They started talking about problems in the family of Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece after the actors removed each other from friends. Netizens named Priluchny’s betrayal as one of the reasons for the unexpected crisis in relations between spouses. Some fans suggest that Pavel is having an affair with actress Lukerya Ilyashenko, his partner in the new project.

“Friends, there is no third person involved in our relationship with Agatha, so shove your guesses and disrespectful statements up your ass. Everything that concerns our relationship applies only to the two of us. For a long time I didn’t want to write anything about this, because I think that personal life is still a personal life. And let's close the topic here. Thank you all for your understanding!” - wrote Pavel Priluchny.

The day before, Agata Muceniece made a truly sensational statement. The actress confirmed fans' guesses that her relationship with her husband had gone wrong.

“Dear friends, everyone is wondering about our relationship with Pavel. Let me say briefly, our marriage is on pause, whether we will solve this problem or not is unknown... We kindly ask you to respect us and not bombard us with questions,” Agatha wrote on the microblog.

Fans of Priluchny and Muceniece are divided into two camps - some believe that the quarrels are demonstrations, a PR move, others are sure that if not now, they will divorce later, because the actors’ union is short-lived, others are worried and hope for a quick reconciliation.

“If there is love, there are children, there is a huge sense in preserving, preserving, and not destroying... I believe that you have enough wisdom and your great family will be happy long years!”, “If you are afraid of losing each other, then they will be together, these are feelings!”, “You are just tired. There is so much running around: construction sites, filming, children. Everything gonna be alright! You really need to take a break from each other in order to understand that you are meant to be together,” wrote fans of Priluchny and Muceniece.

Meanwhile, Lukerya Ilyashenko, who was credited with an affair with Priluchny, voiced her attitude towards marriage in general on her microblog. Star of the series Sweet life“believes that there is nothing good in an official marriage. “You can’t call a good thing a “marriage,” but if a wedding ever happens to me, then I will go down the aisle in a black leather coat over my naked body and to the track AC/DC Highway to Hell instead of the Mendelssohn march,” she wrote .

Today Pavel Priluchny is one of the most beloved and sought-after actors in Russia. This is recognized by both critics and fashion magazines. Thanks to his talented performances in TV series, the actor gained a lot of fans. Of course, they will be interested in learning the biography of Pavel Priluchny, the secrets of his personal life and watching latest photos actor, 2017.

Parents of Priluchny Pavel: photo

Pavel was born on November 5, 1987 in the city of Berdsk. Since childhood, he saw the dysfunctional situation that reigned in his hometown. The surge in crime that appeared after the collapse of the USSR and the economic crisis left its mark on it. Many of Pavel’s friends, impressed by the TV series “Brigada,” went “down the wrong path” and ended up in prison.

The young man himself was also close to repeating their fate. But Pavel's parents prevented this. They did everything to ensure that their son grew up as a worthy man - as a child they enrolled him in many sports sections, of which Priluchny chose boxing. It must be said that in this matter he followed in the footsteps of his father.

Actor Pavel Priluchny

In addition, the boy went to a music school and danced. Despite the fact that he really disliked singing and dancing, his parents did not allow him to give up his mugs. But Priluchny really liked boxing. In addition, he often used the skills acquired in these classes in life.

Later in an interview, Pavel admitted that he saw no point in arguing - he immediately beat his opponents.

At the age of 14, Priluchny achieved success. He became a candidate for master of sports. But the young man did not continue further sports career. Often, in battles, he received concussions, and decided not to risk his health any further and choose a quieter activity.

Around the same time, something happened in the artist’s life. terrible tragedy- his dad passed away.

It must be said that Priluchny did not give up dancing. He did them until he was 16 years old. When his mother could no longer pay for classes, he had to leave this section.

Now Pavel Priluchny famous actor. He has a wife, son and daughter. Photos of the actor can be easily found on the Internet, and fans take advantage of this opportunity. But once the artist was an unknown young man from the provinces. Let's see how his creative journey began.

