Icons in the house must be placed in a specially designated place. There is a tradition of placing icons on a shelf on the eastern wall, however, if this is not possible, then it is not necessary to arrange a home iconostasis on the eastern side. Sometimes icons are placed in the so-called red corner. "Red" means "beautiful" - this is an indication that the place for the icons should be clean, neat and beautiful.

Holy images can be placed in all living rooms. There is a pious tradition of placing wedding images in the bedroom. If the family is large, then icons in each living room are necessary for cell prayer for all family members.

For pious believers, holy images (or at least one small icon) are located in the kitchen. This is explained by the practice of saying prayers before and after eating food.

Holy icons should not be placed on a shelf with books that have non-Christian content. It is not advisable to place them on TV or together with secular paintings - the place for icons should be specially designated for this shrine.

Some believers place an icon above the entrance to their house. Often at this place you can see an image Holy Mother of God Hodegetria Guide, since it is useful for an Orthodox believer to pray for help in good endeavors before going out. Sometimes a cross is placed above the entrance to the house.

How to arrange icons in the house

The principle of arranging icons on a home iconostasis is based on hierarchy, similar to the arrangement of iconostases in a temple. If the icons are located on the wall, then in the center at the head of the iconostasis there should be an icon of the Holy Trinity or the Lord Jesus Christ. To the right of this image you can place an icon of the Mother of God, and to the left of St. John the Baptist or a particularly revered saint, for example, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Below you can place other images - angels, saints, prophets, saints, righteous ones. A crucifix can crown a home iconostasis.

It cannot be said that there are any specific instructions on the order of placement of icons in the home iconostasis (except that the Lord is desirable in a central place).

If space allows, then under the main icons of the Lord and the Virgin Mary you can place holy images of the twelve Christian holidays. In the case when the home iconostasis includes several dozen icons, then under the central images you can also place shrines with the faces of the Savior or revered icons of the Mother of God and saints.

Many traditions of Christianity have been erased from memory and lost over the centuries. Elderly people still remember the old traditions, preserve the memory of sacred prayers and rituals, but the younger generation is lost and is afraid to make mistakes when converting to faith. The question of how and where to place home icons worries many; we will try to give a simple and understandable answer.

Where to install the iconostasis and individual icons

Canonically, the home iconostasis was placed in the eastern part of the house. Temple altars are also located in the eastern part of the church. However, one should not confuse a house with a church. A house is only a continuation of the temple, there is no need to confuse and confuse concepts, a house is first and foremost a family hearth, so the “red corner” can be located in any part of the room. The only condition is that there must be enough free space in front of the “goddess” so that all family members can gather for prayer. In addition to the general iconostasis, it is recommended to place one icon in each living room.

If a family gathers at a common table in the kitchen, it is worth hanging an icon of the Savior there, since it is addressed to him thanksgiving prayer for our daily bread. An icon of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God is usually hung above the entrance to the house.

How to properly design an iconostasis

The Church condemns the proximity of icons with decorative elements, modern entertainment household appliances(TV, tape recorder), paintings and various posters of modern stars. It is also forbidden to place icons with books of non-theological content. You can decorate the iconostasis with fresh flowers.

IN Palm Sunday Willow branches are placed near the icons, and on Trinity Day the house and the red corner are decorated with birch branches. The iconostasis and icons hanging separately can be decorated with embroidered towels. This tradition has ancient roots - these towels are used in the sacrament of baptism and wedding ceremonies, which are carefully stored and passed on by inheritance. After the water prayer service, it is customary to wipe your face with these towels. Since ancient times, girls have collected several embroidered towels as a dowry to decorate the iconostasis in the new home of a young family.

What icons should be in the home iconostasis

Traditionally, the icon of Jesus Christ and the icon of the Mother of God are displayed in the red corner. Canonically, as in a church, the icon of the Savior stands with right side, on the left is an icon of the Mother of God. Select the remaining icons yourself or with the help of a spiritual mentor.

It is desirable that the iconostasis be crowned with an Orthodox cross. There is no strict set of necessary icons, just as there is no single design rule. It is only necessary to observe the principle of primacy and hierarchy: you cannot place icons of saints above the icons of the Holy Trinity, the Savior and the Mother of God. The composition should look complete, neat, systematized.

