The employer must give each employee who has committed an offense an opportunity to explain himself before applying punishment. An explanatory note about an error in work (a sample is given in the article) is drawn up by the employee within two days from the date of presentation of the requirement to write it.

Actions of the employer if the employee committed a violation

The first thing an employer must do when detecting a violation on the part of an employee is to record this violation.

As such a fixation you can use:

  • decision of the commission (for example, when an employee committed an offense, the consequence of which was damage to the company’s property);
  • act (for example, when refusing to undergo a medical examination);
  • a report from the head of the department (for example, in the case when his subordinate did not fulfill the plan).

The established procedure for applying punishment provides for the mandatory requirement of explanations from the employee. For these purposes, the employer is obliged to ask the employee to write him an explanatory note. Such a requirement is drawn up in free form. It doesn’t have to be in writing, for example, if the employee is ready to explain himself. But there are conflict situations. In such cases, the employer is recommended to demand an explanation in in writing.

If the employee refuses to explain, then after two days the management has the right to draw up a report about this. Based on an explanation or an act of failure to provide explanations, management must issue an order to apply the chosen one disciplinary action. This order must be announced to the violator against signature within three working days. These days do not include employee absence. If the employee refuses to familiarize himself with the order and sign the order, then management should draw up a report about this.

Explanatory note on the fact of identified violations

The legislation does not establish the form of an employee’s explanation of the violation he committed. The requirements for explanatory notes have not been established either. But, based on the essence of this document, it should reflect:

  • details of the offender (full name, position);
  • date of document preparation;
  • the essence of the violation;
  • the circumstances under which the violation was committed;
  • reasons for the misconduct.

The explanatory note (a sample is included in this article) is drawn up in the first person in one copy. Since this document is drawn up by the employee, the employer does not have the right to dictate its text and insist on including any circumstances in it.

Sample explanatory note

How to determine whether there has been a misdemeanor?

To identify a violation, you need to determine:

  • whether the employee violated his work duties;
  • whether the employee is guilty of violating the rules.

In order for the employer and employee to clearly understand who is responsible for what, the job responsibilities of all employees must be described in detail. All persons hired must be familiar with them. Labor responsibilities are recorded in employment contract. They can be reflected in more detail in the individual job description.

What measures can be taken?

If the employer, after receiving the explanatory note and according to the violator’s manager, reveals that a disciplinary offense has actually been committed, then disciplinary measures may be taken against the violator.

Provided the following types penalties:

  • reprimand (the mildest punishment);
  • rebuke;
  • dismissal (the most severe punishment).

The employer has the right to choose only one of the punishments. An employee can be fired for misconduct only in the cases listed in

How to write an explanatory note correctly - actual question in case of being late, absent from work or failure to fulfill the plan.

This document is characterized by a strict business style, consistency of presentation, absence of emotional coloring, reliability of facts.

In the event of being late or another unfavorable circumstance at the workplace, the question arises: how to write an explanatory note correctly?

You can draw up such a note either by hand or print it out and sign it.

Compiled in business style. For a document to look significant, it must contain several mandatory points.

The purpose of writing an explanatory note

The explanatory note itself is a document located in the internal circulation of the enterprise.

The text contains an explanation of the incident that occurred, usually with a negative connotation.

To confirm the reasons, attach the relevant documents: certificates from a doctor, including.

The writing of an explanatory note is fixed in Article 193 of the Labor Code. The following points are indicated there:

  • when committing a disciplinary offense, the head of the enterprise may require the employee to write an explanatory note to the director;
  • the employee has the right to reject this request;
  • in the absence of an explanatory note, the manager has the right to impose on the employee.

You have to write an explanatory note in the following situations:

  • absence from work during working hours;
  • being late;
  • failure to fulfill instructions;
  • failure to meet deadlines.

Important:explanatory letter does not contain claims or statements; it simply reflects the full picture of what happened.

What does the explanatory note include?

There is no single template for how to correctly write an explanatory note at work.

