The furniture business does not lose popularity because not a single person, not a single family can do without its products. Manufacturers have to work in tough competitive conditions. The most enterprising of them find a way out by creating new, interesting variations. These include frameless furniture (bean bag). How to build such a business will be discussed further.

Who are they – consumers of frameless furniture?

When thinking about starting a business, you first need to study the demand, figure out who wants to buy frameless furniture, which category of buyers predominates. This will help you bet more accurate forecasts about the development of the case. As you know, the main consumers are representatives younger generation. These include people who are prone to free thinking. Conservatism is alien to them; they love relatively inexpensive, simple and convenient things. This also applies to furniture.

The circle of consumers is complemented by young families with small children, because frameless furniture does not have sharp corners or hard parts, which means it is safe.

The owners of cafes, bars, clubs, kindergartens, recreation centers, and beauty salons will not refuse such comfortable and at the same time original furniture.

Opening and promoting a business

Enterprise registration carried out according to the standard. It could be like entity, so individual entrepreneur.

After the tax office, you should contact sanitary And fire service to obtain permits. Based on the results of the inspection, inspectors from these departments issue relevant documents. And finally Rospotrebnadzor issues his permission.

TO choosing a room It is worth taking responsibly to ensure that there is enough light and space for the location of equipment in the workshop, and it is advisable to have a utility room for storing raw materials.

Having decided on the audience and the premises, you need to thoroughly engage advertising. All means are good here. This refers to traditional types of advertising and any other types of advertising: advertisements in the media, the Internet, creating a website for your company, free message boards, transmitting information orally to your friends and relatives (“word of mouth”).

You can join furniture exhibitions and offer the most interesting samples for demonstration. Often, visitors to such exhibitions become the first clients of start-up manufacturers.

We need to break away from standards, create own style, your own line, come up with some memorable, unique detail. Throughout production, we regularly update the assortment, replenish it with new, modern designs, and create exclusive collections.

Experienced businessmen in this area know about the peculiarities of selling frameless furniture with colorful advertising. From the client’s side, this looks like an “impulse” purchase, when a person looks fascinated at color photograph depicting, for example, a frameless sofa surrounded by an original interior. He admires what he sees and receives an “impulse” that prompts him to action. Beautiful picture he is deeply impressed and decides to buy.

To achieve success in business promotion, you need a high flight of creative imagination in creating interesting furniture models and a professional photographer.

Business plan: a guideline for enterprise development

This document should contain everything that concerns the business, starting with defining the consumer audience, sales markets, economic calculations (profitability, profit making, forecasts for self-sufficiency) and ending with planning future prospects.

The basis of a business plan is marketing and financial calculations. Its scale will be commensurate with the size of the invested funds, which may initially be minimal. But even with a small initial capital, you can develop your business to a larger scale.

For this to happen, the business must be profitable. According to the results general analysis work of similar companies, it is known that the indicator profitability in this production in Russia it is 35-45%. In some regions it sometimes reaches 150-200%. It is quite high due to the impressive difference between production costs and cost finished goods, which is more than 2 times higher than the cost.

To organize such a business in big city, may be needed from 15 thousand to 15 million rubles. The entrepreneur makes his own decisions based on his own capabilities. If we are talking about a mid-level company, 450-550 thousand rubles are enough to finance:

  • rental of premises;
  • registration;
  • acquisition technical equipment;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • remuneration of company employees;
  • payment of utility bills;
  • advertising;
  • taxes.

More detailed calculations should be carried out separately for each case, because the costs depend, first of all, on the initial plans and the planned size of the business.

If we take the average monthly income of 120-160 thousand rubles for calculation, the invested funds will be returned in at least 4-6 months.

Some start almost from scratch, organizing the sewing of frameless chairs in own home on their own without hired workers. It is worth making several exclusive chairs, photographing them and, using free types of advertising, offering them to loved ones, acquaintances, and neighbors. The business countdown will begin from the first sale.

The main conditions for success are the quality of material and execution, as well as originality.

The originality of frameless furniture design will add a “zest” to any modern interior

Frameless furniture was invented a long time ago. The first bean bag chair went on sale back in the 60s of the last century. But in our country, the production of frameless furniture is only gaining momentum. Such furniture is presented in several versions: armchairs, sofas and ottomans. All these types are united by the absence of a frame base, that is, the furniture consists of a shell (fabric, leather, fur, etc.) and a filler (expanded polystyrene).

Consequently, while sewing frameless furniture has not yet filled the market, and there are practically no competitors in this direction, you have the opportunity to occupy the niches of this promising and profitable business.

Production premises

To organize a business for sewing frameless furniture, you need to rent a workshop. The area of ​​the room depends on the scale of the project.

