The requirements for processing outgoing correspondence are: special requirements. This is due to the fact that it is of an informational and reference nature. When drawing up a service letter, it is worth taking into account the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork” and use the organization’s forms. For details, you must refer to GOST R 6.30-2003 (from 07/01/2018 you will need to refer to GOST R 7.0.97-2016). This will allow you to maintain a clear structure of the document and maintain the required style. business communication, and also correctly arrange the details of a business letter.

It is important to note that GOST R 6.30-2003 (as well as GOST R 7.0.97-2016) is advisory and organizations can themselves develop letterheads for business correspondence. Compliance with the specified GOST is mandatory only for federal bodies executive power.

The header of the document can be positioned either longitudinally or have an angular position (the details of the letter form, telephone numbers and addresses of organizations are usually located here). A sample letter with a corner arrangement of details is the most common option in modern office work.

Sample letter form with corner details

At the top of the document are indicated:

  • date of;
  • number;
  • reference to the registration number and date of the document (if the correspondence is a response);
  • title to the text, stated in one phrase.

The header of the service letter is located under the registration number. It contains an appeal to the addressee. FULL NAME. and the addressee's position should be located in the upper right corner of the document. A message to the recipient is written in the center.

From whom and to whom

The details of the sender's company are most often indicated on the company's letterhead. It is also necessary to correctly indicate the recipient of the correspondence, in other words, the addressee’s details:

  • Company name;
  • name of the structural unit to which outgoing correspondence is sent;
  • recipient's position;
  • surname and initials of the recipient;
  • postal address of the organization.

Sample letter on company letterhead

It is important to note that if a letter with the same content needs to be sent to several recipients, then first of all it is necessary to indicate the address of the main recipient and only then the others.

For example:

LLC "Elki-Palki"

Legal department

Moscow, Zelenaya street, 5


to CEO

LLC "Green Branches"

Simakov V.A.

Saint Petersburg,

Frunze Street, 3

Date and number

After the outgoing document has been signed, a date is stamped on it. The date can be in the format 05/17/2018 or May 17, 2019. In cases where the date is indicated several times in a document, it is recommended to maintain the same writing style.

The registration number is assigned in accordance with the system for registering outgoing documentation adopted by the organization, and only after signing the document. The registration number consists of the serial number of the document, which can be supplemented by a case index or letters.

It is important to note that registering an outgoing document makes it easier for both you and your recipient to process mail.

When responding to received official correspondence, it is necessary to fill out the details “link to registration number and date of request.” In this case, the response letter indicates the date and number of the received message. This will ensure faster processing of correspondence at the recipient company.

Who signs

Official correspondence is mainly signed by managers, and in the event of his absence from the workplace - by his deputies or other officials who perform the duties of the manager during his absence.

It is important to note that modern business correspondence is sent not only by mail, but also by telegraph, faxes and email.

Do I need to indicate the artist?

Despite the fact that each business message is signed by the head of the company or his authorized officials, the correspondence itself is conducted by an ordinary ordinary employee, i.e., the executive. It is his name and contact information that we indicate in this part.

Information about the artist is always located at the very bottom, in the last lines. The full name, patronymic and surname of the employee is written, starting on a new line contact number, and even lower - your email address. We leave the font the same.

Is there a stamp?

Letters are usually not stamped, but if outgoing correspondence is of an official nature, issued on the organization’s letterhead and is intended to enter into legal relations with someone or another organization and be responsible for all positions expressed in the letter, management may wish to add additional details in the form of a seal.

In principle, questions about how and by what means can be created and sent should not arise. However, not everyone is ready to immediately begin this task when it comes to official letters, especially when the author of the letter expects to receive a response. I'll open it for you little secret business correspondence, the stricter the character and style of the letter, the greater the chance of a response from the recipient. In this tutorial I will give some samples emails, which should help users decide on their own style and in the future compose appeals in the most competent way.

