It is known that the most difficult thing for a psychologist to work with is younger adolescents. The reasons for this are different, although quite understandable. Firstly, the crisis of separation from the family forces teenagers to somewhat distance themselves from any adults. This is especially true for children from families with overprotective parents who strive with all their might to maintain control over them. Secondly, puberty, emotional imbalance make teenagers loud and active. It is difficult for them to sit quietly during sessions with a psychologist, which usually take place after school. What if they are carried out not with one teenager, but with a group? What if the next room is a teacher’s room, a head teacher’s office, or something similar, and the noise is regarded by teachers as the psychologist’s incompetence?

But at the most difficult situation turn out to be novice psychologists. After all, the children do not know what can be expected from them, they are in no hurry to start trusting, and perceive the psychologist as another teacher who needs to be checked.

In this situation, a form of work that can help is:

It will be safe for the guys, that is, familiar from previous experience;

It is exciting, that is, it contains elements of competition;

It is not edifying, that is, it does not contain direct educational instructions.

All these requirements are met by a game based on the principle of children's games - “walkers”.

For the game, the playing field and task texts are prepared in advance. The playing field shows: (in the lower left corner - start, in the upper right corner - finish). And between them, in a twisting line, there are scattered “circles”. There is a “question” on 12 circles, “freedom” on 4 circles, “opinion” on 8 circles, “backfill” on 8 circles, “stop” on 4 circles, and “situation” on 8 more circles. There are also 3 more stairs, along which you can either climb several circles, or go back down several moves.

The texts of the assignments can be repeated for several lessons, or they can be changed. The appendix contains the texts of the assignments that we gave in 6th grade.

Several people can play the game. Maximum amount- 15. This is due to the fact that the more players participate in it, the more time it takes. With the participation of 10 people, the game stretches over two lessons. Before the game, the host prepares the required number of chips that the players will use. At the beginning of the game, the chips are placed at the start, and the task of the participants is to take turns throwing the dice to reach the finish line. If a participant ends up in a circle called “freedom,” then he can either draw something, or dance, or sing, or roll the dice again, or do what he wants. That's what freedom is for.

By throwing the dice and moving the chips, the participant completes “tasks”, answers “questions-to-be-filled” and simply “questions”, expresses his “opinion” in response to the conclusion written on the card, comes up with his own actions in various “situations”, at a “stop” he reflects on some topic.

The game is designed for teenagers, but by coming up with new questions and tasks, it can be modified for different tasks and ages.

This game unobtrusively gives children the opportunity to talk about themselves, and when answering questions, they have the right to regulate the degree of personally relevant information, and can also think about things that they had not thought about before.

When teenagers form their opinion about a certain statement, they evaluate the degree to which the phenomenon referred to in the statement corresponds to reality. This makes them think about some laws of life, as well as game form learn about them, which will allow them to better navigate in an unfamiliar adult space in the future.

During the game, a more trusting atmosphere is created between the participants; teenagers learn to listen to each other, think about their past, present and future, about what they want from life. Also, when answering questions, teenagers share their opinions on how best to act in a given situation or how to achieve various communicative goals. For example: “How not to offend a person”? During the game, they discover a lot of new things not only in themselves, but also in those around them, in the laws of the surrounding world. This is also due to the fact that cognition occurs in the lungs, pleasant a playful form, rarely found in psychological classes. While enjoying psychological knowledge, the teenager will continue to be interested in it, as it will evoke positive associations and a feeling of pleasure from psychological activities and reflections.


The presenter can offer tasks and questions from each block to the players orally. However, it is much more convenient to use them if they are written on separate cards located opposite the corresponding circle.

Option 1

What does this mean?
Is the judgment true or false?
What's it like your opinion By on this occasion?

1. In order to change something or someone, you need to do something yourself (do something or change yourself).

2. In order to achieve your goal, you need to come up with several mini-goals that will help you achieve your final goal.

3. Life is easier for a person who is rarely offended and is very easy-going, since offense is an exhausting, unpleasant feeling. In life, there are not many really solid reasons for being offended, most of the reasons are for minor offenses, so you shouldn’t be offended for a long time.