After finishing school, Pavel went to Novosibirsk. He moved to this city alone, without his family. He entered the theater school there, and after graduation he became an actor at the Globus Theater. It was on this stage that the career of today’s famous actor began. He didn't strive for fame. He was simply interested in being trained by a master of his craft, Anatoly Akhreev. He was the musical director of GITIS and a teacher at the Novosibirsk Theater Institute.

Pavel Priluchny performed on the stage of the Globus Theater for two years and successfully played the main roles. But this, ambitious to the young actor it seemed not enough, and he set off to conquer Moscow.

Priluchny Pavel: to career in Moscow

In the capital, not everything went smoothly for the guy. Immediately upon arrival he found himself in conflict situation. Trying to find rental housing, he turned to a real estate agency. Here he was deceived by scammers, took fifteen thousand rubles as a deposit and disappeared in an unknown direction. Not finding support from law enforcement officers, he came to the agency that had deceived him and started a real fight there.

As a result, the housing issue was resolved differently. Pavel was given a room in the dormitory, because he became a student at the Moscow Art Theater. His teacher was the famous Konstantin Raikin. Here the talented aspiring artist was noticed and soon offered to perform on the theater stage. He played his first role in the capital in the play “White Sheep”.

Photo of young P. Priluchny

In addition, the artist graduated from GITIS, participated in productions of the Moscow Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, and at the M. A. Bulgakov Theater.


While still a student at GITIS, Priluchny began to receive episodic roles in films and TV series. The episodes with his participation were insignificant, but he managed to be remembered by the audience. As a result, he got the role of player Doc in Pavel Sanaev’s film “At the Game”. Since at one time the actor was an avid gamer, he coped with his role without difficulty. He understood his hero from the inside.

Especially for this role, Priluchny got a DOC tattoo on his neck. Now she accurately reflects him inner world and values. And, I must say, the tattoo does not interfere with his career. After all, if necessary, make-up artists are able to hide it.

Pavel tattoo

In 2011, Priluchny played in another project that brought him fame. It was the series "Closed School". His hero is the 16-year-old son of a rich dad. Outwardly he is spoiled and pretentious, but inside he is a sensitive, vulnerable person. As the story progresses, he becomes close to similar schoolchildren. Together they investigate the mysterious events happening around them. This unusual series was watched with delight by millions of viewers.

In the series "Closed School"

In addition, Priluchny was invited to other projects. At the same time, he was involved in several TV series. This is “The Lavrova Method” with Svetlana Khodchenkova in the title role and in the crime series “Life”.

And after a short period of time, after the series “Closed School” ended, Priluchny was invited to the series “Major” with a crime-detective twist. This project entered the top ten, and Priluchny was dubbed the “Discovery of 2014.”

Images from the TV series "Major"

The actor is good at playing guys with character. Most of all, he loves to create images of anti-heroes. For example, in 2013, he got the role of a bandit in the series “A Matter of Honor”, ​​who shoots an investigator along with his child.

Afterwards, Marat does not repent of the crime he committed, but pompously tells the dead man’s brother that “it was cool.” Pavel, in order to believably play this hero, tried to justify him internally. He explained that for Marat this act was fair. He was brought up in this way, and could not imagine any other development of events.

Stills from the film “A Matter of Honor”

In addition, in 2013, he played in the film “Bad Blood.” At the beginning of this picture, his hero uses people, commits criminal and cruel acts. Gradually, with the development of the plot, a transformation of his personality occurs. Suddenly he loses his memory and sees the world completely differently. He starts life with clean slate, ceases to live only “his truth.”

Despite the fact that Priluchny played many negative characters, he tried to bring something of his own to the image of each.

Pavel Priluchny in the series “Major 2”

And now the actor is still filming a lot. Often he works without an understudy. This way it’s more interesting for him, he gets a lot of experience and learns a lot. In November 2016, the series “Major 2” was released. Of course, Priluchny played in it main role. And his partners in the series were Karina Razumovskaya, Vera Brezhneva, Dmitry Shevchenko.

On the set of the series “Major 2” with Vera Brezhneva

In addition, at the end of 2016, filming of the film “Kilimanjara” was completed, in which Priluchny played the main role. His partner in the series was Irina Starshenbaum. In addition, in 2017, the comedy film “The Life Ahead” with Priluchny was released. And I would like to hope that this is only the beginning of the young actor’s career.

Personal life

The personal life of the handsome artist is quite interesting and eventful. In 2006, he seriously fell in love with foreign actress Nikki Reed. He was then finishing his studies at the Moscow Art Theater, and the girl came to the studio school to visit her friend. The actress liked Pavel at first sight, and this sympathy turned out to be mutual.

The young people spent a week together. Afterwards, the girl returned to the USA, and Pavel remained in Moscow to yearn for her. I must say that the romance lasted at a distance. The young people planned to get married, and Pavel even dropped out of school to earn a living.

But Reed did not appreciate this act - one day she simply stopped answering calls and letters. So this relationship ended.

With Agata Mutsenice in the series “Closed School”

In 2011, Pavel met a girl who became his wife. It was the beautiful Agata Mutsenice. They met on the set of “Closed School.” Feelings flared up between them instantly, but for a long time they hid it from everyone. They played a couple in love only in movies. For a long time Priluchny fought with himself. He liked Agatha at first sight, but according to the actress, she had a boyfriend. Therefore, Priluchny tried to practically not communicate with his co-star.

However, the relationship developed rapidly. Soon the lovers began to live together. Priluchny proposed to his beloved on the first date, but the girl took it all as a joke.

A little later, the actor repeated his request to become his wife, and Agatha agreed. Soon they got married. Photos from Pavel Priluchny's wedding indicate that the young people were very happy that day.

With his wife and son, expecting their second child

Now the couple already has two children - son Timofey and daughter Mia. Occasionally, Agatha also participates in the filming of TV series and films. Then Pavel’s mother and a babysitter help the acting couple in caring for the children. After all, due to the fact that the filming schedule of the series is quite busy, there is not always a lot of time left to devote to children. However, young parents try to spend as much time as possible with their babies. In the event that filming does not take place in Moscow, Priluchny tries to take his family with him.

Of course, he tries to participate in the care of baby Mia - he bathes her and changes her clothes himself. He also plays with his son. Sometimes he takes him to filming. But Timofey doesn’t really like what his dad is doing. Now he likes cartoons and their characters more.

Sometimes the whole Priluchny family goes for a walk. In addition, Pavel recently bought a two-wheeled bicycle for his son, and bought himself a good scooter.

A daughter was born into this family unplanned. When Agatha found out that she was pregnant again, she was very worried. After all, even after her first pregnancy she could not get into shape. In addition, she was just approved to star in the sitcom " Civil marriage" She had to convince the film crew that there would be no whims or problems - everything would go well.

And so it happened, although Agatha had to try hard for this. She kept herself in shape for nine months and went pole dancing. Pavel was worried about his wife. After all, the stress on her body was quite strong. However, he understood that it was important for his wife to continue working.

Not long ago, the actor spouses Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny, in in social networks removed each other from their friend lists. This led to rumors that they were getting a divorce. And the reason for their breakup was her husband’s infidelity with the actress and co-star on the set. But then it became known that the spouses themselves had invented this for the sake of PR.

Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny: Agata and Pavel, the actors’ life together

Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece met on the set when they were filming the film “Closed School”. In 2011, in secret from everyone, in one of the most ordinary registry offices in Moscow, Agata and Pavel got married, exchanged wedding rings and vowed to each other eternal love. Agatha, as befits a legal wife, took her last name - Priluchnaya, but left her own as a pseudonym. Two years later, their son Timofey was born, and in 2016, their daughter Mia was born.

Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny: reasons for the split in the family

When Agatha and Pavel unfollowed each other on social networks and were no longer seen at parties together, fans decided that a big crack had appeared in their relationship. And Pavel was credited with an affair with his scene partner in the new project, Lukerya Ilyashenko. Although not long ago, Agatha began actively posting videos online about happy married days, where she described travel, how they raised children together and bought a new large apartment. There was no talk of divorce.

Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny: reconciliation of spouses

Having learned about all the conversations online and endless questions about the relationship between the Priluchny spouses, the actress felt it necessary to answer. Addressing all subscribers, she said that their relationship is still at a pause in development. It is not known whether they will solve this problem mutually and without judicial intervention.

But the couple’s fans never tire of talking about their lives. And soon information appeared that the young people had come up with the whole story of the divorce and the end of their marriage because of PR. All this happened after the spouses followed each other back on the social network, and Pavel’s wife commented back on the situation. She said there was progress in reconciliation. And she added that they cannot live separately from their loved ones and are ready to seek compromises in all existing problems in order to reach some general conclusion. And Agata boldly asked those subscribers who decided that this was PR to unsubscribe.

Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny are one of the most famous Russian couples. Popular actors Agata and Pavel attract a lot of attention. Recently, information appeared in the media that they divorced. How true is it?

Pavel Priluchny is one of the most sought-after young actors. He became famous after the TV series “Closed School,” in which he starred in 2011-2012. It was while working in this television series that he met his future wife Agata.

29-year-old Agata Muceniece is a model and actress. The girl was born in Riga and moved to Moscow in 2008. The actress became popular after the television series “Closed School”, in which she played the role of Daria Starkova.

Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny met on the set of the series “Closed School”

It is noteworthy that at first the young people did not get along. However, over time they developed a liking, and already in 2011 they played quiet wedding secret from journalists. Agata took her husband's surname, and left her maiden name - Muceniece - as a creative pseudonym.

In 2013, the couple had their first child, son Timofey. After another 3 years, a daughter was born, who was named Mia.

There have been rumors for a long time that Agata Muceniece is experiencing difficulties in relationships, and even that they have divorced. However, the couple rejected them. The actor himself said that both he and his wife are hot-tempered by nature, too emotional, which often leads to quarrels. The actors, in the heat of a quarrel, were more than once planning to get divorced.

Throughout their collaboration family life Such quarrels were not uncommon, they were even accompanied by breaking dishes and scandals. However, the spouses understood that the main thing was to save the marriage, draw conclusions from quarrels, and come to an agreement. If the quarrel was caused by some fundamental thing, then it should be discussed and a compromise found.

Not long ago, Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny stopped appearing together and even unfollowed each other on social networks. This caused another wave of rumors that they had divorced. The actors actually admitted that they have problems in their family, but they are not caused by cheating, as fans assumed.

On June 1, 2018, Agatha announced on social networks that her marriage to Pavel had been put on pause. The actress did not go into details about what happened, saying that she did not want to be bombarded with questions. Pavel did not comment on the reasons for the discord. Fans and the media were sure that a statement about the upcoming divorce would soon follow.

There were many rumors from the couple's circle. For example, they said that Pavel himself gives his wife reasons for quarrels: he often stays late after work, goes to parties, and does not answer the phone. However, Agatha denied such gossip.

After some time, Agatha announced on social networks that she and her husband intend to do everything possible to save the marriage. Disagreements between spouses exist because they both difficult people With different characters, however, they realized that they could not live without each other.

After this, a lot of rumors arose that star couple in this way it only attracts attention to itself, and that all rumors about divorce are just PR. The actress hastened to dispel these assumptions, assuring that their marriage and relationships are not a place for PR.

On this moment the spouses found the strength to resolve the conflict and come to a compromise in order to save the marriage. The couple asked no one to interfere in their relationship and give them the opportunity to solve all the problems themselves. Agatha told her fans that during the quarrel, she and her husband realized that they could do a lot in life, but they could not be without each other. And what is most important for those who truly love is to talk.

June 01, 2018

The couple could not overcome the crisis of “seven years of marriage”

Photo: archive.

more on the topic

Agata with her daughter and son stayed in country house, and Pavel moved to a Moscow apartment. Parents try to ensure that their children Timofey and Mia spend time with both mom and dad. Although the accumulated claims against each other do not yet allow us to cope with our emotions. This summer the couple has another wedding anniversary - 7 years. According to psychologists, the most dangerous age for a family.

Agatha has admitted more than once that she and her husband have frequent and violent quarrels, and every time they threaten each other with divorce. But then reconciliation still occurs. Why is there a disagreement this time?

There are several reasons. Family friends told us their versions.

Priluchny suggested that Agatha not work.

She will raise the children, and he will provide for the family. By the way, according to her passport she is Agata Priluchnaya, maiden name Muceniece became a creative pseudonym. But the actress was eager to go “to the fields”: she spent much less time on set than her husband, but she did not refuse offers. This year she also became a co-host of the “Voice” project. Children”, she is actively invited to participate in various projects...

Priluchny often staged scenes of jealousy for his wife. Pavel was jealous of men who, through work or even by chance, interacted with Agatha. Despite the fact that she didn’t give a reason.

“He will be calm if no one but him sees me or if I wear closed clothes. In this sense, it’s hard for Pasha, but he knew who he was taking as his wife. I have always fought for self-sufficiency, it is important for me to earn money myself..

Pavel is having an affair

It is clear that there were plenty of complaints against each other. Therefore, when the emergency happened, all the irritation that had accumulated towards each other spilled out. According to one of the couple’s acquaintances, Agatha was informed that her husband was having an affair with another woman. Considering that Pavel knew all the passwords for Agatha’s social networks, checked her phone and strictly controlled the “moral character” of his wife, such a “surprise” on his part was a blow for the gullible woman. Even if Pavel really allowed himself too much, he certainly did not intend to destroy his family.

On social networks they immediately suggested that his passion was actress Lukerya Ilyashenko. But this is not so: Pavel and Lukerya have friendly and working relations. Lukerya’s personal life has long been firmly connected with the editor-in-chief of one of the glossy magazines, who is 17 years older than her.

The same Lukerya with whom Pavel had nothing. Photo: Instagram Lukerya Ilyashenko.

Turning point

“I’ll say briefly, our marriage is on pause, whether we will solve this problem or not is unknown... we kindly ask you to respect us and not bombard us with questions...” - . And if the actress decided to make such a public statement, then things are really bad.

Initially, the star crowd assumed that this was PR - Agatha was promoting her channel “Priluchnye Everyday Life” on YouTube. But the psychologist told us that such statements are rarely made without a serious reason. In addition, the Priluchnys are now experiencing the most difficult “marriage milestone” from a psychological point of view - they are completing their 7th year of marriage.

According to statistics, it is during this period that maximum number divorces. Psychologists say: feelings lose their fervor, spouses distance themselves from each other, and this entails long list problems. Sexual desire decreases, the desire to like each other disappears, relationships between a man and a woman become cold due to constancy and predictability. The leading emotion is disappointment. A good family psychologist can save a marriage.

We hope that the most a beautiful couple Russian cinema will make peace, and Pavel and Agatha will be happy together for many more years.

Agatha tried very hard to make their home cozy and their marriage happy. She often gave surprises to her husband when she came to film set. “Pasha is a reliable, loving, serious…” Agata told us in an interview.

“Pasha has different moods. And I gave myself the attitude: no matter what happens to me in life, I will always find an opportunity to rejoice. I try to perceive negativity as an experience that is needed in order to later appreciate all the good things that will come to you. I’m trying to drag Pasha into the same rut. Yes, he himself is quite a positive person...”