First, we need to decide what nature the letter we are creating will be. I divide all outgoing emails into three main types:

  • Business offer
  • Business inquiry
  • Friendly address

Accordingly, for all three types I have templates, both in the form of simple text files and in the form of templates tailored for specific email programs. Let's move on to each of them in order.

Business offer

Hello (Good afternoon), [name of the person being addressed]!

It is advisable to indicate the name in any letter when communicating, because a personal address puts a person in a friendly mood. However, if you still can’t find out the name, a template greeting will suffice.

Let me introduce to your attention a new service ( New Product) from our company [company name].

Let me offer cooperation in the field of [name of field of activity].

Next, briefly describe the advantages of your proposal in terms of price or some quality characteristics. The main thing is not to overdo it. Megabytes of text, and even supplemented with bright, meaningless pictures, only scare people away. If the recipient of the letter is interested in your offer from the first lines, he will definitely contact you for additional information.

If you are seriously interested in necessary people contacted you at the first contact, that is, it makes sense to think about accessibility not only by e-mail. It would be a good idea to create accounts in services such as ICQ andSkype. Sometimes it is much easier for a person to contact you by regular phone, if, of course, you thoughtfully left the number in your signature.

Why do you need to duplicate your own e-mail address in the signature, you ask, if it is automatically forwarded by the mail server. The rule here is that excessive information in business correspondence is never unnecessary. Let’s imagine a situation where your letter is received by a person who is potentially not interested in the offer, or who is simply not competent to respond to it correctly. It forwards the received message to another user, but for some reason, information about the true sender is lost from the automatically added data, which makes it difficult to contact you. However, it will always be enough to look at the signature to determine the author of the letter and his necessary contacts.

Business inquiry

Hello (Good afternoon)!

Or, if the addressee's name is known, then (Dear, [Name, Patronymic])!

Please provide information about the product (service) [name of product/service] with a description full specifications and competitive qualities.

Based Federal Law RF [document number and date], please provide information [describe the data necessary to obtain].

You can also contact the management of a particular service on the Internet if your rights are violated.

In connection with the violation of clause [clause number in the user agreement] of the user agreement, namely: “[quote full text named point]”, I ask you to conduct an inspection and take appropriate sanctions against the guilty [responsible (if we are talking about service employees)] person [site (name of site)]. Please report the results of the inspection and the sanctions imposed to [your own email address].

Friendly address

Greetings (Good day) (Hello), [person's name]!

When you first contact us in a friendly manner, a good indicator will be the completeness of your text message. Correctly written, voluminous text will indicate your high interest in contacting the right person and will arouse the desire for a response. Don't forget to open up the conversation with a few initial questions.

Example email

Drafting various types of business letters is a necessary part of the work of business representatives. Thanks to such messages, they gain the opportunity to resolve commercial issues in the most accessible, fastest and optimal way.

FILES Open these files online 2 files

What types of business letters are there?

Conventionally, business letters can be divided into several main categories:

  • congratulatory letter;
  • information mail;
  • and so on.

You can mark responses to all these letters, which are also part of official business correspondence and are also written according to certain canons, as a separate item.

Who should act as the author of the letter?

Business letters must always contain a signature. In this case, any employee of the company whose competence includes this function or authorized to do so by order of the director can directly draw up the letter. Usually this is a specialist or the head of the structural unit whose jurisdiction includes the subject of the message. However, regardless of who is involved in writing, the letter in any case must be submitted to the manager for approval, bearing in mind that it is being written on behalf of the company.

General rules for writing business letters

All business messages should relate only to the activities of the company or circumstances related to it. At the same time, regardless of the content, they must obey certain requirements.

First of all, it is a certain structure. The message should always include:

  • date of writing,
  • details of the sender and recipient,
  • polite address address (in the form of the wording “Dear Ivan Petrovich”, “Dear Elena Grigorievna”),

It should be noted that letters can be addressed to both individual employees and entire teams (in this case, it is enough to limit yourself to the greeting “Good afternoon!”).

  • information component containing the reasons and goals that served as the basis for writing the letter,
  • requests and explanations
  • conclusion.
  • Various additional documents, photos and video evidence may be attached to the letter - if any, this must be reflected in the main text.