It is desirable that all icons be made in one artistic style. If you have an icon that is passed down by inheritance, it is advisable to install it in the center of the composition, like a home shrine (but below the main icons). You should treat icons with care; if the colors have faded and faded, then it can be stored in a shrine behind other icons for some time, and later given to the church.

The iconostasis can be supplemented with icons of local saints and patrons, saints in whose honor family members are named. In Russian Orthodoxy, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saints Peter and Paul deserve special honor.

The best adviser will be a priest - the confessor of the family. He will help you choose icons for your home.

In an Orthodox church, an iconostasis is an altar partition, a wall with several rows of icons that separates the altar from the rest of the temple space. The iconostasis indicates the place of prayer and separates it from the Holy of Holies, the space where the sacred rite takes place. In ancient times, the altar partition was called a templon and was not as high as it is now. Later, the custom arose of placing icons on it, first in one and then in several rows. In Rus', four- and five-tiered iconostases, decorated with large icons, and solid stone altar barriers with fresco paintings became widespread.

A home iconostasis means a special space inside the house where icons, candles and a lamp are located. Home iconostasis determines the place for prayer. In the past, in Rus', this place was called the red corner, holy corner, shrine, icon case or kivot. Domostroy taught: “ In his home, every Christian... places holy and honorable images written on icons on the walls, arranging a splendid place with all sorts of decorations and lamps, in them and candles before the saints the images are burned at every praise of God..." It was customary to decorate the iconostasis with fresh flowers and willow branches.

In Rus' there was a custom to frame large, most revered icons with a towel. Its origin is as follows. According to Sacred Tradition, King Abgar, suffering from leprosy, ordered his servant to paint a portrait of Christ, whose fame reached Edessa at that time. The servant was unable to carry out the order, then Christ washed himself and wiped his face with a towel, on which His Image Not Made by Hands was imprinted. The king recovered, and the towel (ubrus) was then preserved by Christians for many centuries, as greatest shrine lifetime image of the Savior. In honor of the transfer Miraculous Image In Constantinople, Christians celebrate a special holiday, popularly called “linen Savior”. Towels consecrated on this holiday symbolize the ancient decoration and are used to decorate holy images of the home iconostasis.

Where in the house should the iconostasis be placed? Any Orthodox church located so that its altar part is always oriented to the east. Accordingly, the iconostasis in the temple is located in the east. For a Christian this part of the world has special meaning. According to Holy Scripture, in the east the Lord planted lost man paradise “And the Lord God planted paradise in Eden in the east, and placed there the man whom he had created” (). When praying in the temple, turning to the east, we turn our face to heaven.

It is also advisable to place icons in the house in the east, but in most cases it is impossible to comply with such a prescription. In some apartments, the eastern corner is simply missing; in the place where you want to hang the icons there is a doorway or window. But a home is not a temple of God, designed to be exclusively a place for prayer and the performance of the Sacraments. The home is, first of all, a family hearth, in which private prayer is possible and necessary, the rules of which are not so strict. Therefore, it is not necessary to equip a home iconostasis strictly in the eastern part of your home; you can allocate another place for it.

When choosing a location for the iconostasis, it is important to observe following rules:

* There should not be television, audio or Appliances.

* It is unacceptable to place icons next to decorative items, paintings, panels, posters depicting idols, etc.

* You cannot place icons on a shelf with books whose contents do not correspond to Orthodox teaching.

* The home iconostasis must be placed in a place inaccessible to animals.

* There should be enough free space in front of the iconostasis for praying family members.

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to place icons in the bedroom, next to the marital bed? The Church blesses the marital union and does not consider intimate relationships sinful husband and wife. Therefore, there is nothing reprehensible in the arrangement of icons in the bedroom. However, it should be remembered that the blessing applies only to legal marital relations, and not to prodigal cohabitation or unregistered “civil marriage”.

Separately, attention should be paid to the ban on women touching sacred objects during their period. Woman these days, according to church rules, is considered unclean, she can desecrate the shrine by touching it. This attitude towards female bleeding was known back in Old Testament, and then confirmed by the Church Fathers. The Rule of Dionysius of Alexandria states: “ Regarding women who are in purification, whether it is permissible for them to enter the house of God in such a state, I consider it unnecessary to ask. For I do not think that they, if they are faithful and pious, being in such a state, would dare either to begin the Holy Table, or to touch the Body and Blood of Christ. For even the wife, who had been bleeding for 12 years, did not touch Him for healing, but only the hem of His garment. Praying, no matter what state someone is in and no matter how disposed they are, remembering the Lord and asking for help is not prohibited. But let him who is not entirely pure in soul and body be prohibited from approaching what is the Holy of Holies." Women should be careful and try not to touch holy images during their periods unless absolutely necessary.

We must remember that the iconostasis is a reverent place; it is filled with shrines, which for us sinners represent a window into another, heavenly world. Shrines must be treated in a special way, with reverence. You cannot smoke, drink alcohol, swear, shout or use swear words in front of them.

An important point in creating a home iconostasis is the choice of the icons themselves. There is no difference between an icon painted by a master icon painter and a reproduction printed in a printing house. Sometimes it is better to place a reproduction at home than Bad quality or a non-canonical written image of a saint. And it is absolutely unacceptable to replace icons with paintings. After all, what is the difference between an icon and a painting? The author of the icon is the entire Church, she is a collective creation, there is no self-expression in icon painting. The icon is painted to stand before it in prayer. A painting, on the contrary, expresses the artist’s creative imagination; it is created for contemplation and is a means of communication with the artist, with his inner world.

Icons of which saints should form a home iconostasis? According to Orthodox tradition in the iconostasis, first of all, there should be images of the Savior and Holy Virgin Maria. The icon of Jesus Christ should be placed on the right, the Mother of God to the left of the one standing in front of it. In Rus', which especially revered St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, it was customary to have an image of this saint at home. You can include images of St. in your home iconostasis. George the Victorious, St. Panteleimon the Healer, St. Apostles Evangelists, St. John the Baptist, St. Archangels, icons of locally revered saints and saints of the Russian land, as well as icons of holidays and icons of saints whose names are borne by family members. When placing images, it is necessary to take into account the hierarchical structure. The icon of a locally revered saint should not be allowed to be located on the iconostasis above the icon of the Savior or the Mother of God.

You can include images of especially revered family saints in your home iconostasis. The main thing is that there is no need to turn a corner with icons into a museum stand containing dozens of images brought from different places. In most cases, people do not pray in front of such icons; they simply hang in the house as a reminder of travel to holy places. This attitude towards images is unacceptable; it should be remembered that an icon is a means of communication with God and the saints, a mediator between our world and the world to come, which is still inaccessible to us. The icon is painted to stand before it in prayer. The dogma on icon veneration says: “ The more often they use icons(depicted on icons) become the object of our contemplation, the more those who look at these icons are encouraged to remember the prototypes themselves, acquire more love for them and receive more motivation to give them kisses and respectful worship».

The dogma on icon veneration reflects the teaching of the Church on the attitude towards shrines, “ the honor given to the image passes to the prototype, and the one who worships the icon worships the creature depicted on it" It is important to remember that we do not worship the icon as matter, but Christ, the Mother of God and the saints depicted on it. It is not the icon itself that is our protector and savior in moments of sorrow, but Christ, whose face looks at us. Therefore, you cannot use an icon as a talisman and hope that its very presence in the house will help you find well-being and heal you from illnesses. The icon does not protect, only God protects.

In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to light lamps (special vessels with oil) and candles in front of icons. St. John of Kronstadt wrote: “ The lamps burning in front of the icons mean that the Lord is an unapproachable light and a consuming fire for unrepentant sinners, and for the righteous a cleansing and life-giving fire; that the Mother of God is the Mother of light and the purest light Herself, unflickering, shining throughout the entire universe, that she is a burning and unburnt bush, which has unburntly received into Herself the fire of the Divine - the fiery throne of the Almighty... that the saints are lamps burning and shining throughout the whole world with their faith and virtues..." The lamp lit in front of the icons is a symbol of the Christian’s unceasing prayer to God. A candle is a small sacrifice of a person to the Savior. A lamp and a candle are symbols of our spiritual union with God; by lighting them, we express our favor and love for the Creator.

In a home iconostasis, the lamp can either be placed on a shelf, opposite the icon, or hung from the ceiling or icon case. Candles are placed in a special candlestick, at a sufficient distance from the icon, since the candle can melt, bend over and set fire to the image. When choosing a lamp, you must remember that red glass vessels are usually lit on holidays, and green or blue ones on weekdays and fast days. The oil used for the lamp is Vaseline or mixed with olive oil, but it must be of the best quality, for even in the Old Testament the Lord said to Moses: “Command the children of Israel to bring you pure oil, beaten, for illumination, so that the lamp will continually burn (... ) they must always place a lamp on a clean candlestick before the Lord” ().

A house in which a candle or lamp is burning is filled with Divine grace. Since ancient times, it was customary to anoint the sick with oil from the lamp in a cross shape, so that, with the help of God, they would recover quickly. Therefore, the attitude towards shrines should be reverent. Elder St. Paisiy Svyatogorets said: “ Previously people When they fell ill, they took oil from their lamp, anointed themselves with it, and recovered. Now the lamp is lit simply as a formality, just for illumination, and the oil, when the lamp is washed, is poured into the sink. Once I was in a house and saw the housewife washing a lamp in the sink. "Water where is he going? - I ask her. “Into the sewer,” she replies. “I see,” I say, “what is it that you take oil from the lamp and anoint your child with a cross when he is sick, or else you pour all the oil from the glass down the drain? What excuse do you find for this? And how will God’s blessing come to your home?”

In conclusion, I would like to say about the most important thing. A home iconostasis is a place where a person comes before God in prayer. Its correct design and reverent attitude towards shrines are necessary. But without pure, humble prayer, the iconostasis turns into an element of home decor. Prayer is a living experience of communication with the Lord, a person’s turning to God. " Prayer is the greatest priceless gift The Creator of creation, a person who through it can talk with his Creator, like a child with the Father, pour out before Him feelings of wonder, praise and thanksgiving» St. John of Kronstadt. Prayer is not needed by God, it is necessary for our own salvation.

“May my prayer be corrected like a censer before you: the lifting up of my hand, the evening sacrifice. Place, O Lord, a guard over my mouth and a guard over my mouth. Do not turn my heart into the words of deceit, do not bear in mind the guilt of sins with people who do iniquity: and do not reckon with their elect” ().

The tradition of having an iconostasis in the house has existed for many centuries. An alternative to purchased products is a homemade shelf for icons. Orthodox religion allows the use of religious objects to decorate premises. With your own hands, you can make an interior element that best matches the size and color of frames, wallpaper and other surfaces. Let's consider what options exist for choosing the configuration, materials and methods of decorating such furniture.

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Design options

Eat various ways making stands for images. The main condition is the absence of objects not related to religion. The frames should not overlap each other vertically and horizontally and be placed one on top of the other. It is recommended to provide a place for a candle or lamp. If you plan to purchase new images, then the shelf for icons should have a reserve place for their installation. It is possible to provide the possibility of attaching an additional level.

The following design options exist:

  1. single-tier;
  2. multi-tiered;
  3. for icons.

The choice is made based on the layout, interior and size of the room, the number of images and their configuration.

Traditionally, religious items are made from wood and materials produced from it. But strict prohibitions There is no information regarding the use of metal or plastic. Craftsmen recommend wood because of its ease of processing and presentable appearance.

To work you will need the following tools:

  • perforator;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver.

To protect your hands, vision and breathing organs, it is advisable to purchase fabric gloves, assembly glasses and a gauze bandage.

To make a shelf for icons with your own hands you will need the following materials:

  1. boards made of solid oak, pine, cherry or walnut;
  2. plywood, OSB or chipboard;
  3. slats 20-40 mm wide;
  4. sandpaper;
  5. wood varnish;
  6. wood glue;
  7. steel corners and hinges;
  8. set of dowels and screws;
  9. plugs for hardware heads.

Depending on the choice of finishing method, you may need paint, stain or colored film.

Decoration methods

Self-made shelves for icons need finishing and decoration. This will give them a fresh and solemn look that matches the purpose of the products.

There are the following decorative options for stands for images:

  • waxing;
  • stain impregnation;
  • varnish coating;
  • adding overhead openwork details;
  • artistic carving;
  • engraving or burning;
  • wood painting;
  • applying stencils and airbrushing;
  • glitter, beads and beads.

It is allowed to combine several finishing methods in one product. The main thing is that it does not look too colorful, overshadowing the image.

Wood carving

Each shelf should have a crucifix. It is performed in volumetric form by. In most cases, such work is entrusted to craftsmen and it is expensive. Do Orthodox cross You can do it yourself, using a set of well-sharpened cutters. In addition to the crucifix, relief images of domes, images of saints and martyrs, fish, birds, animals and fairy tale characters. It is allowed to cut out patterns and bas-reliefs.

Execution of volumetric fragments is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Selecting or making an image, transferring its outlines and small details to the workpiece.
  2. Sawing the part along the contour, grinding off sharp edges, removing sawdust.
  3. Making convex parts with cutters. This should be done in stages, with thin petals.
  4. Process the product with fine sandpaper. If necessary, coat it with a primer or other protective liquid.

The crucifix and overlays are glued to the back wall. To do this accurately and without distortions, you should make outlines with a pencil.

Simulation process

Natural wood and metal are not always at hand good quality. Often craftsmen have to improvise to give image shelves an attractive look.

The following methods are used for this:

  1. Covering wood boards or plywood to match the color valuable species trees, natural stone or metal. Individual pieces of film can be used to depict nature and church buildings.
  2. Artificial aging of wood and metal. The wood is given the appearance of an antique product by treating it with stain and steel brush. Copper and brass are soaked in salt water to create a patina.
  3. Adding gilding to the paint, which makes the carved domes look authentic.

Manufacturing of parts

You can make shelves for images with balusters under the crossbars. To do this, you need to buy or rent a portable lathe. It is advisable to use a pattern so that the side is made of identical symmetrical fragments.

Do-it-yourself home iconostasis is made in the following sequence:

  • applying markings to workpieces;
  • cutting out horizontal shelves, crossbars and vertical walls;
  • leveling and sanding the edges of boards;
  • production of balusters;
  • drilling holes for fastening parts;
  • connecting fragments into a single structure;
  • finishing and decoration.

Finally, the finished product is tried on the wall. Screws are screwed into it, and the shelf is hung on them.

Single tier straight shelving

Shelves of this type are selected for placement large quantity images or if all the corners in the room are occupied. The shelves are hung on the east wall of the room. Even for such a relatively simple rack to manufacture, drawings are necessary. Pre-planning will allow you to fit all the details with high accuracy, calculate required amount building materials.

For a single-tier structure, it is necessary to take boards with a thickness of at least 15 mm. The height of the back wall should be more than 30 cm so that the images do not protrude above it. The iconostasis should be placed at eye level, provided that there are no other bright or decorative interior items nearby. To install a candle or lamp, a non-flammable stand should be provided. In order not to clutter the product with the side, you can run a low threshold along the bottom crossbar to fix the frames.

Corner shelves

In most cases, a corner shelf for icons is made in 2 or 3 tiers. This is due to the need to place several images in a small space. Optimal size a height of 70-75 cm and symmetrical shelves 40-50 cm wide are considered. A larger structure will look bulky even in a large room.

Since time immemorial, the home corner iconostasis has become an integral part of any Russian home.

If there were no icons in the hut, then such people were considered non-Christians and stayed away from them.

Many centuries have passed and today the tradition of having your own “red corner” still remains relevant.

History of the red corner

Every person has heard the phrase “red corner” or “God’s place”. However, not everyone knows why this place received such a name and how correctly it was located. You can often hear the answer that this is the right corner from the door. But it is not always the case.

Ethnographers claim that in past times, “God’s place” was located diagonally from the stove. And this was done for a reason. The word red was associated with spring, summer and warmth, so they tried to place icons more on the south or east side.

The north and west for the ancient Slavs were comparable to death, evil spirits and bitter winter. A little later, these stereotypes diverged, and people began to simply create cozy corners with numerous icons.

Where and how to make a home iconostasis

According to church traditions, the iconostasis is placed on the east side, so first in an apartment or house you need to find a corner exactly looking east. If it is not possible to use the desired angle, then you need to find one close to it.

Since not everyone manages to adhere to these conditions, they were made optional. Usually the iconostasis is placed in a large spacious room so that at least 2 people can fit there. You cannot have a TV or computer nearby.

How to arrange icons

A standard iconostasis should consist of 5 rows and the icons should be arranged in a certain order:

  1. A cross must be placed at the head of all icons.
  2. In the center is an icon of Jesus Christ. The faces of the Holy Trinity are placed a little lower.
  3. To the right of the icon of Christ is placed mother of God. And only then can you place other saints at the request.

It’s best when the red corner consists of icons that are similar in style. But this is difficult to do, because usually the icons are either donated or were not found necessary design. But it doesn't play big role, the most important thing is to create Holy place with faith and love in your heart.

Do it yourself

Once the correct angle is found and all requirements are met, you can begin to install the iconostasis. Making an iconostasis yourself at home is not at all difficult and does not require any special skill or skill.

What is required to make a three-level cabinet:

  1. The base can be various types of materials: PVC panels, plywood, wood.
  2. It is also important to make a correct sketch of the future product. Here everything depends on your imagination.
  3. For a corner iconostasis, you need to cut 3 triangular-shaped shelves from the panels and connect them together at a distance convenient for you.
  4. Don’t forget to leave enough space between the shelf levels. This is important so that the burning candles do not heat up the shelf and cause it to burn.
  5. To hang the iconostasis on the wall, no recommendations are needed. It is important to remember that the images of saints should be right before your eyes.
  6. If the icons are located on hanging shelves, then you can put a small coffee table underneath for candles, books and lamps.

You can also place holy water and scriptures there.

Stand for holy images made of plywood

Shelf parameters and design may vary. It is important that the icons you need are placed there. This plywood shelf will be made with dimensions of 30x35x4 cm. What you will need for this:

  1. Pine board measuring 1.5-2.0 cm thick and 15 cm wide.
  2. Prepared glued board to form the bottom of the cabinet, 1.5 cm thick and 21 cm wide.
  3. Small pieces and birch plywood for sketching.
  4. Sandpaper.
  5. Self-tapping screws.
  6. A jigsaw is best if it is electric.
  7. Drill and drill bits.
  8. Milling table.
  9. Lathe.
  10. Pencil and meter ruler.

First, we draw and prepare future templates from fiberboard. This is done simply:

  • We make a drawing on the fiberboard in natural volume and cut them out using a jigsaw.
  • Next, we sand it with sandpaper to the parameters we need.
  • We delimit the places for screws on the templates.
  • We take the prepared blanks, transfer them to plywood and cut them out using a jigsaw and grind off the irregularities.
  • The result should be: side, side and bottom.
  • Now mark the holes with a pencil. There should be 2 of them on the bottom, 3 on the side, 4 on the side. We drill out the marked places and get holes for connecting the template to the workpiece.

The last step is to attach the template to the workpiece using self-tapping screws.

The sides and sides are cut down in the same way, and 6 holes are marked: 2 on the bottom, 2 for the side, 2 for the side.

Now using the machine we make 2 identical parts.

The next step is to grind out round beams measuring 1.5 cm and saw it into 6 parts 1.5 cm long. And in the center of each of them we make holes.

Make each cylinder smooth using sandpaper.

First, we twist the bottom point by point using self-tapping screws 41mm long.

If everything is calculated correctly, then the bottoms and sides will be exactly in the middle of the ends.

Then all the sides are attached to the bottom with the 3 cylinders made. Self-tapping screws are placed on the bottom side and cylinders are strung on them and screwed directly into the side.

When the cabinet is ready, we apply a layer of drying oil or varnish to it to preserve its strength and beauty. Now you can hang the finished iconostasis on the wall. Such a cabinet will be appropriate for every apartment.

Options for homemade shelves for icons

In addition to this shelf for icons, you can make many others, using other sketches:

The iconostasis is a spiritual place where we can thank God for everything we have and simply pray for the health and forgiveness of those close to us. The most important thing is that the “red corner” does not turn into an interior item. It must be done and installed solely with faith and love in the heart.

How to make an iconostasis with your own hands, see the following video: