Part of speech.



1. Noun.

There is a contrast with the conjunction “a” ( not the truth, but a lie).

1. Not used without NOT ( slave).

untrue = false).

2.Full adjectives.

Short adjectives.

Adverbs ending in -O, - E.

1. There is a contrast with the conjunction “a” (not truthful, but deceitful; not truthful, but deceitful; not truthful, but deceitful).

2. There are words ahead:

not at all... not at all...

not at all... far from...

never... nothing...

not at all... (not at all true story).

1. Not used without NOT (rainy, rainy).

2. Can be replaced with a synonym without NOT (untruthful=deceitful,

untruthful = deceitful, untruthful = deceitful).

3. Full participles.

1. The participle has a dependent word(not solved by me).

2. There is a contrast with the conjunction “a” ( undecided and a decommissioned example).

1. Not used without NOT ( perplexed).

2. There is no dependent word (unsolved example).

3. There is no opposition with the conjunction “a”.

4. Short participles.

Always separate:the story has not been read, the field has not been plowed, notebooks not checked.


5. Verb.

1. It is NOT written separately with a particle if used without it ( there was no, I couldn’t).

2. NOT until…. (action not completed:didn't finish the soup, didn't finish the chapter).

1. Verbs that are not used without NOT (hate, resent)

2. UNDER... (less than one hundred percent completed, less than the norm:not enough points, not enough colors).

6. Participle.

With the particle NOT written separately if used without NOT: without knowing, without thinking .

Participles that are not used without NOT are written together:hating, raging, indignant, perplexed .

Exercises on the topic “Spelling NOT with in different parts speech"

Exercise 1

Open the brackets, dividing the words into two groups: 1) with separate spelling of the particle Not ; 2) with a merged spelling of the particle Not.

(Not) a stupid act, (not) to fly high; (not) fly high, but low; to act (un)comradely, to sense (un)kindness, (un)sloppy appearance, to behave (un)forcedly, (not)earned income at all, (not)cheerful, but sad appearance, (un)comfortable figure, move (not) deep, but wide river, tired from (un) habit, muttering something (in) intelligible, far (not) easy, the river was (not) wide, (not) resistance to evil, say obvious (not) The truth is, the young man is extremely (im)polite, a (un)hated person, (im)movable, (not) a commercial, but a state enterprise; (un)accident, (dis)ability, complete (ignorance) in music, (un)married lady, (un)avoidable, (dis)friendly, (not)adult children.

Exercise 2

Rewrite, opening the parentheses. Explain orally the combined and separate writing particles Not .

(Didn't) read the book; (cannot) watch; (not) falling in love at first sight; (not) thinking about the consequences; the anchor (does not) reach the bottom; there is always (not) enough time; in (un)fruitful years they (do not) eat enough; (didn’t) finish the game; not feeling well in the morning; (not) knowing the reasons; (didn’t) finish the main point; (there was) no intention; (did not) appear at the court hearing; details (un)necessary for the case; behavior (un)worthy of a decent person; handwriting is (un)readable; version (not) verified by the investigator; a sign (not) noticed by the driver; version (un)checked; completely (un)tested version; (un)familiar man.

Exercise 3

Form short verbs from the verbs below passive participles, use them with a particle Not , make up phrases with them.

Plow, elect, scratch, privatize, complete construction, corporatize, program, finish, create.

Exercise 4

Rewrite, explaining orally the combined and separate spelling of the particle Not.

1) It is (not) possible to (not) pay attention to improving the quality of work of the road patrol service. 2) Several packages were (not) missing from the shipment. 3) In Switzerland you (need) to know three languages ​​- Italian, German, French. 4) The student’s answer was (not) completely satisfactory. 5) He (un)noticeably, without saying goodbye to anyone, left. 6) Standard of living in developing countries(does not) meet standards European countries. 7) (Not) entertaining incident, (not) anecdote, (not) episode, but a whole life destiny become the basis of a (small) large story in Chekhov. 8) It is (not) necessary that the answer be given (immediately). 9) The professor spent (not) a few months compiling a textbook.