    The letter can be drawn up either on a regular standard A4 sheet or on the organization’s letterhead. The second option is preferable, since it does not require manually entering company details; in addition, such a letter looks more respectable and once again indicates that the message belongs to official correspondence. It can be written in handwriting (letters written in calligraphic handwriting are especially successful), or printed on a computer (convenient when you need to create several copies of a letter).

    The letter must be certified by a signature, but it is not necessary to stamp it, because since 2016 legal entities exempted from the need to use seals in their activities.

    Before sending, the message, if necessary, is registered in the journal of outgoing documentation, in which it is assigned a number and the date of departure is set.

    What to pay attention to when writing a letter

    When composing a letter, you need to carefully monitor spelling, adhere to the rules and norms of the Russian language in terms of vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, etc. Recipients always pay attention to how well the thoughts in the message are presented and formatted.

    We should not forget that the studies conducted clearly indicate that people are not willing to spend more than one minute reading this kind of letters.

    The letter must be written in the correct form, without “spreading thoughts down the tree,” rather short and succinctly, to the point. Each new topic should be formatted as a separate paragraph, which, if necessary, should be divided into paragraphs. In addition, a concise and clear letter will let the recipient know that the author values ​​his time. Here the saying “brevity is the sister of talent” is apt.

    What should not be allowed in a business letter

    In business letters, a cheeky or frivolous tone is completely unacceptable, as is excessively dry text and banal “clichés”. You should also avoid complex formulations, abundance of involved and participial phrases, special terminology understandable to a narrow circle of specialists.

    The letter must not include unverified, unreliable and, especially, deliberately false information.

    It must be borne in mind that this type of message is not only part of routine business correspondence, but also, in many cases, refers to official documents, which may subsequently acquire the status of legally significant.

    How to send a letter

    Any official message can be sent in several main ways.

    1. The first, the most modern and fastest, is through electronic means communications. It is convenient and quick, and also allows you to send information of almost unlimited volume.

      There is only one minus here - when large quantities mail from the addressee, the letter can easily get lost or end up in the Spam folder, so when sending letters in this way, it is advisable to additionally make sure that the letter has been received (through a simple phone call).

    2. The second way: conservative, which allows you to send the message by Russian Post. It is recommended to use the send function by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery - this form guarantees that the letter will reach the addressee, about which the recipient will receive a special notification.

      Typically, sending via standard mail is used in cases where original documents, letters certified by living signatures and seals are sent.

    3. You can also send a letter via fax or various instant messengers, but only on the condition that the relationship between the partners is close enough to allow this type of correspondence.


    Hello! In this article we will talk about business letters.

    Today you will learn:

    1. Why business correspondence has not lost its relevance;
    2. What types of business letters are there and how they are formatted;
    3. How to write correctly business letter.

    Now outside our windows is time high technology and the Internet. But business correspondence has not lost its importance and relevance, it has simply moved to other media. Let's talk today about why it is important to be able to compose and format business letters.

    Why do you need business correspondence?

    First of all, this is an opportunity to exchange opinions, suggestions and thoughts with employees or business partners. With the help of correspondence, they state complaints, requests, and clarify misunderstandings between companies.

    Business correspondence is one of the types of official correspondence.

    Differences between business letters and others

    The main differences are as follows:

    • Stylistics of presentation;
    • Vocabulary that does not allow clear expression of emotions;
    • Done on the official letterhead of the company;
    • The font is not too small, but not large either, and is the same throughout the text;
    • Rarely occupy more than 1 page;
    • Presence of strict official chain of command.

    Types of business letters

    All business letters can be divided into several groups. We will dwell on each in more detail and give a brief description.

    Letters that do not need to be answered.

    • Letter of guarantee;
    • Accompanying;
    • Informational;
    • Warning letter;
    • Reminder letter.

    Letters that require a response.

    • Appeal;
    • Offer;
    • Request;
    • Requirement;
    • Petition.

    Non-commercial letters.