4. A person must constantly develop internally. Only then will he be truly happy.

5. Death does not only occur at the end of life. There is also a symbolic death, which is for good. It is needed to make room in a person for something new. After all, in order for a new sprout to grow, something must die, die away in order to fertilize the soil - something that a person no longer needs.

6. Adulthood is not only the ability to provide for oneself, but also responsibility for both one’s actions and one’s life.

7. People are often afraid to change something in their lives for fear of losing what they have. already have, even if changes promise good luck, success and acquisitions.

8. If a person lies once, then they will look at him with caution. If a person lies a second and third time, he will be treated with distrust. If this is repeated again, then there will be no faith in him. The same thing happens with other human actions.


Answer the “trickle-down question”

1. How not to offend someone?

2. How to attract a person's attention?

3. How to console someone?

4. How to gain a person's trust?

5. How to find contact with a person?

6. How to make someone happy?

7. How to choose a gift for a person so that he likes it?

8. How do you know what a person is feeling or thinking?


1. Show me

what are you like when no one sees you;

what are you like when surrounded by loved ones;

what are you like when strangers see you;

what are you like when everyone sees you?


What would you like to be like in the future?

3. Draw your past.

4. Draw your present.

5. Draw your future.

6. Tell us about some of your tricks, pranks.

7. Show, depict with your body, gestures, facial expressions to everyone or almost everyone, what do you think about them?

8. Think about who in your class you are least like, and tell us how you are similar.


1. What would you like to be like in your past?

2. What is important to you in life?

3. What is your earliest memory?

4. How would you like your future to look?

5. Would you like to change your past and how?

6. Do you have any principles in life? Which?

7. What do you think you need to do to achieve your dreams for the future?

8. Do you think anything has changed in you over the past two years? (Growing up, character, behavior.)

9. Tell me, what do you dream about?

10. Tell us about five of your strengths.

11. What do you like about people and what don't you?

12. What would you like to change in others? And what could you do about this?


You need to stop and think to yourself, and perhaps even say!

1. Think to yourself, who have you unjustly offended over the past week?

2. Who would you like to please and why?

3. How can you be to make people around you feel pleasant and comfortable?

4. What's good about you that you rarely use?


How would you behave in this situation, what would you feel, what would you say?

1. Your friend (girlfriend) tells you that your girlfriend (boyfriend) suggested (offered) to go to a disco because you didn’t want to go...

2. Classroom teacher persuaded you to perform at the school concert. You go on stage and...

3. You and your friend (girlfriend) had a big fight. You are angry with him (her), but nevertheless you miss communicating with him (her)...

4. You want to go to a party with friends, but you hardly know anyone there...

5. You accidentally broke a flower pot in the classroom...

6. A guy (girl) comes up to you on the street and says that he wants to meet you...

7. You spent the whole summer not in Moscow and did not see your friends. You call up, agree to go for a walk, meet, communicate. Suddenly someone offers to smoke, and then it turns out that over the summer all the guys in your company started smoking...

8. You didn't homework and was not prepared for lessons. And as luck would have it, you were called to the board...

Option 2


1. If you kept a diary, what would you write over the past week?

2. Depict with your body, gestures, facial expressions, what do you expect from others?

3. Draw your protective amulet of strength and tell us about it.

4. Tell us a little about each of those present and what you like about them.

5. Depict with your body, gestures, facial expressions:

how do you know how to love your loved ones,

how you know how to love your friends;

how can you love strangers

you people.

6. Draw the mask that you most often “put on” when communicating with people

7. Depict with your body, gestures, facial expressions:

how do you let a person know that you don’t like him;

how do you let a person know that you don’t believe him;

how do you let a person know that you are offended by him;

How do you let someone know that you are in a bad mood?

