World Left-Handers Day was first celebrated on August 13, 1992, at the initiative of the British Left-Handers Club. Thus, left-handers around the world sought to draw the attention of product manufacturers to the need to take their convenience into account. However, the main concern of the Left-Handed Club of Great Britain is that many schools around the country still seek to retrain left-handed children to write. right hand, which causes psychological stress and reduces student performance. After conducting many tests, psychologists have found that it is left-handers who have strong character and powerful creative potential. But such people make up only about 10% of the world, and they are mostly men. However, among famous people There are a lot of lefties in the world.

This is interesting

The Incas believed that being left-handed was a great blessing. Ancient Germans mocking awkwardness left-handers, they were called incompetent. In Japan, a husband could divorce his wife if he learned that she wrote with her left hand. In Rus' they were forbidden to testify in court.

The main difference between left-handers and right-handers is that in Everyday life they are more involved right hemisphere brain, responsible for figurative, visual-spatial, sensory perception, intuition, left-handers are more impressionable, excitable, prone to emotional outbursts and sudden changes in mood. That's why there are a lot of left-handed people creative professions- artists, composers, musicians, poets:

Leonardo da Vinci- artist, architect, sculptor, scientist, writer of the Renaissance, brilliant artists: Michelangelo, Raphael (Raffaello Santi), Pablo Picasso, Peter Paul Rubens.

Jimmy Hendrix- the greatest guitarist in the world, according to the American press, who also became famous as a composer and singer.

Paul McCartney– successful musician and composer modern history, bass guitarist of the legendary The Beatles, actually one of the pioneers of rock music. His famous Hofner bass guitar has a symmetrical shape. At one time, McCartney took a guitar so that its appearance would not deteriorate when he changed it for left hand.

Ringo Starr- another member of The Beatles, drummer, also left-handed.

Angelina Jolie– actress and her “star” husband – actor Brad
, as well as other colleagues in the workshop: Julia Roberts, Robert De Niro, Jim Carrey, Tom Cruise, Milla Jovovich, Nicole Kidman, Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, Mickey Rourke, Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Jessica Parker.

Hollywood Legends– sex symbol Marilyn Monroe and silent film star Charlie Chaplin.

Singer and composer Sting and his “colleagues” in the workshop: Celine Dion, Eminem, Ricky Martin, Kurt Cobain (Nirvana). Writer Mark Twain and his colleagues from “pen and paper”: Franz Kafka, Hans Christian Andersen, Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, Lewis Carroll, Herbert Wells.

There are many left-handers and famous scientists: Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Alan Turing, French physicist Marie Sklodowska-Curie and her husband Pierre Curie.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle and the German philosopher and poet Friedrich Nietzsche were also left-handed.

There are many left-handers among famous commanders: Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne. Evidence that they were left-handed is provided by descriptions of their meals and military campaigns, as well as paintings. Portrait of Charlemagne in full royal regalia for a long time considered spoiled - he held the horse's reins in his left hand.

According to some experts, left-handers have great oratorical talent, which is necessary requirement to achieve political success. There are many famous politicians among left-handers - US President Barack Obama, Fidel Castro, Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, Gerald Rudolph Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Benjamin Franklin, Mahatma Gandhi and others. It is also believed that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a hidden leftist.

There is an opinion that “left-handedness” is inherited. In order to determine whether your baby is left-handed, you need to ask him to draw a house first with one hand and then with the other. Which house turned out better, the child’s hand is more active. In addition, you can ask him to pick up a ball from the floor and throw it to you, and then watch with which hand he does it.

Researchers report that many right-handers are completely right-handed, but no left-hander is completely left-handed.

Yulia Ivakina

Only 10-15% of all people prefer to use their left hand. But how are they different from us? “Left-handedness is most common among people with neurological disorders such as epilepsy, Down syndrome, autism, retardation mental development and dyslexia.” – states the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.

But left-handers were and are among those people who have achieved a lot in life. We will look at them in this article.

Don't be misled. Eat a large number of celebrities who have the status of “left-handed” have not been proven. There are legends that Marilyn Monroe or Pushkin were left-handed. There is no evidence, but rather, there are photographs where Marilyn Monroe writes with his right hand, and there is also a drawing by Pushkin. But 100% of the people in this article are left-handed.

1-2. Yes, Barack Obama is left-handed

3. Paul McCartney. His famous Hofner bass guitar (not the one in the photo) has a symmetrical shape. At one time, McCartney took a guitar so that its appearance would not be spoiled when he changed it to suit his left hand.

4. Winston Churchill - the smartest person, Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1940-1945 and 1951-1955; military man, journalist, writer, laureate Nobel Prize on literature. According to a poll conducted in 2002 by the BBC, he was named the greatest Briton in history. And he's left-handed

5. Bill Murray. Famous actor, one of his most popular films is Vision Hunters. Bill Murray is passionate about golf, and he wields the club like a lefty. He also writes with his left hand.

6. An outstanding master of cinema - Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin was left-handed, and even played the violin with his left hand, he almost never left the image of “The Little Tramp”, the cane was always in his left hand, it’s more convenient for him, he’s left-handed.

7. Gerald Ford, 38th President of the United States.

8. Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States.

9. Fashion model and film actress – Angelina Jolie.

10. Julia Robert, the most highly paid actress in the world, whose films have brought in profits of over two billion dollars at the global box office, is also left-handed.

11. Whoopi Goldberg is one of Hollywood's brightest stars.

12. One of the most successful film actors in Hollywood, Bruce Willis, is also a left-handed celebrity. As a child, he suffered from a stutter. At the age of eight, he began studying in an amateur drama studio in the school theater. Now he is the embodiment of the male ideal, and left-handed

The following people, unfortunately, do not have photographs where they express their “left-handedness”.

14. Adolf Hitler was left-handed, judging by old videos of him writing with his left hand. Although it is interesting that when “Ha:nde hoch” was pronounced, everyone raised their right hand, including the Fuhrer himself.

Famous left-handers of Russia and the world

Friends, on August 13 the world celebrates International Left-handed Day, and we are pleased to congratulate everyone who has been blessed by nature with this interesting feature! This may be news to many, but Lefthanders International Day is almost 40 years old! The purpose of this unofficial holiday is to draw attention to people who often use their left hand - after all, there are at least ten percent of them on Earth!

However, manufacturers of both various machinery and equipment, as well as items of daily use, do not always take into account the needs of left-handers. And completely in vain!

The manifestation of individuality deserves respect, especially since left-handedness does not indicate any developmental disorders. Proof of this is the many successful left-handed people!

Famous left-handers of the world

The list of famous left-handed people can begin representatives from the distant past, because Aristotle, Nietzsche, Kafka, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Julius Caesar used their left hand predominantly!

Famous There are left-handers among the actors too Stars: Keanu Reeves, Nicole Kidman, Robert De Niro, Drew Barrymore, Morgan Firman, Julia Roberts, Jim Carrey. Moreover, many of them are recognized sex symbols, standards of beauty for people from every corner of the world: Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson, Pierce Brosnan, Hugh Jackman, Milla Jovovich and even Marilyn Monroe!

The most famous lefties of the music world- David Bowie, Kurt Cobain, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Sting, and if we take world-famous classics and composers - Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev.
And people of art? Vladimir Dal, Leo Tolstoy, Lewis Carroll, Mark Twain, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Picasso, Rodin, Rubens, Hans Christian Andersen, H.G. Wells! It’s impossible to remember them all, but the contribution of these great writers, artists and sculptors to world culture cannot be overestimated!

Of course, and among public people Russia there are lefties. This is Ksenia Sobchak, singer Elka, actress Daria Sagalova. Even Maria Sharapova is left-handed, which few people know.

Original people - original gifts

One cannot help but remember the times when a person’s tendency to use predominantly his left hand was condemned in every possible way. As part of standardization, rather strict retraining was supported - for example, in schools, children who wrote with their left hand were often attacked by teachers and became victims of intensive drilling. However, time always puts everything in its place, and as society develops, people learn to recognize other people's characteristics and accept them without showing negative reactions.

Surely everyone has at least one friend who trusts their left hand more than their right. And today a great opportunity remind him that he has one more holiday in his life than the vast majority of the inhabitants of planet Earth! Give it to him - let it serve as a small reflection of your friend's originality.

Which hand do you write with? Let's talk about lefties. Famous left-handed people occupy a significant place in history. It turns out there are quite a few of them, although left-handed people make up from 5 to 15% (according to some sources, 20%, different researchers give different figures) of the entire population of the planet.

It just so happens that I am also left-handed. It all started with me holding a spoon in my left hand while eating as a child. That is, when I just started, although this continues to this day: spoons, forks, and chopsticks. Therefore, the topic can be called personal. When I was researching information for this article, I came across some interesting historical and statistical data about left-handed people.

  • August 13 is International Left-Handed People's Day. It was first held in 1992 on the initiative of the British Left-Handed Writers Club.
  • In the old days in Rus', left-handers were treated with suspicion, they were even forbidden to testify in court
  • In the Soviet Union, all left-handers were required to be retrained at school.
  • Doctors say that left-handers have a less clear connection between the hemispheres of the brain than right-handers, and this contributes to the formation of original thinking and enhances creativity
  • Psychologists say left-handedness is a sign of a strong character
  • Left-handed Marilyn Monroe firmly believed that left-handed men were the best kissers in the world.
  • Lefty is not just left-handed. There are left-footed and left-eyed people, left-eared people and people with higher sensitivity of the left half of the body. But there are only a few left-handed people who have everything on the left—arm, leg, eye, and ear. More than 50 percent of all people have one or two left-sided traits.
  • Recently, a team of specialists led by scientists from the University of Oxford found the “left-handedness gene” - LRRTM1, which seems to largely determine which parts of the brain are responsible for speech and emotions


  • historical figures: Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Joan of Arc, Charlemagne, Napoleon (this can be seen in the paintings), Admiral Horatio Nelson
  • political figures: Benjamin Franklin (also a publicist and scientist), Harry Truman, Queen Victoria, US Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton, British Prime Ministers Winston Churchill and James Callaghan, Prince William, Fidel Castro
  • scientists: Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, James Maxwell, Ivan Pavlov, Marie Curie
  • artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Rubens, Picasso
  • musicians: current ones - Jimi Hendrix, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney from the living Beatles. The classics Mozart and Beethoven are a punishment for music school students. For both of them, the parts for the left hand are often more difficult than for the right. Robert Schumann, Sergei Prokofiev and Sergei Rachmaninov - according to some sources, also in this campaign
  • actors: almost all of Hollywood can be named here. Charlie Chaplin was left-handed, and now Robert De Niro, Julia Roberts, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Cruise, Whoopi Goldberg, Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, Keanu Reeves are left-handed. Pierce Brosnan is also left-handed
  • athletes occupy a separate list; we won’t even list them all.
  • Tennis players: John McKinroe, Monica Seles and Martina Navratilova. Commentators often mention that their right-handed opponents lose because they cannot quickly navigate left-handed shots.
  • Among the rich: John Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Bill Gates
  • "Left-handed" writers: Lewis Carroll - author of the book "Alice Through the Looking Glass", Leo Tolstoy, Nikolai Leskov - author of the story "Lefty"

But not all left-handers are kind and sweet by nature. You can separately identify left-handed villains. A century ago, left-handed Jack the Ripper terrorized London, as did notorious US foe Osama bin Laden.

Of course not all famous people left-handers were included in the article, but we can safely say that if you have or will have children, you should not harshly retrain them if they start eating and writing with their left hand.

The phenomenon has worried humanity since ancient times. Some peoples even believed that they had witchcraft powers. IN modern world left-handed people make up more than 10% of the population globe: And now there are more of them than ever. In the USSR, teachers and pediatricians believed that a child should be left-handed. All left-handed schoolchildren in the Soviet Union underwent this unpleasant procedure. left alone for legislative level only in 1986. We have compiled a list of the most famous left-handers in the world.

Rulers, politicians and military leaders

Among the people influencing the destinies of the world, there have always been many left-handers - from Guy Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great to Fidel Castro and Mahatma Gandhi. It is curious that there are entire ruling dynasties of left-handers, for example, British Queen Elizabeth II and her grandchildren - Harry and William. The famous Joan of Arc was also left-handed, and she lived a very short, but bright and unusual life.

The history of the Maid of Orleans is surrounded by legends, but there are also indisputable facts. She was born in 1412 in France into a large village family. From infancy, Jeanne heard tales about the Maid of Orleans, who would save native land. The common people were waiting for this miracle, because France was mired in the bloody Hundred Years' War with England, the lands were devastated, and the people were in poverty.

At first, military fortune was on Jeanne’s side, but then she was captured by the British. She was accused of heresy and witchcraft, although she was arrested as a prisoner of war. One of the points of the accusation was precisely that the French heroine was left-handed, and this, according to the Inquisition, was nothing more than evidence of devilish power.

Even the fact that in the Middle Ages in Europe they believed that a warrior, on the contrary, was blessed by God and could not die from a blow to the head, did not save Jeanne. left side breasts Jeanne was burned at the stake, but France revered her as a folk heroine, and at the beginning of the 20th century she was canonized.

Artists, architects, sculptors

A brilliant galaxy of left-handed creators has been known since the Renaissance: Raphael, Michelangelo, Pablo Picasso, Albrecht Durer, Auguste Rodin and many others. But Leonardo da Vinci rightfully takes first place in this list of geniuses who wrote fluently with their left hand. Neither before nor since has history known such versatile person. He was a prose writer, a poet, a musician, a philosopher, a natural scientist, an anatomist, a botanist, and a zoologist.

This unique person, centuries ahead of his time, often wrote his manuscripts "". Many hypotheses are still being built around this habit of his. For example, they say that he did this on purpose so that the manuscripts could not be read by “ignoramuses and fools.” This version is indirectly confirmed by the fact that in everyday life Leonardo da Vinci used his right hand, and in general he always wrote official papers in the traditional way (the phenomenon when a person is fluent in both his right and left hands is called “ambidexterity”). Da Vinci took his mystery with him, leaving a rich creative heritage to a grateful humanity.

Philosophers, publicists and writers

From antiquity to the present day, left-handed people have taken pride of place among wordsmiths. Left-handers were: Aristotle, Friedrich Nietzsche, Franz Kafka, Hans Christian Andersen, Leo Tolstoy, Vladimir Dahl, H.G. Wells, Mark Twain. One of the most intriguing people on this list is Lewis Carroll. And not only because he was a mathematician who wrote an unusual fairy tale for children and adults, but also because he is a retrained left-hander.

Carroll's unusual fairy tales "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass", belonging to the genre of "paradoxical literature", aroused great love among readers from all over the world. By the way, Lewis Carroll himself said that he wrote a fairy tale about how a left-hander feels in a right-handed world. And all left-handers feel in it about the same way as Alice felt through the looking glass. They are familiar with doors and scissors that do not open and do not cut under the left hand. But what’s surprising is that for more than a century and a half, Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass has been attracting more and more readers, among whom there are still more right-handers.

Scientists, researchers, businessmen

Modern science claims that the connection between the hemispheres of the brain is less clearly expressed, and this helps them find non-standard solutions V difficult situations. Whether this is true or not has not been precisely proven, but among left-handers there have always been many “pure scientists,” as well as scientists who are successfully involved in business, and businessmen who promote science.

We all know such names as Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, John Rockefeller, Garry Kasparov. Among Russian scientists, the physiologist Ivan Pavlov at one time gained the greatest popularity. He has been called a "romantic, almost legendary figure" and a "citizen of the world."

The famous physiologist was born left-handed, like his father, which indirectly confirms another theory that left-handedness is inherited. At the same time, the scientist trained his right hand all his life, which baffled everyone.

Colleagues said that it was very difficult to assist him during operations: it was impossible to guess which hand he would use, for example, to apply a suture. With both his right and left hands, Pavlov did it so quickly that two assistants could hardly keep up with handing him the instruments. But in practical classes, Ivan Pavlov always cut rabbits with his left hand, “mirror-wise.” And right-handed students suffered a lot, trying to reproduce the actions of the teacher.


There were many great classical musicians: Niccolo Paganini, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Frederic Chopin. Lefties have also made their mark in various genres of rock and pop music. Who doesn't know such names as Enrique Caruso, Mireille Mathieu, Sting, Kurt Cobain, Celine Dion, Ricky Martin, Robert Plant or Eminem? However, more than others from this stellar list, the 20th century was shocked by the legendary “Beatle”, who received the noble prefix “sir” in front of his name for his services - Paul McCartney.

However, few people know that as soon as Paul picked up his first acoustic guitar, then immediately found myself in a dead end. He didn’t understand how to play it: after all, the teenager was left-handed, and in those years no one had heard of guitars for left-handed people. Fortunately, McCartney was familiar with the work of popular folk singer Slim Whitman. He was also left-handed, and the strings on his instrument were arranged in the reverse order. Paul had no choice but to take this experience into service. Subsequently, Sir Paul McCartney changed the strings on all instruments in this way.


World theater and cinema would be impoverished if there were no left-handers in the world. As for Hollywood, it would probably simply cease to exist. After all, the top American actors are entirely left-handed: Jim Carrey, and Tom Cruise, and Robert De Niro, and Mila Jovovich, and Julia Roberts, and Bruce Willis, and Sylvester Stallone, and Whoopi Goldberg, and Keanu Reeves, and Hugh Jackman, and Ben Stiller, and Matthew Perry, and Mickey Rourke.

But even in this brilliant list she stands apart: both by virtue of her talent, and because she, like the mythical King Midas, turns everything she touches into gold. Nobody ever retrained left-handed Nicole Marie Kidman: she did it absolutely voluntarily, and when she was already adult woman. Having abandoned the use of a stunt double, the actress managed to learn to write with her right hand. After all, this was required by her role in the film “The Hours,” where she played a right-handed writer. Having received an Oscar for her efforts, Nicole later admitted: “Many people thought I was crazy, but I was sure that this was necessary.”

Russian lefties

There were and are many famous left-handers in our country: this is the writer Leo Tolstoy, and the ethnographer Vladimir Dal, and the musicians Sergei Rachmaninov, and Sergei Prokofiev, and the ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, and the chess player Gary Kasparov, and the singer, and the director Yuri Lyubimov, and the actor Victor Sukhorukov. There has always been a lot of talk about left-handers, but it was the Russian writer Nikolai Leskov, who himself was left-handed, who came up with the idea of ​​writing the first book in the history of mankind about a left-hander.

By the way, the prototype of the main character of the piercingly bitter “Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the steel flea" actually existed. He was the gunsmith Alexei Surnin, who, a hundred years before writing the book, actually went to England “to exchange experiences.” But his life was not so tragic.