    • Invitation letter;
    • Letters expressing condolences;
    • Letters expressing gratitude;
    • Letters informing about something;
    • Letters containing recommendations;
    • Letters of guarantee;
    • Letters confirming that the goods have been received, the service has been provided, and so on;
    • Letters of congratulations on various occasions;
    • Letter of request;
    • Letters of instructions;
    • Covering letters.

    Commercial letters.

    They are usually used before entering into an agreement, as well as during the validity of the contract.

    These include:

    • Letters responding to inquiries;
    • Direct request;
    • – a letter in which it is proposed to make a transaction or conclude an agreement;
    • Claim;
    • Reminder;
    • A letter containing a warning about the termination of agreements or the need to fulfill obligations, etc.

    If we talk about classification by structure, there are 2 types of business letters:

    • Containing the author's text and written in free form;
    • Compiled according to a strict pattern.

    By addressee.

    • Circular – a letter that is sent to several addressees;
    • Regular – sent to one recipient on behalf of one person;
    • Collective – sent to one recipient, but from several persons.

    Letters are also divided according to the form in which they were sent:

    • Sent as a fax message;
    • Sent by email;
    • Those sent in regular envelopes.

    There are types of letters that, for ethical reasons, should be handwritten rather than typed. This applies to condolences and congratulations.

    Secrets of proper design

    The text of the letter is divided into introductory, main and final parts. They are logically connected to each other. The introductory part includes the circumstances that led to the creation of the letter, and the main part represents the content itself. The final part summarizes the results, which express the request, refusal, etc.

    At all, business correspondence With all responsibility, it can be called an art, because to conduct it correctly, in compliance with all requirements, you need to learn. After all, most often we only think about the information being presented clearly, and we forget about the fact that the letter can be considered the face of the company.


    Each letter is kept in a strict business style, using means of speech characteristic of official documents.

    Requirements for presentation of information.

    All information contained in the letter is presented as follows:

    • Addressed, intended for a specific person;
    • All information must be current as of the date of writing;
    • Reliable;
    • Impartially;
    • Reasoned;
    • As completely as possible, so that a decision can be made based on it.


    First of all, the letter is drawn up on letterhead that is proprietary to the company.

    • To write a business letter, A4 size sheets are used;
    • The left margin of the form must be at least 3 cm, since after some time they will be sent to the file;
    • The name of the company, its legal and actual address, and email address are indicated;
    • It is better to use the standard Times New Roman font, size 12. It is the most optimal and is easy to read;
    • It is allowed to write business letters without using letterhead, then you still need to provide the information from the form.

    If in a letter we're talking about about large transactions related to finance or confidential information of another nature, it is not recommended to send such letters by fax or electronically. It’s better the old fashioned way, in a regular paper envelope.


    If the letter consists of several pages, then they are numbered starting from the second. Numbers are placed at the top in the middle Arabic numerals. There are no dots next to the number.

    Division into parts.

    This means dividing the letter into paragraphs. The text should not flow in a continuous stream, otherwise it simply will not be perceived. Thanks to the division into paragraphs, you can see where one thought ends and another begins.

    Availability of fixes.

    It is not advisable to allow corrections, typos, or erasures. The letter must be written correctly, and the text must be printed at intervals of 1.5 - 2.

    Details used.

    We will indicate only the main ones, since we already briefly talked about them a little earlier:

    • If the enterprise is state-owned, the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation is used. It is located in the middle of the official form;
    • Full company name;
    • Fax and telephone numbers;
    • Bank account number;
    • Addressee - and the name of the addressee company is used in nominative case, to indicate the position and surname of the recipient, use the dative case;
    • If the addressee has academic degree or title, indicate it before the person’s last name;
    • Any details are written on a new line and with a capital letter.

    Business letter after a meeting

    you spent business meeting, there is some prospect for . We will discuss further how to reflect this in a letter.