Test on the topic “Spelling not with different parts of speech”

1) (continuous) (non)harassment

2) I’m not (not) interested in this at all

3) (ignorant)

4) it was (un)avoidable

2. In which version is NOT written separately?

1) do a (im)stupid act

2) mutter something (in)intelligible

3) an (un)justified risk

4) the young man is extremely (im)polite

3. In which version is NOT written separately?

1) there are (not) enough three notebooks in the pack

2) (dis)love at first sight

3) (not) knowing the reasons

4) it was (not) cheap

4. In which version is NOT written separately?

1) work (not) credited

2) behave (un)forced

3) (impregnable fortress)

4) in the morning (not) well

5. Which explanation is wrong?

1) (don’t) want to believe it - not with verbs are written separately

2) ask again, (not) wondering - Not is written together, since the word is without Not not used

3) respond very (un)flatteringly - Not with an adverb is written separately, since the adverb has dependent words

4) (not) extinguished fire - Not written together with the participle, since the participle does not have a dependent word

6. In which example is it NOT written together?

1) Many manuscripts are (not) deciphered.

2) The book (was) missing several pages.

3) We (didn’t) have enough patience and experience.

4) There are people on earth who (don’t) know what snow is.

7. Open the brackets. Mark those sentences in which the verbs are not written together.

1) (If you don’t) work, you (don’t) get bread.

2) I (wasn’t) feeling well that day.

3) Scolding people is (no) good.

4) The crowd (not) wondered.

5) (Doesn’t) bark, doesn’t bite, and (doesn’t) let him into the house.

8. In which sentence is not written together with a noun?

1) There was a rustling sound. It was both a (not) beast and (not) a bird.

2) But this, unfortunately, was (not) a lake.

3) We realized that it was a (mis)understanding.

4) He demonstrated (non)participation in this situation, but cold indifference.

9.Specify continuous writing particles are not:

1) far (not) timid remark

2) (not) anyone to stay with;

3) not at all expensive;

4) (un)healthy complexion;

5) (not) uncle’s house;

6) (not) wondering;

7) a (not) large but comfortable closet;

8) express (dis)indignation;

9) (not) anything to be afraid of;

10) (not) long, but short.

10. Mark the line in which all the words are not written together:

1) (careless), not at all (un)attractive, (not) hardships,

2) (not) bewildered, (not) seen, (not) quick-witted;

3) (mis)understanding, (not) with whom, (not) in love.

11. Mark the line in which all words are written with not separately:

1) (im)stupidity, (not) old, (not) beautiful;

2) (not) (with) whom, (not) thought, far (not) timid;

3) (not) wide, but deep; (not) understood, (not) intelligible.

12. Mark the line in which both adjectives are not written together:

1) far (not) calm, (not) calm;

2) not at all (not) complicated, (not) expensive;

3) (not) harmed, (not) loud.

13.Tick the incorrect explanation regarding spelling not with nouns.

1) is written together if the word is not used without;

2) is written together, if it can be replaced with a synonym without not,

3) written together if the sentence contains a contrast with a conjunction A .

14.Give examples with errors:

1) showed indignation;

2) not a gentle look;

3) not an easy transition at all;

4) was slow-witted;

5) not at all suspicious;

6) not at all picky;

7) is by no means hopeless.

§ 88. Not written together:

1. In all cases when a word is not used without a negative particle, for example: ignorant, inevitable, unfortunate, indignant, unwell, unwell, lacking(meaning “not enough”), impossible, impossible, really, unbearable, unshakable, unharmed.

2. With nouns, if the negation gives the word a new, opposite meaning, for example: enemy, misfortune, if the negation gives a word that does not have this particle the meaning of opposition, negation, for example: non-specialist, non-Marxist, non-Russian, For example: disagreements between Marxists and non-Marxists; all non-specialists liked the report; a non-Russian will look without love at this pale, bloody, whip-scarred muse(Nekrasov).

