He became the idol of an entire generation. This action movie gave the actor the image of a supermacho man of the nineties. His popularity was off the charts, and he chose someone who knew nothing about him. It was an actress. By the time they met, Pevtsov already had a son, Daniil, born from his theater classmate Larisa Blazhko. If it weren’t for Drozdov, he probably wouldn’t have started communicating with his son. She put forward a condition for him: if you want to be friends with me, start seeing your child. And he couldn’t miss her, because for the first time in his life he truly fell in love. They met at a screen test for the film “Walk on the Scaffold,” where they played lovers. Today their couple is considered one of the most beautiful and strong in the acting community. They have been together for almost a quarter of a century. Pevtsov’s son Daniil grew up and also became an actor. Together they worked in the theater and acted in films, and those around them were amazed at their external similarity. Daniil became a close person for Olga, because she and Dmitry have their own children for a long time did not have. Their son Elisha was born when they had given up hope. Olga was 42 years old at the time, and the child became a real gift of fate. However, a blow soon followed, from which Pevtsov could not recover for a long time: his eldest son Daniil died. About how I survived this terrible tragedy, Dmitry Pevtsov said in the program.

There was a period in Dmitry Pevtsov’s life when he didn’t even think about the acting profession. He entered the Faculty of Biology pedagogical institute. Dmitry's older brother studied there, and Pevtsov followed in his footsteps. And as a child, the boy had one dream - to go to another city and live in a hostel, the main thing is to be separate from his parents. The actor’s father is an honored pentathlon coach of the USSR, his mother is a sports doctor. As a child, Dima studied figure skating, gymnastics, alpine skiing, judo, karate, and at the age of four he was put on a horse.

He never entered the pedagogical school and went to work as a milling machine operator at a factory. Mechanical work at the machine made the young man think about the future. Using cheap tickets that were distributed in the workshop, he began to often go to the theater. He liked it and began preparing a program for the theater. At the institute, he “didn’t grab stars from the sky and was an average student.” And Pevtsov felt like a real actor after the play “Phaedra” by Roman Viktyuk, for which he is very grateful to the director. Until now, Pevtsov puts theater first, and cinema is secondary for him.

On May 7, 1991, Dmitry met Olga. Then at the auditions absolutely stranger friend the actors had to hug and kiss each other. This is where their honeymoon began, as they immediately began to live together in the dormitory of the Sovremennik Theater. Dmitry did not waste time; he quickly introduced his chosen one to her parents, who approved of his choice. They wandered around different apartments for a long time; the young family did not have enough money. There was a period when Dmitry, by that time already famous actor, even "bombed". And they “earned their 100-meter-long dwelling, in which they still live, with sweat, blood and humiliation from the old man Dumas” (film “The Countess de Monsoreau”).

Dmitry considers one of his great sins to be that he did not recognize his eldest son for a long time. Everything changed thanks to Olga. Dmitry gave the boy his last name, and especially last years During Daniel's life, father and son communicated very closely. They managed to star in three films together, Dmitry helped the young man with “excerpts at the institute.”

Dmitry and Olga did not have children together for a very long time; the couple already despaired of becoming parents. And in 2007, 15 years after they met, their first child was born - son Elisha. Daniil enjoyed communicating with his younger brother, he “grabbed him in his arms, and they talked about something of their own.” “It was genuine love. Unfortunately, Elisha practically doesn’t remember this, Dani passed away in 2012, he left us as a bright Angel,” said the actor.

Did Dmitry and Olga have a wedding? When did they get married? What does the Temple mean in Pevtsov’s life? And who opened the doors for him? The answers are in the program.

The first independent prince of Moscow, the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky was named Daniil Alexandrovich. And after him, there was no longer a single namesake on the princely throne, although for another century the princes of the Moscow house called their sons, even their firstborn, that way.

Holy Prince

Daniil Alexandrovich of Moscow was a “correct” prince. He lived in harmony and love with his wife, raised his sons, was a fair ruler to his subjects, and a zealous master.

He tried to live peacefully with his neighbors, with the exception of the Ryazan prince, and not to get involved in the discord and strife of his older brothers. Daniil often played the role of a mediator, calling for peace between two irreconcilable Alexandrovichs: Dmitry Pereyaslavsky and Andrey Gorodetsky.

His life ended quietly; he never visited the reign of Vladimir, because his brother Andrei outlived him. He commanded the children not to quarrel.

After the death of the prince, they started talking about the miracles that happened at his grave. And for many decades the people of Moscow remembered their beloved prince. And he generously named the babies after Daniel.

Daniil Ivanovich

Ivan Kalita was the first to name his second son Danila in honor of the priest, however, he was not Kalita then, his brother reigned in Moscow Yuri Danilovich Red.

He reigned, consumed by a thirst for power. At the turn of 1319-1320, a baby was born to Prince Ivan and Princess Elena, his first wife, named after the blessed father. And he lived only a few weeks.