8. Without words (with gestures), give everyone or almost everyone a gift.


1. What is the meaning of your life?

2. Do you need understanding of yourself and others in your life? Why?

3. Have you ever had such cases in your life when you were not understood? Which?

4. Have you ever had such cases in your life when you did something good to someone and it was returned to you? Which?

5. What is your purpose in life?

6. What is your image of an ideal friend?

7. What is your image of an ideal young man (girl)?

8. Why are you living?

9. What is your image of an ideal parent?

10. What efforts are you willing to expend to achieve your goals?

11. How do you rate your real life?

12. How easy is it for you to predict your life? Give an example.


1. A person tells you something, but you know that the person is lying. What will you do in this situation?

2. You did something that you are ashamed of. What will you do in this situation?

3. You are in a new company, and they make it clear to you that you are new and the attitude towards you is appropriate. What will you do in this situation?

4. You have a young man (girlfriend), but recently somewhere you met another young man (girlfriend) whom you really liked. Your friends told you that he/she also really liked you. What will you do in this situation?

5. An appointment has been made for your friend (“the arrow has been scored”). You know that you will be in the minority, and you have no one to call for help except your one friend. What will you do in this situation?

6. You want to hide something from your parents or are afraid to admit something. What will you do in this situation?

7. Parents believe that it is dangerous to walk outside late, and even more so to go to hot spots. And you just wanted to go there with your friends. What will you do in this situation?

8. You think that your parents are wrong or doing something wrong. What will you do in this situation?


1. What do you need to do to be treated well by others?

2. How to please a person?

3. What should you do to make your parents understand that you are already independent?

4. How to behave on a first date?

5. What do you need to do in order to achieve success in life?

6. How to line up a good relationship with parents?

7. How to build a good relationship with your boyfriend/girlfriend?

8. How to make sure you have many friends? (If you don’t need a lot of friends, then option 2: how to make sure that you have loyal and devoted friends?)


1. Do you have events in your life that would repeat several times?

2. Think and name five of your advantages and five of your disadvantages?

3. Think about what you need to be happy and how to achieve it?

4. Think about what you live for?


1. We like to communicate with those people who understand us. To understand a person (the reasons for his actions and words, his further actions), you need to imagine yourself in his place.

2. If a person is evil and does something bad to someone, then this means that he is a deeply unhappy person. Otherwise he would not have done harm to others. “I despise myself, which is probably why I despise others” (M.Yu. Lermontov. Hero of our time).

3. In order to love others, to understand others, you must first understand and love yourself.

4. A woman is the keeper of the hearth, the assistant, the neck and eyes of her husband. She must be loving, affectionate, wise, understanding, cunning and internally strong. She is responsible for ensuring that everyone at home feels good, safe and warm, so that her family wants to return home, so that the house is her family’s fortress.

5. A man is a protector, the head of the house. He must be strong both inside and outside, pragmatic, intelligent, caring, kind, reliable, able to accept important decisions. He is responsible for ensuring that nothing bad happens to his family, so that everyone is listened to, understood and treated kindly.

6. If you want others to respect you and listen to your words, you must first respect yourself, and secondly, respect others and listen to what they say.

7. If a person does evil to someone, then sooner or later, one way or another, it will return to him. And he himself will feel as bad as the person to whom he did something bad, or even worse!

8. A person must take responsibility for himself. He must know that success or failure, success or failure in most cases depends only on him!

Board games in the work of a psychologist as a means of increasing the communicative activity of adolescents

educational psychologist, MBOU Secondary School No. 3,


In the modern world, teenagers do not want to be distant from the technological innovations of the world around them. Today, children have information sometimes even better than adults. But the worrying fact is that everything large quantity children have internet addiction. According to the observations of teachers and psychologists, junior students school age free from training sessions They prefer computer games to active or various kinds of educational games, and direct communication with peers - games with a phone or tablet. The same trend can be seen in adolescence, When real communication with peers, like necessary condition development, is replaced by virtual. To the question “What do you like to do in free time? The vast majority of schoolchildren, regardless of age, answer: “Play computer games(communicate via social networks).” 8th grade students were asked to use a diagram to show how much time they spend on different kinds activities during the day (days). Almost all students noted that the Internet, social media(usually VK) occupy from 40 to 80% of their total time. Some divided the chart into sleep and social. networks. Based on the results of diagnosing 5th grade students with the Philips test, I note children have difficulties in establishing contacts, in interpersonal interaction, fear of communication and fear of self-expression. Of course, this slows down the process of formation of vital important qualities, skills and abilities of adolescents.