3. With full and short adjectives and with adverbs ending in -o (-e), unless combining them with does not serve to deny any concept, but to express a new, opposite concept, for example: unhealthy appearance (i.e. sickly ), impossible character(i.e. heavy), the sea is restless (i.e. agitated), the matter is unclean (i.e. suspicious), come immediately(i.e. immediately, immediately), acted badly(i.e. bad).

4. With full participles, for which there are no explanatory words, for example: unfinished (work), unblown(flower), stainless (steel), unloved (child), unconcealed (anger), uncompressed (strip) (in such cases the participle is close to the adjective); But: work not completed on time, a flower not blooming due to the cold, a child not loved by the mother, students who have not yet been examined(in such cases the participle is close in meaning to the verb).

Note. With explanatory words denoting the degree of quality, not with the participle is written together (in these cases, the participles with are not close to the adjective), for example: extremely rash decision, completely inappropriate example, But: a completely inappropriate example(not written separately due to the presence of an explanatory word to the rule).

5. In pronouns, when not is separated from the subsequent pronoun by a preposition, for example: someone, something, no one, nothing(But: no one, no need, no one, no reason, no reason).

In pronominal adverbs, for example: no time, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere.

6. In adverbs there is no need (in the meaning of “aimlessly”, for example: there is no need to go there), reluctantly; in prepositional combinations despite, despite; in the interrogative particle really.

Writing adverbs and adverbial combinations that include a negation, a preposition and a noun or adjective (for example, unknowingly, inadvertently, by chance, beyond the power), determined by the rules laid down in § 83, paragraphs 5 and 6.

7. In the verb prefix nedo-, denoting non-compliance with the required norm, for example: nedo fulfill (perform below the required norm), nedo look (not enough, look bad, miss something), nedos sleep (sleep less than normal).

Note. From verbs with the prefix it is not necessary to distinguish verbs with the prefix do-, which have the negation not in front of them and denote an action that has not been completed, for example: not to read a book, not to drink tea, not to watch a play.

§ 89. Not written separately:

1. With verbs, including participial forms, for example: she doesn't drink, doesn't eat, doesn't speak; cannot help but see; without looking, without looking, without haste.

About continuous writing despite, despite and verbs with the prefix are missing - see § 88, paragraphs 6 and 7.

Note. Commonly used verb forms numb, numb, numb are written together.

2. In participles: a) in short form, For example: the debt is not paid, the house is not completed, the coat is not sewn b) in full form, when the participle contains explanatory words (see § 88, paragraph 4), and also when the participle contains or implies opposition, for example: he did not bring the finished work, but only individual sketches.

3. With nouns, adjectives and adverbs, if there is or is implied opposition, for example: It was not luck that led us to success, but endurance and composure; It’s not death that’s scary, it’s your disfavor that’s scary.(Pushkin); the morning came not clear, but foggy; the train is coming not fast and not slow(implied: “with some average speed"); not tomorrow (there cannot but be a contrast here).

Note. You should pay attention to some cases of separate writing of the particle not. The particle is not written separately: a) if with an adjective, participle or adverb there is a pronoun starting with neither as an explanatory word, for example: no one (for anyone, etc.) needs a thing, never encountered error, not to anyone it is profitable to undertake this; b) if it is not part of intensifying negations far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, etc., preceding a noun, adjective or adverb, for example: he is not our friend at all, far from the only wish not at all fair decision, not at all the best solution, far from sufficient.

4. With pronouns and pronominal adverbs, for example: not me, not this, not another, not like that, not otherwise, not like that. For cases of continuous writing not with pronouns and pronominal adverbs, see § 88, paragraph 5.

Note. The philosophical term not-self is written with a hyphen.

5. With intensifying adverbs, as well as with prepositions and conjunctions, for example: not very, not quite, not quite, not from..., not under..., not that... not that.

