I would never have given this interview if I had Last year my name was not mentioned so many times in the press by my ex-husband and his mother - Tatiana Vasilyeva .

The People's Artist of Russia publicly stated: I allegedly squandered almost half a million euros belonging to her family and took my grandchildren to Germany, and she, for her part, gave them an apartment... It’s hard to remain silent in response to this, and now I’m simply forced to defend myself! And I endured this for too long... I stopped being surprised: my marriage “with the Vasilyevs” began with deception - it also destroyed our family. Finally, I am ready to break the web of misunderstandings, reticences and untruths they have skillfully woven...

- How did it all begin? The newspapers wrote that Philip looked after you very beautifully...

For quite a long time I was misled about where the funds for these courtships come from. But really, let's start from the very beginning... Philip and I met in the Bella Ciao enterprise, to which I was invited in 2006 by my master, professor of the Shchukin School Rodion Yuryevich Ovchinnikov. I played the granddaughter of the heroine Tatyana Vasilyeva, and Philip played my fiancé. We toured a lot and were just with him for two years good friends, and I always sincerely admired Tatyana Grigorievna as an actress, I tried to learn something from her in the profession.

I knew that Philip’s mother had hired him into the enterprise - and this turned out to be his only place of work, as it turned out later. At first, Philip gave me a legend: “I, of course, love theater very much, but I also make money from business!” Allegedly, he invested in some business and receives interest from it, that is, he imagined himself as an independent person, absolutely independent of his mother.

And he really behaved like a man one could only dream of: bright appearance, expressive eyes, beautiful voice, good manners. Every evening I noticed him in the hall of the Stanislavsky Theater, where I worked then. Vasiliev gave incredible bouquets and asked how to help me. And one day I really needed help: on New Year’s Eve, 2007, my car was towed away and I remembered about him and called. Philip immediately rushed over and proved himself to be a man you can rely on. I suddenly realized that he was always there and was already more than just a friend. From that moment on, we began an affair...

Frankly speaking, I was blinded by this nice start relationship - fell in love! A month later, in February, I suggested going on vacation to Italy, where Vasiliev had never been before. He supported my initiative, although he is not particularly inquisitive. But on that trip I didn’t notice it - he was lively, cheerful, touching, and I felt happy with him. In Rome, choosing a romantic moment, in the middle of the crowded Spanish Steps, Philip proposed to me...

Anastasia Evgenievna Begunova (married Vasilyeva). Born on November 17, 1980 in Omsk. Russian actress theater and cinema.

Father is an engineer. Mother is an ophthalmologist. Parents still live in Omsk.

According to Anastasia, with early years was independent, because her parents worked a lot, she had to study younger sister Anna.

IN school years I did gymnastics, went to dances and to a choreographic studio. The active and independent girl herself transferred to another lyceum in the center of Omsk, and, in her words, she “connected her mother just to deliver the documents.”

She first appeared on stage in the eighth grade - when a drama theater was created on the basis of their lyceum. She performed there and officially received a salary from the age of fourteen.

After school in her native Omsk, she studied for a year at the choreography department State University Dostoevsky.

Then she entered VTU. Shchukin. “Vladimir Etush sat on the admissions committee and asked the girls to show their legs before the reading if the skirt was too long. When she came out, she immediately raised the hem to her knees: “I’m approaching, can I start?” Etush laughed,” she recalled. I studied on the same course with Vyacheslav Manucharov.

In 2003 she graduated from VTU named after. Shchukin, course R.Yu. Ovchinnikova.

In 2003-2007 - actress of the Theater. Stanislavsky, played in the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.

Laureate of the reading competition named after. Y. Smolensky 2003 and the reading competition named after. V. Kachalova 2007.

Collaborated with theaters: Voropaev’s production company - “Bella Ciao” ​​and “Second Wind”; Theater Society "Rusich" - "Pygmalion"; Another theater is “Duck Hunt”.

In 2007 she entered the London University of the Arts, in her words, “I dreamed of living in another country, studying acting abroad." However, due to her marriage, she remained in Russia and in the same 2007 she was accepted into the troupe of the Yevgeny Vakhtangov Theater, among her works: Charlotte - "Don Juan and Sganarelle"; Pretty Woman - "Frederick, or the Boulevard of Crimes "; Julie - "Mademoiselle Nitouche"; Marcela - "Dog in the Manger"; Chimera - "Dedication to Eve"; "The Shore of Women"; Bird - "Troilus and Cressida".

Since 2003, he has acted in films, making his debut in an episode of the film “Photo”.

She has starred in numerous films and television series in episodes and supporting roles. Among her works are “Rublevka Live” (Diana), “Everything is possible” (Ksyusha), “ General therapy"(Marina), "Angel on Duty" (Tatyana", "Reflections" (Mira), "The Odyssey of Detective Gurov" (Gordeeva), "Quiet Don" (Cossack woman), etc.

Anastasia Begunova in the series "Reflections"

Anastasia Begunova in the series "Quiet Don"

Since 2013 she lived in Germany, in her words - at the insistence of her mother-in-law. Her ex-husband Philip Vasiliev decided to become a film director and was going to enter the Institute of Directing in Berlin, in addition, they wanted to give their children the opportunity to learn foreign language. At the same time, she regularly flew to Moscow, continuing to play at the Vakhtangov Theater.

Since 2015 he has been living permanently in Germany.

Anastasia Begunova's height: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Anastasia Begunova:

According to rumors, in student years she had an affair with actor Vyacheslav Manucharov.

The actress was also credited with a relationship with, with whom she starred in the film “Photo” directed by Alexander Galin in 2003.

In 2006, Philip Vasiliev appeared in her life. “Philip and I met in the Bella Ciao enterprise, to which I was invited in 2006 by my master, professor of the Shchukin School Rodion Yuryevich Ovchinnikov. I played the granddaughter of the heroine Tatyana Vasilyeva, and Philip played my fiance. We toured a lot and were with they were just good friends, and I always sincerely admired Tatyana Grigorievna as an actress, I tried to learn something from her in the profession,” she said.

In 2008 she married Philip Vasiliev. Soon their son Ivan was born, and three years later their second son, Gregory.

In 2015, Anastasia and Philip separated, and in 2016 they officially divorced.

The gap was accompanied loud scandal, which was the focus of media attention. Tatyana Vasilyeva accused her ex-daughter-in-law of stealing a large sum of money - over 300 thousand euros (although amounts of 500 thousand euros were also mentioned). According to Tatyana Vasilyeva, Nastya stole the money and fled to Germany.

Philip also accused Begunova of cheating on him with the artistic director of the theater. E. Vakhtangov Rimas Tuminas, as well as actor and director of the S.A.D. Theater . Philip Vasiliev said: “You see, for me, for example, for a long time it was a secret that Nastya slept with Vyacheslav Manucharov. It turns out that they even lived together when they studied at the Shchukin School. Their love was such that for Begunova’s sake, Slava lost as much as 50 kilos! But I only found out about this a year and a half or two ago, when Nastya began to be seen often in his company again. Of course, it was unpleasant, but I didn’t make scenes of jealousy for my wife, because Manucharov himself admitted: being jealous of him is stupid. Now the entire Vakhtangov Theater is gossiping that Nastya is having an affair with their artistic director Rimas Tuminas. We agreed that she behaves with him like a wife: she commands him, sits on his lap. It’s funny to remember, but Nastya always told me with a hint of regret in her voice that she dreamed of marrying a director, and then I turned up... So she hugged Rubtsov at the opening of the season, obviously for a reason. Friends said that she allowed him a lot of unnecessary things at that party..."

After breaking up with Philip, Anastasia gave birth to a third son in Germany. She does not talk about the child’s father; according to rumors, the man’s name is Dmitry.

