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Slide captions:


Mary and Joseph came to Bethlehem because of the census. They had to spend the night outside the city, in a den, where the shepherds sheltered their livestock from the storm.

In the nativity scene (or, in Russian, a cave), the Infant Jesus was born, whom the Mother of God, having wrapped, put on hay in a manger for cattle.

An unusually bright star appeared in the sky at the moment of the birth of Jesus Christ, and she showed the Magi the way to the nativity scene.

At the same time, in a field near Bethlehem, angels appeared to the shepherds with the news that the Savior had come into the world.

In Russia, Christmas began to be celebrated in the 10th century. It has long been a quiet and peaceful holiday.

The believers prepared for the celebration of Christmas by fasting for forty days. Fasting prescribed abstinence not only from modest food, but also from bad deeds. At this time, weddings were not held, the holidays, which were accompanied by fun and revelry, did not cope.

On Christmas Eve, the hostesses cleaned up the huts and upper rooms: they washed, whitewashed their dwelling, finished cooking and pastries. We tried to go to the bathhouse before dark and celebrate the holiday in new clothes.

Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - was modestly celebrated both in the palaces of Russian emperors and in the huts of peasants. This day was spent in the strictest fasting. They fasted all day - "to the star", which showed the way for the Magi to the newborn Messiah. On this day, according to the church charter, it is allowed to eat boiled cereal without oil, that is, syrupy, therefore the day is called a nomad, and in the popular pronunciation - Christmas Eve.

At sunset, after the first star, the owner, with all the household members, began to pray. After the end of the prayer, supper began - a supper. At the end of the evening - caroling. The kolyada consisted in the fact that the village youth - boys, girls, adolescents - gathered in groups, dressed up in costumes, masks and went home.

Moving from one house to another, under windows or in huts, they sang songs in honor of the holiday, sometimes as congratulations, glorifying the owners, or just for the sake of entertainment and amusement. The owners gave them food and money as a reward.

Since the 18th century, Christmas has also become inextricably linked with gifts, Christmas trees, joyful expectation of a miracle, and a festive family feast.

Nativity of Christ is the only religious holiday that has become a state holiday in Russia. It is celebrated on January 7th.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Objectives: to acquaint with the events related to the feast of the Nativity of Christ, with the festive icon of the Nativity of Christ; enrich the vocabulary of children with new words of historical and cultural significance ...


On this day, an unprecedented event took place in the small town of Bethlehem - the Infant God, the Son of God, was born into the world. Jesus Christ was born supernaturally from the Virgin Mary, whom we have since ...

Extracurricular activity "The Legend of the Nativity of Christ"

1. Opening remarks 2. Conversation about the winter Orthodox holidays 3. Scene 4. Cartoon 5. Decorating a Christmas tree 6. Conclusion This event is aimed at the development of spiritual and moral ...


  • Our Zimushka is Winter, unusually good, Everything around is covered with white - pure white snow, It is light and clean at heart, because the holiday is near. All of us are happy, easy - today is Christ's Christmas! The Orthodox world rejoices, peace in the soul, everything triumphs. For more than two thousand years of the Nativity of Christ, the light of the Path to good shows us, the spirit of love bestows upon us all. The heavenly Angel brought the message - Rejoice with all, the Son of God Jesus Christ. Born in Bethlehem Not in a fancy palace, no! In a simple stable of sheep, the Lord Himself appeared in the world, He became the Son of man! Hey shepherds! Here! Hurry! The manger is shining with the sun The Little One Lies - The King of Kings, A sky-clear look
The Star of Bethlehem That night the earth was in excitement The shine of a large outlandish star suddenly blinded mountains and villages, Cities, deserts and gardens. And in the desert the lionesses watched, As, full of wondrous gifts, the chariots moved silently. Camels and elephants were important. And in the forehead of a large caravan, Gazing into the sky, Three kings in intricate turbans rode to someone to bow.
  • Grigory Gagarin. Nativity.
  • And in the cave, where the torches did not go out all night, blinking and fuming, There the lambs saw a beautiful Sleeping Child in the manger. That night, the whole creature was in excitement, Birds sang in the midnight gloom. Proclaiming goodwill to all, the coming of peace on earth.
  • Domes are gilded At sunrise And crimson shine Narrow windows. Like a ship in sails, the White temple is beautiful, Like a swan in the sky, Majestic joyful. Light morning fog Imperceptibly melts, Parishioners are in a hurry to church - celebrate Christmas!
  • Nativity. Natalia Sokolova
  • Together with a bright Christmas, the Fairy Tale enters into every home. The world alive with hope awaits this miracle for a whole year. In the sky, the stars are dancing around singing a bright hymn, And from the ground they echo the churches, the choirs fly up to the sky like smoke. A good song, a kind word illuminates the planet, And in the midst of cold winter darkness will give way to light.
  • I am on the night before Christmas I watch colored dreams. Preparing a celebration From ancient times. I will put the gifts Under the tree for friends, I will crush the bread In the pigeon feeder. And I will smile at my mother: The task is not simple - I am learning to celebrate the Birth of Christ.
  • All December in the villages in Russia they were waiting for the Merry Christmas. They prepared for it, cleansing themselves by fasting
  • Fasting prescribed abstinence not only from modest food, but also from bad deeds. At this time, weddings were not held, the holidays, which were accompanied by fun and revelry, did not cope
  • Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - was modestly celebrated both in the palaces of Russian emperors and in the huts of peasants. This day was spent in the strictest fasting. They fasted all day - "to the star", which showed the way for the Magi to the newborn Messiah. On this day, according to the church charter, it is allowed to eat boiled cereals without oil, that is, syrupy, therefore the day is called a nomad, and in the popular pronunciation - Christmas Eve. They also ate lean pies, wheat bread, dried fruits, honey.
In peasant life, on Christmas Eve, housewives cleaned up huts and rooms: washed, whitewashed their dwellings, finished brewing hop and herbal beer for Christmas festivities, as well as cooking and pastries. We tried to go to the bathhouse before dark and celebrate the holiday in new clothes. Christmas tree
  • At the end of the evening - caroling. Kolyada consisted in the fact that the village youth - boys, girls, teenagers - gathered in groups, dressed up in costumes, masks and went home.
  • Calls during caroling:
  • The sparrow flies
  • Twirls its tail
  • And you people know
  • Cover the tables
  • Receive guests,
  • Meet Christmas!
  • Christmas, Christmas
  • A lot of snow covered
  • We go to dig, earn money
  • Open the chests
  • Serve Piglets
  • Hostess with owner
  • happy holiday.
  • Christmas sweets
  • Resources used.
  • ›? p = 272
  • rozhdestvenskie-gadanija.html
  • ›… rozhdestvenskie-gadaniy
  • "Orthodox educational portal" Slovo "// Access mode:
  • "Christian site" Piggy bank "// Access mode:
  • The site "Nativity of Christ" // Access mode:
  • Made presentation:
  • Shvidkaya Irina Alexandrovna

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The Nativity of Jesus Christ has become the most important event for people around the world. Jesus (translated from Greek as Savior), being the Son of God, incarnated in a Man to save people from eternal death.

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"God became Man so that man could become God."

Slide 6

It is known that the birth of Christ was predicted by the Old Testament prophets - this was expected for several centuries. This great event divided world history into two eras - before and after the Nativity of Christ. All events described by historians before the birth of Jesus Christ are defined as having taken place before our era (BC), and everything that has happened since the birth of Christ is called our era (AD). Each year of our time counts down from the birth of Christ. And the starting point (that is, the new year) is actually the date of January 7 (according to the new style of the Gregorian calendar we have adopted).

Slide 7

The Nativity of Christ is a great holiday. ... It is also called Winter Easter.

Slide 8

And the history of the holiday is as follows ... IT WAS ALREADY MORE THAN 2 THOUSAND YEARS AGO. The Blessed Virgin Mary and Righteous Josephzhili in the ancient city of Nazareth. Elder Joseph was betrothed to the Virgin Mary and took care of her like a father. At that time, a great census of the population was announced, and the holy family went to the city of Bethlehem, where they were from.

