you who wonderfully fulfill our good desires. Rejoice, you who crown patient sufferers with gifts of grace; Rejoice, thou who grantest the bliss of heaven to all who strive in good health. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Representative of sinners.

Kontakion 9
All the Angels of heaven with silent praises please You, the Queen and Lady of all creation, but we on earth and earthly lands will bring You worthy praise, singing everything; Moreover, trusting in Your innumerable mercy, we are compelled by love for You, we sing Your miracles, we preach Your good deeds, we glorify Your name and, diligently falling before Your holy icon, we slavishly cry out to the Divine Infant Christ depicted on it together with You: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
The rhetorical verbs are dissatisfied with the singing of Your miracles, O Mother of God, being a good being, mercifully accept our faith instead of the rhetorician’s blessing, for we also weigh our love, with which our hearts are filled with You. In the same way, kindly hear our simple songs, in which we dare to praise Thee: Rejoice, thou who didst contain the Word of the Father in Thy wombs; Rejoice, ever-growing Light. Rejoice life eternal peace Who gave Thy birth; Rejoice, O Most Eternal One, as if you carried a Child in Your hand. Rejoice, animated city of the All-Tsar; Rejoice, consecrated tabernacle of the living God. Rejoice, you who united the lower one with the higher ones; Rejoice, Peacemaker, filled with Divine peace. Rejoice, guilty one of good things; Rejoice, change of evil. Rejoice, all-strong weapon against enemies; Rejoice, indestructible shield of the faithful. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Representative of sinners.

Kontakion 10
Your earthly lot has appeared as a saving refuge from the vanities of this beautiful world, the truly holy Mount Athos, the Virgin Mary, marked by Your many miracles. But in every place with love those who call upon You, hear and intercede. Don’t stop begging Your Son. All-merciful, may His grace abide not from the places where the congregation of the faithful sings to Him song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
Thou art the wall of the virgin, O Most Blessed Virgin, and the pillar strong from the face of the enemy to all ascetics of piety: For Thou hast been given the great power to defeat the dark forces of hell and to deliver men from their soul-destroying temptations, especially those who dwell chastely and holy on earth. For this reason, for the sake of virginity and chastity, the stewards, according to You, call: Rejoice, shining with purity more than the sun; Rejoice, beginning of virginity and sanctification. Rejoice, O Krin, who has fragrant fallen humanity; Rejoice, in Thy humility overshadowed by the favor of the Most High. Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord; Rejoice, for you are blessed by all. Rejoice, for you have created great greatness; Rejoice, for you reign with Your Son in eternal glory. Rejoice, Intercessor of God's favor towards people; Rejoice, thou who gives boldness to sinners towards God. Rejoice, inexhaustible source of mercies and generosity; Rejoice, full of compassion for those who suffer. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Representative of sinners.

Kontakion 11
Our singing, even if it were so numerous, would not be sufficient for the worthy glorification of Your mercies, Most Blessed Mother of God, which You constantly pour out to our family; Otherwise, let us not appear ungratefully before You; according to our strength, let us praise You with faith and love and, remembering Your countless miracles, we cry out to the Supreme Creator of miracles, God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
With the light-giving rays of miracles, Thy icon, O All-Merciful Lady, holy mount Athos shines unwaveringly everywhere and enlightens the entire Orthodox world with grace. For this reason, Orthodox cathedrals have come to her from ancient times to worship, tenderly singing before her the following blessings: Rejoice, you who have shown the King Christ to the world; Rejoice, depicted on Your icon together with Him. Rejoice, mystical tick, foreseen by Isaiah; Rejoice, burning bush, foreseen by Moses the seer of God. Rejoice, watered fleece of Gideon; Rejoice, more often than not, glorified by Habakkuk. Rejoice, the closed door, shown to Ezekiel; Rejoice, invincible mountain, revealed to Daniel. Rejoice, multifarious prophet foretold; Rejoice, thou who hast revealed the fulfillment of prophetic utterances. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Representative for sinners.