    1. First of all, at the beginning of the letter, refer to the date and time of your communication with your potential partner, even if a couple of days have passed since the meeting.
    2. Avoid mistakes or overly complex phrases: keep the letter short and clear, but in such a way that the recipient will want to read it.
    3. Mention what the conversation was about. Eg: " We discussed how much a Venetian-style vase would cost.”
    4. Make sure that the recipient of the letter expresses his/her opinion on the topic of the meeting.
    5. Indicate a time when you can communicate by phone or meet in person.
    6. Let the recipient know that you are looking forward to working with him: “ I hope for further business relationship with you«.
    7. End your letter with the following or similar phrase: “ WITH Best wishes to you...».

    Electronic business letters

    It is impossible to ignore the requirements for their design, since now more and more letters are issued in electronic form rather than in paper form. After all, it’s the 21st century.

    Preparing an electronic business letter is not difficult; the formatting requirements are identical to traditional letters. The only thing is that such a letter should always have a title (or subject line) so that it simply does not get lost in the flow of documentation.

    In addition, when such a letter is answered, it is better not to change the subject of the letter, so you will quickly understand what is being said if you receive a lot of emails.

    Also, you should not use state-of-the-art software when creating attachments to such letters; it is far from a fact that your recipient has the same. If it is not there, the letter simply will not open.

    Don't use emoticons when writing a business letter electronically. Technology is great, but keep it business-like when writing.

    What is the deadline for replying to a letter?

    If the letter is classified as requiring a response, then when to respond depends on the information contained in the letter:

    • If you receive a request, please confirm that it has been received within the next three days of receipt. And the final answer can be given within a month;
    • If we are talking about condolences, it can be sent within ten days after the sad event happened;
    • It is permissible to send congratulations within 8 days from the moment you learned about the special date;
    • If we talk about general rules good manners, it is better to respond to letters within seven days.

    How to write a business letter: in simple language about complex things

    Distinguish between a business letter and personal correspondence. We have already talked more than once today about what these differences are, we should not forget about them. Now let’s look at writing a letter step by step.

    Stage 1. We indicate the addressee.

    In the upper right corner of the form we write the surname, initials and position of the person to whom we are addressing the letter. If the addressee is an organization, indicate its legal address.

    Stage 2. Appeal.

    We place it in the middle of the form. It is carried out in a respectful manner, without abbreviations or erasures.

    Example: Dear (name, patronymic)! Also, the addressee can be addressed by indicating his position. But when you address a person by name, it reduces psychological stress and indicates that the business relationship is stable and established.

    Stage 3. Statement of purpose.

    Explain the purpose of the letter, its essence and main ideas. This part is the main one. Write about what you want to say, what is the reason for your appeal. But do not forget about the official and neutral style.

    Stage 4. Making proposals and recommendations.

    Almost any business letter implies that the addressee will respond to it. This is generally not required only by letters of an informational nature. Therefore, do not just describe the problem, but also suggest how it can be solved.

    If you file a complaint, ask for certain measures to be taken; if you offer to cooperate, tell us what options are available.

    Simply put, the one who receives the letter must see that they not only want something from him, but also understand how this can be accomplished.

    How to end a business letter

    A business letter must be written perfectly. If writing rules are not followed, it can negatively affect the company's reputation as a whole. Therefore, we now propose to dwell in more detail on the design of the final part of a business letter.

    At the end of the letter, summarize everything that was discussed earlier. But you shouldn’t stretch your conclusions into 10 sentences; after all, brevity and conciseness are valued in business letters. It's better to limit yourself to simple phrases.

    We will base the ending on 2 indicators: it should be as polite and correct as possible. There are different options for how to build it.

    Here are some examples:

    • Thank you for your attention or help: Thank you! (Let me thank you...);
    • Express your hopes for the future: We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation (We hope to receive an answer in the near future...);
    • You can construct a phrase to assure the addressee of something: We would be glad to cooperate with you;
    • Make a request: We ask you to report the results;
    • Apologize for any inconvenience caused: I apologize for the unexpected delay in payment for the material.

    How to say goodbye to the recipient.

    Despite the fact that the correspondence is official, you can say goodbye in different ways.

