There are no more than 100 people in this profession in the world. Some salaries reach up to $100,000 per hour, and the schedule is planned months in advance. You ask: “What do they pay THAT kind of money for?”

Did you even know about the existence of this profession and what is its essence? Read more in this article!

Did you know that there is such a profession - trouble-shooter ( trouble shooter) . The essence of their work is that they fly around the world and solve people's problems. Any problems, any people. Usually - large corporations, less often private individuals.

There are no more than 100 people in this profession in the world. Some salaries reach $100,000 per hour, and the schedule is planned months in advance.

The most important thing for trouble shooters is their business reputation. Customers literally pass them from hand to hand, hiding them from their competitors. They have only one advertisement - one hundred percent results. The error has been eliminated.

In order to understand the essence of their work better, I will give a couple of examples of how trouble shooters work.

There were two large companies in America that published monthly directories “yellow pages”. The market was cramped for them; they resorted to black PR, dumping, and poaching each other’s workers.

Nothing helped, we were neck and neck.
Usually, all office workers bought two reference books for a dollar at once, without really thinking about which was better or which was worse. By the way, both directories contained the same information. So one of these companies invited a trouble-shooter

He took in the situation, thought and said:
-Next month, release a guide in a smaller format, and in order to have the same amount of information, it should be small, but plump.
He received his fee and left, and the competing company went bankrupt two months later...
-What's the joke?

But the fact is that when the directories were of the same format, they hung out on office tables like maps, but when one directory is large and flat, and the second is small but plump, then in any case you put the small one on top of the large one...
And at the end of the month you will realize that you only used the top one, and never opened the big one during the month. So why would you spend a dollar on it if the small one has everything?
Second example.

At Nike headquarters, 1,000 people were scratching their heads over an impossible task.

They invite a trouble-shooter and outline the problem:

We started making sneakers in some of the poorest countries in Africa. We calculated everything in advance, built factories, trained personnel, production costs should be low, but then we were faced with an unexpected problem: local workers of our factories steal mercilessly finished products. Entire villages, young and old, wear sneakers at a price comparable to their annual income...

We tried hiring more local security, but it only made things worse - security guards and their families love sneakers too...

If you get security from the States, the cost will go through the roof.

Trouble-shooter: -What do you want from me?

Nike: - Figure out how to reduce theft to zero without spending money on protecting factories.

Trouble-shooter, of course, did not understand anything about shoe production technology, but unlike 1000 top managers who understood, he knew how to look at any problem from a completely different angle. He sat alone for a while in the cool, dark room and gave the answer.

I recently thought about what the main skill of an entrepreneur is. One that allows us to generalize all entrepreneurs and talk about entrepreneurship in general.

Of course, determination, the habit of action, and courage immediately surfaced in my brain. But these are qualities or habits, not skills.

What is the main skill that is inherent in absolutely every successful entrepreneur?

The wording may seem strange, but...

The main activity of any entrepreneur is problem solving

Client problems, employee problems, business organization problems, promotion problems, problems with the government, your own problems, in the end. And many others.

Of course, it is important to be a professional in your industry and provide quality services. But the skill of removing obstacles along the way is much more important.

From here we can derive the answer to the question: “How to become a successful entrepreneur?”

You need to develop this basic skill in yourself. Work on it. Achieving professionalism is precisely the ability to solve problems.

Do you want to start a business? Great. Solve the problems in your personal life and environment first. It will be much easier to move in business.

What can you give a client, what problem can you solve if you yourself cannot cope with your life?

Hence the conclusion:

You need to get YOUR life in order, and then start doing business.

Yeah, were you scared? Difficult? Certainly. But probably.

Start working on yourself now. Take on the problems that surround you and solve them.

Give up bad habits, improve relationships with loved ones, learn to communicate normally, and finally go in for sports. Get things in order.

See challenges as an opportunity to grow. How favorable conditions, leading you to success. Throw yourself at them with joy, and you will soon begin to enjoy solving problems and the emergence of difficulties.

Train yourself. Constantly take on more complex tasks. But do it gradually. There is no need to immediately take on something that is many times beyond your current capabilities.