For example, in order to install four or five sewing machines you will need a workshop with an area of ​​25-30 square meters. m. For ten machines – 50-60 sq. m. Special requirements no to the room, the most important thing is that there is good lighting. In addition, you need a warehouse to store finished furniture.

The storage room must be dry, clean and spacious, since furniture without a rigid base does not fold like regular frame furniture.

Equipment for furniture production

To produce frameless furniture you need to purchase equipment. If you plan to produce polystyrene foam filler yourself, then you will need to buy a mini-blowing machine for making polystyrene foam. You will also need an industrial sewing machine (5 pieces for 5 workplaces) and a table for cutting the shell and for sewing (5 pieces for 5 workplaces).

To make it as easy as possible manufacturing process, we need patterns (wedges and hexagon bottoms) for various types of models. The shell will require high-quality fabric, threads and accessories (zipper).

Target audience of the project

A business plan for the production of frameless furniture should cover the main audience of buyers. Who buys frameless furniture? As a rule, these are modern young people who strive for everything new and unusual. This type of furniture is also chosen by parents who want to protect their child from sharp corners. Or older people who value comfort.

The bean bag chair is in greatest demand - comfortable furniture that takes the shape of the person sitting on it. These chairs are very light and compact, even a child can move them around the apartment. They are purchased for cottages, clubs, cafes, kindergartens and so on.

When manufacturing frameless furniture, it is very important to use the principle of exclusivity, that is, the models should be varied in design. Achieving this is not at all difficult, given the wide range of furniture fabrics presented on modern market. Look for new original styles, experiment with color and texture, produce custom-made furniture and you will expand the market for your products.

You can produce custom-made furniture for organizations and institutions with their logos and symbols, sew replaceable covers, make ottomans and armchairs according to customer sketches.

Make armchairs for children from bright fabrics, with pockets, lacing, appliqués or any other interesting elements.

Original and spectacular furniture is the highlight of any home. Lately Furniture made using a frameless method is in great demand - various ottomans, armchairs and even sofas. Such comfortable and practical furniture products serve as an excellent addition to an existing interior, and allow you to enjoy pleasant moments of relaxation and rest.

  • Step-by-step plan for starting a frameless furniture production business
  • What documents are needed to open?
  • What permits are needed for the production of frameless furniture?
  • Necessary equipment for the workshop
  • Materials for sewing frameless furniture
  • Staff
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • What else do you need to know when starting a frameless furniture production business?
  • Marketing features of promotion
  • How much can you earn from the production of frameless chairs?

The first bean bags were produced in the middle of the last century. In our country, such furniture is only gaining popularity and not many manufacturers are engaged in its production. Its production does not require huge production areas and complex equipment. Therefore, it can be released with minimal investment. Business idea for beginners for the production of frameless chairs - perfect option join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs, since these products are in great demand, so the payback will be quite quick.

This type of furniture consists of a filler - polystyrene foam, and covers - internal and external, which are made of fabric, leather, faux fur, etc. Frameless furniture has not yet filled the market, and the demand for it is quite high. Therefore, aspiring entrepreneurs have the opportunity to engage in this promising business.

Step-by-step plan for starting a frameless furniture production business

To organize a business producing frameless furniture, you need to rent a room to place a workshop in it. For a beginning entrepreneur, you can rent a small heated room with an area of ​​25-30 sq.m., which can accommodate 4-5 sewing machines for sewing covers. Need to purchase sewing machines and provide good lighting in the room. You will also need a small warehouse to store raw materials and finished products. Since the products and raw materials - polystyrene foam - are bulky, it is advisable to allocate about 50-80 sq.m. for a warehouse at first. This room must be dry and clean.

What documents are needed to open?

Before starting work, you need to register an individual entrepreneur with a simplified form of taxation. What is the OKVED code for production frameless chairs, sofas, ottomans – 36.1, 36.09 ( wholesale furniture).

When purchasing materials for production, it is necessary to require certificates of conformity and hygienic certificates for fabrics, polystyrene foam, and zippers from manufacturers.

Must also be certified finished products so that it can be sold to consumers. Licensing this type not subject to production.

What permits are needed for the production of frameless furniture?

To open an enterprise that will produce frameless furniture, you do not need any special permits or licenses. In addition to documents related to company registration and certificates confirming the quality of your products, you also need to prepare project documentation. These papers must be agreed upon with representatives of the following institutions:

  • MUP "Gosenergo";
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Rospozharnadzor.

These approvals are mandatory for enterprises that engage in serial production furniture. If you plan to work only on individual orders, you will not have to waste time and energy on resolving this issue.

Necessary equipment for the workshop

To produce frameless furniture, you need to purchase equipment:

  • industrial sewing machines, 4-5 pcs. – 100,000 rubles;
  • overlock – 20,000 rubles;
  • table for cutting covers, 2 pcs. – 20,000 rub.;
  • electric knife for cutting parts, 2 pcs. – 10,000-12,000 rubles;
  • vacuum cleaner for filling cases with polystyrene foam – 700-1000 rubles.

