This post will tell us about the fates of 15 of the most famous members of the mafia, who were admired by ordinary people and about whom films were made. In reality, not all of them were the same as we see them in the movies, and therefore this information will be even more interesting and educational for you.

Frank Costello

Frank "Prime Minister" Costello was the leader of the formidable Luciano family. He left Italy at the age of four and moved to New York, where he quickly became involved in a life of crime. However, Costello became truly noticeable in 1936, after the arrest of Charles “Lucky” Luciano. Costello quickly rose to become the head of the Luciano crime family, which later became the Genovese family. He received the nickname "Prime Minister" for his competent leadership of the underground world of the mafia and his desire to be known as a political figure rather than a mafia boss. They say that it was he who became the prototype for Vito Corleone from “ Godfather" Costello was highly respected among his people, but even he had enemies. In 1957, an attempt was made on his life, and he miraculously survived being shot in the head. Costello died in 1973 as a result heart attack. In the history of the Italian-American mafia, he remained known as one of the "nice" bosses.

Jack Diamond

Jack "Legs" Diamond was a well-known figure during the Prohibition era in the United States. Diamond, who earned the nickname “Legs” for his constant running away and love of dancing, also became famous for his active gangster activities - he has a huge number of murders and alcohol smuggling operations. His criminal status increased markedly when he ordered the murder of one of his bosses, Nathan Kaplan. Diamond himself was repeatedly assassinated, but each time he miraculously escaped death, for which he received the nickname “The Man Who Cannot Be Killed.” However, in 1931 his luck failed him and he was shot dead by an assassin unknown to this day.

John Gotti

John Joseph Gotti Jr., boss of the elusive Gambino family, became one of the most feared men in the Mafia. Gotti grew up in poverty, surrounded by 12 brothers and sisters, and quickly became involved in organized crime - he was an errand boy for local gangster Agnello Dellacroce, who later became his mentor. In 1980, Gotti's 12-year-old son Frank was struck and killed by neighbor and family friend John Favara. Although the death was ruled an accident, Favara received numerous threats and was once beaten with a baseball bat. A few months later he mysteriously disappeared and his body was never found. Thanks to his almost stereotypical gangster style, Gotti quickly earned the nickname "The Dapper Don." In 1990, the FBI finally managed to catch Gotti, and he was found guilty of murder and racketeering. In 2002, Gotti died in prison from throat cancer.

Frank Sinatra

That's right, Mister Blue eyes was once an alleged associate of Sam Giancana and Luca Luciano. Sinatra, who once honestly admitted that “if it weren’t for music, I would most likely have gone into a life of crime,” was not shy about getting his hands dirty, and even openly attended the mafia’s Havana Conference in 1946, to which the press reacted with headlines “SHAME ON SINATRA.” " The singer’s double life was monitored not only by the media, but also by the FBI, which collected information about him from the very beginning of his career. However, the real problems began with Sinatra's collaboration with future President John F. Kennedy. It was believed that Sinatra used his connections to help the future US leader with his presidential campaign. But Sinatra lost the Mafia's trust because of his friendship with Kennedy's brother, Bobby, who at the time was cracking down on organized crime. Giancana broke off relations with him, and the FBI left Sinatra alone.

Mickey Cohen

Meyer Harris "Mickey" Cohen long years was a real pain in the LAPD's ass. Cohen moved with his family to Los Angeles from New York when he was six. Cohen was once a promising boxer, but gave up the sport and turned to organized crime. He eventually ended up in Chicago, where he began working for Al Capone. After several successful years During the Prohibition era, Cohen was sent back to Los Angeles under the supervision of notorious gangster Bugsy Siegel. The police soon began to notice the violent and hot-tempered gangster. After numerous assassination attempts, Cohen turned his home into a real fortress, surrounding it with an alarm system, searchlights and bulletproof gates. He also hired Hollywood starlet Lana Turner's boyfriend, Johnny Stompanato, as his bodyguard. In 1961, Cohen was sent to Alcatraz for tax evasion, and he became the only prisoner who managed to get out of this prison on bail. Despite numerous assassination attempts, Cohen died in his sleep at the age of 62.

Henry Hill

The story of Henry Hill formed the basis of one of the best films about the mafia - “Goodfellas”. It was he who claimed: “For as long as I can remember, I always dreamed of being a gangster.” Born in New York in 1943, Hill came from an honest, hard-working family with no connections or connections to the Mafia. However, having seen enough of the numerous mafiosi in the neighborhood, he joined the Lucchese family at an early age and quickly “rose up.” However, he could never become a full-fledged member of the mafia due to the mixture of Irish and Italian blood. Hill was arrested for beating a gambler who refused to pay him and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. There he realized that life on the outside was practically no different from life in prison, since behind bars he regularly received privileges. But once free, he got serious about drug trafficking, which resulted in him being arrested again, and this time he betrayed the entire organization and helped catch the most powerful mafiosi in the world. Hill entered the witness protection program in 1980, but two years later he exposed himself and the feds ended their cooperation. Despite this, he still managed to live to the age of 69.

James Whitey Bulger

Another Alctras veteran, James Bulger earned the nickname "Whitey" for his blond hair. Bulger grew up in Boston and was known as a real bully. He ran away from home more than once, and once even joined the circus. Bulger was first arrested when he was 14, but he did not join organized crime until the late 70s. Bulger was an FBI informant and reported to the police about the activities of the Patriarca family. However, as his own criminal network expanded, the police became increasingly interested in him, causing Bulger to flee Boston and remain on the "Top 10 Most Wanted Fugitive" list for over 15 years. In 2011, he was caught and charged with 19 murders, money laundering, extortion and drug trafficking. After a two-month trial, he was sentenced to two life sentences and five years in prison, and Boston could finally sleep soundly again.

Bugsy Siegel

Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, who became famous for his criminal empire and exploits in Las Vegas, is one of the most famous gangsters in Mafia history. As a typical young hoodlum from Brooklyn, he met Meer Lansky and formed the gang Murder Inc. - a group of Jewish bandits specializing in contract killings. Their popularity grew, and Siegel gained notoriety as a killer of New York Mafia veterans, having a hand in the demise of prominent mobster Joe "The Boss" Masseria. After years of bootlegging and dodging bullets on the West Coast, Siegel began making large sums of money, which put him in touch with the Hollywood elite. However, it was the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas that really helped him skyrocket to fame. The Mafia initially allocated $1.5 million for the construction of the hotel, but cost overruns and rising production costs ensued, and Siegel's old friend and new partner decided that he was pocketing some of the money for himself. Siegel was brutally murdered in own home, riddling it with bullets, and Lanxi quickly took control of the Flamingo.

Vito Genovese

Vito "Don Vito" Genovese was an Italian-American gangster who achieved enormous influence during the Prohibition era. The "Boss of All Bosses" led the Genovese family, and is best known as the man who brought heroin to the masses. Genovese was born in Italy and moved to New York in 1913. Having established himself in criminal activity, he soon met Lucky Luciano, and it was this alliance that led to the murder of mafia rival Salvatore Maranzano. Genovese fled from the police to his native Italy, where he remained until the end of World War II and even became friends with Benito Mussolini himself. However, upon his return, he immediately returned to power and again became the man whom everyone was so afraid of. But he was eventually caught and sentenced to 15 years in prison. Genovese died of a heart attack at the age of 71.

Lucky Luciano

Charles "Lucky" Luciano, who has already been repeatedly mentioned in the adventures of other members of the mafia, became famous, in fact, for creating the modern mafia. Luciano earned his nickname "Lucky (Lucky)" when he survived being stabbed within minutes of death. During his 64 years of life, Lucky managed to achieve a lot, including the murder of two major bosses, the idea of ​​how organized crime should be organized, and, most importantly, the creation of the "Five Families of New York" and a completely new "National Crime Syndicate". For a long time, Lucky lived in luxury, but at some point the police became interested in him, and as a result he was arrested and sentenced to prison. However, he did not lose his power behind bars and continued to manage affairs. At that moment he even had a personal chef. When Lucky was released, he was sent to Italy, but instead settled in Havana. But under US pressure, Cuba still had to send him to Italy, where he died of a heart attack in 1962.

Maria Licciardi

Although the mafia is largely a man's world, this does not mean that there is absolutely no place for women in it. Maria Licciardi, born in Italy in 1951, was the head of the Licciardi clan, the Camorra, a crime syndicate operating in Naples. Licciardi, nicknamed "La Madrina" Godmother)", was and remains a well-known figure in the country due to her family's ties to the Camorra. Licciardi took over leadership of the clan after her two brothers and husband were jailed. She became the first woman at the head of a powerful organization and, although not everyone liked it, she managed to unite several clans in the city and thereby expand the drug trade market. Licciardi also became famous for her involvement in the sex trade - she used underage girls from neighboring countries and forced them into prostitution. By doing so, she violated the Camorra code, which prohibited making money from sex workers. Licciardi was arrested in 2001 and sent to prison, but she continues to run things from behind bars and apparently has no plans to stop.

Frank Nitti

The face of Al Capone's Chicago crime syndicate, Frank "Gun" Nitti eventually became the boss when Capone was sent to prison. Nitti was born in Italy and arrived in the United States when he was just seven. He almost immediately began to get into trouble, which eventually attracted the attention of Al Capone. Thanks to his services during the Prohibition era, Nitti became one of Capone's closest people and a full-fledged member of the Chicago mafia. Despite his nickname, Nitti was more about leading than breaking bones and was often used to develop plans for raids and criminal operations. In 1931, Nitti and Capone were imprisoned for tax evasion, and in prison Nitti suffered severely from claustrophobia - this haunted him until his death. When Nitti was released, he became the new head of the Chicago mafia and survived assassination attempts from competitors and even the police. However, with the threat of imprisonment looming over him, Nitti committed suicide with a shot to the head to escape the claustrophobic prison cell in which he had previously suffered so much.

Sam Giancana

Another mobster with a good reputation, Sam "Mooney" Giancana was once one of the most influential gangsters in Chicago. Giancana started out as a driver for Capone's elite, but quickly rose through career ladder and developed connections with politicians, including the Kennedy family. Giancana was even forced to testify during the CIA's planning to assassinate Fidel Castro because he was believed to have key information. Giancano's name also appeared in rumors that the Mafia was involved in presidential campaign John F. Kennedy - because of the close relationship between Giancano and the future president. Giancano lived the rest of his life as a fugitive, wanted by both the mafia and the CIA. He was shot in the head while cooking in the basement of his home.

Meer Lansky

No less influential than Lucky Luciano, Meer Sukhomlyansky - aka Meer Lansky - was born in Russia. He moved to the United States as a child and grew up on the streets, struggling for money. Not only could Lansky hold his own physically, he also had a sharp mind. An integral part of the formation of American organized crime, he was at one point one of the most powerful men in the United States, if not the world. He led operations in Cuba and several other countries. At some point, despite his success, Lansky became nervous and decided to emigrate to Israel. Although he was deported back to the United States two years later, he avoided prison time and died at the age of 80 from lung cancer.

Al Capone

No introduction needed - Alfonso Capone is perhaps the most famous gangster of all time. Capone grew up in a respected and stable family, which is quite a rare event among the mafiosi. However, when he was expelled from school at 14 for hitting a teacher, Capone chose a different path for himself and went into organized crime. Under the influence of gangster Johnny Torrio, Capone gradually began to make himself known. He received a scar that earned him his most famous nickname, "Scarface." Capone did everything from bootlegging to murder, and enjoyed impunity as the police failed to catch him. However, everything came to an end when Capone was linked to the bloody and brutal massacre on Valentine's Day. Then representatives of a rival group were killed in cold blood. The police were unable to pin the murders directly on Capone, but arrested the gangster for tax evasion. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison, but due to serious illness he was released ahead of schedule. The most famous mafioso in the world died of a heart attack in 1947.

Despite the fact that Hollywood tirelessly uses images of the mafia, which have long become a cliché, there are still illegal groups in the world that control industry, engage in smuggling, cybercrimes and even form global economy countries

So where are they located and which ones are the most famous in the world?


This is not a myth, they exist and, by the way, were among the first to make significant efforts to help after the tsunami in Japan in 2011. The traditional areas of interest of the Yakuza are underground gambling, prostitution, drug trafficking, arms and ammunition trafficking, racketeering, production or sale of counterfeit products, car theft and smuggling. More sophisticated gangsters engage in financial fraud. Members of the group are distinguished by beautiful tattoos, which are usually hidden under clothes.


This is one of the most aggressive sects in Kenya, which arose in 1985 in the settlements of the Kikuyu people in the central part of the country. The Kikuyu gathered their own militia in order to protect the Maasai lands from government militants who wanted to suppress the resistance of the rebellious tribe. The sect, in essence, was a street gang. Later in Nairobi they were formed large detachments who took up local racketeering transport companies transporting passengers around the city (taxi companies, car parks). They then switched to waste collection and disposal. Each slum resident was also obliged to pay representatives of the sect a certain amount in exchange for quiet life in your own shack.

Russian Mafia

This is officially the most feared organized crime group. Former FBI special agents call the Russian mafia "the most dangerous people on the ground". In the West, the term “Russian mafia” can mean any criminal organization, both Russian itself and from other states of the post-Soviet space, or from the immigration environment in non-CIS countries. Some get hierarchical tattoos, often use military tactics and carry out contract killings.

Hell's Angels

Considered an organized crime group in the United States. This is one of the world's largest motorcycle clubs (Hells Angels Motorcycle Club), which has an almost mythical history and branches all over the world. According to the legend posted on the official website of the motorcycle club, during the Second World War the American Air Force had a 303rd squadron heavy bombers with the name "Hell's Angels". After the end of the war and the disbandment of the unit, the pilots were left without work. They believe that their homeland betrayed them and left them to their fate. They had no choice but to go against their “cruel country, get on motorcycles, join motorcycle clubs and rebel.” Along with legal activities (sales of motorcycles, motorcycle repair shops, sale of goods with symbols), the Hells Angels are known for illegal activities (sale of weapons, drugs, racketeering, control of prostitution, and so on).

Sicilian Mafia: La Cosa Nostra

The organization began its activities in the second half of the 19th century, when the Sicilian and American mafia were the strongest. Initially, Cosa Nostra was engaged in the protection (including the most brutal methods) of owners of orange plantations and nobles who owned large plots of land. By the beginning of the 20th century, it had turned into an international criminal group, whose main activity was banditry. The organization has a clear hierarchical structure. Its members often resort to highly ritualistic methods of revenge, and also have a number of complex rites of initiation for men into the group. They also have their own code of silence and secrecy.

Albanian mafia

There are 15 clans in Albania that control most of Albanian organized crime. They control drug trafficking and are involved in human and weapons trafficking. They also coordinate the supply of large quantities of heroin to Europe.

Serbian mafia

Various criminal gangs based in Serbia and Montenegro, consisting of ethnic Serbs and Montenegrins. Their activities are quite diverse: drug trafficking, smuggling, racketeering, contract killings, gambling and information trading. Today there are about 30-40 active criminal gangs in Serbia.

Montreal Mafia Rizzuto

The Rizzuto are a crime family that is primarily based in Montreal but operates in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. They once merged with families in New York, which ultimately led to the mafia wars in Montreal in the late 70s. Rizzuto owns hundreds of millions of dollars worth of real estate in different countries. They own hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, construction, food, service and trading companies. In Italy they own companies producing furniture and Italian delicacies.

Mexican drug cartels

Mexican drug cartels have existed for several decades; since the 1970s, some Mexican government agencies have been facilitating their activities. Mexican drug cartels have intensified since the collapse of the Colombian drug cartels, Medellin and Colombia, in the 1990s. Currently the main foreign supplier of cannabis, cocaine and methamphetamine in Mexican drug cartels dominate the wholesale illicit drug market.

Mara Salvatrucha

Slang for "Salvadoran Stray Ant Brigade" and often shortened to MS-13. This gang lives mainly Central America and is based in Los Angeles (though they operate in other areas of North America and Mexico). According to various estimates, the number of this brutal crime syndicate ranges from 50 to 300 thousand people. Mara Salvatrucha is involved in many types of criminal businesses, including drug, arms and human trafficking, robbery, racketeering, contract killings, kidnapping for ransom, car theft, money laundering and fraud. Distinctive feature members of the group have tattoos all over their bodies, including on the face and inner lips. They not only show a person’s gang affiliation, but also, with their details, tell about his criminal history, influence and status in the community.

Colombian drug cartels

Mafia - the meaning of this word is known to everyone, and its members and leaders have always been feared and respected at the same time. All representatives of the criminal world of any time, of any country were legends of some kind.

Surely every person on our planet knows this legendary name - Al Capone. Despite the fact that this name was especially famous in the 30s of the last century, to this day it hovers in the underworld, because Al Capone is the most famous mafioso in the world in history. This man managed to gain credibility not only among other criminals, but also found a special approach to government officials. Al Capone's main businesses are drug distribution, casinos and racketeering. By the way, it was he who introduced the concept of racketeering.

However, his career, if, of course, it can be called that, did not start so smoothly. When Al Capone's Italian family came to the states for a better life, he had to work almost 24 hours a day. And then he took on any income. Soon after a fight in a billiard club, he was invited to join the not-so-well-known criminal group of those times, the Gang of Five Smoking Barrels. He became especially famous after the brutal reprisal of the leaders of Bugs Moran's gang in a bathhouse on Valentine's Day.

Despite his cunning, dexterity and close connections with the government, Al Capone was still in prison. Why do you think? For non-payment of taxes. This legendary man died of syphilis, which he caught from one of his many prostitute girlfriends.

Several films have been made about this man, many stories and books have been written, because he bears the prestigious title of the most cruel and famous drug lord in the world throughout the history of mankind. Pablo crossed the line of the law as a child, when he began stealing tombstones directly from graves for resale. In addition, he sold drugs, cigarettes and counterfeited lottery tickets already in his teens. He was only 22 when he was recognized as a crime boss in poor areas. However, his main merit is the supply of cocaine around the world to huge quantities. It was on this simple matter that Pablo made his capital in 15 billion. According to unofficial data, he is involved in the murder of thousands of police officers and journalists, hundreds of judges and prosecutors, as well as various government officials.

Joseph Colombo today is not only one of the most famous representatives of the mafia in the world, but also the most intelligent and prudent criminal globe. The thing is that, to cover up his criminal activities, he created the Italian-American League, which was engaged in protecting the interests of Italian citizens in the states. The activities of this league were clean, and, moreover, brought enormous benefits, with the exception of the detail that it was a cover for one of the largest, most popular and ruthless criminal groups of that time. Colombo stopped leading the group after an assassination attempt by a certain Jerome Jenson, who shot him 3 times and hit him in the head. Despite his serious condition, the criminal survived; he remained in a vegetative state due to brain damage.

Luciano is one of the most powerful and brutal gangsters of the 20th century. After the Italian mafia began to transform in the 1920s, Charles gained recognition and became the authority of one of the most famous groups of that time. He received the nickname “Lucky” after his direct competitors were taken out of town and beaten half to death, but they didn’t finish what they started and Luciano survived. In the states, his main activity was selling drugs. But this was not enough for him and Luciano moved to Sicily. There he created the largest mafia group that covered the entire Mediterranean. According to unofficial data, about 20 thousand people.

Arthur Flenheimer was known as Kollansky Schultz. This tireless man has been achieving his authority since the age of 17, when in his youth he organized crepe games. He then began selling alcohol during Prohibition. His main enemies were Luciano and Capone. He was supposed to be arrested, however, he managed to escape to New Jersey, only after returning he was killed.

This man occupied a special place in the criminal world. He was even nicknamed “Teflon Don” for his numerous examples of evading investigation. John, with his own hands, rose from the very bottom of the criminal world to the confidantes of the Gambino family. Soon his nickname was transformed into “Elegant Don” for the corresponding style. Like any other self-respecting mafioso of that time, he was involved in murders, drugs, racketeering and car theft. He was ruined by him right hand And best friend Salvatore Gravano, who began working with the FBI and told about all the details of Gotti's crimes, which became the reason for his imprisonment for life.

A Jew by birth and an experienced criminal, Lansky became one of the most famous representatives mafiosi of the last century.
His fate was decided when, as a child, he met Charles Luchino, also a well-known American gangster. Maer was elected authority criminal world America and held this prestigious title for several decades. initially he was only involved in distribution alcoholic products during Prohibition. However, he soon expanded his activities and created the Crime Syndicate, which was involved in underground bars and bookmaking. At the same time he for a long time developed the gambling business. Unable to bear the close surveillance of the police, he fled to Israel.

The American authorities have repeatedly demanded extradition, however, they have been refused. Meir left on a visa issued for only 2 years, so after its expiration, he decides to change his place of residence. But because of his rich criminal past, none of the countries issued him a permit. He had no choice but to return to the United States, where he was already eagerly awaited. But due to happy circumstances, all charges were dropped. Last years Meir spent time in Miami, where he was treated for cancer, but without success. It was this disease that destroyed him.

I suggest you look at the faces of the most famous leaders of criminal gangs in the world, because it is precisely these people who are said to be better never to meet in person in your life. At least in appearance all these crime bosses very different, they all head the largest criminal organizations in different corners of our planet.

One of the bosses of the Mara 18 organized crime group, Marlon Martinez, is on trial in Guatemala, where he is accused of murder. March 30, 2011

Mara 18 is the largest Latino gang in Los Angeles. It appeared in the 1960s among immigrants from Mexico and still maintains ties with the drug cartels of this country. The group consists of up to 90 thousand people operating in the United States, Mexico and Central America.

The 'Ndrangheta was formed in the poorest province of Italy, Calabria. It is considered one of the most successful Italian organized crime groups. According to some reports, the 'Ndrangheta's revenues amount to up to three percent of the country's GDP.

One of the leaders of the Marseille mafia, 75-year-old Jacques Imbert, after being released from prison on April 8, 2005.

Imber was part of the Three Ducks gang, which was especially influential in the 1950s and 60s. In 1977, an attempt was made on his life, which formed the basis of the film “22 Bullets: Immortal.”

The alleged leader of the Slavic criminal groups in Moscow, Alexey Petrov, nicknamed Lenya the Kricky. September 19, 2011

According to unofficial data, Petrov was elected leader of the Slavic groups in Moscow in 2009 after the murder of Vyacheslav Ivankov, also known as Yaponchik.

One of the alleged leaders of the Tambov organized crime group, Yuri Salikov, is being taken to court in the Spanish city of Palma de Mallorca. June 14, 2008

The Tambov organized crime group appeared in St. Petersburg in the late 1980s and in the next decade actually controlled the criminal life of the city. Its creator is considered to be businessman Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin), who is serving a 15-year sentence prison term for extortion.

One of the alleged leaders of the Tambov organized crime group, Gennady Petrov, is being taken to court in the Spanish city of Palma de Mallorca. June 14, 2008

Petrov, like several other Russian citizens, were detained by Spanish authorities during Operation Troika. They are considered the organizers of an operation to launder criminal money from the Tambov organized crime group. Petrov calls himself a businessman. He has lived in Spain since the early 1990s. In 2012, Petrov left for Russia and refused to return to Spain.

Bonanno family boss from New York, Vincent "Handsome Vinny" Basiano.

The Bonanno family is one of the five Italian-American Mafia families that control the New York City underworld. The remaining families are the Gambino, Genovese, Colombo and Lucchese clans. Basiano has been serving a life sentence for murder since 2011.

Gigante was boss of the Genovese clan from 1981 until his death in 2005. In the early 1990s, he was considered America's most powerful gangster. To avoid trial, Gigante feigned insanity and often walked around New York in a robe and slippers, muttering something inarticulate to himself. In 1997, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison and died in custody.

Retired yakuza boss Shinji Ishihara opens up about his criminal past to reporters. April 5, 2006

Ishihara served in one of the largest gangster syndicates in the world, the Yamaguchi-gumi, which has several tens of thousands of members. The group's headquarters are located in Kobe. Unlike many other organized crime groups, members of the yakuza are allowed to “retire,” as Ishihara did after serving his next term.

Funeral of the leader of the Taiwanese group "Bamboo Union" Chen Chili, nicknamed the Duck King, in Taipei. October 18, 2007

The Bamboo Union, or Zhuliangban in Chinese, is the largest organized crime group in Taiwan. It belongs to the triads, as Chinese criminal groups or secret societies. The Bamboo Union maintains close ties with the nationalists of the Kuomintang party and shares their political platform.

The leader of the Hong Kong branch of the 14K group in Macau, Wan Quokkoi, nicknamed Broken Tooth, is being taken to court on November 23, 1999

14K is considered the largest triad in Hong Kong and in the world. It has about 20 thousand members and also operates in Europe and North America. 14K controls the supply of heroin and opium from Southeast Asia. The group is known for its clear management hierarchy and brutality.

The grave of Aslan Usoyan, better known as Ded Hasan, at the Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow. January 20, 2013

Usoyan is believed to have headed ethnic Caucasian criminal groups operating in Russia. At the same time, it is known about conflicts between his clan and other gangs led by immigrants from Transcaucasia. Usoyan was shot dead in Moscow by an unknown sniper on January 16, 2013.

The leader of the Taiwanese triad was forced to flee his home island when the authorities decided to limit the influence of criminal groups. Chen Chili moved to Cambodia and even became an adviser to the government. He lived in a huge villa on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, where large caches of weapons were discovered.

Cosa Nostra is one of the most famous groups Italian mafia. She appeared in late XIX century and is considered the inventor of racketeering. Cosa Nostra does not have a rigid structure. The group consists of numerous clans that control their territory.

Abroad, Kalashov is often called a representative of the Russian mafia, although sometimes also a Georgian crime boss. He began his criminal activities back in the Soviet Union. He is considered a supporter of the late leader of the Caucasian clans, Aslan Usoyan. Since 2010, Kalashov has been serving a prison sentence in Spain, which has already agreed to extradite him to Georgia, where he was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

One of the leaders of the Italian 'Ndrangheta group, Pasquale Condello, after his arrest. February 19, 2008

Condello was on the run for about twenty years. All this time he lived in hometown Reggio Calabria. During his criminal career, he managed to earn at least $57 million. In any case, the real estate he owns is valued at that amount. Condello is accused of murdering the head of Italy's national railway company.

Sinaloa drug cartel member Juan Miguel Allier Beltran at a press conference at police headquarters in Tijuana. January 20, 2011

American intelligence agencies consider Sinaloa the most powerful drug cartel in the world. It comes from the state of the same name on the Pacific coast of Mexico. During the 1990s - 2000s, Sinaloa supplied more than 200 tons of cocaine to the United States. The cartel also produces significant quantities of opiates and marijuana.

Salvatore Miceli, responsible for Sicilian mafia for international drug trafficking, at Caracas airport before extradition to Italy. June 30, 2009

Miceli was considered a kind of foreign minister in Cosa Nostra. He was responsible for the supply of cocaine, heroin and other drugs produced in other regions of the world, primarily in Latin America, to Europe.

One of the leaders of the Tijuana cartel, Gilberto Higuera Guerrero, in Mexico City before extradition to the United States. January 20, 2007

The Tijuana drug cartel from the Mexican state of Baja California ranks third in drug trafficking in the United States. He is a principal competitor of the Sinaloa cartel. In the mid-2000s, a significant number of Tijuana leaders were arrested and handed over to American authorities.

Joseph "Giuseppe" Bonanno is the founder of the eponymous crime family in New York. 1960s

Bonanno is considered one of the main prototypes of Vito Corleone, the main character of the crime saga “The Godfather”. Bonanno never spent long periods behind bars during his tumultuous career. He died in 2002 at age 97 in Tucson, Arizona, from heart failure.

The leader of the Corleone clan from the Sicilian city of the same name, Gaetano Riina, after his arrest in Palermo on July 1, 2011

The Corleone clan, which gave the name to the character of the famous film trilogy, has long been the main family of Cosa Nostra. Its leaders bear the title of "boss of bosses." The town of Corleone with a population of 12 thousand people is located in the hills south of Palermo at an altitude of about 600 meters above sea level.

The leader of the branch of the organized crime group “Mara Salvatrucha” in the Salvadoran city of Quezaltepeque, nicknamed El Diabolico, and the leaders of the local branch of the organized crime group “Mara 18” announce a truce in the prison of the same city. January 31, 2013

Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, is one of the most violent Latin American groups. It was formed in Los Angeles among Salvadoran emigrants who fled civil war, operates in California and Central America and, according to various sources, has from 50 to 80 thousand fighters. A distinctive feature of the members of the Mara Salvatrucha are numerous tattoos, often covering the entire body.

Police escort Indian crime lord Rajendra Nikalje, nicknamed "Little Rajan" (Chhota Rajan), to the Bangkok Criminal Court after an attempt on his life. September 28, 2000.

Rajendra Nikalje was originally a member of the group of crime boss Dawood Ibrahim, which is called D-Company in the media. The gang operated in Mumbai, but then spread its influence throughout South Asia. After a quarrel with his boss, Nikalje collaborated with Indian intelligence agencies to weaken Ibrahim in exchange for information about plans to assassinate him. The Ibrahim and Nikalje gangs, like other Indian criminals, launder money by investing it in the production of films in Bollywood.

Former leader of the Tijuana drug cartel Benjamin Arellano Felix.

Felix was arrested in March 2002 in Mexico and extradited to the United States. In April 2012, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison for extortion and money laundering. After serving his sentence, he is expected to be returned to Mexico, where he faces another 22 years in prison.

Abu Salem initially collaborated with the Mumbai group D-Company, but then began to act independently. He is accused of numerous murders and participation in terrorist attacks. In 2007, Abu Salem was extradited to India by Portugal. Subsequently, Lisbon reconsidered this decision, but Delhi refused to return Abu Salem to Europe. He has not yet been sentenced.

Colluccio belongs to the influential mafia clan. His brother Giuseppe was one of the leaders of the 'Ndrangheta in Toronto, Canada, and was involved in the supply of cocaine to Europe. Salvatore was wanted for four years. He was found in a bunker equipped with an electric generator and supplied with significant supplies of water and food for self-sufficient living.

The Gambino clan was once the most powerful of New York's five mafia families. Its gradual decline was facilitated by both civil strife and close attention from the FBI. The last major operation against the family, which led to the arrest of several capos, took place in 2011, when a network of forced prostitution of women from Eastern Europe was uncovered.

Vyacheslav Ivankov, nicknamed Yaponchik, leaves the Moscow City Court building after the jury found him not involved in the murder of two Turkish citizens. July 19, 2005

Ivankov, until his death in 2009, was considered the leader of the Slavic criminal groups in Moscow. In 1997, he was convicted in the United States for extortion, and after serving his sentence in 2005, he returned to Russia. In July 2009, he was seriously wounded in an assassination attempt and died a few months later from complications caused by the wound.

One of the leaders of the Tijuana drug cartel, Eduardo Arellano Felix, is in custody in Mexico City. October 26, 2008

After the arrest of the three Arellano Felix brothers, that is, Eduardo, Javier and Benjamin, as well as the death of Ramon in a shootout with the police, the cartel was led by the youngest of the brothers, Luis, nicknamed the Engineer. Mexican authorities promise to pay $2.5 million for help in his capture.

A graduate of the journalism department of Moscow State University, Lerner served 11 years in the Soviet Union for financial fraud in student construction brigades. In 1998, he was convicted of stealing money from Russian banks. Since 2006, he has been in an Israeli prison for creating a financial pyramid and stealing money from investors.

Former Gambino family underboss Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano is sworn in trial about corruption in professional boxing. April 1, 1993

In 1991, Gravano became the highest-ranking member of the mafia to break his vow of omerta silence and cooperate with the authorities. Based on his testimony, Gambino clan boss John Gotti was sentenced to life in prison. In 1995, Gravano, who moved to Arizona, refused to participate in the witness protection program. He published an autobiography and then went into drug trafficking, for which he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He has been serving his sentence since 2002.

Former Bonanno family boss Joseph Massino.

Massino became the first boss of five New York families to make a plea deal. In 2004 he was sentenced to death penalty based on the testimony of his comrades, including his deputy Salvatore Vitale. In 2011, Massino, in order to earn the right to life, in turn, acted as a witness in the case of his successor Vincent Basiano.

The boss of the largest yakuza syndicate "Yamaguchi-gumi" Kenichi Shinoda after serving a six-year prison sentence for illegal possession of a pistol. April 9, 2011

Shinoda holds the title of kumicho, or supreme "godfather", of the largest group of the Japanese mafia. He is the sixth boss of the Yamaguchi-gumi since its founding in 1915. The Synod is characterized by an outwardly democratic leadership style. In particular, he prefers to travel by public transport rather than in a limousine with a personal driver.

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Despite the fact that world states are desperately fighting criminal gangs, the latter continue their illegal activities and are not even going to retreat. The mafia keeps you in fear, instills horror and lives by its own rules and laws, heartless and cruel, failure to comply with which often leads to death.

IN modern world exists a large number of criminal clans that are under the patronage of their mastermind and leader. Often these crime lords create veritable underworld empires.

Feeling their impunity, they intimidate not only representatives government agencies, but also ordinary serene residents. This article presents the ten most influential and ruthless mafiosi, whose names are known throughout the world and who have forever gone down in the history of the mafia.

Al Capone

Al Capone (1899 - 1947) is a legendary mafioso, whose name inspired fear not only in the government, but literally in the whole world. He went down in history as the most famous gangster. Despite the fact that he had Italian roots, this did not stop him from engaging in racketeering, bootlegging, drugs and gambling on American soil. In addition, he is the founder of the concept of “racketeering”.

When Al Capone was still a young man, he and his parents had to leave their native lands and move to America, where he worked hard in a candy store, a bowling alley, and even in a pharmacy. But despite his fatigue from a hard day’s work, he spent almost every night in entertainment venues, since night look life was the most acceptable and attractive for him.

While earning his living at a billiards club, he once insulted a woman who, as it turned out, was the wife of a criminal named Frank Galluccio. A scuffle broke out, from which a scar from a knife wound remained on the gangster’s left cheek. This moment changed him radically. Over time, the mafioso developed skillful skills in handling edged weapons, and the daring nineteen-year-old youth was invited to join the “Gang of Five Smoking Barrels.”

Al Capone became famous for his integrity, cruelty and heartlessness. His first major crime was the murder of seven influential mafiosi at that time, who were subordinate to Bugs Moran. However, he was too cunning and smart to fall into the hands of justice.

He was never punished for all the crimes he committed, but he still ended up in prison for tax evasion. He was jailed for five years. Upon leaving prison, the legendary mafioso contracted syphilis after spending the night with a courtesan. However, he died at the age of forty-eight from pneumonia. He is survived by his wife, May Josephine Coughlin, and his son, Albert Francis Capone.

Lucky Luciano

Charles Luciano (1897-1962) was born in Sicily, but in his youth he moved with his family to America, as they say, in search of better life. Since childhood, he hung out mainly with street hooligans; apparently, he liked such company more. Perhaps such hobbies and preferences of little Charles Luciano contributed to his becoming one of the most famous gangsters in the world.

At the age of eighteen, Luciano received a prison sentence for drug distribution. During the period of alcohol prohibition in the United States, he was part of the "Gang of Four", which was actively involved in smuggling alcohol. His youth was spent in poverty, but in his adult life he swam in millions of dollars, which, naturally, were earned by crime.

In 1931, a gangster created the "Big Seven", which included bootleggers. Its main activity was the illegal distribution of alcohol. Over time, Charles becomes the leader of Cosa Nostra and absolutely the entire sphere of the criminal world comes under his full control. He received his nickname "Lucky" after he almost died after being tortured by Maranzano gangsters.

At the hospital he received sixty stitches, so for everyone he became “lucky.” This one of the most legendary mafiosi was able to get rid of dozens of his competitors in just one day, which allowed him to become the sole owner of New York. In 1936, Luciano received thirty-five years in prison for pimping, but after some time he was released and deported to his homeland. In 1962, his heart stopped - according to the official version, it was a heart attack.

Pablo Escobar

Pablo Escobar (1949-1993) - drug lord No. 1, who had Colombian roots and became famous for his cruelty. He was able to create a huge drug empire that supplied incredible quantities of cocaine throughout the world. His first youthful “job” was illegal: he stole tombstones and, erasing the inscriptions, resold them to resellers.

WITH early years Pablo sought “easy money” and he received it for selling cigarettes and drugs, and also made “fake” lottery tickets. As he got a little older, he began to earn big by engaging in car theft, robbery, racketeering and even kidnapping. By the age of twenty-two, Escobar had become an authority figure in disadvantaged neighborhoods.

The mafioso earned his first billions as the head of a drug cartel. The poor people of Medellin loved and revered Pablo Escobar because they received from him, although inexpensive, their own housing. By 1989, he had more than $15 billion in his account. More than a thousand people were killed on his orders. In 1991, the gangster went to prison, but a year later he was able to escape. In 1993, Pablo Escobar was shot and killed by a sniper during a police assault.

John Gotti

The name of John Gotti (1940-2002) was on the lips of every New Yorker. Despite the “dark deeds” he committed, the police were unable to accuse him of even one of them. Gotti was always one step ahead, which is why he earned the nickname “Teflon Don.” He was also often called the “Elegant Don” because he loved to dress beautifully and stylishly.

John was a rather resourceful gangster who was able to rise from poverty to unheard of wealth and became the leader of the Gambino family, removing the previous boss, Paul Castellano. His activities included car theft, theft, racketeering and murder.

Next to him was always his most reliable person, as he thought, Salvatore Gravano. However, it was he who handed his mentor over to the FBI in 1992. John Gotti was sentenced to indefinite imprisonment. He died of cancer in his cell in 2002.

Carlo Gambino

Carlo Gambino is probably the most mysterious mafioso. He was the founder and leader of one of the most powerful American criminal empires, the Gambinos, to which he devoted his entire life. As a teenager, Gambino began to engage in extortion and theft. Over time, bootlegging also became one of his hobbies.

At the peak of its prosperity, his brainchild consisted of forty teams that kept major American cities under control and fear. In 1932, he married his cousin, who gave him four children.

Throughout his life, Carlo Gambino was involved in illegal gambling, loan sharking and protection rackets. However, his scope of activity did not include selling drugs, as he considered this business dangerous and attracting unnecessary attention. In 1938, he received a twenty-two month prison sentence for tax evasion. In 1976, the mafioso died in his own bed from a heart attack. At that time he was 74 years old.

Meir Lansky

Meir Lansky was born in 1902 in Grodno into a Jewish family. At the age of nine, he and his parents moved to New York, where he met Charles Luciano, who significantly influenced his future destiny.

For decades, Lansky occupied a leading position among important American crime bosses. When the so-called “Prohibition Law” was in effect in America, Meir Lansky was involved in the sale and transportation of alcohol. Over time, he founded a whole system of bookmakers and illegal bars.

For many years, the mafioso developed the gaming business in the United States. Between 1950 and 1962, Meir was constantly monitored by the FBI, so he decided to temporarily move to Israel on a two-year visa. Naturally, American police demanded that the criminal be handed over to them, but in vain.

After two years, he had to leave the country, but he had no other way but to return to the United States - other countries refused to accept him. The charges against the mafioso were dropped, but his foreign passport was revoked, so he could not leave America. Meir Lansky spent the last years of his life in Miami, where he died in 1983 from cancer.

Joseph Bonanno

A mobster named Joseph Bonanno (1905-2002) was one of the most powerful leaders in the American crime world. He was only fifteen years old when he became an orphan. Joseph comes to the United States, naturally, illegally, where he quickly finds like-minded people for illegal activities.

In 1931, he founded the influential Bonanno crime family, which was under his control for thirty years. He was also known by the nickname "Banana Joe". Once Bonanno became the richest gangster in history, he decided to retire in order to quietly meet his old age.

In 1983, he was arrested on suspicion of real estate speculation and sentenced to five years in prison, however, given that the convict was seventy-five years old at the time, the sentence was reduced to fourteen months. The legendary mafioso died among his family in 2002 from heart failure, at the age of ninety-seven.

Albert Anastasia

Albert Anastasia (1902-1957) - leader of the Gambino family, which inspired fear and horror with its ruthlessness and cruelty. Also under his control was a group called “Murder Corporation,” which was responsible for more than 700 deaths. Each of these crimes remained unpunished, since all the witnesses disappeared somewhere without a trace.

His mentor was Lucky Luciano, whom he listened to in everything and to whom he was completely devoted. Often, Albert carried out the orders of his leader, which included eliminating the bosses of other criminal clans. In 1957, on the orders of Carlo Gambino, he was killed in a barbershop.

Vincent Gigante

Vincent Gigante is a mafioso who controlled absolutely all the big cities of America, but his “lair” was located in New York. At the age of nine, he began to practice boxing professionally, completely abandoning schooling. From the age of seventeen, Gigante took an active part in carrying out various types of crimes.

Being a member of one of the influential groups, he achieved the status of “Godfather”, after which he became a consolere. In 1981, Vincent became boss of the Genovese family. His special and incomprehensible habit for many was walking around the city at night in a robe. In principle, the mafioso himself was a rather inadequate and aggressive person.

However, as it turned out later, this behavior was an ordinary simulation mental disorders, thanks to which he managed to avoid prison for forty years. But still, in 1997, the gangster fell into the hands of justice and he was sentenced to twelve years. While serving his sentence, Vincent Gigante continued his criminal activities until 2005. He died of a heart attack.

Heriberto Lazcano

For many years, the criminal acts of one of the most merciless and brutal Mexican criminals, Heriberto Lazcano, remained unpunished. At seventeen, he enlisted in a specialized squad dedicated to fighting drug cartels. However, a few years later he became a member of one of them, going over to the side of drug dealers.

Over time, Lazcano founded his own drug cartel, Los Zetas, which quickly became authoritative and one of the largest in Mexico. He became famous for his terrible and ruthless murders of not only competitors, public figures, officials and police officers, but also children and women.

That is why he was given the nickname "Executioner". More than 47,000 people were killed during the massacre. However, Mexican residents were able to put their fears behind them when Heriberto Lazcano was killed in 2012.