Singer Alexandra Savelyeva spoke about her divorce from Kirill Safonov. The girl admitted how difficult their relationship turned out to be.

Savelyeva regularly sees reports in the press about her divorce from Safonov. According to her, these rumors have nothing to do with the truth. Today, the couple has been married for six years and it is not unusual for quarrels to arise between spouses. Considering the emerging tension in the relationship, Savelyeva and Safonov discussed this point, agreeing on the need to spend time together, walks and simply have leisure time. Safonov continues to make luxurious gifts for his beloved.

We add that Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov hid their relationship from others. The actor was afraid that his daughter would not be able to accept her stepmother. Officially, Sasha and Kirill appeared only once - at the birthday party of the “Factory” soloist. However, they also went to some closed parties in an embrace. They didn’t tell anyone about the wedding - April 17, 2010. The girl says that “she wasn’t hiding, they just wanted this day to be ours alone.” Information appears from time to time that a beautiful couple fell apart. Allegedly, Kirill does not spend the night with his wife because he is tired of her youthful maximalism. However, this is not confirmed. It turns out that the actor is simply away for filming, and after work he immediately goes under the wing of his favorite singer.

We previously wrote that Alexandra and Kirill developed their own family culinary traditions during their marriage. Their favorite common dish is Chinese noodles with turkey or seafood. Kirill even prepared his signature noodles in the “Smak” program.

According to Savelyeva, she can afford to be weak at times, for example, have a late dinner. However, the star keeps herself in shape, and active sports help her with this.

They arranged it just now for all their friends and celebrity colleagues. In the hall, decorated with huge bouquets of white orchids, gathered , among whom were Nikolay Baskov, Olga Kabo, Olesya Sudzilovskaya and many others.

The Hollywood theme of the 30s and 40s was chosen to decorate the celebration. All guests were immersed in the atmosphere of the golden age of cinema thanks to decorator Yulia Shakirova. Already at the entrance to the restaurant, guests were greeted by girls dressed as Marilyn Monroe and young people dressed as Elvis Presley. They escorted the guests to the photo area, where the director, a retro camera, a clapperboard and other film attributes were waiting for them.

After all the guests were seated at the tables, the lights in the hall went out and the groom's friends and bridesmaids lined up around the stage. One of the groom's friends was Konstantin Kryukov, the bridesmaids also had a star cast - a tennis player Anastasia Myskina and girls from the group "Factory". After them, to the famous melody from the film “ Godfather"Producer Igor Matvienko came onto the stage. He had the honorary role of Don, who asked the newlyweds to renew their vows.

“Five years ago they didn’t organize a lavish wedding, and this is understandable: there wasn’t much money then. That is why now, in a crisis, Sasha and Kirill decided to take this step,” Matvienko joked.

The bride picked up the ironic tone of the producer and vowed never to switch the shower stream to one that was convenient for her, but to leave it at the one that was convenient for her husband. “And cook the chicken that you liked so much until you get tired of it, and then cook something even tastier,” Savelyeva said, to the great joy of the groom.

Safonov, in turn, was serious and touched all the guests with his oath. “Like Vysotsky: “You can be endlessly right, but what’s the point if your woman cries.” So I will try to make sure that you never cry. “I love you,” the actor addressed his wife. Despite this promise, after such words Kirill still made Sasha cry, but these tears were from happiness.

When the applause of those present died down after a long kiss from the “newlyweds,” Sasha presented her gift to her husband. The singer said that she decided to shoot a video for the song “Resurrect Me,” which Kirill really likes. It was impossible to hide the surprise from Safonov.

“I guessed what Sasha was going to do, and I guessed it in time, because she just needed my help, so it turned out that we gave a gift to each other,” Safonov shared.

After watching touching video The couple's friends began to appear on stage to present their musical gifts. Irina Toneva and Alexandra Popova sang funny song, in which they talked about the most main secret Sasha and Kirill, namely that they both “don’t wear corduroy.”

Anna Semenovich, who also sang several songs that evening, wished the newlyweds two children - a boy and a girl. “Just promise me that you will give the girl to figure skating, at least for a couple of years. Do you promise? Great, I begged for it!” - Semenovich laughed from the stage.

Anita Tsoi performed for Savelyeva and Safonov absolutely new song, which I wrote for the 25th anniversary of my married life with my husband Sergei. And to the song by Denis Klyaver “ White dress» Sasha and Kirill performed their “first” dance.

