Love can work miracles: create peace, start a war, change the course of history. On the eve of Valentine's Day, we decided to remember a few famous couples, whose love left a deep imprint on world history.

Mark Antony and Cleopatra

Novel Mark Antony And Cleopatra lasted 10 years. Initially, the Roman military leader wanted to accuse the queen of Egypt of complicity in the murder of Julius Caesar and demanded that she come to him for an answer. Cleopatra, in turn, appeared to Mark Antony in the guise of Aphrodite: the stern of her ship was gilded, the rowers had sparkling silver oars in their hands, and a trail of incense trailed behind the ship. The Roman was struck by the queen's beauty. Some historians are trying to find a political motive in this union. Mark Antony needed the help of the Egyptian army in his campaigns, and Cleopatra pursued her own interests. But be that as it may, the lovers had 3 children. And when the conspirators informed Mark Antony about the alleged death of the Egyptian queen, he committed suicide out of despair. Cleopatra, after some time, followed him. Although this love story had a tragic ending, it inspired many artists to create beautiful works and films dedicated to Mark Antony and Cleopatra.

John Adams and Abigail Smith

Second President of the United States of America John Adams and his wife Abigail Smith were second cousins. Naturally, they knew each other, but John Adams paid attention to the girl only when she turned 17 years old. The future president was struck not only by Abigail’s sweet appearance, but also by her extraordinary erudition. On the way to political Olympus, Abigail very often helped her husband, who, in turn, wrote her endless declarations of love in letters. More than 1000 messages have survived to today. The president's wife influenced the formation of that society no less than her husband. They lived in happy marriage about half a century.

Maria Sklodowska and Pierre Curie

“Union of love and science” - this is how one can characterize the relationship Maria Sklodowska And Pierre Curie. The future spouses met at the Sorbonne (it was there that Maria studied, since women were not allowed into other universities). The couple was engaged co-parenting daughters and also scientific discoveries. In 1903 they shared Nobel Prize in physics. After the tragic murder of her husband, Marie Skłodowska-Curie took his place at the Sorbonne and became the first female professor at the university. In 1911 she received a second Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Richard Loving and Mildred Jeter

Love story Richard Loving and dark-skinned Mildred Jeter full of sadness and indignation. They fell in love as teenagers. They had the misfortune of growing up in Virginia, which banned interracial marriage. In 1958, the star-crossed lovers married out of state in Washington, but when they returned home they were immediately taken into custody and sentenced to 1 year in prison and a 25-year ban from the state. At the trial, Richard Loving only said in his defense that he simply loved his wife, no matter what. This trial subsequently greatly contributed to equality between people with different colors leather in America.
In biographies of domestic famous personalities can also be found amazing stories love. So do
whom he called his "muse".

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They did not seem, but were ideal couples in which one respected the other and supported difficult situations. Some of them have already become history, others are still in the prime of their lives and careers, in any case, website I'm sure there is a lot to learn from them.

Federico Fellini and Giulietta Masina

The great Italian director and his muse met on the set and got married two weeks after the meeting. Juliet was Federico's assistant and ally all her life. God did not give them children, but, as they themselves said, their children were Fellini’s films, which to this day are a treasure of Italy and classics of world cinema.

She, despite the offers, starred only in his films, and he always listened to her advice. The love of Federico and Juliet lasted 50 years and one day, ending only with the death of Fellini.

Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward

“A happy marriage doesn’t just happen, it has to be created,” Paul wrote to his fiancée Joan before their wedding. And they managed to create one of the most strong couples in the history of world cinema.

Newman and Woodward met on the set when they were already successful Oscar-winning actors. Their marriage was tested by fame, the death of their son, and career failures. When directors began to refuse Joan, Paul mastered this profession for her sake and made several films with his wife’s participation.

They lived together for 50 years. Paul remained faithful to his wife until the end of his days, jokingly explaining that there was no need to run for hamburgers if there was a prime steak waiting at home.

Lyubov Orlova and Grigory Alexandrov

Another union of a director and an actress, a union of two geniuses and idols of their era. They met on the set of the musical comedy “Jolly Fellows” and have not separated since then. Their marriage is for Soviet people was the standard.

For all the time, there was not a single gossip or rumor about a scandal, they addressed each other as “you” all their lives, Aleksandrov filmed Orlova in all his films as the main romantic heroine, but at the same time she did not have a single kissing scene.

They say Lyubov Orlova for all of them long life I didn’t allow myself to appear in front of my husband without my hair and in a robe. They were together for 42 years; after Orlova’s death, Alexandrov lived another 8 years, managing to film documentary about his beloved wife and muse.

Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti

An experienced film producer, Carlo taught Sophie a lot: he got rid of the Neapolitan accent, instilled the ability to dress and do makeup, came up with the pseudonym Lauren instead of the surname Scicolone, and looked for the first roles for her, then still unknown.

Sophia Loren became a world star and a symbol of Italy largely thanks to loving husband, who was always there.

They lived together for almost 50 years. Carlo passed away in 2007, seven months before their golden wedding.

Iman and David Bowie

A cult musician and a supermodel - they were called the most stylish couple of the 20th century. Cynical rocker Bowie did not believe in love until he met Iman, the woman of his dreams.

They met at the birthday party of a common hairdresser and from the first meeting they realized that they had found each other. Their relationship was easy and happy. David and Iman have never ceased to amaze and delight each other over the course of 24 years. life together.

David recently passed away, he died after a difficult battle with cancer surrounded by loving wife and children.

Maya Plisetskaya and Rodion Shchedrin

They met at an evening at Lily Brik's (the same fatal love Mayakovsky). Great ballerina and the composer were similar not only internally, but also externally - they were often called brother and sister.

They drew inspiration from each other and admired each other. In 50 years of marriage, there was not a single quarrel between Plisetskaya and Shchedrin.

Maya Mikhailovna passed away on May 2, 2015. As Rodion Konstantinovich said in an interview after the death of his wife: “I always told her that she was from another planet, perhaps now she has flown back.”

Jeff Bridges and Susan Gaston

They were recognized as one of the most perfect couples Hollywood. Jeff and Susan met more than 40 years ago on the set of Rancho Deluxe, where Susan was a waitress serving the crew's lunches. Bridges was captivated by her figure and grace.

The couple considers the main secret of their long-lasting happiness to be the ability to adapt and understand each other.

Robert Rozhdestvensky and Alla Kireeva

Alla and Robert with their daughter Ekaterina

An outstanding poet of the 20th century, a man of the era, Robert Rozhdestvensky loved one woman all his life - his wife Alla Kireeva. They met at the Literary Institute and lived together for 41 years until Robert's death in 1994.

Together they survived lack of money and life in a communal apartment, remaining attentive and tender to each other. Robert dedicated poems to Alla and declared his love every day.

Their daughter, already an adult, found a note that Alla once wrote to her husband: “Robochka, if you get up before me, wake me up, I’ll cook porridge for you.”

Keith Richards and Patti Hansen

Keith Richards, the legendary guitarist of the Rolling Stones, traded sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll for... family life with model Patti Hansen.

They met at the Studio 54 club and got married a short time later, with Mick Jagger as best man at their wedding.

Patti accompanied Keith on all his tours, creating comfort, and gave him two children. He wrote songs and poems to her, helped her survive cancer, without leaving her bed for days. Patty says Keith saved her. It was his love that gave her strength and desire to live.

Sean Connery and Micheline Roquebrune

Unlike his hero, the heartthrob James Bond, Sir Sean Connery has been faithful to one woman for 35 years - his wife, the French artist Micheline Roquebrune.

Connery still admires his wife and considers her unique. The basis of their relationship is trust. According to Sean, Micheline never asked him during their entire life together where he went and where he came back from.

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell

One of the strongest couples in Hollywood. It seems they were made for each other. Goldie and Kurt, even after 30 years of marriage, glow with happiness and treat each other with youthful love.

Kate was captivated by Andrew's inner charm. As the actress admits, Upton makes her truly happy; with him you can come up with and bring to life the most daring creative ideas.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick

Sarah and Matthew met at a New York party and, as they themselves say, it was love at first sight. Broderick was charmed by his future wife's sense of humor and spontaneity.

They helped each other get out of depression after a previous failed relationship and believe in true love. The marriage of Sarah and Matthew is one of the strongest and happiest in modern Hollywood. They support each other both in raising children and at the premieres of their films.

Romance between famous producer began when the actress was 19 years old. But their acquaintance took place even earlier - Ponti noticed a young girl at a beauty contest three years earlier, adding: “You have a very interesting face.” Who would have thought that this would result in one of the most enduring celebrity marriages?

