0 30 August 2017, 15:55

Mariya Kozhevnikova

A little over a month ago, Maria Kozhevnikova visited for the third time. Since then, the actress has not stopped telling her Instagram followers about the details of the pregnancy and the birth itself, because her interesting situation Maria did not advertise almost until the day her son was born. This time the celebrity urged women not to be ashamed of their bodies after childbirth.

During my third pregnancy I gained less than during the previous two, and it was very noticeable!!! +27 vs +40. How? Why? I would really like to tell you this secret, but it’s not there, it’s just not there. The same diet, rhythm of life and emotional state. And my son was born small, only 4 kg. Yes, for me this is everything, since again 4,600 versus 4 kg is a huge difference for natural birth. In general, this time the son felt sorry for his mother;) (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved - editor’s note)

More than a month has passed since the birth of my son, and I’m +13, and I’m gradually going to come to my senses, despite the fact that I can’t fit into my clothes, this, by the way, is the most important incentive!!! Clothes are hanging, but you can’t put them on, it’s a shame. But even despite this, I love my body and will not create stress for it by losing more than 5 kg per month! — Kozhevnikova wrote in social network, backing up his words with a “not the most successful by Instagram standards” photo:

I'm exhibiting this photo to support women who did not leave the maternity hospital as models with sizes 90-60-90.

The 2-year-old Univer star gave birth to her third child a little over a month ago, but Maria Kozhevnikova is not going to pretend that this did not affect her figure. The actress wrote an honest post about how she gained a lot of extra pounds during her pregnancies, and showed her unvarnished photo.

“During my third pregnancy, I gained less than in the previous two, and it was very noticeable!!! +27 vs +40 How? Why? I would really like to tell you this secret, but it’s not there, it’s just not there. The same diet, rhythm of life and emotional state. And my son was born small, only 4 kg. Yes, for me this is everything, since again, 4600 versus 4 kg is a huge difference for a natural birth. In general, this time the son felt sorry for his mother

More than a month has passed since the birth of my son, and I’m +13, and I’m gradually going to come to my senses, despite the fact that I can’t fit into my clothes, this, by the way, is the most important incentive!!! Clothes are hanging, but you can’t put them on, it’s a shame. But even despite this, I love my body and will not create stress for it by losing more than 5 kg per month! Tomorrow I will write a second post about my weight loss, I also remember your questions about stretch marks, I will definitely answer soon and tell you everything

P.S. I am posting this photo, perhaps not the most successful by Instagram standards, to support women who did not leave the maternity hospital as models with the size “90 60 90″, as is customary on this resource.”

Note that Maria Kozhevnikova has been married to businessman Evgeny Vasiliev since 2013. In January 2014, she gave birth to her first child, Ivan, and a year later, her second son, Maxim. And now the third baby.

“Non-model” photo: Maria Kozhevnikova urged mothers not to be ashamed of their figure after childbirth

Mother of many children, Maria Kozhevnikova, gained 27 kilograms during her third pregnancy, she told about this herself on her Instagram page. Now Maria is gradually getting into shape, and there is no doubt that she will succeed. During her two previous pregnancies, Kozhevnikova gained 40 extra pounds, but over time she successfully got rid of them. According to Maria, she will lose weight slowly so as not to harm her health.

During my third pregnancy, I gained less than during the previous two, and it was very noticeable - +27 versus +40. How why? I would really like to tell you this secret, but it’s not there, it’s just not there. The same diet, rhythm of life and emotional state. And my son was born small, only 4 kilograms. Again, 4 kilograms 600 grams (the weight of Mary’s middle son - editor’s note) versus 4 kilograms is a huge difference for a natural birth. In general, this time the son felt sorry for his mother. More than a month has passed since the birth of my son, and I have +13 extra pounds, and I am gradually going to get into shape, despite the fact that I don’t fit into my clothes. This, by the way, is the most important incentive - clothes are hanging, but I can’t wear them - it’s a shame. But even despite this, I love my body and I won’t create stress for it by losing more than 5 kilograms a month,” Maria wrote.

Maria Kozhevnikova after childbirth

I’m posting this photo, which may not be the most successful by Instagram standards, to support women who did not leave the maternity hospital as models with a size of 90-60-90,” Kozhevnikova concluded.

Let us remind you that Maria gave birth to her third son a little over a month ago. The media started talking about the fact that Maria was pregnant back in May, but the actress tried to hide the good news from the press and fans until the last moment.

Maria married businessman Evgeny Vasiliev in 2013. On January 9, 2014, their first child, son Ivan, was born, and on January 26, 2015, son Maxim. For a long time Maria hid her husband's identity and did not show his photographs. She and Evgeniy gave their first interview to the magazine

For Maria Kozhevnikova, January has recently become the most important and busy month of the year. This month, her husband Evgeniy and both sons, Ivan and Maxim, were born. Moreover, the youngest managed to be born on the same day as his father - January 26, and Vanya - on the 19th - for Epiphany. Maria told ProZvezd about this after filming the Channel One program “Guests on Sundays.” Maria came to visit presenter Irina Muromtseva along with her parents and eldest son Vanya.

“I don’t get enough sleep, but what should I do?”
The parents of the movie star, master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, Moscow champion and State Duma deputy Maria Kozhevnikova, Alexander Viktorovich and Margarita Valentinovna, have been divorced for a long time, which is difficult to guess, since both on and off camera they communicate like family, very close people. Although everyone still has the same characters!
– We often quarrel with dad about political issues, Everyone has their own opinion. Once he even left a photo shoot for a magazine due to disagreements, Maria said.
Not everyone knows that Alexander Kozhevnikov is an outstanding Soviet hockey player, Honored Master of Sports Soviet Union in ice hockey, but nevertheless he never put pressure on his daughter.
“Masha is an adult girl, she must decide for herself what to do,” Alexander Viktorovich answered a question about his daughter’s participation in the Channel One show “Without Insurance.”
– Maria, why did you go to this show?
– Participation in the “Without Insurance” project is a challenge for me, a test, I decided to check what I, a mother of two children, am still capable of. The show is very difficult - physically and mentally. Like most people, I'm lazy, but when the whole country is looking at you, you raise your butt and do something in the air - without any safety nets. I gave birth to two children in a row, and the show became a chance and a kick in the butt to go and get in shape. I would not have made such progress alone in the gym.
– Aren’t you afraid of injuries?
“You can be afraid of anything, no one is safe from anything, you can go outside and an icicle will fall on your head.” Of course, I’m not reckless, I listen to coaches, I have several of them - in artistic gymnastics, in rhythmic gymnastics: Anton Golotsutskov, Elena Zamolodchikova, Alexey Nemov, in the circus - Igor Chushkin, you can trust yourself to these people.
– When do you have time to train?
– At night, so that during the day I can work as much as possible and see the children. Of course, I don’t get enough sleep, but what can I do?!

Participation in the “Without Insurance” project is a challenge for me, a test, I decided to check what I, a mother of two children, am still capable of. The show is very difficult - physically and mentally.

“I accustomed myself to bland food”
In the second part of the “Guests on Sundays” program, Alexander Viktorovich and Margarita Valentinovna prepared their signature Kozhevnikovsky cutlets from three types of meat, and Masha made a salad on a quick fix from what can be found in almost any refrigerator.
The actress admitted that five years ago she completely stopped using salt, spices, ketchup, and mayonnaise.
“I accustomed myself to bland, low-calorie food, small portions, which I am very pleased with,” Maria admitted.
Maria’s results can only be envied - in just a year after giving birth, she managed to return to her previous shape without grueling diets.
“I’ve been doing rhythmic gymnastics since childhood and always had to watch my weight. It happened that I simply didn’t eat anything, but still, after some time, the lost weight returned,” Maria Kozhevnikova shares her experience. – Therefore, you need to lose weight wisely and love your body.
Two-year-old Vanya first tried to feed his mother and then his grandfather, and when everyone went to the kitchen, he got bored and burst into tears. The baby calmed down only when he was given rhythmic gymnastics clubs with black tips. Moreover, he categorically refused to pick up the same ones, but with white tips. It turned out that his mother trained with blacks, which is why they became so dear to him.
When Vanyusha calmed down, we continued the conversation.
– Maria, how did you celebrate three birthdays of your men in January?
– On one day – January 26 – in our country house with artists, animals and soap bubbles. Since I was in labor last year, we didn’t really celebrate Vanyusha’s one-year anniversary, but we made up for it this year. Timur Rodriguez and his children, Mikhail Galustyan with his wife and two daughters, singer Zarochka with two sons, a total of 20 children, came to visit us.

In the second part of the “Guests on Sundays” program, Alexander Viktorovich and Margarita Valentinovna prepared their signature Kozhevnikovsky cutlets from three types of meat, and Masha whipped up a salad from what can be found in almost any refrigerator.

“We don’t give gadgets to children”
– So your husband was left without a holiday?
- Now he will have all the time children's party. The adults are out!
– How do you deal with gifts?
– The main thing is love, all gifts should talk about it. It’s easier for children to come up with ideas, but harder for husbands.
– What gifts do you prefer – romantic or useful?
– I like to give and receive only useful gifts. Sometimes they give you something that seems expensive, but it’s impossible to find a use for it and a place in the house, and it also seems inconvenient to re-gift it. You don't know what to do in this case.
– What did you present to Evgeniy?
– When you live together, you guess what a person needs. My husband's iPad broke, so I bought him a new one. In fact, the boys broke it, they love gadgets, but we don’t give them to them, but one day we didn’t keep track.
– Do you often have family dinners?
– Unfortunately, not often, but if they happen, then full program: lunch, dinner, turning into breakfast. With the advent of Maksimka, we moved outside the city so that the children had something to breathe, but it can be extremely difficult for guests to get to us. True, mom lives with us, and dad comes to visit about once a month, depending on how it happens.
– Maria, they write that you starred in the film “Sports Without Borders”, where your partner was Gerard Depardieu...
– There is a lot of erroneous information on the Internet, I was surprised myself - the name and photo are mine, but I have no idea, I don’t even know Depardieu.

When you live together, you guess what a person needs. My husband's iPad broke, so I bought him a new one. In fact, it was broken by the boys, they love gadgets, but we don’t give them to them, but one day we didn’t keep track.

Photo: Katerina Migulina, press service of Channel One

A year has passed since the birth of the third baby in the family of Maria Kozhevnikova and Evgeny Vasilyev. During all this time, the actress carefully hid her son from the public eye, without even mentioning his name. And for the first time, the Univer star revealed the secret. Details later in the material.

Together with her husband, Evgeniy, she is raising three children: in 2014, the couple had a son, Ivan, a year later, Maxim, and last year, the Univer star gave her lover another boy. By the way, the name latest actress hidden to this day.

Yesterday, the actress’s youngest heir turned one year old. On this holiday in Instagram Kozhevnikov I decided to please my fans. So, the actress shared a series of touching pictures with the baby and told what she named her son.

Please love and favor, Vasily Vasiliev!

The star accompanied the pictures with these words and admitted that she gave the boy a “royal” name. Below are her words.


Son, you are my gift from God! I have learned so much from you in these 365 days. You are the only one in our family who radiates calm, and your gentle look and philosophical attitude delights and touches me. You won’t be outraged, even when your brothers take your toy away, you just take another one. I will never forget how you and I were lying in the hospital with high temperature, and yours was higher - 39.6, I felt so bad that I couldn’t get up, and you sat next to me and looked into my eyes, as if encouraging me, like, Mom, everything is fine, don’t worry about me. You radiate light, even on the street in our village everyone still recognizes the radiant Vasilko from afar! In general, it is a universal happiness to be your mother, and I apparently did something good in this life that the Lord sent me such a gift! My love, my king, and that’s exactly how it translates your name! I love you endlessly and will pray to God for you! Live, rejoice, comprehend, achieve, and we are all yours big family, Always near.

The editors WANT to congratulate Maria Kozhevnika on her son’s birthday!

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Photo source: Maria Kozhevnikova’s Instagram