Kontakion 12
Thy icon, partaker of grace, the Virgin Mary, like a precious treasure, was given to the Church of Christ from You, for in it You promised to be with us until the end of the age, speaking about Your first-painted icon: with it My grace and power. We believe, O All-Singing One, that this word of Yours will not fail, and that in Your icon You are holy in every place and here with us, where the song of praise is faithfully sung to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing Thy miracles, Mother of God, we fall earnestly to Thy holy icon, kiss it with heartfelt love, and as if we are ever present with us, we pray to Thee: look upon us with Thy mercy, Mother of God, and as we now see Thee depicted in the icon, so grant us May we see Thee in the terrible hour of death, snatching us away from the hand of the devil and bringing us into the Kingdom of Christ with Thy sovereign right hand, and we cry out to Thee with gratitude: Rejoice, in God is our first refuge and protection; Rejoice, Thy motherly love embraces the whole Christian world. Rejoice, you who affirm the faithful in holy life; Rejoice, you who give them a good Christian death. Rejoice, thou who deliverest thee from the power of the cruel ruler of the world, who trusteth in Thee; Rejoice, intervening in the ordeals of those who glorify Thee. Rejoice, thou who openest the gates of heaven to us; Rejoice, Kingdom of Heaven interceding for those who love You. Rejoice, thou who art seated in heavenly glory before Thy Son and God; Rejoice, thou who bringest into the communion of His Glory and those who honor Thee. Rejoice, health of our bodies; Rejoice, salvation of our souls. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Representative of sinners.

Kontakion 13
O All-Singing Mother, who gave birth to the saints, the Most Holy Word, sung by Angels in Heaven and glorified by men on earth! Mercifully accept this little prayer of ours and grant spiritual salvation and physical health to all who faithfully honor Thee and sing to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


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The Icon of the Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat” or as it is also called “Merciful”, has great value for believers and is especially popular. Today, many churches have been erected in honor of the face of this icon, where you can pray to the Mother of God.

How does the “It is worthy to eat” icon help and what is its meaning?

If we talk about the meaning of the “It is Worthy to Eat” icon, then, first of all, it is worth deciphering its name: “worthy” means “righteous”, “is” means “to be”, “to exist”, “to live”. calls for a righteous, worthy and sinless life.

People, both before and now, turn to the Mother of God for help with any illnesses, misfortunes, and all kinds of problems. The “It is Worthy to Eat” icon has great miraculous power; prayers before the face of the Mother of God help:

  1. Get rid of evil feelings. If you are overcome by anger, malice, your soul is filled with hatred and you feel like you are “drowning” in these emotions, pray and ask to be delivered from the “blackness” in your soul.
  2. Get rid of laziness. You can also ask the Mother of God for hard work, so that she will give you strength and desire to do something.
  3. Cleanse yourself from sins. If you sincerely believe and sincerely ask, then you can also pray for forgiveness of mortal sins, seeing your repentance and admission of guilt, the Mother of God will forgive you your sins.
  4. Eliminates pride. By praying to the holy face of the “It is Worthy to Eat” icon, you can ask the saint to rid you of arrogance and help you learn to love and respect people.
  5. Get rid of ailments. Sincere prayers and faith in healing will help prevent, alleviate, and sometimes even get rid of serious diseases. It can be a chronic disease or injuries, prayers to this icon help to cope with epidemics, with any consequences of accidents, etc.
  6. Create happy marriage . You can turn to the icon “It is Worthy to Eat” in case of problems in family life; the Mother of God will help improve relations between spouses and “bring” happiness and

People are happy because miraculous icons exist in the world. The image of the Mother of God, the most revered saint in Christendom. The Most Pure Virgin endured much suffering during her life, but she did it with great dignity, for which she is revered by believers all over the world.

It was not for nothing that this particular woman was chosen to be the mother of the Savior. It was she who voluntarily and consciously decided to sacrifice her beloved son in order to save all people.