Solve your personal problems first, then the problems of your loved ones, then your friends. You will train on hamsters, you will get some bumps, but then you will efficiently solve the problems of your clients.

Here's an unusual truth about entrepreneurs...

To achieve significant success, you need to constantly move and develop.

At the same time, you can move forward alone or in a team. I suggest going in a group. It's much more interesting and productive. But it doesn’t change the fact that you need to plow.

For those who really want to get on the track of development and success, give themselves an impetus and start moving forward, I suggest joining a special closed community.

Just don’t join if you’re afraid, unsure, or not ready to act.

No need. Apparently it’s too early for you, the current situation doesn’t bother you much. Wait serious problems In my life.

There is such a profession - trouble-shooter. The essence of their work is that they fly around the world and solve people's problems. Any problems, any people. Usually - large corporations, less often private individuals.

There are no more than 100 people in this profession in the world. Some salaries reach up to $100,000 per hour, and the schedule is planned months in advance.

The most important thing for trouble shooters is their business reputation. Customers literally pass them from hand to hand, hiding them from their competitors. They have only one advertisement - one hundred percent results. The error has been eliminated.

In order to understand the essence of their work better, I will give a couple of examples of how trouble shooters work:

There were two large companies in America that published monthly directories “yellow pages”. The market was cramped for them; they resorted to black PR, dumping, and poaching each other’s workers. Nothing helped, we were neck and neck.

Usually, all office workers bought two reference books for a dollar at once, without really thinking about which was better or which was worse. By the way, both directories contained the same information. So one of these companies invited a trouble-shooter

He took in the situation, thought and said:
-Next month, release a guide in a smaller format, and in order to have the same amount of information, it should be small, but plump.
He received his fee and left, and the competing company went bankrupt two months later...
-What's the joke?

But the fact is that when the directories were of the same format, they hung out on office tables like maps, but when one directory is large and flat, and the second is small but plump, then in any case you put the small one on top of the large one...
And at the end of the month you will realize that you only used the top one, and never opened the big one during the month. So why would you spend a dollar on it if the small one has everything?

Second example.

At Nike headquarters, 1,000 people were scratching their heads over an impossible task.

They invite a trouble-shooter and outline the problem:

We started making sneakers in some of the poorest countries in Africa. We calculated everything in advance, built factories, trained personnel, production costs should be low, but then we were faced with an unexpected problem: local workers of our factories mercilessly steal finished products. Entire villages, young and old, wear sneakers at a price comparable to their annual income...

We tried hiring more local security, but it only made things worse - security guards and their families love sneakers too...

If you get security from the States, the cost will go through the roof.

Trouble-shooter: -What do you want from me?

Nike: Figure out how to reduce theft to zero without spending money on protecting factories.

Trouble-shooter, of course, did not understand anything about shoe production technology, but unlike 1000 top managers who understood, he knew how to look at any problem from a completely different angle. He sat alone for a while in the cool, dark room and gave the answer:

Do you need in different countries release separate left and right sneakers.


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Did you know that there is such a profession - trouble-shooter. The essence of their work is that they fly around the world and solve people's problems. Any problems, any people. Usually - large corporations, less often private individuals.

There are no more than 100 people in this profession in the world. Some salaries reach $100,000 per hour, and the schedule is planned months in advance.

The most important thing for trouble shooters is their business reputation. Customers literally pass them from hand to hand, hiding them from their competitors. They have only one advertisement - one hundred percent results. The error has been eliminated.

In order to understand the essence of their work better, I will give a couple of examples of how trouble shooters work.

There were two large companies in America that published monthly directories “yellow pages”. The market was cramped for them; they resorted to black PR, dumping, and poaching each other’s workers.

Nothing helped, we were neck and neck.
Usually, all office workers bought two reference books for a dollar at once, without really thinking about which was better or which was worse. By the way, both directories contained the same information. So one of these companies invited a trouble-shooter

He took in the situation, thought and said:
-Next month, release a guide in a smaller format, and in order to have the same amount of information, it should be small, but plump.
He received his fee and left, and the competing company went bankrupt two months later...
-What's the joke?

But the fact is that when the directories were of the same format, they hung out on office tables like maps, but when one directory is large and flat, and the second is small but plump, then in any case you put the small one on top of the large one...
And at the end of the month you will realize that you only used the top one, and never opened the big one during the month. So why would you spend a dollar on it if the small one has everything?

Second example.

At Nike headquarters, 1,000 people were scratching their heads over an impossible task.

They invite a trouble-shooter and outline the problem:

We started making sneakers in some of the poorest countries in Africa. We calculated everything in advance, built factories, trained personnel, production costs should be low, but then we were faced with an unexpected problem: local workers of our factories mercilessly steal finished products. Entire villages, young and old, wear sneakers at a price comparable to their annual income...

We tried hiring more local security, but it only made things worse - security guards and their families love sneakers too...

If you get security from the States, the cost will go through the roof.

Trouble-shooter: -What do you want from me?

Nike: - Figure out how to reduce theft to zero without spending money on protecting factories.

Trouble-shooter, of course, did not understand anything about shoe production technology, but unlike 1000 top managers who understood, he knew how to look at any problem from a completely different angle. He sat alone for a while in the cool, dark room and gave the answer:

You need to produce separate left and right sneakers in different countries.

They are called trouble shooters. Owners big business in the West they are paid from one hundred thousand dollars an hour for finding effective solutions to problems. According to some reports, there are no more than a hundred successful troubleshooters in the world working with global brands. Their names are well known in the professional business community.

Trouble shooter solutions are simple and elegant, in the spirit of the textbook story of how the Nike company began to produce left-handed sneakers in one factory, and right-handed sneakers in another factory, in order to reduce production theft to zero. (See below)

The word troubleshooter consists of two English words: “trouble” is a problem and “shooter” is a shooter. A troubleshooter is a person who can solve any problem with minimal financial costs and maximum results.

The term first appeared in 1905. Dictionaries define people in this profession as follows:

1. a person who tries to find a solution to a problem or an end to a disagreement;

2. an expert in resolving diplomatic and political disputes that have reached a dead end;

3. a specialist in solving difficulties in any field of activity and in any country.

That is, a troubleshooter is, in fact, a crisis manager?
Not really. A crisis manager deals with long-term projects: he is part of the company and can identify himself with it. A trouble shooter is an outsider who comes to the company with the goal of solving one local problem and leaves after the problem is fixed.
The advantage of a trouble shooter is that it sees the problem with fresh eyes. A crisis manager is constantly busy with the operational activities of the enterprise and is completely immersed in it. In medical terms: a “crisis manager” treats the symptoms of a disease, a trouble shooter removes the causative virus. A trouble shooter sees all processes in an enterprise and at the same time acts locally, solving one problem. For effective solutions, it is much better to focus on one problem than to perform ten tasks at once.
What professional qualities should a trouble shooter have?
He must be a “universal soldier”: a marketer, a strategist, and a logistician. A troubleshooter is a person who is able to find mutual language with all stakeholders in the company, with all departments, can hear them and convey the general idea to them. A trouble shooter does not understand each area in depth; it ties together all areas of work. He's like an antibiotic wide range actions.

There were two large companies in America that published monthly directories “yellow pages”. The market was cramped for them; they resorted to black PR, dumping, and poaching each other’s workers.

Nothing helped, we were neck and neck.
Usually, all office workers bought two reference books for a dollar at once, without really thinking about which was better or which was worse. By the way, both directories contained the same information. So one of these companies invited a trouble-shooter

He took in the situation, thought and said:
-Next month, release a guide in a smaller format, and in order to have the same amount of information, it should be small, but plump.
He received his fee and left, and the competing company went bankrupt two months later...
-What's the joke?

But the fact is that when the directories were of the same format, they hung out on office tables like maps, but when one directory is large and flat, and the second is small but plump, then in any case you put the small one on top of the large one...
And at the end of the month you will realize that you only used the top one, and never opened the big one during the month. So why would you spend a dollar on it if the small one has everything?