Those stars who were unable to attend the celebration recorded short videos with congratulations. For example, Philip Kirkorov addressed the star couple directly from his concert in Vladimir. According to him, it was the Vladimir fans who did not “let go” of the artist on the anniversary. Fans of Nikolai Baskov turned out to be not so tenacious and allowed the singer to come. Nikolai handed the bride a huge bouquet of white roses and temporarily took over the duties of toastmaster.

I recorded another video message for Sasha and Kirill Alexey Vorobiev. By the way, he also had a hand in their acquaintance. Directly from Los Angeles, the singer sent the couple a song that he composed and performed himself. Vorobiev gave the gift, a toy car with remote control, through his charges - the group "Friends".

Basque gathered all the celebrity guests of the evening for a big group photo, and while the stars were gathering, he made various, sometimes caustic, jokes at them. For example, when asked by Mitya Fomin to sing along with him, the artist replied: “For the Basques to sing along, you need a lot of money. Save up, Mitya!”

The wedding turned out to be so exciting that some completely forgot about their plans. So designer Igor Gulyaev was late for the train, but was not upset and continued to have fun with the guests.

After the ceremonial cutting of the cake, Sati Casanova appeared on stage. She said fascinating story about how Savelyeva and Safonov succeeded five years ago, and then she sang a Caucasian folk song, which left none of those present in their places. After the speech, the heroes of the occasion thanked all their friends for helping them play this noisy and cheerful wedding and once again relive the bright and such important moments.

Sasha Savelyeva - Russian singer, a graduate of the 1st season of the TV show “Star Factory” produced by the producer, soloist of the group, winner of the Russian “Song of the Year” and “Golden Gramophone” awards.

In the early 2000s, three charming vocalists - a blonde, a brunette and a redhead - provided serious competition to the popular girl band, and the songs “It’s not my fault”, “About love”, “Romance”, “The sea is calling”, “We are so different” , “Factory Girls”, “Lighting the Lights” were among the top ratings of leading Russian radio stations.

Childhood and youth

Alexandra Savelyeva was born in Moscow in the family of Vladimir Viktorovich Savelyev, a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, and his wife Nadezhda Aleksandrovna. The parents began to develop the girl as soon as she got on her feet. According to the zodiac sign, the newborn turned out to be Capricorn.

At the age of 3, the baby went to the figure skating section, where she studied with a famous figure skater. Such an early start quickly bore fruit: a few years later the girl was enrolled in the Olympic reserve. It is thanks to the love of sports instilled with early childhood, Alexandra has achieved success and is amazing physical fitness Today.

At the age of 5, Sasha went to the music school named after. and graduated with honors in two areas at once: flute and piano. Here the girl’s talent manifested itself especially clearly; she performed concerts at famous metropolitan venues and even in the Kremlin. The parents were faced with a pressing choice: continue sports training or make every effort to achieve their daughter’s success in music. The biography of Alexandra Savelyeva could have turned out differently if Sasha herself had not chosen art.

Her family supported her decision. The future singer was sent to study in the folklore department of a theater and music school. While studying, she sang folk songs in a children's choral ensemble called "Kuvichki", which toured throughout the country and visited abroad. Among the significant concerts of the musical group are performances in the concert hall. , as well as with the orchestra. Osipova at the Olimpiyskiy. Choral singing Sasha liked it, and after graduating from school she decided to become a choral conductor.

Savelyeva submitted documents simultaneously to 2 educational institutions: "Gnesinka" and the school named after. Talented girl entered both universities, and again she had to choose her future path. Sasha chose the Gnessin School.

During her studies, the girl, together with her fellow students, organized a student musical group, which performed songs mainly by her authorship. The girls successfully performed at various concerts and festivals.


In 2002, the talent show “Star Factory” started on Channel One, and Sasha Savelyeva went through all the qualifying rounds. As a result, the female pop group “Factory”, created on the project by producer Igor Matvienko, included 4 charming soloists: , Alexandra Savelyeva and. On the “Factory” project she managed to take 2nd place.

Sasha Savelyeva as part of the group "Factory"

Six months later, Maria Alalykina, a former winner of the Beauty of Russia 2001 beauty contest, suddenly leaves the group after the first tour. The artist cited expulsion from the institute and the desire to continue her studies as the official reason for leaving. Changes in the composition of the group were painful for the remaining “manufacturers”. As Sasha Savelyeva said in an interview, Maria’s departure from the group came as a surprise and a real shock to her, since the girls had already become friends.

Nevertheless, the newly formed trio gained enormous popularity and love from the public. Their songs “About Love”, “Oh, Mom, I Fell in Love”, “5 Minutes” and others quickly became hits and did not leave the top of the charts for months. The light and playful style of performance, the fragile graceful beauty of the “manufacturers” brought the team well-deserved success.

In 2004, the song “Lyolik” gave the group two prestigious awards in the music world: “Golden Gramophone” and “Stopudovy Hit”. A year later, according to the glossy magazine “GLAMOR”, the team received the title “Group of the Year”. And in 2006, the popularity of the “factory” trio overshadowed the leaders of the scene at that time - the group. At the same time, for the song “It’s not my fault,” the girls received their second Golden Gramophone.

In total, the group has 4 such awards: in 2007, “Factory” received a statuette for the New Year’s song “Light the Lights,” and the last one was awarded to the group for the composition “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.”

Group "Factory" - "Light the Lights"

Videos were shot for many of the group's hits. He became the director of some of them. He shot a video for the songs “Factory Girls”, “The Sea is Calling” and “I’m Not Guilty”. I made a video for the song “Movies about Love”.

Sasha Savelyeva and Irina Toneva have remained in the Factory group from the very beginning of its existence, and Sati Casanova left the group in 2010, deciding to pay more attention to solo work.

Group "Factory" - "Factory Girls"

Sati’s place was taken by Ekaterina Lee, a former member of the team. But after 3 years, the girl was forced to leave the group for health reasons - on the set of the video “Don’t Be Born Beautiful,” Katya Li received a serious back injury. Now the third “manufacturer” is, who gained fame thanks to the project “I Want V VIA Gro”.

To date, the trio has 3 released albums. The first - “Factory Girls” - appeared in 2003, in 2008 two more were released - “We are so different” and the collection “The Best and Favorite”.

Sasha Savelyeva - “I chose you!”

In the team, Sasha Savelyeva is considered the most balanced participant who firmly adheres to her principles. As part of the group, Savelyeva participated in numerous photo shoots for men's magazines, including erotic ones. Among such publications we can note Playboy, Maxim, FHM, Penguin and XXL magazine, where a photo of Sasha Savelyeva in a swimsuit was placed on the cover.

In 2012, the girl was chosen as the face of the Palette ICC “Dazzling Blondes” hair dye collection.

Despite the fact that the singer feels quite comfortable in the “Factory”, from time to time she thinks about solo career and is taking steps in this direction. Sasha Savelyeva has been a constant participant in the “One Hundred Most” rating for many years now. beautiful people Moscow."

The popular singer demonstrated her acting talent at film sets several television projects. She performed a cameo in the popular sitcom “Club”, played in an episode of the film “Snow Angel”, and appeared in the ensemble cast of the comedy “New Year’s Matchmakers”. One of Savelyeva’s film works was the role of Anna Rusyaeva in the crime detective “Women on the Edge.”

Alexandra also tried her hand as a TV presenter. In 2014, together with a famous actor, she hosted a show about fencing, which was called “Duel.” The program was broadcast on the Rossiya 2 TV channel.

Today, Sasha Savelyeva continues to work on new projects as part of a popular team. Rumor has it that she is preparing a solo album, but the singer herself does not confirm this.

Sasha Savelyeva - "Resurrect Me"

In 2016, a new composition appeared, called “Resurrect Me.” It is noteworthy that the director of the video for the song was Sasha Savelyeva’s husband. But the main thing is that this is the singer’s debut solo composition. Perhaps it will be included in Savelyeva’s solo album, which her longtime fans have been waiting for for so long. In the video for the new hit, Sasha tried to tell her love story. In the same year, the artist’s solo repertoire was replenished with the track “I Chose You.”

Personal life

Due to the popularity of “Factory”, the personal life of Sasha Savelyeva often became the object of gossip in glossy publications. Little is known about the early romances of the pop group member. At the age of 18, the girl met a sound engineer who was her boyfriend for a short time. After successful start After Sasha's singing career, their paths diverged. Soon the figure of Denis Shashkin, vocalist from the group “Discomafia” loomed in the artist’s life. But this novel also turned out to be short.

In 2007, on the set of the entertainment television project “ glacial period“Sasha Savelyeva met a Russian figure skater who became her partner in the show. A romantic relationship began between the artists, which was even awarded the “Marriage Gossip of the Year” award in the “Marriage 2007” category. But six months later the couple broke up. Yagudin went to see the figure skater and 2 years later became a father.

The singer did not remain alone for long. In February 2008, at a party in a karaoke club, she met actor Kirill Safonov. After a fleeting meeting, the artist got the girl’s phone number from the producer, Katerina Gechmen-Waldek, with whom he was friends.

A declaration of love followed on the first date. Kirill uttered the cherished phrase in Hebrew. Soon the romance grew into something more, and in 2010 Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov got married. The ceremony took place in the fabulously beautiful Moscow Tsaritsyno estate.

From time to time, rumors appear in tabloid publications and social networks that the couple has separated. Again They started talking about the divorce of the star spouses in the spring of 2016. But this time too, Sasha Savelyeva refuted the lie, telling reporters that she and her husband laughed for a long time, having read in one publication about the divorce, and in another that they would soon get married.

The fact that there is peace and harmony between the spouses is confirmed by producer Igor Matvienko, who simply describes the formula for happiness of Sasha and Kirill:

“He acts in films, and she sings songs. And everything is fine with them.”

Sasha Savelyeva says that her husband and marriage have changed her greatly. Now she looks at life completely differently because the “rose-colored glasses” have disappeared. Although the singer claims that work remains her priority, she admits that she and her husband have been planning a child for a long time, without which a family is not a family.

Publications about Sasha Savelyeva’s pregnancy often appear in the press. But so far there are no children in the family. With personal subscribers "Instagram" The “manufacturer” generously shares new photos, in which she often appears with her husband.

Often the couple becomes a guest on television programs. In 2014, after the release of the popular television series “The Smile of a Mockingbird” starring Kirill, the couple visited the studio of the TV show “Evening Urgant”. Safonov and Savelyeva answered questions about each other’s favorite songs and films. Three years later, the artists visited another project of the TV presenter - the “Smak” program. While preparing chocolate muffins, TV viewers learned about life together spouses.

Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva visiting Ivan Urgant

Sasha enjoys attending her husband’s theater premieres and even goes on tour with Kirill. Safonov, in turn, participates in creative life musical group "Factory" and the solo career of his wife. Kirill jokingly calls Sasha Savelyeva a “sunflower witch”: the singer considers fields with blooming sunflowers a place of power.

The artist has a pet– a dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed named Bastik. According to Sasha, her four-legged friend– creative and positive nature. The dog is able to distinguish between toys different colors, understands his masters perfectly.

Sasha Savelyeva now

Now the artist successfully combines her singing career with modeling. In 2017, she signed a contract with the cosmetics company Mary Kay and became an ambassador trademark. Together with other vocalists of the Factory group, Sasha released new singles - “Butterflies”, “Vova Vova”, “Could as she could”.

In 2018, the singer and her husband celebrated their 8th wedding anniversary. The couple surprises those around them with their rare devotion to each other, which rarely happens in families of artists. The year turned out to be busy with travel. Savelyeva and Safonov visited the Czech Republic and traveled to Israel and Georgia. Romantic trip They spent their anniversary in Milan.


  • 2003 – “Factory Girls”
  • 2008 – “We are so different”
  • 2008 – “Best and Favorite”

In 1973, in a small village called Ermakovskoye, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. When the boy was twelve, his parents separated. The mother raised three children alone. Kirill has two older sisters. School years Safonov took place in Lvov. In the early nineties, the family moved to Krasnoyarsk.

Acting path

Kirill Safonov stepped on creative path in 1993. He became a student. After the first year, he transferred to the capital's GITIS.

The future husband, according to his classmates, was always obstinate. Having disrupted the dress rehearsal of the graduation performance, Kirill left the stage and left. It was because of his waywardness that he was expelled from the institute in 1997.

Difficult period

Now Kirill Safonov is the husband of Sasha Savelyeva, a successful and sought-after actor. However, despite the fact that Kirill never became a certified actor, he got a job as an actor and was involved in such performances as “The Taming of the Shrew” and “Twelfth Night.”

At that time, Kirill already had a family. He had to work hard to feed his first wife Elena and their daughter Nastya. The actor fell asleep during rehearsals and, worst of all, once fell asleep while driving. Fortunately, there was no tragedy. It was an incident on the road, as Kirill claims, that made him reconsider his attitude towards life. On top of that, constant need became the cause of disagreements in the family.

In 1999, Kirill received an offer to play in the Israeli Gesher Theater. The actor happily agreed, because he believed that improving his financial situation would help with his wife. Safonov worked in Jaffa until 2001. At this time, he and his wife were already on the verge of divorce.

Life is getting better

In 2006 future husband Sashi Savelyeva came to the Moscow Film Festival. He presented the Israeli film “Half-Russian History”. The actor's work was well received by critics. This was a triumph for Kirill. He was ready to stay in the capital if he was offered a job. This time, luck did not turn away from Safonov. He received main role in the series "Tatiana's Day".

Thanks to this work, the future husband of Sasha Savelyeva gained unprecedented popularity in Russia. Now he was characterized as an actor with capital letters. Kirill was literally showered with offers to take part in various projects. So, over the next three years, he starred in such films as “Two in the Rain,” “My Last Blues,” “Chasing the Shadow,” “Zhurov” and “Crisis of Faith.”

Long-awaited love

Kirill could not recover for a long time from his divorce from Elena. Until 2009 he was alone. And finally Safonov met his fate. It happened in a nightclub. It is noteworthy that both Sasha and Kirill are not regulars at such establishments. They both ended up in the club thanks to the persuasion of friends. The first meeting did not leave any lasting impressions. The young people exchanged a few words and seemed to forget about each other's existence. However, the next day, Kirill caught himself thinking that he was constantly thinking about Sasha. Through mutual friends, he managed to get the girl’s phone number. Soon they began an affair.

Currently Kirill is happy husband Savelyeva Sasha. Photos of lovers adorn many glossy magazines. However, at first the couple hid their relationship from outsiders. Most of all, Safonov feared that his daughter would be hostile to her stepmother. Fortunately, quarrels on this basis were avoided. Anastasia and Alexandra became friends.

Since April 17, 2010, Sasha Savelyeva’s legal husband is Kirill Safonov. Ceremonial event passed under the strictest secrecy. As the lovers later explained, they did not want to share this holiday with anyone.

For many years now, rumors about the breakup of the couple have not been confirmed. Kirill and Sasha are happy together.

If in the world of show business they announce the nomination “The Most Beautiful celebrity couples", then the pair Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva will certainly win it.

The topic of personal relationships between star couples has always been quite complex. Being constantly on the move, filming and touring, family life fades into the background, and sometimes simply collapses.

Many celebrity couples regularly appear on the pages of newspapers and magazines due to constant changes in their marital status.

They either get together, then get divorced, then reunite their families. Some try to do everything quietly, others want a loud scandal.

Sometimes it seems that all this is for the sake of PR, in order to appear more often on the front pages of glossy magazines.

But there are celebrity couples for whom family remains the main thing in life. They do not sacrifice their families for the sake of career, fame and popularity. They simply live in love and harmony, cherishing every moment of their happiness.

Kirill Safonov and Alexandra Savelyeva became just such a couple.

Alexandra is the lead singer of the Fabrika group, a popular singer. Kirill - very famous actor, who starred in many films and TV series and won more than one woman’s heart.

They met quite by accident, in the Tsaritsyno estate, in the Catherine Hall of the Opera House. Alexandra once admitted that literally the next day after their chance meeting, she forgot about her and moved on with her life. ordinary life. But for Kirill it was love at first sight, and their meeting became fatal. He got her phone number and called. And six months later he proposed to Sasha.

They got married on April 17, 2010 at the Tsaritsyno estate, where they met. Played modest quiet wedding, to which only the closest people were invited.

They never advertised their relationship and rarely appeared together at social events.

But, on May 27, Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov got married in the capital's Backstage restaurant. And even though they officially got married five years ago, they organized a real noisy celebration for all their friends and celebrity colleagues only now.

More than a hundred people gathered in the hall, decorated with huge bouquets of white orchids, among whom were Nikolai Baskov, Olga Kabo, Olesya Sudzilovskaya and many others.

Alexandra and Kirill are still together and are planning to have children soon.

Safonov, by the way, already has a child from his first marriage. Kirill’s first wife, Elena, has nothing to do with the acting profession. The marriage lasted from 1991 to 2001. After divorce ex-spouses maintained friendly relations. Their daughter Anastasia, who was born in 1995, lives in the USA. Now Kirill’s daughter is 22 years old. In the pictures where Kirill is with his current wife and daughter, the girls look like girlfriends. Sasha and Nastya found mutual language and they communicate well, which makes Safonov very happy.

We invite you to watch an exclusive video from the wedding anniversary of Alexandra Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov.

And in this video you can see latest photos famous couple.

We want to wish them happiness and love for many years to come!