How did it appear magical image“Worthy to Eat”? Many miraculous faces of the Mother of God manifested themselves precisely on the holy Mount Athos, which has long been considered a holy place of prayer, since only monks lived there from time immemorial.

Women are still prohibited from entering the territory of Mount Athos; disobedience threatens with imprisonment for a whole year. Men can come to the holy mountain, but before doing so they must obtain permission from church authorities. Travelers are required to dress modestly. They are allowed to spend the night in any monastic community of their choice.

There are already 20 monasteries on the holy mountain, and new ones cannot be built there. However, many monastic settlements, in addition to monasteries, can be found throughout the peninsula. It is believed that Athos is marked by the patronage of the Mother of God, as are three other places chosen by her, where the Most Pure One constantly shows her miracles.

The appearance of the miraculous icon “It is Worthy to Eat” is associated with one of the elderly hermit monks who once lived in one of the monasteries of Athos. This monk lived with a servant, and they practically did not leave their home.
One day the elder went to the temple, and the servant stayed all night praying in the hut.

And suddenly a traveler knocked on his door, whom the young man, according to custom, kindly greeted and invited to his cell. The traveler turned out to be as pious as the owner of the home himself. Together they fervently prayed to the Mother of God, standing in front of her icon. The stranger showed the servant how to properly glorify Mother of God, and taught the young man an unfamiliar and very beautiful song of praise in honor of the Virgin Mary.

Archangel Gabriel, and it was he, wrote the words of this praise with his finger on the granite table, and the granite melted under his finger. The hymn was so beautiful that all the monks wanted to learn it.
When the old monk returned and heard the whole story from the servant, he immediately guessed who the night guest was.

Since that time, it has been customary to begin the prayer of the Mother of God with the words “It is worthy to eat,” and the image itself, in front of which the miracle occurred, was called “It is worthy to eat.”
Of course, both the icon and the slab have been preserved and are located in various monasteries in Greece.
This image of the Mother of God differs from others in that the figures of Christ and the Mother of God on it are crowned with a gold crown.

Meaning of the icon

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The image of “It Is Worthy” is also called the Merciful, since everyone who turns to her receives help and protection. No one has ever been refused an icon. Of course, it is not the icon itself that works miracles, but God's grace, which condescends to her when writing. Only selected people who pray a lot and earnestly and also keep fasts are allowed to paint icons.

Then, with special prayers, they begin the action. Painting an icon is a whole sacrament that takes quite a long time.
The icon of the Mother of God “It Is Worthy” was so beloved by believers that entire churches were built in honor of it in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

What does the icon of the Mother of God help with? It is worthy to eat

The miraculous icon “It is worthy to eat” helps people get rid of envy, gluttony and pride, from all mortal sins, including fornication, which is very difficult to get rid of on your own. The Saint's support will be very helpful here.

It happens that family life the spouses are cracking due to the appearance of someone else. The spouse who has been cheated on must pray earnestly and ask the Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat” for mercy and admonition for the other half. The Mother of God, who is the protector of the righteous, has never refused anyone.

One of the images of the Virgin Mary “It is Worthy to Eat”

Icon of the Mother of God prayer

A beautiful prayer before the image of the Mother of God “It is worthy to eat”:


Admire the beautiful face of the Mother of God in the image of “It Is Worthy.”

What are they praying for?

Overcoming anger and laziness is also something that the Mother of God can help with.
People are mired in sins. We don't notice how we experience every day negative emotions in relation to each other and to ourselves. Prayers help you stop and look at yourself from the outside, cleanse your heart and lighten your soul. Thus, it becomes easier to live in this world, and the amount of goodness and beauty increases.

In front of this image of the Mother of God, you can ask for anything: to heal the heart, and someone needs to heal the body. The Mother of God can also heal bodily ailments.
The Most Pure Mother does not deny anyone the remission of sins if the person came with a pure heart and sincere faith.