    Here are a few options:

    • With respect to you...;
    • With wishes of success...;
    • Best wishes…

    We sign correctly.

    When signing the letter, indicate your position, first and last name. If you doubt the appropriateness of a phrase like: “ Yours sincerely" - just don't use it.

    You can indicate your contacts in the signature, Additional Phone or email address, in this way you demonstrate to the recipient that you are ready to communicate and cooperate with him.

    In the next part of our article I would like to talk about business letters in English.

    Business letters in English

    There is no regulated form for composing such letters. Everything will depend on the purpose of the letter and who its addressee is. Here are some brief recommendations for drafting.

    Date of writing.

    If we are writing in the USA, then when indicating the date we put the month first, then the day and only then the year. If to the UK, the date is entered as in the Russian Federation. In this case, write the month in letters to avoid confusion.

    Recipient details.

    • If you write to a man, contact him like this: Mr (insert last name);
    • If a woman who is married: Mrs (insert last name);
    • To an unmarried lady: Miss (indicate last name);
    • If you don't know the lady's status: Ms (insert last name).

    Specifying the address.

    The order is the opposite of that accepted in the Russian Federation: office, house number, street name, zip code, state name (if writing in the USA), county name and country name (if writing in the UK).

    How to contact the recipient.

    Standard calls:

    • Dear Madam;
    • Dear Sir;
    • Dear Sir or Madam;
    • Dear Mrs;
    • Dear.

    After the address we put a comma (if writing to the UK) or a colon (if writing to the USA). It is not customary to put an exclamation mark.


    Be sure to indicate the subject of the letter, just like in the Russian Federation.

    Main text.

    Divide it into paragraphs. Or write each sentence on a new line.

    How to say goodbye.

    For example, like this: “ Thanking you for assistance, we remain Yours truly"– Thank you, my devoted one..., although it could be less formal.

    Signature registration.

    We put our signature under the farewell paragraph, indicate our first and last name, company name and position.

    Design of applications.

    If you are enclosing any documents, please indicate this at the end of the letter: “ Enc." and list applications.

    What to write with a capital letter.

    • Last names and initials;
    • Company names;
    • Names of cities, states, etc.;
    • Any words that indicate the position held;
    • The first words in farewell;
    • Opening addresses.

    Before we end the conversation, here are some examples of business letters in Russian and English.

    Samples of business letters in Russian and English


    To summarize, I would like to say that a business letter is a tool for communication in any field of activity. If it is written correctly, it will definitely present your company in a positive light.

    On the other hand, a letter written sloppily and with errors can completely destroy the very promising business. Write letters correctly, and we tried to tell you how to do it.

    According to GOST R 7.0.82013 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and definitions “addressee” is a document detail containing information about the recipient of the document (clause 67).

    The “Addressee” requisite is used in business letters and internal information and reference documents (reports and memos, statements, etc.).

    The “Addressee” details include:

    • name of the addressee (recipient of the letter);
    • postal address or telephone number, fax number, email address.

    The recipient of the letter can be:

    • official/several officials;
    • organization;
    • structural unit of the organization;
    • group of organizations;
    • individual.


    According to GOST R 6.30-2003, initials are written before the surname of any official. If the letter is sent to the manager government agency , then the name of the organization is included in the position, full name. indicated in dative case, initials are written before the surname:

    If the letter is addressed to the manager commercial organization , then the position includes the name of the organization indicating the organizational and legal form (in full or abbreviated form), the initials are written before the surname:

    If the letter is addressed deputy head, the name of the organization is included in the job title. The surname is indicated in the dative case:

    If the addressee of the document is head of a structural unit, then first the name of the organization is indicated in the nominative case, then in the dative case the name of the person’s position indicating the structural unit, for example:

    According to clause 5.15 of the new GOST:

    • when addressing a letter official initials are placed after the surname;
    • before the surname it is allowed to use the abbreviation “Mr.” (Mr.) if the addressee is a man, or “Ms.” (Mrs.) if the addressee is a woman:


    If the letter is addressed to an organization, then its name (full or abbreviated) is indicated in the nominative case:

    When addressing a letter to an organization, indicate its full or abbreviated name, for example:

    Addressing to an organization is used in cases where the sender does not know who the head of the organization is, his last name, initials.


