For many Christians, holy water is considered one of the main shrines, and therefore they treat it with favor. But some people don't even know: how to use holy water?

Water is blessed in churches and reservoirs. The priest can bless the water at any time by reading the necessary prayers over it.

In contact with

What prayer rule is said before taking holy water?

As a rule, there is a certain prayer before taking water and it is found in all Orthodox prayer books.

In some cases, water is drunk separately, then the word “prosphora” is not used in prayer.

Before reading the prayer before taking holy water, you must cross yourself, concentrate on the prayer, and after it is read, you must cross yourself again and drink the water. Next you should thank the Lord.

Scientific explanation of the healing properties of holy water

Exists a large number of opinion on why holy water is healing and does not spoil a long period time. Scientists who have conducted research in this area say that the main healing properties of water depend on the fact that it is treated with silver. During the blessing of water, a silver cross is immersed in the font.

Silver has long been known to kill pathogenic bacteria, and when it comes into contact with water, an antibacterial silver treatment occurs.

Despite their scientific research, scientists have a number of unexplained factors. For example, why the electromagnetic field of water differs from the field of plain water, and scientists also could not find an answer to the question of why holy water is stored for so long and does not spoil.

Holy water bathing procedure

Before washing with holy water, you should first wash with plain water and cleanse your skin with soap. According to church canons, holy water must come into contact with a clean body. Even a drop of holy water added to a vessel makes it illuminated.

Physicists have proven that thanks to the changing structure of water molecules, a drop can change the composition of ordinary water. As a rule, a sponge is used for ablution; it is dipped into a vessel and wiped off the face and neck, while the water will flow down in streams.

During this procedure, morning prayers are read. It is also worth moistening your eyes with holy water, as this procedure has a healing effect. If a person has various injuries or bruises on his body, then this part of the body is also included in the morning wash. After washing, dry your face with a clean cloth or towel.

How to properly use consecrated water?

Many priests advise drinking such water on an empty stomach, as it can sanctify the entire body. After the holy water has been drunk, you can eat the prosphora and pray at the same time. If a person has mental illness, then in this case water must be drunk around the clock.

The priests say that this water should be drunk from a teaspoon or from a glass on which the temple is depicted. You can even use an ordinary glass, if no alcoholic beverages were consumed from it.

Take into account: You cannot drink water from the vessel in which it is located, otherwise it will be a violation of the holy canons.

How to recycle old holy water?

Priests advise not to make huge reserves of holy water, but if this happens, then you should either water your indoor flowers or bring them to the temple. As a rule, the temple has a dry well into which ashes are poured out and water is poured out.

This procedure should only be done with the permission of a clergyman.

Is it worth boiling blessed water?

Some believers ask whether it is necessary to boil holy water, as priests claim, That is unnecessary, since during the year the water does not deteriorate at all, has antibacterial properties and destroys all microorganisms harmful to health.

Is it possible to drink holy water daily?

According to the canons of Orthodoxy, holy water can be consumed every day, but drink it little by little and on an empty stomach so that it can cleanse the body of negativity.

Is it permissible for women to drink consecrated water if they are menstruating?

In accordance with church rules When a woman is unclean, she should not accept consecrated water and consume prosphora, receive communion, and she should not touch shrines.

Is it allowed in Orthodoxy to give blessed water to animals?

Orthodox Christians who read the Holy Scriptures know that animals should not be allowed to touch sacred objects, and therefore they are not allowed to drink such water.

What to do if the blessed water disappears or has a foul odor?

If he is a Christian and sees that his baptismal or blessed water has disappeared, i.e. turns green or has a foul odor (this may be due to constant scandals in the house, as well as a person’s incorrect attitude towards shrines), in these cases it is recommended to invite a priest to the house and illuminate it.

How to properly preserve holy water at home?

At home, blessed water is placed next to or behind icons. You can also put it in a certain cabinet where church supplies are located.

Some empty a special shelf and place an icon next to the water. Do not place water in the refrigerator or place it next to food.

Is it a violation to wash an unbaptized child with blessed water?

In the canons Orthodox Church it is said that you can wash an unbaptized child with holy water, but on the condition that it will then be poured into an untrodden place, but it cannot be poured into the sewer.


You should take holy water baptized people on an empty stomach, in the morning or in the evening - just before bedtime. If the illness has severely constricted the patient, it is not forbidden to take holy water in unlimited quantities, regardless of food intake, and also to sprinkle it on the entire body or sore spot. You should know that even if the patient is prescribed medications on an empty stomach, they should be taken only after drinking holy water.

After drinking holy water, it is necessary to pray for healing (only sick people should read this prayer). Healthy people after this, you should read a prayer for accepting the prosphora and holy water.

Holy water should be taken in small sips at a time. You should know that it must be drunk in three sips.

Ordinary believers need to take holy water daily in the morning by eating a piece of prosphora and, as mentioned above, reading a prayer for accepting the prosphora and holy water. This is how everyone should start new day a believing Christian.

Holy water can be added to ordinary tap water, and then it is believed that all the water is clarified, becomes holy, and acquires healing, beneficial properties. You can drink it and cook food from it.

Daily intake of holy water helps to cure not only skin diseases or stomach diseases, it also allows you to get rid of spiritual ailments. It is taken for cardiac arrhythmia, with increased thyroid gland, for migraines, toothaches, earaches and many other ailments. Holy water can only be stored when room temperature at the icon or behind it.

Holy water has healing properties, it is believed that it helps with various diseases and misfortunes. Someone can deny this fact, that is their right. But any Orthodox person should know where to get holy water and when to take it.


When there is misfortune in a family, in desperation people immediately want to go to church, pray and draw holy water. There is no need to argue with your soul's call. In any temple you can easily collect holy water, just take an empty container with you. Some churches are already selling containers with a sticker on which a prayer is indicated before receiving holy water and prosphora. Remember that you are not alone, and you should not pour five to ten liters of water at a time. It is recommended to take no more than 0.5 liters at one time.

Water collected on the Christian holiday of Epiphany, which is celebrated on January 19, has special healing powers. It is believed that this water drives out unclean spirits, cleanses the soul of sinners, and relieves depression and despondency. Pick up a bottle of water at the temple on January 19th. Holy water is blessed with silver and can be stored for a long time, without spoiling at all. To avoid standing in a long line on this holy holiday, you can receive healing liquid without leaving your home. At midnight from January 18th to 19th, holy water, sanctified by God himself, flows from the tap. You can also take a shower in your apartment at this time; those who are especially brave can dive into the ice hole.

If you want to collect holy water in any certain place, for example, at the grave of some saint, then go on a pilgrimage trip. You can check schedules and travel options at most temples. During the tour, you will visit the cemetery where the saint is buried, swim in the spring and collect holy water, which you can also keep for many years.

Best take holy a small amount of water on an empty stomach or add one drop to a glass of water. The power of the healing drink can sanctify any large volume of water with just one drop. Before accepting, pray, cross yourself and reverently accept the gift you have received.

Irina, Moscow

How to use holy water?

Every year there is same question: how to use holy water correctly? How to properly bless a home, is it possible to drink? Epiphany water after eating and how to properly dilute it with ordinary water if the holy water runs out? Save Christ.

After the blessing of water, every Christian, upon arriving home, must stand before the holy icons, praying three bows with prayer “God, be merciful...”, then says: “For the prayers of our holy Fathers...”, “The Trisagion and Our Father” and a prayer to Jesus. Then, with the singing of the troparion “In the Jordan they are baptized, O Lord, Trinity worship has appeared. Your parents' voice bears witness to You, calling Your beloved Son. And the Spirit in the vision of the dove informed your words of affirmation. You have appeared, O Christ God, and the world has been enlightened, glory to You." sprinkling the entire house.

The Great Agiasma, which is consecrated once on January 5/18, must be drunk by every Christian, regardless of his sins (including, for example, smokers who ate on this day) within 3 hours after consecration. Next, you need to consecrate all the objects in your house, barn and other places. Even “stingy places” are sprinkled with this water, i.e. toilets, barnyards, etc. If someone does not have time to get home within 3 hours, then, as an exception, he has the right to perform the above sacred rites within one hour after arriving home. After the specified time, the Great Water must be kept with great reverence. If it is accidentally spilled, this place, just like when Communion is spilled, is burned out or cut down and placed in “impassable places.”

IN Everyday life Orthodox Christian Holy water of minor consecration is used with prayer on an empty stomach or after eating prosphora, in small quantities, as well as for the consecration of dishes and other objects. Although it is advisable - out of reverence for the shrine - to take Epiphany water on an empty stomach, but for a special need for God's help - in case of illnesses or attacks evil forces- You can and should drink it without hesitation, at any time.

Holy water is a church shrine, which has been touched by the grace of God and which requires a reverent attitude towards itself. It should be stored in a separate place, preferably next to the home iconostasis. It is not advisable to store holy water for a long time in a plastic container. In any case, old labels from soda, alcohol, or the like are not allowed on bottles. It is pious to stick a special note stating that holy water is stored in the vessel.

If necessary, holy water can always be “diluted” with fresh water, with the singing of the troparion “They are baptized in the Jordan, O Lord...”. At the same time, you should remember that you need to pour the blessed water into the plain water in a cross shape, and not vice versa.

In nature there is a well-known and surprising substance - water. It is she who can carry both destruction and healing. There are many legends and tales about this, according to which the extraordinary power of this life-giving moisture works wonders. Is it really?

The miraculous properties of holy water

Its cleansing and medicinal properties water is acquired exclusively at certain times of the year. This phenomenon still remains a mystery to all scientists, since none of them can provide an intelligible and intelligible explanation for this fact. However, this is true. People who swam in an ice hole on the Epiphany holiday, as a rule, do not catch a cold. And if you immerse yourself in water on a day popularly called “ Maundy Thursday", you can recover from various diseases.

Our mothers and grandmothers know how to use it well. They are convinced that, for example, on days such as Epiphany and Maundy Thursday, even ordinary water drawn from the tap will not spoil for many years. In addition, you can plain water add a few drops of prepared holy water, thanks to which it itself will become consecrated.

The Secret of Holy Water

What to do with holy water - everyone needs to decide individually. Some people simply store it in the closet, others regularly spray their homes with it, and others drink it every day. At the same time, people do not realize the main secret of holy water. It lies in the fact that such a liquid has a harmonious structure, compared to the chaos in plain water.

By conducting experiments characterized by observing changes in such a liquid, scientists found that the structure of Epiphany water is much more harmonious than on other days. This liquid has very strong energy and is characterized by the presence of many unique properties.

Epiphany healing

According to numerous experiments, it is clear what an amazing effect water that was collected on January nineteenth from a church spring can have on human body. After taking it, all people who participated in this experiment and were directly exposed to such a liquid showed a significant increase in the level of biological and energetic activity. And the water, which was collected from the same source, but at the beginning of the month, had absolutely no effect on the human body.

Based on the results of the experiment, scientists came to the conclusion that the saint has a fairly good effect on overall health, can help improve the level of energy circulation, and also enhance human energy functions. Therefore, a completely understandable question arises: “How to use holy water?”

Miracle of Healing

Unfortunately, today many people do not know what to do with holy water and how to use it correctly. But such a liquid is extremely unusual phenomenon, having an unexplored nature. Indeed, thanks to holy water you can be cured of various diseases and ailments.

Its miracle is that it can transmit harmony to all people. Entering the human body, holy water rebuilds its unhealthy organs in its new way, thereby provoking their subsequent healing.

In addition, in the history of science there is another important factor, which proves that after you cross ordinary water, you can remove millions of microbes in it, and also change it optical characteristics and properties. The same applies to food. clean the food immediately.

The Powerful Impact of Prayer

Nowadays, many people have an idea of ​​how to use holy water. But not everyone knows how to make it from ordinary liquid. In one of the experiments conducted by scientists, it was established exactly how the well-known sign of the cross affects negative bacteria in water. During this experiment, samples from different reservoirs were used. At the same time, both church people and non-believers read prayers for water. Ultimately, this experiment revealed that the number of bacteria decreased significantly in all cases.

In addition, prayers and signs of the cross also have a rather beneficial effect on the human body. As a result of experiments, it was proven that such methods can normalize blood pressure and improve blood levels. Amazing fact is that the pressure during the research changed according to the requirements of treatment, for example, in hypertensive patients it decreased, and in hypotensive patients it increased.

Science's opinion

Do you know how to bless an apartment with holy water? Delving into such a pressing issue, many people do not even think about how this simple liquid acquired its miraculous powers. IN modern world many scientists consider it reliable
the theory that water is charged exclusively from space. This can be explained by the fact that on January 19th the planet Earth is subjected to special irradiation, due to which the bioenergy of all water then increases. Therefore, all living organisms on Earth receive additional energy boosts just before spring.

If you follow another theory, then before the holiday of Epiphany, for many years, strong accumulations of neuron flows are observed, exceeding the background levels by hundreds of times.

Astrologers about holy water

Astrologers believe that on the eighteenth and nineteenth of January our planet is looking for a connection with the middle of the entire galaxy, due to which a general interaction occurs. At the same time, the Earth is under the influence of energy channels that structure everything, including liquid. The result is holy water. Everyone knows where to get it these days, since any body of water during such a period has healing properties.

The miraculous characteristics of holy water are indeed not a fairy tale. However, one should not rely on complete physical and spiritual recovery with their help. The clergy claim that even if you lie in holy water for days on end, it will not bring you holiness. A righteous lifestyle and prayers can fully help cleanse the soul. Moreover, holy water is a blessing on this road.

This liquid is very useful for people who suffer from any disease. Therefore, many are interested in the pressing question: “How to drink holy water?” To do this, you can take from sixty to one hundred milliliters of it on an empty stomach daily. It is better to store it in glassware and in a place where daylight does not reach. To enhance the effect, you need to read a prayer.

You should also not use holy water in everyday life when doing any household chores. This could be washing dishes, making tea, preparing food or taking a bath. In addition, water for consecration does not always come only from the church, and ordinary tap water can be sanctified. To do this, you just need to dilute it with holy water, and an ordinary liquid will acquire its properties.

Based on the above, it becomes extremely clear how to use holy water at home. By following such simple instructions and preaching a righteous lifestyle, you can actually get rid of some problems thanks to holy water.

Ruban Yu. I.
  • priest Alexy Khoteev
  • Clergyman's Handbook
  • prot.
  • Metropolitan
  • Gleb Chistyakov
  • Holy water– 1) water of ordinary composition and original origin (well, spring, lake, river, tap), miraculously acquired, as a result of a prayer service called , the properties of sanctifying and healing (according to the faith of the people who piously use it); 2) (sometimes, in some understanding) water from a holy source.
    All our lives next to us great shrine– holy water (in Greek, ἁγίασμα – shrine).
    We first plunge into it when, upon accepting this, we are immersed three times in a font filled with holy water. Holy water in the Sacrament of Baptism washes away the sinful impurities of a person, renews and revives him in new life in .
    Holy water is necessarily present during the consecration of temples and all objects used in the consecration of residential buildings, buildings, any household item. We are sprinkled with holy water on religious processions, during prayer services.

    « Blessed water, – wrote Saint Demetrius of Kherson, – has the power to sanctify the souls and bodies of all who use it" She, accepted with faith and prayer, heals our bodily illnesses. After the confession of the pilgrims, the monk always gave them to drink from the cup of holy Epiphany water.

    Is it possible to sprinkle holy water on unclean places?

    There is the power of the cross as something protecting, like an exorcism. We can sanctify something in the sense of “filling with grace,” but we sprinkle something (say, a toilet) with baptismal holy water so that no evil is hidden there, and not for the consumption of holy things there.

    Is it possible to drink holy water on an empty stomach?

    According to tradition, holy water is taken on an empty stomach in the morning, which is understandable: first of all, a person eats the holy thing, and then proceeds to ordinary food. As for the remaining days, in the Typikon (Typikon, chapter 48 - month book, January 6, 1st “zri”). It is said that it is unwise to abstain from holy water because of eating food:
    « Let it be known to everyone about holy water: those who separate themselves from holy water for the reason that they have already tasted food are not doing good, for the grace of God is given for the sanctification of the world and all creation. We also sprinkle it everywhere, in all unclean places, and even under our feet. And where is the intelligence of those who do not drink it because they eat food?».