Slide 9

Mary was about to have a baby. It was necessary to stop somewhere, but there were no places anywhere, because on the occasion of the census, a lot of people arrived in Bethlehem.

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And then Mary and Joseph settled in a cave, into which the shepherds drove cattle at night to protect themselves from the cold or rain.

Slide 11

And in a cave for cattle, among straw and hay, on a cold winter night, in an atmosphere devoid of not only earthly grandeur, but also minimal amenities, the God-man was born - the Savior of the world. Mary swaddled the Babies and put him in a manger for the cattle.

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When the Savior was born, the Christmas star shone in the sky.

It is this shining light that we see on all the icons of the Nativity of Christ.

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The shepherds were the first to know about this. An angel told them this news from heaven. The joyful shepherds ran into the cave to worship the Savior.

Slide 17

At that time sages lived in the east. They were very educated and wealthy rulers. They were called the Magi. They had been watching the sky for a long time. And suddenly they saw a very bright star appeared in the east. The Magi realized that this was a sign that the Savior of the world was born. The wise men hastened to King Herod with the good news. And then they went to bow to the Savior. And the bright light of the Bethlehem star showed them the way.

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The Magi brought gifts to the Newborn Infant: gold - like a king, incense - like God and myrrh - like a man.

Frankincense is an aromatic wood resin used for worship. Smyrna is a fragrant resin oil.

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Some of the gifts of the Magi have survived to this day. Surprisingly, they are already 2015 years old! They are located in Greece on Mount Athos in the monastery of St. Paul.

Occasionally, these gifts are exported for worship to believers in other countries.

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At that time, the evil king Herod ruled the state of the Jews. Having learned from the wise men that the King of the Jews was born, Herod became terribly angry and decided to destroy the Infant. But the formidable ruler did not know where the Divine Infant was and issued a terrible decree: “To kill all infants from birth and up to 2 years "

By order of Herod, 14 thousand babies were killed in Bethlehem.

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But Herod did not succeed in carrying out his plan. Saint Joseph in a dream received the revelation to flee with Mary and the Child to Egypt, which they did that very night.

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After the death of Herod, the holy family returns to Nazareth again.

In the city of Nazareth, Jesus Christ spent His childhood and youth.

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For more than 2 thousand years, mankind has been celebrating the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ every year.

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Bethlehem - the city of Christmas - still exists today. One of the oldest on earth, this small city is located near Jerusalem (the capital of Israel).

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The Church of the Nativity of Christ has survived in Bethlehem to this day.

And this is the most sacred place in the temple. It is marked with a silver star - it was in this place that the Lord Jesus Christ was born.

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In the north of Israel is the city of Nazareth, where Joseph and Mary came from, and where Jesus Christ spent his childhood and youth

Slide 27

The Orthodox Church widely celebrates the great event - the Nativity of Christ

Slide 28

Temples are unusually beautifully decorated

  • Slide 29

    The services are distinguished by special solemnity and joy.

    Slide 30

    Christmas nativity scenes are often set up in or near the temple.

    Slide 31

    What is a nativity scene? This word has several meanings. 1. The Nativity Scene is a cave, the birthplace of Christ. 2. Nativity scene - reproduction of the scene of the Nativity of Christ by means of art (theater, sculpture, etc.) 3. The Nativity Scene is a folk small puppet theater for showing Christmas stories. It can be done with your own hands. In the old days, the Orthodox peoples had such a tradition: on the feast of the Nativity of Christ, people walked the streets with such mini-theaters and showed scenes - stories of the Birth of Christ. (This tradition originated in Western countries.)

    Slide 32

    Before such a big holiday, a fast is established, which is called Christmas. And the evening before Christmas on January 6 - the day of the self-strict fast is called Christmas Eve ..

    Christmas Eve - from the word "sympathetic". This is the name of a special lean dish made from boiled grains of wheat (rice or lentils) mixed with honey, raisins, nuts, and sometimes poppy seeds. It is consumed oozing only in the evening, when it gets dark, on January 6, after completely abstaining from food during the day.

    Slide 33

    Christmas is a very joyful holiday, and it lasts right up to Epiphany - 12 days! These holidays are called like this: Christmas, Yuletide or Svyatki. It is customary to give each other gifts, cook delicious food, invite guests, and organize festivities.

    Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process at preschool educational institutions"

    The presentation can be used in working with children of senior preschool and primary school age to illustrate a story about the holiday of the Nativity of Christ (The first tree on earth. The author is the young woman Maria Solopova, future abbess Taisia; or Nativity of Christ. Children's Bible).

    Objectives of the presentation:

    • to introduce children to Orthodox traditions;
    • deepen and expand children's knowledge about the holiday of the Nativity of Christ;
    • cultivate kindness, compassion, empathy.

    The Feast of the Nativity of Christ is a holiday for children. On this day, many, many years ago, Jesus Christ was born and lay in a manger, as in a cradle (Slide 1.The image appears when clicked).

    In the year when the Savior was born, the Roman emperor Augustus wanted to know how many people there were in Judea, the country he ruled. And all residents had to return to their cities by the appointed time, i.e. each to the city where he was born, so that you can count everyone and say how many inhabitants there are in each city.

    The Mother of God - the Blessed Virgin Mary, together with Elder Joseph, were born in the city of Bethlehem and therefore came there. This town was small, and there was not enough space in the houses for all who came, so the Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph stopped in a cave in which shepherds kept cattle in bad weather, at the very entrance to the city.

    Night has come, the stars lit up in the sky like big lamps; there was complete silence; only in the cave, near a manger full of straw and hay, were animals, donkeys and cows, and meekly chewing their food. When Jesus Christ was born, the Mother of God wrapped him in swaddling clothes and put him in a manger (cattle feeder), the animals stood aside and meekly, tenderly looked at the Baby ( Slide 2. The image appears on click, music turns on automatically, turns off when clicked).

    At this time, the shepherds, who were pasturing their flocks far from the city, suddenly saw a bright Angel ( Slide 3. The image appears when clicked). The shepherds were frightened, but the Angel told them to go to Bethlehem, to the cave and worship the Infant Christ who was born there.

    At this time, a great many other angels appeared who praised God ( Slide 3. The picture appears on click, the music turns off automatically).

    When the Angels disappeared, the shepherds noticed that a new large star appeared in the sky ( Slide 4). When the shepherds went, and the star went across the sky, then they realized that the star was leading them, and already boldly set off on their way (Slide 4.Animation and music on click). The star led them to Bethlehem and stood over the cave, and the shepherds entered it and, kneeling down, rejoiced and thanked God that the Son of God was born on Earth, who would grow up and teach them to be kind and just.

    Meanwhile, the scientists of the country of Babylon, who were called the Magi, saw a new star in the sky and realized that it was on that night that the Infant Christ was born in Bethlehem, and decided to go and worship Him. The Magi followed the star and it stopped over the cave ( Slide 5. Animation and music on click).

    The gray-haired old wise men, clever and learned, knelt before the Child and brought Him their gifts: gold, incense and myrrh ( Slide 6).

    Elder Joseph looked at the general worship, his heart was overflowing with love, and he also wanted to give something to the Christ Child, but he was a simple carpenter and very poor, he had nothing but the wood from which he worked. He cut trees in the forest and he knew nothing better, more beautiful than the forest. He remembered that he had seen a tree there - always green, fragrant like fragrant resin and with twigs ending like small candles….

    Joseph went into the forest, found a Christmas tree and, entering the cave, put it in front of the manger ( Slide 6. Animation is activated on click). Suddenly, a miracle happened: bright stars rolled down from the sky and flashed like lights at the ends of the branches ( Slide 6. Animation is activated on click). This is how the first tree on earth lit up.

    Since then, all peoples have been trying to celebrate the holiday of Christmas in peace and joy, and for young children they bring a Christmas tree and decorate it ( Slide 7).

    Appendix: Presentation.


    And there was a miracle on earth. Christmas anthology on literature for students of grades 5-11 ". Compiled by: ES Bezborodkina, VO Korkhova, - M:" Pilgrim ", 2005. - 416 p.

    The first tree on earth. Christmas story. The author was the adolescent Maria Solopova, the future abbess Taisiya. (In shorthand).