In total, you need to spend 150,700 rubles on equipment.

Materials for sewing frameless furniture

In addition to the equipment, you need to buy the materials necessary for sewing:

  • threads;
  • zippers;
  • furniture fabrics, leather for internal and external covers;
  • granulated polystyrene foam and other consumables.

Costs for materials can be about 100,000-150,000 rubles.


  • seamstresses-cutters – 5 people;
  • sales manager.

The salary will be about 120,000 rubles.

How much money do you need to start a business?

Together with the rental of premises (within 70,000 rubles/month), about 450,000-500,000 rubles will be needed to start production of sewing frameless furniture.

You can invest less money if you create production at home, and generally refuse to hire third-party workers at first. In this case, you need to have skills in cutting and sewing covers, acquire minimal amount equipment and materials. This production option allows you to save on renting premises and labor costs, but productivity will be low and the payback of the business will take longer.

What else do you need to know when starting a frameless furniture production business?

The most popular frameless furniture is considered to be a bean bag chair and a chair in the shape of a pear or ball. One seamstress can cut and sew 3 such products per shift. From 5 to 7 kg of polystyrene foam filler is consumed per chair. In a month of work (22 working days), one worker will be able to sew 66 chairs, 5 people will make 330 products. To fill them with polystyrene foam pellets, you will need about 1650 kg of filler and about 4000 meters various types fabrics for outer and inner covers.

Each product has a zipper (2 pcs.) sewn into the outer and inner covers. A total of 660 locks are needed.

Marketing features of promotion

Protecting your brand from other manufacturers involves creating your own logo, trademark and registered trademark. You need to find a way to distinguish your furniture from those produced by other manufacturers.

Advertising is needed to increase sales, and you will have to spend money on it. You need to create your own website through which you can accept orders and advertise your products in in social networks, and use all available means of online advertising. You can make flyers with photos and descriptions of manufactured products and distribute them in crowded places.

How much can you earn from the production of frameless chairs?

Frameless furniture, as a rule, costs twice or even more than the cost of its manufacture. This allows us to say that it is cost-effective to produce ottomans and armchairs using a frameless method. Today, the profitability indicator, as furniture market experts say, is about 30-40%. In individual regions this figure can be up to 200%. Every month the amount of income can be about 100-150 rubles. Accordingly, well-organized production can pay for itself within six months.

A soft, creative, lightweight piece of furniture has been known in the world for more than 10 years. On Russian market the product arrived in 2008, around this time the first domestic business for the production of frameless chairs and sofas appeared.

Statistics indicate its high profitability, the minimum of which is 30% in small towns, and the maximum is about 150% in megacities.

To start a business you will need from 10 thousand rubles. Payback of the enterprise is possible within the first half of the year. Where to start organizing your own production?

Who prefers a frameless chair to a regular chair? Having found out the answer to this question, you can limit the circle of consumers and adjust appearance and quality of products according to their preferences.

TO potential clients can be attributed:

  • children - they love to play on the floor, watch cartoons in a comfortable position, they like everything unusual and bright;
  • young people can choose interesting bags with fine filling to furnish their apartment, as a budget and modern option;
  • summer residents will prefer a chair that is easy to move and, if desired, taken outside, and if it gets dirty, quickly solve the problem by simply washing the top cover in the washing machine.

Determining the format of the case

You will be able to sell only those products that will be sewn in accordance with furniture GOST. If you have cutting skills and are able to assemble the structure yourself, then you can consider the option of a home workshop.

An alternative would be to have your products sewn in a studio that specializes in making curtains or car seat covers. Experts will make the inner and outer layers, and you will need to stuff and assemble them.

The third format is organizing your own workshop, where several employees will be involved in the manufacturing process. In this case, start-up costs will increase on average 30 times. You will need to rent premises, purchase specialized equipment, and pay salaries to employees. For beginners, this format is overwhelming, since it can take 2-3 years to obtain a permanent income and full return on business.

Purchase of materials

To create the first batch of goods in the amount of 6 copies, you will need to purchase the following materials:

  1. Padding. Fine-fraction foamed polystyrene will best cope with this role.
  2. Pattern. You can choose it on the Internet at your discretion.
  3. Frame (base). You will need a stiff fabric that will hold its shape. You can use polyester, spunbond or dense synthetic fabric.
  4. Outer shell. Jacquard or other bright, thick fabric is suitable.

The main costs will be 9660 rubles.

Organization of advertising and sales

If the products will be sold in a city with a population of 200-400 thousand, it is better to organize sales through an online store. The cost of renting a showroom may not be worth it. You can advertise your resource on social networks, using printed materials or an advertisement in a magazine. The main thing is that the information is accessible to a specific consumer (children and youth).