A hunter has the right to purchase weapons on the basis of a license (Article 13 of the Weapons Law Russian Federation dated November 13, 1996). The legislation also regulates the procedure for its storage and determines the authorized supervision structures. Control functions over the circulation of civilian and service weapons are assigned to the internal affairs bodies. They are authorized to carry out supervision, for which they are endowed with appropriate rights.

Many owners of civilian hunting rifles are interested in the requirements for a storage safe hunting weapons. After all, you will need to deal with the local inspector two or three times a year. The duties of the district police officer include periodically checking the safety of the weapons arsenal stored at home in the territory entrusted to him. What does the law say, what are legal aspects storage of smoothbore and rifled hunting rifles? Below are a number of documents regulating this procedure.

Legislative - legal basis

Decree of the Government of Russia of July 21, 1998 No. 814 “On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation”:

In pursuance of the Law on Weapons of the Russian Federation of November 13, 1996, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation. The rules regulate the requirements for storage conditions for official, as well as civilian weapons(along with ammunition for it), which are set out in the chapter “Storing weapons and ammunition.”

Regarding individuals, the requirements are set out in two articles:

Article 54 establishes the procedure for citizens to obtain from internal affairs bodies the appropriate permits for the storage, use, and carrying of civilian weapons.

Article 59 The resolution obliges citizens of the Russian Federation to store guns, as well as ammunition, at their place of residence. It is necessary to ensure their safety, security, and also to prevent unauthorized access by unauthorized persons.

Here is a list of permitted places where the gun is to be stored:

  • lockable safes;
  • metal cabinets;
  • boxes made of high-strength materials;
  • wooden boxes covered with iron.

That is, in fact, the rules for storing hunting weapons are not detailed. In particular, the dimensions of a safe for storing hunting weapons are not regulated.

Storage requirements do not regulate the dimensions of the safe, metal cabinet, the number and degree of secrecy of locks, or the method of installation (internal, padlocks). There are no requirements for installing an alarm system in the room, additional locks, or metal boxes at the entrance metal doors, metal bars on the windows.

There are no requirements for fastening or bolting safes, metal cabinets, or wooden boxes to walls or floors. It is said that the internal affairs bodies are checking the conditions for ensuring the safety of registered hunting weapons.

Also, the procedure for storing guns along with ammunition in places of temporary stay of citizens is not detailed. All that is required is to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the weapon.

Athletes who are members of sports shooting societies and clubs are allowed to store weapons and ammunition at sports facilities. If athletes go to training camps or various types of competitions using sports shooting rifles, they are allowed to store a rifle arsenal at the location of the shooting competitions.

Regulatory and technical basis

Instructions for organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation (P Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 288 dated April 12, 1999, as amended on July 15, 2013):

According to the instructions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, internal affairs officers check hunting weapons with a rifled barrel once every six months, and smooth-bore hunting weapons - once a year.

The storage of hunting weapons at home is written in the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 504 of June 7, 2008), in strict accordance with Article 59 of the Law. It is stored in locked safes, metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials, wooden boxes, upholstered in iron.

If the above requirements are violated, the safety of the purchased weapon, as well as its ammunition, is not ensured, on the basis of Article 26 Federal Law Russia provides for the possibility of cancellation and withdrawal:

  • a previously issued license to purchase a gun;
  • received a permit to store and carry a gun.