Anastasia Begunova and Tatyana Vasilyeva have repeatedly become the heroines of talk shows on central channels, where mutual accusations were exchanged. Vasilyeva continued to accuse Begunova of theft, and she responded by saying that famous actress deprived her grandchildren of an apartment. At the same time, Tatyana Vasilyeva is deprived of the opportunity to see Ivan and Grigory - Anastasia refuses to bring children from Germany, fearing that they will be taken away from her.

Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva stole my husband from me! Let them talk (02/14/2017)

Divorce from mother-in-law: an ultimatum to the great Tatyana Vasilyeva. Let them talk (09/06/2017)

Filmography of Anastasia Begunova:

2003 - Photo - episode
2004 - Women in a game without rules - a girl in a Zhiguli
2004 - Balzac's age, or All men are...
2005 - Rublyovka Live - Diana
2006-2016 - Detectives - episode
2006 - Foreigners - episode
2007-2011 - father's daughters- Oksana's friend
2007 - Judicial column - Ulyana Abasova
2007 - Urgently to the room - witness
2007 - Everything is possible - Ksyusha
2007 - Alibi Agency
2008 - Dangerous Liaison
2008 - General therapy - Marina, daughter of Privalova
2008 - Law and Order: Criminal Intent -3 - Tamara Bychkova
2009 - Reflections - Mira
2010 - Angel on duty - Tatiana
2011 - Guarded by Fate - assistant director
2011 - Pier (film-play) - Mademoiselle Blanche, French
2012 - The Odyssey of Detective Gurov - Gordeeva
2012 - Shore of Women (film-play)
2015 - Quiet Don - Cossack woman

// Photo: Boris Kremer/PhotoXPress.ru

Ex-daughter-in-law Tatiana Vasilyeva Anastasia Begunova specially flew to Russia to baptize her third son Peter. The sacrament took place the day before in the temple of the icon Mother of God“Joy of All Who Sorrow” on Bolshaya Ordynka. Godparents became Anastasia's longtime friend, her colleague and classmate Vyacheslav Manucharov and Maria Serebryakova. The actor was glad that his old friend chose him to be the spiritual father of her third son.

“Anastasia lives in Germany, but decided to fly to Moscow to baptize her child here. She wanted to see Masha and me as godparents. Moreover, Nastya has a job here, and therefore she will remain in the capital for some time,” Manucharov told StarHit.

Begunova is raising two sons from her marriage to Tatyana Vasilyeva’s son, Philip. Ivan and Gregory were also present at the sacrament. Anastasia told why she decided to baptize the baby in Russia.

"I did Required documents for the child, so that he could go abroad, and as soon as everything was ready, we immediately arrived. Now my son is almost two years old, I was going to baptize him earlier, but it turned out this way,” said the actress.

For several years, Anastasia was in a quarrel with her former mother-in-law - Vasilyeva complained that Begunova had taken her grandchildren abroad, and therefore she did not get to see them often. Nevertheless, she came to congratulate her ex-daughter-in-law on such a bright holiday.

“Tatyana Grigorievna came to pick up her grandchildren, and, of course, congratulated us. We had already celebrated the occasion, she joined us, and we talked a little. Now our relationship is improving,” Begunova admitted.

Earlier, Anastasia said that her sons were deprived of part of the apartment in Moscow, where she was registered when she was still married to Philip. She was surprised why her grandmother did not help her grandchildren financially. After a while, Tatyana Grigorievna announced that she would buy the boys an apartment each, which Begunova would manage until they came of age. In a conversation with StarHit, Anastasia admitted that she had not yet received housing, but did not dwell on this topic.

Last year, actress Anastasia Begunova officially divorced the son of the legendary Tatyana Vasilyeva, Philip. They lived together for eight years, and two sons were born in the marriage - Ivan and Grigory. Now the mother and children live in Germany, but she is haunted by the fact that the boys cannot get a share of the apartment in the center of Moscow, on the Patriarch's Ponds. According to Anastasia, the ex-husband is acting unfairly. Begunova believes that the time has come to resolve this issue legally.

“I said: if you don’t want to sign over half the apartment to the children, I’ll go to court. A three-room apartment on Patriarch's Ponds with an area of ​​90 square meters was bought during marriage. It was purchased with money from the sale of Philip’s previous apartment, which his mother-in-law bought for him. I didn’t even register for the Patriarch’s, I only registered for children. I was sure that they would not be deprived in any case. But they were left without everything! I will challenge this decision in court,” the artist shared her plans.

Anastasia does not hide the fact that she has her own housing in Moscow - a one-room apartment. However, she intends to improve living conditions. The woman understands that the property in the center of Moscow was purchased with Tatyana Vasilyeva’s money, but hopes for a favorable outcome. Moreover, now her family has become larger - not so long ago she had a third child from another man. According to the woman, new chosen one lives and works in Moscow. Anastasia believes that they will be cramped in the same apartment.

“But I’m not trying for myself. I can’t take three children to my one-room apartment. But that is not all. Through the court, they assigned me alimony - 7,000 rubles for two children. It's even lower living wage! They presented a certificate to the court that as an actor, Philip Vasiliev officially receives 20 thousand rubles,” Begunova argues.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

Vasilyeva’s former daughter-in-law admitted in an interview with the publication « TVNZ» that he hopes for a successful outcome of his business. She gives the example of the divorce of the legendary artist from Georgy Martirosyan. After the breakup, the man was forced to give up housing in the center of Moscow, but for this he received a large sum of money, which was enough to buy other real estate.

Ex-daughter-in-law famous actress forced to live with her sons in Germany. Anastasia Begunova fears that Tatyana Vasilyeva will take her children away from her.

Tatiana Vasilyeva. Photo: Alexander Kurov/TASS

Relations with the star mother-in-law did not work out almost from the very beginning. And now it’s even worse - the trials between them have been going on for two years, writes the Komsomolskaya Pravda (KP) website.

Tatyana Vasilyeva said that her daughter-in-law ran away with her grandchildren and demanded a lot of money from her for a meeting with the boys. And the son of a famous actress publicly accused Anastasia Begunova of stealing a large sum that belonged to his mother. In two years ex-spouses New families have formed, and their quarrels do not stop.

And it all started so well. The marriage of the actress of the Vakhtangov Theater Anastasia Begunova with Philip Vasiliev was seen by everyone as prosperous. They had two sons - Vanya (he is now 9 years old) and Grisha (now the boy is 7 years old). The family lived in a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, on Patriarch's Ponds. And in 2015, the couple separated, and scandals began.

The star mother-in-law in vain accuses her ex-daughter-in-law of commercialism: the girl married for love. The young actress herself told KP about this. According to her, her mother’s influence on her ex-husband was very great: he consulted with her on everything and was completely dependent on her. She "all her life gives him as much as he asks, any amount." It is “due to constant guardianship that he has zero independence,” Begunova noted.

Philip Vasiliev “suffered from alcoholism and had breakdowns.” And then “he got excited about going to Germany to study directing courses.” Only, having arrived there, “I didn’t lift a finger - German I didn’t teach, I stayed at home with the children.”

Money for housing and training for Philip - €300 thousand, then at the exchange rate it was 12 million rubles. - Vasilyeva gave. Relations between the spouses deteriorated more and more, and Philip left for Moscow.

Begunova realized that there was no way she could return to Russia: when the divorce began, threats came from her husband and mother-in-law to take her children away from her, they even wrote her text messages that “the children would be better off in an adopted German family.” That's why she stayed in Berlin, otherwise the children would have been taken away.

And in Moscow, representatives of the guardianship authorities came to her to check her living conditions. However, Begunova’s own one-room apartment has 28 square meters, which according to the standards is not suitable for two children. Ex-husband and the mother-in-law would have won the trial and taken their sons away from the mother.

That's why she and her children live in Germany. The boys “have completely adapted and speak German well.”

And Anastasia Begunova is fighting with her ex-mother-in-law for the apartment in which her children are registered, and is ready to go to the end...