One of the most progressive ways to introduce a child into modern world and the area of ​​information, in the processes of learning and cognition of life, are games, more often computer games. Given this fact, it is possible to replace computer games with board games.

Popularity of board games in Lately has increased, various publishing houses specializing in board games have appeared. In this regard, board game clubs are gaining popularity. Teenagers have a high need for communication, but in the modern world it is sometimes difficult to find company, since most people “sit on social networks.” Therefore, children are happy to go to such clubs where they can find playing partners.

Board games have a positive effect on psychological development teenagers, as one of the most important criteria games, according to Elkonin, are considered freedom of action, which, in turn, is accepted by teenagers as one of important points as they approach adulthood.

Working in secondary school, I'm driving extracurricular activities with teenagers. One of the areas of my work is the use of psychological board games. These games are an unusual, exciting way to solve various personal problems, and also act as a developmental factor. The use of board games has a positive effect on the socialization of children, the formation of communication skills, helps relieve anxiety, and promotes favorable development emotional sphere teenagers, education of moral qualities. During the game, it is possible for children to interact as one age group, so different ages. Also Board games They give children the opportunity to take a break from school work and communicate with each other in an informal setting. The most sociable and favorite game for children is “Mafia”. Another advantage is that up to 20 people can play at once. For positive interaction and successful gameplay, a teenager needs to possess the following personal qualities - creativity, leadership, the ability to express and defend his point of view, take into account the opinions of others, and be able to negotiate. All these skills and abilities are formed and developed during the game. The game "Mafia" also develops analytical thinking, logic, memory, intelligence, communication skills, self-control. In addition, during the game there are many reasons to resolve educational issues: rules of behavior in society, polite treatment, and others. ethical standards behavior.

The spy board game “The Sixth Cow” has become very popular among middle school students. This is a very dynamic game, we develop thinking skills, attention, speed of reaction, and also helps to consolidate basic mathematical knowledge. Also, during the game, strategic abilities are formed, the ability to predict the players’ moves. So who is Agent 006?

A very dynamic, positive children's game "Sleeping Queens" has become popular among teenagers. The game has a very exciting strategy. It develops memory, attention, basic math and strategic skills.

The game "Dixit" is distinguished by its unusualness and originality. Dixit is an associative board game. During the game, children select associations for unusual, fantasy pictures. I use cards in various ways: in a classic game with a playing field and simply selecting associations to the pictures, revealing our personal problems (anxiety, fears). At the same time, other participants can help the narrator in finding a way out of problematic situations. For example, a child took a card, but cannot explain it, begins to worry, and refuses to work. In this case, we resort to the help of children, they begin to tell what they see in the drawing, the narrator’s confidence increases and he already voices his experiences.

“Dixit” promotes the development of thinking, imagination, intuition, fantasy, intelligence, and the formation of effective non-verbal communication skills. The game is very interesting and always takes place in a friendly atmosphere.

Experience shows that play and direct live communication that occurs in the gaming space are very attractive to children of different ages and can compete for their attention with the virtual space. When re-diagnosing students (Philips test, questionnaire “How am I in communication”) in adolescents, I note a decrease in the level of anxiety and an increase in communication skills.

Thus, board games contribute to the socialization of schoolchildren, unity children's group, as well as relieving emotional stress after a school day.

List of information sources:

1. psychology of the game. - M.: Vlados, 1999 - 360 p.

2. https://4brain. ru/psy/game. php

3.http://hobbygames. ru/psihologicheskie-nastolnie-igri

4. A. Puchkova. From experience using parlor games. School psychologist, No. 3-4/2017

5. D. Loginov. Repertoire of associations. School psychologist, No. 7-8/2017

Hello and cheers! I finally got around to talking about the psychological games I know.

Probably, many games can be classified as psychological games in one way or another. After all, in every game, one way or another, our feelings, emotions, actions, relationships with each other are involved... And this is essentially what the science of psychology studies. I won’t talk about all the games here.