Conclusions on storage requirements for civilian hunting weapons

  1. The law obliges the owner of the weapon to ensure safety and exclude unauthorized access by unauthorized persons. Lock weapons in safes, metal cabinets or wooden boxes lined with iron. Our recommendation is to store weapons only in safes or metal cabinets. Do not use wooden boxes lined with iron for storage. Each meeting with the district inspector will require evidence of security. And it’s difficult to find such wooden boxes on sale. Having made it yourself, be prepared each time for lengthy explanations with the inspector.
  2. There are no requirements for bolting, screwing, or nailing a safe, metal cabinet, or wooden box to the walls or floor.
  3. The requirements of Article 165 of the Instruction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding the separate storage of guns, as well as cartridges, apply only to legal entities. There are no such requirements for individuals. Our recommendation is to store your hunting rifle, as well as ammunition, in different internal compartments of a safe or metal cabinet, in order to avoid unnecessary questions from the local police officer. Separate storage will eliminate lengthy debates and disputes.
  4. Safes, metal cabinets, wooden boxes can be locked with internal or padlocks. The number of locks and the degree of their secrecy are not specified. Our recommendation is to buy safes and cabinets with a higher degree of lock security. Do not buy safes if they have low quality locks, such as those made in China. These locks are designed for apartment doors. Every tenth lock fails after serving for less than one year. Buy safes with high-quality special locks.
  5. The dimensions and wall thickness of the safe, metal cabinet, and wooden box are not specified. These parameters are regulated by the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs only for legal entities. Our recommendation is to buy a metal gun cabinet with a steel thickness of at least three mm, with at least two locks. For expensive collectible weapons, buy safes with a body thickness of three mm and a door thickness of five mm. Buy a safe bigger size, in case of a possible expansion of the arsenal of guns, the purchase of a second or third barrel. It is better to take a safe that has certain fire resistance properties, as well as water resistance. They cost more. However high price justified. Fire resistance guarantees protection of the gun, as well as ammunition, in the event of an indoor fire. The cartridges will not fire and there will be no cannonade if the fire gets close to the safe. Water resistance will protect against moisture penetration in case of flooding of the room. In a humid room, the cartridges will not become damp, and metal parts will not be subject to corrosion.
  6. Requirements for installing metal front door, there are no additional locks, metal boxes on the doors, metal bars, or fire and security alarms.


District inspectors and other employees of internal affairs bodies often make illegal demands on owners of hunting weapons. Can be regarded as ignorance of the requirements of the departmental instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or abuse of one’s official position. In any case, if the local police officer, when inspecting the place where you store the hunting rifle, makes claims:

  • due to the absence of an alarm system in the room;
  • metal doors or metal bars on the window;
  • dimensions, wall thickness of the safe, number of locks.

or puts forward other demands not provided for by law, we do not recommend arguing. Better ask him to show him regulations, which sets out these requirements.

If you have not achieved a positive decision, contact the Department of Internal Affairs. If you have received a written refusal, we recommend that you contact a higher authority within the Ministry of Internal Affairs in writing. Learn to assert your legal rights. Get a written refusal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to contact the prosecutor's office. Thus, you will restore violated rights and justice.

Many Russians in Lately They are starting to get involved in hunting, so they are interested in what rules for storing hunting weapons and ammunition in 2019 apply in our country. This issue is extremely important, since ensuring the safety and security of the gun and ammunition lies with its owner.

Current legislation stipulates that weapons must be stored in a specially designated place. In most cases, for these purposes they use metal safes with proper wall thickness and high-tech locking locks. The weapon box itself is installed at home in certain place, after which a police officer is invited to check compliance with storage conditions and permission for the weapon itself.

In addition to the conditions described above, the basic rules for storing weapons are as follows:

  • storage conditions must ensure safety and security, while simultaneously excluding access to weapons by unauthorized persons;
  • It is prohibited to store weapons without legal grounds - you must hand them over to law enforcement agencies;
  • temporary placement of guns and cartridges is allowed without complying with the requirements for a safe for storing hunting weapons, but providing conditions to prevent access to weapons by third parties;
  • it is permitted to store weapons and ammunition at facilities classified as specialized shooting sports for the period of competitions or various training shooting events;
  • When changing place of residence, the owner of the weapon is given a two-week period to register with the territorial internal affairs body.

Requirements for a safe for storing hunting weapons

  1. GOST R 50862-96;
  2. metal cabinet with 2 lockable locks. The cabinet must have a wall thickness of at least two mm;
  3. the second safe is for cartridges, it must have a wall thickness of at least three mm;
  4. inside the safe there must be a compartment for cartridges, which is locked with a separate lock; it must have a wall thickness of three mm

If they own an unregistered rifled hunting rifle, our citizens may be prosecuted under the Law, Article 222 of the Criminal Code. Similar measures can be applied in case of careless storage of a gun, as a result of which it is taken by other people who commit murder or cause other serious consequences.

Less severe, but also unpleasant consequences will occur when storing a hunting shotgun and civilian weapons belonging to the category of limited destruction without legal grounds. For such an offense, administrative liability is provided, as is the case for storing weapons at the place of actual residence, and not registration.