Although it is compiled in any form, it is recommended to include the following points:

  1. Name of the organization.
  2. Full name and position of the person in whose name the note is written.
  3. The title, namely an explanatory note.
  4. A title that reflects the reason for writing an explanatory note.
  5. Main content.
  6. Date of document creation.
  7. Full name of the compiler and his signature.

It is useful to consider a sample, notes for different situations are presented below.

Important: Some enterprises establish their own algorithm for how to correctly write an explanatory note at work. In this case, you need to use the established sample.

You need to write an explanatory note in the spirit business correspondence. The following rules apply:

  • brevity of the thoughts expressed;
  • veracity of information;
  • absence of colloquial expressions and profanity;
  • writing in the first person;
  • listing events in chronological order;
  • consistency of construction;
  • presence of date and personal signature of the employee.

It is preferable to write an explanatory note in extremely simple language.

It is important to avoid flowery phrases and words that can be interpreted in different ways (and not necessarily in favor of the employee).

If the employee does not see his fault in what happened, this is worth emphasizing. This meaning is introduced by the phrases “was forced...” and the like.

It is important to indicate only reliable information in the explanatory note and focus on facts.

In this case, you need to pay enough attention to the choice of words. In some cases, instead of “late”, the synonym “delayed” can soften the situation.

If other employees took part in the events, this can be mentioned without shifting your share of responsibility to others.

Important: When writing an explanatory note, the facts must be conveyed with restraint, as if the events were being described from the outside.

It is worth noting that before you correctly write an explanatory note at work, you need to decide on the format.

You should not write out all the details so that the text takes up an A4 sheet.

Just a few sentences are enough to convey the essence of what happened. Otherwise, the text will be difficult to understand.

Who should submit the document to?

When the explanatory note is written, it should be submitted to the authorized official for review. Most often this is the leader.

Having read the text of the explanatory note, the boss puts his resolution on further actions there.

When a decision is made on disciplinary action, the document is attached as confirmation.

Rules for drawing up an explanatory note in case of lateness

You can be late for work for various reasons.

A properly drafted explanatory note will be very helpful in this case.

  1. In the upper right corner the details of the manager or other person in whose name the document is written are indicated. Full name and position, as well as the name of the enterprise are entered.
  2. Next, it is written down from whom the explanatory note is presented: full name and position.
  3. Then in the middle of the line the title of the document is indicated. In this case, “an explanatory note about being late.”
  4. Now comes the main part of the document. It is necessary to reliably and discreetly list the facts that led to the delay. It is useful to attach certificates documenting the specified reasons for the delay.
  5. At the end, the date is written and a personal signature is placed.

It is almost impossible to prepare a single sample for an explanatory note in case of delay.

You can go to work later than scheduled for a variety of reasons.

Wherein general principles designs remain unchanged.

If there is a possibility that being late will have unpleasant consequences and will have to be contested, you need to prepare two copies.

One remains in the office, and the second, which will be in the hands of the employee, is marked with acceptance.

Important: After stating the reasons for being late, you can add the insert “Taking into account the circumstances described above, I consider the reason for being late to be valid.”

Sample explanatory note for being late

As an example, the main part of the explanatory note for being late may look like this.

“On October 31, 2016, I went to work after a 5-hour delay. There was a pipe break in my apartment. To minimize the damage, I immediately called the emergency service at 9:30 am. The wait for the specialists took one hour. They then began the work, which lasted an hour and a half and was completed by 12 o'clock. Since I live alone, I had to do some cleaning immediately after the renovation work was completed. As soon as I put things in order, I went to workplace. I notified the head of the department about the current situation and the emergency call. I am attaching to the explanatory note a document confirming that repair work has been carried out in my apartment.”

Or this option.

“Regarding the delay on August 11, 2016. On August 11, 2016, I was two hours late for work. The reason for this was an incident that happened near me. Going to the bus stop public transport, I saw how it looked like a girl school age A stray dog ​​attacked in front of me and injured it. The girl was very scared. I stopped, administered first aid and took the girl to the emergency room. After that, I immediately went to the office. In view of the above, I consider the reason for being late to be valid.”

Writing a note when injured

In some cases, absence from work or failure to complete a plan is caused by circumstances beyond the employee's control.

Among these, domestic injuries stand out. In such cases, the explanatory text must describe what happened and attach it to the document. sick leave.

This confirmation is required for payment under a temporary disability certificate.

An explanatory note regarding the injury must be submitted to the commission for social insurance enterprises.

The chairman of this commission must have a sample of its completion.

The details of the incident must be written down and the name must be indicated. medical institution who submitted a sick leave certificate. If the medical institution refuses to issue you a document, you can write to them.

Sample explanatory note in case of failure to fulfill the plan

One of the cases when you have to write an explanatory note at work is failure to fulfill the work plan.

The order of execution remains the same - at the top in the right corner it is written to whom the document is addressed and by whom it was drawn up. The name is indicated. Only the main text will be different.

If the plan is not followed, the note may look like this.

“Concerning the failure to fulfill the plan for February 2016. An analysis of the current circumstances led me to the conclusion that the failure to fulfill the plan was provoked by the bankruptcy of the Luch CPC. As a result, many investors suffered. Now they spread through the media negative reviews, which also affect the activities of the Nadezhda cooperative. Influx of new clients for Lately decreased noticeably, and regular visitors began to worry about the safety of their deposits. If we pay more attention to advertising services, the situation may improve.”

At the end, the date of compilation is indicated and the employee’s signature is affixed.

Sample document in case of failure to fulfill an order

If due to some circumstances official assignments were not completed, the note is drawn up in the same business style.

“Regarding the damage to the advertising stand. On November 1, 2016, an advertising stand of Svet LLC was damaged on Pervomaiskaya Street. The incident of vandalism was reported to the police on the same day. Please take into account the advisability of installing anti-vandal installations.”

What to consider in unusual situations

There are cases when you have to write an explanatory note after one of your colleagues has submitted a memo to the director. The reasons for this may vary.

If as a result there are complaints from the authorities, you should carefully prepare an explanatory note.

In such a situation, it is important to consider a number of points.

  1. It is worth finding out why the memo was written.
  2. Invite the director to familiarize himself with his version of what is happening so that his view is more objective.
  3. Write a note in such a way as not to aggravate relationships in the team.

Audits and inspections are often carried out at workplaces.

If inconsistencies are identified during such verification, an explanation may be required.

Important: if after the inspection a report of violation or non-compliance was drawn up, it must contain a link to a specific point in the job description.

Before writing an explanatory note you need to:

  • check the requirements presented with the requirements of the job description;
  • if there was no violation as such, this should be indicated in the explanatory note.

In all these cases, when thinking about how to correctly write an explanatory note to the director, you should follow the same standards.

First, indicate in whose name and from whom the paper is being written, then succinctly state the reasons for what happened.

To correctly write an explanatory note at work, you need to learn the basic rules for drawing up business documents.

It is maintained in a strict style, thoughts are presented concisely and consistently, and only reliable information is provided.

It is worth indicating the reasons for what happened in chronological order. At the end of the document a date and signature are affixed.

Client Creating a memo and sending for approval

How to write an explanatory note correctly: Sample and basic principles of drafting

Hello to regular audience and new readers! I would like to raise a topic that will be of interest to everyone who has at least once made mistakes in their work - drawing up explanatory notes. What kind of stories can you hear in response to the question about the reason for being late: a sewer break, a meeting with a crowd of elderly women unable to cross the road, traffic jams on every street in the city... Doesn’t sound very convincing, right? Therefore, today I will tell you the secret of how to write a competent explanatory note so that your boss will withdraw his claims.

What is the document

You are asked to provide such a document when the manager needs to make an assessment of the situation and take into account the opinions of different parties. Typically, the reasons for drawing up an explanatory note are:

  • being late or absenteeism;
  • complete or partial failure to fulfill instructions;
  • failure to meet deadlines;

Also, an explanatory note is written when situations arise with ambiguous interpretation of the reasons. It also acts as an addition to projects or reports, clarifying their content; in this case, it is drawn up as an attachment and submitted to the head of the enterprise for signature.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 193), in the event of a disciplinary offense, the employer must invite you to write an explanatory note. You have the right to refuse, but in this case a corresponding act is drawn up, and the manager applies penalties without taking into account your vision of the situation. Writing an explanatory note becomes a chance to avoid punishment, so present your thoughts clearly, convincingly and concisely.

