Are there people who haven't seen Steven Spielberg's famous thriller "Jaws"? I think there are very few such people. I have watched this amazing movie several times. :) I was attracted to this film, because at every moment when they showed a shark approaching a person, I thought: "Thank God, it's not me!". :)

Foreign holidays every year become only more popular in our country. And here there is some concern about whether sharks are found in these resorts. I will tell you more about this. :)


According to statistics, about 100 cases of shark attacks on humans are recorded every year. Moreover, these data come from relatively developed countries that record incidents of shark contact. On the contrary, countries in Africa seem to have a lot of attacks, but there are no services that must register all cases.

According to official data, the largest number attacks occur in , Australia, South Africa and Brazil.

What seas are sharks found in?

Sharks live mainly in warm seas. Here is a small selection:

  • Mediterranean Sea. This reservoir is suitable for habitat conditions for sharks. Thus, cases of shark attacks are periodically recorded in this sea. Over the past 100 years, 22 deaths have been recorded.
  • Aegean, Adriatic and Ionian seas. I will write about them in one section, since they are all located in the Mediterranean Sea. From 2008 to 2011, a considerable amount of terrible news about shark attacks was recorded in these seas. Only in the Adriatic Sea in 2011 there were 34 horrific cases of contact between sharks and humans.

  • Red sea. But this is true for the inhabitants of Russia. For example, I was in Egypt not so long ago, in Hurghada. This resort town located on the shores of the Red Sea. When I splashed merrily in the water, I did not think about the possible presence of sharks. But according to statistics, about 30 species of these creatures live in this sea. And cases of attacks are periodically recorded.
  • Black Sea. Perhaps this is the safest place. The living conditions in this reservoir are not suitable for sharks, so you can safely go to the resorts of the Black Sea. :)
About 40 species of sharks are found in the Red Sea, but about 15 are widespread. Sharks have always been in the Red Sea: after all, the Red Sea connects to the Indian Ocean, being its inland sea, and with the oceans in general. Red Sea sharks have various forms, coloring and nutritional requirements.

Although shark fishing is universally banned in Egypt, three species of sharks have already been nearly wiped out, including one species of nurse shark, the so-called sand tiger, and one species of blacktip shark. However, sharks can be found anywhere in the Red Sea. In Nayama Bay, near the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, divers have seen silky sharks under the pier. One of the most popular places for sharks is the reefs of the national marine park Ras Muhammad. It includes whitetip and gray reef sharks, as well as giant and "scalloped" hammerhead sharks, nurse shark, zebra, tiger, silver, whale and longwing sharks, as well as blacktip reef sharks, which often comes to the shore and sometimes even enters the Mangrove Canal.

Reef sharks are not uncommon in Marsa Alam and around Sharm El Sheikh, for example in Shark Bay. There are also sharks on the Careless Reef. Sharks in the Red Sea can also be seen off Safaga, including Panorama Reef, and in the Marsa Bereika area, such as Ras Atar and The Alternatives.

The most dangerous species are white sharks, blunt shark, tiger shark, mako shark, long-winged shark.

Species such as hammerhead shark, gray bull shark, sand shark, brown shark, whitetip shark are only slightly inferior in bloodthirstiness to their relatives listed above.

Characteristics of the most common sharks in the Red Sea

shark species Detachment Family Dimensions in length, m (up to) Weight, kg (up to)
Whale shark Wobbegong whale sharks 18 - 20 12000
Tiger shark Carchariformes gray sharks 5,0 570 - 750
Giant hammerhead shark Carchariformes hammerhead sharks 6.1 (usually 4.5) 450
mako shark Lamiformes herring sharks 3,5 - 4 450
silky shark Carchariformes sand sharks 3.5 (usually 2.5) 346
Blunt shark (bull shark) Carchariformes gray sharks 3,5 315
Scalloped hammerhead shark Carchariformes hammerhead sharks 3,5 - 4,2 160
Rusty Nurse Shark Wobbegong baleen sharks 3,2 150 - 170
silver shark Carchariformes gray sharks 3,0 160
common sand shark Lamiformes sand sharks 3,0 159
longwing shark Carchariformes gray sharks 3.5 - 4 (usually 1.5 - 2) 20 - 60
zebra shark Wobbegong Zebra sharks 3.5 (usually 2.5 - 3) 30
blacktip shark Carchariformes gray sharks 2.5 (usually 1.5) 20-45
gray reef shark Carchariformes sand sharks 2,5 33
Blacktip reef shark Carchariformes gray sharks 1,5 - 1,8 45
whitetip reef shark Carchariformes gray sharks 2,0 20

The shark is more dangerous when it is looking for prey. Sharks in coastal waters are more active at night. They rely less on vision, whereas in the life of pelagic oceanic sharks, vision is one of the important sources of information, and they hunt most during the day. At the same time, there are species, for example, the tiger shark, for which the time of day does not matter.

A 53-year-old German man was attacked by a shark off the Red Sea coast in Egypt last weekend, in an incident with fatal man lost most of his leg.

The attack took place on the beaches of Marsa Alam, which are nestled along the southern part of the Red Sea in Egypt. The identity of the victim has not yet been established, although the German embassy noted that they are aware of tragic death and plan to get the body. The details of the incident are rather scarce, but an Egyptian security official said that a shark bit off one of the legs of a man just below the knee, this wound caused uncontrolled blood loss. Officials who told ABC News the details of the shark attack that took place on Saturday, March 21, agreed to do so only on condition of anonymity.

Egypt is considered one of the world's best diving destinations, and shark attacks are hardly new in the region. The previous series of attacks that took place in Sharm el-Sheikh sparked local conspiracy theories that the sharks were trained and released by Israel to kill human swimmers. Egyptian "cairo scene" notes that if further attacks occur this summer, such theories could resurface, although sharks will now be blamed for a possible attack. Islamic State Iraq and the Levant, given global events.

Video. shark attack in egypt

“The truth is that shark attacks are natural, unavoidable tragic events, which is often explained by a simple saying: he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

In 2010, another German tourist was killed, a 70-year-old woman was killed by a shark during scuba diving. Four other people were seriously injured, as previously reported by the Inquisitr, the unprecedented attack involved five sharks that were seen once that week. Those attacks were blamed on ocean mako sharks and whitetip gray shark and various explanations have been offered aggressive behavior sharks Considered that the lack of food, increase average temperature water and the divers feeding the sharks played a role in those attacks.

It was also thought that livestock carriers from Australia and New Zealand could dispose of dead animals by throwing them overboard, an action that could attract sharks closer to shore. Last year in the same region in the stomach tiger shark the remains of a sheep were found, it would seem that this confirms the voiced theory.

After a wave of shark attacks in 2010, the Egyptian authorities were forced to close a section of the beach along the Red Sea for a whole week.

Video. About the shark attack in the Red Sea in 2010

The shark is the number one predator of this sea, and I will tell you what species you can see. There are about 30 species of these individuals in the sea, just don’t be scared, at the end of the article you will understand everything.

Here are the most common red sea sharks:

The shark is the number one predator of this sea. Yes, there is a shark in the Red Sea, and not even one species, but several (about 30).

Red Sea shark species

I will write a few things that often occur.

The dark gray shark is a reef shark that swims near reefs at shallow depths, sometimes even in water as deep as 60 cm, found at depths up to 75 m. This shark is very active, swims all the time from one reef to another in search of food, size its 1.5-1.8 m, weight about 45 kg. Especially active at night. This species does not attack humans, they are shy. There were several cases that they grabbed the diver by the fins, if you invade her territory and threaten her, she can attack.

The whitetip gray shark is also called the silvery - unlike the darktip in this shark dorsal and the tip of the tail is light, hence the name. This species is found on reefs in shallow water, there were cases that it was seen even at a depth of 300m. During the day, this shark rests, lies on the bottom or hides between reef rocks, and goes hunting at night. Reaches 2 meters in length, weighs about 20 kg, does not pose a threat to people. Well, unless you climb up to her and puff your hands, then she can pounce on you as a defense, you will get off with only a light bite.

Gray reef shark - grows up to two and a half meters, weighs 30-35 kg. During the day they often rest lying on the bottom, and at night they go hunting in a flock, this fish is often confused with the dark gray shark, but it differs in the black tip of the upper fin. The shark is found at shallow depths and at a depth of 100-1000 meters. The type of shark is considered aggressive and it is better to stay away from it, if you don’t climb on it, then nothing will happen. But when she feels threatened and thinks that you are a danger to her, she rushes at the swimmer and bites him and swims away. There have been no deaths from bites from this species.

Nurse shark is the name given to the fish from a specific way of eating food. All sharks attack the prey and bite it with their teeth, and the nanny, like a vacuum cleaner, pulls the fish into her mouth and at the same time makes a sound like a baby smacking. This different species of individuals spends all the time at the bottom, this fish is peaceful, but if you start to stick to it, it can show signs of aggression. He likes to hunt squid, octopus and small fish at night.

The tiger shark is one of the most dangerous fish, grows to a length of 3-6 meters, and weighs as much as 400 - 900 kg, she has a bad reputation, with such large sizes she is not afraid of anything. She eats fish, attacks other types of sharks, dolphins, catches birds sitting on the water, even attacks turtles, turtle shell for her powerful jaws presents no interference.

Luckily, these sharks don't go to the beaches where people like to relax. cloudy water, where the rivers flow into the sea, during the day they are at a depth of up to 300 m and only at night rise to hunt.

Zebra shark - its color is yellow-brown or gray-brown, depending on its age, sometimes confused with a leopard shark, but there is no leopard shark in the Red Sea! The fish can reach a length of 2-3.5 m and weigh 30-35 kg. In the daytime, it rests at the bottom of the sea, and at night it catches fish, molluscs, crustaceans, etc. It is not dangerous for people, it does not attack them.

Hammerhead fish is a favorite shark of tourists, many divers swim further from the coast to see it, I also had the opportunity to do this. I wanted to, but then I was afraid, there was a fear that I might drown, I am not a specialist in swimming, I don’t sail far from the coast. Hammerheads gather in flocks, sometimes they can swim close to the shore, these fish love to migrate by sea. The length of the fish is 3.5 m, and the weight is 160 kg, they like to hunt stingrays and other fish.
And yet it’s better not to try to approach them, as they say out of harm’s way, with such a size of a fish it becomes scary, it’s an animal that it can shoot in the head is not clear.

Sand shark - body color is bronze gray-brown, its length is up to two and a half meters and weighs 110 kg, likes to stay together with a flock, does not like reefs and sandy beaches spends almost all the time
at a depth reaching 1800 m. People rarely meet her, it is better to stay away from her.

Long-winged shark - this species can be found in the open sea or ocean, one of the dangerous fish that attacks a person, people who fell into the water after the crash of a ship or plane become its food. She is very unpredictable, she can swim near you and not touch you, or she can take it and pounce. It feeds on fish, dead carrion (dead dolphins, birds), hunts alone, both day and night. The dimensions of this monster are 3.5-4 m, weighs 160 kg.

Silky shark - found in the open sea and ocean, in early age can swim near reefs, where it is safer for them for the time being. They reach not small sizes of 3.5-4 m, well, they weigh
200-350 kg are considered dangerous and it is better to stay away from them.

The whale shark is the most big fish, its weight reaches up to 14-18 tons, do not be afraid, it does not attack people and fish, but feeds only on plankton ( small crustaceans and small fry). This fish often swims from the ocean into the Red Sea, it is usually hard to see, but there have been cases that have been seen on the reefs when the coral spawning season begins. Adults reach a length of 15 m, this is impressive for such a huge fish, the width of its mouth is 1.5 m.

White shark- the most dangerous of the sharks on our planet, I don’t know if it’s true or not that it happens in the Red Sea, some say it exists. Theoretically, this is possible, it can swim through the Suez Canal from indian ocean or mediterranean sea. White shark does not like warm water, she's more cool, so I think it's someone who just started a myth to scare people.

During my entire stay in Egypt, I have never seen a single shark in the Red Sea, despite the fact that I swam in Shaks Bay (shark bay in translation). I don’t know if I really scared you by this, that everything is written above. No need to be scared, the first time I went there, I was also nervous, but when I arrived and went for a swim, I forgot about it and no longer remembered at all.
They say sharks feel blood, I was resting in the city of Sharm El Sheikh and cut my leg on the corals, I bled, not much but a little oozing, in theory, sharks should have eaten me, and I swam and nothing happened to me, like see alive and write articles on my site.
Of course, it’s better not to do this, I just somehow forgot about it that there are sharks in the sea.
Every year there are fewer and fewer sharks in the Red Sea, people catch and kill them, they cook soup from their fins. It is considered a delicacy, one serving costs $150. Nothing is made of meat, it is not tasty, it contains urea, it is simply thrown away. Probably another 10-20 years and the shark can be seen in aquariums and other artificial reservoirs.