Their relationship, 22 years apart, at first resembled modern history Pygmalion: the eminent maestro tried with all his might to “blind” a young provincial girl into a secular lady - he forced her to study foreign languages, hired teachers in etiquette and art history. Of course, his efforts paid off in spades: and, as expected, he fell madly in love. Especially for the sake of Lauren (her pseudonym, by the way, is also the result of Ponti’s imagination), the producer divorced his wife, which in Italy at that time was considered absolutely not comme-il-faut. The couple lived together until the death of Carlo Ponti in 2007.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik

One of the most controversial couples of the 20th century, and the most tragic. It all started back in 1915, when his beloved Elsa, Lily’s sister, introduced the poet to the Brik family. After reading his signature “Clouds in Pants,” Mayakovsky immediately fell before Lily’s spell. One of the most touching gifts presented by the poet to his beloved was a ring engraved with Lily’s initials: L.Y.B., which, when rotated in a circle, formed an endless “love.”

Osip with Lilya Brik and Mayakovsky

Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik

The couple also irrevocably fell in love with the poet and accepted him into their family - and in the most literal sense. Everyone was gossiping about their trio, who lived in the same apartment. It’s hard to imagine that under Soviet morality this would have been acceptable. But, as they say, creative people have their own world, and in addition, the poet was among Stalin’s favorites. Lilya played important role in the works of Mayakovsky: inspired by unhappy love, he wrote perhaps the most masterpiece poems. Although the poet died early, their love remained to live after them, in his immortal creations. “Instead of Writing” is one of the most indestructible poetic monuments of the last century.

Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori

53 years together - are there many couples in the world who can break the record of the most famous Italian couple? But when they met on the set of the film “A Very Strange Guy,” there was no chemistry between the actors. Yes, the actress was not at all impressed by the shocking Adriano, the idol of millions of girls around the world. However, the temperamental Italian decided not to give up and tried in every possible way to attract Mori's attention. The actress thawed out only after a public declaration of love, which Celentano dedicated to her at his concert. After a short time, the lovers got engaged.

What is the secret of their happiness? married life? Italian cheerfulness, family values, the ability to forgive? Perhaps all at once. As Mori says: “I have never met anyone more interesting than Celentano in my life...” Now the couple lives near Milan, they have three children.

Iman and David Bowie

Could a romance between a rock star and a model turn into something more? Of course - this has been proven by example Iman and David Bowie. Both had not the most successful relationships behind them: Bowie divorced scandalous party girl Angela Barnett, and Iman barely recovered from her second marriage to a basketball player who was addicted to drugs. But having met the model at a charity event, Bowie admitted that it was love at first sight. On their first date, the rock singer invited her... to drink tea, even though he himself had been drinking exclusively coffee all his life. And they say that stars are not shy.

The couple got engaged in Florence and lived together until David's death in 2016. Iman raises them common daughter, Lexi. In an interview, David Bowie remarked: “You probably think that being a rock idol married to a supermodel is the best thing that can happen in life? In principle, that’s how it is.”

Maya Plisetskaya and Rodion Shchedrin

The Bolshoi Theater prima and the composer met while visiting Lily Brik. At that time, Maya was 29, he was 22. However, they began dating only three years after the fateful meeting. How can you fall in love with a ballerina? Of course, seeing her on stage is exactly what happened with Shchedrin and Plisetskaya. Many were condescending towards the marriage of the creative couple, but as they say, he who laughs last laughs.

The lovers lived together for 57 years, until Plisetskaya’s death in 2015. The ballerina herself said that she did not believe in special secrets of family happiness: “Rodion and I simply coincided.” The couple did not have children, it was a conscious decision - the ballerina did not want to spoil her figure, and for the sake of love, Shchedrin agreed.

Federico Fellini and Giulietta Masina

The couple, who lived together for fifty years and one day, first met on the set of Cicco and Pallina. The meeting turned out to be fatal: two weeks later the lovers got married. However, in order to maintain all decency, the wedding ceremony had to be postponed for six months. After marriage, the actress turned from Julia Anna to Juliet, at the whim of her husband.

Like the Shchedrin-Plisetskaya couple, the marriage of the great Italian director and his wife was childless. The actress really wanted to have children, but, alas, after a miscarriage and the rapid death of her first child, she could no longer do so. “If a childless couple does not break up, this means that the connection is really strong,” the maestro once said, and he turned out to be right.

Despite this, their “children” became unique masterpieces of cinema. One of them - " Sweet life“By the way, this is largely due to Mazina. It was she who made her husband pay attention to his former colleague, Marcello Mastroianni, who later played the main role in it.

Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna

Contrary to the plot of last year's acclaimed film "Matilda", the love story of the last Russian Tsar and his wife was completely different. Nikolay saw for the first time future wife, in 1889, when he was 20. Three years later, he already wrote in his diary:

“I dream of someday marrying Alix G. I have loved her for a long time, but especially deeply and strongly since 1889, when she spent 6 weeks in St. Petersburg. All this time I didn’t believe my feeling, I didn’t believe that my cherished dream may come true"...