In the latter case, everything must be formalized on legally, ensuring the storage conditions specified by law at the place of actual residence and notifying law enforcement agencies. However, this will be possible only when registering temporarily, even if you plan to stay at this address for less than 90 days.

In any case, the owner of weapons and ammunition is personally responsible for ensuring their safety and must not allow loss. All appropriate measures to limit the access of strangers to weapons are taken by its owner, independently choosing the appropriate methods.

Weapon is an item increased danger, a product whose circulation in the country is strictly limited.

Improper use of weapons or violation of storage rules can lead to serious consequences. Not only do such actions result in criminal and administrative liability, but innocent people, including children, can suffer from weapons.

For whatever purpose a person owns a weapon: for hunting, personal self-defense or on duty, he is obliged to comply with the rules for storing hunting weapons and ammunition.

You can use weapons in the country only if you have a special permit to store and carry hunting weapons. Such documents are issued by the Center for Licensing and Permitting of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

You can't just get a gun license. To do this, you will need to collect a package of certain documents and undergo training.

A license cannot be issued to a person who simply does not know how to use a weapon. That is why a training process is carried out, at the end of which those wishing to obtain a weapons license pass a special exam.

When the license for shotguns and pistols expires, it must be renewed again with certification and training.

However, there are several types of weapons that can be stored by citizens without obtaining a special license. These include:

  • Products that are similar in appearance to the design of weapons;
  • Air rifles, pistols and shotguns that have a muzzle energy of no more than 3 J;
  • Signal pistols;
  • Revolvers with a caliber up to 6 mm, cartridges for them.

The validity period of a weapons license is 5 years.

In order to be given the treasured weapon, you will have to document your sanity. A positive medical report is the main requirement for obtaining a license.

The main legislative act regulating the acquisition, use and storage of hunting or other weapons is Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons”. It specifies the types of weapons, restrictions on their circulation and the basic rules for their operation.

According to the law on possession of weapons individuals and organizations, hunting weapons are classified as civilian weapons, along with self-defense weapons, sports weapons, signal weapons and bladed weapons.

In addition, this legal area regulated by others regulations, in particular:

  • Federal Law No. 99 – “On licensing individual species activities";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 814 - “On measures to regulate the circulation of weapons and ammunition for them”;
  • Order No. 13 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “On the rules for storing weapons”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 344 “On medical examination of citizens for issuing a weapons license”;
  • The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - liability for violation of the rules for storing and using weapons.

Current laws prohibit the possession of weapons found or transferred by others.

If you find any weapon or receive it without transfer of ownership, it is your civic duty to hand it over to any police station.

Weapons and ammunition must be stored at the place of residence of their owner. At the same time, he is obliged to provide such safe storage conditions that his weapons do not threaten or interfere with any unauthorized persons.

Safes are used as shelves for storing weapons. They can be of the following type:

  • Lockable metal cabinets;
  • Special safes with a secure lock;
  • Boxes made of high-strength materials;
  • Wooden, but iron-lined boxes.

Storage of weapons at the place of actual residence, and not registration, is permitted if the conditions for its storage are ensured. No strangers or neighbors should have access to your gun safe.

You must notify your local police officer of your temporary move.. As a rule, he either comes to check the storage conditions of weapons in new house, or asks to send him photographs of the safe when the move is made to another city.

According to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 288, citizens are required to store separately the following types weapons:

  • Cartridges must be stored in separate packages depending on their pyrotechnic compositions.
  • Powder.
  • Weapon.
  • Precious weapons.

When a citizen owns a whole collection of weapons, he is obliged to ensure that its safety is protected by an alarm system.

There are cases when technical reasons installation of a fire and security alarm is not possible in the designated premises.

In such a situation, the law requires storing weapons in a special cabinet, which must be attached to the wall. It is required to use at least 2 bolts with a thread of 16 mm or more.

The door of a room that is a weapon storage room must have a separate lock. It is advisable to install bars on the windows if it is not possible to install an alarm.

Fastening gun cabinets to walls ensures their high safety. It is almost impossible to take such boxes of weapons out of the house due to their weight and secure fastening.

The main requirement for a quality safe is a reliable lock. The use of safes without locks is considered unacceptable.

There are several types of locks:

  • Key – the use of one or more keyholes, the keys of which should not be in the public domain.
  • Mechanical - open after entering a code combination of numbers.
  • Electronic – locked using special magnetic keys or fingerprints.
  • Combined - use a combination of several types of locks.

The thickness of the safe walls should not be less than 2 mm.

The reliability of a gun safe includes two parameters: fire resistance and burglary resistance. The minimum risk of breaking into the safe is ensured by the most secure lock.

To reduce the likelihood of damage to weapons due to fire, you need to select safes made of special fire-resistant materials. Such safes can for a long time retain its contents even in severe fire conditions.

Inside the safe there should be special compartments for ammunition and reliable fastenings for securing weapons.

First of all, the size of the safes should not interfere with the opening of doors and windows, nor interfere with the free movement of other family members. Safes cannot be installed in children's rooms.

There are the following requirements for installing gun safes:

  • Boxes with cartridges should be located no closer than 1 meter to heating devices (heaters, tiles, pipes);
  • The safe should be located at a distance of 1.5 meters from the front door;
  • The safe should be located at a distance of 0.5 meters from the nearest window.

The best way to disguise a gun safe. It should be in full view of everyone who visits your apartment. It's great to hide it inside a closet or in the bathroom.

You should be attentive to the actions of police officers who check compliance with weapons storage rules. Often, district police officers come to check without warning at a time when the owner of the weapon is not at home.

Under the pretext of checking the license plates of weapons, employees ask one of the family members at home to open the safe.

According to the rules for storing weapons, none of them should have access to the safe and they also cannot know where the keys to it are.

Unlike citizens, who have no premises other than their own apartment, companies are required to store weapons in separate premises.

Weapons must also be kept in safes and special cabinets. The weapon must be unloaded with the trigger engaged. The cartridges are located separately from the weapon.

Legal entities are required to store weapons with tags on them indicating the series, model and name of the weapon.

It is imperative that those weapons that are accepted for safekeeping by citizens must be stored separately from weapons stored on the balance sheet of the company itself.

Loose cartridges must be kept exclusively in metal boxes under two secure locks.

The carrying and transportation of hunting or other weapons and ammunition are subject to even more stringent requirements than their storage.

The main restrictions are presented below:

In order to transport weapons, you must obtain a special permit valid for no more than 1 month.

The following types of weapons can be transported without a permit:

  • Not subject to registration;
  • Firearms for self-defense without the right to carry;
  • Hunting and sporting weapon when transporting to a hunting or competition site;
  • Which moves within the subject of the Russian Federation where it is registered.

Any violations of storing or carrying hunting or other types of weapons are strictly punished. Depending on the offense, both administrative and criminal liability may be applied.

Administrative responsibility

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation has several articles regulating the rules for handling weapons. Let's look at the most commonly used of them:

For carrying a weapon by a drunk person in 2019, a fine of up to 5,000 rubles is provided with confiscation of weapons and ammunition.

In the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, responsibility for the illegal acquisition and storage of weapons is enshrined in Art. 222. According to the article, such actions are a crime and involve the following types of punishment:

  • Restriction of freedom up to 3 years;
  • Forced labor for up to 4 months;
  • Arrest for six months;
  • Imprisonment for up to 4 years.

Six years in prison can be received for committing a crime by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, and 8 years for an organized crime group.

If a criminal voluntarily surrenders illegally acquired weapons, he may be released from criminal liability.

Hunting weapons are a type of civilian weapon and have similar acquisition and storage rules as weapons for self-defense.

Current legislation strictly regulates the rules for storing any weapons that pose a danger to society.

When obtaining a weapons license, it is necessary to understand the full responsibility of such ownership, possible risks and be prepared to bear responsibility for violating established legal norms.

Employees of the Center for Licensing and Permitting Work (CLRR) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia remind rules for storage and circulation of weapons:

  • weapons and ammunition belonging to citizens of the Russian Federation must be stored at the place of their residence in compliance with conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons, in locked safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes, upholstered iron;
  • storage of weapons and ammunition in places of temporary residence of citizens must be carried out in compliance with conditions that exclude access to weapons by unauthorized persons;
  • It is strictly forbidden to transfer weapons to strangers, and especially to children;
  • carrying hunting weapons is carried out on the basis of licenses or permits issued by internal affairs bodies in specially designated places (hunting grounds) during hunting. During the hunt, loading of weapons is carried out in the manner determined by the relevant rules;
  • Carrying self-defense weapons is permitted with the safety on only in a special holster, but not in bags, bags, or purses.

Wearing firearms by a person in a state of intoxication entails imposition administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles with confiscation of weapons and ammunition.

The liability for firing a weapon in places not designated for this purpose has been increased (on the street, in a park, square, etc.) - a fine of forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles with confiscation of weapons and ammunition. Committing an offense by a group of persons or by a person in a state of intoxication - a fine in the amount of fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles with confiscation of weapons and ammunition.

Police officers of the licensing and permitting department remind you that permits are valid for five years. It is the responsibility of the citizen to renew them in a timely manner.

To refresh your memory, read.

Storage, carrying and transportation of civilian weapons

The storage of civilian weapons and ammunition for them is permitted to citizens who have received permission from the internal affairs bodies to store or store and carry weapons.

If a citizen is not the owner of a firearm, the weapon is found by him or transferred to him, then the possession and use of this weapon is strictly prohibited. Such weapons must be immediately handed over to the internal affairs bodies, otherwise citizens will be subject to administrative or criminal liability.

Citizens are obliged to store weapons and ammunition at their place of residence, observing established requirements that ensure their safety, the safety of storing weapons and preventing access to them by unauthorized persons. Weapons must be stored in locked 1) safes, or 2) metal cabinets, or 3) boxes made of high-strength materials, or 4) wooden boxes lined with iron. The main difference between gun safes and metal gun cabinets is that they are more high degree security and price.

Internal affairs bodies at the place of residence of the owners have the right to check the storage conditions of weapons registered by them at least once a year.

In places of temporary stay (hotel, sanatorium, camping, tourist center, holiday home, etc.) storage is carried out in compliance with conditions that exclude access to weapons by unauthorized persons.

If the owner has a weapons collection, the room where the weapons are stored is equipped with a security and fire alarm, and the doorway is equipped with a metal entrance door with additional locks and a box.

The windows of the room (apartment) located on the first (last) floor of the building are additionally installed metal grill in the manner prescribed for weapons storage areas. If it is impossible to install an alarm system for technical reasons, cabinets and boxes for storing weapons are attached to one of the walls of the room with steel bolts (at least two) with a thread diameter of 16 mm or more. The above allows us to conclude that there is no need to further strengthen the safes.

Citizens carry weapons on the basis of licenses or permits issued by internal affairs bodies for the storage and carrying of specific types, types and models of weapons - during hunting, sporting events, training and shooting exercises.

It is prohibited to use technically faulty weapons and cartridges, as well as mechanical sprayers, aerosols and other devices filled with tear and irritant substances, the shelf life of which has expired, storage or use, except in cases of research work and testing or inspection technical condition weapons

When carrying weapons, citizens are required to have documents proving their identity (passport or service ID, military or hunting ID, etc.), as well as a license or permit issued by the internal affairs authorities to store and carry their weapons.

Owners of weapons and ammunition for their transportation across Russia receive a transportation permit from the licensing and permitting department at the place of registration.

Citizens transporting more than 5 units of weapons and 400 pieces of ammunition belonging to them are required to submit to the internal affairs body at the place where the weapons are registered an application and information about the weapons and ammunition, the transport used and the route of movement, as well as about the persons involved for security, in order to receive the appropriate permissions.

The validity period of the transportation permit is set based on the actual time required to deliver weapons and ammunition to their destination, but not more than one month.

Without permission from internal affairs bodies, weapons and ammunition are transported by citizens:

Within the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, whose internal affairs bodies have registered these weapons and cartridges;

Those who legally have sporting and hunting weapons, to participate in hunting and sporting events on the basis of permits from internal affairs bodies to store and carry weapons;

Those who legally own smooth-bore long-barreled firearms acquired for the purpose of self-defense without the right to carry;

Not subject to registration with internal affairs bodies.

Transportation of weapons belonging to citizens is carried out in cases, holsters or special cases.

for violating the rules for the circulation of civilian weapons

Administrative and criminal liability has been established for violation of the rules on the circulation of weapons.

In the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (CAO RF)

provides for liability for citizens for violating the rules for storing, carrying and destroying weapons and ammunition. An example of violation of the rules for storing weapons and ammunition, entailing administrative liability under Art. 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offences, may be, for example, the lack of necessary technical means security (metal cabinets, security alarms, etc.), storage of cartridges, black or smokeless powder in original packaging in excess of the permitted volume, storage of weapons outside the safe, etc. Carrying a weapon should mean having it in clothing or directly on the person’s body, as well as carrying it in a bag, briefcase, etc. subjects. Violation of the rules of carrying weapons may be expressed in the absence necessary documents(documents proving the identity of a citizen, and licenses or permits issued by internal affairs bodies to store or carry existing weapons), carrying weapons during rallies, street processions, demonstrations, picketing and other mass public events etc. Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 to 2000 rubles, or deprivation of the right to acquire and store or store and carry weapons for a period of 6 months to 1 year.

"Installation on civilian or service weapons of a device for silent shooting or sight ( sighting system) night vision" Article 20.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative responsibility for citizens for actions to install the above devices, regardless of their technical characteristics and whether they were used as intended or not. shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 2000 to 2500 rubles with confiscation of a device for silent shooting or a sight (sighting system) for night vision.

“Violation of the deadlines for registration (re-registration) of weapons or the deadlines for registering them” Article 20.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability for violation of the deadlines for registration (re-registration) of weapons purchased under licenses from the internal affairs bodies, as well as the deadlines for registering them with the internal affairs bodies when changing citizen of the place of residence. Weapons are subject to registration with the internal affairs agency at the place of residence within two weeks from the date of their acquisition. Re-registration of weapons is carried out one month before the expiration of the license or permit. When changing place of residence, the owner of a registered weapon is obliged to contact the internal affairs body with a request to remove the weapon from registration, indicating the address of the new place of residence. Upon arrival at a new place of residence, the owner of the weapon is obliged to register his weapon with the relevant internal affairs agency within 10 days. It should also be noted that citizens are liable only under Part 1 of Art. 20.11 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. entails warnings or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles

“Transfer of weapons, violation of the rules of transportation, transportation or use of weapons and ammunition for them” Article 20.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The offenses provided for in this article may be expressed in actions or inactions that violate the listed rules: the absence of the necessary seals and seals on the original packaging or special containers in which weapons and ammunition for them are transported; transporting weapons without security, when in accordance with the rules the presence of security is mandatory; transportation of black powder and products based on it in excess of the permissible weight, etc. In accordance with Art. 22 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 176-FZ "On Postal Services" in postal items, sent within the Russian Federation, firearms, signal, pneumatic, gas weapons, ammunition, edged weapons (including throwing weapons), electric shock devices and spark gaps, as well as main parts of firearms are prohibited for shipment. shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 1,500 to 3,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to acquire and store or store and carry weapons for a period of 1 to 2 years

“Firing weapons in places not designated for this purpose” Article 20.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This article provides for administrative liability for firing weapons in places not designated for this purpose (both within and outside settlements), as well as for shooting in designated places, but in violation established rules. The offense in question is expressed in the firing of a shot from all types of firearms, gas pistols and revolvers, from pneumatic, signal and other types of weapons intended for this purpose. Moreover, any of these types of weapons can be an instrument for committing an offense under this article, regardless of the method of its manufacture, as well as the legality of its possession by the offender. shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles with confiscation of weapons and ammunition for them, or deprivation of the right to purchase and store or store and carry weapons for a period of 1 to 3 years with confiscation of weapons and ammunition for them.




Gun safe - requirements for a gun safe for smoothbore weapons

The presence of weapons imposes certain obligations on a citizen. First of all, this concerns ensuring its safety, as well as preventing the possibility of the weapon falling into the wrong hands. This scenario could end tragic events, which will bring trouble to the owner of the weapon himself. Therefore, it is important to know how and where to store weapons.

When issuing or renewing a weapons license, the local inspector must check the owner’s home for compliance with the rules for storing weapons. To do this, you need to have a safe or cabinet for storing weapons. At the same time, there are rules for installing a gun safe that will ensure the safety of its storage. The basic requirements for a gun safe for smooth-bore weapons in 2019 are specified in Article 22 on the storage of civilian and service weapons, including cartridges for them. It states that weapons must be stored in conditions that prevent unauthorized persons from accessing them, ensuring the safety and security of storage.

Buy a gun safe

Shop of gun safes and cabinets SafeGun.ru

You can purchase a gun safe or cabinet that fully complies with all the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the specialized store SafeGun.ru. You can also order installation if you don’t have the desire or ability to do it yourself.

Requirements for a gun safe

When purchasing, it is important not only how much a gun safe costs, but also a number of other parameters. For example, this is the size of the safe for storing weapons, the thickness of the walls, its group, type and purpose. You can study all the requirements for such safes using GOST R 50862-96.

Safes are divided into groups:

1. burglar-resistant;

2. fire resistant.

By purpose and type gun safes can be differentiated into:

1. furniture;

2. built-in;

3. for pistols and long-barreled weapons.

The following requirements apply to a gun safe:

1. a metal cabinet that has two lockable locks. The cabinet must have a wall thickness of at least 2 mm;

2. the second safe is selected for cartridges; it must have a wall thickness of at least 3 mm;

3. Inside the safe there must be a compartment for cartridges, which is locked with a separate lock; it must have a wall thickness of 3 mm.

When choosing a safe, it is also extremely important to pay attention to the quality of the locks.

Installation of gun safes

After purchasing a safe, you need to take care of its installation, which will ensure the safety of storing weapons. The fastening of the safe is regulated by GOST number P 50862-2005.

1. In most cases, wedge anchors or anchor bolts are used to secure safes.

2. Holes for fasteners are most often located on the bottom or rear wall. Sometimes it may be necessary to use additional fasteners.

According to Russian legislation, cabinets (pistol safes) and gun safes must be attached to the floor or wall. Safes for the home, which are called furniture safes, must be secured, regardless of where they are mounted.

At the same time, private individuals are allowed to purchase an inexpensive weapons cabinet with one lock, to which access by unauthorized persons is limited. For legal entities, the conditions for purchasing a safe are much stricter. Therefore, organizations need to pay attention to this appendix to Order No. 288.

Requirements for a hunting safe

Requirements for a safe for storing hunting weapons include:

1. presence of two locks;

2. cabinet wall thickness is at least 2 mm;

3. the presence of an additional metal box intended for ammunition. It must have a wall thickness of at least 3 mm, and also be closed with 2 locks;

4. It is allowed to store weapons and ammunition in the same safe. There should be a separately locked section, which has reinforced walls more than 3 mm thick;

5. trunks must be stored in a vertical position;

6. there must be a holder for weapons in the safe to secure it;

7. A stock (plastic, felt or wood) with recesses for storing butts is mounted at the bottom.

When selecting a safe for storing hunting weapons, you must take into account the dimensions. The dimensions of a safe for storing hunting weapons should be slightly larger than the gun itself. The first thing to consider is the interior space of the safe.

Types of gun safes

Types of gun safes:

1. pistol (for short-barreled, traumatic weapons).

2. weapons (for shotguns, rifles, carbines).

Key Features safes:

1. capacity;

2. burglary resistance (H0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

3. type of locks (key and combination). Combination locks can be mechanical, electronic, biometric or a combination.

Safe characteristics

The main requirements for high-quality safes are excellent burglary resistance, fire resistance and capacity. To store weapons, you can purchase ready-made or custom-made ones.

An important parameter is the fire resistance of the safe. The high fire resistance of the metal box will ensure the safety of the weapon in the event of a fire. Therefore, it is recommended to select durable cabinets that are coated with fire-resistant compounds. At the same time, fireproof safes are less burglary resistant. Gun owners who are concerned about theft are advised to take a closer look at hybrid safes. Although hybrid safes are more expensive, they provide the most reliable protection for weapons, ensuring their inaccessibility and safety.

Safe interior

The weapon storage must have all the necessary elements:

1. the safe must have compartments for ammunition;

2. there must be devices that ensure fixation in a stationary position. These elements can be made of wood, steel or plastic.

At the bottom of the cabinet there should be a bed made of wood, plastic or felt. In the recess of such a bed there will be a butt of a weapon.

The interior of the safe should in the best possible way adapt the internal space to the needs of the weapon owner. Therefore, the following can be arranged here:

1. vertical partitions;

2. removable supports.

3. additional pockets and hooks, which make it possible to conveniently store devices used to care for weapons.

Features of placement of safes

1. Safes should not interfere with the opening of room doors.

2. Be at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the front door;

3. Be at a distance of at least 0.5 m from window openings.