Second example.

At Nike headquarters, 1,000 people were scratching their heads over an impossible task.

They invite a trouble-shooter and outline the problem:

We started making sneakers in some of the poorest countries in Africa. We calculated everything in advance, built factories, trained personnel, production costs should be low, but then we were faced with an unexpected problem: local workers of our factories mercilessly steal finished products. Entire villages, young and old, wear sneakers at a price comparable to their annual income...

We tried hiring more local security, but it only made things worse - security guards and their families love sneakers too...

If you get security from the States, the cost will go through the roof.

Trouble-shooter: -What do you want from me?

Nike: - Figure out how to reduce theft to zero without spending money on protecting factories.

Trouble-shooter, of course, did not understand anything about shoe production technology, but unlike 1000 top managers who understood, he knew how to look at any problem from a completely different angle. He sat alone for a while in the cool, dark room and gave the answer:

You need to produce separate left and right sneakers in different countries.


In the early 90s, as a student, I often traveled from St. Petersburg to Lvov to visit my mother. I always bought tickets only in the compartment and only for the bottom shelf. The morals were quite medieval and I preferred to sleep on my suitcase. But I was pursued by bummer after bummer. An old woman came into the compartment and... it began:
- Son, let's switch shelves, climb up.
I, as a well-mannered person, could not refuse. I won’t say that I’m afraid for my suitcase, otherwise its popularity will undeservedly increase in the ranking of suitcases in our carriage. And I only have gifts for my mother and spare jeans. I had to climb onto the second shelf and there fight my heroic sleep, worrying about my own suitcase, covered with someone else’s grandmother.
One day, a hunched, seventy-year-old man, very well dressed, entered the compartment. In those days it was immediately noticeable. Grandfather turned to me:
- Young man, are you noble enough to give up your bottom bunk to your grandfather..?
- Enough and with a large margin... (Where to go? Education...)
Grandfather thanked us, we laid out the laundry, the neighbors fell asleep, and we quietly talked.
“Young man, I don’t want to remain in debt and I want to repay you.” I help solve any human problems, let's solve one of yours. What internal problems or complexes do you have? Don't be shy... I am a very serious specialist in my field. My patients are shown daily on the Vremya program...
- I don’t suffer from either one or the other. (I still regret that I blurted it out. I let it go goldfish almost for free...)
- Well, then I was lucky enough to meet an imaginary person who does not exist in nature. But imaginary people are not sold tickets to the lower shelves, so you still have problems. Logical?
- Well…
- Okay, I'll figure it out myself.
And my grandfather looked into my “aquarium”.
“You quickly, but clearly reluctantly, gave up the bottom shelf to me, while it’s not difficult for you to climb onto the top one.” What's the matter?
I talked about the suitcase and good upbringing.
- How corny, I should have guessed. Would you like me to teach you how to sleep on the bottom bunk and still not refuse your grandmother’s request to change places...?
- Of course I want to, but does that really happen?
- I’ll teach you and it will happen. You need not to refuse your grandmother, but to make her refuse your shelf and want another lower one, not yours.
- Like this? Left and right are the same.
- When she asks you to change, you hesitate and say: - “You see, it’s not difficult for me to change with you, I respect old age... but the fact is that when I took a ticket at the box office, the cashier said: “Throw 200 rubles on top.” and I’ll get you the bottom shelf. “I agreed...” (The ticket, let’s say it costs 1000) Now grandma won’t want your shelf, because it costs 200 rubles more. She will scold the cashier, the conductor, the rails, anyone, but not you. You've already spent enough money. You are away from the conflict and sleep on your suitcase on the bottom bunk.”

Another story:

The girl lived in the Moscow region, worked and studied at the evening department in Moscow. She often had to return home late at night by train. The girl asked her father to buy her a car, since she herself did not earn enough. My father took a principled position: “When you earn money, then you can buy it for yourself.” After the training, the girl began to tell her father notes crime chronicle, where we were talking about attacks on girls and women returning late on the train. Two months later, my father bought a car, being absolutely sure that he himself made this decision.