Moreover, the young king defended his feelings, because his parents predicted for him a completely different bride - Elena Louise Henrietta, daughter of the Count of Paris. As a result, fate decreed in favor of Nikolai, and the lovers got married. Their marriage produced five children. Until the very last days lives, sadly cut short in 1918, they sent each other tender letters with declarations of love.

On July 8th we celebrate the Day of Remembrance of Peter and Fevronia, which is the Russian version of Valentine's Day. On this day we decided to remember the 7 most striking love stories and couples in love in the Russian tradition.

As one great Englishman assured, lovers promise more than they can deliver, but do not even do what is possible. This statement is challenged by numerous examples, some of which, however, are not entirely real, but this does not make them any less indicative.

Ivan and Vasilisa

For obvious reasons, love between these fairy-tale heroes did not arise immediately, because, as we know, Vasilisa the Wise skillfully disguised herself as a frog. However, Ivan, acting on the principle “the boy said, the boy did,” as he promised, married an amphibian, for which he was rewarded: she sewed a shirt for Tsar Vasily better than anyone else, and baked the most delicious loaf, and at the reception “the frog in box" appeared spectacularly. And how she danced in front of the king... well, you remember, to the right there is a lake, to the left there are swans. If Ivan had not burned her frog skin, the story would have ended very quickly, and we would not have known what the Tsarevich was capable of for the sake of such a woman. Negotiating with Baba Yaga and killing Koshchei the Immortal means you can’t shoot with a bow anywhere. However, as expected, good triumphed, and the main characters lived not only long, but also happily ever after.

Peter and Fevronia of Murom

The legend of these lovers is especially often remembered in Lately July 8th, when Russia celebrates Family Day. They met when Peter was overcome by leprosy, and Fevronia, the daughter of a simple beekeeper, was able to heal him. At the same time, the prince saw his deliverance from the misfortune in a dream, and when Fevronia appeared before him in person, he completely lost his mind, fell in love with her, as they say, at first sight and, without thinking twice, got married. Following the classic canons of the genre, those around him were not delighted with his choice. Of course, a commoner and straight into a princess! The boyars tried to persuade the prince to change his decision, and when he refused, they drove the lovers away. True, all residents of Murom had to answer for the action of the boyars. Fearing the wrath of God, the couple was returned to the city. Peter and Fevronia carried their love and loyalty throughout their lives. They died on the same day. At the same time, despite their will to be buried in one coffin, they tried to bury them three times in different ones, but each time the bodies ended up together.

Evgeniy and Tatiana

This story is more about a temporary mismatch of feelings, and perhaps about circumstances that sometimes prevent one from reciprocating love. Let's remember. Tatyana writes a letter to Onegin, where she confesses her feelings. Such a bold act of a young lady of that time remains practically unnoticed by the “London dandy”, or better yet, noticed, but inadequately appreciated. Evgeniy “sees the light” too late: Tatyana is already married, and she cannot even think about any love for another man other than her husband. She's not Anna Karenina, after all! There can be only one conclusion: everything must be done on time. It’s not enough to fall in love; sometimes you have to discern true love, no matter how trivial it may sound, admit your feelings and be able to preserve them throughout your life.

Ivan and Anastasia

Ivan the Terrible was married 8 times during his life, but he lived only with his first wife for 10 years, the rest died every 3-5 years. First wife and, it seems, only love Ivan the Great became Anastasia Romanovna, who was chosen by the Tsar from huge amount contenders for his hand and... treasury. The queen was a real beauty: petite, with regular facial features and long dark hair. luxurious hair. In this marriage, Grozny had 6 children, but only two survived, and one of the princes was drowned by an unlucky nanny. The queen died before she was 30 years old. At the funeral, Grozny sobbed and, according to an eyewitness, “could barely stand on his feet.” Throughout his subsequent life, he remembered Anastasia with love and regret. By the way, the tsar believed that the queen did not die a natural death, but was poisoned by the boyars and princes, who believed that she had too much strong influence on the king. There was undoubtedly an influence, but it consisted of instructing Ivan the Terrible to do good deeds.

Boris and Veronica

One of the most touching stories love is told in the only Soviet film that won the main prize at Cannes - “The Cranes Are Flying.” A story about a huge and all-conquering love, preserved somewhere in the depths of the heart, which a person is capable of carrying, despite all the mistakes he has made and the trials that have befallen him. Boris and Veronica love each other, dream of a wedding, but their plans are disrupted by the war. Boris goes to the front, and Veronica... However, if you don’t know this story, it’s worth watching. It is capable of evoking a sea of ​​contradictory emotions and will certainly touch the most delicate strings of the soul of every person, because in it there is a place for love, separation, betrayal, the bitterness of loss, but most importantly - hope.