The expression is written separately more than once, for example: More than once he accused himself of being overly cautious.(Fadeev).

6. For unchangeable words that are not formed from adjectives and act as a predicate in a sentence, for example: don't mind, don't mind, don't be sorry.

7. For all words written with a hyphen, for example: all non-commercial and industrial enterprises; it is not said in Russian; They don’t sing in the old way.

§ 90. Neither is written together:

1. In pronouns, if the particle is not separated from the subsequent pronoun by a preposition, for example: no one, nothing, no one, nothing, no, no one's, no one's, no one's, But: no one, no one and so on.

Not written together: 1) with all parts of speech that are without Not not used: ignorant, inclement, absurd, hate, indignant, perplexed, impossible, reluctant;

2) with nouns, adjectives and adverbs in – oh, – e, if they can be replaced with synonyms: enemy(enemy), small(small), near(close);

– oh, – e if they have adverbs of degree: very, extremely, very, completely, absolutely, extremely, completely(in meaning "absolutely", "completely"): an extremely unpleasant incident, a completely unexplored area, speaks very inexpressively;

Not with full adjectives it is written together: a long way - a long way;

5) with verbal adjectives formed from Not transitive verbs or transitive verbs of the perfect form with suffixes on – my: irresistible, immeasurable, indestructible.

Note: Not is written separately if the dependent words of these verbal adjectives are negative pronouns or nouns, pronouns in the instrumental case: objects invisible to the eye, facts inexplicable;

6) in verbs with a prefix under-, indicating something is incomplete: There are five books missing from the pack(But: child Not gets enough before table);

7) in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs: no one, nothing, someone, no time, nowhere, reluctantly.

Not written separately:

1) if there is or is implied opposition: not luck, but hard work; lives not far away, but close; not read, but only viewed book. Is the pond deep? – No, not deep.

Note: it is necessary to distinguish between opposition and conjunction A (particle Not written separately) and contrast with the conjunction But (particle Not spelled together): river not deep, but shallow – river shallow but wide;

2) with relative adjectives (Not summer rain), With qualitative adjectives, indicating color (not white, not black), and also with adjectives: not better, not worse, not greater, not less;

3) with adjectives, participles, adverbs oh, oh in the presence of negative pronouns and adverbs, as well as particles far from... not at all... not at all... not at all... (meaning “not at all”, “not at all”).

For example: not interesting to anyone details; never freezing lake; far from smart Human; Absolutely not chance meeting;

4) with short adjectives, if the particle Not with full adjectives it is written separately: the path is not close, and far - the path is not close, but far.

5) with some short adjectives that are rarely used in full form: not needed, not obliged, not intended, does not agree, not happy, should not, is not right, not visible, not heard, not disposed;

6) with verbs, gerunds: didn't recognize; without recognizing.

7) in negative pronouns with prepositions: there is no one to talk to, nothing to reproach; in combinations none other than…; nothing more than: none other than the commander; nothing more than a spark;

8) with full participles in the presence of dependent words, including adverbs more: Not stopping all day rain; not yet blossomed rosebud;

9) with short participles (things not sent); with numerals (not two kilometer); unions (not that rain, not that snow); particles (Not only); pretexts (not with me); personal pronouns (not with me, not him); with adverbs in comparative degree (not better); as well as with adverbs acting as a predicate (not sorry, not necessary, not scary, not visible); with words hardly (almost the first from athletes); V interrogative sentences (Isn't the argument made clear? ).

How to differentiate particle spellings Not And neither

Writing particles Not And neither depends on semantic meanings, which they carry in the sentence. Particle Not used as:

Negation (wind Not subsided);


a) in exclamatory or interrogative sentences (wherever he has been!);

b) in subordinate tenses with a conjunction not yet (Wait until I come);

Twice no (Not Can Not object). Particle neither used as:

Strengthening negation in sentences with a negative predicate, participles, gerunds (wind didn't subside either for a minute);

Strengthening approval in subordinate clauses; As a rule, such subordinate clauses begin with combinations: whoever, whatever, wherever, wherever, from where, no matter how, no matter how much (Wherever look, there are forests everywhere).

Note: it is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of combinations: not alone (a lot of) - no one (nobody); more than once - a lot (a lot of) - not at all (not at all).

Task 38. Opening the brackets, insert particles Not And neither. Add missing punctuation marks.

1. No matter how (not, not) I tried to drive away from myself the memory of a (stranger), about her companion, about my meetings with them, it kept coming back and pestering me.

2. Who (not, nor) cursed the stationmasters, who (not, nor) scolded them!

3. It seems like a (not, not) unknown force has picked you up on its wing and you are flying and still flying: ... the whole road is flying (not, not) knows where into the disappearing distance.

4. (No, neither) so (is it) that you, Rus', are a lively (not, nor) overtaken troika (not) sitting down? ...everything that (is not, not) on earth flies past and other peoples and states sideways and give way to it.

5. There was a lot of life and truth in his sketches, but (not, not) one of them was (not, not) finished and the drawing seemed to me (not, not) careless and (not, not) true.

6. (Not, not) any mother (not) looked after her child, as Gerasim looked after his pet.

Task 39. Write down the words by opening the brackets. Distribute them into groups: 1) words that are without Not not used; 2) words that, in combination with Not have only negative meaning.

(Not) hatred, (not) satiable, (not) hate, (not) allowed, (not) who, (not) have, (not) debt, (un)bearable, (not) she, (not) himself, (not) to get enough sleep, (not) to build, (not) seeing, (not) although, (not) finding, (not) a friend, but a friend; (negligence), (not) cleanliness, (not) touching.

Task 40. Rewrite the sentences, opening the brackets. Explain the spelling of the particle Not with participles and gerunds.

1. In an extraordinary, never (un)heard of silence, dawn arises.

2. On the streets that had not been swept for a long time, the wind rustled rusty leaves.

4. We wander along those paths where the grass is (not) cut.

5. Above, Stozhary smoldered like a (not) extinguished fire.

6. Memories are (not) yellowed letters, (not) old age, (not) dried flowers and relics, but a living, trembling world full of poetry.

7. Someone knocked on the (in)visible, carpeted door.

8. Every hunter will understand my (un)controllable desire to capture the beast.

9. Only one strip is (not) compressed.

10. Silence, (not) disturbed by either movement or sound, is especially striking.

11. Tatyana loves (not) jokingly.

12. And everyone stopped, (not) wanting to ease the fate of the one who did evil to them, (not) wanting to kill him.

13. He turned around, surprised and (not) perplexed.

Task 41. Using the adjectives below, make up phrases with the following words: not at all (not), not at all (not), far (not).

Cheerful, kind, interesting, noble, funny, intelligent, fat, young, rich, famous.

Spelling particles with different parts of speech

1. Particle neither(unstressed) is part of the negative pronouns nobody, nothing, no, etc. and negative adverbs anywhere, nowhere, never, etc.

Pronouns and adverbs with prefixed particles neither are used in sentences with a negative predicate (with a predicate there is a negation Not), and pronouns and adverbs with a prefix particle Not are used in impersonal (infinitive) sentences with an affirmative predicate. Compare: I didn’t turn to anyone - there’s no one to turn to, I didn’t go there for anything - there’s no need to go there; I didn’t go for a walk anywhere - there’s nowhere to go for a walk. Deviations are found in certain expressions: to be left with nothing, to be left with nothing, to be considered for nothing, etc. Cf. also: there is no need to argue (in the meaning of “no need”, “there is no need”) - medicine is no longer needed (in the meaning of “unnecessary”, as a predicate).

A negative predicate may be absent from the sentence, but it may be implied, for example: There is no month or stars in the sky; No human habitation, no living soul in the distance (Chekhov).

Note. There are different combinations: none (nobody) - not one (many); not once (never) - more than once (often). Wed: not one of us chickened out in a moment of danger - not one of us is ready for this, we have never met him - we have met him more than once. Combination with particle neither is always used in conjunction with a negative predicate.

2. Particle neither written separately, with the exception of negative pronouns (without a preposition) and negative adverbs. Wed: no one - from no one - from nowhere.

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between the combined spelling of negative pronouns and adverbs (nobody, nowhere, etc.) and the separate spelling of particles neither with relative pronominal words (neither who, nor where, etc.) in subordinate clauses, for example: I don’t know who you are or who he is (Turgenev); To whomever Rostov addressed, no one could say where the sovereign was, or where Kutuzov was (L. Tolstoy).

3. Repeating particle neither has the meaning of a connecting conjunction, for example: You can neither drive nor walk along this road; There was no news from him for a day or a month; The story flows neither quietly nor loudly. In these combinations, neither is equal in meaning to the combination and not, i.e. acts as a negator. Wed. among writers of the 19th century: Crows are neither fried nor boiled (Krylov); He himself is neither rich, nor noble, nor smart (Turgenev); Elisha was an old man, neither rich nor poor (L. Tolstoy).

Note. Using a repeating conjunction-particle neither in the meaning of “and not” makes it unnecessary to have a conjunction in front of it And. Combination and neither(usually before the last homogeneous member sentences) are relatively rare, for example: In this case, neither one nor the other is suitable; And it became easy and simple for me, although neither simple nor easy (here it is adjacent to the union); He cried sorrowfully, a soldier, for his girl, neither her husband, nor her brother, nor her godfather, nor her matchmaker, nor her lover (Tvardovsky).

4. Single or repeating neither is part of stable expressions, for example: by all means, as if nothing had happened, out of nowhere, neither fish nor fowl, neither alive nor dead, neither two nor one and a half, neither this nor that, neither give nor take , neither more nor less, nor more nor less.

5. In independent exclamatory and interrogative sentences (often with the words only, really) a negative particle is written Not, and in subordinate clauses (with a concessive connotation of meaning) to enhance the affirmative meaning - a particle neither. Wed: Wherever he turned! (general meaning: “contacted many places”). - Wherever he turned, he met him everywhere indifferent attitude; What a mother didn’t do for her sick son! - No matter what the mother did for her sick son, no matter how she tried to help him, she could not save him. Wed. See also: What kind of tricks can’t be used small man, so as not to fall into ruin, to get a handful of happiness, whatever professions he can come up with for himself, but there is still no luck (with the help of the union A independent clauses are connected, in the first part there is no subordinate clause with a concessive connotation of meaning, therefore it is written Not). They don’t give anything, but he won’t do anything (a similar case).

Note 1. It is necessary to distinguish in subordinate clauses the combinations whoever, whatever, wherever, etc., which contain a particle neither, adjacent to the relative word, and combinations who would not, that would not, where would not, etc., which contain a particle Not, relating to the predicate. Wed. He helped everyone with advice, no matter who turned to him. - In our district, perhaps, there is no one who would not turn to him for advice; Wherever you are, remember your responsibilities. - There are few families in Belarus where there were no victims of the Great Patriotic War.

Note 2. In exclamatory sentences with an affirmative meaning it is possible to use the particle neither in combinations with the meaning “no matter who (what, which, etc.)”, for example: - Who told you this? - Whoever said it!

Today we will talk about literacy. Each of us sometimes sins by its absence. Due to certain circumstances, information is forgotten. But in some situations you need to explain the essence of your actions, especially when you are helping your child with homework. In order to clarify or refresh some vague points in memory, this article was written. Today we will look at when to write “not” and when to write “neither”. In order to simplify and speed up the process of perceiving “new”, well-forgotten information, the article will look more like a table than a coherent text. So let's get started.