Yes! Let me remind you better that the article

Psychological board games

I don’t think anyone needs to introduce Julia Gippenreiter. And if it suddenly happens that you know nothing about her, then brief information you can find about it here.

This is a set of several psychological games for the whole family from Julia Gippenreiter.

The point of this game is to bring the whole family together and... Communicate! But not just about something distant (for example, about the weather), but about your own feelings, emotions, thoughts. In a word - about everything that people usually forget to talk about.

Main the goal of this game teach you to speak openly about your emotions that arise in a given situation, learn to understand and name your emotions (try it and find out how rarely we think about this), notice and guess about the emotions of others.

Develop in players emotional intellect – the one that for some reason few people pay close attention to.

This game is really popular, you just have to learn it numerous reviews, for example, in the Labyrinth.

What age is this game for?

On the game it appears 6+.

I will not argue with Yulia Borisovna on this issue.

Things to note: The game contains a lot of cardboard cards. Before the first game, some of them need to be cut out.

You can play here three games:

  • Our feelings: here we study various emotional situations, recall similar incidents from our lives, learn the names of feelings, and learn to listen carefully to our interlocutor.
  • Emotional Lotto: similar to regular lotto, only instead of a repeating picture or number, we recognize the emotional situation described by the presenter.
  • Emotional guessing game: we guess the feelings and emotions experienced by the hero of a certain life situation.

Things to warn about: The game may seem boring to some - it does not have an exciting plot, intrigue, or all the usual things that are usually expected from board games.

Nevertheless, I consider it my duty to talk about it, because this game has greatly helped many people to establish emotional contact in the family.

Where can I buy

In the Labyrinth store

In the My-shop

The game “What to do if...” - a psychological game for children

Well, this game is from Lyudmila Petranovskaya.

The game of the same name is based on the bestselling book by Lyudmila Petranovskaya "What to do, if?" .

And it is intended for children of primary school age. That is, children enjoy playing it themselves, not only with their parents.

It consists of game cards of “situations” and “solutions” and an abbreviated version of the book.

The player who scores greatest number"Situations."

The game teaches children to find solutions in various difficult life situations.

For example:

“What to do if it’s raining outside with thunder and lightning, and you’re standing under a tree?”, or

“What should you do if the guys in class are constantly making fun of you?”

What's surprising- the book “What if?” many children love it very much and, what is most remarkable, they read and re-read it themselves!

Where can I buy

Since the book “What to do if...” was published in two parts, the game “What to do if...” is also made in two parts:

The first part of the game in the maze

The first part of “What to do if...” on Ozone

The second part in the Labyrinth

The second part of the game in My-shop

Game "ELEMENTS" from Yu.B. Gippenreiter “Intellectual psychological game for children and adults”

Another game from Yulia Borisovna Gippenreiter!

I also can’t keep silent about it because large quantity positive reviews.

This game is in some way a “relative” of the first game of our review (Emotional Intelligence), only it is already for adults.

Or rather - for children over 12 years old and adults.

The game teaches you to understand your own feelings and the feelings of others, to suddenly notice bright details in seemingly familiar lines, to openly discuss with friends or relatives important and difficult issues that you probably wouldn’t discuss just like that, outside the game...

You can also play three games with this set:

  • Game "ELEMENTS": in it, players take turns drawing a card with a quote, guessing the missing word, and answering the card’s personal questions to the player.
  • Game "ELEMENTS Lotto": resembles a regular lotto, but players look on their cards for exactly the poem, the quote from which is proclaimed by the host.
  • Game “ELEMENT OF Allegory”: This game is reminiscent of an association game. We explain the word without naming its cognates

Where can I buy

ELEMENT in the Labyrinth

ELEMENT on Ozone

ELEMENTS in My-shop

The game "Mafia" is a psychological game for the company

Who doesn't know "Mafia"?

Are there any more like this?! Then this review item is for you!

Mafia is a game for big company. People from six, more is better.

Age restrictions? I think from the age of six you can already join the team. In general, this is an individual matter.

Very exciting and, indeed, psychological. After all, each player needs to carefully monitor the behavior of the others in order to guess who is in front of him - a civilian, or a mafia, a sheriff, or perhaps this hero is endowed with superpowers?! Moreover, the player must behave in such a way as not to give himself away!