The provided document allows the person conducting the internal investigation to draw the correct conclusions.

Form for drawing up

How to write an explanatory note? There is no single form, but it is advisable to adhere to the following pattern:

  1. In the upper right corner, indicate the position and full name of the person to whom the document is addressed. Example: “To the director of Advanced Resources LLC, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.”
  2. Below, please indicate your full name, position, if necessary, and structural subdivision: “from senior engineer Petrov Petrovich.” In some cases you need to write phone, fax and address Email.
  3. This is followed by the title of the document (“Explanatory”); there is no period after it.
  4. In the main part, list the reasons that led to the occurrence controversial situation, if necessary, state your vision of events. Use a sample explanatory note about being late for work:

    “On September 20, 2017, I arrived at my workplace 2 hours later than expected due to a pipe burst in my apartment. It was technically impossible to turn off the water. After calling the emergency services, I tried to minimize damage to property; I couldn’t go to work because I live alone. The emergency crew arrived half an hour later and began repairs at 8.30. The work was completed at 9.30 am, after which I immediately went to the office and arrived at 10.00 am. I immediately notified the head of the department about what happened. I am attaching documents confirming that the emergency service was called and the breakdown was eliminated.”

  5. Finally, add a date and signature.

Stick to this scheme and save both your time and the time of your employer. If you are not at fault for what happened, no disciplinary action will be taken.

How to write an explanatory note when the blame is on you

When the reasons that led to a controversial situation are valid, it is easy to state them. But even responsible employees sometimes make mistakes. What to do in this case? Follow Sheila Dramis' advice, executive director at HR Partners: she argues that honesty is the best policy. After all, ideally the team should be a cohesive team; when you cheat, you undermine trust.

Also apologize: the manager needs to understand that you are aware of the mistake and are trying not to serve bad example for colleagues. Indicate what steps you have taken to ensure that the controversial situation does not recur, because specifics are worth more than empty promises. Adhere to the following rules:

  1. If you are trying to deceive your colleagues or manager, you will have to remember for a long time what exactly you said and to whom. The act of dishonesty itself may be punished more severely than the original offense.
  2. Don't give too much information: too many details will make the story sound unconvincing, even if it is true.
  3. If you are late for work for a reason you cannot name, think about the wording. For example, when you are late at an interview with a competitor trying to lure you away, indicate that you were present at business meeting- it will be true!

Keep in mind that the reasons are essentially secondary, and the decisive role will be played by how systematically you are late. In case of a one-time mistake, you can write the following:

“I am extremely sorry for being late for the meeting with the representative of The Star agency. Because of my oversight, the company could lose a valuable client. I understand that our team must be consistently professional and reliable, which means the punctuality of each employee. The results of my lateness may affect the image of the entire enterprise.

I take measures to ensure that I always arrive on time for meetings. Since the delay was due to problems with transport, I leave with the expectation that force majeure circumstances will not prevent me from being on time at the appointed time.”

Also find out a lawyer’s opinion on how to correctly write an explanatory note:

How to write an explanatory note about mistakes during work

Since the current pace of doing business implies efficiency, mistakes cannot be avoided. After all, business requires more and more intelligence, strength, and compliance with high standards. Employees have to make critical decisions, so mistakes are more costly. To smooth out unpleasant consequences, learn how to write explanatory notes if you made a mistake during your work:

  1. Describe the situation so that the manager has a clear understanding of what happened. This part should be objective, so don't be apologetic. Write to the point! Example: “On August 31, 2017, a store visitor asked me to exchange a previously purchased item. Since he did not have a receipt with him, I, acting as the administrator of the trading floor, reported that it was impossible to satisfy the request. When a visitor accused me of unprofessionalism and demanded to call the director, I lost my temper and responded unnecessarily rudely.”
  2. Be sure to admit responsibility for the incident. It is important not to pass it on to colleagues or clients when you are at fault: you will demonstrate an understanding that the actions were unacceptable. Example: “Because the customer expressed dissatisfaction with the service, I had to contact a higher-ranking person. Also, I forgot that in in some cases Returns without receipts are permitted. As a result, the store may have lost a loyal customer; besides, my rudeness did not contribute to the successful resolution of the situation.”
  3. The next step is to apologize. This can be unpleasant, but a mature and responsible person does not consider it humiliating to ask for forgiveness for his mistakes. Example: “I deeply regret that I did not contact my superiors and was harsh with the buyer.”
  4. Briefly explain the reasons why the situation arose. Be restrained, do not ingratiate yourself, because your goal is to show that the mistake was unintentional. Example: “I took the initiative so as not to complicate the work process for the higher-ups. I decided that I could handle it on my own; Unfortunately, in the end I made a mistake.”
  5. Instead of the standard “I will do my best to ensure that the controversial situation does not happen again,” describe exactly what actions should have been taken. Example: “I refreshed my memory of the company's policies in such cases and worked on my communication skills. In the future, I will carefully check the store’s rules, and if I have the slightest doubt, contact the supervisor for instructions.”

Conclude by briefly apologizing again, but without ingratiating yourself. All that remains is to hand over the explanatory note to your superiors and wait for his decision. If you do not make mistakes on a regular basis, then with a high probability the boss will turn a blind eye to a one-time mistake

How to write an explanatory note to a child at school

Not only work situations require writing explanatory notes: if you have a schoolchild, then the ability to draw up this document will be useful in case of absences or delays. It won't be much different:

  • In the header, instead of employer information, indicate your full name and position class teacher or the school director;
  • in the main part, specify that the explanatory statement is submitted by the child’s parent.

You can write the following:

“I, Ivanova Maria Sergeevna, mother of a student of class 5 “A” Ivanov Sergey, regarding his absence from classes, I can explain the following. On the morning of April 10, 2017, the son complained about bad feeling. We consulted a doctor who recommended rest for the child. In this regard, Sergei was not present in class that day. I am attaching a medical certificate confirming my words.”


If you made a mistake at work, then correct composition an explanatory one will give a chance to justify itself in the eyes of management. Be polite, express remorse, but do not fawn: focus on analyzing the reasons and what you can do to prevent similar situations in the future. When I see that an employee realizes his mistake and approaches the matter constructively, I try to accommodate him halfway. I am sure that your superiors will show understanding!

In some life situations You may need a sample explanatory note, so it’s better to have an idea in advance of how to properly format the paper.

If you want to know which mandatory items must be contained in this form of business correspondence, then in this article you will receive all the answers to your questions, namely, how to write an explanatory note to work and school.

How to write an explanatory note?

Let's figure out what an explanatory note is. This special shape business document, which is used when an assessment of the current situation is required from all sides, and for this reason explanations are taken from the participants in the incident.

It is important to understand that explanatory is not the same thing as reporting. The person writing the explanatory note does not make any statements, does not ask the director to sort out some controversial situation, does not draw conclusions, but simply reflects in writing the incident that occurred.

The employee may be required to write an explanatory note in the following cases:

  • Absenteeism.
  • Late for work.
  • Violation of deadlines for completing assigned tasks.
  • Failure to complete the assigned task, etc.

An explanatory note is written using standard rules for business correspondence:

  • All information provided must be reliable.
  • Business style of presenting the situation.
  • Absence of profanity and colloquial language.
  • Brief presentation.
  • Sentences are arranged sequentially, logically, and in chronological order.
  • The explanatory note is written in the first person.
  • At the end of the document, the date of preparation and a personal signature must be placed.