Introduction to the question

There are many particles in the Russian language, and thanks to this, our language acquires high plasticity and some charm, but at the same time it becomes extremely difficult to learn and variable in the use of certain words. Because of this, certain incidents arise. For example, “the kettle takes a long time to cool down” and “the kettle takes a long time to cool down” are statements with the same meaning. Many foreigners are shocked by the phrase: “No, probably not.” In addition, the presence of double negatives sometimes makes translation from Russian very difficult.

Let's start simple

Therefore, even in such trifles as spelling particles, we have to be guided by certain rules. Usually these rules do not imply double interpretation and are quite simple. For example, the two most common rules in which mistakes are most often made:

  • The particles “would”, “whether”, “whether” are written separately, and also “here”, “as if”, “after all”, “they say” and others are written separately.
  • The second rule states that particles: “some-”, “some-”, “-that”, “-something”, “either-”, “-de”, “-ka”, “-so”, “-tko” ", "-tka" and "-s" are always written with a hyphen. As we can see, the rule itself is as simple as addition.

But there are such particles as “not” and “neither”, and, unfortunately, the younger generation, and sometimes some wise men in life, do not understand at all when it is written “not” and when “neither”. This is what the following table is for.

When to write "not" and when to write "neither"

First, let's look at general concepts spellings of “not” and “nor”, ​​and their place in a sentence. We'll look at the details a little later. For example, when “neither” is written in negative sentences.

Using "not" and "neither"

1. In denial. I for a long time wasn't home

1. Use to strengthen negation. I don't know you or your friend

2. In independent interrogative and exclamatory sentences. Why not remember your friends more often? They wouldn't go anywhere

2. In the subordinate part of a sentence, to strengthen the statement. We couldn't do it no matter how hard we tried.

3. Used with indefinite, negative pronouns and negative adverbs, being under stress. There was no one to ask

3. With indefinite, negative pronouns and some adverbs in unstressed position, “ni” is always written in sentences. Never remember grievances

Using “not” and “nor” with different parts of speech

From the previous table we learned when “not” is written and when “neither” is written. Now it’s worth moving on to more specific cases, namely: how both particles are used with other parts of speech. First, let's consider in which case "neither" is written separately. According to generally accepted rules, this almost always happens. The exception is the case when “neither” is written in negative pronouns and pronominal adverbs without a preposition. For example: nothing, nobody, draw, etc. In the case of “not” everything is a little more complicated, and therefore for clarity we will use a table.

"Not" with different parts of speech
Part of speechTogetherApart

1. If the noun is not used without "not" (loser).

2. If a word has a synonym without “not” (not true - lie)

1. In opposition (not rain, but sun).

2. In interrogative sentences in the “isn’t it true” construction


1. If the adjective is not used without "not".

2. If there is a synonym without “not” (middle-aged - old).

3. If we contrast using the conjunction “but” (the apple is unsweetened, but juicy).

4. B short adjectives, When full form written together

1. If something is opposed through the conjunction “a” or when it is implied (not crooked, but tortuous).

2. With relative adjectives.

3. In short adjectives, when the full form is written separately

NumeralAlways written separately
PronounIn indefinite and negative pronouns without a preposition (something, someone)With other pronouns
VerbIf does not exist without “not”, as well as in the prefix “under-”With other verbs
ParticipleIf does not exist without "not", in the prefix "under-"With other participles
ParticipleIf the full participle is without a dependent word (unverified person)

1. If there are dependent words next to the full participle.

2. If the participle is opposed (not a memorized verse, but only a read verse)


1. If does not exist without "not".

2. In adverbs ending in -о, -е, if there is a synonym (unwise - stupid)

1. In adverbs ending in -o, -e, if there is opposition.

2. In adverbs starting with -o, -e in such phrases: not at all, not at all, far from, not at all.

3. If an adverb is written with a hyphen


As we can see, the use of “not” and “nor” seems complicated only at first glance. Visually there are a lot of rules, but in reality most of statements are repeated for many parts of speech. Therefore, it is worth re-reading these rules more carefully and deducing for yourself a certain quintessence of when “not” is used and when “neither” is used, and feel free to enjoy literacy and life without mistakes.