Around the same time, at Moskovsky Tysyatsky Protasia (Velyamina) an adult son named Danila, his father’s favorite and a young man in the prime of his life, dies; his father hoped to transfer the title and his position as a thousand to him. And he called him Protasius in honor of his beloved prince, whom he served all his life.

Even then they began to say that Saint Prince Danila was calling his people named after him to come to him.

Daniil Semenovich

The son of Ivan Kalita, Simeon Ivanovich Proud, was generally unlucky when it came to children. The prince had three wives, and the princely throne eventually passed to his brother - Ivan Ivanovich Krasny.

Simeon had 4 sons from his third wife, Tverite Maria Alexandrovna. The eldest did not live even a year, he bore the name of Daniel, however, the sons, named differently, also did not live long.

Daniil Dmitrievich

The next prince, who in 1370 named his first-born son in honor of the legendary and revered ancestor, was Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy.

At first, the son grew up and pleased his parents, the marriage of Dmitry Donskoy and the princess Evdokia was both agreeable and prolific.

But in 1379, 9-year-old Danila dies. And the main heir becomes Vasily Dmitrievich, born a year later than his brother.

Daniil Vasilievich

Vasily Dmitrievich, married to Sofia Vitovtovna, also suffered because of the children. His eldest son Yuri died at the age of five. God called his second son, Ivan, during the plague in 1417.

The third son was named Daniel. He lived for 5 months and in 1402 died from some kind of pestilence, probably a childhood one.

Sophia became pregnant again, gave birth to a son, Semyon, but he did not live in the world either. The heir, the future Vasily the Dark, was born only in 1415. 10 years before the death of the priest.


Not a single ruler in the families of the princes of the Moscow House of Rurikovich called him Daniil. They didn’t even believe in a curse; Daniil Alexandrovich was once too revered in Moscow.

They believed in retribution for sin. What sin? Whose? Daniil Alexandrovich himself once captured the Ryazan prince Konstantin Romanovich. Then Moscow fought with Ryazan over Kolomna.

The prince was put in prison, Daniil Alexandrovich hoped to take the “kiss of the cross” from Konstantin and then release him in peace to Ryazan.

But the matter dragged on and Daniil did not have time to release the prisoner, but his successor Yuri Danilovich decided the matter: the Ryazan prince was secretly killed in prison. Thus violating God's will and the will of Daniil Alexandrovich.

The prince exacted punishment for this sin, taking away all the boys of the Moscow princely house named after him.

Illustrations from the public Internet

The location chosen was picturesque and convenient - on a small hill, at the confluence of the quiet Khudinets River with the wide and full-flowing Moscow River. In 1282, the prince erected a wooden church here and ordered it to be consecrated in honor of his heavenly patron Saint Daniel.

On the one hand, the temple was located on a busy Horde road, and on the other, at a certain distance from the city. So soon the first monastic community in Moscow gathered around him, which the prince helped get on its feet with his personal savings. Now, having asked for blessings, it was possible to begin strengthening the economy.

The prince himself began to travel around the surrounding villages, inspect the lands, and receive reports from the elders. He sorted everything out himself, removed the lists, ordered the opening of granaries and barns. In the city, he immediately set about expanding the Kremlin, inventing work canteens and field kitchens. Work began to boil three times faster. Construction of walls and defensive fortifications Daniel led himself.

Along the Moscow shopping arcades, which the prince called Red Square in the Pereyaslav manner, he always walked alone, leaving his horse and his attendants far behind. He carefully examined the counters, touched the fabrics, asked prices, and talked with the merchants. The abundance of goods could not but rejoice: if there is something to sell, then there will be something to live on.

One day, as usual, the prince walked around the market. From everywhere came the joyful “To us, to us, prince!” Daniil Alexandrovich, dear father, come to us!” Seeing the intricately made salt shaker, the prince stopped:

- How much will you give it, mistress?

- Yes, at least accept it as a gift.

But the prince is not poor either. He unfolded the handkerchief and handed over the overseas wonder. From happiness, the woman collapsed at her feet, began to cry, and began to refuse the gift. She said that her son died in the service, but she got a good daughter-in-law, and they are raising their grandson together, so it’s a sin to complain.

The prince picked it up, took out a silver hryvnia and said seriously:

- No, you just accept it, mistress. After all, it was I who did not save your son.

Even during Daniel’s lifetime, legends circulated about the Moscow prince’s amazing responsibility for his people and his absolutely out-of-date 13th-century love of peace.

In 1282, in response to the unfair claims of his older brother, Grand Duke Dmitry, he gathers an army and opposes him. Having met the offenders, the Muscovites were ready to rush into the attack, when suddenly the prince suddenly ordered the all-clear to sound. He resolved this conflict through negotiations.

3 years later there was another threat, this time from his middle brother Andrei Alexandrovich. And again, Daniel’s peaceful policy stops civil strife and prevents bloodshed from beginning.

In 1293, a particularly difficult test befell Moscow. Prince Andrei brought the Tatars to Rus', led by the notorious Duden. Dudenev's army had already burned Murom, Suzdal, Kolomna, and devastated Dmitrov and Mozhaisk. Now this gang of ruthless robbers stood at the walls of Moscow. The forces were too unequal, and it was useless to resist.

By moral law At that time, the prince had every right to survive the attack in one of his villages. But what kind of father leaves his children? In order to avoid bloodshed, Daniel delivers the keys to the city to the enemy and, together with his people, experiences the horrors of the barbaric attack.

Before the sated robbers had time to leave the robbed and mutilated city, leaving Muscovites in the ashes, the prince was already gathering people to himself, encouraging them and distributing his estate to the victims. It’s hard to believe, but Moscow got back on its feet and rebuilt itself after the blow in just one year.

And a year later, in 1295, the prince set out on a campaign at the head of a large united army against his treacherous brother. Muscovites had both strength and truth on their side. Victory could punish Prince Andrei and bring power to Daniil. But he would have to pay for it with brotherly blood and the blood of his squad. And again negotiations, and again peace, sealed with the signatures of all the princes of the Russian land at their general congress in Dmitrov.

However, when necessary, the son of Alexander Nevsky knew how to hold a sword. In 1300, the Tatars came to Rus' again. This time they were brought by the Ryazan prince Konstantin, who was going to capture Moscow. Daniil Alexandrovich warned the Ryazan invasion and was the first to set out on a campaign. Having captured Kolomna with a quick maneuver, the Muscovites attacked Ryazan itself. The Tatar troops were defeated, Konstantin was captured.

But even here the Moscow owner remains true to himself. He receives the captive prince as a guest - with all due honors. Such a reception touches the heart of the captive, and the two Russian principalities conclude a long-awaited peace between themselves.

The exploits of Christian peacefulness could not but bear fruit. It is about people like Prince Daniel that the Gospel says: “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”

In 1296, Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich committed an act that is unlikely to have analogues in world history. Defeated by Daniel's humility and meekness, he gives his younger brother the power and title of Grand Duke.

The lack of lust for power, wisdom and non-acquisitiveness of Prince Daniel attract love and respect to him on the grand throne. It was during his reign that an event very important for the history of Moscow took place. His nephew, Ivan Dmitrievich, who has no heirs, bequeaths to his beloved uncle his principality, one of the richest and most powerful in Rus' - Pereslavl-Zalessky. It was from this moment that the Moscow state began to exist.

In his personal life, the founder of Moscow was extremely modest, so we know little about her. It is only known that the prince’s wife’s name was Evdokia, that she bore him four sons, and that in her free time from raising children, she helped the poor and embroidered liturgical fabrics with gold for the Danilov Monastery.

Just as Saint Vassa instilled in her son a love of piety, Daniel’s wife taught the younger Vanechka to give alms. She sewed him a special wallet for the poor, which, even as he grew up, Ivan Danilovich never forgot to carry with him anywhere, for which he received his nickname Kalita.

Daniil Alexandrovich's first son, Yuri, did not have as gentle a character as Ivan. The prince knew this and therefore, leaving Moscow to his sons as undivided possession, he bequeathed to them to obey their elders and not allow hateful discord, no matter what.

The Lord granted the holy prince a quick and painless death. Literally the day before his death, he felt it approaching and hurried to his beloved monastery, where he received the great schema from the hands of the abbot, Archimandrite John. On March 17, 1303, the prince peacefully departed to the Lord.

All of Moscow mourned its breadwinner and protector, for according to the chronicle there was not a single person in the city who did not experience this loss as a loss own father. According to his humble will, he was buried as a simple monk, without honors, in the brotherly cemetery of the monastery he founded.

Less than 30 years had passed since the repose of the blessed prince, the Danilov Monastery was transferred to the Kremlin, the church was turned into a parish, the cemetery became secular, and the grave of Daniil himself was forgotten.

About 200 years later, a certain pious young man from the entourage of Ivan the Third, driving past this deserted corner, saw an unusual old man who appeared on his way from nowhere. “Don’t be afraid of me,” said the wanderer. - I am a Christian and the owner of this place. My name is Daniel, Prince of Moscow, by the will of God I am placed here.” Since then, all Moscow princes began to revere their wonderful ancestor and seek his prayerful help in all matters of city government.

At the time of the tomb of the Monk Daniel, the dying son of a Kolomna merchant was healed. The Tsar, amazed by the miracle, restored and decorated the ancient Danilov Monastery. Every year the Metropolitan and the Holy Council began to perform procession to the burial place of the noble prince, to serve a memorial service there and to honor Grand Duke Daniil Alexandrovich, the patron saint of Moscow.

The program was prepared by the Neophyte Studio of the Moscow St. Danilov Monastery, commissioned by the Kultura TV channel, 2002.

book, brother Al. Nevsky, † 1256

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