The composition of any Mafia game is cards and instructions.

We have such a mafia in stock.

And, to tell the truth, this option quickly became worn out for us. Therefore I recommend

Buy higher quality cards.

Here are some good options:

Where can I buy

The most popular "Mafia"(averagely pleasant price-quality) in the Ozone store

This is her - in My-shop

But, for example, what the My-shop store offers:

Plastic cards "Mafia", made in the style of playing cards.

If you want "super-duper" gift Mafia, then there is this one too:

It looks very solid! (my-shop store)

There are also good reviews about the quality of this set:

This is him in My-Shop

And this is on Ozone

Game “24 money formulas” - secrets of the psychology of money

Well, the last point I want to draw your attention to is psychological games from Tatiana Zinkevich-Evstigneeva.

For example, beloved by many game "24 money formulas"

Essentially it's just a set of cards.

Each of them has something written on it, and the player is asked to simply draw one card...

Perhaps this will happen at a party? And also, perhaps, this will become someone’s game for every day...

A game of relationships with money, and to money.

At first glance, a rather stupid set in some magical (or maybe psychological) way changes the player’s view of money and his relationship with money.

“No, well, it works!” –

This is what many who have met these miracle cards in person say with surprise.

What they will become for you is up to you to decide. My job is to draw your attention to them. Perhaps they will serve you well.

Who knows...

Where can I buy

“24 money formulas” in the Labyrinth

This is on Ozone

And - in My-shop

This is where we will probably finish our review of psychological games.

Let me remind you that this was the ninth “episode” of our review of games for family and fun company.

There you can find reviews of many other types of games.

Yes! Since you are interested in psychological games, I also recommend studying. After all, they were in this section at first. And only after some thought they moved to their personal one.

Well, if you suddenly happen to get bored somewhere (for example, in a car, or a train, or maybe an airplane), then here you will find

Psychological board game for teenagers

Goal: to promote the socialization of children

  • create a more trusting atmosphere among participants,
  • develop the ability to listen to each other,
  • give a reason to think about their past, present and future, about what they want from life.

Participants: The game is designed for teenagers. Several people can play the game. Maximum quantity - 15.


  • playing field;
  • cube and chips
  • task cards;

Game description:

Teenagers often need a form of work that:

  • will be safe for the children, that is, familiar to them from previous experience;
  • exciting, that is, it contains elements of competition;
  • not edifying, that is, does not contain direct educational instructions.

All these requirements are met by a game based on the principle of children's games - “walkers”. A playing field and task texts are being prepared for the game. And between them, in a twisting line, there are scattered “circles”. There is a “question” on 12 circles, “freedom” on 4 circles, “opinion” on 8 circles, “backfill” on 8 circles, “stop” on 4 circles, and “situation” on 8 more circles. There are also 3 more stairs, along which you can either climb several circles, or go back down several moves.

The texts of the assignments can be repeated for several lessons, or they can be changed. The appendix contains the texts of the assignments

Several people can play the game. The maximum number is 15. This is due to the fact that the more players participate in it, the longer it takes. With the participation of 10 people, the game stretches over two lessons. The presenter prepares the required number of chips that the players will use. At the beginning of the game, chips are placed at the start. The task of the participants is to take turns throwing the dice to reach the finish line. If a participant ends up in a circle called “freedom,” then he can draw something, dance, sing, throw the dice again, or do something else - that’s what freedom is for.

By throwing the dice and moving the chips, the participant completes “tasks”, answers “questions-to-be-filled” and simply “questions”, expresses his “opinion” in response to the conclusion written on the card, comes up with his own actions in various “situations”, at a “stop” he reflects on some topic.

During the game, teenagers learn to listen to each other, think about their past, present and future, about what they want from life. Answering questions, teenagers share their opinions on how best to act in a given situation, how to achieve various communicative goals, for example, how not to offend a person? In a light playful way, they discover a lot of new things not only in themselves, but also in those around them.

The game is designed for teenagers, but by coming up with new questions and tasks, it can be modified for different tasks and ages.