Virgin Mary - bead embroidery

Akathist to the icon It is worthy to eat

Each Saint in Orthodoxy has his own akathist. If we literally translate this word, it means “a chant during which it is not customary to sit.” Akathists are also called church hymns.

These hymns appeared back in the days of ancient Byzantium; they were also widespread in church literature later. Akathists contain 24 verses, half of which are ikos and half are kontakia. Ikos and kontakia represent the content of what is said in the akathist.

There is also an akathist to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “It Is Worthy.”

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat” is deeply revered by believers. People turn to her for help in the most different situations. Every year many pilgrims flock to the holy image.

Icons depicting the Mother of God are highly valued in the Orthodox world. Among them there are those that are revered as miraculous and acquired by Christians as a strong amulet that does not allow negativity to enter the home and hearts of people. One of these icons is considered to be the image of the Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat.”

History of the icon

At the end of the tenth century, the Archangel Gabriel revealed himself to a novice of an old hermit. He knocked on the cell door, and the surprised young man let the stranger in. The old man who entered was unremarkable. However, when the time came to offer a prayer in front of the “Merciful” icon, the guest stopped the young man and said different words of prayer. The novice was surprised and asked the elder to write down the words. He, not finding paper or ink in the cell, inscribed words on the stone, which became pliable, like wax. He then disappeared, telling the surprised novice his name. The news about miraculous phenomenon The archangel reached Constantinople, and the novice, as proof of his words, provided a stone slab with a prayer inscribed on it, beginning with the words “It is worthy to eat.” Since then, the icon has acquired a second name and now exists with two names.

Where is the “It is Worthy to Eat” icon located?

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God is located in the capital of Athos, in the city of Kareya, on the altar of the cathedral church. The time of her appearance is determined in 980, glorification - in 1864.

A copy of the Athos icon is located in the church built in honor of the Mother of God in the city of St. Petersburg. There is another copy in Moscow, in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra.

Another copy of the icon, delivered from Athos, is located in Orenburg. There the image can be venerated in the women's monastery.

Description of the icon

The “It is Worthy to Eat” icon changed its appearance over time. Initially, it depicted the face of the Virgin Mary, who was holding the baby Jesus in her right hand. Over time, her image began to be painted differently. Now this icon depicts the Mother of God, to whom the Son of God clings. The baby holds a prayer in his hands. While changing, the icon has not lost its significance and continues to help anyone who asks in their troubles and humble requests.

How does the icon of the Mother of God help?

For help Holy Mother of God All Orthodox Christians are converted. The icon helps with the following:

  • gives healing from diseases and ailments, both physical and spiritual;
  • helps at the beginning and end of any business. She is asked for blessings before difficult tasks and thanks upon completion;
  • they pray to the icon during epidemics and accidents;
  • The Mother of God helps restore peace in the family, protects loving hearts from envious people, and also helps to find true love lonely hearts;
  • Before the image they offer prayers for the remission of any sins.

The miracles that the icon works are numerous. For example, a fire raging on Mount Athos, destroying monasteries, died out when an icon was brought to the site of the tragedy and prayers were offered to the Mother of God.

Prayer before the icon

“Most Holy Merciful Mother of God! We humbly pray to You, falling before the holy face. Do not reject our requests and be imbued with our troubles and sorrows. Help, Mother of God, the helpless servants of God, pray to the Lord for us, show your philanthropy and boundless mercy. Ask our Lord for health for us and our families and put out the fire in bodies consumed by illnesses. We humbly pray to You for deliverance from misfortunes and glorify Your name throughout the ages. Heal, Mother, the sick and suffering, and comfort the mourners, and provide your autumn cover for all those deprived of goodness in a sinful life. Amen".

Icon Veneration Day

Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of the Mother of God “Merciful” or “It is Worthy to Eat” on June 24 according to the new style, June 11 according to the old style.

Any Orthodox Christian can ask the Mother of God for protection, opening his heart to meet the Lord. special power the icon acquires on the day of veneration, when thousands of believers offer one prayer. They say that on this day the Heavens open and listen to every word spoken. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and