Vladimir and Sophia

The Krukovsky sisters, one of whom later became the outstanding mathematician Sofia Kovalevskaya, passionately wanted to study at the gymnasium. The only problem was that unmarried girls were denied access to knowledge. The resourceful young ladies decided to urgently find the suitors and enter into a fictitious marriage. The first candidate for "grooms" for older sister Anna was chosen as a man of progressive views, book publisher Vladimir Kovalevsky. On one of the romantic dates, he told the “bride” that he wasn’t even against getting married, but only with... Sophia. They played a wedding. Then the newlyweds left for Germany, where they lived not only in separate rooms, but in different cities. But after a few years, the fictitious marriage turned into a very real one - baby Sonya, or Fufa (that was her name in the family circle), was born into the family. Kovalevskaya was passionately jealous of her husband. She was constantly tormented by the thought that science stood between her and the person to whom her heart should belong undividedly. As a result, the “Princess of Science” preferred mathematics, and the couple separated. Kovalevskaya's husband committed suicide. The official version is financial troubles.

Sergei and Ekaterina

Ekaterina Trubetskaya was the first of the Decembrist wives to follow her husband to Siberia. The princess did not take advantage of the right granted by Nicholas I to divorce her husband, who became a state criminal. At the age of 23, she decided to share the fate of her beloved. When a carriage breaks down in Krasnoyarsk and the guide falls ill, she transfers to a tarantass and continues the journey alone. The Irkutsk governor demands the repeated renunciation of all rights, privileges and titles, reminds of the promised restrictions on movement, correspondence, renunciation of property and relatives, including children. It is frightening that all children born in Siberia will be classified as state peasants. The princess signs the papers in the same way as in Moscow - without reading. The governor uses the last argument, which, in his opinion, is capable of leaving the princess: that she will have to continue her further path together with the criminals. The princess agrees to this too. She does not stop for the night, does not have lunch, snacking on a piece of bread and drinking a glass of tea. And so, day after day, for several months, through a blizzard, in severe frosts, she rushes in her wagon towards her beloved. When, through a crack in the prison fence, she sees her husband in shackles, in a dirty sheepskin coat, ragged and dirty, she faints. Perhaps her first thought when she regained consciousness was the conviction that now nothing could separate them.

Do you believe in true love? Love at first sight? Do you believe that love can last for centuries? There are many love stories that are considered immortal. Here are some of them. If anyone has anything to add, you are welcome!!!

Romeo and Juliet

These are probably the most famous lovers in the world. And although their love story was written by Shakespeare, they are an example of real feelings.

Cleopatra and Mark Antony

This story is one of the most memorable and intriguing. Their relationship is the truest test of love. Their love was at first sight. And despite all the threats, they got married. Anthony, having received false message about the death of Cleopatra, commits suicide, and after him, Cleopatra did the same.

Launcelot and Guinevere

This tragic story love is the most famous among all the legends of King Arthur. Launcelot fell in love with King Arthur's wife, and very soon they became lovers. When they were caught together, Launcelot managed to escape, but Guinevere was caught and sentenced to execution. Launcelot, who decided to save his beloved by his action, divided the knights into two camps and Arthur’s kingdom weakened. As a result, Launcelot became a hermit, and Guinevere a nun.

Trista and Isolde

This love story has been rewritten many times. Isolde, being the wife of King Mark, was Tristan's mistress. Having learned about this, Mark forgave Isolde, but he exiled Tristan from Cornwall forever.

Tristan went to Brittany and met a woman who looked like his beloved. The marriage was not happy, since his wife could not replace his Isolde. He fell ill and decided to send for Isolde. He agreed with the captain of the ship that, with her consent, he would put white sails on the ship, and if not, then black ones.

Tristan's wife told him that the sails on the ship were black and he died of grief. And when Isolde, who was on the ship, found out about his death, she died of a broken heart.

Paris and Helen

This love story is a Greek legend. But it is only half fiction. After Troy was destroyed, Helen was returned to Sparta and lived her life happily with Menelaus.

Napoleon and Josephine

Napoleon married Josephine at the age of 26. It was a marriage of convenience. But over time, he fell in love with her, and she with him. But that didn't stop them from cheating. But still they separated, since Josephine could not give birth to an heir to Napoleon. Until their last breath, they kept love and passion for each other.

Odysseus and Penelope

It was this Greek couple who understood the essence of sacrifice in a relationship. After they were separated, Penelope waited for Odysseus for 20 long years. Real love worth the wait.