This game gives children the opportunity to talk about themselves, and when answering questions, they have the right to regulate the degree of personally affected information, and can also think about things that they had not thought about before. At the end of the lesson, participants are asked questions:

  • What new did you learn in class today?
  • how did you feel while playing?
  • What do you think this game is aimed at?
  • what did you learn during the game?

Tasks and questions from each block can be offered to the players orally, but it is more convenient if they are written down on separate cards. Examples of tasks Stop You need to stop and think to yourself, and perhaps say:

  • Think to yourself, who have you unjustly offended over the past week?
  • Who would you like to please and why?
  • How can you be to make people around you feel pleasant and comfortable?
  • What is good about you, but you rarely use it?


What does this mean? Is the judgment true or false? What is your opinion on this matter?

  • Be merciful not only to pets, but to pets in general.
  • True charity is the desire to benefit others without thinking about reward.
  • A person must constantly develop internally. Only then will he be truly happy.
  • If a person lies once, then they will look at him with caution.
  • We like to communicate with those people who understand us.
  • If a person is evil and does something bad to someone, then this means that he is a deeply unhappy person.

Otherwise he would not have done harm to others.

  • In order to love others, to understand others, you must first understand and love yourself.
  • If you want others to respect you and listen to your words, you must first respect others yourself and listen to what they say.


  • If you kept a diary, what would you write over the past week?
  • What would you like to be like in the future?
  • Which personal qualities did you acquire during your studies?
  • Name three of your positive qualities.
  • What advantages does your age have?
  • What do you expect from others?
  • Tell us about each player what you like about them (2*3 definitions each)
  • Choose the image of the face that you most often see when communicating with people
  • Select the image of the face that you most often want to see from your interlocutor
  • Tell me, what would you give to each of the players?
  • What good deeds have you done lately? (name 3)
  • What kind things have people done to you lately? (name 3)


Answer the “trickle-down question”

  • What do you need to do to be treated well by others?
  • How to please a person?
  • What should you do to make your parents understand that you are already independent?
  • How to gain a person's trust?
  • What do you need to do in order to achieve success in life?
  • How to build good relationships with parents?
  • How to choose a gift for a person so that he likes it?
  • How to make sure you have many friends? (How to make sure you have loyal and devoted friends?)

Show, depict with your body, facial expressions, gestures:

  • Volcano
  • thundercloud
  • Autumn tree
  • Flower
  • Wind
  • Waterfall
  • Sun


Continue the sentence:

  • "Frankly, I can help..."
  • “Frankly speaking, it’s very difficult for me to forget...”
  • “Frankly speaking, I don’t know how at all...”
  • “Frankly, I can organize...”
  • “Frankly speaking, when I’m sick...”
  • “Frankly speaking, I still don’t know...”
  • “Frankly speaking, it surprises me...”
  • "Frankly, when I go home..."

For whom?

How to play?

Based on these results, other forms of support can be trained, as well as...

Read completely

Tabletop psychological game

For whom?
Support is a new psychological game for adults and teenagers. Professionals (psychologists, teachers and social workers) can use the game for diagnostics and full interaction training. Anyone who wants to better understand themselves and practice skills in giving and receiving support, as well as those who want to improve their level of emotional intelligence, can participate.

How to play?
One player takes turns drawing a situation card and saying it on their behalf. The rest of the players provide him with support, according to the elongated form (intellectual, emotional and action support). The player voicing the situation chooses the best support and that player is awarded a point. The result is recorded on paper. After several laps, an analysis is carried out to determine which forms of support each player is successful in, and which forms are better accepted.
Based on these results, you can train other forms of support, as well as learn to ask for support in the way you want.

For what?
The game helps to work with the attitude “others are just like me and they need what I need.” Helps you understand yourself better and communicate more productively with other people. Develops emotional and social intelligence.
The game helps
- determine the leading form of support
- determine the most accepted form of support
- practice other forms of support
- practice receiving support in different forms
- improve the quality of communication
- increase the level of social and emotional intelligence
Support yourself and others!
Age 14+
Time 30-60 min.
3-6 players.