    Marina Filimonova

    For children of senior preschool and primary school age.

    Goals: 1. Give an idea of ​​the biblical event.

    2. Introduce children with folk traditions and customs associated with this holiday.

    3. To cultivate a sensitive attitude towards others.

    4. Enrichment of the dictionary through the selection of synonyms, antonyms; explanations of idiomatic expressions.

    5. Manufacturing Christmas gifts.

    Equipment: equipment for demonstration presentations, layout Christmas den, materials and tools for making crafts.

    Preliminary work: a number of conversations are held with children on the basics of Orthodox culture, on which children an elementary idea of ​​who is called God, angels is given; children memorize the verses used in the teacher's story.

    Stroke: Children sit in front of the screen. The teacher's story follows, illustrated presentation.

    Presentation text « Children about Christmas» .

    Guys, after the New Year in January there is another holiday. Who knows which one? Yes it Christmas... This holiday will be the story today.

    The song by E. Koroleva sounds "Glorious night Christmas» .

    The educator's story: Word « Christmas» denotes "day birth» ... When is your day birth, you and all your loved ones rejoice. But one day was born on Earth baby, which very, very many people rejoiced, because it was God. And it was so. Long ago, in a distant eastern country, there lived three astrologers. They were called "Magi"... They knew from their books that someday God would be born on earth. And so that all people can know when this will happen, a new star will appear in the sky. And so the Magi looked into the sky every night, they knew every star. But one day they saw a new extraordinary star. She was bigger and brighter than all the others. And, lo and behold, she did not stand still, but floated across the sky, as if inviting to follow her. (Frame 2)... And the wise men set off to see God with their own eyes. In those days, there were no cars, let alone planes. The Magi equipped the camels and set off on the road. Their path was difficult and long. But the star led them, and if the wise men got tired, she stopped to give them rest. (Frames 3-5).

    Meanwhile, in the country of Judea, the formidable king Herod decided to find out how many people live in his country, how many people are subject to him. To avoid confusion, Herod ordered everyone to come to the city where they were born. The young woman Mary also went to her hometown of Bethlehem. It was difficult for her to walk, because she was soon to have a baby, but it was impossible not to fulfill the order of the king. (Frame 6)... Many people gathered in the city of Bethlehem, all the hotels, all the inns were occupied. Mary and her companion Joseph went from house to house, but no one gave them a place to sleep. (Frames 7-8).

    Question children: Do you guys think there was any way you could help Maria? Or there’s nothing you can do, since there’s no room?

    Supposed answer children: Someone could make way for her.

    Educator: Of course, guys, strong young men could give her their place. And any kind person could do it. But the trouble is, there was not a single kind person in the whole city. All people were angry. That is why God himself came to earth to cure people of anger, greed, and envy.

    Question: And what words are close in meaning to the word "wicked"?

    Answers children: Bad, bad, angry, unkind, worthless.

    Educator: Right guys. But there is one more word - "Hard-hearted"... This means that a person's heart is as hard as a stone. Here the stone does not feel anything, so the heart does not feel the pain or grief of another person. But I don’t even want to talk about them. Let's better choose words that match the meaning of the word "kind".

    Answers children: Nice, gentle, affectionate.

    (Often children by the word "kind" pick up a synonym "beautiful"... It is appropriate to remind here children a fairy tale about"Dead Princess" Pushkin or a fairy tale "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs"... In these tales, the stepmother was very beautiful and very angry. You can also remember a fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" Aksakova or cartoon "The beauty and the Beast", where the positive character appeared in the form of a monster.)

    Educator: Also, guys, there are such good ones the words: "Kind-hearted", "sensitive"... What do you think about a good or an evil person will say: "Does he have a heart of gold?" Why?

    Answers waiting.

    Educator: Indeed, gold is a jewel. People value a kind heart dearly, dearer than the beauty of a face. There is no such expression - "Angry face"... About skillful people will say: "skillful fingers", about smart - "Golden head"... About the good ones - "The golden man", "Golden heart", but "Golden face" they don't talk about anyone.

    But let's go back to the city of Bethlehem. Poor Mary, finding no refuge, left the city. She took refuge in a poor cave (on old the language of the cave was called "Nativity scene" where the shepherds took refuge from the weather with their flocks. (Frame 9)... There was no one in the cave at that time. When Maria had a baby, the young mother swaddled him and put him on soft straw in the animal feeder. There was no crib there. (Frame 10)... This feeder was called "Nursery"... Do you know this word? Yes, the most junior the group in the kindergarten is called "Nursery", in honor of this very feeder, where lay newborn god... At this time, the angels told the shepherds the good news that God had been born in their cave. (Frame 11)... At first the shepherds were frightened, but then they were delighted and ran to their cave. The Magi also came to the cave. Everybody wanted to see baby god who was named Jesus Christ. (Frame 12).

    A poem is read:

    Let's forget both grief and sadness,

    Born today baby jesus.

    He was born at night, in a cold cave,

    He was surrounded only by birds and animals,

    Yes, angels, shepherds and wise men.

    This means that all people, and therefore we

    We stood quietly and watched in silence

    To the wondrous miracle in Saint Bethlehem.

    Educator: We can still visit this cave. You just need to buy a ticket to the country of Israel in the city of Bethlehem. A temple is built over this cave. Let's go into it. (Frame 13)... See the star on the floor? They say this is the very place where the nursery stood baby christ... The Magi brought gifts with them. These gifts are now kept in the country of Greece on the holy Mount Athos. (Frames 14, 15)... Now, in remembrance of these gifts, it is accepted give gifts to children for Christmas too... Many other good customs associated with the holiday Christmas... For example, the custom of decorating a Christmas tree. (Frame 16)... How did this custom come about? There are many different scientific assumptions and even fairy tales about this. I want to tell you one of them. When God was born, not only people and animals wanted to worship him, but even plants. One palm said: "I will bring my beautiful leaves to God as a gift, they will be his fan during the heat." Other answered: "And I will bring him my sweet dates"... Herringbone said: “I also want to bow newborn god» ... Proud palms laughed: “Why are you going? What can you give? Your branches are so thorny, and your cones are inedible! " But the tree was kind, she was not angry with her boastful friends and only thought: “Well, really, I'm not as beautiful as the palm trees. My dress is poor and prickly. But I really want to see God. I'll look at him at least from afar. " And God rewarded the tree for her modesty and kindness. Stars descended from the sky onto the shaggy branches of the Christmas tree and decorated it with themselves. The Christmas tree became the most beautiful and elegant, but did not become proud. She wears her wonderful outfit only once a year for a holiday. Christmas... And on the top of the tree there is always an eight-pointed star, similar to the one that led the Magi to Bethlehem. Another custom is associated with this wonderful star. The day before Christmas(This day is called Christmas Eve, some people do not eat anything until the first star flashes in the sky, which, as it were, says that God has already been born. (Frame 17).

    Poems are read by E. Koroleva "What an amazing evening"(abridged).

    What an amazing evening

    Icicles are quietly ringing.

    And the trees in the distance are like candles

    They are covered with snow.

    And it seems suddenly for some reason

    Over there, illuminating the firmament,

    A wonderful star as if

    It will float across the sky.

    At that moment, the whole earth will shine,

    There will be no sorrow, no tears

    After all, everyone in the world will know -

    The Savior Christ was born.

    So people are waiting for this hour that they even forget about food. Before the holiday, children were making a toy nativity scene (Frame 18, plus I'm showing a nativity scene made by me)... After Christmas children and youth dressed up, made a big star of Bethlehem and with this star went from house to house, singing Christmas carols... These are the songs in which they praised newborn god christ... For this, the guys were called Christos. The owners presented the Christoslavs with sweets, gingerbread, and nuts. (Frame 19)... Week after Christmas was called Holy Week, or, according to the folk, Christmastide... It was believed that these days God himself walks the earth and helps everyone. And people at this time tried to do good deeds, to please your loved ones with treats and gifts. (here it is possible to demonstrate a short game video « Christmas angel» or enable song recording "Christmas tree in Christmas» ). Do you guys want to cook Christmas presents? (Children sit down at tables and make crafts).