    The document can be addressed to a structural unit of the organization. As a rule, this method of addressing is possible if the consideration of the issue to which the letter is devoted is within the competence of the structural unit.

    When addressing a document to a structural unit of an organization, the name of the organization is indicated in the nominative case in the “Addressee” requisite, below - the name of the structural unit in the nominative case, for example:

    What does GOST R 7.0.97-2016 change? Nothing.


    Registration of the “Addressee” details when conducting correspondence with individuals has its own characteristics. First, indicate the surname in the dative case, then the initials and then the postal address:

    What does GOST R 7.0.97-2016 change? Nothing.


    A business letter can have several addressees. GOST R 6.30-2003 establishes a method for generalized formatting of addressees when sending letters to several homogeneous organizations or to several structural divisions of one organization. There are two options for designing props here.

    Option 1: indicate several addressees in the “Addressee” attribute itself. This design option is used when the letter is addressed to an organization or official (this is the main addressee) and, for information, to a number of other organizations or officials.

    Addressing is formalized as usual in the upper right corner as a listing of the “Addressee” details for each body/organization or structural unit of the organization.

    In this case, the total number of recipients should not be more than four.

    All addressees are drawn up on the document itself; the word “Copy” is not indicated before the 2nd, 3rd and 4th addressees.

    In this case, all printed copies of the letter are signed as originals. Each copy is sealed in a separate envelope, on which the postal address of a specific organization or structural subdivision is written.

    Option 2: indicate the addressee in general, if we send a document to a group of organizations (heads of organizations) of the same type or to structural units(branches, representative offices, etc.) of one organization:

    If the number of recipients is more than four, an additional list for mailing the letter (mailing list) is compiled, which indicates specific recipients and their addresses. A note about this is made in the “Addressee” attribute:

    There is no approved form for the letter mailing list. The form of the sheet can be fixed in the organization’s office management instructions. In fact, the mailing sheet is the “Addressee” attribute transferred to a separate sheet, which means its content must correspond to this attribute. The “Addressee” detail contains three information blocks: name of the organization, position, initials and surname. In the mailing list for the letter, we reproduce the same information blocks, but place them in a line, and not by right side leaf. You can also arrange the data in table form. The order of the recipients can be arbitrary, but it is better to arrange them alphabetically.

    Information about the outgoing letter number and date is entered after its registration (Example 1).

    All letters sent to a group of recipients have one outgoing registration number; the incoming number for all letters will be different.

    What does GOST R 7.0.97-2016 change? Nothing.


    The “Addressee” detail is located in the upper right part of the document (on a form with angular details) or on the right under the form details (on a form with longitudinal details). The location of the “Addressee” requisite is shown in Appendix B to GOST R 6.30-2003:

    • on a form with corner details - Example 2;
    • on a form with the details arranged longitudinally - Example 3.

    What does GOST R 7.0.97-2016 change? Nothing. The “Addressee” attribute remains in the same place.


    • Should the elements of the “Addressee” props be separated by intervals?

    The “Addressee” detail usually takes up several lines.

    In clause 6.1 Methodological recommendations on the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003 (approved by Rosarkhiv) it is said that the details of a document consisting of several lines are printed with one line spacing. The components of the details “Addressee”, “Document approval stamp”, “Mark of the presence of an application”, “Document approval stamp” are separated from each other by 1.5-2 line spacing.

    A similar norm is contained in the new GOST R 7.0.97-2016 in section 3, establishing General requirements for the production of documents: “Multiline details are printed with one line spacing, the component parts of the details are separated by an additional spacing”:

    • How to align the “Addressee” attribute?

    The multi-line attribute “Addressee” is designed aligned along the left border of the zone occupied by the attribute, or centered relative to the longest line, for example: