The singer posted a photo of her son on her Instagram, which she signed with a word that offended people from African-American countries. The photo instantly gained hundreds of indignant comments from offended people. At first, Madonna tried to laugh it off, but soon came to her senses and officially apologized. “I apologize if I offended anyone by using the n-word on my Instagram. This was not meant to be a racist statement. I'm not racist<…>The word was used to express warm attitude to my son, he is white. I understand that it may be perceived in the wrong way, and I apologize if it gave the wrong impression,” the singer wrote on her Instagram and deleted the photo, the caption of which caused such a strong reaction from her subscribers.

Photo from Madonna's Instagram / Madonna Photo: Global Look Press, East News

The Hollywood actor is known for his intolerant attitude towards journalists. He was repeatedly accused of attacking employees of various publications, and in last time to that

Racism was also added. Last February, the actor had a heated argument with two New York Post employees: journalist Tara Palmeri and photographer J. N. Miller. The actor was just walking with his dog when the couple approached him and asked what he thought about trial, launched against his wife, a yoga teacher, whom one of the students blamed for an injury received during class. Alec didn't like the question. He flew into a rage, grabbed Tara by the hand and shouted at her: “Choke!” Mr. Miller got it too. His actor called the drug dealer and Black Sea. Black Miller, who was once a police officer, could not stand the insults and filed a lawsuit. Alec, rightly deciding that the best defense is an attack, filed a counterclaim. As for the actor’s wife, because of whom all this fuss flared up, she insists that all the accusations against her husband are empty fabrications. “Shame on those who say my husband is a racist,” Hilary said, adding that paparazzi incursions into privacy celebrities can be dangerous, and her husband was simply trying to protect his family.

Alec Baldwin Photo: East News

The actress was accused of racism by a person well known to her - the former nanny of her three children, Filipino Erlinda Elemen. In May of the year before last, a woman sued the actress for “offensive comments about her ethnicity.” According to Erlinda, Stone more than once allowed herself unflattering comments about her nationality, ridiculed the girl, said that all Filipinos were “stupid” and, moreover, disrespected her religion. Erlinda also claimed that Sharon Stone forbade her to communicate with her children because she didn’t want them to “talk like her.” The actress's lawyer called all these accusations absurd, saying that the former nanny simply feels resentment towards her past employer and is trying to get money at any cost. Sharon Stone, in turn, .

Sharon Stone Photo: Global Look Press

But it wasn’t just anyone who accused me of racism, but an old friend. Last fall, the Black Panther sent an angry letter to the designer, pointing out that Beckham's last fashion show featured only one black model. “I talked to Victoria about this problem,” Naomi told The Mirror. “This is not a complaint against her personally, but she is one of those fashion designers who are forcing black models to remain unemployed.” Campbell, who actively defends the rights of black models, has compiled her own “blacklist” of racist designers who prefer to put light-skinned models on the catwalk. In addition to the Victoria Beckham brand, such brands as Calvin Klein, Chanel, Armani, Gucci and Donna Karan were included there. How Victoria herself reacted to the accusations ex-girlfriend, remains unknown.

Spring-summer 2014 collection show / Victoria Beckham Photo: East News

After the release of the film Django Unchained, black actor and director Spike Lee made accusations of racism. He calculated that the word “niger” prohibited in the United States is found 110 times in the picture and is repeated on average every one and a half minutes. It is interesting that Spike Lee himself used this word more than once in his films, and about twenty years ago, when his film “Malcolm X,” dedicated to Islam and racism, was released, he himself was accused of anti-Seminism, racism and other sins. Quentin Tarantino treated the situation with humor. In an interview, the director said that his next project will focus on the struggle of black US Army soldiers against racial oppression during World War II. According to Tarantino, the heroes of his film will fight their way to neutral Switzerland, killing their white comrades in arms along the way.

Quentin Tarantino / Still from the film “Django Unchained” Photo: East News

Lily Allen

But the singer received accusations of racism simply because in her video she was dressed less openly than her dancers. The bold video for the song Hard Out Here, in which the singer mercilessly ridicules modern pop culture and advises women not to pursue beauty standards, was released last fall. The video caused a flurry of outraged comments on the Internet. Users noticed that Lily is dressed, while the black dancers of her ballet perform in only their underwear. Some said that in this way the singer wants to say that she personally does not need to exploit her body in order to be successful. In response to criticism, Allen explained that the video is just a parody of some modern videos where singers turn themselves into sex objects. The girl also added that she herself would be happy to undress completely, but her cellulite, which the singer does not want to put on public display, prevents her from doing this. “I dress tighter than other girls because of my problems, not for any other reasons,” Lily wrote on Twitter. “I won’t apologize because I don’t consider myself guilty.”

Caroline Wozniacki

As for the famous tennis player Caroline Wozniacki, she was accused of racism for parodying curvaceous his rival, black American Serena Williams. On

exhibition match against the athlete decided to have a little fun for the spectators and stuffed two towels into her panties and bra. Having received impressive size breasts and an equally impressive butt, the tennis player began to waddle around the court, imitating Williams. The audience howled with delight. But users who watched the video on the Internet did not appreciate the joke. They stated that it was clean water racism, since Wozniacki insulted not only Williams, but also all black women in the world who are often curvy. Wozniacki's innocent joke became the subject of discussion on the American talk show The View. “I know that they are friends, but still this parody leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. People often laugh at in different parts our bodies, and I don’t like to see Serena Williams reduced to this,” said show host Sherri Shepherd.

Serena Williams and Caroline Wozniacki Photo: East News

She was accused of racism after an unsuccessful performance at the 2013 American Music Awards, where she performed her hit Unconditionally. The singer appeared on stage dressed as a geisha, which delighted her fans. But there were also those who were dissatisfied. For example, many viewers did not like the fact that Katie’s image was combined with the lyrics of the song, in which the word yellowface was repeatedly used, which translated into Russian means “yellow-faced.” In general, tolerant people, including many Asians, felt insulted. Some users also added fuel to the fire, believing that Katie was disrespectful of Japanese culture. “Katy Perry dressed as a Geisha. And I was worried that her voice might be overshadowed by her racism,” one user wrote. Katie herself was very surprised. She stated that she had nothing against the Japanese, that she had great respect for their culture, and that she could not even imagine the wave of indignation her speech would cause. Just in case, the singer apologized to everyone whose national feelings she unwittingly offended.

Katy Perry Photo: East News

Robert DeNiro

Photo: East News

But the French actress was once not only accused of racism, but also fined five thousand euros for inciting racial hatred. Two human rights organizations - the “Movement against Racism and for Strengthening Friendship Between Peoples” and the “League of Human Rights” filed a lawsuit against the actress after the release of her book “A Scream in Silence”, where Brigitte openly expresses her opinion about the situation in modern France. “I am against the Islamization of France! This obligatory loyalty, this forced humility disgusts me. Our ancestors, our elders, our grandfathers, our fathers, for centuries, gave their lives in the fight against the invaders who constantly attacked us,” the book says. Speaking in court, the actress admitted that she may have been too harsh in her statements, but, nevertheless, she did not want to offend anyone.

Social videos with the participation of world show business stars regularly appear on the Internet, in which they call to stop reacting negatively to people with a different skin color or eye shape in the name of peace on earth. But even in an era of tolerance, individuals, known and respected by millions, allow themselves to publicly voice racist comments, for which they are immediately subjected to harsh criticism. Similar statements- accidental or intentional - are fraught with serious problems: from the loss of a huge part of followers to the collapse of a career and damage to one’s reputation. In today's selection, the site contains the most interesting examples of how celebrities had to justify themselves for their own quotes, in which they found racist overtones.

Typically, world-famous celebrities do their best to support representatives of all races. Among the stars, it is common to emphasize that in their immediate circle there are people with the most different colors skins that they equally love and appreciate. What can we say about interracial marriages, which occur every now and then among the rich and famous. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West (and younger sisters TV personalities and their boyfriends), Robert De Niro and Grace Hightower, Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan... Here are just a few couples who do not pay attention to prejudice.

It is all the more interesting that against the backdrop of calls to love everyone and be friends with everyone, other opinions are heard. It’s even more surprising that they are expressed by stars from whom no one expected anything like this.

For example, the “fight of the century” recently took place in Las Vegas between the American black boxer Floyd Mayweather and the Irish white mixed martial arts champion Conor McGregor. During the joint press conference, the latter did not mince words, including using openly racist attacks to provoke his opponent. Floyd calmly replied that he had long ago developed armor-piercing skin and was used to people constantly trying to hurt him. Of course, he always fought against racism in sports, having heard a lot of negativity addressed to him since childhood.

Logical? Not at all. Journalists immediately reminded the boxer of his own not tolerant statements. For example, in 2015 Floyd live sports channel ESPN humiliated Filipino fighter Manny Pacquiao, calling him “an ordinary narrow-eyed midget.”

Bearing in mind that there are no comrades according to taste, the site recalls other illustrative cases when celebrities deliberately forgot about tolerance and transparently hinted at their hostility towards people with a different skin color. Decide for yourself who is right in each of these delicate situations, but do not forget: modern world good because it gives us all the right to our views, beliefs and passions.

The singer posted a photo of her son on her Instagram, which she signed with a word that offended people from African-American countries. The photo instantly gained hundreds of indignant comments from offended people. At first, Madonna tried to laugh it off, but soon came to her senses and officially apologized. “I apologize if I offended anyone by using the n-word on my Instagram. This was not meant to be a racist statement. I'm not racist<…>The word was used to express affection for my son, he is white. I understand that it may be perceived in the wrong way, and I apologize if it gave the wrong impression,” the singer wrote on her Instagram and deleted the photo, the caption of which caused such a strong reaction from her subscribers.

Photo from Madonna's Instagram / Madonna Photo: Global Look Press, East News

The Hollywood actor is known for his intolerant attitude towards journalists. He was repeatedly accused of attacking employees of various publications, and most recently

Racism was also added. Last February, the actor had a heated argument with two New York Post employees: journalist Tara Palmeri and photographer J. N. Miller. The actor was just walking with his dog when the couple approached him and asked what he thought about the lawsuit launched against his wife, a yoga teacher, whom one of the students blamed for an injury received in class. Alec didn't like the question. He flew into a rage, grabbed Tara by the hand and shouted at her: “Choke!” Mr. Miller got it too. His actor called the drug dealer and Black Sea. Black Miller, who was once a police officer, could not stand the insults and filed a lawsuit. Alec, rightly deciding that the best defense is an attack, filed a counterclaim. As for the actor’s wife, because of whom all this fuss flared up, she insists that all the accusations against her husband are empty fabrications. “Shame on those who say my husband is a racist,” Hilary said, adding that paparazzi intrusions into the privacy of celebrities can be dangerous, and her husband was simply trying to protect his family.

Alec Baldwin Photo: East News

The actress was accused of racism by a person well known to her - the former nanny of her three children, Filipino Erlinda Elemen. In May of the year before last, a woman sued the actress for “offensive comments about her ethnicity.” According to Erlinda, Stone more than once allowed herself unflattering comments about her nationality, ridiculed the girl, said that all Filipinos were “stupid” and, moreover, disrespected her religion. Erlinda also claimed that Sharon Stone forbade her to communicate with her children because she didn’t want them to “talk like her.” The actress's lawyer called all these accusations absurd, saying that the former nanny simply feels resentment towards her past employer and is trying to get money at any cost. Sharon Stone, in turn, .

Sharon Stone Photo: Global Look Press

But it wasn’t just anyone who accused me of racism, but an old friend. Last fall, the Black Panther sent an angry letter to the designer, pointing out that Beckham's last fashion show featured only one black model. “I talked to Victoria about this problem,” Naomi told The Mirror. “This is not a complaint against her personally, but she is one of those fashion designers who are forcing black models to remain unemployed.” Campbell, who actively defends the rights of black models, has compiled her own “blacklist” of racist designers who prefer to put light-skinned models on the catwalk. In addition to the Victoria Beckham brand, such brands as Calvin Klein, Chanel, Armani, Gucci and Donna Karan were included there. How Victoria herself reacted to her ex-friend’s accusations remains unknown.

Spring-Summer 2014 collection show / Victoria Beckham Photo: East News

After the release of the film Django Unchained, black actor and director Spike Lee made accusations of racism. He calculated that the word “niger” prohibited in the United States is found 110 times in the picture and is repeated on average every one and a half minutes. It is interesting that Spike Lee himself used this word more than once in his films, and about twenty years ago, when his film “Malcolm X,” dedicated to Islam and racism, was released, he himself was accused of anti-Seminism, racism and other sins. Quentin Tarantino treated the situation with humor. In an interview, the director said that his next project will focus on the struggle of black US Army soldiers against racial oppression during World War II. According to Tarantino, the heroes of his film will fight their way to neutral Switzerland, killing their white comrades in arms along the way.

Quentin Tarantino / Still from the film “Django Unchained” Photo: East News

Lily Allen

But the singer received accusations of racism simply because in her video she was dressed less openly than her dancers. The bold video for the song Hard Out Here, in which the singer mercilessly ridicules modern pop culture and advises women not to pursue beauty standards, was released last fall. The video caused a flurry of outraged comments on the Internet. Users noticed that Lily is dressed, while the black dancers of her ballet perform in only their underwear. Some said that in this way the singer wants to say that she personally does not need to exploit her body in order to be successful. In response to criticism, Allen explained that the video is just a parody of some modern videos where singers turn themselves into sex objects. The girl also added that she herself would be happy to undress completely, but her cellulite, which the singer does not want to put on public display, prevents her from doing this. “I dress tighter than other girls because of my problems, not for any other reasons,” Lily wrote on Twitter. “I won’t apologize because I don’t consider myself guilty.”

Caroline Wozniacki

As for the famous tennis player Caroline Wozniacki, she was accused of racism for parodying the curvy figure of her rival, the black American Serena Williams. On

exhibition match against the athlete decided to have a little fun for the spectators and stuffed two towels into her panties and bra. Having received impressive breasts and an equally impressive butt, the tennis player began to waddle around the court, imitating Williams. The audience howled with delight. But users who watched the video on the Internet did not appreciate the joke. They said that this was pure racism, since Wozniacki insulted not only Williams, but also all black women in the world who are often curvy. Wozniacki's innocent joke became the subject of discussion on the American talk show The View. “I know that they are friends, but still this parody leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. People often make fun of different parts of our bodies, and I don’t like to see Serena Williams reduced to this,” said show host Sherri Shepherd.

Serena Williams and Caroline Wozniacki Photo: East News

She was accused of racism after an unsuccessful performance at the 2013 American Music Awards, where she performed her hit Unconditionally. The singer appeared on stage dressed as a geisha, which delighted her fans. But there were also those who were dissatisfied. For example, many viewers did not like the fact that Katie’s image was combined with the lyrics of the song, in which the word yellowface was repeatedly used, which translated into Russian means “yellow-faced.” In general, tolerant people, including many Asians, felt insulted. Some users also added fuel to the fire, believing that Katie was disrespectful of Japanese culture. “Katy Perry dressed as a Geisha. And I was worried that her voice might be overshadowed by her racism,” one user wrote. Katie herself was very surprised. She stated that she had nothing against the Japanese, that she had great respect for their culture, and that she could not even imagine the wave of indignation her speech would cause. Just in case, the singer apologized to everyone whose national feelings she unwittingly offended.

Katy Perry Photo: East News

Robert DeNiro

Photo: East News

But the French actress was once not only accused of racism, but also fined five thousand euros for inciting racial hatred. Two human rights organizations - the “Movement against Racism and for Strengthening Friendship Between Peoples” and the “League of Human Rights” sued the actress after the release of her book “A Scream in Silence”, where Brigitte openly expresses her opinion on the situation in modern France . “I am against the Islamization of France! This obligatory loyalty, this forced humility disgusts me. Our ancestors, our elders, our grandfathers, our fathers, for centuries, gave their lives in the fight against the invaders who constantly attacked us,” the book says. Speaking in court, the actress admitted that she may have been too harsh in her statements, but, nevertheless, she did not want to offend anyone.

History of racism

Racial discrimination in the United States has deep historical roots and, in fact, is the same age as the country. Society, founded by white people, has always had a negative attitude towards people of different skin color: Indians - the indigenous inhabitants of America, and dark-skinned people.

All respondents were divided into three groups depending on their level of education. People were asked four types of questions. The first concerned prejudice against the black population: participants were asked to rate on a seven-point scale the extent to which certain qualities are characteristic of African Americans (for example: 1 - lazy, 7 - hardworking). The second group of questions was aimed at finding out to what extent people support equality of rights (their attitude towards co-education of children in school, etc.). Study participants were also asked to rate the degree of discrimination against black people (“weak”, “medium”, “strong”) and to express their opinions on specific anti-racism laws.

The results were shocking: 38.1% of white Americans believe that blacks are lazy, 18.3% are uneducated, while 52.2% acknowledge the existence of discrimination and agree that it must be fought. 29.3% do not want to have black neighbors, but 73.6% are in favor of developing anti-discrimination legislation in the area housing policy (open housing laws) .

88.8% of respondents claimed to support cooperative learning black and white children, but only 23.1% actually want their children to ride the same bus to school as black children. 71.5% agree that African Americans are discriminated against in the labor market, but only 11.8% agree with passing laws to combat this injustice.

It is obvious that the words of white Americans were at odds with their real position.

However, after analyzing the survey results, another feature emerged: the level of education and the degree of racist statements are indeed related, but not at all in the way previously thought.

Professor Watke was right: among educated people The percentage of those who acknowledge the problem of racism and say they need to fight it is much higher than among uneducated Americans. At the same time, the percentage of those who are ready to take real measures and approve of anti-discrimination laws is much lower. Most uneducated people, recognizing the problem, support actual equalization of rights.

Geoffrey Watke, having received confirmation of his theory, puts forward another explanation for this situation: white Americans may not support anti-racist measures not only to protect and preserve their own privilege, but also simply because they are not interested in restoring social justice. They don't think inequality is better, they just don't see the point in changing anything. Moreover, the introduction of new laws implies increased government intervention in some areas of society, and no one wants this.

In general, liberal-minded, educated white people support racism at heart - and, of course, for the good of society.