Explanatory note for work. Sample if late

You already know the rules for drawing up an explanatory note, let’s look specifically at how to write an explanatory note for work. A sample document would look like this:

  • The name of the manager (or other person with appropriate official authority) to whom you are writing an explanatory note. It should be written in the upper right corner. For example: “To the director of Severny Bridge LLC, Anatoly Ivanovich Egorkin.”
  • Under the addressee, in the line below, you must indicate your name and position: “from contract specialist Vasily Petrovich Ilchenko.”
  • In the central part of the paper the title of the document is written: “Explanatory”.
  • The main part of the explanatory note contains a description specific facts, causing a situation that required an explanation. Eg:

    On October 15, 2015, I arrived at work 5 hours late due to the fact that the battery in my house had burst. I called the emergency services and worked to minimize the damage to my property. The emergency service arrived an hour after the call and began work only at 10.00. The work took them 2 hours, so they finished only at 12.00. During the renovation work, I could not leave my apartment, since I live alone. After finishing the work, I immediately went to work and arrived at the office by 13.00. I notified the head of the department about the situation in advance by telephone. I am attaching a document to the explanatory note that records the fact that the heating device broke down, the emergency service was called and the battery was repaired.

  • At the end of the document you should put the date of compilation and sign it personally. Using an example, it looks like this: “10/15/2015 Ilchenko V.P.

Now you know what a sample explanatory note is.

After submitting the document, it will be reviewed by the manager or official authorized to do so. After consideration, the manager puts down a resolution regarding further actions in relation to an employee.

If the director has decided to apply disciplinary measures against the employee, then the explanatory note submitted by the employee will be attached to the case as evidence.

Explanatory note to school. Sample in case of omission

If you need to write an explanatory note to school, then it will not have significant differences from the sample given as an example earlier.

The only difference will be in the addressee, and the following persons can act in his capacity:

  • Head teacher.
  • Classroom teacher.
  • Head teacher

At the top of the sheet on the right you should write, for example: “To the head teacher of school No. 15, Yuri Vasilyevich Pimkin.” From whom: “from a student of class 11-“B” Vasechkin Pyotr Gennadievich or “from gr. Vasechkina Yulia Vladimirovna” - in the case when an explanatory note is submitted by one of the student’s parents.

The main part of the explanatory note must contain an explanation of the circumstances that require explanation. We emphasize that if the document is submitted by a parent, then the main part of the paper must contain a corresponding explanation.

I, Nina Mikhailovna Sokolova, mother of 11-B grade student Ivan Petrovich Sokolov, can provide the following explanation regarding absence from classes on 10/10/2015. During the morning preparations, my son had a stomach ache, he felt unwell and told me about it. Having measured the temperature, I noted that it was elevated and therefore called the local doctor. For this reason, I decided to leave him at home and continue treatment according to the doctor's recommendations. A note on my son’s card (photocopy) and a certificate from a medical institution confirming my words are attached.

From this it can be seen that there are no significant differences when writing explanatory notes for work and school. The main thing is to clarify in whose name the document is being drawn up. Typically, communication between school and parents for minor disruptions internal regulations, goes through the class teacher. In some cases, the explanatory note may indicate the student, which is a document for controlling access to the educational institution.

What is an explanatory letter to the director and in what cases should it be written? This will be discussed in this article.

When is an explanatory note written?

It is immediately worth noting that the director does not need an explanation in all cases. Moreover, in some situations it is advisable not to write it at all. However, such cases are rather the exception to the rule. This happens extremely rarely. When and in what cases issuing an explanatory note is a necessary procedure will be discussed below.

The first and most common reason is an assessment of the respectability of the motives that led to the employee’s misconduct or disciplinary offense. Simply put, a person involved in a labor organization must, with the help of an explanatory note, prove his involvement or non-involvement in a particular incident. It is also worth noting that writing this kind of document is the most common and official form of dialogue between superiors and subordinates.

Management requires an explanatory note: what to do?

In the company where this or that person works, there was an emergency, and management demanded an explanation from the workers. Many employees immediately begin to worry and wonder whether they should draw up a document or not. It should be noted right away: for a constructive dialogue with your superiors, it is, of course, worthwhile to draw up an explanatory note. Moreover, the employee will have some advantages from this. So, firstly, it will be possible to express your position as clearly and clearly as possible. And secondly, writing a document will help avoid problems in the future. The fact is that an explanation to the director is a kind of self-protection, an opportunity to mitigate or delay the possible imposition of sanctions. If the explanatory note does not reach the authorities within 2 days, then the punishment will be complete and inevitable.

Thus, it is still worth drawing up an explanatory document regardless of what happened. Being late, causing material damage, inappropriate actions in the workplace, etc. - all this could happen completely by accident. Management provides an opportunity to explain your actions that should not be missed.

In whose name is the explanatory note written?

Having understood that writing an explanatory statement is a procedure, although not mandatory, but desirable, it is worth moving on to next question: about its proper design. Unfortunately, most citizens write explanatory notes completely against the rules. Yes, often in many enterprises the preparation of the document in question is not a priority. However, this does not mean that you can format the note in any way you like. to the director competently and according to the rules? More on this later.

The first thing you need to talk about is who needs to write an explanatory note. Here, it would seem, everything is simple. However, most citizens have problems already at the first stage. And these problems are justified: management often represents a huge headquarters, and it is not so easy to understand who is the immediate superior. However, it is still possible to figure it out. To do this, you need to look into a special document called It is there that it should be written who is the immediate supervisor of the working person.

About options for writing an explanatory note

How exactly should you write an explanatory note: on a piece of paper or on a computer? There are no clear requirements here. The law does not prohibit any of these options. But it is still worth pointing out that most enterprises accept explanatory notes written by hand. It's even more convenient.

Naturally, handwritten text must be readable. Indeed, if management has difficulty identifying what was written, problems may arise.

So, of course, there is no fundamental difference in how exactly to draw up the document. But if management makes certain demands, then, of course, it is better to fulfill them.

Rules for drawing up an explanatory note: header

An explanatory note printed on a computer to the director must have a certain structure. What should it be like? How to write an explanatory note addressed to the director will be discussed below.

On the sheet at the top right it is written to whom the note is addressed and from whom it is. The organization and division, as well as your own position and initials, are indicated here. Below, in the middle, the title is written: “Explanatory note.”

Often management demands that documents be prepared in accordance with all possible and impossible standards. Persons with similar bosses should take note next rule: The header is written as a whole, without any spaces. Below is a sample explanatory letter to the director. An example of correct and incorrect design is shown clearly.

Rules for drawing up an explanatory note: main part

After designing the header, you should start writing the main part of the document. What exactly can I recommend here? The explanatory note addressed to the director should be short, concise and easy to read. It is worth indicating the date of the event, all the necessary names and surnames, and also describe in relatively detail the reasons for what happened.

What should you never do? First of all, write lies. You should not underestimate your own leadership. Sooner or later, the truth may still emerge. Secondly, you cannot use it in a note profanity and all sorts of inappropriate words. The style should be purely business and official. Absolutely every person, regardless of his position, must, on occasion, skillfully and competently draw up an explanatory note addressed to the director.

Further actions with an explanatory note

It’s not that difficult to figure out how to write an explanatory note addressed to the director. Next, you need to understand where and to what authorities the completed document must be sent.

As already mentioned, the employee has only two days to draw up and send an explanatory note to his superiors. Otherwise, the employer will be able to impose a full penalty on the specialist. By writing a note, the employee gives it to the appropriate authority. You can find out where exactly from special local regulations.

It is advisable for the employee to write an explanatory note in two copies. This is necessary so that in the future there will be no claims that the specialist submitted the document at the wrong time. After all, it can often take a very long time for an explanation to reach the authorities. If the manager is not satisfied with the employee’s testimony and imposes full responsibility on the specialist, the problem must be resolved at a completely different level - through direct dialogue. It is also worth noting Article 193 Labor Code RF, which provides all the necessary information about such a concept as an explanatory note addressed to the director.

Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: general characteristics

The law also contains other valuable information. For example, that management cannot hold an employee responsible six months after the incident, or impose several types of penalties for just one offense.

About writing an explanatory note to an educational institution

Explanatory note to the director educational institution As a rule, it is compiled directly by the participant in the educational process. There are no general clear requirements here either. Again, each individual Educational establishment is able to put forward its own individual requirements for document execution.

An explanatory note addressed to the school director is drawn up in approximately the same way as an explanatory note for employees. The header should be on the top right, and the body should be short and concise. There are no particular differences in the types of explanatory ones. It does not matter whether it is for tardiness, for violation of discipline, or for anything else.