Famous actress Tatyana VASILYEVA always protected the family from interference from strangers and answered all questions the same way:
"We are fine!"


Anatoly Vasiliev and Leonid Filatov in the film "Crew", 1980.

Even when it was whispered in the theater community that her 37-year-old son Philip (from his marriage to actor Anatoly VASILYEV) was almost openly being cuckolded by his husband, an actress of the Theater. Vakhtangova Anastasia BEGUNOVA.
Tatiana Grigorievna tried to the last not to wash dirty linen in public.
But, apparently, the cup of patience has run out, since Philip finally decided to tell us the whole truth.

- Nastya and I met in 2007, we played together in the play “Bella Ciao”, in which, by the way, my mother also took part,
- recalls Philip Vasiliev.
- I fell in love with Begunova at first sight, but she was always arrogant and cold.
However, she accepted my advances.

After some time, Nastya became pregnant.
You can't imagine how happy I was!
He immediately proposed to her.

Vanya was born to us, and two years later Grisha was born.
It seemed to me that everything was fine with us, although over the years I kept hearing rumors that my wife was cheating on me.
But I loved her so much that I didn’t trust anyone.
Even my own mother.
In vain!
Now I’m figuring it out: not only did Nastya leave the family, but she also stole money from us - about 350 thousand euros!

How did it happen?
- Nastya has always been greedy.
Money is her fetish.
She loves expensive cosmetics, luxury cars, and clothes.
All this time she lived at the expense of our family.
That’s what she said: “Why should I bother if your mother has a lot of money?!”
She doesn’t care that the artist Vasilyeva literally works her butt off, wandering from city to city on tour.
The main thing is money!
And my mother never regretted anything for us.
For her wedding she gave Nastya expensive antique earrings - our family heirloom.

And now I decided to help: I ​​gave us money to buy real estate in Germany.
The fact is that I planned to enter the Faculty of Film Directing at the University of Potsdam.
But Nastya said that she did not want to sacrifice her work at the Vakhtangov Theater for my sake - they say, she needs to develop.
I decided to give in and postponed my studies for a year.
During this time, I did not play a single role - I was raising my sons, and she, it turns out, was having fun with her lovers!
- What are you talking about?!
- Yes Yes! Can you imagine what it was like for me to live with this?!
Moreover, at some point I began to notice that money was “flowing” from our bank account.
First in small amounts, then more and more.

In response to my questions, Nastya just threw up her hands: they say, it seems to you that you forgot what we bought last month.
But the other day she completely reset the account - she took the remaining 350 thousand euros and stopped answering calls.
Not long before this, my wife came to Germany, we went shopping together, chose her outfit for the opening of the theater season, where she went, of course, without me.
Now on her social network page there are a lot of photos in this dress, but with another man - an actor, producer and director of the S.A.D. Theater. Kirill Rubtsov.

Lost weight from love
- When you said about Anastasia’s lovers, did you mean this Kirill?
- Him too. You see, for me, for example, for a long time it was a secret that Nastya slept with Vyacheslav Manucharov.
It turns out that they even lived together when they studied at the Shchukin School.
Their love was such that for Begunova’s sake, Slava lost as much as 50 kilos!
But I only found out about this a year and a half or two ago, when Nastya began to be seen often in his company again.
Of course, it was unpleasant, but I didn’t make scenes of jealousy for my wife, because Manucharov himself admitted: being jealous of him is stupid.

Now the entire Vakhtangov Theater is gossiping that Nastya is having an affair with their artistic director Rimas Tuminas.
We agreed that she behaves with him like a wife: she commands him, sits on his lap.
It’s funny to remember, but Nastya always told me with a note of regret in her voice that she dreamed of marrying a director, and then I turned up...
You see, she is ready to be with anyone - as long as it brings her benefits.
So she hugged Rubtsov at the opening of the season, obviously for a reason.
Friends said that she allowed him a lot of unnecessary things at that party...

BEGUNOVA loves to be in the center of male attention: she dances with actor Kirill RUBTSOV, and artistic director Rimas TUMINAS (left) does not take his rapturous eyes off her. Photo by Dmitry DUBINSKY.

Philip, at one time there were whispers in the theater community that Anastasia was having an affair with Alexander Kalyagin.
They say he even gave her an apartment in memory of their relationship.
- The apartment really exists. I once asked Nastya where she got real estate in Moscow, because she herself comes from Omsk, from a simple family: her father works at a factory, her mother is an ophthalmologist. Nastya replied that she earned money for her apartment by filming TV series.
But personally, I don’t know a single series with her participation.
So judge for yourself.

- How did Tatyana Grigorievna react to her daughter-in-law’s act?
- Mom, of course, is shocked.
She, like me, believed Nastya to the last, although she had been reported about these adventures for a long time.
Stas Sadalsky a year ago offered to hire a private detective to film Begunova with her lovers.

But now I understand everything myself and am going to file for divorce.

Mom is very worried about me and my grandchildren - she is afraid that Nastya will take Vanya and Grisha away and begin to blackmail us.
I'm ready for this.
I know that Begunova will not miss hers: she has already announced to her parents that she plans to “squeeze” Vasilyeva Vacation home, and I have a new Porsche Cayenne worth 80 thousand euros.
But I won’t give in to her so easily: if she wants war, she’ll get it!

Instead of an epilogue
Anastasia Begunova now does not want to communicate even with her still legal husband.
But we are, of course, ready to give her the floor whenever she wishes to speak.

Ex-daughter-in-law famous actress forced to live with her sons in Germany. Anastasia Begunova fears that Tatyana Vasilyeva will take her children away from her.

Tatiana Vasilyeva. Photo: Alexander Kurov/TASS

Relations with the star mother-in-law did not work out almost from the very beginning. And now it’s even worse - the trials between them have been going on for two years, writes the Komsomolskaya Pravda (KP) website.

Tatyana Vasilyeva said that her daughter-in-law ran away with her grandchildren and demanded a lot of money from her for a meeting with the boys. And the son of a famous actress publicly accused Anastasia Begunova of stealing a large sum that belonged to his mother. In two years, the former spouses have formed new families, and their quarrels do not stop.

And it all started so well. The marriage of the actress of the Vakhtangov Theater Anastasia Begunova with Philip Vasiliev was seen by everyone as prosperous. They had two sons - Vanya (he is now 9 years old) and Grisha (now the boy is 7 years old). The family lived in a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, on Patriarch's Ponds. And in 2015, the couple separated, and scandals began.

The star mother-in-law in vain accuses her ex-daughter-in-law of commercialism: the girl married for love. The young actress herself told KP about this. According to her, her mother’s influence on her ex-husband was very great: he consulted with her on everything and was completely dependent on her. She "all her life gives him as much as he asks, any amount." It is “due to constant guardianship that he has zero independence,” Begunova noted.

Philip Vasiliev “suffered from alcoholism and had breakdowns.” And then “he got excited about going to Germany to study directing courses.” Only, having arrived there, “I didn’t lift a finger - German I didn’t teach, I stayed at home with the children.”

Money for housing and training for Philip - €300 thousand, then at the exchange rate it was 12 million rubles. - Vasilyeva gave. Relations between the spouses deteriorated more and more, and Philip left for Moscow.

Begunova realized that there was no way she could return to Russia: when the divorce began, threats came from her husband and mother-in-law to take her children away from her, they even wrote her text messages that “the children would be better off in an adopted German family.” That's why she stayed in Berlin, otherwise the children would have been taken away.

And in Moscow, representatives of the guardianship authorities came to her to check her living conditions. However, Begunova’s own one-room apartment has 28 square meters, which according to the standards is not suitable for two children. The ex-husband and mother-in-law would have won the trial and taken their sons away from the mother.

That's why she and her children live in Germany. The boys “have completely adapted and speak German well.”

And Anastasia Begunova is fighting with her ex-mother-in-law for the apartment in which her children are registered, and is ready to go to the end...

People's Artist of Russia Tatyana Vasilyeva celebrated her anniversary this year; this year she turned 70 years old. Perhaps, the best gift On Vasilyeva's birthday, there was a shift in her relationship with her former daughter-in-law, actress Anastasia Begunova.

In the “Tonight” program with Andrei Malakhov, the star said that she was glad that she had the opportunity to communicate by phone with her grandchildren Grisha and Vanya, who live with their mother in Germany. “There has been a certain shift in the relationship, which gives me strength and confidence that we can communicate,” Vasilyeva said. - I talk to Nastya on the phone, I can talk to the children. This is a huge purchase. Mine comes back to me. I always call, Nastya speaks unfriendly. It doesn’t matter to me, it’s important that we are in contact.”

Tatyana Grigorievna admitted that establishing even such communication was not an easy task.

“Nastya cannot talk to Philip. Philip is with Nastya, only I can talk to everyone, but apparently this is how I have to live. It’s not difficult for me at all,” the actress continued. “I don’t have any grudge against her.” I could, of course, say that I am offended for my son, but I understand that a man is also not a gift. I can't say she had an easy one family life. But she didn’t make any effort to do this. She was never home."

The program showed a video recording made in Germany. Tatiana Vasilyeva’s grandchildren Vanya and Grisha conveyed their regards to her. The boys admitted that they miss their grandmother, whom they call by name Tanya, and really want to come and visit her in Moscow.

Vasilyeva recalled that when the children were small, she spent a lot of time with them, especially with Vanya. “He is the first-born, Nastya and Philip were busy, and Vanya was brought to me,” said the actress. “I tried to pamper, I made pancakes, solyanka, and borscht myself. We were walking. All was good. And then at one moment everything disappeared, and only photographs remained.”

Vasilyeva admitted that she now dreams that their telephone communication will continue. She is sure that there will be meetings ahead. “Everything will work out, you just need to go through this difficult path.”

Let us remember that Tatyana Vasilyeva’s son Philip divorced Anastasia Begunova in 2016. According to the actress, ex-wife All this time, her son was prevented from communicating with her grandmother and grandchildren. However, last winter, Anastasia Begunova herself, in an interview with the “Let Them Talk” program, stated that this year ex-husband and the grandmother were not eager to see the children. As the woman assured, she was offered to give up the heirs’ share of the housing in exchange for two thousand euros, which she would receive monthly.

Nine years ago, the son of the famous actress Tatyana Vasilyeva, Philip, married actress Anastasia Begunova. After some time, the couple moved to Berlin with their two children, Ivan and Grigory. However, the marriage did not last long - they divorced in 2015.

The woman remained to live in Germany and raise the children, and the man returned to his homeland, where he created new family. Anastasia also found personal happiness, and also became a mother for the third time. The only thing that gnaws at her is the apartment in Moscow, which she did not get after her divorce from Vasiliev. Philip issued a deed of gift for famous mother, despite the fact that his children were registered in the house.

Anastasia Begunova came from Berlin to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program to tell the whole country about difficult relationship with my ex-mother-in-law. She is trying to convince Tatyana Vasilyeva to give her housing.

“We live in a rented apartment, practically on benefits, my current husband, naturally. But my children, the grandchildren of the famous actress, have seven thousand rubles between them and no housing in Moscow. Everything was taken from them. That’s why we’re there for now,” Anastasia said with pain in her voice.

Experts in the studio were surprised by this statement. They considered it fair that now her current chosen one, with whom she gave birth to a third child, should take care of her and the children. The guests could not understand why Anastasia made claims not ex-spouse, and his mother. Begunova responded by saying that a grandmother’s love for her grandchildren should be confirmed not only in words, but also materially. Moreover, she does not bring her children to Russia, as she fears threats from her ex-husband’s family.

Anastasia admits that she lives well in Berlin - she is surrounded by nice people, but she is still drawn to Moscow. Also, presenter Dmitry Borisov asked why the ex-husband and his mother cannot communicate with their children. Begunova admitted that it was difficult for her to pay her phone bills, although Ivan and Grigory’s father promised to do this.

“A month ago they said that they would take the children to Italy, and also finally buy two phones and pay for international communications. I saw the children’s reaction, how easy it is to buy their attention. These are just handouts, gifts,” the woman said.

Anastasia Begunova and Tatyana Vasilyeva still managed to meet to talk about a pressing issue - the division of the apartment. They met at the entrance to the Ostankino studio. The actress’s former mother-in-law started talking about giving her and her children an apartment.

“Not discussed,” answered Tatyana Vasilyeva.

In the conversation, Anastasia mentioned that even the court did not leave her a chance to claim even a share of the living space. “Well, according to the court, it didn’t work out in half, you were sorry. It didn’t work out,” Begunova said.

// Photo: Boris Kremer/PhotoXPress.ru

Tatyana Vasilyeva's former daughter-in-law Anastasia Begunova specially flew to Russia to baptize her third son Peter. The sacrament took place the day before in the temple of the icon Mother of God“Joy of All Who Sorrow” on Bolshaya Ordynka. Godparents became Anastasia's longtime friend, her colleague and classmate Vyacheslav Manucharov and Maria Serebryakova. The actor was glad that his old friend chose him to be the spiritual father of her third son.

“Anastasia lives in Germany, but decided to fly to Moscow to baptize her child here. She wanted to see Masha and me as godparents. Moreover, Nastya has a job here, and therefore she will remain in the capital for some time,” Manucharov told StarHit.

Begunova is raising two sons from her marriage to Tatyana Vasilyeva’s son, Philip. Ivan and Gregory were also present at the sacrament. Anastasia told why she decided to baptize the baby in Russia.

"I did Required documents for the child, so that he could go abroad, and as soon as everything was ready, we immediately arrived. Now my son is almost two years old, I was going to baptize him earlier, but it turned out this way,” said the actress.

For several years, Anastasia was in a quarrel with her former mother-in-law - Vasilyeva complained that Begunova had taken her grandchildren abroad, and therefore she did not get to see them often. Nevertheless, she came to congratulate her ex-daughter-in-law on such a bright holiday.

“Tatyana Grigorievna came to pick up her grandchildren, and, of course, congratulated us. We had already celebrated the occasion, she joined us, and we talked a little. Now our relationship is improving,” Begunova admitted.

Earlier, Anastasia said that her sons were deprived of part of the apartment in Moscow, where she was registered when she was still married to Philip. She was surprised why her grandmother did not help her grandchildren financially. After a while, Tatyana Grigorievna announced that she would buy the boys an apartment each, which Begunova would manage until they came of age. In a conversation with StarHit, Anastasia admitted that she had not yet received housing, but did not dwell on this topic.